Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 11

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h It <fr vaX;- ' % /r~L"f-Z } - «v f%r^Yv*7*^.™ >';T ' *tVv *:"' :m 'ipipi . v J' . .*- THE SOAfcT) or SUPERVISORS. MfHENRY COt NTY. ILLINOIS Village of Alden, Til. Judges. S*. B. he would „ ... . Clawson. P. C. Rottlemy. <1. W. Fit*- Clerk hp directed t,o extend the sym. jrerald, Alden. 111. Clerks P. 15. Staab, ioathy of the Board to Mrs. Yates In the Elmer Pov. Alrt^n. 111., Wlllfam T>a1!ey, !1o$^ of h^r father. Said motion w.^a Harvard. Til., RFD. jduty .seconded by Supr. Clawson and Hartland--Pollir.?- Place. ShurtlefTs declared unanimously carried. Store In ITartlnndkTwp., Til. Judged: I . The ('Ir-rl* presented lists of claims O., .T. Carroll, Woodstock, Til. RED. Anna {against the County, and on motion of '"'allahan. Harvard. Til. 'PPn. Edgar K. Qiir»r. AcVman and duly seconded by Pierce, Woodstock. Til. UT>.. Clerks: ! Supr. Meier and declared carried, the Margaret 'billies. May me Tornow, John_, same were referred to the proper fom- Mwrulre, Woodstock, Til.--RE.l). | mtttees1. and the Hoard adjourned t® 1:89 Seneca--Polling Place, Town Tla't in o'clock I'. M. for committee work. Seneca Two.. Til.. Judges: E. P. Kueckmove nt this time that the j-MK Chairman and Gentlemen of the\reek he arm Wm F. Mueller, .Tames, Vihan. Marengo, 111. , RFD 1. C'erks: O. O. Koehler. Woodstock, TIT, ,'JJPD;.. A. L. Steiyarjt, Rov .Andrews. >>arc""o. 111 r»vi> i: _ Coral -- Polling- Place,.- Village Hall, Judges: Chan. H. A'cltman. H*. J Miller. Wm. 'Inhi T'nii>n. 111. Clerks, Florence Ackman. Eld» Poppe, Antoinette Schild- Ren. I'nJon, 111. Grafton 1 -- Pollin<r Place .Vi'Matfe Hallf l'"ntle^. Til. Jud'ces} Frank C-. Ferris.. Percy Swutison. Walte*"- Kwut. roj-. Huntley. Hi.; Dwyer, Marie- Rug: Huntley, ill. Orafton Schutts laee of. f'a'ke\ypod Moffat. Edith, Fldred', ' Trfrt^ Ki lj-xj-eTt',' Crystal T,ake, in par'et Schiilti • Dorr . Sales 111. stock, im. pvn A .T. r>»smntid, Woodstock III* Clerks:' Vlda OaulUe, Vera Fish, ; Dorothy Douglass. Woodstock, Ti| • Dorr 2 -- Pol line Place. Townsepds Oarage. 417 ci„,. St.. Woodstock. Til. Judges: ,\] Klemrne A'ice Sherburne. Ralnh Austin. Woori«t™>it.. tt,.- r"ortr = - 1:30 O'CLOCK P. V. * The Board met pursuant to adjournment an'd upon roll call the .same members ; resnonded to their names» as appeared of ."'record 'n the mnrniiiK session. cojix'iUiting a full Board present.., Th(' Cor^iriittee <yn Claims. 1-abor Fees arid "Supplies presented the following | r>7>i "the trouH reoort,. v hicli «i'n niotron of" Su?i'*: Har- ' »»»„ frost and -- Is faillnit and < new bridr© j« Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- necessary, for which work the Town of •v. Tlliinois- Chtmunjt is responslhl*.. The undersigned members of the road | That th« cos.t of a new bridge will b* :»na bridge committee for said County J'SOi; tiat the nopulation of «aid Town jbee leave to submit thp fhllowing re- lis less than l'.OOO: that the cost of said 1 °n ' matters before them. |bridee will be more than 