J-AK 'V, if:- Thursday, December 2, Ascends 28,MO Feet Three scientists ascended to an altitude of 28.000 feet in a balloon at Park in 1875 All-Black Suit Revived for f*all Told Man-Tailored Garment Is Chic and Durable. Tales |K • v- . V- ' />v. M •i w§ * • J By CHERIE NICHOLAS Giving a forward at-random look to fashions "on the way," big news is the revival of the man-tailored allblack tailored suit. It is a genteel smart fashion that tunes in with the thought of apparel that will hold good for the duration. A suit of quality-kind black material will form a dependable background for even the most conservative, as well as for the most fastidious lady of fashion. The little black dress is, more important than ever as a wartime must. Presses in general are obviously fabric conservers. Their' very restrictions have proven an incentive to create some of the most attractive dress fashions that ever marked the opening of a new season. Their predominating characteristic are their slim, exquisitely modeled lines and clever details that make .for great chic and charm. There will be a predominance of day- j length evening dresses for the coming social season. Not all dresses are demure by any means, for advance news flashes such messages as jeweled wools for afternoon wear, especially jeweled wool jersey. Blouses also will be of jeweled jersey. Lavish embroidery will be in evidence .on hats as well as gowns, much of it being of Chinese inspiration, both as to color and design. Early fall displays make much ado about satin-accented black wool costumes. This not only means actual trimming features, but accessories including hats with satin gloves . and bags to match. There are many all-brown costumes showing in the new collections. Accessories are fascinating and there's a reason! What with the general trend to simplicity both as to design and technique (the jeweled and embroidered effects being the one departure from the rule) design- | , era of hats, jewelry, neckwear, j gloves and bags feel challenged ! to provide accents that are not restricted with priority rulings yet they do give the touch of allure. Hence the lovely little pastel feather hats, the satin gloves in provocative colors that give uplift to the little black dress, the handsome jewelry of non-priority media. The big sensation in the jewelry realm is the revival of bejeweled and bespangled choker collars or dog collars. Many of the newer frocks are collarless and call for frilly neckwear galore and also long -necklaces. The entire program in the final analysis is one of economy, in that one good gown with a collection of accessories is made to do duty for .;.:iliany. Rtle.iNd by Western Newspaper Union. Velvet Collared •• £•• » * New fall jacket suit dresses are taking on velvet Chesterfield collars. The narrow skirt regulation is observed in its styling. The print patterns balloon ani the spinning wheel .lijotifs and quaint coaches in a color scheme of azure blue, black and white. Her black hat is styled with a lace-edged bnni in accordance with a vogue that is liked because of the fiatiering ways of " black lace. Big news, too. is that satin accents will appear on prints used in the same manner as black velvet in col- Jirs, bows, pockets and revers. Style Notes Lavish- embroidery enricrhes hew fashions. First fall hats are small and novel in shape. Printed wool jersey is * fabric 'find" for fall. Newer dresses stress slimming iside-wrap closings. Slacks with blouse and a bolero ,are newer than mannish jacket types. Most advanced at resorts are the bare midriff and off-shoulder dresses. Ginghams, denims, shantungs are going over big- for back-to school wear. Harvest Hands , Harvesting the nation's cottl nop this year calls for more than 217 million manhours. at lateral Takai hw Files of fee ef Y«axs A|» SIXTY YEARS AGO the pond is now six to eight inches thick. Leo W. Walrasley, mail carrier on rural route No. 1, has purchased a regulation mail wagon and will now ] make his long trips in comfort. The wagon is entirely enclosed thus shutting out the cold winds. Jacob R. Justen and Miss Rosa i Meyer Were marrkd Thursday, Nov-, | ember 26, at St. John's church Johnsburg. Rev. Mehring performed the ' ceremony. THIRTY Vanadium Deposits In Colorado and Utah--the source from which the United States has been dipping up about 50 peij cent of its domestic needs--vanadium is found in the sandstone