Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1944, p. 8

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m i Hf •*« " THE McHENKY PLAIMDEALSK " ' " X' . . • ' ^others Club With. •j"4rs. Peter justen . - The April meeting of thfe mothers' .<plub ",a ill 1 e held on Friday afterj oon, April 14, at*»the home of Mr?. i»eter M. Justen in West McHenry. :"Cu!?st «p€n!:»r v-ill be Dr. Brute Giills of Woodstock. • Circle 1 With Mrs. Counihan . , Circle l.AV, S. C. S., will meet with Mrs. Roy Counihan in Howell's Villa - on Tuesday, April 11. This, will be the regular inonthlymeeting t>f the : group. . vv£ '"'J was employed at McGee's Clothing store until the past year and onehalf, during which time he has been residing in Los Angeles. * * Peter F. Miller Is Honored On Birthday His family and friends gathered at the home of Peter F. Miller on Sunday afternoon to honor him on his sixty-eighth birthday anniversary.. An enjoyable afternoon was spentf followed by the serving of a delicious dinner.. „ In attendance were Pvt., Violet Miller, WAC. stationed at Mather Field, Calif., granddaughter of the guest of honor, tlie Bill Miller family of Postpone Meeting ft> 1 Ringwood, Charles Miller and son -Of Community Club ' v ' of Voto. Mr. and Mrs. George "Miller /* • Owing to.: Holy: Week coming at | aiid family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller the time of the regular" meeting: of j ayid family, Mrs. Victor Miller, Eleathe Johnsburg Comniuiiity 'club, The [ norSchaefer and meeting will l>e postponed to Tues-j Hettermann and family., ^ '« • day, April'"jllvvj ^Everybody is "uel-'- * • * '*" - ' ; L .». • com£ to attend, T. : H „v * ' Honor Serviceman „ Home On Furlough '• * 'ft . •** * "v.". -Lady Foresters T Install Officers The Lady Foresters of St. Clara's Court will hold installation; of officers in the school hall at 8 p. m., on. the evening of April 13. The high chief ranger. Alice Primm, will t^e present to do the installing. On next Monday evening at 7:30 FATHER TUCHLINSKY APPOINTED PASTOR ELIZABETH CHURCH ORCHESTRA PRESENTED SNJOYABLE CONCERT ON SUNDAY EVENING Word comes this week that* Father We have often heard about size Paul Tuchlinsky has be&n transferred { having nothing to do With value. Apfrqni Rockford to St. Mary's parish I parent-ly with this thought upperin El;zabeth, 111. After four and ) most in mind, the twenty-four memone- half years- as assistant pastor j hers of the high school orchestra atat St. Mary's church in McHenry,! tempted, with much success, to prove Father PauJ left last January to ac\ j that in spite of their small organizeas chaplain at St. Anthony's hos-j ti(>n that they could present a very j worthwhile and enjoyable program. The selections ^were unusually well chosen and while the names of many ffftt *9 mdy MISS HELEN BUCH MARRIED TO ARMY MAN ON SATURDAY A lovely nuptial ceremony was performed in the rectory of St. Mary's church,#'McHenry, last Saturday afternoon, April 1, at four o clock, by Msgr. Nix. The marriage united in marriage Miss Helen Buch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Buch of this city, and Mr. Robert W. Hahn, now stationed at Fort Sheridan. " "" . The bride* was attractively gowned of the numbers were unfamiliar, after i in a suit of dusty rose, with which the orchestra had played the opening' she wore brown accessories. Her bars there were few in the audience matron of honor, Mrs. Theresa Mcwho were not humming to themselves j Chrystal, of Chicago, wore an orchid the familiar melodies. Among the '• suit. The latter's husband, Peter most popular selections were "An-1 McChrystal, served as best man. dante Caritabile" from the Fifth! A dinner was held in the early Symphony by Tsehaikowsky, which evening at the H. E. Buch residence everyone found had recently turned into the popular tune, "Moon Love," and the group of old war time numfor the bridal parties- and the immediate families, after which the young couple left for Chicago. bers, with Miss Evelyn Soellner as , The groom, formerly of Chicago the very capable vocal soloist, J has since returned to Fbrt Sheridan." President ofvthe orchestra is Bon,-j ^he bride, a graduate of the local nie Page, vice-president, Adolph h'fch school in 1940, has been em- Weideman; secretary, Elaine Land- ployed in the office of Montgomery gren; librarians, Edith Sherman, Ward • in'. Chicago ;,tw© Kathryn ^ye and Beverly Schwerman; student director/ Bonnie Page; and manager, Donald Schaefer. The orfchestra personnel is as follows: and one-half years. GRANDSON OF MRS, KATHRYN BARBIAN ." RESCUED FROM SEA ... Violins: Deith Sherman^ Beverly: . . REV. PAUL TUCHLINSKY Schwerman, Elida Pag^-arid C^aee' ^V \ * my aixenueu a lamny gauiermg 7- ;---- y. . 