tmmi . * • -tfcs *1% yf December 16,1943 mw- McHENRT PLAINDKALKK • •* ^ i * '.'!; _* „v • *vTr^' i; r-? 1 5-i" by EARL R. WALSH Fife YIV* MCHS CAGERS GOME BACK TO WIN 27-24 GAME FROM HEBRON BLUE CROSS PLAN NOW COVERS FIRMS EMPLOYING FIVE ° It's been many a day since our J Plan for Hospital Care, which is M. C." H. S. basketball team beat the | also known as the Blue Cross Plan, BOY SCOUTS Before the Scout meeting opened THANKS FOR PAPER the Scouts spent the regular half hour shooting baskets. The Scout _ _ meeting was then opened by post- Hebron ball-handling artists--but has just extended its benefits to Iin* ^ Colors. The Color guards I American Legion in appreciation for by a, former serviceman, Victor O. they turned the trick here Tuesday. cover firms employing as few as, £ere J? **au2» 7^x7°°^ . j the Legion courtesy cards sent out Siegler, of Spring Grove, who has MARINE PARATROOPER .. WRITES APPRECIATION LETTER TO POST 491 EX-SERVICEMAN EXPRESSES HIS The following letter was received The following letter was received recently by the local post of the this week at the Plaindealer office streamlined and! i •Wie of our old school mates, Bill now be evident. Harrison, is a copy of the letter written to the Editor of the Round1 C The kid is really Lake Bulletin, and handed to us by ^ around casting reflections on »•«' » • ^ : formerly ^ Bill's mother. While we haven't S of us poor civilians who have ^uarter _»nd i proceeded to ploying ten •een Bill so much since high school lost (our girlish figure®. | days, he always rated as a good ; J | fellow. We read this letter with We w)H follow an CH established du;in~ the "entire "firet"'half as thev MOU readers OI &> r*.s HXI-.. "^* , gcQu0sfr] ZAhon'il t "jnsio iMinyvi n/Kf il•t nKrohchif"o!la ,oI,n> * *m 1%i " * Southwest Pacifit- say been honorably discharged f, ; army: 1 "Dear Mr. Mtohet: 1 ' '"On Dec. 1, I di#- The following letter written bylmalcy in that section of town will j niSht- 2? 24. in the wildest finish ; five people according to an annowu*-i ' re*ently: v , , - -- 'you could hope to see. - j ment by Robert T. Sherman, presi-1 ' * Pos^~ l"e scouts went into a, «j>ear Mr. Yanda: The start of the game was miser- dent of the organisation. j . Peno<i w"€re they studied such • "Received your thoughtful and apable from a McHenry standpoint! Thi^e^nsion of the plan, which ! OatT iTw Tnd Merit' Badges for F^u^ <*** ^ *ish 10 "un yec. i, i was honorably dii^ The visitors went into a 7 to 1 lead1 formerlv was limited to firms em- iC ' , , uaoges ior thank you and your post. As you -harwpH from the tt q . ' it &t quarter and pr^eeded to paying or more people, is being day X!" 20 1943 ^7 will akj Probab'y remembe; father' W!»- Force Technical Training Command stretch the margin to 16 to 2 at made/t this time asa sp^ial com-, b/a Court Honor at this m^t^ Tth,- Field, Texls. It was tu u , , , , v , munity service on the home front, j It m be Scoutmaster Schoen- y sena"g somevvhere |n with a g^at deal of regret on my The horn, b.,. looked hop«l«s„r. Sh.rm>t, i mJ*g, s zone de " 5* Therese and Victory Memorial be inducted into the navy. Come acouainted ^ith the Americ^n lS in view of *th| illness I j^,u readers ol S,. 