Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Dec 1943, p. 1

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/ A' „ • _• . . •* • , X ** • . v , • • ' - 1 -- •••• • • r - " 1 • - ' • • • > . « • « • * * • * , '• ' , ' ' ' ' ' 1 ( " WV- V .;• *. '.-J - " H : v ^ ' ' • ' ' ' ~ " ' : V W ' V . > • • - . ' ' ^ - •' VjOlume 68 IIDDIES! SEND ~ LETTERS TO , SANTA EARLY . • • . PLAINDEALER TO PRINT • ALL REPLIES . V.^.^ V - - - v.;- .:••.• •>' . • , . Probably At is tjh* lack of* large, 'k "; -su,pty of merchandise which ha'^"- V ; mt><ie it necessary for folks to bc- . * come Christmas-conscious SO early thri? year. At any rate the holiday ; spirit seems to be present already, ,4 even though it's but the second of 1 .-"pecember.. .'-'•• • ".' - With thoughts 61 Christinas, .thoughts of Santa ' Glaus " are only ' natural, and since the old gentleman with the white whiskers and his helpers will have quite a time collecting material for such a large number of tovs this year, it isn't too early for th'v kiddies to begin writing out their orders. As in several seasons past, the Plaindealer is going to co-operate with these young people in printing their letters to Santa. All that is necessary is that each boy and girl gift down pnd write to Santa and tell him what they would like him to bring, them this yrai We are sure he will not disappoint any of them ' and we are also sure that the kiddies will not ask for so much that Santa ; ' will have, to slight his othir little : . friends. V SetwI^Plaindealer When you have' finished your letters, just address the envelope to 'Santa Claus.ln care of the Plaindeal- V: er, McHenry. 111. Then drop your • letter in a mail box and we will print *J| Witte^-in the-paper for the next '••'•'Wiilw lipics before' Chrfstmas. Santa never fails to read the Plaindealer so he will be sure to see yours. If you are too young to write,, it yourself, have mother or au older brother or sister help you. The main "thinp is to write at once. Wv 11 be Raiting to hear from you and so will Santa. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1943 No. 28 McHENRY SAILOR ANNUAL XMAS SEAL SALE IS IN PROGRESS -•^y-fr PERIOD 3 COUPONS ' ^ M EFFECT AT TEN GALLONS PFR UNIT Rations of fuel oil will remain unchanged at 10 gallons pir, unit for Period 2. which began November 30. J. D. Holmes, Secretary. War .Pri^e & Rationing Board announced. Period 3 coupons, which .also go Into effect FIRST DECEMBER QUOTA FILLED BY BOARD ONE HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS TO PRESENT HANDEL'S "MESSIAH" DEC. 22 On Dvc. 22, at 8:15 o'clock, the' high school mixed chorus wiirpresent j for the second successive year, Him- 1 del's "Messiah." Admission w ll ?be s War stamps or bonds. The chorus is an organization of fifty voices, as- ' THREE OLD TIMERS PASS AWAY IK WEEK ;:;,C 3 $100 COLLECTED DURING On November "0 have l>een similarly UNIFORMS NEW APPAREL1 sistcd by the following- solists: Maf- , FIRST WEEK Riven a 10 gallon unit value, he sairf QF ^QCAL MEN tin Con^'aJ- baritone; Rov RtHlwani.;, The 10 gallon "par" value was c<}n^ tinued by OPA after consultation with • "sy >•- Even before Novembef ithe Office of Civilian .Requirement^';%W/^li"fei" 'i ner« R°Pranoi ' tr * j «•" ' ^ H**®", f « \ C^W^be'^ttiris IssSiation'llkS • *v"i ~h* 0ne- including among nine^ tir^- d.el°of miunes^t 9.00 p.m tenor; Bernice Blount,, alto; A Frpehlich, soprano; and Evelyn ifeied:rier- sopranov AUTO ACCIDENT FATAL TO FRED HOWE • . ' --' ' ' , pdrt, open>ed last * week and will