formations. In Wyoming and Idaho vanadium is found imbedded near the kind of phosphate rock ordinarily processed for fertilizer Rears Young In the wild, the wood duck I 12 to 15 eggs and spends the of the summer incubating them rearing the young. Harvest Resia From River Copals, varnish-making resins, harvested from river beds by gian Congo natives. "Brought dowtt by the streQms from ground where forests once grew, the fossilized gum is sough4, by expeditions trekking many, miles in search of bedti Total "take" in a Year rrav nJS 17,000 tons. Peter Smith, who kept a saloon and boarding-house in Lansing's block, near the depot, died last Fri-! day. He was stricken with typhoid fever a little over three weeks ago. j olney Jacobs, who lives south-; west of this village, had his arm j caught in, a threshing machine last j Thursday. The result Of the terrible "Hie .Centerville bridge has been replanked, thus making the structure absolutely safe in every respect, Andy Hettinger, the local cartoonist. is now keeping himself busy on a series of ^grawings which when' finished will be used for moving picture purposes. In spite of the unfavorable weather good progress is being made on the addition to the Bank, of McHenry building. Mike La Valle, who has acted as telegraph operator at the local" depot ; 'Filter Plasma While it is desirable 'hat even ; fresh blood be filtered immediately ; before transfusing it into a patient's i vein, this precaution is mandatory when stored blood or plasma is used.,. This is because small clots frequently form, in spite of the use of sodium citrate as an anti-coagulant. These particles would be harmful to the patient. Moved Into Amazon More than 20,000 people have bees* moved into the Amazon • valley III', : preparation for further expansion m rubber production in the drive te raise output from the Amazon forests to 50,000 tons or more in 1941. Tfhis would more than double Amfc zon rubber production., before Pea^;: Harbor. * " * • • I,«V. accident waa t^ie amputation of his i during the pjast few months, has been arm. j transferred to Rockford. His place James Ladd, of Riiigwood, had 'thei hasjj^n .taken by Fred Hetwig. . i s f o r t u n e t o s e v e r l y i n j u r e h i s w r i s t , ! ' v * ' ? ' -- -- * V , < while oiling a. wind" mill 'l ast Tujeessddaayy . The Board of Trustees of the village of Nunda have arrested the ; Druggists for violating the liquor ; law." The trial is set for today. | about sixty witnesses having been uhpeenaed. TWENTY YEARS AGO Stuffed Eggplant Will Keep Your Points Down! (See Recipes Below) FIFTY YEARS AGO Harvest Foods Late summer is the truck gardener's paradise, and this summer we might well say the Victory gardener's paradise, f o r t h e r e a r e many gay and attractive foods ripening now which may make a truly appetizing appearance on your table. For example, the season's choicest tomatoes in their fullest, ripest red make merry at the table now. There's also golden-eared, tender sweet corn, at its best when picked not more than half an hour before eating. And one of the most dramatic vegetables to do justice to fall dinners is the eggplant--smooth, deep purple and shiny in appearance. Most of you are undoubtedly familiar with eggplant served sliced and fried--and there's no doubt it's good that way. But for a change, try it baked with a savory stuffing, and make it a main dish feature of your dinner. The total cooking time for preparing it in this new way is only 35 minutes--10 minutes for boiling the eggplant in rapidly boiling water, and then 25 minutes baking in a moderate oven. 'Staffed Eggplant. (Serves « to S) 1 eggplant 1 cap bread croutons 4 strips bacon, cat in squatet 1 tablespoon onion, minced, 1 teaspoon salt H teaspoon pepper 1 egg Cook whole eggplant in boiling water for 10 minutes. Cut lengthwise slice from top of eggplant. Remove pulp with a spoon, leaving a s ubs t a n t i a 1 shell. Chop pulp. Add croutons. Fry bacoji. Brown onion in bacon fat. Add to eggplant pulp. Add the egg and season with| salt and pepper. Fill eggplant shell with the mixture and top with the following: Corn Flake Crumb Topping. 