j 7;" - «. *',%,*><>'* , **•' r ,\ -j • r%» " ",*S' *'"• ,'"1^*^** $•*«.* s. T ^ «-•* wwrwg A"-#, »> 4^^1-* ,V« » *»< « .» ^ J- » --*• <• f «» * '--riv\ * ,. ,.,- ..,-* vnf** *. i ^ * ;¥»r? V.oftinie 68 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1943 .No. 3| :r>^•'>V$ MORE LETTERS TO SANTA GOME 1 - IN THIS WEEK LAST REQUESTS PRINTED •X NEXT WEDNESDAY STATIONED IN OREGON Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a train, A wooden one will be fine 'cause Mommie told me that Uncle Sam needs all the tin and steel to make bullets to fight the Japs and Germans. I would like a picture book, a tow truck and klso a fire truck. Thank you. Love, TIMME' CAREY. FOUNDER OF OAK PARK . HOTEL HIES LESTER WITT JOSEPH MERTES PASSES • AT 76 '*' i ;,v - ' ' ' - • -- Joseph J. Mertes, founder of tfit Oak Park hotel at Pistakee Bay i fifty years ago, died unexpectedly ' at his home at the Bay about 4:30 last Friday morning, Dec. lOi He had been ill only a short time. 1 The deceased, whq was 76 years ______ i old, was born in Germany and came ; to America while still a young boy*, »• •»•>»»••••• A half .(century ago ho established}. . •:"> the Oak Park hotel, which has beenf. "v v - a popular place of business throughout the years. Hundreds of people, not only from the McHenry vicinity SPECIAL NOTICE Iri both Christmas and New Year, weeks, the paper will be printed one day early, on Wednesdays. Next week the Plaindealer will come out Dec* 22 and the week after that on Dec. 29. All correspondents are asked to have their copy in our office not later than Tuesday morning. No hews will be accepted later than Tuesday neon. Advertisers, also, will- remember the Tuesday deadline. By printing the paper on Wednesday, Christmas shoppers will be allowed more time to take advantage of ine holiday merchandise advertised. »«t J M« t »»•« Birth# NEW BUS LINE THROUGH CITY BEGINS DEC. 17 ELEVEN TOWNS TO BE SERVED ; r McHenry residents were overjoyed this week when a new bus line operating through this city will begin ( its schedule on Friday of, this week. The Peoria-Rockford Bus company has been authorized- byt the Illinois rCoftvmerce Commission to operate . a | bus line from I>oKalb to.Wauk^gan f over a route which ; includes Woodstock" and McHenry, The first tripwill be made Dec. 17; v \"'! WORD OF RICHARD WARNER REVIVES HOPES OF FAMILY PRESENT WEIL KNOWN ORATORIO ON DE6EMBER 22 •••••••••••••••••••I Busses will make thr£e i-ound trips j , daily. A hearing on the bus com-1 Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Corbett are pany's petition to operate the line'1 but also Chicago folks who spent' the happy parents of a son, bom was held in Chicago on Nov. 12 at Dear Santa: I am sorry if t have been naughty. I would like a doll. Any kind . will do. Please don't forget about Peggy and Butchie. I am seven years old. . ( -i-- These are kisses, xxxxxxxxxx. I will be waiting. r JANET KAY. * Ringwood, 111. Dear Santa: I am a little boy and I am 5 years old. For Christmas I want a fprm and machinery set. My little sister wants a doll, lamb and some blocks. Please bring some candy and nuts. Don't forget the rest of the family. Your friend, MARVIN BAUER, 'Ringwood, 111. F.S.