7• Y >'l T- > Vl r w *i'SV '1»4• % >«-* ? 1» w - V \tt] < ; :,V *" - ' rV"*" :*'*\* * r " if* -r* Thursday, February 24, 1944 ,.*.- - < -> . >,„ - 1 - «» _ k-l! *"V • 1 *. V-^*-'.r - - " ,y THE McHEKKY PLAINDlALER . * . • ryo „r i ; y " • J1 • • «• Fhr« "SO I HEAR by EARL R. WALSH *1 Dear Earl: , ' Well, the Woodstock school feels Well here I am once again writing , quite confident that their . spacious from far distant shore. gym will take care of all comers. Writing to* you and yoqr column is! one way of letting many of my j Now, of course, if they wanted to friends know I'm still in tip top j ^serve a few for the press-- shape. | Suppose it seems rather strange to j Oh, well! Let's pack *; lunch and many why we fellows overseas don't; start early. write to each one personally, but! -- •"'• that is quite an impossible thing to! Our high school basketball team Lucky Coin Proves Worth to Sergeant PONCA CITY, OKLA. -- When Sergt. Nathan Lee came home on a furlough a well-wisher gave him a lucky coin and told him to hang on to it. He did. On the train returning to camp he saw a wad of paper. He picked it up. It was a $10 bill. Getting off the train he picked up another scrap of paper. It was a $5 bill. M'HENRY PLAYS ELGIN HIGH IN REGIONAL MEET McHENRY BEATS HEBRON IN LOW-SCORING * GAME 24 TO 19 do--especially if you get anywhere i will play the last game of the, seafrom twenty to forty letters a week. I wish to express my appreciation for all the greeting cards I received ' at Christmas time. son Friday night of this week. Warren High of Gurnee will come to town to see what they can do Decapitated Dog Licks His Chops Strange Things Happen on Soviet Movie Screen. In a low-scoring game, Coach Mc-1 Cracken's Warriors beat Hebron ^>n' . the loser's floor last Friday night, 24 i to 19. . j X.,V j" Dean McCracken was again the: 1st GAME OF WOODSTOCK wT??/ °f _____ the game, scoring a total „of 14. i TOURNEY NEXT FRIDAY Both teams had low percentages | in their shots and Hebron failed to You people will never realize tn» about avenging a defeat at the hands satisfaction one gets just to' know * ' - * ' [we are remembered by so many real . true* friends, . i I'll gladly take my hat off to the; people of McHenry, Johnsburg, and Our MCHS Warriors have drawn connect for a single point in the last a tough assignment in being matched quarter. with Elgin in the opening game of i Coach Blount's lightweights breezthe Woodstock Regional Basketball ed to a 28 to 8 victory, scoring only Tournament. These two teams will I two of their points on free throws. R. meet next Tuesday evening, Feb. 29, Miller, Buss, G, Whiting, L. Freund, at 7:30 in the Woodstock gym. ; W. Miller, Murphy, D. Schmitt and Dundee the other "big team" in C. Neiss saw action in this. game, the tournament plays Woodstock at 17:30 Wednesday night. McHENRY (-24), . P»G. Dopesters have little trouble pre- XfcCrackeit ( WASHINGTON.--It was * scien- j dieting that Dundee and Elgin will Bonslett .0 of our Warriors a couple of weeks jHjfic night at the Soviet embassy, 'j meet in the finals. The Elgin school Miller ...»v.VU^.*; • ago. The game was one Of the bestj Bn<^ strange things happened on the ' js large and the present team has a Michels of the season. . ; : . - i embassy movie screen. A dog was killed, remained Bob Carver, Art Jackson, Harold for 10 minutes, and then was brought the surrounding community, for the. Michels, Normart Neiss and Don j back to life by blood pumped ' old saying is true "there is no place Schaefer---all seniors--will be play- 4 > ': * like home." ; ing their last game of the season Right at th'e present time my out- wjj] ^ out to win this last game the bodyless head went right on whelming Wheaton 73 to 26. fit is in about as nice a place as can t jor MCHS. be expected. ' ' We are having plenty of good food, and what a change from a few months ago, plenty of beer. Of course, it would only be a drop in the bucket if a lot of fellows I know were here. So let's get out and watch these boys hit the nets. They will be in there battling. My dear Earl: IHT