% SI:- 'wm. r- ^v.it, ;,; <• «f?f 'C >: PLATNDHALBS EARL R. WALSH rage TMt COMMITTEE MAKES REPORT ON RECENT WAR FUND DRIVE Early this week a report was released on the McHenry County War ^__ Fund drive recently, held here. The -Now who could have played such! stock Sentinel office ^esday after- •a tnck on Joe Guzzardo? A few noon when he saw Mane Powers _ days ago Joe received a special de- sitting in the publisher's office like .P -nnt t tv livery fetter with a police Scet en-1 she migW have too** th.|^ K "EL Te work's for 'the ,closed The tVaffic charge was a place. . : v, and X mlk^ "V turn on Green Street, Of; ' r course, he 4idnV <fo> WKi* « thing. 1 Marie wouldn't talk. She knows' / Not Joe! ' | us. So we gabbed around with the! The executive committee m the 78S- *W*:Wv. gang f6r a while and Ojur regular police department j real nice, -sociable people. konws nothing about the ticket. Must] * ; ' have been a "special policeman" who It was press time so w,e , Harrv Smuda Crvstal Lake- George issued the ticket. | have time to compare the Cubs and ^ T , . them! c°unty is composed of the following men: R.-1. Overton, McHenry; ThoS. Houlihan, Harvard; D. R. Joslyn, Woodstock; W. L. Miller, Marengo; BOWLING NOTES Sox with "Put and Take." »J., We'd just like to find out who pullsuch a trick on bur "pal" Joe. Why, Krause, Crystal Lake; A. Dianis. Fox River Grove; and E. M. Phillips, We noted upon receipt of the ,»Tues-! ^ oodsto<;k. he wore out a pair of shoes running I day issue that "Put and Take" com- r £0Mowing is th«j report as subaround trying to find out abont that | mented: "The Cubs are going to;nmiea. blamed ticket!, look funny without Stanley Hack in the line-up this season.". REPORT OF . McHENRY COUNTY WAR y • FUND DRIVE of 1943U944; As siibmitted by the Co-chilriniii and •I ' . Treasurer . Received from the following townships, cities or corporations:-; . .. . •,. ; •• j all right about. 'a 223 gante on the Alden Twp. ,61.1,70 Lester won the first jSchaefer Alleys this week. ."}• , ' Algonquin Twp. 1,000.00 We wouldn't want those guards 'at . Johnson Motors shooting at u& Tain't nice," but we've seen thte Headed by Lester Bacon, of our uwh Cubs look fuijtny with Stanley Bade fair city, the Johnson group took the j in the lineup. / _ second match at Fort Sheridan on 1 • 1 J. Tl ' ' • »." Monday of this week. ' Harold Fox, of Johnsbufg, felt \ , (Palace) Ladie»-- Marion's Beauty Shoppe, 2--Barbian's Butcherettes, 1. G. Berbian, 467; M. Krause, 442; P. Schmitt, 402; M. Green, 435. McHenry Equipment Co., 2--Riverside Dairy, 0. R. Marshall, 405? A. Freund, 413; M, Yegge; 436. , .. . OW Tirtiera-- .Rogers', 2275--Adams', 2248. " G: Freund, 538. : ; . ^ {Serbian's,. 2392 r-- Smith's, 2.3 3 2. 503. V" Mary Sutton, 420; Fanny Freund, 465; H|tfen Immekus, 418; Pearl Schmidt. 479; Mae Simon, 436. Schaefers' Market}* 2--Harrison's, 1 B. Justen, **177-464; E. Miller, 417; D. Schaefer, 478; B. Krause, 436; R. Freund. 458; M. Simon, 181-177-512. Phillip's 66, 2--Farmers' Jlill, 1. E. Schaefer, 424; E. Peterson, 171- 436; M. Stilling, 429; E. Peisert, 181- 480; E. Freund, 466. Mixed Doubles-- • N. Freund, 513; E. Miller,^458. Prager Beer, 2--McHenr1y Laund ry, 1. Hagberg, 191-530. Tavern Pale, 2--Kleinhans. l. Hester, 512. K. of C.