--Please do not forget all the boys and girls in thq. UJ.S. service. Leister WTitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Witt who reside near Mc-1 summer vacations on tne Bay, hav« j at the Woodstock hospital on Sun- which time several%itizens from the Henry, recently enjoyed a furlough come to the hotel year after year. day. The Corbetts have one other communities interested attended. The at his home here and since-then has Fifteen years ago William Mertes, child, a daughter. commission's decision was announced been transferred from Fort Lewis, i son Qf the founder,. purchased the ? A daughter. Joan Marie, was born recently. Wash., to Camp White, Oregon. He place and has been successfully op-} to Mr. and Mrs. George Egbert at cities and towns on the route 5nhoo alan in the erating it ever since. the Woodstock hospital on Saturday, elude DeKalb, Sycamore. Genoa, Ma- Survivuia 1^ sister; Patsy, 3, also welcomes the rengo, Harvard," Woodstock, McHen- Mr. Mertes is survived by his wid- • Ktj!-e *ir1' . „ tw o, ' 9 ry' Vo,°' Round Lake- Grayriake and ow, Mrs. Helen Mertes, who resides A,Capt H and. Mrs- John V*™*. Waukegan. The old DeKalb-Waukeat the Bay; four children, Charles A th® b'r*h I?*" bus line was discontinued last of •M%«? ciHt enry; lMf.r s. En.ls i.e Cn n.v• von, or>f. an o .l b. son* » born i)ccl. u5. Ihc ^ ssuummmmeerr . u i, „ .r' . .. „ ' Purveys have two other children, a %.t V • n 1 . Balboa, Calif.; -William of McHenry; 'A „ ^ Q„. A1 »• Line Popular and Ed^rd, Chieago. The deceased bert - Puryey Krandparents of" th; The new bus line will greatly Although no definite inforfftation has been received,»hope that Lieut. Richard Warner of Elgin, army air force navigator, may be alive is held by relatives. A communication from the W~ar department' was received ~ ! this week stating that four or five jPROGRAM DIRECTED BY parachutes from, his planp opened on'/^/V LUCIA RAUSCH -Oct. 14 after the ship had been put1 out of commission. ' . - •,' ", '"v- TLh*e. pvu. r• -cvha.s e o*f a war - s•t. amp, or At the time, Ijeut Warner Was even better a bond if you wish, participating in an. Sir raid ovet admit you to the annual Chriitmas Italy when fire from enemy guns musical program t«> be presented in ': shot down his plane about fifty miles thg 4tigh school " auditoriute inajfcf from Ronie over s0A*^ sizeable b^dy Wednesday evening, Dec. 22- V y of water. Word that he was listed As last year," the program will be as missing was .-received Nov. 6 by divided into two parts, the first t<> his wife, Mrs. Margaret Muetterties feature the singing of holiday songs'« W arner of Elgin, and his father,: by various vocal groups of the- high Walter Warner, also of Elgin, and school. The second half will be dea former McHenry resident. voted to the presentation of thft Lieut. Warner began his training "Messiah" by Handel. Miss Lucia in June 1942, and received his com- Rausch is directing the entire pro-' mission in April of this year. He gram. . i_- I ' . M - ,4 :V\'I " "i :• A - left for overseas in August. has one other brother, also in the, service. „ ^ . . . . NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE For, the second year, beautiful scenery designed by Miss Mart# Ropp and Malcolm Mclntyre and the Trades class will be used for this Christmas program. *The new scenery represents the inside of a cathedral, with one large stained glass window flanked by two narrow pointed onea. It is a beautiful piece of work and provides the proper atmosphere for the "Messiah." This work will be presented as » is the last of the Mertes family, a brother, John, and a sister, Mrs. new baby, plan to spend the Christmas holidays with their son and Prop'ejlls %1'lHi1m ited to With train service here few trait.s a day, and eastern with gas rationing, the new system will no doubt be popular with, a great many.jj 1 Owners To Appeal For Gas It is said that special buses may be operated. to offer transportation to Dear Santa Claus: Would you please bring me a army hat and I want hightop» and I want candy and apples and nuts. Could you bring me a wrist wach. DONALD DOWE. « Aviation Cadet Jay Walter Cristy, Elizabeth Thelen, passing away with- family Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. 