Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1944, p. 4

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s v'*Vin •».*!.. ,.vs-•***.*»i* »m ^ ."*£/ 'i*' • • ' ' ': ' • 'A ' ; fagb Foui AW**' v*W ^?ry . . J, • '* .' '* '^, *? ' ,/«> i '•*« /• * < . .•>. ,... ' .'-j«'. •: . .,. . .% "• , .. . ."•? • Y*'r " -t.'.f;;-•» -'. ;'i£ ,JMcBKNST KtAlNDEAUflk v ' * , . • • * 3 ! > . >> " * • ' -* • ;.\ <: "v- t . THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at Mcitenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. j jL B. MOTHER Editor and Manager! J.:C' "•< Entered as second-class matter at Hie postoffice at McHenry, 111., under fiie act of May 8, 1879. " ..... $2.00 • • $1.00 FOR SALE ersonal s One Year ... ftz Months * --- FOR SALE--New Zealand "white rabbits. J. C. Siebert. Phone 632-M-2. 34 NATIONAL €DITORIAl_ 'Q41 W ASSOCIATION ijffytZunt*- j FOR SALE--600 bu. DeKalb hybrid | corn. Also want to buy brush plow. 1 Ellis GreyeV, 416 So .Second St., ! Dundee, 111. Tel. 181-M. *34 PUBLIC SERVICE DIRECTOR IS NOW FOR SALE--Alfalfa and alfalfa and timothy hay; also g&od young- work hdrse, iron grey. J. C. Gardner, R-l, West McHenry- 1V1. 622-M-2. *84-2 FOR SALE--1934 Oldsmobile sedan. WITH GOVERNMENT M.Sv" ,v ly good tires. *150. F. N. Muzzy, Chicago ahd -- Ringwood. ,n-1 T>:*1 J "AO OA J. R..; PfershalU director of adver- Tel. Richmond 793. 34 "* " tiding, has 'been granted a leave of FOR SALE--Two model T tires, * " *•-^absence by the Public Service com-' tubes and rims, size 30 x 3% like i»any of Northern Illinois in order new. Reasonable. Call 667-R-l.-*34 • - " ' '-'to take temporary assignment in our TZi , . --T . - < Washington at the; requfst of the ™*,SALf-89' ^ 1°"' pan!L" * War department. , e<J Chevrolet tr™*> good tires, good Mr. and Mrs. Harold Owen and daughters, Patsy and Marilyn, spent New Year's Day visiting relatives in Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith and son, Dennis, of Rockton, 111., visited in the Martin Conway home last Sunday. Mrs. William Martin and sister, Miss Carrie Foster, of Waukegan were New Year's Day guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Nye. Anthony Neumann jmd daughter, Theresa, of Chicago visited Relatives here Sunday. Mlrs. Catherine Freund spent the weekend visiting in the home of he* daughter and family, the William Berndts, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Martinson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert OBITUARIES v Mrs. Entile Feffer Funeral services for Mrs. umiie Feffer, who passed away at her home in Crystal Lake on Wefcftiesday, Dec. 29, 1943, were held on Friday morning, Dec. 31, iri St. Thomas' church at 10:30 a.m. Burial was in St. Patrick's cemetery, McHenry. The Feffer 'family had resided in this community for many years, where they made a host of friends who mourn the passing of an old resident. Survivors include seven,' children: Rose, Loretta, Sister Gertina, Julia, Evelyn, Isadore arid Joseph. Her husband and one son, Irenus, died several years ago. » Wallace Ulsaver Wallace William Ulsaver, 70, "was struck on Christmas night by an auto driven by William Ross, 55, of Island Lake. Mr. Ulsaver was hit " first University On October 28, 1836, Harvard university was* established at Cam* bridge, Mass. This was the first university to be founded in what is to* day the United States. Kv ralio w~ itz andj d. aughter, Kv-aor^ern,, were \n„e ar his h, o,m e„ a.t B,u,r ton's Bridge. w , , dinner guests in the home of Kate , •, j i_*^r r(»mAvAH tn and Tom McLaughlin Ne* Year's ho8Pltal and later removed to Sher- Day. man hospital, Elgin, where he was found to be suffering froni a com pound fracture of both legs, a brok 'C HisdSTSnment the nature pf f*pe. Wgje McHenry 42 or Liber- Vhich was not revealed, is his se- • tyville f60-R. 34 j Young • ju _ Her mother, Mrs. John R. Smith, who has been visiting in Iowa, returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye of Milwaukee, Wis., visited