Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 9

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wsn^* <• • i «jp^- •' KuVmi<sT;t#^ Tg# #«M :,:l7;'*f. • •'•;• V A *3%t* . McHenry County, Illinois Offieiaif Report of the Proceedings for the Fiscal. Year Ending April 1, 1914. SUPPLEMENTAL TO-- McHENRY PLAINDEALEU, McHenry, 111. Special April Meeting 1943 ..i.Qffic ami numbers of tin. press 1n (the conduct1 of his office and. staled that tjie. "would conduct the office to, the test I ot lus aoUity. , - 1 . ' ; \ .j . - !-• ; Tiie records of the* Special' March, • •- The. Honorable. Board of Supervisors 1943 iiieeurjg wer<s read and on motion . • ot McHenry- County, Illinois, met in appro v,e<t and ordered of cecurd.- •^;•'•;" i special session pursuant to the follow- The following report of 'tlie Ctninty '•• iiits call .signed "by mine uiaii -one-t,nif<i., f.rba»n.i'ei;. loi. the mpiuip of, Match,; ' ,: ' oi ' ii&. ui.buiuvx.ti at the Com t HoUse -. VI'•i '-'w£9- •|>|'vsSe«M«U:. a'nd' • ; vuie city of Woodstock <6n 'Tuesday, • ;v\ ' - v -./• uay of.Apiii, a. n. i>i„, at trie' --Z'r-. •' ""v ' •"_* - ;.li«u. ol ten o liiook -A. Al. The Clerk*;'- Coaaty Treasurer'* Xteport - t . . . 'certftlcat^,of. -mailing notices' aiia«i*iii>-'H;~'•>•'• Tor the Mqncu ot March, 1943 " V, v , , lisnerseenifieiUe 01 ^ublicatioiivbeHiK^ V *. 'K;vA*-; v. •:• uuacned (.hereto, to-wit:.. • •;• . " '• Balance brought- i< : ward .-••»'-• ' 'V;,: ' ? • ' • . T , , . . . F - b 2 * . b , i u . « _ , . n i l , - O s V - \ . • • : • ' . ' . ' • A u r i l v i 3 ; , 1 9 4 3 .,•; "-To V "Ji\V6od< County clerk • • ^ ^J. uiiijY-.Honie. • fc1«. . "«««»» artv H •"*; ,1^; .We/?fte j unuefei^n^;ine;1.,btr<iofrtK)e : l,t t> 1. Thursday, April 13, 194|^ e-VBendm>res for roaus ami brid^ ou bupr ^rr-ls tlut tb , ii^oluuon be The Committee or. Cotin^- Toor Claims roll, C lVriy Wricht W irr^» county ttate Aid Syst*#u of KoaU» for adopted by this Board arid the rod b.-- presented tUe toJlowing report, whi-h Kulroads--V U \i,-c;,'.,ni.1? • ' ' - • •bg .caUea, . the Chairm-.n declared the on-motion, of supr. .WrlKiu and dulv v.rxili™ Jr -C rCu S tir! g -r der sea! to each of bur three Repr%' tun., T. scnta'ir es and to aur 'State Senator, anfF a copy to our iionorable.'Governor, Thg' liorioriiible# i >%v ight. Green, and to Mr, ot the, ftupervlsoHV " Association of regularly moved bjp' aiiu auly second* • lilt lik.--jiatioM•. aril,- and tli*. inotion unani<>; • lioaiui ot- Supervisors of AicHcrtry^^ Cblili- P V-f UIKl House in tne. City ot WobastocK Jh the room usuaiiy ,oc>-upied by incm lor tne pu» pose • 01" organisation the election of a cnairman lor tne eiisuiug >, tat; appointment of committees, th4 select lion 01 uiauu Jurois ana isupiiierneinat . 1 aael tor tile May, ly4a, .term ot uie CncUit i^oun, tile approving ox. cialios tiled against the county, tile appro>iu(i' ol repoi ts ot county officers and ibr tlie transaction < 01' any anij ail x ui tiier business tnat may^egulaj-iy. come uCiotei. ore said tneetift:. \ . b'. iv. uixiv • FRANK C. FERRIS ' CttAiS. ii, iv.wA^V i?'. KUE.CKKH JOHN J. .!•' 11.11• AJ. &, HAKKlsoX T. t. ^OLA.\, Jl,.' CARL, 15. WiXXMfS FRANK MAY . State ol Illinois, cuuiiiy ot Mclicary,' ss, :- 1, lii. U. Woods, clerk of the County Court and fcix-onicio Clerk of tne ipsa*a', ol supervisors' of suxu Co'utujr, tiie , >tate aforesaid, do herebv-certify that, on the 13th day of. April, 1U43,; being not less iiiaii ten . uaa ^ - piivii 10 uie date set for the Special April, 1848 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, i u'cpoonrO. 111 tile i iiutu fttaies mail at Hie post oitlce 111 tiie civj ui (iin/u^ocn, Illinois, postage fully paid, notice 01 saiu ineeiina, tne attacliea being a true; una correcL e*>i»y oiiuut^eu «»»M1. tin time and place of said .meeting, addresaea to earn ot tne rollo\vmg Siipei visois .Ugiciailt C>upcrV iouio ui aaiu tj' at their respe'eiive post office aduress set. opposite each name, tb-wit: isame ] Aotuess bupr. .vugust AV. XvUtli, II. i.. xj. .>0. 2, ..iartn«o, 111. 1. . • ' bupr. c. rerry Wfight, Marengo, lllv I.U11 \\ iiui kAiU-,' i*x, bupr. F. 15. 15eck, Harvard, ill. i»upr. N. • H. Ciawson, .uiit iv. 1J1'. 'ouaji. o. J. Ciiiroii, ', ill.. H. K lvuecKer, Marengo, ill. bupr. Chas. 11. AcKman. U.L1I, ill. •supr. 1'iaiiK C. I'ems, Huntley, ail,' &upi. i'. i'. Moian, at., W mo'u»^«V^' .• • bupr. J. E. Harii.son, Woo<istV)ck; ill, ouyr, 01 ail lei coiliae, iieufon, ill. • bupr. Vvarien I.. j'leice i\it;miibi»u, 111. bupr. i-rank May, bpri,.^ Glove, ill. bupr. .Maui N. bcnmiu, iMcilenry, in. bupr. iienry C. Meier, c"ryst,.i ^uKe, ;ill. bupr. John J. Filip, Algonquin, in. Asot. bupr. A. 13. . Aie'voiiiieii, Woodstock, ill. Asst. t,upr. -v.ugustus 'M. Maxwell, Ilii'iJ vvooustock, m. . Asst. oupr. i'aul Rosenthal, Crystal i-ake, ir.. in vvitiieifs Whereof, i hereunto subsciii^ e niy- n^une' arid auix- • mb ' »ca« 01 the Court at my office in V?» ootlstoefc tliis lotn day 01 April, A. 1>. l»4i. , ii- tJ., • W'Ooii'ij,- C ou,«t> v ,erk, 15x-Officio Clerk 01 tne' Hbai'tt of Suprs. .Air. tAanie .of supervisor.) ' ' jleiuoei ox tiie j.oniii in .-Supervisors of AlcHenry County, Illinois: lou are iiereoy nutiiiea tnat the Special .ipin xiieeuiig 01 tue imaru .ui 'nu- , pi-rv is.ji sf w ill be neld to convene I'ues-. uay, tile ^Tllfdaj ui April, 1 «i.. i..s- - Wuf or 111 o'ciOck A. M./at the Court ilouse ill W ouusidcK, 111 sail* v^ouuiy. ->s a member of said tioara, you. win please go\ein ><»urseit accuiainriiy, i>at> o at ' WiHMistUvK, 1 ii., tins l3tft day ot April, A. I>. ,1943. ; it.