111 the Past three montns. ... : . . . Cristy of Ring- Mr. Mertes, in addition to being .Pinol Chance For Track * -: Wood, Illinois, has a successful business man, was a Completed primary | sports lover, hunting and fishing ifying training at I whenever time permitted. Before, the 74th army air j moving to the Bay he and his fam- j Truck operators in McHenry coun- workers on shifts at the Alemite forces contract ily resided in Johnsbur»t. i'ty will have a final opportunity to plant. •. J - p lot school, Mc- The body rested at the Jacob Jus-! adjust their gasoline allotments for At the hearing all the cities and... 25^22? Bride, Missouri ten Sons funeral home until Tues-, the first quarter of 1944. Jack Hall, towns on the line were represented.. This is one of the day morning at 9:30 when services field examiner for the Office of De- After the old bus line which ran many such train- were conducted at the home and rense Transportation, will be at the through McHenry was discontiniied ing schools in th? ®t 10 o'clock a mass was sung at Woodstock AAA Office, I. O. O. F. a few months ago local folks have army air forces St. John's church, Johnsbug. Burial Temple, Woodstock, Illinois, on Mon- been handicapped in having no way training command, was in the church cemetery. day, December 20, 1943, from 9:00 of getting to many nearby cities Cadet Cristy will continue his train- William Keefe , A.M. to 6:30 P.M. to review requests exctpt by car. For this reason reping at one of the basic flying schools. William 7« for alterations in expected* gasoline resentatives from each community ' , , ' y . 1' ^ * requirements and assist operators were eager to appear at the hearasiwstaeyr ,a tE tdhwei nh oamned ofK ahtihs ebrirnoeth eKr eaenfed, ; r cceerrttiiffiiccaattee ooff wwaarr nneccceessssiittyv iinnge at Spring Grove Tuesday morning, I re^u a u>n?* Dear Mose and Staff: I'm writing to tell you that my address is changed to Chanute Field, condense! version, v hich is the enly 111. I'm finally get- way of bringing it before the public ting a start in >n so short a time. In those cities this man's army.! where choruses sing the ' Messiah" . I'll be going to i° >ts entirety, several years are Weather Observer spent in preparing it. in Harvard school here for the an adult chorus and the high school next twelve weeks. | chorus have been learning the famed. The school doesn't oratorio in installments for the past op® yet so the in- five years. . evitable happened. The Messiah" is truly symfcol'c We drew KP from the holiday spirit an 1 will no dra&l' 0 p.m. to 6 a.m. do much to instill this spirit in ih ss so I'll have to cut I who attend. 'U Dear Sant»: • "V . • I want a sled, 1 I want a doll house. GLADYS MEYER. Dear Santa: Iwant a box of crayons, p doll and ice skates. Miy dog wants a toy ball, my cat want a rubber mouse, my brother wants roller skates, my father want a shirt, my mother want a dress. I am 7 years old. See you Xmas. Love, ETHELMAE HAGBERG. RATION GUIDE Schedules are being prepared which will inform the public of the time of arrival and departure of the busses. Tech. Sgt. Isadore Grasdef has landed somewhere in the South Pacific, according to word received by i Dec. 14, 1943, at 7 o'clock. He had relatives here. * J been suffering with heart trouble » i "or some time. Mrs. Joseph Guth Shirley Hawley, a member of the of Woodstock, another sister, also WAITs, is stationed at Warner Rob- survives, as does a nephew, Edmund ins, Ga. j Keefe. TTve deceased lived in Mc-j -»'• Ii i i | H e n r y a t o n e t i m e . j Recent transfers mclude Lester body is at rest at the Peter j Smith from Camp Barkeley, Texas, to JJ' Juste? fun"n' "l"1 f"; Green stamps \ B and C (Book result, 1000 packages of cigarettes New York • Tarnh T Oarnfnl from "ay morning at 10 O clock, when last! ana V AOOOK • . » SvAcuse N Y to New York in rites will be conducted from St. Fo«r) throu*h DEC- 20. have been sent overseas. The Lebyracuse, M. X . to i^ew yoik, in m, , , „ .. ... „ Green stamps D, E and F good ff1011 18-^i^ful for the fine co-opera* this letter short. Many thanks to everybody that ha# anything to do in sending the good old Plaindealer to us boys. "Keep 'em flying and the good old Plaindealer comin'." Sincerely yours, PVT. ROBERT A. WEIDEMAN, Chanute Field, Illinois. ^ The complete program .follows.': /V .-Part 1 "Angels- O'er the Flelis" .(Frenchv - ......... C. F. ijinn y Mixed Chorus "No Candle Was There and No Fir " L «L?hm n 'Carol of the Sheep Bells" R. Kount* Girls' Chorus "O- Come All Ye Faithful" Boys' Chorus and Mixed Chorus REGION VI PROCESSED FOODS: LEGION COLLECTS $5® The local Legion post is proud to announce that $50.00 has been collected in the various milk bottles placed in McHenry stores. As a care of the postmaster; Rudolph Mary's church, McHenry, with Rev.; Simek from Fort Benning, Ga., to ^r- Daleiden officiatinjr. Burial will MFATS Aivn pais. Alliance, Nebr.; and Corp. James ^ ,n Ca}va.ry cemetery. Wroodstock" 3 awu.i-aih, Frisby to Fort Bragg, N. Carolina. William C. Walkington William Cooper Walkington, 84, Brown stamps L ( Book Three) good - through JAN. 1. tion which the general public is givjing ti aid ths fimc DOHERTY BOYS SERVE Dear Santa: If it is at all possible would you please bring a train, tinker toys, tump truck or supply truck, machine gun or anti-aircraft gun, backet ball set Hope to see you Christmas, Santar v ARNOLD JUSTEN. Daniel Grayson, formerly a resident rfldent of Greenwood township, died ^T° " of MlcHenry, was recently promoted f n.°°" on f Tuesday' 14 after • ^ from the rank of second lieutenant an ,lln®Ss K°f "|ne H* 18 to that of first lieutenant at thte U. survived by three children, Mrs. S. army's school for spccial service Harrison. Howard Walkaati LL«exexiriunrgtioonn , V*ka . Hnee iiss aa imiieemmbuecir oufi ir)gton haonrdfv ,Drposrt<,s» Wat altkhien gtPopnt^. >r V the staff of the school, and company . \ne ^°dy r.es™ at 1 eter . commander of the enlisted detach- Juf,te" fu.n^.al h me. v hero services ment connected with th, installation; 'A'!» b k e hfld. 0"u F"day afiern00n' . w,t» burial in the Ringwood ceme- First Lt. Grayson entered tne army tery iln July, 1942 and was commissioned school Brown stamps M good through JAN. 1. Brown JAN. 1. Brown stamps N good through stamps P good -through stamps Q; good DEC. 19 through JAN. 1 Brown stamps R good DEC. 26 Dear Santa: We would like dollm and jicbinit hoard and irons, also nuts and candy lor Christmas. Please do l't forget my brothers and sisters, also mom and dad and my Uncle Clarence. ROSE MARY and LOLA JEAN RITZERT. through JAN. 29. Brown stamps S through JAN. 29. Brown stamps T through JAN. 29. Brown sfknins U good JAN. 2 good JAN. 9 jgpod JAN. 10 Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a dolt house with furniture, a high chair, suit case and slippers for my doll. And a satin majorette costume for my doll like mine. . DIANNE TONYAN. joined the staff of the school foT AT COMMUNITY CHURCH special service a month later.. TO BE GIVEN ON DEC 19 through JAN. 29. ----- ' SUGAR Donald Schaefer, who has been sta- Christmas will be observed Sun- Stamp No, 29 (Book