1 Thomrvorin ' • ' tollowing stcry coming out of the home- of Mrs. Frank Lumber pital, Rockford, and pastor at Davis roiL. war is ^ot only of interest but Cellos: Marion Freund and Joanne alg0 has a happy ending, which is Mr. and Mrs. Howard'^jpijlllhs ai»d family attended family gathering in _ . . i,enos last Sunday, the get-to-gether honor- j Junction. Hfs many friends here will I g£rever ing Mrs. Collins' brother, Ernest, who be happy to hear of his advancement Strine. Tpftn Nickels ii home ™ furlough after serving for and the enti^ communitJJ j, D.»id Page and Mari.nne many months in Italy. A 4 o clock j the best of luck in his new appoint-„ers dinner was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs.! ment. Oboe- Kathryn Nye : " Guy Dalziel of Pistakee Bay Mrs. f Elizabeth's first oCatholic church | Clarinets: Bonnie 'page* Richard a not too common a thing these days. On April 3, in Folkestone, England, two small fishing boats came to port with eight exhausted members of a Liberator crew who had been drifting in the English PEkSONALS Mrs. O. C. Murray and daughter, Marjom, of Gfeneva were Saturday callers in the home of Miss Kate McLaughlin. They also visited Mrs. Robert Kralowetz. Mr. and Mrs. William Martinsen of Chicago were recent visitors in the Robert Kralowetz home. Pvt. and Mre." Floyd Covalt and daughter are returning to Fort Leonard Wood. Mo., today (Thursday) $fter spending a several days furlough in McHenrv. Mrs. Peter A. Freynd and daughter, Donna, were Waukegan callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Buch of Rhode Island are visiting in the home of his parents, the H. E. Buchs-. Mr. Buch is stationed with the navy at Camp Endicott. ' _. Mrs. Jack Dahlke and daughter, June, and Edward Sterh* of Chicago attended the Buch-Hahn wedding here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. . Lohr of New Claris, Wis., were weekend Visitors in the H. E. Buch home. there, will be practice for installa-! Frank Lumber and family of Fox, wa^stablished in 1864 the few fam- Heuser, Lois Weideman and Marion! channel since two dav, hefor. wfc™ tion. Dinner will be served at 6 Lake, Mrs. Ernest Lumber of Long ilies using a log building in the g ith j Channel since two days before when o'clock at Eva's restaurant preceding' Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hall and Mr. south part of the town for a short Saxophones* James Freund and1! • b°Inber was forced down rethe ceremonies on Thursday, April 13. j and Mrs. Lyle Stickels of Grayslake,, time. However, it soon became nec-1 Joan i turninK from an attack on souhtwest For reservations, members are ask^d j in addition to those already named, to call Kathryn Worts, plione 50-M, ° * * * or Mathilda Gerasch, phone 258, notj Dinner Honors later than Tuesday. Confirmed Boy » • • "1 Honoring Harry Mueller, son of Dinner Party v Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mueller, a de- e(}> later to become known as St. For Navy Man i licious one o'clock dinner was en- Mary's church. Germany. The airmen spent about essary to have larger quarters, and Cornets: Elaine Landgren and Dean f0rtv.eieht "hours in two dine-hies so in 1866 an old brick building on; MrCrApkpn ; iony eignt nours m two dinghies, the north side of the city became French Horns- Donald Schaefer and l ^ fifty t0 before the church. This building was pur- Adoiph We^deman f th^ were rescued. The fishermen chased from a doctor and remodel- Baritone Charl'eS Paee , L^ut awfy *heiJ net« to »et the Baritone. L-nailes rage. , Hflyers aboard the small vessels. Piano: Catherine Schwerman.