-- • Nye Jewelry, 2--McGee Clothing, 1 McGee, 222-528; Barbian, 560. Schaefer Alleys, 2--Blake Motor Sales, 1. Guffey» 209-534; Schmitt, Sft*3; Immekus, 226; L. Stilling^ 549. Doctors in U. 8. In this country, we have approxi> mately 90,000 to 100,000 doctors for civilians, or one doctor for every 1,500 people. In Great Britain, there is only one doctor for every 2.400 people. : Rat Waste " It takes at least 100 pounds of grain to keep a rat alive for a year, •nd in .that time he can destroy or Waste much more food, if he can reach it. A single pair of rats left unmolested could increase to 809 within a year. „ . Need Rubber Stamps! Order at lie Plaindealer. : Oak Park Hotel, 2--Rupp^rt Seer. Adams. 552; Smith, 514; Wrufbl^ wski, 532; J. Frett, 502; Koob, 560. Town Club, 3--New Way Laundrj'. 0. K, Smith, 513; B. Tonyan, 06I; 1 Peisert,; 525; B. Schlitt, 554; Bennet, 1^28; Krati^j 555. , fire 10 shot contest by a score of.r " Burton Twp. 315.47 85 out of a possible 100. in the : From Dale Harrison's ALL ABOUT i9fry ' M ' ^68.00 second match--20 shots, time fired--' THE TOWN column in the Chicago • n T emun^ I'M' -' c . •> Louis V. Zalor of Johnson Motors I Sun-; we plucked the following story ^ J.,^rr was first with 136 out of 200. Bacon of local interest: ' i'r orV, -^V ^ h«. m out »f 200. . , . - -- ^ Knox 'Em for a Loc^, Dorr Twp. Dunham Twp .... The composite scores showed Bacon j E^v ^er ything happens in this town.' Grafton Twp. leading with 220 out <?f : Vernon Knox of Crystal Lake, a pox n'iver Grove was next with 208. lawyer, and his wife were in town Greenwood Twp. . t , Tuesday On business. They agreed Hnrtlaiid Twir, In bringing you news of Lesters tQ meet at 5 p the Palmer Hebron Twp.-',. ^ 674.951 i,403.1C. 589.00 •^93.50 f 904.60 1.141.3 7" fine wk, we also want to put in a H?use ]obby McHenry Twp; ....... .4.100.00 ^t of praise for the members of the Just 5 o'clock a page boy MaretiRO Twp. $3,093.26, McHenry Rifle Club and the boys cajie(j out: Vernon Knox." so Less Exp. $15.00 ..... who are making- splendid records yernon Knox took the message, which Richmond TWP ...... following instructions by the Was to call a man named Lewis whose Riley Twp. members. hotel room number was given. Knox Seneca Twp. knew n0 Lewr'8 but he called- TheK? Alemite Die Casting & Mfg. There are many ways of helping | wag no answer at 5, but an hour rQ . . . J~ our country win this big war and : ]atel, callirtg again, an odd thing hap-; fiuick M^or"i)ivision many ways of ..training, boys to penedi THere^as no answer from V . .. ^ make them come through safe y m f ewjg's rnem but through one of $37,718 74 tight spots. .t|i(/se van-aries of telephone confus- Disbursements Each Wednesd iv night our mem- '^0t ,^n ansv ®r* Secretarial work and | bers of the Rifle Club ican te found ;. ' ^his 18 ve^.Kn0£' Kno* 8a,d,;. typing" ......^,^..^......^.$5 ?5.0G| working diligently with fellows who"1'-'"' mea? THl^is. Vernon Kpo*» printing, etc. 151.501 will soon be called into military ser- v?!ce.rePL ' . - i ; . {Telephone Bills, etc. 17.05 7 O'clock Ladies-- j „ • t. Smith's, .2--Miller's/l. B. Bu^s, 498; L. Smith. 426; M.. Stiller, 441. 0 'Net^s, 2--Meyer's, 1. T.' Raycraltj, 418; A. Rothermel, 424. e. o. F.~ Smith's; 2518--Winkel's, 2335. H G. Weber. 526; Ed. Smith,-622; M. Budler, 511. Freund's, 2379--Thennes', 23CK H. Freund, 504; W. Tonyan, 559. Get your supply ' of ' early Ohio jswted* potatoes at the Farmerjf Mill. j / Hard Wood } ' Ash will fill any need for a tough, '! hard wood that has a giveHo it and springs back into position. • ~ Keep Feeders Covered Poultry feed will do more good inside the hens than on the floor for them to walk on. Feeders should be kept covered to prevent the birds from standing or scratching in them. r. ACTS IN DRINK l|M m and haatarU vttfc • mil U miMt Uitr*. Ill, AOfrat ttI Nm *DrR OP! OtOMir (Mf pniU> drink. M u art alto Tlatefl xn> from tM- >• -djimulrm Oarnoxu* ACTS la I. (M. »R0, ACT* IN INTtS* TINES. OWJIOWU* li not only aa Mtrtncnt te InUit'jiM. it alio Mli Maloat baimful baeUrla Ui«r«. Tiloablt for many limpl* «rop. dliwtlx. bowal dborden. 