ave seen white peopil e again and.1 i . In compliance with your request v _ ! for old-fashionedJ say.i ngs, I* am suIb.mitting the following: Beggars on horseback (applied to those putting up an unjustifiable modem civilization. It was quite a shock at first, but we got accustomed to it in a short while. In alt, the people here are treating, » . , ,, . . . ,. .. us in first class style, but still home j fro"t» and a? + \P *-lectrically wired dummy flfdgling 1™>tis in the mind of everyone and we'll ^ «ra as }n the 19th-century.) opened its beak whenever th* moth- ^ It has been announced that get there one of these days each and I A Ay-up'-the-cnck (used in refer- -- -- -- -- ^ » winking its eyes at a moving light, pricked up its ears and "barked" at Totals HEBRON (19) Steam Press Blends of wool and spun rayon should always be steam pressed. A heavy dry cloth is placed next the fabric and covered with a damp cloth. The iron should not be moved back and forth but set gently down, then lifted as st«am starts to rise. The press cloth is then removed and the steam beaten out with the hands or a wooden block. Like wools, a rayon and wool blend should never be pressed bone dry. The garment should still be slightly damp when the pressing is finished, then hung on a hanger to dry in natural lines. If pleats are lightly basted in place and buttonholes drawn together before pressing, the final job will look more professional. Hems, collars, lapels and other heavy parts of a garment should be pressed first, starting on the wrong side and finishing on the right side. When pressing these parts on the right side, double press cloths should be used to prevent ridges. LENTEN SEASON BEGINS Throngs of faithful filled McHenry and nearby churches this week as :' the 1944 Lenten season began on Ash Wednesday. Ashes were distributed to parishioners at early masses and at evening services in Cathoh« churches. Due to the war, the usual' days of fasting have, been done away with except for a few exceptions.. However, exeryone is asked to attend their church Mrvices as often as possible 5n respect this saddest of all seasons whics precedes joyful Easter Sunday, this year to be celebrated on April 9. Subscribe for the Plaindealer its arteries. ] cognition. They won the . Little Another dog was decapitated, but | Seven championship recently by overy - i - S e a s o n s F a s t e r - ' " . ' ' " : •' ; S ' " ; Wood from trees felled for fire* wood seasons much faster if the limbs are not cut till the leaves have-withered. While Elgin and Dundee are draw- Mau 4.i,„w.....*........l ing the spotlight it might be well "to ' Johnson .0. ;• a sudden noise, and licked its chups keep an eye on our McHenry County Deverier .....1 ~ when something tasty was smeared Champions from Crystal Lake. The Slavin ....».^iM...,..........0 ,on its lips and muzzle--all because are a team that can make Henrich .^..................2 th.msilves know, in this Mr,mble. : Z*nk i While MoHenry's record or team siie can- hardly stack up With the strong Elgin five, it must be remembered that our boys gave the fans $ real thrill in the county meet whefi they pressed Crystal Lake to 'the brain. * The blindness of . the mother instinct, as it was called, was illustrated by another film in which a bird kept right on feeding worms and inSects into its nest because an everyone I hope Ience to an unreliable person.) Suppose some of the fellows are . Sue a ^ar, and get a J®"86 (try' thinking about the baseball season ,n* to collect from a worthless perabout this time, let's hope that there j son 0 , no responsibility.) will be one again this season. It s better to be safe than sorry We played a game Sunday and ?xP^anat°ryK : ' what a pasting we gave the Navy, i Perhaps you will not care to use I believe this team would be quite j the explanations which I have added, a match for any of our county '• Yours truly, teams even those of '41 and '42. ' ZION F. BAKER. Well, Earl, I can't think of ijiuch | more right now although I want to j Sure we want those explanations! thank everyone again for their