Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Dec 1943, p. 8

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Hg9 lifki T?»»""*, * * *y \ * »***> 'l "» ,-, - • • . . * ^ *> '«*> V * k 5, . »%V - S \ ' •' < > j,»» V „/ . , <' a4 «.,* ,?frt*' 't ^' ' w * * ; tBE MeHENHY PLAINDEAUCB •• • * fc r , * -- % Tc-r:--i ¥/ £:i'iV Marriage Announced „ ' asked to meet in the church ' Announcement has been made of the i bule at 7:55 a.m. marriage of Mr. Levis Pitzen of WAR WORKERS] RSD CROSS NOTES Thursday, December 2,1943 ANNUAL CONVENTION OF BULK PRODUCERS' $ FEDERATION DEC. 2-4 OBITUARIES KB8. ALFRED H. HILI. '•tew- Alfred H. Hill (see Jestft* -Disturbed by the maze of govern- Wifh'mt\n) Haines City, mental policies affecting pricing and £lorid A a' f *he *ome °' ™ daughter, handling of milk and itJ products,! „Gurit*' on Thutaday. Nov. delegates to the 27th annual con- 1943' after a lon* l,,ne88- NEWS ABOUT OUR 8EKVICEMEN (Continued from first pa«r«) dan in Crystal Lake for several years before the outbreak of wai§| has been made a captain at Camjp Livingston, La. ed nine weeks of intensive four-en- * (fine bomber pilot training at Liberal army air field. Kans&s, oiu> of ttu. ' - COMING EVENTS SiSmetnu* ago, when Madame Chiang Jleaibeis who have not paid this [ visited this country, her admonition Pfetakee Bay and Miss" Dorothy year's dues are asked to please do! to the women of an Eastern College vtntion of The National Co-opera- i"*1 cam® to tive Milk Producers' Federation will'Cfty ,n 1986' and have made 11 theil fT"? al.r force* training command. consider remedial methods here d^J home _ ever ^ since. Had^she lived _to j ^ A_ ^ nw Lieut. Blomgren, son of Mr. ^and M ^rs. ember 2 anrf a November 16. they would have cele- Lfwjs A- Bloirgen, is now rat< 4U„ brated their golden anniversary. i i airplane commander qOalified to mand t bomber will come from all parts of the United States representing the coop* < ^uinmnuer quannea com- Their home for 26 years was at ™a,7 ^ "ew of a *iant Liberator Wilmette. III., where they were con- ??mber- The 26-year-old pilot won Dee. 2 ; C. D. of A--Business meetiag. Dec.1 S r Lily Lake P. T. A. Christian Mothers. Dee.-8 ..l. • Hausheer of Chicago. The Awedding,so as the books will be closed soon.) was the necessity for world co-opera- «»t!w farmer-owner and farmer-1 ®?n" his wings and commission Aucuat'sOi c®mn»unta* Sunday--AIt&ii and Rostock place on Wednesday, Nov. 24, Election of officers will take place j tion, ami the responsibility of the trolled dairy marketing associa- ^ with theFirst Presbyterian, at the * advanced ary Sodality of St. Patrick's church iri Chicago, "jat thp January meeting. educated woman. The requisites jtions handling every type of milk • nur • • • -- - - * a--*-- kt._u.___ * * * * stressed in Madame Chiang's appeal {product. " Beside hef husband, she leaves one Kingwood Home Bureau ? Neighborhood Clttb were first, world co-operation, se-1 Nearly all of the deliberations will:daughter, Mrs. A. A. Guritz, and two Brooks Field, Texas Sunday Nighters. Public Card Party- «... - jta*/ * -- -- -- uj.viovivu, ..v -1 - - -- -- --i . AVe received a very nice Christinas I ^*^trick s school hall. The Ringwood Home Bureau Hjllitj-Neighborhood club met at the | cond, the spirit of humility, ami! be >« the form of free discussions]sons- Victo|- W. of Wilmett, 111., and car<J from Glenn Anderson who is I Benef,t of Children's