1. n.. ^ good ^ut Glenny,xbut hesitate to fense. ^hots went haywire, passes ^PL^htvinfiv^ WDTiIls Tn Ch e °^°k there.a11 yoU ,sc°uts> come on ^ gion in the state of Illinois and I ™n,ra " + A _ T . „ n .. | - yti^ng bad until we learn were smeared--But, let's get into e A j- meeting Monday. , am very proud to be a member of Editor Round Lake Bulletin* whether or not he picked up any the more pieasant memories of the and surrounding^ communities that scouts then had a lot of fun the Sons of Dear Sir: commando 'tactics while in service. Koi# sponsor plan for hospital care, which •- Upon receiving the August 28th j Itsue of the Bulletin, last night I j the American Legion had contracted it would be best tl&t I be returned to civilian life. I enjoyed every minute of my1 fif- V-mail caHs from "Doc" second half of the game. i>»u singing songs some even sang solos. 'Post, 21. teen months in the service. Often It was a more determined five that 'S an°"-pro^°m^^ty-Se^C.e 0r: After this they had H swell time: However, it has b«*n in your com- we, *'ere required to put in u , _ A x ,, , j t * -»*»«» voiuo aiviu wv KAririeeggceir tbowo&k tthiiec #uow.rr ifvorr iMnic'Hntennrryy *in tvhnee 1'™".!°, " j Ai . » P'^n* "Pr'i soner's® B,se- Iamn ^tuhuios , nmi„unniutyy 1I hn„nvvee liiivverut. gicounnee 10 , f, . , , , , . V*as very touched to be able to readj^. ..Zukie„ Kinwla show ^ WAr,s«ond Half. Shots found their mark me" an<i WT \% { farJ"lles srame they had bases in two of the grammar school and enjoyed many ?at compared to. the trials, tnbulaall about the old home town, PeoPje hasn't done too much to their Christ- and the boys began to breakin' before! 2? #grouI> hosP11®1, ^urance bene- corners, one on each side. If you years of joyous moments, some of ns and 8uff*nnSf of our h"08 « ^ » --j •» • -v • •> fits for * very small monthly mem- .. .. I:?'. that I used to know, and to be able mRg gpirit ip realize that parties, carnivals and »fjay times still exist back in the good Old U. S. A. thfe Hebron defense could get set- terehip fee ----j The crowd sensed a chance for vie-j _ Frank Kempfer wins the distinc-' tory, but Hebron still held a 21 to II | , . tion this year of appearing with the edge at the end of three quarters of That issue of the Bulletin "was the first stocking cap of the season. play. I first paper from.home in two months.- " . Following the ball like hawks and A number of the school children Relay." In this game each side lined that I again reside in your commun Rin^fwood School Notei were tapped by the other side, you i which were spent in sipping those, 8 ^ us worked Willingly, had to go to their jail until a boy famous' sodas of the late Mr. Karls, trainmg those who were to rneet the from your side got hold of your hand.! I also joined the Boy Scouts there ienemy ,n our stead. Both of you could then walk back, l and have prospered immensely from One of the highlights of my. days Anthier game played was "Basket those meetings and hikes, etc. Now in the service was the arriVal of the _ \£cHenry Plamdealer. It was al- 0 Jtail service is not so hot with us,! This one floored us. As w6 comb- not letting down for a second, thel took the Schick Test at the McHen- up with their legs spread apart. The ity 1 feel honored in receiving an ways welcome and jrhile reading % ; 'because being a construction batal- ^ our curly locks straight down over boys could not be denied Victory in ry Grade school last .week. Monday front boy rolled the ball to the last honorary card from yovir post. I' I felt many miles closer to good old i ion, we do not stay in one place very our face and peered though the that wild last quarter. The drive < morning they went to McHenry to who Pushed with his head to certainly appreciate your thought-. McHenry. I Want to compliment