Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1944, p. 3

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[ IV - , -Thursday, January 6, 1944 >§v - tw-z THE McHBVEY PLAINDEALER Pagp Three pjT^ -V -'•••;'/:!k; DEATHS mm : HOMES IN 1943 Miss Eileen Fitzgerald for the death of their mother, Mrs. Alice McCrath Fitzgerald. April 18 -- Two Spring Grove residents, Mrs. Elisabeth Rfraen, 62, and John Kattner departed from this life. April 30 -- The unexpected death William Tesch of McHenry; and Mrs. Maria Clareus of Chicago and McHenry.^ July 26 --• Apparently having died in his sleep, Joseph' Diedrich was found dead in bed by his housekeeper at his- home on Park street. \ July 31 -- Mrs. John Burzinski of ? Jan. 1 -- The first sadness of the of Mrs. Agues Marshall, 58, shocked: McCullom Lake, 38, a mother of two, Slew Year to be experienced by many the whole community, coming as it i was found dead in bed by her husl& Henry residents was news of the did almost on Mother's Day. band. She had been up and about Unexpected death of Mrs. Peter May 3 -- One of McHenry's oldfJlake, aged 64. ; time residents, Michael L. Sloey, 83, Jan. 2 -- A native; of this city, Philip was taken from this life. ylward, 60, died at his home in May 5 -- A short illness ended for arrisburg, S. D. > Mrs. Henry Adams, 53, of Spring an hour previous. August 2 -- Dr. Henry F. Apdree, a Pistakef Bay resident, died suddenly. August 5 -- The community was helm, 60, died at her farm home near proachinjr holiday season was marred ! heen summer residents of Pistakee. edlv in Chicago while driving his McHenry after an illness of several by news of the death of Mrs. Leo Bay for many years. soldier son to the depot !>•. A . . „ , * I **P,kel» «•» mother of two j Dec. 18 -- A* native of McHenry, | D«, 29 - The long suffering of -• ^ " °? 2 ^?m ® C n" j Mrs. Minnie Mentch, 73, passed away' Georgee Ymxhg of Ring-wood ended window of the Walter Searbrough, Dec. 3 -- Peter Meersi&m, 75, a } in Elgin. The same day Elmer i death at the age of 52. apartment in Memphis, Tenn., was resident of Johnsburg for twenty- Wilmington, 78, of the Burtoi?!' " ' * *- ***" the cause of the death of their two three years, died in St. Joseph's! Bridge community, died. V'i •' ,,,,, f* year, three jnonth old daughter, hosDital Chicago* • 'i r>„„ n j ! u'- ,f rtrsntps dave yitamias Therese Anne. T* , . ! ., 7 Word was received of j Parsnips are a source of vitamin Oct. 28 -- John Schreiner of Ba- Dec* 10 -- JosePh J- Mertes. 76- the passing of a resident of many C, even after they have been frozen tavia a native of MeHenrv died at the Oak Park hotel fifty! years ago. Roland Babcoek, 68. during winter months. the age of 67^ Mrs: DeS'Da^ ot l**™ at his, *0 ~Dr. John A Ctaver, a| ,,V; - <>;no- r™ «.• * r*o home at the Bay. (resident of Cravercrest, MeHenrv, a 1 Sp_i g Grve died at the age of 73. ^ 12 _ Miss Elizabeth Stielow. i retired Chicago dentist, died at th-• > Cavew EcoumlaiA Oct. 30 -- James H. • Jan. 3 Sympathy was extended Grove, who died in a Waukegan hos-. shocked to hear that Senior Sgt. Mrs. George Barbian over the death pital. I Phillip B. Guinto, for sixteen years • *f her father, Gustpv Schwandt, in May 11 -- Another death shocked j attached to the state police force, * Libertyville. He was 81. our city and left an emptiness in a was lulled near Hainesville when his Jan. 5 -- George W. Hutaon, 73, family not soon filled when Mrs. j motorcycle skidded and threw him to frho formerly fanned in this com- Thomas A- Bolger, 55, passed from j the ground. M inunitv died at his home in Wood-lthis 'ife- August 13 -- Four 4ays after the Nov- p -- One of the oldest reSi Stock. ' i May 14 ^-- A former resident, j birth of her baby daughter, Mrs. 1 dents of this vicinity, Adolfrh Wald- Jan. 14 A pioneer of McHenry Mr*- Florence Randall, died m Wood-j Alvera Riedl of Island Lake passech ™an» 94> of .Vol°' ** the Lake James M. Kennealy, 80, died at. his sU??