Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1943, p. 8

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%T: f * s *f **•, ^k :k-. - '; fj" '/••. j^-Jb/Wv i •Z&>. . THE McHENBY PUUNDEALE* ' * - , j : . . ; ThnndAy, December 30, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I LEOlA SOHAJ7EK BECOMES BRIDE OF i 80K. R. 1. CONROYD i " W. S. C S. Vice Oracle :•• Circle 1, W. S.*C. S., wiH iheet at Past Oarcle ....... the home of Mrs. George Kramer on Tuesday, Jan. 4. p.' - *• ' • / Communion Sunday Ifcitt Sunday, Jan. 2. will he Coitimunion Sunday for the Altar and_ church, All members are ,, be present at the 8 o'clock mass. The single ring wedding service which united Leola Schaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Schaffer, and Sgt. Roman Lincoln Conroyd, son of Mrs. Thomas Jones, was read by Rev. Fr. E. A. McCormick in iSLMabel Johnson Thomas church Tuesday, Dec. 21, .V Amanda Brown at 10 o'clock in the morning. ...... Eva Wegener! The bride's sister Loretta was .... Alice Lindsay bridesmaid. The bride's cousin, Ar- ...... Susan Olsen thur Boger of Elmwood Fark, was Caroline Schiessle best man. Carrie Ensign Following the ceremony, a reception illSffS • - -•v.'} Chancellor. Recorder 4 Receiver Inner Sentinel Outer Sentinel „ _ Marshall Gertrude Thurwell was held in the Schaffer home on muruon ounuiiy j.vji mc onu i . rtl, .... t Rririlc huffct luiichcon bsinfi! Rosary sodality * of St. Patrick's' Other officers will be appointed 150 «ruests Among the asked to by the oracle. Installation of officers served the 150 guests. g " will be held on Jan. 22. The next out-of-town attendants at the wed- . 'regular meeting of the group will ^ an^ palj£ wcre e ^r^0IT. V * ,• : * be on Jan 4 mother, Mrs. Thomas Jones, and his Altar dp KbfiWf , ^ # ' • ' . * ;• pistei% Elaine Jones, of L i b e r t y v i l l e , .The . Altar and ^Rosary sodality of i Mr; and „ ]$rs.~' Arthur ' 'Boger and vlSt. Patrick's church will hold its, ,/•. ! - jIfWo sons from Elmwood Payk, Mr. r~first meeting of the new year at Mr. and Mrs. Chris D Vore of Mc-„ ancj ^jrg . "Henry Shaffer, Mr. and • the home of Mrs. M. J Walsh on Cullom Lake announce the engage-; Mr&. 3tonley Schaffer, Mrs. Cather- ^Mondav evening,1-Jan; t, at '8. p-in\. n?ent of their daughter, Marjorie, to ine j. ^ and Mrs. SusaW Adams Outgoing officers will aet as hos- Arthur R. Nelson, son of Mr. and: of M&enry. ^ ^ >tesses. All members are asked to Mrs. Arthur R. Nelson, Sr., of Wau- ! A.fte\ the reception the bride .and . be present at this important me^t-Jf.conda juu)'Miami Beach, Fla. ,, <r groom )pft for a horieymoon in Chi- ,'ing, when new officer^ AVill be elected' , " , |fc"ago,and departed on December: "26 if fftr the- ensuing year. • ,| - ^i'<. HohorVNavy Man *^V ' „ Jfor Texas, where they will take an * ' V . " S c f i o e n h o l t z , " w h o " ' f e f t l a s t a p a r t m e n t n e a r C a m p W o l t e r s w h e r e V., "Ringwood Home Bureau \ 'Monday for navy service; was honor- Conroyd is stationed. A graduate Ringwobd Home Bureau tiftit ed ' at a chicken dinner given for of gt. Thdmas school and of Crystal will meet Jan, 4 at the home of Mrs. members of their card club at the'; Community high school, class of -Lloyd Ben well - ' Mrs/Sweeney * ^vill homfe of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold An- 1938,. Mrs. Conroyd Was employed in give the major topic, "Adults Under- dersop. ; An enjoyable evening was Jewel's Beauty shop for three years, standing Younger -Children and spent. , ^ , Youth." The mingr project, "Recre- On,e oth«ir Evening 'Schpenation In the Community," will be 1 holtz was honored by memliers of the given by local leaders. Roll call will local Legion post at a party at the Jan. 2 be responded to with "Things I plan Legion hall. This party was in honor i mmmnnmn Sunday--Altar aild Ros to get done during the months of of the Scoutmster's fine work withj ary Sodality. January and February." the Scouts during the. past fifteen * *• ... ' * * years. Christmas Party * j .