will hold it»-nerf wsrola1" meeting home of Mrs. Peter M. Justen on j third, probity in thought and man-1 the floor, either in open session; Kdwin M.. of Arlington Heights, 111, stationed somewhere on EuroDean party" at tlie home ofUffs. C. I,. Harrison Tuesday evening. Prize winners in' ner. ' Ifr Speakeis'°ne Marjorie aoii. a verv ; Dee. • cards were Mrs. Clarence Martin. ] •/•. , --i--• | who will address the convention at June Holmes, and one great-grand [Miss Clara Stoffel and Mrs. James Smith St. Mary's-St. Christmas on Dec. 7., behind closed doers. Speakeis'one granddaughter. Mrs. „tarju.-.« aoil A very appropriate me88Rge , , '" on the cover of the card read, "Those ! Altar and RowurJr- Sodall^r I For more than a year the person-! various times include: Hon. August; daughter. Phyllis Joan, both of Wil- who bring, sunshine into the lives of Wa,lllt'e Dobyns. . .^Haptlsar-. , Smith. The next meeting of the; nei of the Surgical Dressing Depart- j Aridresen, Representative fftom-' lfamette, and four grand-sons, all of! others cannot keep it from them- #W. 1 " , * •.Ttie infant' son of Mr." Mrs. g"roup >vilj . be with Mrs. Robert: ment, more than transcended what' Minnesota; Hon. Jim McCord, Repre-1 Haines City; Sgt. Robert M. GuriU, selves." . 1 Ringwood Jffome Bureau' Ur^it^Sirt; .. t:hiii'le< Miller of John street was Thompson. This will b£*a Ghristrnas .was expected of them in the total out- sentative from Tennessee; J o h n in the L*. S. Marines. Alfred H. Gurit.*.; ' '••••._ •• , C. L. Harrison ' - , ; • r^^tem-d r Charles Peter at a 2 party. ; " V - /' put of work accomplishtd. Thev I Brandt, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Pros-; in A. S. T. I'.. U. S. Army. West Vii-- Circle 1 will' Ifasi ^.1 o'clock • ceremony at St. Patrick's . »/ " * * * more than typified the qualities i(1<nt. The National Co'OfJerativeSinia University, Morgantown. W. V'a:,in Colorado, is enjoying a furlough!€ar1 CHo>'t's for Pot luck atl;Oft ^hjjrch Vasr Sunday. Acting as spon- Father Neidert Night ,, •'which Madame Chiang considers Milk Producers' Federation; Charles James W. Guritz. atid David Guritz. visiting relatives and friends. • 'o'clock. ^ were (^or^erome Miller -of J^j«bers of the Johnsburg j foremost in the make-up of real. W. Holman, Secretary, The National She also leaves a sister. Miss Clara L>.: - ^ : . '•<' ^ Johnsburg Community^ Club^ v ^ort Custer. Mich., and 'Mary Ann niunity club are e!\thusiasticaTty women. I hope I may be pardoned • Milk Producers' Federation, Washing- Wightman of-Haiiies City, and; one Alex Justen has been tiinsfeirpd•'Co., Council of Pai^nts^i^ii A '^•'Mtle'r. ..McHeftn*-' Following th<sf'bap- planning what be^ --known as | for the use Of the perpendiculai* pro- i ton, D.C.; F. V. .Heinke], Columbia, i brother. Harry E. Wightman 0f Moore- ! to a different, company *at Camp Brcipk school andv P. T. A,' ;:^sEiv the following were entertained "father Neid^it Night." On .next 'noun, but^ it is my opinion from per ! Missouri, President,. Missouri". Farm-- head Minn. ' ^ ' Chaffee Ark. . ^ Dec. 9,/ '*'* f# 'vin: tin- Miller home: Mr; and Mrs. Tuesday Evening. Deceihber 7. a . sonal observatioh^, botji local and' --ers Association, Inc.;. and. Dv. Henry' _ „+ C,;'. 1 --• . /'-.V ' ^ . . East River' Road" Piwocftjie .'ciu^-'lltt^.'