contin- : |ie untjl Christmas. Oyer 7500 letters ' were mailed from the - 'county office and returns .will be sent there. No school children in the county FILVXCIS WIKTZ will stlj seals this After one and one-half years of year. serving Uncle Sam's navy, Francis The Sea! sale con- "Frank" Wirtz. son of Mjr. and Mrs. tributes to the sup- John B. Wirtz, who reside at 419 port of the year- Riverside Drive, is now seeing action, round tuberculosis control work "Frank" graduated from the local the National Tuberculosis association Community high school with the and it's 1,700 affiliated associations class of '41 and was a popular lad. i" the forty-eight states, the Pis- After his boot training at Great trict of Columbia, Alaska, Puerto Lakes, Frank was sent to a mini- Rico, and Hawaii. Ninety-five per, r"~ ber of states in this country and cent of the income from the sale _\s VVe po to press tho sad news later was sent to New York, from ™mains in the state or the territory comfS Df the death this (Thursday) where he left for England, which where it is raised and five per cent mornjnp 0f Mrs. Leo Winkcl. 3.1, in he reached last week. He is a goes to thj< National association. a Waukegan hospital. She had been cook in the navy and his rank is This year, for the first time, the in poor health for several months seaman first calss. Here is another Seal of the American tuberculosis j,ut onj-y t^0 |aPt week had he) condi^ additibli i® your album of servjoeitten. associations is being usrd by the tion become critical. War It means that supplies'are avail- teen count men five able in sufficient quantity to meet the 0ne of this communityration demand .nd therefore no re- l»earl Harbor fathers. diiction te necessary. However, the ^ ^ successfullv p L oil supply for civilians has not int.- j>hysicai exaniinatiofi and will leave, tfj." ehorus, proved to an extent where an, in--for active ^ the middle of bounty for about twenty years, fiv^ crease m the value of the -coupons tKe mCnth. ^printed;ln future issues of which He resided iff cap be made. The new list released by Sam How-; 6f the Plainti€Alef • Before moving to Woodstock he lived ard, clerk of Board One, includes 'on a farm west of McHenry. corners in W«K>dstpck: had been V» resident .of McHenry MRS. LEO WINKEL DIES IN WAUKECAN DEC. 2 ; 'i, MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE SPORTS FANS SOLVE THE TRAVEL PROBLEM FOR BASKETBALL BOYS Local high-school basketball players knew they were confronted with a transportation problem in carrying out their schedule this year. Did they «it down and aw^it developments? No. They hustled out and talked over their problems with local sports followers. As a result, the following named have offered to drive their cars on at least, one trip during the> season. ' Thus . a, clean, wholesome spp? t continues in out locality Stfritig these troubled times. The boys appreciate the help offered by the following: H. Mkhels R. I. Overtou C J-Reihansperger B McGee H. Collto* : ^^ Covalt .1. Downs ^2- Buss H. Smith A. Justen Or. Chamberlain H.^J. Milter G. Carey P. Schwerman J. Bonslett H. Wattles ^A. E. Nye • r-- Dear Sii-s: I have l>een receiving your paper of tul^rculo^is. Though I have not Mrs. L \V. Binna, county chair* expressed, myself imin of tKt. Sejtl sale, paid high trib «-fore I can as- ,)Ute tQ the mMny volunteer workers sure you that. 1 throughout the county who "have have appreciated possible this year's Seal! sale." [being• t>n your nvj '• .\niong these were Mrs. Clifford ing list and ^t?