> **** 71; . « . Iaway at St Then:se hospital. ' C's a1'! tome in Elgin. ' - i May 19 -- Injuries suffered in aj Aueust 20 -- Frank Lumber, Sr., ;Sf Jan. 17 -- News of three deaths in tra£ic auto accident two days pre- 74, father of Mrs. Howard Collins of - iwarby cities saddened many " homes vious Proved fatal to Maurice Holup | McHenry, died at his home in Ingle- Sere. Miss Anna Graham, 91, passed ^ Waukegan, husband of the former side. PL- „„„ . „ a resident of Fair Oaks subdivision I age of 78. mnnv a1 1 u" McHenry ifor many years, died in Chicago. | Dec. 21 Mrs. Catherine DevL , many times unng his lifetime^ -- Harold C. Wieland, 40, 81, of Ingleside was buried in St. passed away. associated in business with his father - Patrick's cemetery. Oct^ 31 -- The many friends of in the c j wieland & Son, Inc.. milk Dec. 26 Mrs. Florence A. Sayler were sadden- (leakrs, died of pneumonia after a McCullom Ltike for ^ome time, Joo ear at she had died in Wood-• shol.t illness. The Wielands had 1 Seph Nielsen, passed away unexpectstock, yrhere she had made her home for five months previous. "Slits covers are used to protect new upholstery or to conceal old, to serve as the only cover of a chair, and to add a decorative note to the room. The most frequent use is to hide a A Rum^ner resident of worn anci faded permanent cover: a slip cover is usually less expensive than new upholstery. August 22 -- Last rites wjre held for Nellie Courtney, an old time res-- •way at her Long Lake home; Adi.m! Klontz of^McHentv. •f>. Jackson, 79, father of Ford Jack-1 . May ^0 -- A fine citizen^ Be^l J. £qq 0f McH6nryt di©d in Woodstock j1 Admins, McHcnry s • only t9xi /d.riV6r|i f idcnt of the WHuconds coiuniunity» -|Wd Spencer ' Cotting, . McHenry I " _• -V k [ who was well known here. . " •. : founty's oldest citisen, di^d at his; , .Local i*esidents ^eardj August 24 -- Answering tiie i^atn / Richmond home just 100 days before regfet of the death-of Sandrt y suivimons was John Mertes, 81, of. "%is 100th birthday- ! Kay Allen, 4, daughter of the Obern j Johnsburg, a retired carpenter. Nov. 3 -- A heart attack suffered while drilling ^Svith the army nt Northwestern University proved fatal to Philip Kessler, 21, well known" here. - • • '• -i Nov. 11 --- A young Volo Resident,.] Leonard- yttlefield, 34, "died in .Yie#jf tory Memorial hospital, Waukegan after collapsing at work two dayaj" previous. The same day Angela; Connor, mother of Benedict Connor, Jan. 18 -- Alter a residence of Kfc- ' -tie nlore than a year here Mrs. Sarah Aliens (Florence Trent) of Elgin. 1 August 26 -- Two residents of Kite i'°^ McHenry, died in Villa Park m Jan. 19 one of the most talented and sue "'^essfu! of Chicago business men, Charles J. Bender, died in a Chicago liosDital. aged 75 Jan. 21 road," Leo Nov. 13 -- Injuries, result of an accident two days previous^ proved fatal to Frank Sompel, who passed away in the Woodstock hospital of a skull fracture. The same day friends heard of the death of Jessie here. Last i Maude Hill, a& old time McHenry Vincent P.; resident. , Giant Oaks I !sT°v- 18 ^ lifetime resident of _ ______ I the McHenry community, Mrs. Ellepi lfiiih^o^vreulidn^ce n^co^aolf ^ahte arWt^iltltiaam^isk ^Bhaiive j ard was Ha<e rleivtierde d, hiws atecah,rmlya ^ker. ti"m^eep t"r e2s"i d~en ^t notfo n M^cmHepneryn, ' apna ssed;' ^suJrS\ivvJedd bby^ 'eerleevveenn ^cchhilidWre^n . ^Ahlsoo o^ft J' lrMr. ."„!d! - Henry Ahrens. 75. who a„,y .« U,e of 85 i„ Mrs. UiWk of Ringwood, p.s.ed ] i W£.. ! ifo^^T,.Sn ' Stt'L 61 away at the age of nine days. __ May 18 -- Coming as a shock to vicinity, Mathias J. Pitzen, 76, of |)ison died in V Waukegan "hospitai! I relativefi and friends was the sudden. Pistakee Bay and Ethel Waldraann, A McHenry man who Ideath of - JosePh Kinne^ 82> who : 62, of Volo answered the call. dropped dead at the Earl McAndrews | August 28 -- .Henry V. Murray, home, having arrived the previous j 66( retired police sergeant of Chiweek for a visit with his daughter.! cago, died of a lveart attack. His May 29 -- Old residents of Johns-! early life was spent A "true "knight of the ibur^ were bearing with regret of rites were held for. Joseph Marten, better | the Passin& of Nick M-' Freund of I Brown, who died at known to his friends as "Hoover," i St- L011'8- M?