{ U. w'uoi-'ei, i.ouiny Clerk arid Ex. Uliielo U«l« oi the uoaru oi buprs. The' . retiring Chairmari, Iienry C.. Meier, ordea-ed all of the members to liSU, l<J&ei.Ucr WlLU LllC bpt'^UtlOld pi'tm-' ent at the meeting, and give toe^c oi anegiiince to tile' J; lag 01 tiie L inieu btates of .America. ..nice tne pledge ot allegiance, to the r iag was given by tiie Clerk, tne cnairman announce^' tne cettilicaies of election and qualification ol tne newly eceud a^nper. 1 >nr> and A.ssistant • Supervisors were o» the Clerks Utule ana 11 tneie Wa^ any no-: jecnon to them quailtying .as lneiiibers of the County lioard l:ov. v^as tue u.n. . to lijieaiv. ; Su objections being made, the meeting- was cancu to oioer oy -the retiring-' «. naii man, lieiirj C- Meier, ana tiie run being called by the Cl< 1'K^tiie km. .ft 11. niemoers responded to tKeir names, town:- oupe^x laors August W. i;utn,- 0. l'erry V\ right, Ca,ri 1^. \Vittunis, V. -i>. r.eck, -\. ii. Clawsbn, G. J. carrdll, K. i-. lvuecKer, Cnas. 11. AcKiiiaii, i-iiifiK v . i erris, T. i-'. .Nolan, J J. K. Harrison, btanley H, Cornue, W. F. 1'ierce, i'ruiiN .May, Alain M. b'chmltt, Henry C. Aleier, ailu; Joiin J. i-'llip alia As^t »upei\!snr» A U. AlcConneli, A. M. Maxwell and i'aul Kosentnai, constituting a fuh Uoard present; '. The retiring Chairman, lleriry C. Aleier, auuiossed the" lioaru and' slated tiiat the time had coilie for him to,retire anu liianked tne nie'inoers oi tne Foanl.. Cbu.'.ty ixficers aim' iiu-,ni« is w, tiie 1'ress, for the splendid cooperation given him tne puttt > 1x11. ' ne nuueu lurtbei' that the hi>t order of business to come before the nieetingJ_wa» the election of a/Chan-man loi . uie eiisu.iig, > ear and asked lor nominations tor sa.u olTice. tMipei \ i»or .\CKi11a 11. adilressei. the Chair and"nominated. Supervisor' FOdward K. -Kuoc-ket* -of JSeiieea TowiiKiiiplor Chairman fur the ensuing' ye;\r. Said nonnnation was duly seconded t'JL Supel v lsors ilan isoii and i>ev.K.• . Jue ie-' tiri'.iu Chairnian then called, for further nominations and there being no further nominations, it was reguiai iy lii.iv eii by Supr. CarrJli and duly seconded by Supr. Fej ris that the nonnnuiion> l>e cioseu and>, ivtirntg < hairman «t«r' iiared the motion to clow the nuhiina-. tions unaninio.iisiy can'ied. It was thereupon regularly moved 'by- i^upr. Witt» nius and duly seconded by S.upr- Wright and deefkj ed cat rit d mat tiie i_ i,<.1 k the lioard be instructed to cas.t a unanimous vote of the members of the Hoard tor Ed ward h'.; lvuecker. - the Su^ perv isor from" the Towaspip of bt iieci.' tor 1'hairiiian for t hi- eiisutint The Clerk cast the unanimous vote . as instructed and the Supervisor sroiii iiie T.iwiisliip of Seneca was declared to It? the unaninious chi>ice ot..the riiemaers. p r e s e n t f o r C h a i r m a n t - o i r " ' t h e u i « - year. I'he result of the election beitic: aniiounced, the newly elected Chairman . was csci-vtei! to' tne I' o> >' •. ing ("'hairman and was preRe..';J with Hit gavel anil was' instructed to WieiU ; 'f Avitli (iiirimy »ml c.edit to- the peopn. of McHenry County. Tn«* nwiy eicttLa Chairman, ESwarif F. K ieeker. thanked the meii.ibe'-; i<i the Board for the prr«»Ht honor b°= -Fed., upon him and asked fnr t>>e- c'-ope';'.-! t; >B-< oi U10 ui«uibcr» of tii« Board, Coiimy UMiu »M» n« Siue'uis (Uld; Minor Hens A'cct, Dog: >"a.x . 1' ' '• Tqtoi Heceipts ^ Orarid Total County Crder.s Highway (jr.uers u.niid 1 eiu-.K»ii.-s' Aiotor i> bei 'iax .. i liuei'l L'alK.e i axes-- .......-x Uoluiu r a Jurors G-iaiiu and 1 eti'i ; Juioi s ....„ •Treasurers! ' bui..ry . <• lei 1>.S balaries l ay ii.ili 1: Aceo.'Unt.::l.,'.;„i;. iyog l ax r u lid ! Taxes redeenied f-tbin F'orl.. County uinceis' i; ees. ision-liigh bctiool Fund Couniy coui t Juiois'. i'eis. i'rop, liack. Taxes Uuu;ity orders Total Expenditures ikti. uli Hand 11 Mar. 31st. At tne meetings of this Hoard or »u- fetaniej i ornue. ajnou , a,nu . lutlon in re lamented and readt L-. nber ppropvi- ciiii siiict »U<tll • v illetlt ttll« ui« sonic 196.15 H»!,92».3« una the same, "e^cli tomilui-'! 1 adeui 1 aup.-r -r iee, uniess otnerwli-e t ,'angcxi. o.v .'nit' V' 1 1 s Hest lionie,.'l#iM)iird 30.00 Lioai'ti,' as constituted the.*forea : iL^"1".1? »^»>^ic>riuni, iiubiaiilv ' The Chairman announced • the Kelec- 11 tile i,oaic lor .tne past 5«n; ,.MV> ,.!tU, o"' " *1,1U'4^ It iw" a'»nd Jurors and Supplemental ail buts lor claims be reierreu pro- '11 1 'eU-eiU' toeliacht.-M..(Faiiel for tiie, May. 1#U Tti'i,? oiX per coinniiltees, and mat tne 1 <>at'u ..d- i n 1,0"J - - . . .. .. •> -- ...... 1 \Voi'.isiocK l.'uoUo liosp., Hansen C. c".. Aimer. Soma ... J1S, 180.72 ol».4a l.Jba.O'i li'.oy bV.U.) 2.1U3.36 . 6,:.t>6.23 lu.dua.o? :..5^,157.86 1 .">6.771.47 Grand Total .........Jl;>l,'j-S.36 The above arid loregoin-g report is true and correct aci-oiaing to my best Knowledge and belief. J. G. toiiiVENS, Co. Treas, Subscribed and swoiii to before iiie this 2 7 th cay of April, 1943. .', " R. l.». WOO US, tSeal) County Clerk. it was thereupon i«»giU:aTiy nibve.jl by Supr.. i-iiip uii.d duly seconded by bupi. vviiufii tiiat tile riport be approyea inia die V.nail u.a 11 lu-OiaieU uiu inoiioii una.unnbUsiy carried. 1 oe cuiiiiuiieve bii Finance presentee, the i,olio wing report, which 011 motion 'ol hu.pi'. Caiioli arid buiy .sec inued by oupi. ciawson and the roil being«ju was declared uilaiiniiously adopted, town: . ' April 16, ;y43. ;To the Chairirian and Geituepu n oruie . iioAia oi >^upeiv isors:- i our Cuinn-iciee cli > inani e to whom was leiervcd tiie iiiiltei' ol an appioi- Pi'iatfoft loi tile i'i.,tvior 01 %Ti\ tJc'iyiiwe.: Oi Alviieiiry t OLiity \i'uj;il 1 eg •<'-i>e 10 iciioit tiiat ".they inel at the c.bail.n««use in tne City of vVoeustock, • iiinois, oil Friday, April 16th, 13l3, to .'