Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1944, p. 4

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McHEN&Y PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 13,1M4 I 1 wt _ i r:^:\ THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALEft Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. A. R. MOSHER Editor and Manage? Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under tiie act of May 8, 1879. : .....-- $2.00 FOR SALE One Year ... Six Months FOR SALE*--Ear Corn, $25.00 per ton. Phone McHenry 616-R-2. 36 NATIONAL €DITOR!AL_ (Ml ^ASSOCIATION .$1.00 FOR SALE--Red Triumph potatoes, $2.78 per bag. A & P Store, McHenry. 35 Thin Shell Eggs Sometimes Guide for Hen Culling $?he production of thin shelled eggs I FOR SALE, USED AUTO ACCESS- | ORIES--Two underseat hot water heaters; one Arvin hot water heater; i one electric defroster fan; one spotj light; one horn. Bill's Auto Service, 303 Pearl St., McHenry, Tel. 447-W. 35 FOR SALE--Eight-piece dining room set. Del Freund, 107 N. Green St., McHenry. Phone 131-M. *35 Wing the FOR SALE - Refrigerator, - priced rected by causing hens Joconsum® Td 614.w.2.' ' 35 more .oyster shell or some other .. ...... • By L. L. STEVENSON Have been looking over a copy of a "Thumbnail Glossary of Marine Phraseology," issued for the guidance of the writing staff of the United Seamen's service. Admittedly incomplete, it contains many 'salty" terms some of which, the glossary says, date back to square-rigger days and are not known to the new breed of merchantmen though still used by "shell-backs" (old timers). More of the jargon has found its way from the battle fleet to merchant vessels by reason of ex-navy men sailing in merchant ships and because navy men and cOastguardsmten are active at merchant marine training stations. Finally, the glossary continues, there has come from is about to complete her laying pe* 'FOR SALE--Sixteen-guage galvaniz- the waterfronts of the nation a newridd and this fact should be valuable ed sink suitable for restaurant or j er lingo "which seems to combine as a culling guide. bakery. Two large tubs with drain j beach - gun - beating and marine Egg shells are chiefly calcium but board on both sides. Call 158. 33-31 phraseology with the chatter of erstare formed when calcium, phos- --;-- -- while gaycats and bindle stiffs that 'phorus and possibly other minerals HOUSE SLIPPERS--the ideal gift.! rode the rods in pre-auto hitching are broken down in the process of i Buy them early! Complete selection j days and more recently have been digestion. Research study also re- of non-rationed gift slippers for men, j following the crops and working Jeals that certain levels of vitamin women and children at. BOWMAN j timber .in the Northwest." > are necessary in preparing the BROS., WOODSTOCK. 27tf minerals for bone and egg shell for- r*2 mation. FOR SALE or RENT---House. Immeform of lime. FOR SALE--Alfalfa and alfalfa and In most cases the birds have been timothy hay; also good young work laying for a long period of time and j horse, iron grey. J., C. Gardner, R-l, have exhausted their body reserves. West McHenry,, TV;1. 622-M-2. Thin shelled eggs may usually be •34,21 regarded as an index that the bird 1 Small Raft With 3 Fight Sharks and 4 Storm; Beat Sea Tell Greatest Tale of Men ; Against Sea That Has Come Out of War. ersonm Quoting from the glossary:. The captain is always the 'Old Man." Engine and engine room crews are the "black gang." Quartermasters who steer the vessel are "QM's." The "glory hole" is the space as- , Dt,v„ . signed to stewards and mess men result. In this case, a high percent- FOR RENT 360-acre modem, dairy for sleeping and generally existing, age of the eggs laid will have thin ^arm. on share rent basis. 