^ j Among those rescued were Lieut. A gathering was held last Thurs- joyed at Eva's Restaurant last Sun- Again j n 1 8 8 2 t h e r e w a s n e e d f o r L o u W ^ b e r § i R o b e r t B u r k h a r t s m e i r , C h i c a g o , day evneing at the home of Kathryn day. Harry was one of three_ con-1 a jarger building, and a suitable grandson of Mrs. Kathryn Barbian -nd Thomas McLaughlin, honoring; firmed at the Zion Evangelical Luth-! ' wk^eiected ^"S, U>e art?st°, Slhe"^nS'liv^p' j'nJ«V'c^Kh!^.il?Zl,r o'n." Robert Kralowetz, who has since left! eran church at a 9 o'clock service gite were now stands the uew chlirch, venuti of Cicero, the tailgunner. One for navy service, and Miss McLaugh. that day. Following the dinner, an erected by the Rev. J. K. Nilles lin on her birthday anniversary, enjoyable afternoon was spent at the . 4.u„ Present, in addition to those men- Mueller home, with the following, in Father Paul, one of the most popt0 L.„eXpect^tl0nS aS t0 the,r of the crew was killed and the other "ability. Their entire group of sel- died as he was transferred from a ections were well received but es- dfcghy and was buried at sea< j u u r.' 1 ular priests ever in McHenry, will pecially popular with the audience The bomber came down about 'Mi^A^G^ke110 M. Kand°'Cf^J daugte,.^ it ]« "f K ^ equally popular with: »ere -Stout Hearted Men " and the Sibre «"hitine. all of McHenrr, and Forest; Mr. and Mrs. G. Krapf and Elifabeth residents, and his ability negro spiritual, Ain t It A Shame . . reach the English coast were unsuc- Mr. and Mrs Charles Jen,™ of daughter. Gertrude, of Chicago; Mrs. amb."/on w f'.H safly make A" ,Were com- cessful, an(l when found tlK. di hie, Woodstock. Mr. Kralowetz .i* HO* Ervin Kassner, of UCrosse, Ind.; St. Mary s par.,h continue to prosper ments^on the excellent singing and „ere stiu or six ^ offshore stationed at Great Lakes. MESSA6ES FROM MEN IN SERVICE hope that this fine group may ap- w. H Fagg captain of one of the pear in McHenry again soon. rescue vessels, said he understood the T ~ ~ . men had been machinegunned after Bond Purchases By K>ural taking to the dinghies, with one Mr." and Mrs. John Lang and daugh- an<* improve, ter. Ingeburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Announce Engagement Phannenstill and daughter, Dorothy. Of lone Schroeder McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Aloys Stef- The engagement of Miss Tone fens and son, Walter, of Johnsbuig, Schroeder to Aviation Cadet Elmer and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haack and E. Erber, son of Mr. and Mrs. George son, Herbert, of Maywood. The . Erber. Sr.. has been announced by guest of honor was the recipient of Ihe*- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer many lovely gifts. , . ; •Schroeder. ' • » » * * * Christening Is , . yuu, Robert Martin We#» Held on Sunday Week after week, Claricetells me .people's activities for the Illinois Ag- Mrs- Bob McDonald of Woodstock, Lkm Angeles Girl - On Sunday, Ag»ril 2; th« iaiant;to drop a line to you and thank you t ricuIturai association. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and mother, Friends have received announce* daughter of Corp. and Mrs. Louis * •' ev®rJr®1ie e^se Rural Youth members are aiming Mrs. Mary Dittrich, of Belvidere, Dear Mose: Youth Buys Ambulance Plane suffering scalp lacerati6ns and the " ' other facial and internal injuries. Goal for the first aix months of Neither was injured seriously. 1944 war bond campaign of Illinois! _ _ Rural Youth is $110,000, the cost of i PERSONALS ah ambulance plane, according to _ . " Ellsworth D. Lyon, director of young Lewis McDonald and Mr. and ; ments of the marriage of Mr. Robert Oleynichak was christened Emma Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Louise, Rev. A. J. Neidert officiating Martin of this city, and Miss Thelma at the ceremony. Mrs. Catherine Grace Gundy of Los Angeles, Calif., Schaefer, grandmother of the baby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gundy and Vincent Oleynichak, the latter of .. of -Colorado. The ceremony was sol- Chiago, acted as sponsors. The emnized in Los Angeles on Thurs- baby, who will be called Emylou, day, March 30. Acting as attendants was christened in the same dress as were Mrs. William Dewey of May- worn by her mother