you ^ Ipng. snarly mass to find a part, thence reached an anti-climax as Art Jack- have the test refcd. Some of $he; a P°st under the basket, picked the fulness and v-ish you many return? on your very fine paper. Earl Walsh's Since leaving Round Lake last to proceed with pompadour strokes, son drove in to sink his fifth baskfet children received their first dose ofup made three baskets ^ an^ atid memberships for the New column was always read with a great ; December 23i I have travelled nearly > the curious mind of a -3-year old-of the half and tie the score at 23- toxoid Monday morning. , then went back and rolled it to . "Yours- truly, . j^eal of zest but some skepticism. - the next Scout. The colors weiv | "ROBERT WILLIAM WAUGH1. In closing I want to. thank you same color guards "P.S. By the way, is Adjutant Ray and all those who made it possible W; 25,000 miles, most of which has been prompted this remark, 'Don't comb all. McCracken then put the wipner The Ringwood Grade school will *fe next ^ " new to mp. . :il a11 Daddy, you need some through the hoop. McCracken sunk hold their annual Christmas Party! rTn ^tired b3f I arrived in Rhode Island on the j up in front. morning of December 25, a Christ-! *|Bas that I shall never forget. Green j « you are looking for a game for Hebron to end the scoring, and dumb bunch of recruits that we i the books, look over that basketball Never has a basketball the final basket for McHenry and at the Community Hall Johnson dropped in a free throw for 23. A very interesting program is being planned by the teachers and g.a m e children. The lower room children December ^°outs then sang "Taps" and McGee the same person who operated for me" to receive your very fine went home, ""'Chief Scribe, ROBERT FRENCH: were. We stood in the snow and victory that Mac's Warriors marked brought McHenry fans to their feet will sing some Christmas sonjrs. I Slop while we were assigned to com- up Tuesday night at the expense of in wilder acclaim. That last quarter They are also working on several : panies and barracks. I Hebron. i brought out a do-or-die fighting spirit plays. Tliffe upper grade room are' From there on it was shots in the »rm, and one, two, follow your left. jL,eft that camp on the night of CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to thank that pleased the home fans. working on a operetta named "Christ- my friends for visiting me while I The home club scared only two! Hebron, after six years of county mas Eve in Ringwood Village." They was confined in the hospital. I am the clothing store in McHenry sever- paper. al years age ? i Wishing you continued success and -- • ',7.., \/ . \a very happy holiday season I am, !: Sincerely yours, Boy Scout Active VICTOR O. SIEGLER. In Portland, Maine, a Boy Scout ' troop sold $4,000 worth ^ war bonifa 1 ()rder your Rubber Stamps at TIm and stamps in a nine-day campaign. piajndealer. _ _ points in the first half--then dropped1 supremacy, showed that they still are also going to put on a play grateful for cards and other itarch 17. Travelled by rail "across: twenty-fivip points in the second have & good team this year--'-though 1 '"Grandma Fixes the Car." remembrances sent to me. fie U. S.,' to Camp Parks, Cal. We half to win a dipsy-doodle battle. not a great one. ^ ^ ^ ^ Christmas vacation will begin De- GEORGE JUSTEN. Stayed in Camp Parks over night,! The McHenry second team defeat- ceml)er 24. School witf^ resume Mid then bought our tickets.,for our|t would have to search back a ed the Hebron Lights^ 38 toJ5. again January 3. PF .