• » * * A Christmas party was given on j Holiday Reunion Christmas Eve for Miss Patricia1 A family reunion was held at the" INSPIRING LETTER WRITTEN TO GRADE PUPIL BY SOLDIER COMING EVENTS Jan. 3 -Mrs. M. J. Walsh, ; i"' Altar and Rosary : H o m e .• W ' ; Jan. '4 , Home Bureau--Mrs. Lloyd Benwell. Justen and her baby brother, Jerry, George Witt home on Christmas Eve, ( jrox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. and also her cousin, Jimmy Michael with thirty members of the family Johnsburg Community Club Justen "and Kerbby Frank Kellner. present. A duck dinner was enjoyed, j Jan. 5 A beautiful Christmas tree adorned after which Santa paid a call and * the room and Santa came to make left many gifts. Later in the even- Jan. 6 D. of A.--Business Meeting, Jan. 10 George Justen on Waukegan "street. Present at the reunion Were the Griswold Lake Community Guests at the Justen home besides Clark Nichols family and the Leu the children were Mr. and Mrs. Mich- gcheid family of McHenry; the Ray ael Justen, Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke family of Wauconda; the Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen, Harry Garland family of Island Lake Mrs. Frank Kellner, the latter of and j>jrs. Carl Hibbe of Chicago. Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Cle-! * * • mens Adams of Johnsburg. First Birthday Gifts were exchanged, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and a few hours of cards. A tasty family spent Sunday in Cicero where NEWS ABOUT OUR the evening merry for the little ing cards provided entertainment for folks at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. the group. _ Club- Meeting . Jan. 11 Second Toxoid Administrations -- Grade School Gym Jan. 22 Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A..-- Installation. „ Ferol Martin, who is a stj dent in the public grade school, naa been doing a very patriotic service during recent months by writing to various servicemen, telling them just what she and her fellow students have beeh doing to help the war effort and what her family is doing on their farm near McHenry. In answer to her letters Ferol has' been receiving many very appreciative letters who encourage her to keep up her good work. -One such letter we take pleasure in printing: "Dear Ferol: "I appreciated your nice letter, much. It is good to know that you and your friends at school are doing so much to help us beat the Japs and the Nazis. Just think, the very life raft that you bought may easily have been the one that saved my life and the lives of my crew when we crash-landed our Flying_Fortress in the North Sea. Keep up the good'work! Keep buying war stamps and "collecting paper, raising calves and food on yoflr farm and before you know it we'll have this war Won. And when it has been won you will know that you, yourself, as well as your friends and family, have done your part. That's what we hope to see when we come home from overseas. We want, to know that all the people of this country of ours are doing their part, that* though they; may not be able to fight they will do whatever they are best fitted to do, whfether it be buying War bonds and stamps or collecting paper or fats. Whatever you can do, do it, with the knowledge that you, too, are fighting in this war against all the evils of the world. WSth girls like you, Ferol, and schools like yours, we cannot fail to win the inevitable Victory. Sincerely; WILLIAM E. PETERS, JR., Atlantic City, NIY. WEN WAR WORKERS ROTNOUR PLAYERS. The Rotnour Players will return to McHenry for their last performance Ifmtil spring on Tuesday evening, Jan. 4. At that time an almost entirely new cast will be seen. The |>lay chosen is "Keep Moving." The Cast invites their frignds to attend lor this last performance until spring. THREE NEW VICE- : PRESIDENTS NAMED BY PUBLIC SERVICE lunch was served at the conclusion th|ey helped their „g randdaughter, the evening s entertainment. Louise Marie Vales, daughter of the • * » William Vales, celebrate her first Fox River Valley Camp birthday anniversary. During the SERVICEMEN Fred Kamholz of Camp Rucker, Ala., is visiting his parents, the The last meeting of the Fox River day moving pictures