4 cents on That we met and inspected the Conn- the $inon valuation on the latest assessjtv State Aid System of Poads during .ment mil; and that the levy ofc. roafl •« ^fep'c of Mav 17 to 25th. 1943, and|Bt>d bridre 'n* for two venr? last nas«- , found considerable damage from the ied in said Town was in each year for jSnring- hreakun and from washouts'the full amount allowed tv law to be through the shoulders when the snow jraised thereon for all road and bridge i went off a rule the ^cnhai r4'd< ]nilrboses, except for damages incurred jcamc through with very little damaee. jin laying out. altering. or vacating tlje road west out of- Union, iroad^, or for ditches to drain roads. Special July Meeting' 1943 •aa*! r/IOIB THRfli • • T ••nt riv-on atnl duly seconded by Supr. Wright fh ai d the roll Mne called, was declared \haft ' percent 6 r"e«-l"«-; M' -c:f> ref : unaninwusly «a^lopted, to-wit: . ThiS road is s'ate' FtorenW ;Farle^,'j ; t.. --um mo Illinois. Several soft spots, develoned 'n the sub-crade which gave no support to the asphalt surface, which nush«^d out of shape and reveled some., We outlined, certain tilt drainage and strenfrthen. in'g of the sub-grade that {Should corwhifh was caused bv p frost and, underground spTince the whole of which leVy Is needed for the ordinary repair of roads and bridges In ss-Md Town. Wherefore, the. said commissioner of highways . petitions your honorable Board to deem It expifdient to build said ..bridre at the entire expense of said Thursdrrv. the -st dnv of .Ttily A. D. T04T and audited the above and foretroinreports and found the books ^ind accounts of, the %*arious offices under audit neat and w.«}i ihn rflv Th^- Honorable Board of 8uiM>rvlS0tS corr.>ct in detail ^ ith exception to a few of sfc'Henry bounty met in 'Bpeciai" ses- j minor errors that were easily adjusted sion pursuant to a call signed by more Wfl th«refor<» wotttmend that the re-, jthan one-third of its members at the norts be approved. Court House in the City of Woodstock Your •Committee also met on Tuesdav on Tuesdav, the 13th day of Julv, A. D. I,hp rtaV of July. 1943, concerning i 1943 at ten o'clock, A. M. ithf> salaries and per diem now being The meet ine was called to order by »n" members of the Board of Reithe Chairman. KdWard P. Kuecker. (ind 1 V'PW- 'he year 1932 the salaried of | the Pled ire .of Allegiance to the -Flag members . V>f • the P.oard of llevfew i «xT- the T'nited States of America was ! JMld. the Chier C>rk. cut from 57.0^ given bv the Clerk with all members of the Roard and visitors present particlnating. -after which the roll being called by the Clerk, the following members responded to'their names, towit: Sum rv.isors Aueust W. Ruth. C. Perry Wright, Carl K. Wittmus. F, • F. Beck. N. Tl. Clawson O. .1. ^arm'l. """rt. »n;;nhV>oV or^uhrw'gJ!!-ar"- K Kueckfrr- rha8' «• n »maeed* po• n se-e med-. t. o be- Vss* |j<^ounty. and that you appropriate from v u t^ County Treaa^rv ° i - e -• * u* l!aHh°n > j j i. ' l 1- . • 'sfp'i'* •" •. 1 ^45 . 'relea m .? --i^prtllinir' "Place* '(^ Merman and - Oentleii^n^^^ of tl»r:Th^ oi, Cotta wi; .