^ ^feeri 'toiser knd si)h,:Bud, and Mr. large crowd will gather to show their non-local, .that"'the most urgent phase T. Scott, .Madison, Wisconsin, direct- . • ELLEN WHITING • " ' Erwin Laurts of Camp Hood, Tex,, E-* R. Sutton . a^d Mrs. Rrnest .of, esteem honored . guest",-^ .,prpsent-;pr • Research, Wisconsin ^iten Whitine 85 dieiri beert Stttoyfiitf * At E Annual pinil«r ^ *£&cag«;-; and; Mm. ' Lwa^apjvi-eciation yea*& cq-oper- the' ihome on 1941 ;'h6rtie;here; f-;:" '• - ^ Dee. 20 .- • Christmas Party- Business and Professional Women's Club--Mrs. Mabel Hobbs' home. Dec. 22 *" "The Messiah"--Concert by High School Chorus. rs, R^jiest Hart and ,soil of , esteem for the he>nored guest and in Red Cross work at the prpsent- Pr Biological Reseai-ch, Wiscons;Ht •r*$isC#;%leta" Whitine' 8R >; V and^ M^ s««d /Mm/" ^PJ»"eciation for five, yea^ of co-tiper- time, and in past times "also, is this ' Alumni Research Foundation. \ . .v'ftome near Ringwood mi Nov 18 l^Y^ hdrtit ; Young of .. • ^ient.wome„^^have 'W a„ iii„e.» of .everal Week's. " • •• The City Council of McHenry will eione. On many occasions when I Attend Shower ' be lis tea among those outside the . saw these white robed women ent«V- " Mk; James Sayler. Mrs, J. Eugene' chib members who will be present for ilig the various classes for rolling . Saylei and Mrs. Elmer Freund at- • his occasion. 0. bandages, I envied them because 1 tended a shower honoring Mrs. Ann '*u couldn't do the same thing. HoWWalkup Rud^ph- one afternoon last A . , and Rosary ever, there happens to be in our huweek. The shower was given by Mrs. 'ie r ,a ^sa,Tn so ^ nian make-up, the te?idency to be- ' Lowell Nienstedt at the home of °'; ®t.- Patrick s church- will sponsor come lax due to various circumstances, "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold (j ••'Christmas party at the home of ,There is a little evidence of such an Walkup. at Ridgefield. Mrs. Nien- Mrs. \Vallace Dobyns on Monday eve- occasion arising among the ranks sifedt. accompanied by her husband, mPg' 77®' ' at J^m'. ™e.mbers just now, but I am sure "that the who is stationed in Ohio, is enjoying at^en" ar® astoed to bring a WOmen of McHeni-y need only a some time at her home here ' twenty-five cent gift for the grab hint , that such is the case, and will 'baS- Cards Wl11 follow the business . risc to the occasion. If the >vorkem > Marriage Announced meeting and' refreshments will be do not continue-to keep up their fi Mrs. .Catherine Roger has announc- seryed by Mi's. Wallace 'Dobyns, Record and continue in our War PrdV'/. e d the maniage of her daughter, ^hainiia r n' Mf®' t?rpr® Sti!!'1?^' ^rs*. gram, our quota for this period willj Harriett, of Chicago to Mr. Timothy f „ ' Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Mrs. never be filled in time. Now, mot® McClarey, son of Charles McCllfrey ""p ;' „rs' A' V than ever dressings are in demand of , Oak Park, The ceremony took paries Bi-own and Miss Flor- ^ ^ ^ in demand untjl t()e; plNC-e on Nov. 27. i ®nco Carey' ^ enemy is pushed into the sea. So,i jiv i ' * . • „• .. j a* iit * let's all push the enemy harder thap Entertain Club Honord At s,,ower _ ever by re-newing our efforts in >lesdames G. F. Kleinhans, A. A.. Ml';, i;- L<'war^ Buchert'the fo!'m/!r this phase of Red Cross work. VVork- cWflkpr Hnv ..Tf,r<ST „ AV Thompson. R. R. Co„nihan and F. Doroth> Matthews, was honored by ers who cajl> pleasc resume your ALf' W. Heide met at the home of Mrs. ^-workers and former eo-workcrs of places in the workltK>mS) and