relatives here last weekend. Miss Susan Nimsgern of Chicago visited relatives here over the weekend. Mrs. Elizabeth Pich is spending several weeks visiting friends in Chicago. Miss Rose Huemann spent New Year's Day with Chicago relatives. Mrs. Peter M. Justen left Friday HOUSE SLIPPERS--the ideal gift, j evening for California, where she is The first class in the course en- : B?y them early! Complete selection Mrs. Chester Frasier of Grinnell, la., has been spending a few days in «M c*Ht enry, w.e re shu e -wJaLs c/.aolllieod/? Kbyv +thv»eo e._" Jaw *n<i skull fracturej.. He died death of' her brother-in-law, Georga ;«cond civilian assignment in the War pQH SALE--Sixteen-gUage galvaniz- ; department in the last year. Eany sink "suitable for restaurant or in 1943 he served as civilian director ^g^ery. Two large tubs with1 drain :t>f WAC recruiting for the s'xth board on both sides. Call 158. 33-3 Service command under Maj. Gen. Henry S. Aurand. William E. Pierce i FOR SALE--While they last, this /will be in charge of the company's month only, One hundred (one or advertising activities during Mr. I more) 750 to 900-lb. corn fed steers Pershall's absence. I at llVfcc per lb. Ready for beef or to feed a little longer. H. L. Dun- TWENTY FOUR ARE > i ning, farm 2 miles west of Belvidere, KWRQT.T.Bn IN NEW ;m> « "O""* »• After"°«"s FARMERS' COURSE! in the hospital a few days after Christmas. s Survivors include three children^ Edwin, Kenneth and Mrs. BernicA Meyer of Elgin. John Kutchera John Kutchera, 84, a retired farmer who lived -in the Algonquin community for many years, died at the home of his son, Harold, in Elgin on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Kutchera was born on June 24, 1859, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and came to this country as a child. Survivors include two children, Mrs. Helen Pepping of McHenry and Harold of Elgin; and three sisters, Mlrs. May Gehrin, Mrs. Nellie Coll 27tf titled "Farm M»chin,ry Repair" was "' non-rationed gift slippers for mer, held Monday evening in the Interna-1 »»"•«" ^d childreni at BOWMAN tional Harvester Sales and Service • WOODSTOCK. building. A film strip explaining the proper repair and adjustment of th* mower was shown, followed by F0R rent--360-acre modern, dairy ^e" Wo^dst^k 'hospital on Sunday. farm on share rent basis. 200 acres j Mrs Gertrude Ritter, Mts. Cather- FOR RENT visiting ^her son, Sgt Danid J««ten, aha and Mrs. Frances Smith, all of who s stationed with the army there. Mrs. William Johns and daughter, Carol, of Elgin are visiting in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May visited Mrs. Nick Adams and infant son in discussion and adjustment. It was decided to repair and ad-; -n timber and pasture. iust nlows at the next meeting, Jan. - [" X** . Very ; ine Hiller and Mrs. Ira Dowell spent 10 Twx> fanners p^anned to bring b"lld,n^s" ^er furnishes one-half the holidays in Chicago. 5n thlSTpW 7orP«Pair and ad* Mrs. Edward Klodzinski and daughjiistment that evening. It was also decided to have refreshments at the end of each class. Since there were about 24 enrollees at the first meeting, it has been decided to close the membership. ' experienced farmer. See Kent and Co. Phone McHenry 8. 34-2 HELP WANTED ter, Ruth, of Chicago were McHenry callers one day last week. Lowell Nye of Royal Oak, Mich., visited his parents, the A. E. Nyes, on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Sivyer and daughters, Louise and Jessie, of Chi- HELP WANTED--Stenographer or Nc more can be accomodated due to! typist. Pleasant work near home at - , . ,, the lack of space and time lot: fa|- i good wages. Apply Ringwood Chemi-! ca&° were weekend guests in -the struction. - cal Corporation, Ringwood, Illinois. A. H. Mosher home. leiephone 'Richmond 652. 33-ti j Recent guests of Kate and TVwn VTarai raimI rmi v McLaughlin were William Doherty, The 1943 war bond gokl among WAuNTED-Painter's helper. Hunter j Sr., of N. Crystal Lake and Mr^ and farm people is about 1% billion do" Boat Company. 