-.'j- • m: ten day leave, most of which we j ,ong w»y to find a game in which McHenry spent riding trains. Upon returning j the fans went so sky high. Jonsk-U ^ to Camp Parks, we stayed for two ^ ^ ^ chaefer ..., ..weeks, and then moved on to Port There was Kkte Thies, a true fan, McCracken \Heunema, Cal. Here we trained bobbin' up with excitement equal to Michels jnore and after a few weeks, shipped «»»y high school kid. Fred Heide lost Jackson for Island X on board the S. S. Del ,vo^e <and that's something') • Neiss .. Brazil Kt-hel Freund couldn t be described i Miller - We had an uneventful trip across as the essence of calmness. Fred' the blue Pacific--and, believe me, Rogers was instilling the old college! - it's so blue that it looks like blue trV in the b°ys- Everybody was ex- Hebron - -- >• _ Johnson Slavin .. While Hebron came to town with- Devries out an impressive record this year, Yank .... they made the first half look much Henrich like other Hebron games of. late Nadson years. V FG . ...0 ......1 2 ......5 ......0 ......0 FT 0 2 0 1 0 0 COMING EVENTS CARD OF THANKS In this manner I desire to express my sincere thanks for gifts, cards, and other remembrances, sent to me ! during my nine-week stay in the, hospital. I am also grateful tof the many friends who visited me. STEPHEN H. FREUND. iiik. We joined King Neptune's;01^ Court of Honor, on the 16 day of June, and that was a party; ask anyone that has done it. We saw lots of flying fish, sharks, and a few whales; and, after 18 days, saw our first land. The best and most welcome sight, though, was, when one day out from (Here two lines censored) were sure welcome. We landed on a beach late that night, and started to unload our equipment. RESIDENCE CHANGES The August Lunkenheimer family | has moved from Wilmot, Wis., to the Buch place on Riverside Drive. our boys stopped cold. There was a spot where we needed a Harry We worked *24"hours.a day for theI Anderson to drop a couple, of long first week, and then 12 hours a day. shots and draw them out. We built our camp for 1200 men--i t two camps for battalions that came i Several so-called subs played a Dec. 16 C, D. of A. Christmas Party Dec. 17 County -'•fifcirymen M^tthjj-^Wood-1 V stock. :,.Vr 'I . .ftJ-. Dec. *9 ' ; V.FT; PF Christmas ^arty--Business and Pro- , 1 2 feseional Women's Club--Mrs. Mabel 0 0 0 Hobbs' home. ..i.,.....v...5 2 l i Christmas Program--LinColii school. 1 4 -til:- Dec..21 ~ ~ --" ..............0 1 3 | F0x River Valley Camp, R. N^A--- Order your Rubber Stamps at The 1 0 Christmas Party and Service Flag Plaindealer. Dedication. Totals ...8 8 12 . Riverview Camp, RNA--K of C Hall . ] --Christmas Party--Exchange of the entire team shifts as a unit, had CRYSTAL LAKE STOPS ! 10c gifts. MCHS WARRIORS AFTER itfru „ . 22 t' tlJ , THREE STRAIGHT WINS chorus °" ^ Lily Lake P. T. A.--Christmas Party Last Friday night the Warriors Dec. 23 J traveled to Crystal Lake and lost two Lady Foresters--Christmas Party. The Hebron zone defense, in which - n eton« and PArth dock and! Part in the victory. Norm Neiss games very decisevely to two very East River Road Pinochle Club-- ab^ut 20 miles of road started in place of the ailing Bob good Crystal Lake teams. The var- Mrs. Ben Dietz. Carver and did a good job. | sity lost 58 to 35 and the lightweights - . , received a 31 to 7 going over. Bud" Miller saw service at guard Our varsity, after leading at the After being there for about