Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1943, p. 8

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J- . treachers Entertain | far your past services and for ftovr Members of the high school fa«- I remain,. ' illty entertained members of the IIT13. HATTIE EINSPAR, Secy. Wlfh school board and their wives' * * * at a spaghetti dinner held at Eva's Christening restaurant on Monday evening at •:80 I^OttEN WAR WORKERS] RED CROSS NOTES TWO MEH IN NEW QUOTA OF BOARD' TWO FKOMfilfcE In last week's issue of this newspaper, on the front page, appeared' a list of articles that would be con- • / >v sidered the best gifts for servicefwr infant son of Mr- &nd Mrs. men for the Camp Grant distribution. An enjoyable'evening followed. Arthur piedrich of Lily Lake was The gifts are to be sent to Mrs. * delicious dinner. St. Clara's Court ^christened Donald Henry at a bap- Earle Phinney, county chairman of tismal ceremony at St Mary's church Red Cross in Woodstock. However, Sunday. Sponsors were George Sho- Mrs. McGee, vice-chairman of the BoawfTV© has issued another call for thirty-four more men to report for final physical examination. Two j V are from the McHenry community, j The complete list follows: ' . " I Woodstock HAROLD H. HUTSON ARNOLD W. LEMKE DAVID F. POWERS GLEN G. BEATTY GEORGE E. BAKER LEO C. HAGMANN w MILTON E. SMITH „ : ' GRANT C. FREDERICKSOlf PAUL W. DIANIS LLOYD J. ROEHR DONALD D. BERNHARDT FLOYD D. FONDA . BERNARD C. HARWO0# WM. JUNIOR WOODS *;,• "r, The t^dy Foresters of St Clara's ber of Grays,ake and Mrs- Michael McHenry branch, has deemed it ad- 'Court w ill' hold their annual Christ-' Thji 1I 11 of. Au™ra- , visable, for the convenience of our mas «part£ on Thursday, Dec. 23, Following the christening, a din- Red Cross Workers here, to place following thefr regular business ""was served *at the Arthur Died- boxes in both the Production room meeting Each member is asked to r,cll ho™e> with the following pre- and the Surgical Dressing room, for bring a ten cent gift for exchange se"t:, Mr-and Mrs George Shober collecting the gifts from town, of c»ry *nd an extra cift and. daughters, Patricia, and Mrs. our Motor Corps will pick up the; EDWARD A. SVOBODA• ; * ' * * ! j-Shober and daughters, Jean and gifts and deliver them to Mrs. Phin-j JOHN PETRIAK :i;v..v.v »• li j bs»JiU , / ' i-.Mary, all of Grayslake; Mr. and ney. The gifts, are to be wrapped Union . " " ^ ^ ',1 J,Irs Michael ThHl of Aurora; Mr. in holiday paper, then placed in I JOSEPH R. MATTINGLY' ^ , Mrs. Ed _ Sutton w^fe hostess .U. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich and daugh- another outside wrapper, and cori- EVERETT R. HENLIN® i • „ » , .ter,.':Mary Aim, and,Le6n«rd. Them**.; tetfts marked on th , outside wrapper. I Crystal Lake S •" "T Pinochle club at its last meeting qv» Dec, 9". Prize winners Xere Mrs. ,Fox- River Valley Camp Whether or not the donors wish their names to appear on the 'inside? Albert > ales _ and Mrs. Ben Diets. The Fox River Valley . canip, R. ;is a matter for the discretion of the Mrs-DjeU ,vnll entertani th^ A., will hold it's annual Christ sender. Off the front page of last ftt the Chnstmasjp^rty on D^. 23. mas party and dedicate it's service week's paper there appeared a list ...v. Each member wiu bring a gift for; flaj, on i\,esday evening, 21.. "A of articles which would be appreciat- '• % . . jmeeting will be held at 7:3Q p.m., ed by the boys. Look over the -list: "J * •* * .* •* * " * [followed by the ]>arty a't 8:15. Each before you purchase your gift. "• • Rf ' 'viVU.' n ' f : ftieniber attending is asked /to; bring x We hope to have a goodly number . St. Mary s court, G 0. P will a^ift fbr exchange. . • of gifts for our sho^ng from the hold a joint meetiny of juvenile and • ... • » • * m H • h Vi senior members on Tuesday. Dec. 21. - Christmas Partv • ° em^ ™nC ' ; . 7 Santa Claus will be there to dis- The LiS "lool win hold it's | MRS' HUGH MURPHY' Scribe' tribute gifts to all juveniles and all annual Christmas party on Monday ! ***** ********************* members are invited to attend. Be evening, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m. Taking! * ^• . sure to bring some oats for Santa's part in the program to be presented ! AmOllg tlie OlCK reindeer because Santa is conserv- will be Zoe Cochrane, Robert Bre-1 mg gas and is working his reindeer fejd< Charles Tomka. James Adams,' overtime to get to all the little William Swofford, Kenneth Adams, Mrs. Alice Altman is confined to children. Call up your neighbor Richard Adams and William Adams. Sacred Heart Sanitarium in Milwau- • • Foresters and group your transporta- MfS; Charles Gibbs, teacher at the kee, suffering from a nervous breaktion. Eqiov a good old Christmas school, will direct the program, fhe! down. ; ' " sp:a.r*ty-- atL .S t». -M ary's hall Tuesda.y',j PnUuDhiliicc iiss iinnvviitteedd . Mrs. Barry ^Fr ed,r i.c .k s returned home this past week from Victory Memorial hospital, Waukeg&n, where OFFICE ISSUES j she had been undergoing treatment. VALUABLE