-fflA • ;;; V v -• .'."south' rl T ak.nvp.vl > Judges." C,enr*e VT „ ^'"^r « "nimittee on- T.abor, Fees and 1 takee ' T Sunnli^s ( ms would bee to re damaee inoj-t have examined »nd that you direct the Count Frank t Ferris, T. P. Nolan center road. i T'estion to build the roads back un !*fl»h srravel at th's time, so we decided i*o lower t^e shoulders. On June 1st we ' nsne-'ed the 'owerlne of the shouHets I operation southeast of Harvard. F|j-«t janv gravel in the shoulders was gr^din »nd th'*n th«* 9 cu. vd T C, Cn^N^VRt:^,' , Highway CommiSsloner -for the To'wrt hemung, McHenry County. Illinois, ornwell. commission.r of highfor the Town of Chemung, m Is out of the isaid County, being first duly sworn, on The ireoords of >he regular (June C>eeti-ng held on .Monday, the 14'th dav of .June. A; f>. 1943 were presented and, re.-»d and upon motion du'y made and carried wife approved and brderd" of. -ecord per dav to ffi.00 per day *Viwr is oK the op'ni that said salaries 'should, rwwe^be raised v - " ' i i - d t h e r e f o r e " r e c i . l . ' t ' V ' thif sJllarle? of the nietnb.r-: .'f t'>- Hoard of Review jj'f M:c.H<jnr\- t^oyntv and «f' the Chief Clerk of the Board of view be raised f-^'oiri siv to seVpfv la«"!j per day for each dav of work T-iw; '""ofumtttee would a'so' recommend that •he sa'ary' pf the first assistant >le.rk he r->i«ed "from It.iio/to $J>00 per- day. . TtAnry T; Cowlfn. (•ovnty .Iudm> of McHenry C-o"t?.,"r'. toffether wi'V. nu; c»>)nty (Tlerkv Treasurer and "Circuft Clerk app«"red before yo"f co""'!"?"' and I rou'Rht to, the attention of your committee the need,.of -a part time em-' nloyee to w«rk tinder the dfrection fa' the County " Treasurer rand Kx-Oftici" S'iper\-)sor of Assev:s,,,enfs tn,'li'-'ingin*' jth« County ,v nt l'sts pr>* lp I Frank Tbn'rnhf.r'Co.. co treas off iinn *123 10; co elk off aiip j - $103 01); Td of r*e\- sup I co c'k, •p'-tg *154.34; cir elk \ ' re" bk »?S9 *R ....$«jt.ig* ;Woodstock Daily Sentinel, co elic . : . suoT ^tp° srft°lk SUP >4fc'75, q? ^ -tb^t 9 CM. Vd. poraper jth!« 14th Of JUn« X. T}. 1<M3 >n-lna .mra Kiel, Kmintt +Har««U' W. Sohmf'dt. co trep« off " ' hisrb portion of the «bo«u | _ • v. : H. D. WOODS. oath says that the facta t^r» in t'ie foregoing petition are true of his own knowledge and that the matter is an emergency one. LER C. CORN WELL, Subscribed and s^*orn to before me The following report of the Oountv nn-t'i-riit# Tn"» Commit- Treasurer for the month of June. 1 *>4 3 rpp informed by these officers that was nresented and rend and unon motion j*here. wa« a great deal that could bo f f Supr. Clawson and duly secon<led by Runr S'-hmlM and declared carried was Johnson. Woodstock. Til, Dorr 3--Polling P""'e* Room under Count v Treasurer's office, Co it H Tto^se. Woodstock, Tl1. Judges- ,T. f, C-eorge IV Calms. C.ertrude Field, wbodstock T1' Cle»-ks'C. F Tbon. sun *2 10: co elk off sup $2.45 d Tost Co..., elf jetldI er and1 * h~a 1u. led *i 1t- to a J narrow pike or i (Seal) M 1 Th" F"»>derlck elk sup | Allen-Wales Adding Machine Cp... Freda Peteit, Helen rarKer.i^ciodstocie.lty^^^ Horr 4.