jnter. , wH ^ address the 27th annual .Tbampsm, on Tne^y, Nov. 30. . Tn«, the Surgical ing department is not as glamorous Survivors include eleven children: Marguerite Johnson, Sp. (U)'3/Cl. William at home; Edwin and Earl, of the naval air sta*ion at Anacosta, McHenry; I^ouis, Whitney, Nebr.; Mrs; D C . arrived Thursday to spend a few Edith Hayes and Harold, Chicago; days with her PaFer\ts- the George Clarence And LaNette, Elgin; Rdy. Johnsons. They met their daughter mond. Lake Geneva. Wis.; Mrs. Marion Justen, California; and Eleanor, Lake iCJefieva. Twenty-seven grandchildren and seventeen great ' grandchildren also survive as do a sister, fWrs. Thomas Hayes, of Woodstock and a brother. Patrick Sutton, of Harvard.-.. in Chicago, vyhere they day. ...'. spent the -- :'. ' „ in memoriaM Corp'. Jerome MHler returned to , J" ,ov«nff memory of my beloved Fort Custer, Mich., after spending a husband, Dr. Francis J. Aicher, who furlough at his home here. passed away four years ago, on Dec. ' . , 5> 1939. Gone but not forgotten. _ James Steinsdoerfer recently enjoyed a furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Steins- He has now returned to in Cape Charles, Va. His1 tfov At/at/ST +(. JklOQESEiri ROTNOUR PLAYERS Those who have been regularly at- doerfer. tending the weekly performances of i his cam the Rotriour Players will be glad to , brothei# I^onard, of Camp Abbot hear that the group will return for! Bend, Oregon, is no*.V enjoying a furtheir second six-week run in Mclien- • lough in the home of his parents. ry. Next Tuesday's show will be: , "Ten Nights In a Barroom." i His family and many friends weft Read the Want Ads! overjoyed to hear that Dv. "Jack"* Purvey, who was a practicing physi- Loving Wife, ANNABEL, ®iv* Y°ur»elf « Beoutifvl PERMANENT WAVE 39^ Do if yourself at hom* wW» * the Charm-Kurl Kit, as 5,000,000 women hav* done in past year. All •he cods yov want. Compl«t« with Shampoo, 40 curlers and Wow* Set THOMAS P. BOLGER last week. The post-nuptial shower was held at the Town Club, with a large crowd in attendance. A delicious Italian spaghetti supper was served on tables attractively decorated for the occasion. Mrs. Buchert received many lovely gifts from her friends and one from the Towr. club, ^'^edge a cash donation from a . E.I In attendance were Emily Miller, f,.iend in Ringwood. Re>ad Pinochle * lorence Conway, Jane Durland, Gencluh held its last meeting with Mrs. ~'e\e. M*td*en, Kathleen Phalin, Mrs. Rulien completed the Jutiior (Jeorge Glos. Prizes were meritt^i by °Ff Bennett, Jane McAndrews,: Red "'Cross drive for funds, and re- Mrs. Ellsworth Shoemaker, Mrs. Glos , e"a . ^ars i,,' ®udler,, ports that the school children weft Cocktails and delicious refreshments W<jre served. This group, their husbands. also other friends, will meet at the home of Mrs. R. R. Counihan, formerly of Oak Park, on New Year's Bye for cocktails and a turkey repast. ^; *rr~ East Riter Road Pinochle The East Rivei as &ome, but it is very much more soul-satisfying to know that what we are doing may save the lives of pur sons, or some other mother's son. Mrs. Reihansperger wishes to active Milk Producers' federation in Chicago Friday morning. December 3, 1943. >!