three months, we loaded up jand left for our Second island X. • Here we have built a big base camp, cleared away acres i and played a big part in controlling , quarter and only four points behind of bush and swamp, ?knd built miles I the ball during the final dash. He at the half, really lost the game in Of road through dense tropical jungle.: shifted to center when Michels went the third quarter. Crystal Lake Our camp is among cocoanut palm3, j out on fouls. , i outscored us in that quarter 19 to 6, and we have eaten our fill of them. -- t and, to really put the game away, We have to be careful not to let them ^on Schaefer took over Bonslett's j scored 18 more in the last quarter^ fall on our heads. We have lots of 8P°t during the last half and again, jerry Schroeder and Hiayden led1 parrots, a few monkeys, and all the i S!j0, can play the game scoring for Crystal Lake with 22 crabs, spiders and bugs of the trop- °* basketball. ; ; j and 16 points respectively. ics. There are crocodiles in ^e Tnj-irgnn nnrl rSun Bonslett led the scoring for Mc-! swamps. Gigantic bats fly about at Art Jackson and Dfean McCracken „ . , . ooints Michels had 8 • ht Thp temnerature in the sun showed determination in the entire ™enry witn i^ points, Micneis nad », ht. ine temperature in tne sun tv,» Jackson collected 6, McCracken had is 1^0 d^rees or better, and the second half that turned the tide The Miller and Carver had two humidity isN<ery high. It rains In boys seemed to set their minds on j *• "nd miler an^ Car er had and liirhtnine erasing the memory of that terrible i A ^ ,n i first h«lf. Thev Hid It is interesting to note the 37 fouls in the game, 18 for McHenry I- Jan. 3 Altar and Rosary--Mrs. H; & Walsh • Home. • V- X - X ' . P. T. A. Jan. 10 " , Griswold Lake Community Cltib-- Meeting Jan. 11 * Second Toxoid Administrations .-**• Grade School Gym W surf swim-1 first half, after 6 p.m., mosquitos time we torrents, and thu are very sharp. ming every day, but nqt because then the m alalia come out. During the da; lire pretty nearly a nudist colony. . There are lots of old Jap ships and equipment on the beach and in the jungle. Skeletons are a]ways in the lyay. and we think nothing of them. I have two skulls at the head of my cot. The marines that took thia j island did a swell job. We live with! them, are attached to the 1st M. A.| C., and we eat in each other's chow 1 lines. They are a swell bunch of j men and have high esteejn for us. We have one bond in common: "No battle too tough for them, and no job too tough for ,us." And, sometimes it is plenty tough, " for reasons I can't set forth now.; At the present our job here is nearly done, so, soon we will follow the mar- . ines into another island X and be and 19 for Crystal Lake. Our lightweights did not get a field goal in the first half but dropped in three in the last half to keep it respectable. McHenry Poe. FG FT T TP Bonslett ...F 4 4 3 12 McCrackt# '.... ...F 1 2 ! Michels i Carver JJackson Schaefer, Miller ..^ Frett . .... C G .?...^.....AG F C ...... BOWLING NOTES Sdiaefers' Mae Simon, 479; M. Schaefer.* 400; Totals;., Crystal Lake Reddersdorf Timm ;.F Hayden C Schroeder .....^......G Dawson ...........G Brockrogge ............F . It 11 18 35 Pos. FG FT T TP ...F 3 2 4 8 one s*te p cil oser to TTnoikmyro. atxnnAd Vhoi'nmmep . E. Miller^, 415; D. Schaefer, 207-124 01«'-no. Ros<? .Tipps ....................'C Hoping ,that this letter',s of interest ^531; Fanny Freund 216-509; ^ " to ^ou and tUfct you have success in St:lhnjr, 6C1; Stilling, 441; M. ^ark* alvvavs more ^°_c ^ L . ?I. you. and tH^t you your business, I am than glad to get the Bulletin and I !p>main, Yours truly. 