--Follincr P1->ce. Pwiti Pr City Council Chambers. City TTall. Woo^atoek. Til Judges- T. f. VVdan, Jr.-, F. T). WyHkoop.iK. ,T. Oerrv. Woodstock, TU. Clerks:/^ Fmily, Frances Battern, 'Margaret Freuml. Woodstock. T". ' Oorr r.--Polling Place, -Abbott's Store Bldgefield, _m. Judges: Walter Reed, [pan ;_ C.r ystal T.. ak.e . He--r ald, -c o :clkv. prtg 296.45-!m -ardi tv>ea lroona5d wthaes road fences. After- County Clerk 8.51 «:?s 8-R.^ | 24.80 34.0fi 17.68 Ray H. Ab»-U., *><>•.„$ Wood: i^0,t. llo A?f^ Co cV *f,« ® s»ock. Til. RFD, Clerks Ralnh Ws'ktu-., I p-'f' 51' h J ,«?< J1" CCllaarreennccee_ Re.d Sam Merchant, Wood- i b rstcok. Til. RFD. Creen«'ood -- Polling PTace, Town Hall. Vitlnp-o of fi-non^'O'vil. •T. 15. Harrison. Howard Walkingfon, Oliver Reed. Woodstock. Til. RFD Clerks, Bessie Harrison. Olivene, Wa'k- In^toh, Lena Reed,. Woodstock, 1,11. RFD. Hebron--Polling Rlace. To«vn ITail, Hebron. Til. Judges: Stanley H. Cnnu">! Knrold Spooner, Hebron, 111., John P. O'Holleran. .Hebron t^l. RFn. r;'r>»-i<=: Tj. K. Ro«-e. K. H Twines, Albert' Ma'thfson. Jr., Hebron, Til. Richmond-- Polling Plnce. Memorial Hall, Richmond. Til. Judges: W F Pierce. R. J. Bartholf, Nellie Oi»-bs, Richmond. Til. Clerks: Mice' M. Bell'- Merlo Hobart, Ariel Oreelef, Richmond Burton -- PoMing Place, fown TTalj, Spring Orovei-Ill., Judges: Frank May, O. Tj. Stevens. Anton Mever. Spring Orove. Til. Clerks; • J c. '\varr„or Snring Orovo.. Til.. -Charles' X. May - McHenry 1 -- Polling T^lace, Bbyal jjf t1n ^ Rlue Store. Rlngwond. Til; Tud-res: ! m.bU Clayton Harrison, Carl J. H«11«trom. n• George J. Young. Rlhgtfood, 111.-.Cierksv.' p^ed ' Wendt Rlionrgaw oCoadr, r.I IIV, iola T.ow, Rose ton-r an, ' |tV»oot?»r<T c^.irn^ V,,rf f.nms McHenry 2--T'olllng Place, City Hall ,West McHenry, Til. Judges- Arnold Anderson. Vera Pilrvey A Kdgar Xye, W. McHenry. Tll^Clcrks: Vera B. Kane, Horothv Patre, Jtfargaretha Spurling, W. atcHenrv. Til 1 McHenrv 3 -- Polling Place, Rva'S Restaifant. McHe^'y, m Ju Math X. Schmitt \ihert TCrause Mi'ul Rothermel, Jt^Tenrv. T'l. C]erks- J. Conwav. T.vdm Kn-ein; Maw Freund c-o C«o. P. Freund. McHenrv. Til. McHenrv 4 -- Po'iino- pl"»"e, Ptldn,*r Rarber Shop. ,Tohnsb,urg, Til. Judges- Teter Freund. Jr.. Wm J ATevers. .Trts »nh King, McHenrv. I]]., rjt. 1 : c^rlts- Hilda Mav , Catherfne Freund, Clara •Ad«mw. McHenry 111., Pt. Xunda t--Polling place. Turner House, "arrv-ni,». tit. t Ames, Wm, Hani4on, T eRov Wfngate Crystal T sVe/Hi . Rt. I : Clerks: Morton Shales. Marv Kllen Flanagan. Crvstal T)1. Cff. Sun. Co., sup" Whs off exp Fthel C. One. sup schs 'off exp. H O .Vniifej' (?o., ct hse jail COAF hhf. ' Off. Sun.-- ' Vi)ron(rn.T'ejmhlican Xews Andrew Worwlclt .' ,«• Wenthe. Tnc. .. i!.,. .'•'feiffer., ct hse,stlB . - «.?S !>f Co.. ct h'se aUd 128.86 - - <> ?; o 2.05' 10.KO! r,s on ! C: Miner Pirecfor of CIvlHari T'b'm™ f-n-nt in C^-nf : "VTaHer Rcke^t. contingent ........ \tner. Book Co., indev ilhry Lawyer's Co-op- Pub. Co., judev * 1'brT\- C. T/ Trvon.. co sup hwv trav' exp 11 * 9' Pearl- S*-h'ult». co cor renorter " <">0 Til Be'V Tel. Co.. ct hse jail tel 100.53 Co Clk. Ins, Oendn.