• and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. The next ^an Matthews, Gloria Johnson, Rose ; V€ry generous. May we extend oo^'- meeting of the group will be ^JJ1*' „a. Miller, Clara; sincere appreciation not only to tfeef Overton Delma R«sbolelt, Mary Si-. children but to their parents. yilion Shu ley Smith, Lillian Stilling, MRS. HUGH MURPHY. Scribe. Mrs. E. R. Sutton oil Dec ?. Home Bureau - „ The Ringwood Home Bureiu unit €ertrude ^ogt,an^ EJJrthe Gear*: will hold its next regular meeting at the home.of Mi-s. C. L. Harrison on Dec. 7. Mrs. I-ouis Dingly from the Solon-Richmond unit will give the local leader: lesion. ' A toothing Clinic." MESSAGES FROM OUR SERVICEMEN* (Continued from Page On«) L«1> Lake V. T A, r. A. woa . . tlr • • T a $rriat success and'members of that 01 * ' Mation; ami Gtoi-gt* wish to thank everyone ' . nson' retlril1K Worthy Patron. made RIGHT to start to cost O; E. S. Installation Installation of officers of McIIeniy chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was held Saturday evening, Nov. 21,. when Mrs. Ethel II. Smith was in-; stalled as Worthy Matron and Chan- . cey Harrison as Worthy Patron ' !ng to do our sma11 Part in mak* LL-ihlvj LLxaiKkee iP*. Tl. aA . boaazzaaaair was Th«>' ur~..*i,.M. 1r1s*... ^ Valesk•«a. i fH o.p.p e., divistihon,s. With thes ekqiluleipdm menetc hIa nhizaevde seen around here so far I shudder , JOHN BRANDT Katie to thj"k what the enemy is getting Speaker--JOHN BRANDT. President j of The National Cooperative Milk Pro- j ducers' federation will address thei i 27th annual, convention of The Na- ' tional Cooperative Milk Producers'; conductress; Mrs. Mariou Collins, as- ae R peas, asparagus, sweet po- ; federation in Chicago, Thursday.'after- ' v. ^The next, social meeting will l>e col!duc ) U^' m Mis" n°°n- Deceml>er 2" 1943" with Mrs. W. Rwanson rfs hostess £°hnson' chaP a,nJ Mrs. Valeska and tut key. Also apple and and will be held at the school house ]VIar«l**"'>*?• Mabel ('ollins, "^TitrTuvsday evening, Det. 7, at 8 p.m. - " , mn Cox' Adah; organizatto who heljH-d to make it so. Others installed were Mr: nvor fho»'o Everybody tf'iiding the gral twenty-fiv is welcome.. Those at- Lottie Bransford, Ruth; Mrs. pumpkin pie, cake, ice cream, lemolii; ade, coifee, cream, candy, nuts and-- well---I guess that's all. I;e asked a gift for ^ ^ ZZ ZdierTlnd l. bittr ..iftv not •„ .xceed M,nn>1' Martin, Martha; Miss Fiances l"e*« f°w,er? an® 1, hagmft. . not e\e e . y Electa; Mrs. Mvrtle Hani- of h«h Pra,Re of Lve cents. , , ' - .•! „ -v„n tKo ;; PokI Nuptial Sheiwer Mrs. Fred Simons of Chicag* Mrs. John Herdrich entertained at a son, warder; Mrs. Luella Stephen- .son, sentinel; Mrs. I.ouise Kramer, rHagbearer; and Mrs. Lillian (Jill>ert, n instructress. Installing officer wa8 the things we had, please don't feel "I I wish you folks could have seen the faces of • heard the words the army. Yes, even by the fellows whose ideas of'"" the army were pretty low. If some 1 of you folks missed out on some of arshal because your sacrifice has really done some good to the seldiers of the U. S. army who are fighting for the Grand Chapter of Illinois ln- the we all cherish so deeply. • misce]l•l aneous sht ower fto r -Mw rs. Otto Mrs. Gilberwt a nnd, installinug ma,r shal HeIlIl er, .t.h e fco rm„ er iL.u.c i1ll1e^ McGuire, wiui A.l ice Wirth, a m» ember of the <h. .M. a rengo, at. the home of Mrs. « n e r a l a r r a n g e m e n t c o m m i t t e e o f , , . . . ' r. . ..." t , .... tlerdnch. Twent4y gues.ts were• p^re. - . t h e G r a n d C h a p t e^r o f ^I l l i n o i s . I n . .