13-tf , Mrs. James Doherty and son of fcZnP^;r£„\T£n^ William chased by them in 1942. Hunter Boat ComDanv. WANTED Tke Beautiful I'l.rovAi' •Ui CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co'i Leading Theatre Now Showing -- Ends Saturday. Irving Berlin's "THIS IS THE ARMY* with Joan Leslie, Geo. Murpliy SUN. & MON. JAN. 9-1ft Sunday continuous from 2:45 pra. 28c to 6 p.m.; 33 after 6 p.m. SONJA HEINIE and CAROLE LANDIS in "WINTERTIME" with Jack Oakie, Woody Herman and His Orchestra Colorful pageant of Music on Ice WANTED--5 to 10 acres on highway near McHenry give full details for cash. Write Box T C-o Plaindealer. *34 WANTED TO BUY--Singer must 1 have a good Upright Piano not over 52 inches high, or a Baby Grand any j Thompsons.^ size or finish. Give full description. 50-tf I of Chicago were Weekend visitors of 1 j their son and family, the Robert i Kralowitzs. Mrs. Mary Freund of Spring Grove and Mrs. Victor Freund were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Catlierine Schneider. » Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of iHlebron were New Year's Day guests in the heme of the Robert ISR. R. DeROMB Dentist-- 4-^-; 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHentfjr Office Hours: 10 a.m. to S p.m. daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 p.m. Other hoars by appointment. JOHNSBURG rr •• v ' * I," '4 NEWSPAPER READERS NOTK3§; Due to shortage of help, the onljt way I can continue delivery serviet is to make a 3c weekly deliver? charge, which will be paid in its cafe (By Mr*. Arthur Klein) tirety to the delivery boy. Newsboy^ Mrs. John P. Schaefer entertained wanted. her 500 club Wednesday afternoon. ALBERX KRAUSE news AGENCt Mofyaenmantfl woro corvo/i onn nn •» an . _ Office Hoars--Daily Except Thars. 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4:30, Mon^ Wed, Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appointment H. 8. VAN DENBURGH, DC^ PhC Chiropractor 120 Greea St. Tel. 292-R. McHenry TEL. WONDER LAKft 158 ' OR. 0. L. WATKINS Dentist • - Office Hoars - Tuesday & Satardays: 9 a.m. to | p.m. Evenings and Sanday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, 111 Mrs- Martin J- Weber was a week- Will pay cash. Write!' Wm"'Kuss- | end visitor m Chicago, where she was man, Apt. 1. 406 Prospect St., Elgin,! ca^e<* ^eftth of Dechow, 111. 33-2. ANIMALS WANTED a former resident of Hickory Grange Elmer Rusboldt, who is stationed with the navy in Washington, visited in McHenry last Sunday. ^ M'r. and Mrs. William Rothermel, and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel and Crystal Lake. William Gillis A heart attack suffered last week caused the death of William Gillis, 61, of Elgin. An employee at a barbeque stand, Mr. Gillis had left work and was confined to his home with a severe cold wheti visited- by a friend, - Frank Harder. At that time Mr. Gillis was feeling better than the previous day and was apparently on the way to recovery. Forty-five minutes later Mr. Harder again stopped at the home of the sick man and found him dead. The deceased was born in McHenry in 1882 but had lived most. of his life in Elgin. Hie is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Kate Althoff of Freeport, Mrs. J. A. Billing of Rockford, Mrs. William Loeckner and Mrs. A. R. Richman of Elgin. Services were held last Tuesday morning at 9:30 at St. Joseph's church,' Elgin. Mrs. Kathryn Dwyer Mrs. Kathryn Dwyer, 78, widow of Edward Dwyer of Huntley, died Sunday, Jan. 2, in the home of a daughter, Mrs. E. D. Kimmel, of Elgin. Mrs. Dwyer was a schoolteacher in McHenry county schools for many years. Survivors include, besides Mrs. Kimmel, a step-son Edward, of Chicago and a step-daughter, Mrs. Walter Walsh, of McHenry. DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Rkhaepd Road PfcMM 81 McHENRY, ILL. McHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R-l -- One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all occasions! Refreshments were served and prizes tvi or™ w«re merited by Mrs. Arthur Klein, ' Mrs. Catherine Smith, Mlrs. John M. J Pitzen and Mrs. Schaefer. s " • Mr. and Mrs. William May and Richard visited wjith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huff and family of Richmond and Kathleen Freund, who is recuperating from an appendectomy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William May and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. ^Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner of Spring Grove spent New Year's Day in Wilmette with Mr. and Mifsv John Doetsch and family. m a* f* DON A. WICKS, Attorney ADOPTION--NOTICE OF PETITIOII STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHENRY COUNTY, ss. In the County Court of said county. To. GRACE BERNICE SWAtH and to "All whom it may Concern?* Take notice, that on the 31st day qf Mrs. Busch, in company with her December A. D. 1943, a petition mm daughter and son, left for California S. Tillman and Barbara recently M. Tillman in the County Court off Sr. M. Victricra and Sr. M. JacoV Mc"e"ry Cou"ty' fJ°r <* left for Chilton, Wis., after spending j a 5^,ld' n^ed Baby several days with their parents, Mr. . N°7' «pPfr and Mrs. Jos. M. Schaefer. twenty (20) days after the date W J « y , ' -j-. .... ' j! this notice and show cause against Mr and Mrs. John E. Nett and; such appricMioll) the petition shaft If". Day !>e taken as confessed, and a deeMf Quests in the Nick N*ett home of adoption entered. Mr. and Mrs. William Britz are "spending several months with. their daughter and son-in-law, . Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Klein. A large crowd attended the farewell parte given in honor of Charles Smith, wlib leaves for the U. S. army Saturday. Pvt. Lloyd Qeffling of Fort Sheridan spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs. George Michels and family entertained her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie De- Sivesto, of Chicago over the weekend. ' Walter Frett, Patty Mae Klein, Betty . Lou Keenan ar. 1 Patti and Kay Hiller are confined to their homes with the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Steve M»y spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller in Richmond. Michael De Piero spent the holidays in the Steve May home. NOTICE--The Curl n' Swirl Beautjr shop will be closed every day except Friday and Saturday during January and February. Mk-s. Frank Freund. Dated, this the 6th day' of Jannaiy A. .D. 1944., RAYMOND D. WOODS, Clerk. * ti Dried Olive a Staple Ca Greece the salt cured, olive, almost unknown In America, is a staple of diet. MISCELLANEOUS Ifce -- tax 2c y.. TUESDAY -- 10c SPECIAL tax lc Geo. Sanders, Marguerite Chapman in "APPOINTMENT IN BERLIN" WED, & THURS. JAN. 12-13 Adolphe Meitjou Martha Scott in "HI DIDDLE DIDDLE" with Dennis O'Keefe and Billie Burke DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we i Mr. pay for dead horses and cows in good | Loren Rothermel visited in the Cecil condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Rothermel home in Chicago Sunday. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the Mrs. Emmett O'Connell of Munde- ' charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf lein was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mlrs. John Phalin on Monday. Among those who attended the funtv,-- n--i--. o -in 7~ eral of Mrs* Elizabeth Buss last Sat- NOTICE--The Curl n' Swirl Beauty urd wepe Mrs. john vietoris, Mrs. shop will be closed every day except | Goodstein, Mrs. Phillip Brey- Friday and Saturday during Jan-' Mrs p,.^ Breyer and children, u^ry and February. Mrs. Frank, Malvina and Ted, Mrs. David Egan. Freund. 34 Marie Buss, Jaks Buss, Charles HAVE YOU HEARD about the new j ®uss- R- ^ S"t.t°n' Va*ena Ju^en' reduced Auto Liability and Property j JJr. and Mrs. William Marum, Mrs. Damage rates? They will surprise i Harry Ca^rpen^r, ra^ese i^Brefed^ you. Ask us for insurance rates The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf Colony McHenry, Illinois ^ FRI. SAT. Ted Lewis -- Nan Wynn 1. IS EVERYBODY HAPPY Plus V .