1 16 22 2 0 -7:- 'Hottb why Mm tsysriTIAyS to worm vffth GIZZARD CAPSULES QaMr-lacy* Waa'f Mm IM «r Wnnnlnt pan doubl# <1W- 4end« this y«»r, in e«fs for l*acl« 8&m and btafer priftu for TO!'. Kf<»p this winter! Pai d Insoluble 4'tpsu)« ( oaiiiig doec not dissolve In crop-- protects ir.ediclne until crushed by jrlixard--dellverg correct dode, full itmiirth to worms. Won't Mckm birds or knock eptr production. Ft* til S kindt of «< rms- Pin, Larc* R/'urd ftDd Large T»p^, <i«ts li^mU t' all ipeclcs of Tipea that ftr* product. oo market can fr. AtKMit lo or leaf per bird» Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry ARE YOU PUZZLED? About what to give some relative or friend this Christmas? Well, we can furnish the real answer and your purchase will help your government and provide one of the best gifts. That is to buy WAR STAMPS and WAR BONDS. In addition, we might suggest you select some useful household article to be found in a hardware store. There are many items in that line that will please the lady of the house and also the "old man" himself. Comer in and look us over - E. H. Nickels H a r d w a r e Phone 2 West McHenry I) Devick, 183- 449: L. Stilling. 523; A. E. Nye, 518; Frisby, 201; McGee, 516; Simon, 552; j. Bennett, 563; H. Smith. 227-610; H-; WttUAM-Cr HARRisON,'*:.-!!. 1-C. jmmekus, 208-491; C. Do we, 211-525; 1 . Hagberg, 203-532; Justen, 228-523. "Little Glenny" came marching | home this week, looking like a mill- i ion bucks in his- "army uniform,: '. j Totals n 1? 19 58 Palace Color in Shipyards ' One naturally expects action and noise in a shipyard but its color can be thrilling and unexpected. Once in a while an artist catches this Rogers, 225-580; Adams, 210-546; shifting panorama of raw color on Al Barbian, 524; Gus Freund, 223- canvas and produCe8 Somethm* West Side. Conditions will now change on the ^f.ycraft' ^ Marshall, The trend toward nor-, 469!Krause, 444; G. Barbian, 459; D. Hester, 220-514; H. Smith, 224-573; E. Hester, 516; Jim Carlson, 533; E. Smith, Smith, 580; Hup Smith, 550. i ?e"ry,™ - ""*• »nd7h«°^Si ; ^ of a giant propeller seemingly made of gold. White-hot rivets tossed through a man who casually m FREE SIMPLE TEST NOW TELLS YOU WHICH COWS HAVE MASTITIS Har« ia a quick, my way to te«t your cow* far Mastitis. You can do It youraelf rljht tn jour own barn. Teat 20 cows In 2# mill, with tba Bcebc "BTB" teat. And It does not coat you g penny. Here is ^11 you do: Ask ua foe the apecial Beebe "BTB" Teat Card. We wUl ftlva you FREE one teat card for each cow In your herd. All you do Is follow the almple directions on the card. We have Baabe "BTB" teat cards In stock now. Aak for your FREE aupply today. Remember, a faw minutes spent In teatlnft your CO we for Mastitis may sa*e some ol your moat vaindhfolBftlmalA from ilattihtcr^ .THOMAS P. BOJ.GER • The McHenry Druggist really notable. A ship under construction is a maze of color--glittering lengths of galvanized sections against the deep 570; Jimmy °ran8e bulk of ventilator pipes the Mc Autterin8 azure great sheets of blueprints against the dead static ROTNOUR PLAYERS The Rotnour Players, who Q»lay to audiences in the high school audi- catches them in a gadget th%t looks torium each Tuesday night, will not liJie a funnel are like miniature be in Mc"?nry on Dec. 21, which comets and a spray of white