.obtiiier said matter. • . • i our C'oii'iiii 1 tee secured information us to what oilier counties in Hie hiate c:i Illinois, .liiuiar li.' siie to -Mclli 11 ^'oUifiy >'t-i e approDl laillig tor tills liut - , .uid aiier u'ue ueuoei ation, y.oui '.oililln 1.1 vt: w oU1 die'ir'ii ui. iI V "lii.rt '.*1 c•' iienry' Count} pio.v'iue an oitice ibr. the i'llt.'- iDi • Ol ClvUltia i eleiiill; Hie v.oui'i 11cu.-e ami thai .lie oy .'mowed an aiiio.ullt: 410U to exceed -per liiolilll iirr ins e..pcn>es and -tile 'expense o. .:peiaui.g ins olnce, tin* saiu 'expense -k> mis to ; be iiied w l til tiie u'uiuy vivik liioiitiny ani presented to* tnis i^oard it r approval. • >v |'.h u is i.e.>p* eti Villy, submitteu. '. KGM-; V'iilAl. t. i„. BiuCK, i. r. iv«_ iv_" l\ fc'K ' * . 1- lO^Afa. < . . J I KKtS '. Asst'. Slip!-, . Jto^tiHiiklv Ciiairtian Ol tile: i niaii. e-.Obuiiiiiitce, .u :ae-• ca.l to : i in" Uien»ve. s " o'i. :'ilie.; i.u.vr<i t»i«. .iiailner in -w iuv4i tiiei : ar. is ed at-, tne ..ufouiii. l^»' H'Jjbt- the iiOleVtor bl «-lVi4- iaii i;elense arid sijiieu tiiat five anibujii , . u » i ' e c o i i i . i . i e n u e d i n i u e - r e p o t ; - t w a s .1 : i tiiail .'w,i6-'. lit.iis ..(hlia-g nr j.'.-MH-ii |j;. •wue. ...)i id c<.'.livlies in the State of iiiimiis oi 'similal size aild snniiai' piobiems. '. * ' • i in. v viiiniit tee ,bn Kba^ts and Bridges;: .pi'.eryiiuii tiie lol.owm.^ lepoit, wlnen •ii lnoiioii oi Supi;. /.^kiiioil and uiii) seconded by hupr;. Mqier and the ion .je11ig .caJIe>i, Was/ deciared Un-aniinoUijo ..uoined, to-wit; . Air. Chaii iriait and,'.Gent ienien of tiie i.oaru o-l v-upei v is.Oi s, Alctieiify Ooua- •" t>. Illinois: -., ' 'Hie un^vsigned ine.inbersHi the ttia OoiiHiiitlce for said County ,.cg lt,a t:. ;U) ;s,uiiiiai lite lOii.uvs I44g 'iepurt oil the niatiers l.vlore tiiem.' That We niet on . uie i an auj- -«»i -vpn* liMfi at: VV oods'iock, Illinois, anu a Lid-lied aiid'ordeied pa'id.bins oi,'a .genel ai haiiire cn-jngCaluo "to Vuie • Aictie11i> . Ounly 1 atibi itenl of.'ivoaiis as ... VViioi'e lor ana loi c ouihj- M»viied .inacniiiei-y and labor at ;iiie i oun tyi-' tbol': house aiid t;'uiiduiss to a total oi ..' .' ' iiJi^o.ot i>iils. ciiargcaijle to the vailuus si... (ions of ttve County patrol sjsteniiof l baas ior. labur alio . ii.aU-uals ai l.tlc.-; loiore appro* eii by tnis Koard were a adit eu a iid i/iilei i hectibtis a, 14 .' ». i.-u-.s sections .4, 1 ?' . OCCt-lvJIfiJ i>, 0 - -• • OC;t't»V'llS;: Vi. •>, ii,. 1 o Xlainlt.'haii' t- lal" S. ;A. IJ. - Cli.'ll iii-loA, irl'L* a- )fc.l. ; oiu'\vt» ;. ' ....$ iiU4.Sl. .. . J b-i .tt/ , ' •M>0-) 7 . .7 fc iiia.'h. re.iitai-J-' ; ,:.$26.0 j 4L3-1 h.j^. >..o« G.S* i.i reiitai^-*, ' . : 1 > • 4.!> . t>: Silt, ) . 0 0 rental---. 4.3 i 4.3r 20-. 9-4 : Coirsiiieiaoie expense was caused by snow plov\ ing.and - bad ;washouts afier * •: ha^W'. -. .' ' - ' , Word was-Ttfteived from Washiiigton that tlie '.government. wbUid release 'the necessary as/ialt to surface Sec.' G on the \v:o<Mistoi K-Aiarenso r«aii and also ior maintenance of the'Chapel 1J ill Gov- ; ihiiiwiit iiioney road northeast of Mcy . k ut not -for the ioad north of iiidgefield..- 'i' ,< » m. lie Liauilii v. W'orkmans Com, perie.-it'on HVtii truck insurance'oh Co in . einployees •for the -coming yeaf vvyas awarded to tyfy- f-. Mentch "of: Cary. '.l.riuis, agent, atld' xtte »'ot;>j>!iny is itoyal indemnity Co. of New York. v..',!! .'"mrn'.ik* rifon^ru-mls 1'he• to- 'iii'wmu, mfetbovt ox" contrcl o£ tiljw Count* road sup mac ,a Le suiati jOlinc; ' '; 1 f-e i •Itld «>tfice. i. ;,.»i .a tup oi iiiopectioti oA tne County state Am i\ oe taken by tne A-ytmufiiee, and in.aL so tar as possiote tlie neiirest iiieliioer ot' tlie coiiiuiit iee uUnuie emergency ihaclei's. - . ' '. '• i .iUi "tue louliiy superintendent ol Hlgnways aci ao general oveiaeer oi uie Woi K and as Clei K ol the i nail an . ui iii&ij 'lumiiiiucc, una llmi Jit w - re-_ •a«u'j Ol Keep.lla a i.oOK .-.ilOVi illg eaco and every expenditure ol the road aim •Atuge cOiiu..ivvie Iiiiutf a lieW a\a- .lioi die couniy Cierk draws ail uiuere and keeps a iccorti oi s.unt. e u.i iin r l ecOiiimeiia tiiat the right of way coiiiuntiee seyuic tiie rigni oi way ior'loads t uilt on the State Atu oi siem oi roaus out ol motor iuel tax una tiiUl the emergency liiavters ,iu»t uii»y develop -lro'ii sioii.ii) or \%a. .>e nanaied by the road and bridge comuu. ttee. >. c further i'ecoinmcnd that tiie poiic'i' oe aaopted by this Board at the Bpe» . iai c'ctiu/ei iMil meeting, namely ui ."t luau <ind Oiioge cui....i.LLee oiuuiliig .jiuers oiauii semi-nioiithly lor roau rtoik ami liiateriais under contract en- ,a pc.rceiit of amounts due, be con- • iiiued, anu tiiat said policy be iurtuei CAituueu tu jnciune me oenif, •,.'oiVv .in the Couniy irjj*u motor fuei \aj« •• unds, by day labor" construction ana \j} cccittiiicl constructioii. V. J:..