at her christeiiwood, Calif., aunt of the groom, and ing. Mrs. Oleyrjbhak is the former j Lawrence Gundy, brother of the Emma Schaefer of Johnsburg. At 1 bride. A graduate of the McHenry the present time Corp. Oleynichak is) •Community high school, the groom stationed in England. - COMING EVENTS, April 1Q Ail Members Night--O. E. S.,. ' . Lily Lake "IP. T» A„--Election of Officers. • ApHI 11 ' Circle 1, ^r. S. C. S? Counihan. Johnsburg Community Club. April 13 APRIL 8 IS DATE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS Responsible for our flt a 12.month goal in 1944 of $300,000! called the home of Mr- and Mrsgetting the paper in war bond purchas?s> ^ goal Linus Newman Sunday. every week. Each would equal the purcW price of Mm Frank Blake, Mrs. Bernard N, time she mentions; tWQ ambulance pIanes at $110 000 Schmitt, William Klappench and a**?: . - each, a pursuit plane at $75,000,'and Nick F. Freund spent several days will,^do rt tomor-! an amphibious jeep. ,ast week at Meyer, Iowa, where row. Well, tori they attended the funeral of a relamorrow finally got j ' | tive, Mrs. John Klapperich. here. |.--•--;--; -- r-j Anna Cleary and brother, Allen, I hardly think, I found out that I was $3.00 short. 0f Sioux Falls, So. Dak., have been it necessary to tell j That s enough of that. spending several days in McHenry, you how much we 1 Another thing that gave me trouble having been called to this vicinity ienjoy reading the | was the blaAouts. I was returning iast week by the death of their I Plaindealer. It goes without saying j from town the other night and could- aunt, Mrs. Mary O'Flaherty. 1 that it is the most avidly read ma-1 n't see a thing but I sure did feel terial that comes into our house, something when I walked right into along with our other paper from ' a nice English gent who was walking Crystal Lake. In it we find news of the other way. More fun! friends throughout the world. When ! Well, I must sign off for now. hut we are lonesome for news from home i first I want to thank everyone for we find it on your front pages and the Plaindealer. « 1 The annual schoo board elections your nal colunfns. when we 1 • M r s . a r e s c h e d u l e d t o t a k e p l a c e ^ n e x g r o w t h . p d o f t h 4 t r e e s a n d r e d Saturday Apnl 8. It is expected that d here an(J , for that home I both thfc grade and high schoo CQ of CORN, we" find it elections will be quiet affairs as no . Walsh's column Group 3, W. Si C. S.--Mrs. C. W. contests are anticipated. However, As ever, "BOB" ADAMS, Somewhere in England. D» It Y»vrself-at Nmm CfatotfoU PERMANENT WAV! KIT Complete with curlers • shampoo and waveset. .'.Jfe's eary to do and safe for every type of .• fcn-ir For amazing results--he^ure^lo Charm-Karl. Over 6 mllltun »old. THOMAS I*. BOLGER All in all, it is - - vcrv satisfvincr Klontz. . V ' 'many a surprise has taken place ati * Lady Foresters--Instailatitin: of Ofr the polls, that ve ry element making ' Thl u n^s wfU Wlth us- As t ficers. * j elections such interesting things. may have heard, or seen, if you read April 14 . ' • 1 At the grade school, where voting you»' Paper yourself, we have a new | Mothers' Club---Mrs. . j'will take place in the gymnasium, ™an ln the family. loung Mike Home. local residents may vote between , ve^ ,s raPlclJ> taking over the; April 15 ; noon and 5 p. m. Dr. R. G- Chamber- PlanaKer"ent of the household, as you i O. Ei S.--Dance and Party--Masonic lin will run for re-election as presi- ma^ we ! "^agine. However, he is Hall. dent cf the board and Augustine Pretty decent about it a"d '®ts April 19 Freund and Fred Rogers as mem- us have a little time off occassionly for j County Meeting Red G^sSr^W<M>d^ bers. The president's term of office . re .,or!" ®°d Johnny are stecki - . is one year year and the members Rawing' like weeds and are as ta-n- April 20 will take office for three years. Mr. "e as Indians. Th^ southern m- Public Card Party--Evening--Spon- Rogers, if elected, will be the new ce creePs into their conversation; sored bv, C. D. of A. • member of the board, replacing Frank- ®nce in a while despite ou* attemps ; Birthday Tea--Community .ijethodist Wav: who has moved out <5f the '• , stop it. Even Mike