<h Kitchen of Marengo, Mrs. Grctta to thank you. Goodell of McHenry. und Miss Cora At present I^ain >|anaton of Harvard. at a more or less OvPr $1,000 has be„en collected durn, ational tuberculosis organizations of she is survived by heiiV husband England. Canada, Mexico and Brazil tw0 children. Mary .leaii, 7. and to raise funds for their respective William, 3 months, her father, John campaigns against the disease. Thennes; two sisters, Mrs. Betty Among the wartime projects of the (|end0 and I^rraine Thennes; and associations, which will be carried on two brothers, Rev. Father Clarence during 1943 and supported by the Thennes and Edward Thmnes. money raised between now and Funeral services will be held Sat- Christmas, is the provision for the urd4ty morning at 10:00 o'clock from K,n.f* re-examination and follow-up of men St Mary's Catholic church. The rejected from military service be- remains will rest until then at the .Incoh Justen Sons funeral home; t^e following: SELECTEES ,\\'M. H. COLCORt)X CHARLES N. PREUND WM. A. WOLF EDMUND C. LEFFELMAN RUDOLPH McDAXIEL Woodstock GEORGE C. BERG WALTER F. SCHMIDT DONALD M. HUFFMAN Richmond THERON J. EHORN Harvard COLONEL ED. RECTOR KENNETH H. DOOLEY GEORGE W. HOEY LESTER C. REESE ;; LAURENCE A. JENKINS Marengo LOUIS F. BEHNKE FRANKLIN W. CARR WM. F. PISKE, JR. I v i d e r f JOHN R. CONLEY . OUR SERVICEMEN •„ Testifying at*.-an inquest, held Wednesday morning, the driver of the car stated he was proceeding south on Throop street at a rate of s]>ed between 12 and 15 miles an' hour when all of a sudden an object loomed in front of him on the street.^ r'-v'7i^-fe ; ' • • , « Che5!ter B-- Howe. - a son, of Mc- Lteut. K.ugene, J. Justen son of Mr. j^vniy said he thought his father i and Mrs. John R. Justen of McHenry been to the picture show and a member of the 43-J class of ( wa8 just Koinjf homo it a aviation cadets to of his to attend Tuesday night shows, graduate from the jt is believed that Mr. Howe suffarmy air forces er^j a skull fracture and that his pilot school (ad*. head struck ths. curb. var-ctd 2 engine) The jury returmd a v rJict of acciat George" Field, dental death, with Coroner Harry Illinois, ,on Nov. 1. Ehoril of Richmond presiding He received the silver wings of a w^ntrco0nfmtsioned as U is to ^ur» <oU" , .. . called a second lieuten Fred Sehnorr &s it is by death, it is also sad to hear CLARENCE J. TONYAN Selective Service -Board Two also called fourteen more men for final Justen entered pilot training last tober and attended flying schools ^' McHtnry Amcncus, Ga., and Couriland Schron, Mr. RATION GUIDE temporary address ;:nd would like you to stop sending the : paper. Sincerely. CHARLES F. TRAINOR. The new B? and C2 gasoline ration coupons issued on aa4 after Decem- , , . ber 1, 1943. will be good for five gating the first week of the Chnstmas )ons of gas oach. The old type.II and Seal ^saJe- according to Mrs. ^Binna- ^ coupons and Bl and ("1 coupons Huntley Will continue to be good tor two gal it-al examination last week. -viHSe^s follows: HOARD TWO Woodstock AI.HERT E. HARWOOD LESTER FREUND • - WALTER H. SCOTT ARTHUR F. BREWER EDWIN F. STElNWEllE LESTER W. CROSSMAH ***" JEKME LEVI, JR The first contributor was Set. William Gancar of Cochran Field. Macon, Ga., wVh untlJ thelr expiration date. ho appeand at the county office to ^ po( Rend these old type coupons buy his stamps. in for exchange. You should continue BAUER Dear Stafr: I'ambus Artist Andre Dugo. an internationally Its been quite some time sine'? artist and