-u^o" i ci. oniiiicn-d tnat the Count.' , rt'tt&sui'er keep the road and bTiogc niiuis in a separate account and c^eun acvOi.ln '. itii i^s ^ii:ct>wi tlvyi.alcaii, ire of tax fuiias and back taxes \wu-ii '.»a.ip'e, are received ana uistributi d, aiav ioaa lui^s 4>.iiu teecipia lor uidcinnei y .eiiuii and .load liiateriald. we luriher reeoinmeiid the conttnu".' aiice oi eAibniig agiecuieillj alio meiliui- Hi" roau --matiers lor Cie ens.uiii„ year or . until such • time as the iu-« •:v4.u and oi i^-Se committee snan lnaKe aiiielent ! ecuiaiiieiiUalioiia t'oi' approval i this Board. \ve agtuii met on the. 13th uay oi April, ,uiu lll34>ectca tue ilarnaiui 5<^n cement load anff decided 'to recommend tiiat it be hl.eli.i seal coal oi .vij^nail and pea *iit.e gravel, as inany -•iiiaii pitied places are beginning to show. we '-'then '.inspected the a-sphat road leading, west but of cnioti, Illinois' ccyciai builaCe breaKS fiave JoUOtiess ilile to' deep lrcst. H e tievnreu. tc: reciimineitu tnat tile lie la-Id at, tne east elui tile rc>au and .iiso inat tlie load sicrriace be given a jeai cbiAt: Oi aspii.ui lanu: pea suse -glavei. v.e, tnen inspected an aspuali luuu leaunig sou t u iriio ueuoa, iniuois. .n.ic'ii Wa-s b.tdly uatiiageu by iiee, *rost. Some stieiches seveial nundreu .cet long n,tu gone out and had been ^oveieo Willi giavel lo lloul iigiil trar- ..iv. on' iue v>..y toward liuniicy voiirf'ideruoie iiiiiiiii|,e vvas aiso seen to lop roaus in Kane County, it has jeen a'very luu'ii winter on loads of an ..mis. i He asphait road at iiuiitlej Aas inspected iind appeared to be an .liviit at that time. :' v>. e nav e f ecei \ i-il from the. iilotor fue4 iax .iuiiu.'j le.ital on I ounty oWnea ina- . iniieij as loiiows: bee. 4-1'f, tlb.JUj V-l'i,'-4.»."i, Sec-, vi , l-o.Jl, Set. 11- .i ,. -li.ti*. bee. ' 12, $6.0u; See. 12-iT, M.oi, ssec. i.v-l'i, »«.•»;'..• bee. i-i-ii., 14o4 ,. SsVv. IS, • i iv:8 i; See. la- i f, see.. 21,-1 T, |J.;.4, Sec. 22, |4.88; Sec. 2&. fiti.oij, hue, >1), »o.ui; Sec. ii, bee.:'.'28-1'i', »il.ii'.; ana from sian i i.easu. e, order .\0 Cabi#4 1, »237.i»!» for -ennui oi htate tax on gasoline used ill, ana iioni the v mage oi t nion Illinois, ior rental of motor piaaer and irucK aiiii eateii oasu.' ?,oi ks leas allowance liir' used conciete viiixei; and iroin tue Town of Seneca v oil account, Jo)- rental of snow plbw> a 'total oi and turned ...ill' Mvii 1.1 the ( outny Triasurei i ii viie :road, itind, which' said sum fs -leiet y " i eapjir.iiiria teu for roau pui - piiSes tiie repair, storage and imi . !iase:• oi ioaa . m-a. mnery and loi .ijiprov eiiieiits for buildings to house nai niueiy. •' -• '"•> oaj." coiuiiiittee estimates theje ^Wili i?e " riev:ei^;u,;y v'fbr'."'"tlie"_ cai e of tlie Mo iieiiry County, Illinois, patrol Wysteiii ,loads an."appropriation from the .-'ouhty. HigiVway lunus oi Jiiiay untu sne next iiieeimg of this Board. All-"of Whlcli• i's- respectiUlly suotniited; • - " l .iUi UiiSlv.VTH/ JL,' •C. FEitUV W.liiCiilT W. F. I'lEHCE U. J. CiVi.ivot.L. j J.blni J. F'inp, F. E. Bevk. jouin lo l .Jt) o cioe'k, i',,^J., lor' a-e . Work. Aioiioil a'evlWed . oaTi-'ieu. i hereupon tne i>oard adjourrieu-. for" i,'^i'l,u'ur' Vtil7lu'Vl • / * y jur. u. h,. .Neison, /^astawink All of Wliicii- is resp^'i Liuiiy subniitteu. ¥1' - ^ ^ .i \. v > i. t., c iiiaiim aw cbniuiittee work. HJO O'CLOCK r. IL iu'OU • lioui'd iiiel pursuam i .'.lid upoil: i oil can, t he lespoiiueu lo the ft iiaibes itcoiU ni tue i tutiiig a fun boaiu. pii'a in.- coiuniitiee ou v.ia-.iys,:Labor Feea anu sui'i'.iies preeente-a iue ionowiiig oi t,- v\ iiicii on motion . ui fc-upr. i- ci. is and duly seconueu oy oupy:'Vv-n trinrs.' a.itu "iv iki oeiiig caiied, was deciaifeu unitiiiinousiy auopted, to-wit: CllASi H. ACKMA.M FitANK MAY Ti i. . A'OLA.V, JH. J aujouiiiaieiit ;. -.tlt.c, lueiiio... c? I as app-v^iieii oi:j cs^iuii, Coiisti- | _. The Comuiitte'e on -VlcHeniy County lit, . Fartn presenVea tUe ionbw- •'ig: ?eporti to-wit: •: .1 '- ' . Apnr 2 7, A.' L>. l»4o Mr. Chail'man and ocniiemen 01 tne UOulu Ol OUlJl'i % ISO. S . ioui' * tiiii.iuiiee uu i-aut>r, iees aim. Suppiy Cniniiis »uuiu- o.-g leave'• io poi i i.iaf nicy nave. e.«niiiiiiici an eiaiiils iiU'MiltCl) .u, u-ilu i- ^ .11.1...I Uu me pa.\ iiiettl oi, tne%l0li0V*iilg, anu tnat ,'Wie" .CierK be directed to ,.t* oiui. s oil vi.iv v-ouiny • . A' itisui n* to tlie ClWlliiaiiis : lor iue Miciai omouJlUa ait.o >>-eo, as /olioVve to-wit; -; - - r - r raria, Tb0f'nber;'c»fe:-cb; cik;:'vlt •' • ;__*' • st.jj. :iii-.,v, • .vo' en "t»* .stip-' Jul.,. $11 h.aji 1*. i . i elln .-lle, tV li eiiv ,e. t... VVOOOSIOCK. uii,/ OtllUlii i, e», eilv pig;:»i*.voi aapr prtg- yi4,:.4ui... i>iv.0i) e. l i.ui.u, • ..p. Jup Sv l.i oU 1 >v|i v , eo Il eu4,' jlig. uy'.i-U' llal'oia VV. Sv mmui, co n.<> sup " ,. sin oii sup * i .;'ieoii- I'U^.lil II,', v,."..e^,- .... , »j.v-b co vie*» prig • 6y.6'j t» «:»-* 'iiAtKit t-w," wiliii'. -" v . • oil e.vp .. . futile 1 "V-., V. Oe, :SUp e<eilo, i Oil t. Ap * * ' . Slate-Wiin 'oi v> oodstoCK, Co , lieas ~oii iCltilllllillu tl^.tllt, Co li.teo -i*. '11.i. y-T . .. il, 11-IT : ' r . ' ' . 1.t, »a and .ii; iAt.,: i.;-ii -i.\, H-iT ' •iS, 1 7-i'T. ri .At K'. 18. c«)iisi.-iiiacii. i en i , - Alainteuance, labor itibi nun li. 14 and lo, 1»-1T ij-iT ,'22:: - . : . , - : ; . i . - •»'«,. 25v"•I'ivi^t.^'labi'iif- iK/'||>ajfA.'-'rV: .Vrainfeiranoe : iaooi' atwk;. iuacii 13, 2<i ' '26,' 27 ... .. 2, 2S-1T 31. "engineering lal Tlie foilQWing . Resolution, Construciioll Set. iu, JVi. F. T. iioad Was ple- ,e/ited: a«d read to the Board, to-wit: AVhePeas, in anu because of* the ptir-' ofiase of" new iiglit ot way Mi fun-' .iMXuetion: bl a iieiv .gravel .road on a •'"Ufvi: on slate Aid houte 15 '.Mt ilenry, • omity, Ihinois, known as cbnsiriH lion -•jecl.iou ,2.i- Aiotor Fuel Tax Road, a di;V .laiioa iroiii the. tn'eu'existing mg.liway .a aii angle in tiie"oiii roau neai' tile .nvv e.~i t ornei oi the soutneasl .|Uar u-r of tiie soutlieast quarter of section .1.2,: Totvii.