4 oa. 40o; >9 oa. T5e: amooiBT tl oa., tl.BO. Bolger's Green. Street Store McHenry PAINT Dependable Pratt A Lawbot Paint and Vamish are a safe investment Cheap finishes are costly at any price. You get your money s worth when you bqjr P & L Paint and Varnish because they spread Farther, look better and last longer. Come in for color card Now is the time to be planning for that "clean up, paint up" time of the year. One point for serious consideration is the quality of paint to be used--the best is the cheapest in the final analysis. •- • There' s where oirr brand jomes'in, JLAMBERf You make no mistake when you choose this label E. H. Nickels H a r d w a r e Phone 2 West McHenry 3,078.26 ' 906.70 757.68 367.00 100.00 17.00 City League- Town Club, 3---Sip Snack Inn, 0. J. Weiser. 569; W. Schlitt, 501. Tonyan Construction Co., 2--Wal?h Instirance, 1. W. -Tonyan, -516; Ed Smith, 517; G. Jackson, 502. Meister Brau, 2--Alexander Lumber, 1. H. Smith, 508; J. Smith, 513. McHenry Lumber, 3 -- McGee's Clothinjr. 0. V. Jones, 597; B. Grinielli, 529; W. Schre'iner. 522; R. Smith. 506; M. Budler, 623. vice. Using regular army rifles, the ^°' s^'r c' Crystal law- Illinois War Fund, supplies., yer. "Ini vernon Knox. • _ "So am I," said the voice# The other Ver- 44.96 boys gre taught the finer points. Anil so it was. Total ...: $ 238.51 nois State $37,480.23 .. 37,343.23 It is gratifying to the club mem-' _ , , ibers to receive letters relating splen- "on, Knox wfs calling Lewis, whom did records of their pupils when-faced he knew- and,in the crossmg .of lines Remitted to with the tests in training camps. came across the voice of the first Ver- War Fund non Knox. They decided to meet, A group of high school boys, are the second Khox bein^ from Petroit<' Baiattce on hand to date ......$ 137.00 flhishing instructions at this itme and !a,nd ^f,et they did an hour [ater at Respectfully submitted, ' -- " -- R. D. WOODS, and (Schaefers*) Ruppert Beer, 2--I'op Fenske, 1. Eve Hoy to, 412; Dorothy Schaefer. 481; Rose Stilling-, 470: Frances Koob. 414; M. Wilbramlt. 424. The \rogue, 2--Suburban Oil, 1. Income From Livestock Cash received for livestock represents the American farmer's largest single source of cash income. Figures for the last full calendar year, made available by the department of agriculture, show that livestock growers received nearly a third of their income, or a total of $4,811,000,- 000, for their livestbek. Producers of course, paid out large amounts for feed, help and other operating expenses. The sum was $1.569.000,- 000 more than they received for meat animals during the preceding year. ' The increase, approximately 48 per cent, reflected not only a higher level of livestock prices but also materially larger marketings. the Rifle Club will' welcome any of thf, Allerton bar where when we , you fellows who would like to visit *al^ed^w,th one of them, they seemed the high school on Wednesday nights. *° domS right., Giving credit, to the Rifle Club members is our own idea. They want no credit. In fact the club members are proud as can be of those boys and their accomplishments. It's the boys they want to get all the credit. , "LESTER EDINGER, Chairmen JOHN M. HOY. Treasurer. The strain of duties st thef .Watties (Mug's Drugs) Store finally caught up to our surprise bowling opponent, j Lucille Steffes, the West Side pinup girl. We understand she is taking ' a vacation, having toured as far north as Lake Geneva to date. Or should . we say up to-this.