200 acres j The ship's doctor is the "quack." shells and the reason^ for this may >n timber and pasture. Very good j The ship's carpenter is always bt truthfully ascribed to the diet. I'twildings. Owner furnishes one-half: "chips" and the radio operator is [of cows or more if necessary. Ex-1 inevitably "sparks." Perfume or cellent income for experienced farmer, j powder is "foo foo If, at any season of the year, the diate possession. Inquire of Clayton mineral content of the diet is off Bruce, Phone Richmond 701. *35 balance or if an adequate quantity I ^ TP/VD ~~ of vitamin D is not taken into the , JTUrC KENT animal body, thin shelled eggs may : Deers Making Comeback * A recently completed survey rejfleals that deer herds in Oklahoma are making "a good substantial comeback," with a larger fawn crop this year than for many years "Charley No- See Kent and Co. Phone "McHenry 8. j ble" is the stack. "Cork-off" means 34-2! to lie down to sleep or rest. "Ship's company" means all hands aboard HSLP WANTED Earth Pigments Although imports of earth pif- ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. j&ents, such as French yellow ochers, j has openings for several girls to Spanish and Persian Gulf red iron learn telephone operating at M«* oxides, Italian siennas, and many Henjrv. Other raw materials have been cur- GOOD WAGES tailed as a result of the war, they have been offset without great difficulty by improvement in processing of domestic pigments. In fact, many producers believe that imports of foreign pigments, with the possible exception of Spanish and Persian Gulf red iron oxides, will continue to be negligible after the war. STEADY EMPLOYMENT EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS Come in and see your Chief Operator the vessel. The chief mate is always the "mate." Ketchup is "red lead" and if you're "plenty salty" it means that you've had a good deal of seafaring experience and make a fetish of stressing this in excessively nautical phrases and affectations. The Beautiful I. I«VAI» CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co'a. Leading Theatre FRI. & SAT. Jan. 14-15 Bonnie Baker -- Billy Gilbert in "SPOTLIGHT SCANDALS" and John Loder in •MURDER ON THE WATERFRONT SUN. & MON., JAN. 16-17 Sunday continuous from 2:45 pm. 28c to € p.m.; 33 after 6 p.m. All-Star Cast in THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS' Incl. Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Eddie Cantor, Errol Flynn and atjtny, many more!! 18c -- tax 2c TUESDAY -- 10c SPECIAL tax lc Anita Louise -- Evelyn Keyes in "DANGEROUS BLOND-ES" WED. & THURS., JAN 19-20 Bette Davis -- Paul Meinreid in "NOW VOYAGER" More quotes: It's neveip "downstairs" aboard a ship--always "below." When you go to an upper deck, you go "topside." The key to the starboard or port watcb or the key to the kel'son is something the old timers send green kids looking for. And if you don't know what to call a thing, it can be a "dimmy gadget _ for a wazzel" which means just WANTEID--Waitress for restaurant; j what it sounds like--nothing. If also experienced pie baker. Apply! you're "logged" it means the Old Benton Street Restaurant, Woodstock. Mam has fined you for bad conduct *35 i or neglect of duty. If chowing and you want to be very salty, you can PEARL HARBOR. -- Three sunburned sailors of Uncle Sam's Pacific fleet sat in an officers' lounge here £nd casually told the greatest story of men against the sea that has come out of this war. These three men, armed at the last only with a pocket knife and provisioned with ingenuity alone, sailed 1,000 mil&s in a rubber life raft, 8 by 4 feet over all. They lived for 34 days on two birds and a couple of fish they were able to catch, and drank rain water wrung from rags. They drove off leopard sharks with their bare fists and went through one of the worst hurricanes the South Pacific has ever seen without even a stitch of clothing for protection, having lost them when th6 raft upset while they were bailing with them during the storm. Finally they made land on a tiny island, and struggled to march erect so that if the Japs were on the island, they would not have to crawl to the enemy but would be shot down honorably like better warriors. On Scouting Mission. , Spokesman for the trio was Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate Harold F. Dixon, 41 years old, of La Mesa, Calif. He was their captain on the long, hungry voyage. With him were Anthony J. Pastula, 24, aviation ordnance second class, of Youngstown, Ohio, and Gene D. Aldrich, 22, radio man third class, of Sikeston, Mo. The three were on a |500-mile scouting mission January 16 in a bomber plane from a ship in an American naval force in the southwest Pacific. They flew the lonely wastes of their ocean patrol for several hours, then headed for home. But home was not there. In clouds and rain squalls, they had lost their mother ship. Dixon set' the plane down upon the water, but it sank quickly, the trio being unable to salvage any stores and barely being able to float the raft itself. WANTED--Women seamstresses. No! sing out, "Put a jib on the lightexperience necessary. McHenry Tent' house," which means "pass the Co. Tel. 37. 