^hip 41 Norm, ftrtllge b' i-.a-'-. • tin- ord l 'rim ipai Meridian. Was -made; and . -VV nei-cas, tile portion of the bid htirhway left lying on the-westerly wide of .'«ai«I i\<*w gravey road in the soutlieast 'iu..rttr o! said section 12 is ho longtr. :,t use to the public as; a State Aiu iiptlie; : ' ' , . -ibeiefore Be 'It Kesfilv^d, by the iii'ard pf SujfefyisVirs of McHejtry CoUpi j . HImiois. that 'i. 11 that pbi tion of the • '.d 'liigiivt ii\- lying westerly irom the v.«steiiy right of way line of the r.ew.t.v iiiirctuised - t ight of • way for State Ai.l in the soutlieast quarter ol sectioji 12 Township 44 North, Range 6 '<£aa't of the 3l*d'i'l hk ipal Meridian, al, as shown bn the highway dedication piat Vecoriled in bof>k y of flats of McHenry County records,, be and the sam. ' is herefiy Viisoojiiinu'd as a State Aid 1 ionic, ..subject to tlje approyal <.f the State oi Illinois !x partment . of 1'ublic W'orKs and Buildings as provided by Law. i^e. #t»er liesolvM, that two certi'Sed'. cojii«>*!. of *,!iis Re'sTilufion be transT :iiitl: J o}' tiie C.iuhty -Clerk to the State Hi': .ej artiiu iit of Public Workiktid. Buildings for their action tlvr-;on ,it. wss ifcerr vp^;; t . giiHir-ljj' - niri-efl'- '! 4a»r.":,:i4w'rifOB' and • duly • ieconded by i-.udvvlg \V ii^.n Co.,: fct li»e Si.p i Wiu.r i'lta^maey',. t,. i 1 Jl'll, CO SMP UW) f. .1, iX,!. Ji.j,, -tr.ij-iail i ii^j, t 11 iii -\.i, ^.jg.,. .1. .. . -VOmi c ., 'Lb., Sup ScilS OU eA-p 1V- °. Andrew Vu.i u [isfc jail coai . io.i to. HIS. . 't,/»..•..• .. ur. A.' b.' ^voiiibergei, Burtoh' «»llu ^lotc'.x . U.u . ...' •'1 • 1^. A1:. -M.. ii, i.u. Wji .... i' r. C. VV. Bai iey, i -a uJ 1. AJi • i icii.'y v> . .iiiiiue. u, 1 aui anu .»i..c> .er..iu lio.v ilisuiaiicy .igericj.,. tu „n'is .- in, 1 ei Co., ct jiUt/iisi:.',. " a> lie .»i eiil«.ei, i oil; .iiticlU . C. C. 41 tiler, coiitjjij.ev ... ... ..... i-esiei c.uiiiger, c.u. itei ., tout. . *' .. *'t eu V|j. 1 uU, t /UUv y. iipiary ' ^aii.igiian As Co:, juuey iibiaiy . . IVOOuotUi'll Gl 1,1, - CO : jurors .. :; 111**-' v aiue Sloi e. t i :n®e jan i yp V'i.:'ii,6t; jail i>ep«ui^i»-~- i>l. A. b. itoiiiueigii i^r. Hemy "VV. haiiutieii".;:...: . c-ua^ ie» v i ;i i-ai'e»,' Jiuucyr j us- ices . o. •-"iii.. Oil. hup.-- Derris ,sc iiioecKei .supply Co. t W > i oi «nl\ , e'iob ,'Mepitt.ncuii . Shf. i't-r t»ieiii Feta fctrv.-- <1^..... -V .\v...U, Silt I..I otnly, ii. Nuiie . .... .. ... ... I i.uu .1.53 iU.Ob •v^ lli.uV 0. U {/ lOVU .u'e 1 o._w 37.till 1 i ura o. Nu.le . ' sm i> (,'t (it iix. i'ifsV-- , V\'louit Vjlllllell . • vsiiius A: Sou- ' . . •i.oi>',esOil '•V'l'OtK'iiei. i. .i-.itvti s i.akei y . vt este*n . t tiiitu Ma.- ,v i^/ t.,. v i'.v o.n J >iUe stoi e bill. . J 'pi.v." >J buii Neciii tjbecki,* « i.> ue -J. /.tjui •. 4 . ............... i i eu Vv.enut , • la i "id lii,'i'.'> ...... •' lionier H, jiaiui . . ....... ueoigu Y..ICU, ....... ;* v_iyuie i_'. .uiaei, .sii: upiy t. >. t-.t. 11 li ^ .e.'H* .. • . i'"ii'U s. . t«ii.y.',.;' siii'" > <i.-..i,ti, 'baililf:' • . u ii w, v erii'.n V> . 'ivays. baiiiu.' Meivma, i-... vv iitjist, baiiin . . •ifui uiua i>ale, .'.iii leeu pi'o^ , • •rf.ou , .:ei ' iise. i l'lie MtOa i apilic.ii 'i;Up. ,'^,0., suu . -.ills o.i e-»p i I'MiiK i iitiriioej: t o., eo ti* ; . oil .: Ala. ell^O-.iveiliii'.; ;. > 'I ' ' ii ii (' Waller ii. i>iui, i.-, ... .. .J.VO It'.y,. licfe s. i,itit».<•;. v ii.4 ,OJ t fix 1S tr .1» 1\ i ' tfcai. iviiiea^t C. >t eriy H-figiii . t-Uii." i-j. Wi.. r. E. lieelt ,V. .ii,' t,ia\vs...i. . , Vr..'J/.C«tti:Oii',, K,.:. rvuti li. -Ackiliiiji 1 I dl.K ( 1, CI I is iiOx J. Stewart 1 . F. Xoiali. jr. . J, E. Hai listen «: iieiny >i.: i uiiiei.:., >y .• i-. Finite . : i ranK Al.iy : .n',1'1 fi ' , "Sc l.::.. 1! 1 ilehi y C. Ai* .• i .lotm .1. Finp i au^: itosiiitrtiii t hse Jail , ;.>... 117.11 1 k.-'b. "V ol.tPlj. 1 i'.-C.' :": 7 i. S't. Hi.v.yj 4i.*Jt' tiii.lO -V 12.4*" jSieo. ": .'•.an.'jrtiv . UT,. - ' ' 12.0v ••'li"jS,:V'-" ' aii.-ii : •, Ajjfljl -7, 1943 Mr^chairnian ^twid-itiembbi^-ttf" tne l>oa. il oi supervisors bl McHenry • County: " v- - r . .' , • , ioui eusinty Home CoiiVin^t'tefe met un April i, liMa, ai • tne .Viciieni y CoUnij Home and audited the bills for the ...oiitii oi. Aiarcii iU43,' ana lespectfuiiy buouiiis itie lonowiug report, lecouiiiiviHling _ s..uie lie , paid. liner ins, i.Xcn., Cintago Aiotor ' :, c nib, • nisui'ance: <siuininii uaiid cilice, rent: $sf~^eaJ, stove!-, i.c-ase ,.... Sawyer Biscuit Co., oaaety st.p a: • bee ' naiji,i,i«'ry,',' 's^iviea Beai, iep.iii.-. v. .vii.eiill of CO!, hosp. siip. „.... R. O. .ilivirew, leeds aiitl sup uoiih lia.u «aie Co., supplies i->ojce. ij'ios., gas- and oii , u7' I »uonigo(ne.iy Vvard &".Co., t'iies -' ai.u' '.. VV ooiwortn.-, notions . 1 liol'ue oi Soli, Cioillilig ...... ... ivoy.ii ijiue, ijroc. l ieS yv ooUj-itiv K VV lioi. s.iie < O., lob. vybnes systiili, service •viinei i atitin nahiiig t_o., oakery iwUu vt ig v,'iisoll Co., iila in i. sup. jolili sextun e o.|-'groceries i leitter i narmacy, supplies. ..... »li. oeil . 1 elcpuoile, Sel > ice . ...i.. liotts \\ I'. v o., service i'ub.iit bciviee, ser.vice' itoseu thai' i.unilier l.'o., fuel, etc, uoouiow s Garage, • npaiiS, oii • ; anu gas:. oupciloi'^.i,)ii Co., Kerosei.e and i u< 1 oii ... W. 1', .tilt II. ill. Iiieliiais : ... vv . I'. nt n, s.'iiiU'y. •....' ....... r.stiH'r 'C-e Aiita-i, -saltti.y vVlattie -ili rihlit, saialy J.;..!.... i: loyd Aiasou, salary . i'noiiias' Ai.nitgoan'iy, salary . fvi11e '.MoiHftOii.ery, saiaary • , i.ittnea V» bit,' saiary iiiiiua AleiaiiUei, salary - v. ia< a . Hugues, saiai^ ' ... oW.vib | t'ir "liit t hi. t arid the_following i..inled .tlo J persiiiis were, selected to- serve as G'rithd j uiiiis lor t h-1 '.May, ly l;< term ot' the c iieuit Court, to-wit: , . VViinain S^xxxX. Ruey Townsrilp.'