greet-! --And thanks for the contribution, ings and also the people who make! Write again sometime--soon. it possible for us to get the biggest! and b,est little home town paper, The i Clay Hughes and Bob Thompson Plaindealer. shot four foxes in that hunt last So long now and cherio, Sunday. Believe that and we'll tell TED PITZEN. you another next week. * This little story comes to us about. George and Albert Justen. It seems the boys dolled up one morning last week and drove to Chicago--headio' for a convention. Well, they arrived at the designated hotel and started looking around the lobby. "Huh|** says Al, ' What's the matter. Other years they had a sign up." About that time brother George had a funny feeling creep over him and reached in his pocket for the notice. "What the hell,!" says George, "This convention ^doesn't start till tomorrow." no er bird approached. season tickets will be sold and rib The scientific films were shown at seat# wiU ** .rMerT?fl- . The general a reception in honor of th-ee out- admission price will be 50 cents, standing American men of science Student tickets will be sold at .40 awarded honorary membe-ship in cents for the Tuesday and Wednesthe Academy of Sciences of the d»y ni*ht games. Doors will open at U.S.S.R. They were Prof Ernest 6:30 each evening. O. Lawrence, University of Califor- WOODSTOCK REGIONAL nia physicist famed as invtntor of BASKETBALL SCHEDULE the cyclotron; Prof. Walter 3. Can- Tuesday, Feb. 29. • Totals .6 Score by Quarters: McHenry--3-15-21-24. Hebron--5-15-19-19. From Soda to Shells ; A large soft-drink organization is now operating a shell loading plant that recently won the "E" award. Block Up in Storage Rubber tired equipment ought to be blocked up during storage so as to relieve weight from the tires. These should be covered with lighttight paper to prevent light damage. non, Harvard physiologist, ai.d Prof. Gilbert N. Lewis of the Uriversity of California, noted for his achievements in the field of atanic research. Soviet Ambassador A. A. Gromyko 1--Elgin vs. McHenry, 7:30 part, 2--Crystal Lake vs. Grant, 8:45 p.m. Wednesday. March 1. 3--Dundee vs. Woodstock, 7:30 p.m. Soldiers Get Books More than three million books have been sent to U. & overseas. Women Learn Judo Women recruits in the marina corps reserve while training at Camp Lejeune, New River, N. C., receive judo lessons as an attendant part Arlington Heights vs. Hebron j 01 ^ regular routine winner, 8:45 p.m. ! . -- spoke briefly of the vital fu nction of Thursday, March 2. science in war %nd pe>»ce and 5--Winner 1 vs. Winner 2, 7:30 p.m. stressed the collaboration cf Ameri- A Leading Question She was interested in a stove. In fact sh€ wanted to buy a stove, and told Bill Althoff that was why she was in the store. She listened very patiently and meekly to the sales patter. She heard about noncorroding bolts and patented insulation material and the gauge of steel used, BOWLING NOTES (Palace) We told you last week about "Hup" Smith winning the championship match. Here's how the boys finishand tricky controls, and oversize com-i ed: High games are shown with bustion chambers, and all the other total pins. "Hup," 243-3708 ;Gus things that are so startling new in, Freund, 220--3615; Bruno Grimelli. an old lady's world that you'd think 234-3556; Ed. Smith, 3532; Bill they would impress her mightily. Schlitt, 3492; Willys Schreiner, 216- Finally Bill paused, and she still 3434; Fred Rogers, 3424; Bill Tonyan, waited with patient expectancy. 3322; Carl Thorsell, 3311; Niel Carl- "W%11, madam, I've told you every- son, 235-3249; Mike Budler, 3245; thing about the stove," Bill declared. Nick Freund, 3247; Bob Kralowitz, "Is there anything else you'd like to 218-3130; Jim Carlson, 2958. "Hup" know?" * had the high 6-game series of 970 "Yes," she Answered.' "Will .it pins. keep an old lady warmf^ , j __--^7 can and Soviet scientist? which pridav March 3 (Final) "wiU accelerate the victory over *f!^inner 5 Winner 6, *.pM Fascism and lay the basif for fer- . •• , . . ^ tile scientific collaboration in the postwar period.