illustrator, designed the 194.'] Christmas Seal, which went un sale Monday, Novcmbt r 22. The Seal pictures* a small girl to use them. I've last written to you, outside of a few G.I. change of address cards,\so here goes. After leaving Barkelev we came to California for desert joking, out a window and seeing San IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM VINCENT J; \l?om|uin • '.1..;" EDWARD R. S( HU EfT . OSCAR W. KOEIM'EL Crystal Lake ELMER .1. DIAMOND Other Places* RAYMOND ('-. ( IS( (>, .Chicago ROBT. A. WILBRANDT. St. laul NORMAN E: PROBEI.L, Refold msneuvers. The desert, this time of u Ciaus driving across the sky. the year is not at all as tough as they told us. We're practically iso- Mr. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. James Smith have EUGENE JUSTEN The annual immunization program in the local schools will begin next week for the nurj>ose of protecting Dugo, in telling how the dtsign came young folks against diptheria , t.O -him. SUJ S. 1 wanted to show ;in^i <sntAll nox 5ichi^*V fnefc will Kii lated, to a certain extent, but the ^ Spjrjt cf Christmas and to rep- gjvrr| for t^e first time on Dec 10 "*1j [ ("ountrv Club to the Ala., before his graduation at the training one .geta takes up a good at ^ same tim, the wonderfu! % Ju f~™.the. advanced flying school at George •. . .. , ... of old pioneers of a community ant in the army air fo»«es. Lieut. jn>f on Such was ^ neWs w;hicll reacheti us this wtek one rning an resident. F ivd. J. orr. Mr; St:hnorr, :rt the ;viO of 84 yeais, pass»sl aw-.y in a Co is»- c I Bluffs, lu..- ho -j-»:tiil oil ' ri 'ii.v, November 2i>, 1SM">. ; / V The diccast'di->! Uie .-on of Mr. •«»* I Mr<. K'\ t .jjaklmorr, S. .. his father l»<in sito*-' m'ker heti' f >i' tun y Vi'sir*. At tit* :ige of-'4- the junior Mr. SclinoiT left for Council Bluffs a where' he was engaged in the real estate and insurance business in tliat city for over half a century. Death came after a ten-day illness. The old Schnorr home on Main street in McHenry is now occupied by the E. family. He is survived by a nephew. Mortmer Schnorr of Spencer, la., and a niece, Mrs Amy Greer, of Auburn, California. Funeral services were held on Monday at a funeral home in Council Bluffs, with burial in Walnut Hill cemetery there. The information concerning Mr. Schnerr's death was sent to the Plaindealer by Mrs. Ix>ttie Arnold, who had been his secretary for tin • Photo by Eastern Flying Training ,wst twenty-five years. Command deal of his time. The scenery here Sidne> Russell Sidney Russell, a lifelong resident in a crude at 9:30 a.m. in the public grade pnValt nlace on Waukeean suco - - - u . j. . and important work of the tubercu,, ^-hoo, gym. Watclr fof further which the Smiths recenUy purchased. Eield, Illinois. In civilian life. Lieut, of Vol©, died at his home in that lois associations. H. Fitzgerald SC. W. Goodell |5. Walsh B. Althoff =*. Kreund 6. H. Johnson Vjrcltal M. Fleming F. Ferwerda •Q. Ki eund '. A. Blake . V. Jones J. Powers Dr. Sayler B. Green A. Barblan' way. beautiful with it's mountains • „go ,: docidti to' jwint a hgppy, and sunsets. The weather is pe(r- hetllthv chila in a World «Ker,. U feet during the day, but at n.ght it is fK>s;jbie for children to believe in gets quite cool--in fact, cold. The 5f00(iness an<1 U,e <pirit <-f Christmas, air is pure ?nd on a clear day one jn Ssmta n.tu3 jn miruries and jn 'can see for many miles. „ Distance, fllirU>;__in short, an ideal v. Inch, to is very misjudging on that account. ^ {s om. 0l repr« sent ing th4 VV eeken<U finds our bo\s in ^'thei ^j^ ^ ^^ tul>ei"culosis associations Los Angeles, Bouldtr City flr Las ((. H(1 thjs country nf otu. dread Vegas. Las Vegas, or as they call enemv of health> nujjpjnj(,ss and scit here.