•' Mrs. _t.file i let e U'ln-iert. - ^raiengo TWp.' Mrs. A't. Id red. A. Hyde, <^Alar. iko l.wp. Mrs Aiaiy iiray, iiuniiam Twp. . George i.).' Aiel iniiya, Cheimwi^. TWp. J H, rower, Cheiuung I'wp. : _ ty. ii- Coy, Alden Twp. ' John Sciiiiui-, iiartiand Twp-'- W illiam F. Alueiiei, beneca Twp.i • Anna Nulle, .Coral Twp. . Margaret lawyer, Grliiton Twtk • C. B. W'riBht, Dorr Twp. Robert E. Cook, Dorr Tw p; •' Alary liluth, Lueeintiicu i wp. i-- ii Bines, Hebion Twp. ivy. Alar^abi, Hiciiiivoiid • Twp. ..loert ijrita:. i wp.' A. i;. Nye, McHenrv Twp. Vera ruivey. AlcHenry Twp! A. H. Wilbraiiut, Nunila Twp. Mrs. iiiaiit in Rosis .Vutula i.wp. iiich:;rd. .No' ak, .Vlgoiiiiuin Twp. A'niie lliMiin Aigontiuin Twp » The iollowiiig named persons were sclecieti to serte as tiraiut juioi s on tlie huppleuietiLal Panel lor the May; 1943 lerm ol the CiicUtt l\)urt, to-wit: •vi i s. ltena Bdmis. Riiey Twp. Rose I'l udeii, Alarengb Twp. Harriet v» eudlin^, nuiiha'm Twp. Aiis. Alary Howard, Clieiniihg, '1 wp. '#•'». Anna Conerty, Chemung Twp. " IVialiclie Gat.rieiso.u, A4U.CII i wp. ,»iiiia Otiiahaii, iiartiand Township. Elsie Andiews, Seneca Twp. Albert Hepiinger, Coral Twp. ' i1 i ed En;:ie.. orattoii Tu p. • • t iuil Hunter, liorr Twp.- . *vii •>'. Alary Huitiiian, uorr Twp. Thomas Casnin, i.reehwood1 TWJS. niiittied E. V ..nderV een, Hebron Twp. E. C- \Austin. l.u hmond l »p. John Miller, Burton Twp. "" Jacob Scnaetei, .Vieileuiy Twp. Jolin C. I-lotow, Nui.ila 'i'wp. Alal.ei Rolnnson, Algoiuiuin. ^V. i.rn«i-ii hciircedtr, Aigo'm'iUi'h TwPv It was thereupon reguiaily tiibved by Supr. Ackman aiid duly seccomied by Supr. VV litmus, tiiat.. tae, .selection . o* Grand ' Jul ors aiitl Supplemental 1'a.tiet ior the Aiay, 1!».43, Term of tlie Circuit court "be .Miprbved and tiiat the Clerk be ail ret ten lo intlly .>aid lists to Hie Clerk of tlie Circuit Court and tiie Vol! being called. Supi«. Ruth, Wright, Witt- Uitis, iiet'h,, < lit»v Soil, t arroit, Acktiuui, i'i'iils,, Harrison, Ciirnue, l'ierCe, •Vlity, 'Scninitt, Aieier and Fitip and .V^si. htiprs. AlcCoiiilcil. AliixWell and iioseniliai v (ited".aye. '•• Nay iiiuie;: The i'hairr urtm declared Uie motion unanimously carried. l-O. li.'iw : la7.S»>> 1 i>. ft I . ;;W«'V i" . . 2b.;>u 110.t) . K..0i '2a.a.* iy.oo lOO. l i 31-2.3u 10.23 72:6.i 4 IK . 1 l.KU. iati.iiij :.uii lU.l'ti It'll.tie 7 a.ue Oa.tig Rebate ft-c ,E. Toles soil i t,/ns.ei." i ation ' i ity i ivt iiiiid' i'ubilc bervicju. virtucit' -fcOiU . J\i (he* lb eu 1 u.ii 7b3 i.uu ' • ^ ' '89:5.1 f 2,tiUS.4ti Hartliiiitl, li]., Apr.;',,i:i.i>i'j! •la. It- 1. .i.Ll 1,111.111 raiiu 'Aivlii-' Oei.-. oi i..c .u.c,i»tlii,i, . c-ouiilj. t.oau. bl Sup.erv i,siii s.i C.oui t* iioUse? /VVood- • stota, ,1>, 1 bai Ait'iieni.v ' Cnuiity Fai ui,; Honie, .anu 1 iOsyi.iui . c.'Viinniiii e beg to I'cpOi 1 lii.i t.; l tiyi, '] llii'-l .11^ , il.tii li.Jlil, . i?in-llyi.^ e..' tiie Abbv;« date .thd aiiibLed biiis in int 1 oilovc'iiig aiuounts, wlHch were ortttieu paidl ••• "•••' . . ..Hintlit !mpro\ t uu nt - >i:»>,2.i i.iupiiiiig';-u^j«-iisi s •rbbai.Vb- Hoipi ta|. Alt ttii ilit:i i 'let r uei > i M . ..i5 O.bU 1 1.4 v ue?: !>y,34,' ?-,t:iiS.4ti lit In nil . from Public ' soil ,1 oiisei'valioii payiiu 1,-Ui lllg Total bills Volii 'Cblmuii'lee, ' iii^pec 1 cu biouli. buiiuiiigs, nv'e, . siock-: .iUu e<ni'ipinentj ami leopi i iiiat .'ey.vr'ytiunjf'is:'^ iri ^gobu' frhape. V There beifti; no further l/usiriess! youi 1..11111U0' .oijournid. . - , : u , F i ^ i i i i i ' v v R l G l l T e c h a i r n i a i i i'.it-L noKKNTllAb "V:- J.: VAKlUibf# iJ.. i..u,lHau.N '1. !•. NuL.iA,. Jli." ity, 01 Vv oodstbek it and v> aiciv urii h. NUii.e. shf 'Jei-,.ig pris Heiiry Ai N'uiie, shi pur uiein . ices, s.rv ;. TaO-Ou •Via Al. - .Manning, sup. sells aks't -.' >.,/ and c.lii in. e '• .. . ll'tJ:?:. V'e.stie, Al uldqoii, et hse jaii aal .... lio.t>ft Alice Helm, ef Ti! oit sal . SalOo A. Crisstj", .111 ' t pro off sal 7a.Cuj George.-E. ^"r5-»iii; ». Sur., sur-! . : st.r'vices .... - . laS.'Sti E. F. VV'iliKi iman, I';t'- fti^- itidgefield FairmeVs Supply, Co.; , :• Co ct hse jail coal ' ' ' 32P1' All ol, which .ig i> spectfully submitted. J. - fc. 11A li i ii SO,V; chairman " G". J. CAltKOLL •• 1'Ai U -H* ihSENTHAL , jbHX J. Fi MP X 4J. C'-AWSOW It.was tlierGiipbn regulaily. nnived b> siipiv . Acivhiaii. aiid uiiiy secomiea' i..i Wupr.i HariisOli that the icpOri be aooplu I.y tills 1 .<>..1 " and tile - f-oit' 'beiil^, -alie.i, tile Chairm..n declared the luoo> ii utiau.iii.ji.usiy . cari:i*,o. i ue. c.'baii;iiiaii P< escViietl the: lollo.wng ;iist bl >oniiii.iU'»k-S, as appointed'by .nilI. to 'coiisiiiti le . Ihi" sianuiiig eouiiiiit- .> bi tills ,1 .'oaid lor 4lie eli.-uing Jeai' Aiiicli was, mi ni.'iion of Asst. . supr. it.i biijien aiiu uwj' seconded /by Supi. el ri.s. appibved anil, ordered placed on ie, to-wit: : ' L.V, to in* iieriUcnce-' ta.vei' coiiect*;d in trieir "liccuve couiitie« Lt .'.turned into ih® fceiierai county tui.d and oe paid' itiio the state Treasury. A N 1:' l.l, 1' 1- LAl II REf<fil.Vr,,>, That we otneve that if a law of this kind could oe enacteu many of tri4 whiv-.i a. e' now '.in very poo# nnaiii iai circuinstancfcs could be placed on a cash basis, • A letter from the legislative Representative oi tin' Illinois A-ssociati^n oi coiiilty Officials', • ,11 reelt fi to the Hoard of Supcrv iso,1 s. Was presented and: read, reuues.fing the Board to make .cont-a'ci' A'itll our State Representative , asKiiig them to Vote Iiiils 274 and 2i,i out of the' ivei eiiue t'onimittee will ovatile rbootniiiendatibn. After some .iiwcAission, jt was re.