** Sod Outleta Terraces should first be staked out 6--Winner 3 vs; Winner 4,8:45p.m., according to recommended pracuives ureen toior Commercial chlorophyll is usually extracted from alfalfa and is used for imparting a green color to soaps, oils, fats, foods, liquors, and 40 Per Cent of Peopls Pay 59 Per Cent of Taxes medicinal preparations. WASHINGTON.--Forty per cent of the people in the United States are paying about 65 per c,-nt of the income taxes and about 5^ per cent of all the internal revenue collected by the government, treasury figures showed. The 40 per cent who b^ar the matices and the outlets will need to bo well sodded to provide grass watezv ways which are so valuable in elimft* nating erosion Roast Pork YOU get more for your points and for your money when pork roasts at low heat (325 degrees) and uncov. ered. Use no water. The fat side up makes the roast self-basting. • . Farm Income . ttNMn'August, 1939, to June, I9€V prices received by American farmers rose 116 per cent compared with a 41 per cent increase in their living and production costs during' the same time. , Drippings are just the right color jor tax load live in eighs highly in- for good gravy. dustrialized states--New York, Con- ' -- necticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan. New York, with 10.2 p*r cent of* the nation's population, paid 21.30 per cent of the income taxes collected by the government in the 1943 fiscal year and 19.44 per cent of the total internal revenue. _ Seal Engine* Replacing the former method of coating engines and aircraft partf - with grease for overseas shipment, | a new "packaging" method is to seal machines and parts inside bags of pliofilm, a chemical derivative of milk, and then free the bags of air and moisture. High scores here and there through the leagues: Rogers, 205-176-207 Plane's Tail Cut Off, Pilot Parachutes Out MILTON, DEL.--An army pilot parachuted to safety near here when his plane crashed in flames after another ship in a three-plane formation sliced off its tail assembly, The pilot's name was not disclosed at the Dover, Del., air base, where the ships are stationed. He came down about a mile from the scene of the accident. The blazing plane, a -single-seater pursuit type, crashed into a wooded section, and firemen from the Mil- Waste Disposal The Installation of three white potato starch plants producing approximately 13 million pounds of starch from cull potatoes annually, and the operation of ten vegetable dehydrating plants in southern Idaho, have together resulted in the production of immense tonnages of waste material, thereby making the consider- List Repairs After checking machines, to be stored for the winter, repairs can be listed on a shipping tag and at- | ation of waste disposal a timely toptached to the implement so that no ; ic for chemurgic research. time will be lost when the opportunity for making repairs occurs. This will remind the operator to order replacement parts early and prevent delays next spring. Blame it on the war!' An employee of the Terra lOotta: 588; Ed Smith, 204--574; Bob-Thomp factory (an Elm Streeter) has taken ; son, 222-571; Jones, 572; B. Weber, to Sunday afternoon auto rides in 520; A. Net, 210-495; Betty Buss, deluxe fashion. Colored chauffeur and ^13-512; RoVena Marshall/ 499; to c ec footman. V Grimelli, 234-593; Krause, 2^4-581; , Winkel, 220-575; Les Bacon, 218- While Newell Colby may not be, 564; £us Weund. 216-559. the spread of the flames after itb*d been located by state police. as young as he used to be, they say he can shovel more snow than a snow plow when he^-fwings into action. Over taeferV Schaefers' way, we find Clark Gable's 'Double* Is Besieged by Girls SYDNEY.