- wh<? ^ at ,^e age subdivision, McHenry. passed away to his eternal reward. | Sept. 3 -- Thomas Harrison. 70,1 ifoniia, pediatrician, Jan. 24 -- A twenty-five year res- . MaV 31 short illness °f a few j .on a major general in the English j the former 11 ident of MeHenrv, Bernard Joos, died days Prove<i fatal to Mrs- Ella Kelter | army, passed away at the home of i No%- 26 ,F™m Council Bluffs, la., at Hartland aired 75 ; Burke, 76, a native of McHenry. his brother, Pink Harrison, at Pis-jcame v^'OI'd the passing of a pio- Jan. 29 -- The city lost one of; June 7 -- A heart attack suffered | takte Bay, of a heart jailment. | "®er of McHenry, Fred J. Schnorr, iu mnat rosneoted nioneers Job! while she was visiting her sister,, Sept. 4 -- Death claimed Herman! years old. Vasey, 72, who died after several | Mrs. Joan St. Louis, at Pistakee Bay j Gumprecht of Crystal Lake, a brother-1 Nov. 27 Sidney Russell, a life-. months of ' poor health. proved fatal to Miss Janet. Allen. j in-.l aw of Mrs. Fred Kamholtz of Jan. 30 -- After an illness of long J June 11 Death claimed Mrs.: tnis city. duration, Mrs. Clay Colcord of Johns-: Lugene Fontenelle, aged mother of . Sept. 14 -- The long illness of Mrs. burg, a former McHenry resident,! Mrs* A- H- Mosher- i Eliz«b(#i Thelen of Johnsburg ended jpassed away. I June 13 -- Two deaths saddened in death. She was 77 years old. Feb 2 -- The community was sad-1 our community. Mrs. Math Baur The same day Mrs. Helen Sweigart, dened to hear of the death of Clar- Passed from this life unexpectedly 70, of Wonder Lake passed away, ence Grabbe" 44, who farmed near and Mts. May Poile of Chicago, p. Crystal Lake i former local resident, died. Feb! 5 -- Mathias Ivretschmer, who i ~ Michels, 74, was born in Johnsburg 67 years ago, JoHnstwrg died following an lll- Sept. 17 ;--; Victim of a heart attack was Joseph B. Hettermann of Johnsburg, tavern owner. long resident of Volo, died at 82, '• just a short distance from the log cabin in which he was born. Nov. 30 -- Fred Howe, 77, a resi-; dent of Woodstock and a former res-' ident of the McHenry community, died of a skull fracture after being struck by an auto. Dec. 1 -- Elmer Montgomery, who was- near 'death for several months Sept. 20 Decatur Clark, -a*n of a rare blood disease, passed away died in Kenosha after a long illness! ness of a few weeks and Mrs. Mary employee of the Pine Tree Dairy I in a Waukegan hospital Feb 9 --- Living iust a day past Horick of Elgin, well known here, j Farm I, passed away after an illher sixty-ninth birthday, Mrs. Mar- passed away at her home. ness of several months. I^aret May passed away in the Wood- June 20 John Pflueger, a long Sept. 21 The second victim of a stock hospital. The same day Mrs. time resident of Fair Oaks subdiv- heart attack within a week was Mar- - Joseph Kinney, mother of Miss Mary is'on> d'ed *n Chicago. tin J. 'Happy" Weber. V Kinney and Mrs. Earl McAndrews of June 23 ~ Death once more mvad-; Sept. 26 -- Henry J. Wenske, 64. this city, died in Mankato, Minn. ! ed the ranks of McHenry's old time president of the American Graded pejj 21 Patrick Carr 80 an residents when Mrs. Ben Stilling, Sand company, a summer resident old-timer in this vicinity, died at 75< passed away after an illness of here, died at his home on the river, -his home in Caspar, Wyoming. I two months. _ Edward J. Sellers, brother of Mrs. Feb. 24 -- Mrs. Catherine Cossman,! June 25 A baby girl, Nancy Ann, 47, a former rodent, died in Wau- bo™ June 24 to Mr. and Mrs. A. \ kegan^ j J. Wirtz, passed away at the Wood- '* Feb. 27 -- A resident of Oeff- stock hospital. ling's subdivision, Johnsburg, Edward! July 1 -- William F. Hoeft of of Rena Smith, who died suddenly of Loos, 66, passed away. j Emerald Park and Oak Park died a heart attack while at play on the Feb 28 -- A long time resident of i ®t Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, school grounds. Johnsburg, Peter J. Williams, 82, aged 67. ^ | Sept. 29 -- Martin Freund, 75 departed