^cnt from ( hicago. Haiv.ud and Mc- Martj organist, Mrs. Gretta Good- with a11 the very Heint r v to * e,n jov ;tn .afte ,r n. o. o. n .o f uin- e l l ; s o!l o .i s t•s . Mlf.i s s E l s i.e .V.y c.i.t a.l a n d. Wwi1tUh1 aa «s e»rrvv ii rcoe eKJlilev and bunco. A delicious lunfch •> . mi- _ r- • » HnnrM nnH miu» was served by the close of the afternoon's entertainment We have three theaters close by latest pictures, >ttlso : club that puts on Mrs. Lillian Cox; and mistress of dances and general amusement. The hostesses at the ct.remonics Mrs. Arline Pearson, past conditions are satisfactory but every . '! one of us has one thought and Escorts were Robert Thompson, that is home. Keep pitching folks, "i .. . » u * j worthy matron of McHenry chapter. sin£* «•»' ««"«,•* R»b«r. Thompson. tlu" with m»n> lovely Rifb. f'harlcn W. Goodrll and Henrv Steph- hu>'in^ *><>"<18 prayinK. Thanks again for the. Plainqealer l'ormer Resident Marries ; ' was presented; to M^.^and keep them coming. Word has just reached friends:. ilf r»«.. , a .„. . , McHenry that Mrs. Varina MarshaH, ^thel Ut H' S™lth' * . f^. u" ^ , i former resident of McHenry. was dau»ht*rs' The retiring Worthy.. Ma Carried on Nov. 6. 194S. to Charles tron was presented with a Pakt Sincerely, ' 1 ;; PVT. FRANCIS COX, Camp Chaffee, Ark. CHARLES W. HOLMAN luterferes With RadU Something in connection with sun Speaker CHARLES W. HOLMAN. secretary of The National Cooperative Milk Producers' federation, will address the 27th annual convention of The National Cooperative Milk Pro- W. Lougges of Rockford. The^cere- ^rthy w MaIron^ >xvel and 'V; •i»iiMiy took place in the rectory of • tm"« ^P/U th-V P»t«>n Was also pre^ Mary's church in that city at 4 a '^ ... «.vuiKn.uvu w«ui wui A , oVloek. Attendants were Mr. and Mr^ ^nne Roop, Fox River Grove, spot activity #eriously interferes *lcer8 ^redation in Chicago. Tburn- Mrs. Milton Schilling. Mrs. Schilling G 4 rs»nd Ruth- was at the in" with the radio reflecting layers, ^ moving, December 2. 194.1. being a sister of the Rroom. stallation cevemony. A short pro- sometimes causing radio signals to After the <•< remonv a--wedeitng gram was enjoyed before refresh- fade Out completely. ments were served from an attac- ^I tive. decorated table. Insulation Savings Conservative estimates of fuel savings by insulating only the walls of the home average from 10 to 15 per cent in an average two-story house. An additional 10 per- cent may be obtained by insulating the second story ceiling. ti--wedding" supper was served at the home of the bride, -at 520 Hartford Avenue •where the couple will reside. Those attending the ceremony were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred • Gilly, of Rockford. and the groom's .mother, Mrs. Clara liougpes, of Dubuque, Iowa. "', 45 "S" Marriage Announced • Miss Vera Whipple; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fulton of Lake Geneva. Wis., and Norman flcheid. son of Mr. and Mrs. John . Scheid of Hebron, well known here, were married on Saturday afternoon. Nov. 20, at 2:30 p.m. The ,ceremony • *|ra* performed l>v Rev. Fr. . John Blake. Acting as attendants were Mr». Gilbert Whipple of Chicago nd Blmer Scheid, a brother of the bride- " • ' ~~ ^room. A wedding dinneirwas serv- Egg Storage . 