35 WANTED--Girl for soda fountain and general store work; steady. Bolger's Drug Store, McHenry. 35tf WANTED--Man for general work. Experience not necessary. Kramer ! Boat Co. Fox Lake, .01., Phone McHenry 90-J. 35tf HELP WrANTED--sStenographer or typist. Pleasant work near home at good wages. Apply Ringwood Chemical Corporation, Ringwood, Illinois, ieiephone Richmond 652. 33^ti WAITED--Painter's helper. Hunter Boat Company. 13-tf WANTED Colony McHenry . Illinois FRIDAY & SATURDAY Last two day's of 'THIS IS THE ARMY . At regular Qrices. SUNDAY-MONDAY, JAN. 16-17 Bette Davis --• Jt Paul Lukas "WATCH ON THE RHINE" Plus: , News and Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Kenny Baker -- Jeff Donnell "DOUGHBOYS IN IRELAND" WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Richard Quine -- Noah Beery, Jr Anne Gwynne "WE'VE NEVER BEEN LICKED" salt," a salt cellar resembling a lighthouse. A "souci-mousci sailor'f is one who doesn't know his business other than scrubbing paintwork. "Brightwork" aboard ship is brass. You never leave the ship or a port, you "shoye 9ff." • • • A "brass bound Jack" is an officer with a lot of gold braid. A "sea lawyer" is a memjber of the crew who is a trouble njiaker--knows by heart the articles he has signed and is always "sounding off" about real or imaginary bad treatment, bad food or grievances o( some sort. Ashore is "the beach." When you come up "through the hawse pipe to the bridge," you're a "proper sailor" because you have come up the hard way--and know your business. When you "swallow the anchor" it means you have left the sea and taken up a presumably permanent residence on "the beach." To "flemish yourself down" is like "corking off"--you curl up to rest on deck. If your "starboard running light is masked," your right eye is black. On sailing ships, the masts are "the sticks.* • • • A navy ship of the line is a "battle wagon." A freighter is generally that "lousy banner." "Bum boats" are small boats that come alongside in Latin-American and Mediterranean ports. The equator is the "line." On British ships your "whack" is your wages. British sailors are "lime-juicers." The _____ North Atlantic is always the "West- USED AUTO ACCESSORIES FOR j ern ocean" to deep-water, old-time SALE--Two underseat hot water! sailors. Engineers sometimes call TOURIST RESORT WANTED--Direct from owner, lake frontage on chain of lakes, reply in detail with picture, would consider vacant that could be used. W .N. Mars, 720 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 35-3 WANTED--Maintenance man. ; Hunter Boat ComDanv. 50-tf ANIMALS WANTED DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollafg is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf MISCELLANEOUS Then began the 34 da^fc of men __ <i,inAav against the sea. Dixon recalled that<«(k . one night Aldrich put his hand in the water. A shark grazed his teeth across four fingers of Aldrich's left hand, badly tearing the nail of his index linger. Stabs Small Fish. With a length of half-inch Manila line, and a jacket, Dixon rigged a sea anchor which he said gave the crew excellent control of their craft. For water, the men used their underclothing as sponges to soak up rain. Aldrich, who had a pocket knife, one day stabbed a small fish, and the trio ate the liver, all the "innards" and some of the flesh. One night an albatross landed on the stern of the raft and Aldrich shot it with a revolver they had managed to save. One morning Aldrich stabbed a shark, the revolver having corroded into uselessness. Dixon had read that shark livers store up vitamins, so they ate the liver with relish. "It was very tasty," Dixon said. In the shark's stomach were two sardines, which Dixon remarked must have been partly digested because they tasted as if they had been cooked. One day a tern-like bird lighted on the raft, was caught and devoured