this life. July 3 -- Nell Mary, day old daugh- passed away at his home m Round March 3 -- Oley Olson, 28, Al- ^ *er of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Angeligonquin farmer, who was born in 8€« passed away at the Woodstock McHenry, passed from this life as hospital. did Thomas Watling of Chicago, f July 4 The gayety of the ap-. jjftdoity ORCHIDS for your Standard OH Dealert Well, # wouldn't expect them. And yet the vital character of his job and the steadfast way he is doing it are worthy of real recognition. Without his services on the home front, the war effort would be impeded ... Tor instance--miiiiwi* of war workers have no way of getting to work except by auto ... At some plants 90% of employees get to and from their jobs by ear ... 2,211 TJ. S. cities with 11,162,000 population hive no trolleys, buses, or other transit facilities--depend on private cars. • • • The rationing system recognises the necessity for a minimum amount of driving on the Igjrt of all motorists. I OH Dtalart ail fSM to thi War ESoit • e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * Oili* Ammunition . ..Ut* it Wimly Buy mart War Bondt •••••••••••••••••••••••a* Hfkt ImiumtUm PmxMlymiM /asuiy 1441 Dorothy Anderson of this city, passed away the same day at Belvidere. Sept. 27 -- Tragedy struck one of McHenry's youth, Richard Smith, son Lake. Oct. 1 -- News of the untimely and unexpected passing of Gladys Van A dark shadow was cast Natta Kirchhoff, 39, a former resiiather of Mrs. Belle* Hankermeyerj 'n at least one home on this holiday dent, spread through the city, fprmer resident. - ' i when Arnold Smith, 13, died in. a Oct. 6 -- The sudden passing of March 8 A lifelong resident of Dixon, 111., hospital. He had made another former resident, Elizabeth the community, Mary F. Knox, 74, his home in McHenry for a time. 1 Buss Wiswall, was mourned, was taken by death. Dr. Daniel N.' July 9 -- Passing to his eternal Oct. 8 -- Passing away in Lan- Brown, 88, Crystal Lake, father of reward was one of the oldest resi- <«ing, Mich., was Mrs. May E. Wat- Mrs E. Hauswirth, also passed away.!dents of the community in age and ldns, 74, who resided at Wonder He was a practicing dentist for more yea" residence here, Peter Diedrich, Lake for three years. than sixty years. 88. Oct.. 10 -- Friends received news March 9 -- Lifelong parishioners July 11 -- Prank Mathieu, 70,"who of the death of a former resident, of St Patrick's church were grieved came out of retirement, to entertain Mrs. George Bonsall, in Sharon, Wis. to learn of the death of Rev. Daniel servicemen, and who years before Oct. 13 -- A lingering illness re- Lehane, 83 years old, who died in had traveled the Orpheum circuit* for suited in the death «f little Josephine Aurora. He was pastor here between forty years, died at his home in: Leslie, 5, one of six daughters of 191C and 1914. Johnsburg. the Lee Leslies of Lake Defiance. Much 12 -- Born 86 years pre- July 15 --: Mrs, Robert E. Sutton Oct. 17 -- Death claimed Mrs. vious, in Johnsburg, 111., Math Weber, (nee Rose Justen) passed away in Anna Watzo, a resident of Orchard ~ene 'of the city's' oldest residents, an Evanston hospital following an Beach for the past twelve years, dif.i at his home on Riverside Drive illness of two months duration. Oct. 18 -- A Plaindealer employee after spending almost his entire July 22 -- Three McHenry families was taken from our midst as Howard -lifetime here.----- 5--' 1 were robbed^ of loved ones, death Williams of McCullom Lake, for a March 22 -- William Zenk, 76, who taking Otto C. Carlson, 54, a re- year and, one-half linotype operator had resided on a farm south of Mc- tired diamond setter for a loop in McHenry, died following a heart Henry for over * forty years, was jewelry firm; Mrs. Augusta Wendt of attack. He was 65 years ojd. found dead in bed. ' Crystal Lake, 74, a sister of Mts. > Oct. 19 -- Mrs. Nora E^telleWil- March 23 -- Mrs. Flossie Meuser,' • • • ' ' ' . - . sister of Mrs. Earl Gilkerson of Mc- • Henry, died in an Elgin hospital. Mrs. Maude Van Natta Jayne, a former