-• 2. THAT NAZTY ;,fr* ; - NUISANCE r. ' SUN. & MON. JAN 9-10 Lucille Ball -- William Gaxton Harry James & his Orchestra. In Technicolor "Best Fpot Forward" :• L' Also--News and cartoon "r L V skit •*v TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Allan Jones -- Kitty Carlisle 'Larceny with Music' t' l^^^WED. thru SAT. , At Regular Prices "* 5;* In Technicolor 1L , pi <7r * *1 4 iKfeii".'1 j-. ft.. •. . A'y ... ' THIS ISTHE ARMY' Mr. and Mirs. Edward Brefeld, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mi's. Charles Allen of Highland Park; Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and son of Waukegan; GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kirkman, Mrs. dispose of your garbage each week, | Henry Schmidtking, Mr. and Mrs. or oftener if desired. Reasonable Edward Pennyfeather, Ben Robers rates. Regular year round route, for- and Ben Schmidtking, all of Burlingmerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith, ton, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. John Riggs Phone 365. tf and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robers of Salem, Wis., Rev. Clarence Then- $es of St. Charles and Rev. Frank Miller of Warren. LESTER HAWLEY TO PRESENT IMPLEMENT SERVICE SHOW "Food Fights for Freedom" is the keynote of the John Deere Service show to be presented at thf Hebron Town Hall, at 1:30 p.m., Mon< day, January 17, by Lester Hawley, Hlebronr John Deere dealer. "Every farmer in the community will gjet worth-while information from this talking picture program," says Mr. Hawley. "It is a wartime show with emphasis on greater food production through better operation, care, and repair or farm equipment. Regardless of the make of equipment a farmer owns, he will get valuable pointers on how to get better service and longer life from his equipment." Featured pictures will be "Wartime Care of Your Tractor," "More Grain in the Grain Tank," ((The Clean Cut," and a stirring newsreel "America'at War." Admission is free. Phone 48 > Vernon J. Knox * ATTORNEY AT LAW -- OFFICE HOURS -- ^ Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry • - - Illinois A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHER Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY. ILL. a™ INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies When yoa need Insaranee of any kM Phone 43 or 118-M Green A Elm McHenry KEEP ON *• e • e e • • WITH Witt BONDS e * (osilvtoldt^ pilT EGG PRODUCTION F«W WHIM CM Poultry Mm TORFI • Wbw yoa satiM wt bwb , fail, |et hay quickly with convenient, taM ""••• IN TW MINK tar nidi tad brtathine trnnblw Hel«V» T«at iprMd; rriwret nrmptan*. Warki M th* IniM* ajpiut ivcl ldinrdcn. , Uwd (Jom, or in mn mi with VAP&SPRAY. IPKAY WITH VAPO-SPRAY Omhwdioftbabiid*. Rapid in MtiM, kkh is utiaqrtic «nd Get VAPO-SPRAY * L«m>bI»Imi NOW, and be tampered. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenrf 35) •:© Telephone No. 800 • • Stoffel ft Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. BOY SCOUTS Horses Wanted I B U Y Old and Disabled Horses. Pay from $5 to $14 • ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 844 439 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, I1L Special Fish Dinners --Friday-- Baked Fresh Lake Trout-- French Fried Oysters BILL'S DINER 314 ELM STREET ' ' McHENRY Property Tax Relief Granted to Servicemen Before the meeting opened the boys enjoyed wrestling in the school gym for the first time. The meeting opened by posting the colors. The Color piard was Harry Mueller, La Tax relief legislation enacted for Virne Lockwood, and Lprry Haug. | the benefit of servicemen by the va- After this we gave our names and rious states this year includes a rank to our new scout-master,! substantial number of measures