on the spot. After finally reaching the island, the emaciated trio was cared ' for by natives until rescued by an American naval ship. "How do you find the food in Honolulu?" Dixon was askefl at conclusion of his tale. "Pretty regularly," he replied. Mr. and Mrs. John Ffc-eund and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan visited relatives in Indianapolis, Ind., recently. I. Mrs. Jos. M. Schaefer, Sister M. Victricia and Sister M. Jacobs of Chilton, Wis., visited in the John Freund home last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund and family of Barrington were recent visitors in the John Freund home. Miss Phyllis Baldewein of Chicago visited Miss Marguerite Freund for several days test week. Mrs. Zena Bacon, who had been spendng the past few weeks in the H. L. Damm home in Kenosha, Wis., returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mr#., Walter Freund > of Barrington spent a day last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Freund. Sun^J&y guests in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon home were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rapp and daughter, Carol, of Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Damm and family of Kenosha, Wis., Bob Bacon of Chicago, Bill Bacon pf Guadalcanal, and Miss Mildred Ensign of Palatine. Mrs. Nick Adams returned luwrie from the Woodstock hospital on Friday. Walter Warner of Elgin was a McHenry caller one evening last week. Miss Marilyn Owen spent Saturday visiting relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Owen attended a performance of "Tomorrow, the World" at the Selwyn theatre one evening last week. Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Sr., spent a few days this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Simons, in Chicago. Mrs. A. J. Butler and son, Donald, of Chicago were weekend visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and family attended the funeral service for Mrs. Olsen's sister, Mrs. Helen Lawrence, at Whitewater, Wis., last Friday. Robert Kreier, who is stationed with the coast artillery at Fort Prebel, Portland, Me., is visiting his wife, the former Irene Dowell, in McHenry and his parents in- Woodstock. The Misses Julia Feffer of Crystal Lake and her sister, Evelyn Feffer of Chicago visited Miss Rena Scheid Use Nylon Rope A nylon synthetic rope, stronger than manila or sisal, is used as climbing rope by U. S. mountain troops. Aegean Islands Frequently embattled, the mountainous islands of the Aegean have scenery and healthful climate to attract peacetime tourist hordes. Their fertility supports large crops of olives, figs, grapes, oranges and lemons. Sponge-gathering is the distinctive industry of their Greek population. Supplement Alfalfa Since alfalfa may contain only a limited amount of phosphorus and may lack enough total digestible nutrients to meet the needs of high producing cows, it is advisable to feed a grain ration consisting largely of such grains as wheat, barley, rye, oats and corn if it is available, along with the alfalfa hay. heaters; one Arvin hot water heater; one electric defroster fan; one Spotlight; one horn. Bill's Auto Service, 303 Pearl St., McHenry, Ttel 447-W. , 35 HAVE YOU HEARD about the new. reduced Auto Liability and ^Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable ratgs. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf tfcie ship's engines the "sewing machine" or the "peanut grinder." The "Blue Peter" is the flag formerly sent aloft on sailing days to indicate the ship was "shoving off." The "quarantine flag" is the international yellow flag, letter Q, shown when the ship is approaching Quarantine or when it is quarantined with contagious disease aboard. Bell Syndicate--WNU Features. Flying Doctor Can Land A 'Hospital' by 'Chute SPOKANE.