resident, died in Michigan. March 25 -- Injuries sustained when she was hit by a streetcar in Chicago caused the death soon afterward of Frances Niesen Brady, who spent the greater part of her life in McHenry. March 26 -- Mrs. Emma Millei, widow of the- late John H. Miller, passed to her eternal reward after an illness of several years. She was 71 years old. J March 27 -- Stmlents' and faculty of the Pistakee Bay Boy's school were shockfd to learn of Owen James McCabe. who passed away at Great Lakes of pneumonia. He had been a - student at the school until he en- -listed in Februaryi - March 30 -- An old resident of the Burton Bridge community, William Parsley, 86, died. March 31 -- Injuries resulting from an auto accident in August, 1940, caused the death oi Ernest Ht?nrv Myer, 29. of Volo. April 5 -- Mrs. Imogene Huffman Munch, 80, who was> married in Mc- , Henry in 1877, died at her Chicago : home. April 11 -- An illness of sevtral months ended for Mrs. Jadob1 Tl*es, who died suddenly at her home. The same day George H. Mix, nephew of Mrs. Rose Miller, died of a heart attack in Chicago. April 12 -- Mrs. Eil^n DssRochtrs. who spent the suriftner season in the luke vicinity near here, died in Chi^eo. -x April 16 -- Mrs. Nellie Jensen, 72, of Woodstock, sister of Robert Frisby of McHenry, died following a stroke. April 17 -- Friends offered sympathy to Mrs. ° Ethel Hansen a*d Check the attic th« cupboards . ttw basement! Than... :c? your electric appliances for War Stamps You'rt helping your country, your neighbors qnd yourself I DAY AUCTION 1:00 P.M. Wednesday, Jan. 12 At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 300 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 75 HEAD OF CHOICE HOLSTEIN AND GUERNSEY COWS Either Close Springers or Freshr Good Selection of Farm Horses 200 HEAD Of FEEDER PIGS ALSO USUAL RUN OF DAIRY HEIi *RS, BULLS, STEERS, BEEF COWS, HORSES, VEAL CALVES AND HOGS Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in. either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at y2 of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLIAM E. OAULKE, Owqer Pbone 572 Gather up cffl your Idle •lecfrtc appMances .. . regardlass of age or condition . . . and turn them in to your Electrical Dealerl Your neighbors need them I That's right, neighbor . . . there's s serious need for that old electric iron, or toaster, or vacuum cleaner of youcs. Yes, even though it no longer works. You see, with electrical appliance i&tinufacturers "at war" many families ib your own neighborhood are doing without these essential, work - saving appliances. But you can help them, DOW, by sharing through this patriotic Swap Man! Here's All You Do: I.Hunt up all your idle electric appliaTUfeV regardles* of their age "or condltier- 'Take them to the nearest Electrical Dealer participating in this plan. (If your appliances are too large to carry, phone the dealer). 3. Receive their value in U. S. War Stamps! j. After making say necessary repairs, your Electrical Dealer will resell the appliances to families who are badly in need of them. So, for the sake of your country, your neighbors and yourself, act now! Search the attic, the cupboards and the basement for any appliances you are no longer using. Then take them to your Electrical Dealer and SWAP them fo| War Stamps! Rush your old appliances to your Electrical Dealer displaying this sign !•« W,"« Of ,fc. SWAP * The Electrical Dealer displayiog this special red, white and blue insignia is .cooperating in this patriotic Swap Plan. For every electric appliance you bring in--regardless of condition --he will pay you id worth in War Stamps. Go on a hunt for old appliances today. Perhaps you'll uncover an iron, a toaster, or other electric appliance you've forgotten about... or stored away when you received that new one as a gift. Get them to your Electric*] Dealer. He'll do tbc Rit! F^VICTOfiy BUY UNITED STATES .WAR 'BOXDS [ STAMPS Service Order --101 Williams St., OrystaJ Lake -- Telephone Enterprise 4100. f-J

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