--"Lost Wages has been the t,ul^y downfall ' of many a months' pay. ..• *Si'nve',. .j belie.e so ' deeply, in fails next w-eek. INTERESTING Mr. and Mrs. George Barbian have Justen was a student at the Univermoved from the flat abo\e f|i t r >jou°^h #t his h<>me here ^lov^inR log cabin just north of the site of community last Saturday. Nov. 27. He was bom on Jan. 26. 1861, in a fhf home "hi8 graduation, he was sent to Smyr- his present home.He was engaged side Drive. na. Tenn., where he is flying a Lib- in farming for nvany years and durerator bomber. Ing his long iesidence there had ______ _ made many friends. Survivors include his wif«*. Orpha; Births This «ill probably give you an idea r,uis,mas and in the Idea ol of the setting 111 be in. for the next; C|aus a UtUe gil., vho looks few months. I've been receiving the wjn<low an<) actually sees _ paper and again thank you fo, it (,1mus -n t]w sky is a n.ality to me. First Lieutynart William F. Ciross, "Rieunioh in France" was the name . son of Mr; and Mrs. Frederick Gross ©f « movie, but McHenry has had of S^nta o{ na,bor road, Barrington. made its "Reunion in iUly" recently in out ot his twenty-seventh and final flight at least two cases. Alfred Miller m Mj-. and Mrs. Arthui- Diedrich ol Lily Lake announce the arrival of a son, born at St. Therese hospital «n Nov. 24. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting of Ringwood at the Woodstock hospital last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Giis Carlson of Ringwood are the happy parents of a hoy. bom Nov. 26 at the Woodstock hospital. Sgt. and Mrs. A. J. G^ntner of Abilene. Texas announce the birth of an 8 lb. baby girl on Aug. 16 at St. Anthony's hospital. Rockford. She answers to the name of Joanne fUizabith. Her mother was formerly Miss Jane Marshall of McHenry and h< r father was a Spring Gfove resident. Both mother and baby are now n siding in Texas, where the father is stationed at Camp Barkelev. ANNUAL CHURCH DINNER Tht. annual chicken dinns r and lazaar. sponsored by the W. S. C. S. •f the Community Methodist church, will »>e held next Thursday evening, Dec. ». in the church hall. Fancy Wgrk and other goods will be sold trtore~and after the dinner. --: -; CARD OF THANKS In this nianner we wish to tliank the McHenry Fire department and cur neighbors for their assistantwhen our house burned down lMt week. / CHSARLES KROHN and FAM1LV. Santa a>rainst the Japanese enemy forces writes home that he met two home with all mv h«art . 'on Armistice day somewhere south- town boys within the last few weeks, My address has been changed a J/t^oHgin pSt fi°f ^ ^ ^^» T™* ****** and Bil' Both little since IVe been her^Ust omit Wa8 the on^n Pacific The War department sent boys he reports as looking "the pic- % Postmaster-the rest stands the y**rs w?rd Fri^ °J las^T we^k ^ the ture of health." Fred and Alfred, pilot met death on Nov. 11 while on are only five miles apart. We al«o | a bombing mission. ^ h*ve received word that George Kin-' ; ^ " sala and his brother-in-law, Charles Just before going t© press word For the first time in thirteen ydara Carso, recently met in Italy. We same. S/SGT. GORDON T. KNOX, Los Angeles. Calif ELMER MONTGOMERY DIES Recent transfers include Mai-y Bre- 1 LLDUircUEM feld ot marine corPs from Linda s>x