--A flying physician, ready to land or parachute to the scene of an airplane crash with folding operating table and surgical instruments, is a member of the Civil Air patrol in Spokane. F. R. Schiller, C.A.P. transportation officer, said that two expert parachute men who learned their work fighting forest fires from the air in the Rockies are working with the doctor, who asked that his name be withheld. Extend Season To extend the harvest season, part of the snap bean planting may be left to ripen, to provide dry beans for winter eating. Some families like to use ripe cucumbers for making pickles, after the fruits are too old for salad. If tomatoes are late, some of the green tomatoes can be fried, to provide fresh food while other tomatoes are ripening. To provide more variety for winter meals, some of the vegetables may be dried or salted instead of being canned in usual style. Corn, snap beans, cabbage, onions, and turnips are good salted; while corn and snap beans are good dried. The dried and salted vegetables have a different flavor from the canned product, and increase the number of winter dishes that can be served from garden foods. Early Laundering Saves Life of Men's Skirts For years fabric manufacturers have stressed the fact that the way to conserve the life of a shirt, or of any washable garment, is to launder it before it gets too dirty. Ingrained soil such as gets on collars and cuffs is hard to remove. >Rhe more it is imbedded, the more rubbing it takes, and rubbing means wear and tear. Se, if the laundry cannot ao* cept the shirts or all of them, the homemaker can make a real contribution to conservation of fabrics by learning to launder the shirts at home. Shirt - washing is not difficult, though there are knacks that help. The first has already been mentioned : wash the shirts before they become too dirty. Second, if the shirts are white or color-fast, soak them for a half-hour in cool sudsy water. Before soaking, rub moistened soap on soiled areas, roll each shirt into a loose bundle, and put them into the tub. After soaking, unroll the shirts. Then wash them in machine or tub like other cottons. Look first to see if collars need a little rubbing to get rid of soil. After washing rinse thoroughly. SPRING GROVE! Tannin Source Somi of the best tannin estates' from tfye barks, woods, nuts, and. pods grown in the tropical regions of Haiti, Nicaragua, Mexico and other countries of Middle America. Shark Meat Tasty When several varieties of UD» marked fish were served during a recent test meal in the United States, shark meat unanimously was chosen as the i tastiest. W Mrs. Charles Freund) Mrs. Frank May, was hostess to the members of her club on Tuesday night of last week. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and prizes were awarded Mfs. Nick Freund Mrs. J. J. Freund and Mrs. Fred Mleyer. A lovely lunch was served following cards. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huff spent Thursday in Chicago. Among the sick are Mrs. Math Nimsgern, John Sheets, Betty and Joan Meyer and Terry Britz. Mrs. George Sanders visited in 4ia A1 Westman home in Woodstock on Saturday. Sunday visitors in thte home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. May were Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mrs. Alfons Wirtz and children of McHenry Mrs. Paul Weber, daughter Judy. , Mike Wagner of Chicago is spending the weekend with his children in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Dennis and Mary Ann Esh of Chicago are spending several days in the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz. Mr. and W%s. Charles Freund were TiBitors in the home of his mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund Sunday night. Misses Bernice Nimsgern and Lorraine M^y who are employed out of town spent the weekend at their homes here. u .seals* r4 • % -tse Posture Impoi For the bed patient las for the well person, good posture is important. In all positions, the back should be kept straight. If the patient is permitted to have his head raised, three pillows should be used in such a way that the chest is held high and the neck and back in a stratytfxt line. Key to Gait On the map one can see the geographic why behind Smolensk's old title, "the key and gate of Russia." The city is on the most direct and usable route to Moscow from northeast Poland, by way of White Russia. This route is a natural corridor, channeled in part between two great rivers, the Dnieper, on the south, and the Dvina, roughly parallel. Furthermore, for either armies or world traders, capitalbound, the Moscow corridor has the added advantage of being somewhat higher than the surrounding plains, where intersecting rivers and marshy