of the little "^irl Fred Kamholz, Sr., during the holidays. Also on furlough is R. Ben Jones of Camp Ellis, 111., who has been visiting his wife, the former Gwendolyn Overton. Serviceman Jones contracted the flu during his stay and was unable to report for duty on Monday. Greeting cards continue to arrive form Eugene Nielsen an Sylvester Wirfs, both serving overseas. Valley camp was held on Tuesday were taken and a delicious dinner evening of last week. Following the was served. In attendance besides business meeting, a program was! Mr. and Mrs. Vales and their daughpresented, with six girls from Ring- ters, Dolores and Mrs. Frank Kempwood enacting a short play. High- \ fer, Jr., were Mr. and Mrs. John light of the evening w^s the dedica- Micklautz of Cicero; Mr. and Mrs. tion of the service flag, at which1 John Klika and son, John, Mr. and time Supt. C. H. Duker gave a talk Mrs. Ed Hegener and daughter, appropriate on that occasion. There Margaret Louise, Mrs. Charles Vales are nine names now on the service.; and Mrs. Florence Kopriva, all of flag. Games and the singing of I Chica^b. Christmas carols followed the meet- ---- -- ing and the evening's entertainment; RECEIVES CAP Elmer Freund, who was last was concluded with the serving of At impressive ceremonies held at j accepted for navy service, is atpre-1 a delicious lunch. About thirty St. Therese hospital school of Nurs-' sent located at Great Lakes, members were present. ; ing recently, thirty students received. At the previous meeting new offi-1 their caps. Among the thirty was; Plastic File cers were elected for the new year, Miss Bertha Freund, daughter of j TJ. fli, army bands and drum corps the following being chosen to serve the A. P. Freunds, the third of her 1 now have available a new plastic during 1944: | family to choose nursing as her | tie, reported to have fully as good Oracle Carrie Justen' reer. ja tone as the standard fifes. • off the slate - - - Let's start a spotless page • . . PYTHAGORAS, when asked what time was, replied that it was the soul of the world. And so it is. Time--precious, priceless--is the span during which we build up enduring friendships, and in our business friendship counts for a great deal. We thank you cordially for yours. , • ., •' MAY THE SANDS OF THE HOUt GlASS, DRAINING AWAY DURING 1944, BRING TO YOU MANY GOLDEN HOURS OF HAPPINESS AND JOY MpGEE'S Directors of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois today named A. E. Patton, R. D. Maxson and C. G. Bennett as vice-presidents. In other moves designed to streamline operations for war and postwar acj^vities, Arthur H. Schneider was promoted to general sales manager and J. R. Pershall was made director of advertising, while Charles D. Auringer was appointed as southern division vice-president succeeding Mr. Schneider. All of the men have been associated with the company in various executive capacities for many years. Mr. Patton, who has been secretary and assistant treasurer, will continue to serve as secretary of the company. Mr. Maxson will be in charge of engineering ahd production, and Mr. Bennett will supervise rates, real estate and claims. The three vicepresidents will assume their new duties immediately. Mr. Schneider, who moves up to general sales manager, has been southern vice-president of the company with headquarters at Joliet where Mr. Auringer has been serving as assistant to the division vicepresident. RED CROSS NOTES ' J . Red Cross members of McHenry j answered our appeal for g i f t s for servicemen in their usual generous manner. However, we should like very much to especially emphasize the generousness of the Hospital Recreation group. • Mrs. Durland. chairman of this group in McHenry. reports that 80 per cent of the membership donated to the servicemen in Camp Grant hospital. * Mrs. Axtel, county chairman of hospital recreation activities, wishes to personally thank each and everyone of the young ladies in McHenry wl^o have aided her during the past year. Mrs. Durland reports that he girls have been very faithful in attending to their 1 duties. A group of the girls journey ed to Camp Grant