daughter, Mrs Lida Doleixel. ^SERVICEMEN Vista, Calif., to Oceanside, Calif1 Volo; Mrs. Nettie Wright, Marengo; John S. Meyers from New York to Mis. Robert Nickey, Garden Prairu ; San Francisco; LaVern Harrison Mrs. Walter Cook. Volo; Mrs. Zelroa from Fort Lewis, Wash., to San Strum. Chicago; and Mrs. Alice Francisco; and. Qrville F. Bird from | Washo, Barrington; also one son, New Orleans, La., to Camp Shanks, Lloyd Russell, of Volo; eight g™- N Y children and four great grandchild- . ren. Lieut. Norman E. Blomgren of The body rested at the Jacob Jus- Pistakee Bay. McHenry, has complet-'ten Sons funeral home until Tuesday _ afternoon when last rites were held (Continued on last page.) there. Burial" was in Volo. Dear Mr. Mosher and Staff: ^former" ^H^ry^res^dTnr^uId C^ral club. wouW' Uke w have heard the C°n' Just a few lines to let you know " ^ a wLkegan hospital ? »b™dol' ih*n rf*ular Chnstma^ versatwns at these two ivunions. r 1 , ± i •!« «e<lnosaa5 in a vvauKegan nospii*'. Concert. It was with genuine regret -- . : Kn«r|.»nd I am !* r'ends ^ere ^nn'mbtr that Mr. ^ that the members present at Hon-. Pvt. Harold Phannenstill of Camp -^rrv ^1 ciid no^ write'soont r' but am Montgomery, in his early . day eveoing's rehearsal voted to dis- Fannin, Texas, visited Staff Sgt. V" k -i- T .ninvoi mv trin over vas near ' spring and blood for a year on account of lack Russell Lloyd and his wife in I>ouitf- Kpiv^ Ciin t suy ^unnvvlthhiri^rLi*. oofi iitt. 1I duiudt td;o nors weAvet 8°u*t')imt ^t oh etr yw aakn dm isfafpvre. adequate 1vo*ice1s to jd o credit to!. .fe na recently».i» Mfrs . Llto*ydi is the not get I expected to ** ^ ^ ™ ^U<^d diT^se lie "1U8'C »n^a seeming former Gerald,ne Kennebeckf • •» i j 1 «.«,.,•* anvthinir • ^ tiom a rare niooci ciisease, in mdifference on the part of singers %,s* on Th „ionev -j'ure is was *niployed by the Omar Balcery w}l0 are stij| in t^e community, due Pfc. Robert Einspar of the *J. S. company in Wauconda. war or other activities. The M. A. C. was home 011 furlough re- Choral Club has lost a great number centl v. spending Th a n k sgjyi ng^with I*iC6H8M 01 its singei*s thru the war. , • his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V; P. Ein Lyle D. Trumble, Woodstock, III., .. spar of Lily Moor. Killed in the line of duty." read'a !»•••<•<•»»« >••><•>•••••<••< about it either. funny. They t-ven have a quarter of a cent caJled farthing. Also have puimLs and. shillings --; -- It is also hart! to understand the p<ople over here. I know that this to Gladys Irene Walter. Woodstock, is not much of a letter but will try . to do better the next time when 1 have more time. I and I can't seem to Well, say hello to all my friends message received early this week by William Sattcm, Rockford, 111., to!George Deinlein, Wauconda lunch Dana, Woodstock, 111. ; room proprietor. The message referr- Among the Sick nm wav hw»hind Nettie M. III. re fenget caught up. Wiliam J. Miller, Dundee. 111.', to ed to "Blackie," the Deinlein's dog. Stephen H all niv friends Marie E. Drum. Chicago, 111. j which was enlisted in the army ser-: his ^ in a Freund who fvaetui^ed _ , leg falf several weeks ago, McHenrv and wish them all a Claude Mqan, Crystal Uke, l\U, to. vice early last year and had been; 5 ati„ Sfc;/Thei^e hos,! Mer^ Christmas and a Ha^ppv New EtheV Sniith, Costal Lake, 111. --tstationed at Fort Robinson. Neb. No itaI> where he expects to. remain Merry ™ . Floyd W. Fischbach, Dundee, III.,, deUils of Bl^k^ de^h.were learn- J te^ more WCeks. it coming, to Frances