stretches may tend to slow travel. Beet Tops ' The tops of sugar beets may be stacked green and made into silage, which can replace about half the hay normally fed. Where beets are topped by machines, and the tope -laid in windrows, the feost is not great and the feed will be worth about $20 an acre. Where beets are topped by hand, the cost is much higher, although beet tops are made into silage in Colorado under these conditions. Records in other statee show that the return from silage fed to steers is three to five times the usual price for the tops in the field. If tops were harvested, made into silage or otherwise conserved and fed in mixed rations, the return per acre could be increased to between 150 and 250 pounds of live weight per acre, where beef is fed. Some three million pounds of beef were produced from beet tops last year; this could be increased four or five times, even with a greatly reduced acreage, if all the tops we*s coo- . served. 0 6 Hunt Deer in Ohio This fall saw Ohio's first open deer season since 1902. Return Dependency Checks An average of 40,000 checks, made out to dependents of service men, are returned to the army's office of dependency benefits each month, because dependents are no lonjjer at the address given on their application blanks. Butcher Sells $5,000 'Steak' to Customer REDLANDS, CALIF.-Butcher Joe Pasqual is careful about steaks--and money, now. Recently he handed a customer a package, presumably meat. Shortly afterward Joe discovered the package contained $5,000 in currency. But Joe's a lucky man. He knew the customer and traded the greenbacks for the steak. Dairying Proves Best > Product for Farmers WASHINGTON.--Milk, cream and butter brought more money to American farmers than any other Sroducts in 1941. According to the epartment of agriculture, dairy products made up 17 per cent cf the cash farm income from the sale of all crops and livestock combined. KEEP ON • WITH WAR BONDS Teach Agriculture China now has 27 agricultural colleges, 5 agricultural research institutes, and 130 secondary agricultural schools, with a total enrollment of over 20,000 students. Asli Hauler Lucky; Thick Takes Fire Near Station COLORADO SPRINGS.--The fire department here claims it has made the shortest run on record. An ash hauler's truck, belching smoke and afire from stem to stern, rolled up to the back door of the fire station. A driver rushed inside to summon the firemen to the rescue. They drove the big pumper half around the building, attached a hose at * nearby plug and soon had the flamer extinguished. ; : ITS Bond Arms Infantrymaa Investment of $75 in a war bond buys the flghftng equipment--rifle* helmet, bayonet and scabbard--of an pfantry soldier. Plastic Protects Openings Openings on airplane and tank U. 8. Cuts limber Government timber cutting on 2% million acres of federally owned Oregon and California railroad grant } motors are protecte'd from dust and lands yielded 415 million board feet other foreign matter during assemof lumber last year and gave the j fcly and shipment by covers of tough, v counties in which the land is situated | transparent cellulose acetate plasclose to $1,000,000 in cash. tfc. Color in Shipyards One naturally expects action and noise in a shipyard but its color can be thrilling and unexpected. Once in a while an artist catches this shifting panorama of raw color on canvas and produces something really notable. A ship undei construction is a maze of color--glittering lengths of galvanized sections against the deep orange bulk of ventilator pipes, the fluttering azure of great sheets of blueprints against the dead static black of plate sections and the bulk of a giant propeller seemingly made of gold. VHiite-hot rivets tossed through the air to a man who casually catches them in a gadget that looks like a funnel are like miniature comets and a spray of white sparks gushes forth when a cutting torch gnaws through a steel plate. Mix all this color against a background of rippling green water and a shipyard emerges with color unmatched by any other American industry. Occurs During Wlrits* Fowl-pox often occurs during the winter months and is commonly referred to as canker or sore mouflfc Birds suffering from this disease fe down in egg production and lose weight. Serious cases may end fatally. Read the Want Ads! • Help chicks and young birds grow and devel-: op. Give them TONAX in their mash. Especially after an attack of any disease. And as a tonic and coaifitioner. Contains mild astringeiMS to help relieve Enteritis; also blood building dements. Tonax helps control intestinal parasites. It provides trace minerals and reliable stimulants. For layers too. Inexpensive and convenient. 