sparks is Christmas week. The company gushes forth when a cutting torch promises new faces and a bigger gnaws through a, steel plate. show when they again appear here j^jx this color against a back- Tuesday, Dec. 28. ground of rippling green water and a shipyard emerges with color unmatched by any other American industry. ' Plaindealer. <" Order your Rubber Stamps-IKt The iXeeds- Good Soil They sa/ that alfalfa is1 not a *'poor land" crop but should be planted only on a fertile, welldrained soil that is medium heavy. If it is planted on bottom soils, where __ ~ ~ • - the water table is relatively high, WANTED--Maintenance tnaii. the crop gets "wet feet" and the Hunter Boat Companv. 50-tf plants die out. , * - j For Che Holidays All Kinds of LIQUORS WINES ICE CREAM CIGARS CIGARETTES UNTI NORTHLAND GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT Corner Gr&n and Elm. Streets PHONE 104-R McHENRY, ILL. ALL-PURPOSS H«i>l Flour 99|' aL.PUKPOSE azel Flour 49-lbs. $1.98 ENRICHE0 FLOUR PilUbury 'KITCHEN-TESTED" R.OUR ^$149 GsM Medal ££$2.49 DOMINO PowdTtd Sugar pkI 8c ENRICHED FLOUR PWsfcwy •KITCHEN-TESTED" FLOUR Sold Medal ^ *1" IN SHELL--DIAMOND LARGE IUDDED Walnuts lb. 44c BRER RABBIT GREEN LABEL Molasses GLASS 15C SUNMAID BLACK ZANTE (J Gr*«n Wv) Currants .'V?| l9c IMITATION Cinnaman 8c CAKE FLOUR BAG Swansdowm 25c ,0118e ALMOND OR PECAN Nat Maats c&lo iag ALMOND OR PECAN. Nut Maats cello^aI 34C DINING CAR BRANDl'n WET MiaaaMaat «lm$43c DROMEDARY DICED Citraa Paal f« 12c HAZEL CakaFlaur NATIONAL GROUW> 0lac«r VANILLA EXTRACT Buriatt's NATIONAL VANILLA Extract ..2pkg: 20C .'VI 12c j 1 2 c 19c S E A S O N S F I N E S T F R U I T S & V E G E T A B L E S U. S. NO. I SIZE A IDAHO RUSSET POTATOES .. 10 ^ GREEN SOLID HEADS I FANCY ICEBERG HEAD Cabbage 3 LBS. • • 2 LH MARSH SCCOLKSS GRAPEFRUIT . . . . . 5 33< 42* 2S* n.O«IDA SWEET AND JUICY CALIFORNIA NATO Oranges • • 6 US. 35° j Oranges • • 2 l§$, 23C tficCH S&ztH/z4 A B C 0Dece*H&ei 20 TOMATO Juice .. 18-OZ. CAN MH | CAMPBELL'S PORK t Beans .. 'Iff I3C| 18 PRUNE JUIC6 _ _ Sunsweet ^ 26c HEALTHFUL Tomato Juftt ..^Sn 21C VEGEIABlt JUICE V-8 Cocktail '^Z N 15c LOUD MOn FRENCH STYLE | Green Beans NO.jcan 15ci extra STAND*RD CUT Green Beam #v. SLICED Beets 4^s2s 12c ^ 12c[ WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12-OZ. IQC Niblets CAN M AMERICAN HOME GOLDEN #1 _ 20-OZ born no. 2 can 13c whole kernel National CornN0. }CA2N 1 3C COME AGAIN I Corn no ? can 11c 10 is AMERICAN HOME Sifted 20-02 NO Peas 2 CAN 12' 10 PEAS Big Sweets COMS AGAIN P®*S NO-J CAN all GREEN CUTS AND TIPS I . Asparagus N C°J 29ci1* . CAN IvV; S&utt/kA L M N P Ttotu COME AGAIN Margarine cm NAT JON AL UNSWEETENED Evap. Milk 'Sn01 9e SWIFT'S MARGAWNi Allsweet CTN margarine Mtrifald Si 18c PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING Crisco 'Ja\ 25c PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING Sury - 25c :aRnaTion or DEAN'S Evap Milk 9c swift s bland oi armour s star Lard FOR SALADS C^TN 18c Wesson Oil cor COOKING Wesson Oil GLA£SS 29c p\56c SALERNO Butter Cookios Vi 16c SALIINES Salerno & 16c « 44/ 100% »UR4 Ivory Soap ._. floating /; Ivory Soap OiSSOl vE". NSTANTLV Ivory Snow «U#E-SAFE Ivory Flakas MEB C. ...... Caki Qv .. C^E IOC oi ... PKG 23c 23c LAUNDR* iOAF American Family 2 MIS 11c S^ANULAIEO SOAP D»' „ "Xi 23c 'til Oxydol ..*£i 23C Super Suds 24 os. pkg. 23c lo one*! at an OMrckxrvOiM mmo Mrtlf D« >da»c M KXWIOM tniM* • DDTOiimat** »aui««l*al tccovm 31 Illinois OccnP«Mo*«i 1st Act I NATIONAL STORES