1$ at the fann home of the bride- The best temperature for storing * |Troom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John *88® i® between 40 and 30 degrees. It is suggested that they should not® ^ . * * * #• be exposed to temperatures below CVyoommmmmuntiieonn fntuufntdoanvy • *o*f the ^da ndeg«erre «o»f f]rne ewziinngte. r Ibne csauumse- The Altar and Rosary of St. Pat- mer the temperature should not be rick's church will observe Communion allowed to go above 68 degrees for Jkiadsy on ©pi; o. Meinbeis are fef^le eggs. BOY SCOUTS Green Tomatoes The color guards. Bob Becker. Leo Full-size green tomatoes may be ; Smith, and I^arry Hang opened the picked to ripen in storage «t ordi- ; meetlns by pomtlag the coIotb. The nary room temperature. Squash and scouts then received their membership pumpkins should be placed in * cool ! cards after which they sang three of dry place such as an insulated at- , their songs, "Baptist Sunday School," tic, where they will be protected t '-©h How Homely l Are," and the from freezing. ' By skillful pressing and repressing, Hart Schaffner& Marx craftsmen mould character into these fine clothes ... one reason why coats with the Trumpeter label sec smoothly and gracefully on the wearer's shoulder*. In making fine clothes, there is no substitute for hand needlework . Here deft, sure hands with a love for the task perform those master touches which distinguish Hart ScJuiaer & Man tailoring. © International Air Express ~ International air express, flown Bananas Aplenty in Hawaii between the 350 U. S. and Canadian Bananas grow profusely in Hawaii, airport cities, and Central and South The plant, a giant vegetable rather America, Mexico, Bermuda and than a tree, dies after bearing a Alaska, amounted to 87,420 shipsingle bunch of fruit. A bunch com- ments in the first six months of this prises a stalk tearing many year, or 5,862 shipments more than "hands," such as are bought at the in the comparable 1942 period, corner grocery. ... ' ------ "Little Ford.' , Th>> scouts then left this activity to go to a scout craft period. A knot j tying contest was staged by two teams ! which ended in a tie. Some joke! | To pick the winning t.e»am it was de- ! cided that the twe> captains. I^o Smith . and I-rfirry Hau;. compete. ThfS also ended in a tie. A basketball relay .was played after which the colors i i-were retired by the same cotor guards . »nd the soeuts sang "taps" to en<f the •meetinR j Come on scouts. Get those tests JP-you'w of clothes that respects your dollar, Hart Schaffner & Marx ;ii(% |he clothes for you. Fabrics for these fine clothes must pa*a tough tests for tensile strength, wear and color fastness. Skilled fingers sfitcht mould and press these choic« fabrics into suits cut to pattern! designed by ace stylists. Thus in Hart Schaffner & Marx models you get clothes that not only give you .exceptional clothe; mileage but good looks besides. The initial cost . is easy on your pocket-book, too. e Test Worsteds S45 .0 Barns Fatal Burns, explosions and conflagrations caused 5,800 deaths in homes ; passed. Those Board of Reviews come in the United States last year, a 10 jUp fast. - per cent increase over 1S41, accord- i^«;t's get that next rank passed? mg to information from the National » , L\RRY HAUO Safetj' council. One out of every four deaths from burns was a child unde five years of age„„ Another one-fourth were persons 65 years of and-ovf*^ Assistant Scribe.? McGEE'S - Store for M«n - Need Rubber Stamps! Older ik The j Plaindealer. ' Green Street McHENRY

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