--Australian girls are so Always in Season Domestic rabbits, unlike wild rab» bits, can be eaten at any time of the year. They are always in season, the same as chicken. Also, hutch-raised rabbits do not get tularemia. No case of the disease has ever been recognized in commercial rabbitries. Ed Seep Tile Cleftar Tiled bathropm floors can be kept immaculate by regular scrubbing. Use a scrub brush dipped into warm soap lather. Rinse with a cloth wrung out of clear water, and wipe • I "They won't believe me when 1 ' W'th a diy cloth. . Avoid stepping on dog training! In all his efforts he pete Koob, 212-175-221-608; Herman ten •e^ I'm not Gable " he said ! the clean surface until it is thorhas never taught a dog to snatch Schaefer, 225-616; Leo Stilling. 224- j "They follow me everywhere for au- ! oughly dry" Be sure to scrub ground steak from a neighbor's back porch. 549; «Hup" Smith, 580; Dorothy } tographs, so I sign their books and 1116 base °* aU Next week we're going to send ours Schaefer, 472; Ralph Justen, 211-528. j laugh like hell because it is so darn after pork chops just for variation. ;--* :-- --. j funny." j DOG EATS STEAK i Harvey's buddies call him "Clark' : wow of a .score chalked up by Fanny . certain handsome Sergt. Buie Har- Dittman.^worid do*-; """ 2l1" | vey. o, Wilmington, N. C.. reall, i, trainer, comes to us for advice. "Ad- j. Sutton, 214-222^139^575; Mary! vince him of it ^ vice on what,?" sez you. Why, on Sutton, 477; Wes Guffy, 211-530; I have never been afraid of trouble. I have always had this slogan: "If, The followin gent in by a friend somebody hands you a lemon, make j of g , H., should be of interest to lemonade out of it. hart. Homer r'. Cape- i his friends: I. H. EATS SCRAPS' and he adds: "By the time I get back to tie United States, I'll really think Tni Gable." ' ' Overheard "Bud" Adams remark O_ ur MCHS xWxr arriors dJr ew a Ito ug,h ;to his mother Monday noon, "I won- d€r what»^ the mattei. with ^ assignment when they were matched Wa,sh tod he hag &n awful worried with Elpn in the first game of the look o hig' face« Well here ig the Regional Tournament. answer. ' . , . . ,, . tl. | It seems in these davs of meat ra- Well, we might as Well tackle the tjonj ^ Hke a„ regt of ug big guns while we are fresh. clean* up the meat platter and lets . ... the dog have the remains. So 3un- We read where there is mild pro- d nj ht wfcen Ear, tried to feed test in Elgin on account f no seats ^ remains to his do? he refused to being reserved in the Woodstock gym e&t and thjg affair CQ*t inued all day for the tournament Elgin fans don t Monday. Well if Earl want to drive that far and then stand nke iece of juicv outside looking in. 5 Years of War Mishaps Culminate in a Wedding LONDON.--After five years of defeat, love found the way and Marie Lonergan, a Plymouth teacher, has become Mrs. Frederick^. Marriott. The couple planned®lp>narry in 1938, but Marriott, a wanrant officer, was sent to the Far Easy When.his fiancee fell ill he obtained leave, but could get no nearer to England than QUICK RELIEF Fno... Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID Frae Book Tells of HomeTreatment that Mast Help or it Will Cost You Nothin. Oywtwn million bottles of thpWILLATi! > TRE ATM EN T have been sold for relief, symptoms of distress arisinK tmm Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Add -- W|Htlon, Sour or Upset Stomach, Caaslness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc.. due to Excess Add. Sold on 1 5 days' trial' Ask for "Wltlard's M«ssage" wHrh ftilly th;s tr- atiii'.-cl tree _ti BOLGER S DRUG STORE WATTLES DRUG STORKv steak that his j dog took off somebody's porch Sunday j pfternoon his worries., would be over, j • What dog wouldn't turn up his nose! at a dish of^ scraps when he can goj -t out and^ get steak. Now everyone i ;s v.cindering if Earl didn't finish up.; I those scraps. Oh!, well, it's a dog's' li.'e either way. | , . j Singapore. Two plans for reunion had seen the' were by ^ m tries of Italy «nd Japan into the war But Marriott finally got back to England to marry. En route he was adrift 12 hours after a torpedoing Milkweed Pods A tfbifle milkweed pod yields 75,- 000 fibers. A cultivated acre might yield 300 pounds. Military Supplies )., Military supplies to the value of approximately $10,800,€00,0(K) will be delivered to nations allied with thp United States during 1943-44. Maps for Assault JPor the first assault of the