-date? j Curiosity drew us* into the Wckjd- FREE SIMPLE TEST NOW TELLS YOU WHICH COWS HAV^ MASTITIS Hare la • quick, may way to teat your cowa for Maatitla. You can do It youraclf right In jovrown barn. Tost 20 cowa in 20 mln. with tb« Bceba "BTB" teat. And it doca not coat you • penny. Here la all you do: Aek ua for tke apodal Beebe "BTB" Teat Card. We will gin you FREE one teat card for each in your herd. All you do la follow the almple dlrectlona on the card. We have Hi if- - "BTB" teat carda in atock now. Aak for your FREE aupply today. Remember, a few mlnutea a pent in teetinU your cows for lldtitb may aave aome of your moat valuable animala from alau^hter. THOMAS P. BOLGER The McHenry Druggist It is interesting to look through ' an old account and cash book, dating back to 'June. 1904, recently found tucked away in the basement of the; William Pries Central Market build-] ing. ' j by PORT IS A LIGHTWEIGHT THAT'S A RIGHT WEIGHT! Light enough for Harm-Leather comfort . . . Firm enough for shape-holding service. In Outdoor shades Suntan, Greenspray, Silver-cloud $^LSO and .Woods - brown. W OTHIK POtTIS *Aft $3 to *10 FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP T. J. Walsh bought a loaf of bread that cost only 5 cents in those days--- Ted W'inkel got 9 pounds of sugar for j 50 eents^--and no points--Coffee was plentiful and John Lqdtz paid 25 cents for a pound--We see such names as Father Barth, Frank Buhr, Dr. Wells, John Parks, Dr. Hunt, Father O'Neill. John Heimer, Dr. Fegers, John Regner, Mrs. Searls., John I Story, F. K. Granger. Mrs. Stebbins, Roll Waite, Harry Fay-- E. S. Wheeler bought a whole gallon of olives for 80 cents--no tax---Joe Mertes was a big buyer---note ne got a half barrel of flour for $2.6&-- E. B. Perkins got a nice supply of tobacco for 5 cents--Innis of the Riverside House give 75 cents fbr 5 dozen eggs---On July 13, 1904, N. E. Barbian must have had a cooling drink of lemonade--got' a dozen for 25 cents--"Patsy" Boley paid 15 cent-s for a half dozen--We can't find who the propri/ftM»-sWas atN that time, but note that C. G«r Frett, G. McOmber and L.. Phillip drew wages --You Old Timers will remember-- Precious Stones Prevent Slipping on Warships Bluejackets of the United States navy, manning the thundering guns of battleships and cruisers, take their stands on carpets of semi-precious stones. Naval planes, zooming from the flight decks of carriers with their deadly Ipads of bombs and torpedoes, take off from runways of the same sort. " Garnets ar'e being used by the navy today to cover decks and gun emplacements of Our ships, the gems, pulverized into coarse grains, forming part of a new deck covering manufactured for the navy. The new covering, known as "Dektred," is made by mixing the ground garnets with a special fireresistant plastic or synthetic resin binder that has the ability to stick to the smooth steel surface of a battleship deck or similar structure. The chief purpose of Dektred is to prevent slipping, a problem that is of the utmost seriousness in naval operations. Slippery decks can cause accidents, even death. They can lose battles. The problem is particularly acute in rough weather or on small ships whose lpw decks are -nally washed by the waves at i. „. speeds. FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES We have a complete stock of both passenger and truck tires. ' • . - You can now have your tires retreaded without an OPA order. Bring them in. x ' TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING Trade in your old battery on a new FIRESTONE. We allow $2.00 for your old one. CHAINS--We make up chains of all sizes. FIRESTONE FRIGITONE FIRESTONE SUPER ANTI FREEZE OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M'HENRY ' PHONE 294 Chicken Feed : A hen laying about 80 eggs a year will require about 10.5 pounds of feed to produce a drzen eggs. Hens laving about 200 eggs will need about five pounds Of feed to produce a dozen eggs. ' We have a large number of colore 1 baby chicks for Easter. Come in and select yours no;v. Farmers Mill; : Rats Find Grain K rats are about the &7IX> but cannot get into the grain storage rooms, they are probably taking their hundred pounds of feed from the hoppers in the poultry house or hogpen, or from the box in the dairy barn feed alley. Only Gates Remain Railings about the parliament and administrative buildings of the Northern Ireland government at Stormont are going for scrap, but the great ornamental gates will be retained. The gates are essential for traffic control, authorities said. Railings are needed more for scrap metal. Order your Rubber Stamps, at The Plaindealer. •. Phone 19 West McHenrY JOHNSON'S CLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS CO.\*r.\::Y BUFFALO, N. Y. Housewives call it their most dependable cleaning aid. Cleans painted woodwork and walls, sanitas, rugs, upholstery. Wonderful for Venetian blinds, too. No hard rubbing or rinsing necessary. GSAALLEL OPNRI CSEIZ E m5 Regular Price $1.50 QUARTS 60c GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. SPECIAL SALE Saturday, 1 Kerfoer's Lard 2, No Points Fresh Ground Beef • • • Pot Roast of Beef • v. lb. 27c Smoked Hams lb. 35c Get one for Easter - FRESH FISH ON FRIDAYS -- We sell cheaper because we sul] for cash 'VATIQNAL SOLID HEADS PORTO RICAN Sweet Potatoes MARSH SEEDLESS h Green Cabbage 2 lbs. 7c 25' FRESH FULL POOS Green Peas "li . . ? US. J- C GRAPEFRUIT ... 5 . 35e FANC> TEXAS SPINACH 2 lbs. 17e FLORIDA SWEET AND JUICY ORANGES 5 us. 39c COME AdAIN * PEAS 20-02. NO 2 CAN 10 (3 Blue Points) EXTRA VALUES! CORNED BEEF HAJH' {? Red Broadcast SLASS 21c GLASS NATIONAL UNSWEETENED (I R*<* »Otl>n Evan Milk 3"£?,z25c COME AGAIN Peanut Buffer '"j" 29c N\TiONAi CELUXE Coffee 27c S SANBORN Coffee A1,32c iiiiii St'NSWEET LARGE Prunes P(<G Blue RIBBON CA1IMYRNA IAYES Fi?s 18c PANCAKE FLOUK Nazel RICE KRISPIES Kello^'s FORI CEARBOHN Oatmeal ' 17c . '*K-16* 7IeE ;•*£ ioe :Vl 17c TAtl CAN ( 12 Red Pomtj) Tomatoes Polirhl NO P O I N T FOODS NATIONAL ENRICHED Pan Rolls . WHi'E SLICFD Raisin Bread GOICEN C-RAIN Donuts Sals -•*< Saltines ....... F >KtES Salerno Of a I-LB ... LOAP DC ..IN CT 18 10c °°N' 13c 16c 16c HILLSIDE CHICKEN FEEDS HILLSIDE Scratch Grain "Ag $3.29 HILLSIDE Egg Mash "EcS3.46 HILLSIDE Chick Starter ^$3.75 H O U S E H O L D N E E D S CAMPBELLS TOMATO I0"^-02. CANS fCRSONAl . Ivory i'.yii. SCAKES 14c PURE--FLOAtlN® ; Swan Soap 6c HAND SOAF " Lava ..... CAKE 6c PURE- SAFE Ivory Plakei 23c HICH TEST Oxvdol *-ol aa. ntft. £QQ to Ik* Wico o# oar tMrclundlu •ppf«lm#»«hr •qah>«MW tm l\ mm «cco--« ANTI.SNEEU «« CLEANSER Old Dutcl K MUlt TEAM ; Borax HAND SOAP Boraxo , P2B 15c No Rub Floor Wsxcan 39C mMl rals *• TDDLHON*' >WIII--T MM llllnofe Occapj'ioa«i !«• AA Rinso 23c 2 15c ....«£ 15c NATIONAL 3333 STORES . ». Xti" A,.„ Htt ' y • fi - J