2-lb. can enough for 400 chicks for a month, 75c. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry o MILLER rHEATRE WOODSTOCK. ILL. FRI. & SAT., JAN. 14-15 2 "Tip-Top" Features HENRY ALDRICH SWINGS IT" Plus: "STICK TO YOUR GUNS" Bill Boyd as "Hopalong Cassidy" and Andy Clyde SUN. & MON;, JAN. 16-17 Action! Thrills! Suspense! Excitement! "DESTROYER" Starring EDWARD <1. ROBINSON (ilenn Ford Maruu^rite Chapman TUES. ONLY--Bargain Night 25r --2 BIG FEATURES-- "HARMON OF MICHIGAN" PI.US: No. 2 Hit "BOSTON BLACKIE GOES HOLLYWOOD" WED. & THURS.. JAN. 19 20 FOREVER AND A^DAY' with Ray Milland -- Claude Rains Brian A heme -- Wend>^Barrie 23 other Great Stars "FARM SERVICE WAY" A U C T I O N L. H. FREEMAN & SON, Tel. 118 or 122, Hebron, I1L, AUCTIONEERS Having decided to quit farming the undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Dungan Farm, located Ml Prairie Avenue in the Village of Hebron. 111., on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 1944, commencing at 10 o'clock sharp, the following described prop.; 42 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 27 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN MILK COWS. This is an exceptional herd of cattle. They are large, young, home raised and of best quality. Some are springing, some fresh and the balance milking very good. This is a chance to buy dairy cows from one of the best herds in this section. 2 bred (irst calf heifers; 2 heifer1 calves, 8 months old; 1 registered pure bred bull calf, 5 months old; 1 registered pure bred ball, coming 2 years old. HORSES--1 Chestnut team of mares, weight 3,000 lbs. ; fi(XrS--7 Poland China shoat>. weight 160 lbs. ~ FEED AND GRAIN--15 tons of hand husked ear corn, 800 be.' of good Vicland oats, 18 tons baled straw, 30 tons of mixed hay ti* barn, 30 shocks of corn in field, 32 feet of silage in a 16-ft. silo, 12 feet of silage in a 14-foot silo; MACHINERY--F-20 McCormick tractor on rubber "with cultivator attachment; 6-foot power mower; Gehl silo filler with extra knives; McCormick ruffage and hammer mill; McCormick two bottom tractor plow with extra lays; McCormick 8-ft. tractor disc; three section drag; McCormick grain drill with grass seeder; McCormick corn planter with fertilizer attachment and 80 rods of wire; sinsjle row cultivator; McCormick side delivery rake. McCormick push type hay loader. Mc-Cormick 8-foot grain binder. McCormick corn binder with bundle carrier; McCormick manure spreader; steel wheel wagon nnd rack; truck wagon and box; 1936 Dodge IV2 ton truck in perftct shape; DeLaval milking machine complete with motor, pomp, pipe for 28 cows and 2 'in^le units with the Speedway heads (this machine is like new); 15 8-gal. milk cans, pails and strainers; elec. water heater; solution tank; 2 blacksmith forges; 1 blacksmith vise; emery arbor; grindstone; electric Clipmaster cow clipper with extra blades; set of breeching harness; drill press and drills; 300 feet of new 3'4 inch nnd 1 inch pipe; scalding kettle and heater; steel stock tank; wheelbarrow; Jamesway silo cart; 75 foot drive belt; electric motor; complete set of plumbing tools; a large quantity of pipe fittings of all sizes; a large quantity of log chain; large quantity of heavy elevisep; also many other tools. HOUSEHOLD 'FURNITURE--3--9x12 rugs; dinette set; dining room set, complete; Hcatrola heater; 3 lj^ds and springs; chest of drawers; all steel double cau'inyf; ice eteam freezer; extra tables; electric plate; all dishes; kitchenware; electric lamps and other household effects too numerous to mention. USUAL FARM AUCTION SERVICE ILLINOIS TERM&. Lutheran Ladies' Aid ,Soc'ety WM serve lunch. MRS. ANNA DUNGAN FARM AUCTION SERVICE. INC. HeBSrv-J^^reeaHin, District Representative, Phone 122 Hebron, ClMfc % a Keefe, Lake Geneva, Phone 242, Caahlcr ;

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