^ulaiiy moved by Mipr. Beck and duly seconded by Supi. SUlimtt 'that, tlie I leik be dile'cteo Iyiprtte otir State /Representatives in this regard. Motion declared unanimously ••art led. . ' '.'The. lollowing Resolution asking the lagisbiture to, ^change our pres.-m War- Savuig.s Time: bac,k to Sun Ti ne was •sV'iiied anil read and Upon motion 01 Supr. Carroll and duly seioiided'by Supr.' Ruth vv.,s ileclar.c.iriied, to-wit; Xeeolntion Asking the Legislator*' to Change Oar * resent Vv ar '. lima Back to Snn Time Whereas, tanning states like our aister . state- across tne Mississippi River, file- State of Iowa; ,i»y state legislation, auoiit Sun 'lime in piace of the pieseiil XVar SaOng Time-, in order' tp help in his. .farm-'.Work, which is from eaiiy tu e. as loiiows to-vyiit ; l ','nder • the present War Saving Time the, early mornlug is too .early to' get ' into his field ~iy .ti^ , im"' a.ct'iiu 11-t iVf a e w-aiid da ui p i:e .-;s. ill factory work ben ins early and il.uite early, ulidei t-ht present War Sav, ing '.Tiine, which does no.t fit the farmels; work; as his -help which lie Hire... will follow ihtj^ factory, workers time aiid ijuit; at a tiine, which is tne best tiijie to: handle liis haying and harvesting: • : Ther^fbre be "is. resolved that we go 1 record as opposing the itiesent.pi..- Kriim bl saving time; and , • ' Be It Fiirthed liesolVed that, we jetiubn our State Legislature to leK,j>ui't«. back to sun time; in a manner so as to permit, localities to inaktv their <»wii l ule. by poui-r .,f ,tl,ie 1-aUot, to adopt the war' t.iMie if -.they So .desire; aiid I>e it Further . Hesoived tl\at a copy f this' resoiutiiin; be iliaietHl' I.tii.-T sea, JO each of .oil r ; three Representatives aiul .to' otir State 'Senator, 'aiid a Civpy t!' ir I b'U",ial'ie t l..v ertior. The Honorable wight Green, and to Air. i*i'hiebel. t 'ha irnii.ii (if tlie Superv!>ot,"s and .<"«!«-; : iiss]'<)!i>_es A: soCiation ..I' the State pi 1 lliilbiSv "• -V. aian. chin,, 1. i- • ' BOABD Ol' boi'JBKVISORS Slaauing CoiUimtioei., l^^-la-H •"-'.iijDWAJUJ r. CfcdiruifUi: ii4> JP>. uyiiidi,i>4i>t<( ,vl'^rSbfjai, ij.»eriyiiir, Sim ». < lun.,' 'S-taniey CiiriiUc; i.-teiiiy, t;. aieiei , -.vugu:Si: nulii, Waireii l leitt. - i»,bads ami l)i iufees-: (")ias. H \ chili.,: C. -i: el 1 y vv r-ighi-;--," l- ra.lrK 1. J'onn J. 1' i fi p. ' AI iii h N 1. ' i.uui iltliili •--' ,.V. Al. Al.iXW eil, Stanley; < in. nue, August , RUtu, Avian, Ji;, N. li. ClavvsoU. • l- i ts aiid saVaiifSs-rr-r.. i5. 15c< k. chili, i'aul" ii<i>5cntha-l. A,. Mi Alax weif, ' Fi;.iiik C. Ferris, i ntna May,' Alain N.- .Si-iif<ii,iU August.Ruth. ' • ani l.ots 'C. l'eri y .Wright; chin,, l'aut ib's. nUia 1, A. li Mo 'oni.ell. Aia.tii .N, Sellinitt. A;-.-' Al'. Mavweil. ' -Claims, 'Labor, :i- ees: -aini ' Suppl ies ' .--~ t.'ari E; VV it tiini,^, tiiiu,, Chas. 1 i. - .Vckinaii, G. J; C^rrbll, N'; B. Cli^wsbn. Au'" gust Ruth.'; '- 'r •; . , i- jniiiite --^raul liosenthbi'r • vlini:,- F; K. Beckj F. c,:"Ferrt>c"^.ertry.:c.:'5f«rier... AH. Ai cConnell -. '* Buvlie BUb-ic ;BuHd{iif,K-7rT.-, No 'a* :The'-';f"l'evi i»ig":"icjrti:.'Nitior.'.'.'^li nib?'ta» loirv-TJ^ 't!i•'•" Fts+i'iig •. -the Stab". iff- -Fib t-iois- vtas" ttreseftietlpstail" rbad to the Boaio. to-Wtt': :- V. itesolBtion " '-'"ij. r'"?XV I It: It'KVV A-.h-W'sit;' •': !> N".s'.'i:!-,.a'«>V ,;hiiv.e: bi'e.ti iireSioiteti -«•» 1; .sponsored iuAtiie i bnise . <>t . IJepreSi iita.t! v'i.- hi ':-.(iii';';}lii^i's l.< 4'>la> ai'e iHlii i""",- VN'll IA'RK.VS it is rt pparent': that saiit •bills ai'e 'fo'r til.- e'vpJ'oij'a'tion" of.'th,. 'tlHh ilig-. rest rv^S-'Svf t lie Sja te : of. Jlifrmis. by :• .'^iiiiin^i*.'ia( fl 1" r'ii|t«*^ll . , ' * ,\vi IEKEAS t h.^resiii t of 'the refa-^a ' t-ion id' oiir cviiiseirv^lion lavys . yflH' Ire a desfruejiun .vi" the new. (tish life' during tiie spawning se;isc,n,...iitiii ". ' ' VV'i ilCtJl'.vh the. rt,siiltit,nt diftiiaKe to thi; game ^tish iii the exploitation uf the yther li<h by tlu- ic'.axatii.m ,the setu- Siig- restrictions : will- lend to. .i- t'estt'uc- ^i*r •iioH , of all. the • jh.dns,. 11.1. eOnsi i> atioft abieh h^ve lieen fbught for through tht , .ist' tlecaile.:; " v ...f. N<>W TITEREKt vtiK IT RrlSOLV *.Cf > Thai the' Hoafd -'li' Alellenrv (.'(Hiiity,. Illinois, go 01: recorsi supporting^ the Si«,'i'tsinon s Clubs to Illinois, in their iina!.ter«^if» oppositiaa to "this destructive legislation.. ! V "V V' It was tJieieupo'u regularly moved hjr Siipr. Acktiiari ..nd uu.y seconded by Supr. Ferris that the. Resolution b*. auopteu anu tnat tiie Clerk be instructed' to loiwUid a. cerliMeu copy 01 saMj| V iieamutiou to the State Repiesentativ# and Slai^i henalbr 01 the i.uiun seiia- toriai iJistr.cL, The .Chairnian ileclaredl . ine motion unanimously carried. The 'ionowins i^esoiutioii in re th» Illinois vlranit-er of Commerce wan presented ana read 10 the Board, to-wit: Aesolntlon of the xiiiaoi* Association oi oui>e. viat'ia iu.d cuu_.ty C juuiii*aioi|^ tin njt tne coiistiucuve gestiona, u amy, coatauiea in the pro^a I'S'.'Vt: i«B.sia^>e liuj.uji of tue no.s Citajnoer of Commerce, but r4h puuiating the inept, laise and vicioaft ag^ luv repteseuWiUtfip loriu of goTevnaent contained in ilieM oooaiet euuUed "Hn Sttpa m tbt Tins booklet is vicious because it alhr tat Ks the township form of government' not oet.atJlse ol any amilius of liie~7kli». tiiOr, but because of tne superficial anj| iiuutc'd understanding ot the autuoK aincun't'ii'iii and endorsed by men wht ioOiv 'tile, a u 1 iioi s 'opinion, as Dtug a* ine,iitc,.