Four) go«SP[ tioned at Chanute Field, 111., is spend- day, Dec. 19, at the Community *or ^ve Poun<^8 through JAN. 15 ing a furlough at his home here. Methodist church. At the morning _ SHOES: ' j Upon his return to active duty on worship service an appropriate ser- »-tanip No. 18 (Book One) good feyj j;| Dec. 24 he will report at a camp in 4non on "That First Christmas" will pair indefinitely. I North Carolina, y be delivered'Uv the pastor, Rev. Macf Airplane stamp No. 1 (Book Three) 0 Powell. Special music will.be fum- food for one P*ir indefinitely. ^ FReceived a very "-'ifc8 ished by the choir. ° FUEL OIL: card Monday moring fiom LeRoy In the evening at 7:30, the Sunday Period No. 1 coupons in 18,43-44 Defer Santa: I want a few games, a dart game that you throw dart, Gork, a card game, a few puzzles, a wood gun, a truck, a car, a tractor and plows and a barn and a few Animals, some cars for my train, two switch tracks, six straight tracks. My dad wants a flashlight and some penc.ls. 'My mother wants a pair of silk stockings. My sister jgants a pair of slippers, blue, size 8. -- Y o u r f r i e n d , JAMES WEBER and family. Conway, who is stationed somewhere school '.fill present its annual Christ- sheet good for ten gallons per unit in Italy. , mas program, consisting of songs, through JAN. 4. . i recitations and exercises by th® Period No. 2 coupons good for ten Dear Sirs: v:\,» i 1 II' v»e moved again so l tho^ugh t *l t ouy» V^IIUI us 4II1U XTiiA.ru vniv had better give you my new address' r0 Little of Bethlehem ! if I didn t want to miss the home- J . T Boys'Chorus town news. This time I came toward ' «<The Birthday of a King" hyme instead of away fiom it. Also,: yf jj Neidlinger changed climates considerably, from ! ""iiri"^w»rind Mixid Chorus (sunny California to here. Even if "The Messiah" is winter and cold I like it bet- ..Introduction.. Dorothy Weber . Its more like wnat I am used; <>Comfort Ye My People" ................ ' guess' Roy Redwan This station is a far cry from pre- "And the Glory of the Lord" flight. We are almost as busy but I Mixed Chorfn • t is more interesting and not as i "He Shail Feed His Flock" . strenuous. This is a relatively new; Bernice Blouqfe base and I believe it is to be a per- "But Who May Abide the Day of mamnt one. It's quite large and His Coming" Earl Conway has a large number of enlisted men, <YThen Shall the Eyes of the Blind WAVEs, officers and cadets. So Be Opened" (Recitative) <•». far, I've been on the airfield only1 Chorus of Alto# once and should get my first flight »o Thou That Tellest Good Tidings" tomorrow here at primary. I Mixed Chora® I want to thank you again for .For Unto tJs a Child is Born" having sent the Plaindealer and also i ...A........................Mixed Chorus wish you a very Merry Christmas. "Four Recitatives" I'll be looking forward to receiving . Chorus of Soprano* the paper again. . "There' Were Shepherds Abiding in ' the Field," "And Lo, the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them," "And the Angel Said Unto Them" aad "And Suddenly There Was With the Angel." •v: Sincerely yours, ROBERT NEWKIRK, 01athe,JC»nsas. RICHARD, DOHERTY Richard Doherty, one of *our servicemen sons of Mr. and Ms. William F. Doherty who reside south of Mc- Wenry, is stationed at the Woodward army air base at Woodward^ Okla- Glenn Wattles arrived > la>nM| ^i primary department and the pageant, gallons per unit through FEB. 7 first of the week, Having b?Wiiveh 'V-O Come Let Us Adore Him" will) Period No. 3 coupons good for.