North | African campaign 110 tons of maps were required, and 400 tons more j were needed in the later phases of ' the campaign. y. Farm Fires Vatttt and rural fire losses totaled 200 million dollars in the U. S. last year, 60 per cent of the nation's total loss. Preventing fires is definitely a part of the wartime battle on the home front. FREE SIMPLE TEST NOW TELLS YOU WHICH COWS HAVE MASTITIS Hm la a quirk, eaay way to tret your cow* far Maarltto. * uu can do It youreeU right ill y«ur own barn. Teet J* cow* In 20 mln. with the Berbe "BTB" teet. And It dore not coat jsu a penny. Here le all you do: Aek ue for the sprdal Bertus "BTB" Teet Csrd. Wa wUl ftWe you FRKE one teat card for each MW In your herd. AU jrou do la follow tha abnplr dlrectkine on the card. We bar* Baebe "B I B" tret cards In stock now. Ask lor your FREE supply today. Remember, • Isa minutes sprnt In teetlng your cows for Mastitis may ea»e eome of your most valuable anlmala from alaoShtar. THOMAS P. BOLGBK The McHenry DruggiM FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES We bave a complete stock of both passenger and truck tires. ° You can now have your tires retreaded without an OP A order. Bring them in. TIBE AND TUE| JTULCANIZINO ^ Trade in your old battery on a new FIRESTONE. We allow $2.00 for your old one. - CHAINS--We make up chains of all sixes. FIRESTONE FRIGITONE FIRESTONE SUPER ANTI FREEZE OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M HENRY PHONE 294 Cooklat Cabbaf* When you cook cabbage, use a •mall amount of water--about two cups to a quart of the shredded vegetable--and cook until barely tender. In order to conserve as much of the vitamin C. as possible, cook the cabbage covered. "Memfe why Mom saysHVAVS io worm with GIZZARD CAPSULES' OvMr* Ifcwy • Wtm't &'cbi IMi m K»o€kt9* »rodv<c«te Worminc rmrj double <1tHdeodj this in n ecg« for Uncle Sun and bljtetr profit*' for TOU K«0 >m LArinc thlj winter! Pit d In- •olabi* Cap«rui« Coctin* does not dijsoKe in crop-- m^lclne until crushed br Irtixard--correct 6cme. full itmyrth to wcm». Won't birds or ttc-ck, production. Far all 9 kind* of «orrr.«- Pin. Brur.d and TArjr« Tip«. aU sptdct or Tapes (bat My product oa market ran About U or ton pec bftrt. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry High Mountains Th* highest point in continental United States is Mount Whitney, Calif., which is 14,495 feet above sea level. Negro mountain in southern Somerset county, which rises 3,213 feet above sea level, is Pennsylvania's highest point. [c -- ARMOUR'S Tree!..... CAN 33* (I Brown Point*) CORNED REEF HASH Broadcast 21° (J Brown Pointi) Cllyeet and pact* la ynv ! r/A 1 svviA^- -Ml am I POOR ^ ' *CI«*. o»*i« /fF ft*S-->T 4M «*- c "•« *,•. • **** »* "r C" Ir+L BR. * h i I NATIONAL UNSWEETENED Evap.Milk3'^z25< (I Brown Point) •UOAR S«g*r its until Martn 31 £xtra 9V9*r . ibt. for eiRfiiM oatil W\$HINGTON WINESAP EATING M -- APPLES 2-21 NEW SOLID HEADS Cabbage CALIFORNIA ICEBERG ^ : | Head Lettuce . . 2H£ads13c t ORtO* SWEEi AND >U»C Drangies 5 lbs. 34c LOUOEWS COMfc B:iJhr.. 22c *6AIN JAR (4 Gr««n fomttl Peansi Butter , . 29 NATIONAL PURE Grape Jelly.. I2QZ |0c • TUMBIEK (3 National Purt Strdwborm .at R«rbO'n» Preserves.....'/« 29c «*«» AMERICAI Spaghetti II Of« POKK ft BEANS ^wnbell's • • • 10® V 3 Lns 29e CAN f 10 S'W *ol»fl! rOMAlO JUICE 1 ibby's ....... 'c« 8« BLUE LABEL SUNSHINE KRlSF* Crackers iis I9C 1 BKEAKFA'ST Coffee . . . . us 59® BREAD ! ! COWEE Hills Bros. . . ^ 33« ; Jumbo A ,,' lB |^C V LOAVES | # [ ITENDER-- DELICIOUS Creamettes .. 2 «« 13* DONUTS 1 SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI Red Cross . . . £^5* ' 6OWM 1 C «•••»• ooz. 1 £ HEALTH SOAP , Lifebuoy CMO IC lOafci SOA* ' Lui _._CA« '6 paciM SO A* Pslmolive ' 7c fOILEI ->OAf Hazel n„T,o,i Scares tic N *4 IIxrt. *UR| . Ivory Soap CMU 10c le >Im er«cw of 9m •pproxim«t*tv •9«HI«LWM LE It M »CC»M» k*LINC«l SOA> American Family 2 bars 1l€ SOAF •LAUti Amerieao Family . mk 23C tSI Oxydof • 23d CtEAMW' finde* v. aoo»«A* Winde* .. i 14« N? Rub _ 39® NnM mm M MOM M tddlMo-- MW NATIONAL STORES '* < & : '