says ' Glub | Church Hall. - district. « ; «lub Klub, .v<> a»- -| April 21 : For the high school board mem-j GPod ^T ck to a11 ofJ0"' and ^anks Settlor Class Play. ' .bers, voting will take place at the; aga,tV Hope we will see you soon April 2fi. 27, 28 City Hall between noon and 7 p. m. anc' good. , Rummage Sale:--City Hall--Sponsor- Running for re-election on this board Yours, eel By St. Mary's--St. Patrick's are Dr. A. I. Froehlich and Ben Jus- THE PURVEY FAMILY. t ' ' " . .. " School P. T. A. j ten, each of whom, if elected, will ^ serve for three years. "DOC.' •IT WEIL* AHD KEEP #q$LAMES DESTROY : M PORTION OF OLD WELL! 9 Tea, that's a slogan tulled to our times. It's more tlian a catch-phrase, too--it's a mighty good rule to live fcy, especially now when the nation needs every ounce of our energy. If you're ill, see a good Doctor and, of course, bring his prescription here for careful compounding. BOLQER'S PR UQ STORE Green Street, McHenry ESCRIPTIOHS i Dear Mr. • Moshier: i' ! I want to send my appreciation to | "j the McHenry Plaindealer for their | XT ATT? papmuattcv kindness in Sending me the paper. \ f X1A1J£I J AitlYLnU UolL I really ^enjoy it and look forward'!.. to the paper every week. It brings! A fire of unknown origin destroyed back the memories of the good little j ^ a great portion of the old Hale farm town and vicinity. . near Griswold lake, early last Sun- 8ure win appreciate the day when 11 il? ™ornin?; • ® Irvui. Heil fam- j can return to the vicinity of Mc- jo >, w o reside there, .first detected Henry again. Thanking you very *' crac ing sound between the first, much for the paper, I remain and second floors shortly after mid- Yours truly night and at once summoned the b- ARNOLD HAY, . reac,hheidr etihieJ espc8enrtem etlh-e fTlamheesn , had Ft. Warren, Wyom• ing,. . gained much headway but they were • , "'• • • ' able to save tiie front \part- of »th6 j Uear. Move and Staff: structure. | Well, I guess that it is just about Destroyed were the kitchen, bed- ' time that I was writing you a few j room and bathroom. However, a new hnes to let you know my new address.. b-ooler stove, which was in the back 1 want to keep receiving the good; of the house, was saved. Onlv xe- 0^d Plaindealer as soon and as often cently the whole interior of the house as ^ canhad been redecorated. After a long voyage I finally land- j ^ ed in a very beautiful town, "some- i ; Mrs. William A. Nye, who has where in the British Isles." I am ; been residing in Lake Geneva, Wis., becoming accustomed to the English ; since her husband left for overseas, j way of doing things. The money has returned to McHenry to live. | was the hardest thing, to get used EASTER CANDIES CHOdiSlS TRADITIONAL WAY TO SEND YOUR GREETINGS--WITH DELICIOUS CANDY. WE'VE THE KIND WHICH IS SURE TO PLEASE THE PALATES OF ALL AGES OF EASTER CELEBRANTS. TRY WHITMAN'S GOBfLIN'S or BRACH'S THOMAS P* BOLGER THF MCHENRY DRUGGIST Help Wanted Maintenance Man and Painter HUNTER BOAT CO. DANGE|ip APRIL 8 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Af NELL'S BALLROOM ED. KLEMME AND HIS ORCHESTRA . '-.v . : - ^ '.'A (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) RE-ELECT Thomas f Bolger DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE • , FOR; ' State Representative Endorsed by: ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR ILLINOIS BANKERS ASSOCIATION PRIMARIES. APRIL 11 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED a, nn.u.B.mT. oFF.j.aAM| You've seen it featured in LIFE and th« POST. It's very name tells you the story. It's the ideal, all-purpose Windbreaker that turns back wind and weather. A handsome looker -- tailored ot windproof, shower-resistant fine gabardine. Gives you a world of comfort arid lortjfc dependable service.. Th« Windbreaker shown Is a button front hip-length mod- •I. Two slash pockets and zipper breast pocket. FvU rayon lined. Tan, brown, coco and teal $ 8.95 to. I w^nt to the bank a few days Order .your Rubber Staipps at The ago and exchanged some money for j Plaindealer. I English money arid upon my return PHONE 4-0. MEHENPY.ILL McGEE'S - £ tore for Mf h • McHENRY o o u Q O .O- •0

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