M. Wiseman, Woodstock, «d. Mrs. Howard Cairns ha.s been con- Ill. " fined to her home on Waukegan street w---E. Thomas Brand, Woodstock, XU^ Attorney Thdmas Houlihan is wn- because of illness. to Martha H. Brigham, Woodstock,; fined in the Harvard hospital suffer- Elmer Schaefer underwent a ton-: ' * oILTJL.1 • • 111., .ing from a fracture of the hip re- sjHectomv at the Woodstock hospital. Year for me. as usual. Please keep Thanks a lot. Yours truly, WILLIAM KREUTZKR. England. Ceived in a fall down a hay chute on Monday of this week. iW if M -h r «n,| toff- ^ COMPLETE STONE FACING- the Slavin farm i>ear Harvard early Mrs Agnes West of West Mc- •"•the Plaindealer The sUte Division of Watei'ways j this week. Attorney Houlihan had Henry underwent surgery at the ,K. Y„„ fo,k. wk there has awarded Aa W.58r> contract to j gone to the farm to act as an ap- Woodstock hospital on Monday, ui Irnntt- hnw we all look (\ E- Ciu son eom|viny. of Chi- j praiser in some legal matter. While Friends here will be sorty to hear, f to th. arrival of our home to complete stone facing of in the hay mow he fell through the that pioyd Hopper of Crystal Lake, forward to the^r" o. con ,he McHenry tlanr i n Fox R:ver, J , chute. His many friends wi^h for who has been ill for tht past few; have with the happen- MVj&'nrv County. 'him a speedy recovery. months, is undergoing treatment at ~ Weseley- Memorial hospital in £hi- M's. Martha Page of Chicago hag visiting friends here this week. MrA and Mrs. William Vales and daughter. Louisw. of Cictro were Sundav quests in the Albert Vales home. Otherp dinner guests were Mrs. Ellsworth Shoemaker and dao^iterf » (own paps 1 necti* n we ings of beck.' home. ^ all look d M Jos MiUer, who I Mrs. Wm. Smith of Chicago spent ca|CO forward to„com.nK back as soon as ^ ^ the past few i Thanksgiving Day in the Glen Robi- ,.•; . Victoi-j' is ours. vears at Turtle Lake. WIB., have |s on home in Woodstock. Her daugh- Miss Ruth Klodzinski left iSjfcsday Jim Larkin. Alex J"ste."' bttn visiting in the home of Mrs.; ter, Ann, of McHenry returned with (evening for Chicago where she be- Doherty AH ® y P I. li«IF TV»n\> tn cnpnfl J WAI* mAfhftr fn rhicuro tn snenH the N tnoi>hin<r in Immarulata hicrh fContinuod on laat page) Frank May. They intend to spend i her mother to Chicago to spend the jfan teaching in Immaculata high the winter fnortth* in Alpena, Wis. | weekend. . [ .whool on Wednesday. The McHenry Plaindealer Needs Your Help I lie^r^ntribute to the McHtmry I'luindtniler's Soldiors-Sailots Fmul to help pay th<» excuse ot' send ing this newspaper to men and women in all branches of the armed forces of the !*. S., 110 matter where they mav l>e located. Please enter mv contribution as follows: $1.00 : 2.50 . .">-00 . 7.50 .10.00 ) Monthly or part payment ) 1 Subscription . ) 2 Subscriptions ) 3 Subscriptions ,....... ) 4 Subscriptions _ It is understootl that this money is to Ik* used entirely as a contribution toward the cost and expense of sending the McHenry F'laindealer to men and women from the McHenry'community iu the I". S. military sei*\'ice all over the world. In the McHenry community are included West McHenry, Wonder Lake, Lily l^ake, \ olo, McCul-. lom Lake, Ringwood, .Johnsburjj, Pistakee Bay and Spring Grove. About 400 Plaindealers are now sent rep uiarly to men and women in service from these eommttnities. . Please acknowledge ree^tpt- , Name • : .! ! ... - Street or Rural Route ... ' Post Offik a •'i WW {£••

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