2 cups corn flakes 1 egg yolk ; H teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon lemon jaice % teaspoon saK Paprika • I Batter Boll corn flaked crumbs, combine with egg yolk, mustard, lemon juice and salt. Cover stuffed eggplant with crumb mixture, dot with butter and sprinkle with paprika. Bake in a modevate oven (350 degrees) for 25 minutes. Serve on This'Week's Mena » •Stuffed Eggplant Head Lettuce Salad with French ^ Dressing 'Caramel Cinnamon Muffins Sugared Peaches Beverage •Recipe Givep a platter with corn on the'cob and fresh, sliced tomatoes. English Baked Sqaash. (Serves C) 1 quart peeled, thinly sliced Hubbard sqaash H teaspoon salt : ^ 4 tablespoons sugar eup rich cream .1 teaspoon cinnamon Place squash in well-greased baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and sugar. Add cream and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake covered in a slow (325-degree) oven for about 50 minutes. Another vegetable comes in for honors--and very different but delicious is this dish, toot 8anr Cream Cabbage. ^ (Serves 5 to 6) 1 head of cabbage _ t tablespoons batter . ~ 1 clove garlic W cup sour cream « | tablespoon vinegar . • I tablespoon sugar V 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg Shred the head of cabbage medium fine. Heat the butter in skillet and cook in it slowly the clove of garlic, minced fine. Add cabbage and y« cup water. Cover tightly. Bring to a quick steam, reduce heat and cook for 10 more minutes. Just before removing from range, add sour cream sauce made by mixing together the sour cream, vinegar, sugar, salt and egg beaten light. Pour over cabbage and bring to a quick boil. Serve at once. Here's a spaghetti dish that has a fall tang it, and is excellent served with fried eggplant and apricot upside-down cake. Sausages and Spaghetti. (Serves t) i link sausages 1 small onion, sliced 1 green pepper, chopped. : 14 teaspoons salt H teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons dour 2Vi sups tomatoes It is said that John J. Buch will make improvements in the spring that will surprise his neighbors in that old enterprising place called "Old Town." ^ A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wentworth, at Pingree Grove, Tuesday, November 28. Mr. and Mrs. Math B. Laures welcomed a baby boy into their home last Monday morning. Needless to say Math is a happy-daddy. A radio receiving set is one of the very latest acquisitions to the West IflcHenry State bank. The set was installed principally for the benefit of the farmers who call for the latest live stock and grain quotations. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurwell of\ this city were pleasantly surprised by their- many friends last Saturday! evening. The occasion being their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mathias Schaefer has sold his home in the north end of town to William Frett of Chicago, who has already Thanksgiving day brought a snow given possession of the property, storm and severe cold feather. The thermometer registered ten degrees below zero Friday morning. Instead of removing screen doors it would be a good plan to cover them wijth heavy building paper and have a good serviceable Btorm door. FORTY YEARS AGO r Leading Experts;. With its large proportion of fertile' soil and open country, Bulgaria's leading exports are from farms, and normally include tobacco, fruit, Sugar, raw silk, rose oil, wheat and ^ther cereals, and animal products. Germany, in 1940, took nearly 60 per cent of the nation's exports and was the source of about 70 per cent of the imports. The entire 1SM1 tobac- Just enough snonr to spoil the skating and not enough for coasting. Just imagine the feeling of | co crop wasboughtin animosity between the small boy and the weather man. Work on the new Borden ice house te progressing rapidly. The ice on 1 the Reich, which is also reported active in the development of Bulgaria's mineral resources, especially copper, lead and zinc. antas favorite w t, V fc. nev Santa Claus what his favorite charity is. but we'd bet the old fellow would chuckle: "Why, Christmas Seal*. of course!" You see, these little Seals give the greatest gift of all--health, life Itself. As long as Santa can remember, the American people have made this a part of their Christmas giving --in depression and prosperity, in peacetime and war. This year our needs are doubly great--becauae a wartime rise In tuberculosis must be prevented So, make sure that every letter and package carried by Santa is stamped with your Christmas gift to mankind--and pk send in your contribution today! IUY C H R I S T M A S SEALS n*saiini.Mn-- TaknMi AMMMNM la «• UalM IMm. How your household