-ten urm w „UUUWillui vmM,- an honorable discharge from the be presented by the older pupils of gallons per unit through MAftCH 13. homa He is 20 years old and enterarmy. The West McHenry druggist the church school. Undc the di- GASOLINE: ed the servjce Qf his country on looks fine after several months spent rection of their teachers, the pro- N°- 9 coupons in A book good for Feh ^ in North Africa. gram is arranged as follows: three gallons each through JAN. 21. ^ : ' Program B2 and C2 supplemental ration paar"«ii^:" Just a brief letter of thanks for "Glory To God" ..Mixed Chorus sending me the hometown paper. I "Rejoice Greatly, 0 Daughter of appreciate receiving it very much be- Zion" Evelyn Soellner cause it is the only way to learn, "I Know That My Redeemer LivetlZL all that happens in my home com-1 Adele Froehlich munity. "Hallelujah" Mixed Chorus From this little letterhead you no There is something of divine^ revel-• doubt have noticed that I am at a | ation iri the cheation of the Mesh new base again and am indeed proud j iah." It came at the lowest ebb in to be at this very famous naval air Handel's dwindling fortunes.^ Both training center. Also because this his popularity, once" so great in is the base where I shall or shall not | don, and his finances had vanished receive my wings. j and he was a sick man. _ So with "thanks for sending me! Inspired By Book the Plaindealer," I shall bid you In those dark hours his inspirati<>a farewell and best wishes from the came in the shape of a collection of sunny south. Christmas greetings have be6n re- "Our Welcome" ceived from Staff Soft, and Mrs. "Airmail Pilot" Gordon Knox and from Joseph and "Plenty" -lames Walsh. FLORENCE COFFMAN RECEIVES CIVILIAN AWARD FOR SERVICE "Brevity" "'To a Big Crowd" .. "The Secret" "A Beginner's Wish Penny Fike coupons good for five gallons each. ] .... Henry Lowe ( Fewer coupons of greater value be-; J. Joan Collins ing issued for ration ; no» increase | Homer Bassett in mileage). Outstanding B and C . Diane Rietesel coupons bearing words "mileage ra-1 ..... Scott Bacon tion" and B1 and CI coupons remain' * good for two gallons each. ALL | Dear Santa: " T Please bring me some Lincoln logs, a farm, tinker toys and a live pony, Thank you Santa. I have been a good boy. VERNON PAUL BLOCK. -.Dear Santa-Claus-:-- If you would please giye me a ring I would like itl And I would T Iso like a set of "perfume and a clay set too. Wtih love, BETTY JANE WALL? Dear Santa: I would like a table and chair set, a new wartime sled, some dishes and a blackboard. I am 5 years old. Please bring my Uncle Bob and Uncle Les, who are in the army, a Merry Christmas^; ' DIANE AUSTIN, Dear Santa: . I am a little girl almost 5 yaars Barbara Becker COUPONS MUST BE ENDORSED 'A Gift For Baby" .... Bruce Reeves IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT. 'Just Like a Man" .. Guy Chamborlin TIRE INSPECTIONS "Be Happy" Barbara Passfield For C book holders, must be com* Miss Florence Coftman of Sunset , "We Love Him" Glenn Ritzert pleted by FEB. 28; for B book hold- View, who for over a year has been "By Radio" .......^....... Elaine Vycital ers, also by FEB. 28; for A book on the staff of the War department, "Goodnight" James Downs holders, by MARCH 31. f Chemical Warfare Service, received "If I Had My Way" I the civilian award of the army ser- .....* Rosemary Ritzert vice forces last week through her 'Size Is No Handicap" v.; "Merry Christmas" ... Patsy Havkr | commanding officer by direction of John Vycital "The Christmas Recipe" .. Patsy Owen i I the Secretary of War. The award "My Dolly" ........ Sara Kay Douglas ««jU8t Suppose" Dick Becker! : was given for her outstanding per- "What ! Love* .... Lola Jean Ritzert Dream" . LeRoy Ritzert i rmanee -w*tfa-ithe service--m which-"Chrietmas Cookies'^r^;^^.....: , Christmas* Message" ."IT! he is employed. She is well known Frances Kenimer _ Carol Olsen and Betty Lockwood n McHenry. "Away In a Manger Christmas Pilot" .... Donnie Dowe1 Miss Coffman is .ifcflr OH '.tMBp^Wjiiy Primary Depiartment and Givers" Junior Girls j iuty at RockfordL | "My Christmas Guest' "Dear Little Stranger" ..Diane Bacon -- ~~ ---- --........ Shirley Christcnson Come Let Us Adore Him" Ring Christmas Bells old. Please bring me a nurse set, a bathinette and a doll with hair. Thanking you. \ PATRICIA ANN FREUND. Sincerely, •'i LEO GERLACH, Pensacola, fla. GRADE PUPILS MAKE FINE SHOWING IN STAMP PURCHASES JAMES DOHERTY James Doherty enjoyed. -- i Pagaent Eileen Bassett «offering-' _ Offertory -- Celia Page , ; "Christmas Stars" .... Walter Kene- MWWtmg For Santa" .. Jimmy Green furlough at his home here a few imor, Ronnie Becker, Francis Ritzert; Santa Claus will arrive at the nionths ago, at which time he was and Bob Nickels. 'The Best Wish" ........ Donna Dowe Come on kiddies, only one more "The Door Bell" Mary Lindsay close of the program. joined in marriage with a Kansas i girl. Sgt. James is ^stationed in Mrs. Nick N. Justen returned Mon- i Topeka. The other two boys now Weelc in which to get your letters |' What They Say" .... Patsy Goransenlday from the Woodstock hospital 'serving are Robert of Camp White, in to the Plaindealer office so Santa j "The Christmas Corps" ............ Dick, where she had beih confTned for j Oregon, and Phillip of Camp Chaffee, can read them. Collins, Freddy Goodsir and Robert several days. Ark. biblical excerpts compiled by a pompous dilettante. Jennens, and hB.-' meek hireling, Pooley. While Jennens fancied himself quite a literary; fellow, it was later learned thft Pooley did the actual work of tl|fc 'Messiah" book, though his employer claimed credit. At any rate, Handel eagerly seized • upon the -verse's, locked himself in According tr» information received 1 his room and went into inspired labor__ this week, pupils of the public grade until one day his faithful servant school have made a fine record with entered the room only to find his their war stamp sales. From Oct. master in tears. Handel had^uat t, 1942, to Jan. 1, 1943, these boys finished the "Hallelujah" chorus kad and girls bought $605.65 worth of he explained, '<1 did think I did stamps and from Jan. 1, 1943 to jHeaven before me and the grej^t , June 1, 1943, they purchased $1255.90 God Himself!" •• worth. From Sept. 15, 1943 to Dec.. In London his"Messiah" fulfill«4 7, 1943, they bought stamps worth his expectations, by hardly creating $732.75. The total amount purchased a stir, but he ™as content for in little more than a year has been had not wished to make money from ; $2,594.30. his work. He considered it a bigger In addition to the purchasing of thing than that. r stamps, the Boy Scouts and the boys' In a later performance, however, gym classes collected about six tons when a nobleman mentioned to Han-, of paper since the war began. They del that the hearers had enjoyed^ also helped greatly in the tin can the work, he replied.. "My Lord. X and Mrap drives. should be sorry i£I only entertained v . --: --r-- them. I wished to make them bet- NOTICE ter." Of all his hundreds of com- We are going to be open for busi- positions, the "Messiah" pleased him ness Thursday afternoon, Dec. 23, and the rest of the world----most, due to the Christmas shopping. BAftBIAN BROS, and SCHAEFER'S MARKET. Need Rubber Stamp*! Order *at Ilie Plaindealer. « NOTICE Our kitchen will be closed ail da*" and evening on Christmas Day. MI PLACE TAVERN and RESTAURANT.. «