ADVICE! Henry M. Smith of Johnsburg is recovering from surgery undergone Dec. 2lJ&t 8 p.m. }yV Lily Lake P. T. A. - The Lily Lake P. T. A. is holding it's annual Christmas party for the Children of the community and school Wednesday evening, Dec. 22, at 7 p. m. There will be Christmas play DISTRICT HEALTH The unusual prevalence of colds at St Therese hospital last week, musical and influenza-like infections in this' Floyd Hopper of Crystal Lake, by the pupils of i area prompts a word of advice to the f°r™erly of McHenry, underwent a the school, under the direction of public, said,. Dr." Fred O. Tonney, maJ°r operation at Wesley Memorial Miss Thompson. Santa Claus will; District Health Officer, speaking hospital in Chicago last week, be there with gifts for all the child- i from the headquarters in Woodstock. | Lawrence Freeman of Ringwood ren and refreshments for all. { The present outbreak is relatively; underwent surgery at the Woodstock The social and &rab bag party mild in character but the virus of hospital on Monday of this week, given by Mrs. I*. Swanson was a colds is so contagious that it is Gerald Newman returned home great success. practically impossible to avoid ex- from Victory Memorial hospital, The next monthly meeting will be ^>0^re' I Waukegan, Sunday, where he had oh Friday evening, Jan. 7, 1944, at , best policy is to go home to been confined for a week. He- is the school at 8 p.m. 1 ^ ®t the first sign of a cold, and • much improved but is still confined 5^ie next social party, with Mrs. remain there as long as necessary, to his bed most of the time. It. Hintz as hostess at her home, A Ph^sician should be called if there Will be Tuesday evening, Jan. 11 *** serious complications. .at' 8 p.m. " v ! --/ The Lily Lake P. T. A. wishes; High In Proteia everybody a Merry Christmas and Wheat, oats and barley pastures a Happy New Year. Thanking you we high in protein. RONALD A. BUCK . WOODROW PHELAN , i; 1VM. A. WIENKE, ARNOLD H. GUMPPECfiT > MILTON T. ROSSMAN . - AV . ' VICTOR . E. GIESEKE McHenry"': . . ." - , EAR-L" LAWRENC1S ?f " • JOHN E. DIANIS Algonquin BARNEY V. NILSEN . ELMER H. C. L. KUBLANK Other Places KENNETH E. WINGATE, Skagway, Alaska. ROBERT C. WHALEN, Elguu WILLIAM D. FURNESS. FRANK J. ZENGER, San Diego, Calif. JOEL L. RHOADES, Marceline, Mo. ROBERT A. • WILBRANDT, Chicago. Only about another week and the Christmas holiday j will be here. Are you prepared with those gifts? You'll < find what you want at BOLGER'S. .• " * CANDY • Wm Vould Christ mas be without -, candjrt .We have thrive of the leading ' - j \ , brands all put up -a in holiday boxes, ^.beautifully wrappe^;.:-"Tfae^ are WHITr 'MAN'S, GOBELIN'S arid PAGE ft SHAW'S. NOTICE Ttyere is an urgent need for volunteer workers in the surgical dressing department. Anyone who has time to help the ladies finish their quota, which must be completed by Jan. S, should be present in the work room at the high school on *uesday evenings or any time Wednesdays* 59* Giv* Yoursolf a toautiful PERMANENT WAVE Do it yourself at home with the Chorm-Kurl Kit, at 5,000,000 women have done in past year. AH the curii you want. Complete with Shampoo, 40 cvrlera and Wave Set. THOMAS P. BOLGER t TX f T T JT T T t We aim too have on hand your favorite wine for the holiday season, which includes Port, Muscatel, Sherry, Sauterne, Burgundy, 0aret and Riesling. Also Martinis, Manhattans, Rock and Rye^Vermouths, wet and dry, Grenadine, Bitters, Peppei'riHnt Sclinapps, Creme de Me^he, Apricot Cordial and AbslSEtt^ Cocktail. fP ii_ *!• *»***» * PAJAMAS •1.95 to %95 SWEATERS $1.50 to $7.50 »o8vL SPORTS WEAR $1.19 to $7.95 -,rOOi YOU You 'US'r«ltHoSeAi»Ch»«- him B»S« * io appearcnas. Tbeyte be te.n{orCed for »00ths.°- to WSft HOSE 29c to $1.95 McGEE'S - Store for Meit - s men s Phon« 19 v W»»t McHenry Green Street > McHENRY • Open Evenings Until Christmas • • Open every nite until Christmas • Perfume and Cologne - -T"'. - Sets priced to fit any purse. * Just what the little lady would greatly appreciate --EVENING IN PA ft IS, COTY'S, ALLSPICE, LENTHERIC, TWEED, OLD SOUTH. Manicure Sets REVLON, CUTEX, LaCROSS Something to make her remember the giver all the year round. Bath Powders Bath Crystals Men's- Toilet Set* Shaving^l^^^:^aps^"'Eltct A gift he will apnreciato. -• • •: ' - - , ' ^ '• Dolls Don't forget the l i t t l e g i r l s w h o li,ke dolls. We have some on display. Writing Papers Fountain Pens Bill Folds GREETING CARDS CHRISTMAS WRAPPINGS TAGS and SEALS Religious Goods ROSARIES, CRUCIFIXES, PRAYER BOOKS • and o*- STATUETTES - OUR PLEDGE - Until America is Victorious and business gets back to normal-- this stor# pledges $he best wartime service it is possible to give y o u , " . ' v , ; ' - V ' We probably have everything ypu need--if not, the shortage will be only temporary! .Order your Christinas Ice Cream early and be sure it's LUICK'S mm THOMAS P. BOLGER THE MEHENRY DRUGGIST PHONE 4-0. MEHENRY,ILL * T t • t T Y Y Ty Y Y t Y T Y Y Y Y Y •Y>

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