last Sunday evening &nd contributed to the holiday • The last of girls ready to answer calls for wprk in this department from McHenry, . now totals thrty-five. If arty young ladies eighteen years or Over Wish to affiliate themselves in ths worthy cause; please call Mrs. Durland,, 229-J, as she can accept calls now at anytime of the day | or evenng. j Dorothy Heuser, one of our town's well known ydung ladies, according to reports from several Red Cross j circles, deserves very special mention I in this column for the fine work she 1 has done in Red Cross circles. She has been app^nted by the Hospital Recreation group to bring back the messages from the hospital at Camp , Grant. Miss Heuser has not missed j very many opportunities to bring cheering words to the ailing inr the I hospital. This week she reports that i the hoys wish to thank the donors j of Christmas gifts. Other young i ladles who traveled in this busy seaj son to bring Christmas cheer to the j boys are Grace Kunz, Mary Simon, Louise Walsh, Lenore Frisby, Amy ' Harrison, Alice Mae Low, Lorraine ' Schaeffer, Lucille Wteingart, Juartita ' Willets, Jean Schmitt, Eleanor Reid, j Loretta Jklej^ers, Dorothy Heuser and ' Minnie Green" I This week, when 1943 is almost; ! past and 1944 is almost a reality, we 1 are confident that the courage manifested during the last year will con- ' tinue, and we all have faith to see i the light even in the darkness. Our ! President has delivered facts which j we must and will accept as a challenge rather than a source of des- | pair, in spite of what our enemies would try to make us believe. To I prove it, we have resolved to work j | harder than ever, and cur New Year's j 1 resolution is to put forth effort . greater than ever to do our part on I the home front. j Among the Sick j Read the Wani Ads! SM4 Dlflenlties ' , It Is not easy to save seeds of some of the vegetable crops becauM they do not produce seed turtiirflle second year. This includes tnSst of the root crops, most of the cabbagp family, and also onions and celery. In our climate these plants or must be stored and reset. Subscribe for the Plaindealer MARRIAGE LICENSES MlII•• MIMMIi'M > *••»»••« Mrs. Ben Buss is quite ill at her home on Waukegan street. George Kuhn, who resides on Richmond Road, has been quite ill. Mrs. Nick Justen, who lives near Ringwood, was admitted to the Woodstock hospital^ as a medical patient last Thursday. <^~-TZsrs H01IM CB£®U0 AIL fappil /leu) Ye ax Fitzgerald's Meti'si Shop f COIFS RADIO SERVICE Hdppt| (leu; Year Duesler-Henn Poultry Ranch * * * * * * HOI I OAS C00V CMER Green Street Barber Shop V:-:\ Elbert L. Lindahl, Crystal Lake, 111., to Janet Torman, Crystal Lake, ^ 111. if George F, Klicko, Harvard, 111., to •* Darlene D. Lockwood, Harvard, 111.; + Daniel E. Marvin, Woodstock, ill., to Elizabeth B. Genz, Woodstock, 111. j Elmer F. Scott, Huntley, 111,, to I + i Annie L.' Berg, Woodstock, ^111. I • • j Albert F. Slrassburger, Fox River j! I I Grove, to Matilda S. Benkstein, Foxj^ River Grove, 111. | •£ | Julius C. Kieffer, Crystal Lake, 111., | ^ 1 to Sarah L. Durlin, Woodstock, 111. i-f | George H. Borhart, Huntley, IJ1., to Audrey Krieger, Huntley, 111. Fish Excavate Nests Many fishes excavate nests and line them with pebbles during the spawning season. * HfippiEsr naihYf •5^ Another year, another page... time to renew old friendships and that resolution which we make each year---to serve our customers still better than Hie year before . . . v I -Store far'Men.*.' reen Street McHENRV I Money spent for War Bonds goes *. te the front. Sometimes it provides ' I spectacular equipment like planes, oft times it buys a runty donkey like this American soldier te taking ashore in Italy. The quicker your * | dollars go into action, the sooner it will be over. Buy More War Bonds. | . * . U. S. Treasury Department YEAR'S GREETINGS TO EVERYBODY HAVE A GOOD TIME AND DROP IN TO SEE US REMEMBER, YOU ARE ALWAYS VERY WELCOME HERE \ Give Yourself a B«a PERMANENT WAVE Doit yourself othom. H»« Charm-Kurt Kit. 40 THOMAS P. WEST McHENRY STATE BANK

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