-wittiout • aiiy research. •\o ina 11 can advocate tne administration ot county government by com into*' oloti 111 lliilibis in good taith if tie nrdt auinus that the two counties -suffering ^entrally witli tile worst administra* i.oiis, .iiid as to deiiniiuency of tax col» • ectioi..., iue cwiuitiission administered coUllt.eS, TITP ChattilXT OF Commerce le In er» ior 011 bou^ tne consolidation of tchodll issue and in the destruction ot tM lowiisiiip foiin 01 government . The consuiiuaiiOii of Schools, when uie lsecu, iiiay now, wunoui uny . iiipiias-is or viiort irotn witiioul, it in* pecjiie 111 any neignuorhood desire, Ix eonsiuiibaeu by ' leit ienuuni. t.Questions oi siiiooi aviu nistrstioiw ; .he sot mi aspect, tiie auv„utages all®' tusavi vali.tage,~ oi: lile ;sniaii stuot'i 1 >in4 not t ven be slightly touched in a booki. < t iiKe tiie one entltieU, "r 1V« Steps i-il • tlie iiighl i'lievtioiii" .Better yet. it is a rural matter, and we are not si.i e that tne Cnaniuer OC" . c.ommerce ineniterMup, highly urDan Ui t naiacieihas a .riglit' lo ai k agi icui* i nc to consolidate with tliein on th* i'cnooi: question as a bi oau ponc>, : Uite WJtie,. It "is esseiiilany a locat tiaestioA wiific expression snouid arise liom th% grass' root . • me sin.)0l question presented is pri-' narny au educational and social Hues- .ion- uov a tax iiUestion-- ana is iocalu '.t liai at ic-r." 'i nt' pi est ut s.aiuie# .inouiti: hot .be chaiiged. Each local com- • mutiny tnis tne rignt by relerenuum to do us it Cliooses 011 th.S question.' This nuesuori is a uitiily coniroveisial oil* ,tliu is presfciiteu by tne Cnaiuoer of oinmerce as one. admitting 01 no other .ji^iusiuu iiiaii tue one expressed by netu.- ij .' VVluit is County government? It is 1 putiiic gov ei lunentai sUUUlv isioU «Xfcisiiig tue pome ,i..>\ei 01 nit sivtt •irougii otticiais eiecte^l. by the people. I is creaieil iy tne legislature. Vvheie did the lownsinp system of buiny goVeiniuent tome 110111. n cam* 101.11 tne New- iAiigtand slates, and it is lei.iuwiy a ' sy^ieiu. ol repiesttitauv» oovernnient. is tin.- tC.aiiiissipn,piari representative? il " is *1101, '1niee cbiiiiiiissiontrs in i.ockibid , co,Uit» "be ieiecteU' to savern vv initebs'go, Gvunty.' 'i tiree comnussion-. e«s couiu "i/e eitjt ied fi O'U UOtK iauUld and Aioiitie tri lvock Is,land County, ihree .cottunissionefs could be electfed lioni l.asalie.i stie.ator and Ottawa ia . LiiSuile county., iii . taSa.iie County at tile piv>ttit time agricult'ure has thirty- .>ix'. l.vtil iiieinoers till , ooara oi supeftvisoi s and tiie .-cltU'» have twelve • l1 2 . i tie Amei icari form of government is being dt«iioyed by representatives .loiii our titles and hot iy oUr rurai„. i-'pieseiuati v - "and.'that has oeen ~ irut" tif every rep, cs-cutatiVe demccr»v.'v oi the': citii.ied vvorld. Trie ininuis v tiaiuttr of. < biA(tie'rc« is saying to liitii<> is:>'.'"-;::,V.:.. --i- •"'.. vie', will, drive: agriciVJture >at' of' all l»arti.>ii in the management ot our iy •.vii.-ttij's. .ouf: scnobi.-i anu eouaiy g . - v i . i t ' l l . H i s . . . - ' ' ; t ' ' ' • • ) . .'Vve a iu .ii'.ike every coukty in Illinois i '<'o..k Coutity; ' ' i>-t-,« ifi ji© .the v11ies the manage-' i-'.t i: t - -f t-he_ei.j iu r:v side-land their to^ds • . ... t.c.'i'r sthiH>l," • .Aiid »ncri tnis . is done,' the Illinois v it.4itib< r' w.t CoiiUnetce' Will be: the ttn-Si. iy. ieg:!,et_,it.'; : , 'liiereiore I'e U UeSolveti ;By .the. 1111- tipi'f*.. AsstiCKiVibn " of Supervisoi s and :t *unty: . C.oVtiiliissioa't rs; tnat 'we ct»n- . 1 >. cafi the'tttoiis bn.-tne part of the Tax- - Ration Ct-ni'in-ittee of uie" iiiincis ,e iu».aietibi * "to .change {the-laws on t-oiuitr'y •sciitVisrvb'y- any- legislation for .<.^«s»ij§ja.t.i!uii--.. .:-\»'ili thro\e tae v'onci oi. i-t' ,t>ur: cyutiiry is-ciiooU- into tiw . i'tib.s,.;.:;aHi- - • ' .',;r:;e",,H,-'.i',iii'fhe»\'Re'soi'ved,. thAt the «t- •.li»rt..;'l't5-:Viioii;<^":.viw: .cbunt'y :gaver»n.u,eius :bv - 'tlve-.. eitScsc'aftil lo'..take ""the', coutrol otv'Otn:;* c'cUtity g.yveruiiieti'.s ot'it br tlie •• nit ini,', i ,,t {yg r;. iii.i ui ef u.i; der .the. ,l»tvg ram • t'lf'-' .the - li.ib'.Viis.' t ;tiuSi'L«ei of e ouiiuerce, '•be . ri.putbaTjus -ieutimerit should' be particulariy' expressed by the great liirni iuachittery nuniutaciui ing centeryf, • I li i ri;. t-«i ,,,.f-tt'.e 1. d Slates. «u 1" f ,.ite It FuitheV |;e»olve«l. th;;t. careful ftiitiy- 'ty .iij'v.en loi" bliU . penMired ly the iiiriiois: ;t siamt>ei of Cbnotu rte on autui ifHil in;ttget';'»»liieti:'are.' in principle ag*' ctei • b> the llhriois Asst>ciat i"ti <|f nty'.li-o'tiii-ftissioners-aii'ti ^riptivisors •uu l the lii:Mii'«s -.!\'r<>.iV'iation t.f Tow usurp Miiiciais.i':V\tvPf'f,sg tlie.. p.tris ttierv^f • •gi'v m-g,'S'raite t ureaiicratic control of |«i Be.'Jlj:' ;U-ta<-r...Hi.'«t;;tv'ed;. that we hereby, cieaiuntf . that' iia ,.legi's'iatio.u p« •ii.acted i-fot .vv-SSl further rend, to ceatralife sw«- -. eriitnen' through a further inbraase of * ' !ve --Jaw l>y 1 4, K., cum..'A. M. Max*eU. <j. J.' v.}$.'(copy. of 'iW*."rtwoiution'; W:malltd us- #fatt."iuid iwleiai ^umauomuii Aieutian|«!mn«i. i;cWlC^*T" er for tlie second time. i*** -1 > ma CITY;0r McHKNKY. ^ •"^«

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