cov- Fredi^ch Wahl of Orchard Beach, ering the property tax field. Wet hen went into a study period j state legislatures granted real and of scout-craft in. which a high rank- personal property tax exemptions up ing scout would go to a lower rank- to a certain amount or on certain ing- scout and help him to go up in types of property; frequently derank. After this ceremony, we en- ] ferred collection of all taxes until joyed another half-hour of wrest-1 after the war without interest or ling. Wle then retired the colors | penalty; extended homestead exwith the same color guards and sang * emptions, in many cases relaxing the 'Tap" and went home. Come on scouts, get that next rank residence requirement; and granted special protection to tax-forfeited and get some merit badges. There land owned, by servicemen or their will'\,a.'••scout meeting next week, families. LA^JtRY HAUG, Property tax exemptions of $1,000 Ass't Scribe. - were granted servicemen this year by Connecticut, Idaho and Nevada, while New Hampshire allowed exemptions of $3,000 for totally disabled veterans, their wives or widows. New Hampshire in 1941 grant- , , Keep Meat Juicy . , Start roasting a turkey op one srae of its breast on the rack!7 Place a duck, goose or chicken breast down This position keeps the breast meat ed servicemen exemptions of $1,000 juicy. Brush the skin of the bird i on their property provided the taxwith melted fat and sprinkle it with : able property was not worth more salt and pepper. Early Slogans "Princes and States, once independent . . . tremble at his mandates; and Europe, paralyzed . . . waits . . . destruction." Thus reads a broadside distributed in England in 1803, when an invasion, *»oleon seemed imminent. a ' Order your Rubber Btattlps at The Plaindealer. than $5,000. Mississippi made tax exempt the homes owned by men in the armed services, even though the homes were rented to someone else; Maine exempted the Restates of war veterans from all property taxes; Massachusetts exempted temporarily certain types of real property belonging to resident servicemen their wives. MILLER THEATRE WOODSTOCK, ILL. THUR„ FRI. & SAT. JAN. 54-7 :-r •" Popular Price •/. Engagement of '•THIS IS THE ARMY" In Technicolor Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. SUN., MON. JAN. t-10 rhe greatest Lore ^ Story of these Times! "SO PROUDLY WE HAIL" CLAUDETTE COLBERT PAULETTE GODDARD VERONICA LAKE TUESDAY ONLY, JAN. 11 Bargain night 25c "REDHEAD FROM MANHATTAN" "LONE STAR TRAIL" WED., TOURS. JAN. 12-13 "ASSIGNMENT IN BRITTANY" with Susan Peters i and Pierre Aumont Sept. Read the Want Mai James Cu.~ A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking. Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, TO, S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service^ • in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry * LINED UP fO ATTEND TH* Same SHOW No matter fcow yem -nrayltnow your particular farm machinery, you'll get new, helpful ideas on how to "keep it in the fight" at the Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Fillirg . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading.. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O.--McHenry WANTED TO BUY We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg t Spring Grove Road 4 Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES & CATTLE ' We pay phone charges. John Deere Service Show. Theresa information a-plenty for every owner of a tractor--regardless of make--in the talking picture "War- i ,v ^ time Care of Your Tractor." Too,! f?^ you'll see how to keep your mower ^ and other machines in tip-top condition-- plus a late newsreel showing tion on the battlefronts. . Come! Bring the hired help and all your family who are helping on the farm in this emergency. It's an enjoyable^ profitable program! HEBRON TOWN HALL MONDAY, JANUARY 17,1:30 P.MT Lester Hawley, Hebron Deal# f? l A 0 'fay

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