can benefit from oar wartime services *W>>MW Repair--If you have an electric appliance in your home that is in need of adjustment or repair, bring it in to your nearest Appliance Dealer or Public Service office. Keen Wwfclng-Expert repairmen will put those tiling appliances back ia condition so they can work for you these busy days. Check up on the idle -~,^»sppliance» in you home. Others-your friends or neighbors--need (beat. Lynn Says: ' Color in Your Meals: Do you realize that your eyes eat that food before you actually eat it yourself? If food looks dull and unattractive, your appetite lags and the food,. if eaten is consumed without much relish. The eye wants contrast. Pick foods that go well together. You can serve several green vegetables for one meal, but not sev^ eral all-white vegetables or allred. Combine meat and vegetables on one platter to get a design and save plates besides! Use garnishes with care and give them an opportunity to bring out the most in your foods. Sprinkle beets with a little lemon juice to make them a more intense red. Cook green vegetables only until done to assure them of being crisp, green. A dash of lemon juice on apples, icars or other fresh fruit will prevent it from darkening. 1H caps spaghetti, cooked Cut sausages in inch lengths; fry until golden brown. Add onion and green pepper and brown l i g h t l y . Add seasonings and f l o u r and blend. Add tomatoes and spaghett i. Bake i n a greased baking dish in njoderate (350-degree) oven 30 minutes. 'Caramel Cinnamon Muffins. (Makes l'L' dozen 2-inch muffins) 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg , 2 tablespoons light cars syrup or honey 1 enp milk 2 tablespoons melted shortening . Sift together flour, baking powder; cinnamon and salt. Beat egg, ad<j syrup, milk and shortening. " Blend thoroughly and add to flour mixture. Stir only until flour is moistened. Bake in a moderately hot oven (425 degrees) 20 minutes. Prepare muffin pans as follows for these muf- -fins: Into each muffin cup, put % teaspoon butter or margarine and 1 teaspoon corn syrup. Fill with batter % of an inch full. - . Are you having a time stretching memii? Write to Miss Lynn Chambers for practical help, at ff estern Newspaper Union, 210 South Desplaines Street, Chicago, ItL | Don't for pet to enclose a stamped, self-midressed envelope for your reply. Released by Western Newspaper Union. '.•mm i H«lp for Homemoker*--To aid housewives in their job of running the home under wartime conditions, Public Service Company home economists have prepared several authoritative booklets which are available to you free of charge. n« Hom* Advice-Practical demonstrations by trained advisors help you prepare nutritious meals...show you how to get more light from your present lighting...give you tips on making your gas and electric Appliances last longer. Outdoor Movie on Front An outdoor movie theater operated by the army in New Guinea shows current films within a month of their general release in this country. " Improves SoD . . TIM department of agriculture garden specialists remind gardeners that compost does not take the place <A fertilizer, but is used primarily to improve the physical condition of the soil with which it is mixed. Nation of Farmers Bulgaria is a nation of farmers. About four-fifths of its six to seven j million inhrbitants make their living j from the soil. Farm holdings are j for the most part extremely small, and operating methods are generally primitive. The three Fs--farming, forestry and fishing--provide the country's chief means of support, although industry in recent years has been encouraged by the government, and there are valuable mineral deposits. Coal is the most important mineral product. 1 < exchange--These days, with shortages of critical materials, making the : best use of your lamp bulbs is more important than ever before. At all Public Service offices, you can obtain suggestions on the correct sixe of bulbs to age in etch of jour lamps and lighting fixture* 9UBLI SERVICE c At Your S*fvic»-The Company s 6rst job these days is to serve our war plants. Although 25% of our employes are in the armed forces, the rest of us are doing our best to meet wartime Electric and Gas service needs ia the home, on the farm and in war iadu&cry. _ BUY I > 'TSJD WAR OF MOITHEIH ILLINOI S NJXK *sa8errice Order-- 101 Williams St, Cry stal Lake --Teiepupue Enterprise 4100. '/