-- Or It.'nrv W s-«deen? Riley, '• .Mt"h"1o -»tiH Wifioms 4 ' Or. O. F. Xelson. Williams Ot>. A. S. Romberc^r ]Vfi^^eli| ' ' »r. Robert B, Miller, Kline- T^r. John M. Warren. Klinp ^r. Oeo H. Pflneeer. Riley * Jack 10.00 Or A ' V. T.tndherg, ' ct cik ins dendn.. Jack . . . J , . , . . . ... •' -Sbf. per ' >• -m "Coeo RerV.--' . TTenrv A, Xulle . Sheriff *f»inr^- A. Xiille 13.95 21.S* 2'0.00 .SO JK 00 B00 K ea , B OO s no 5.00 haned up with the '•<rr r-rader and the motor grader. The results *in"eared to be nutte satisfactory and we will probably do more of this w"*-k. Sever"! ; o'd concrete cu'verts are ed and need new concrete floors in the stream bed to ston washink and keen the w.ills from si-ding In. V We. expect to encounter considerable "tffionltv In getting the Canada thistles >i.nd rank wed growths cut and the work i« ant to v»ar We vi 11 mnwof attachments for your rubber tfrod maintenance tractors. We a rain met on the 19flj day of Ttmo 1943 at Woodstock Ii"nois and audited and ordered piid hills of a "•n^ral nafre charge'yl'le to the MejTtnprv ^ountv Patrol Svstem or roads i?« a whole for renairs and supplies for j County owned machinery. Insurance apd '"Vnr at the County Toril house a |bii<Ming« to a total of *958 r>n|s chargeable to the various Kec tIons? of the Couhty ntitrol system of r^nds at rates heretofore. apnroved, by | •his Board wAre audited (Uld ordered ;naid as follows: | eect'on* 3. 14 487.04 icwtions 4. 16. 18 23i.?7 !Section 4 it r. f5.«K ! sections 7 8, » 1«, 11, IS .: ;..i.-ha •?» Sections IS, 15 H4.56 ; annroved and ordered placed on file, towlt: Bounty ¥r«asnr*t*a Baport " for ta# Wonth «f Jnxia, 1943 Receipts Ralahce brought forward June 1st, 1948 On* Tax ... Pers Prop. Back Ta *es Home ilSR.B46.59 $ 252 00 39'57 Tt was thereupon regularly moved bv Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Sunr. Carroll that the prayer of thfe petition be granted and that the Chajr j SuprsCovin't"' be instructed to appoint a Committee, W. p' Allen Supt Co Home 3?5 83 of threo Supervisors with full power to i Inheritance Taxes . 6 41» 64 act and they, together with the Sllper- Motor Fuel Tax Fund " 8 87fi 0 fntendent of Highways of said County; Blind Relief . 8.522.61 to have full charire of said matter either General Fund M942 thxesi 46 7** "0 to repair the old bridge or construct | "'.-es for VfolatiOha on Hwvs. 60.00 « new b r f d g e . And t h e t o l l b e i n g c a l l e d , Highway Fund 2 J 7 1 6 68 bnee oouutittee eerxnneennnnsstnvee tthn< c ^clla'pwrss-o n.R C"alhr*r olWl, rAicgkhrtti arWt. iFttemrruiss,. XPorlh.~nK,. ! TP>a|svn utRerot U Taclreeasr ing A„ ccount S15 .6o8fi1fi i9f6i :M:«1Ter iasndo nFrilinj earrtdr eA-ss t. S"nrs. Max>, Mwell, ^TcConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Xay none. The Chairman declared tb-> mr-Hon unanimously carried. The Chairman anpointed Sunrs. Harrison. Clawson and Wittmus to act all i such committee. | Grand Total The following petition o«" the High- Order of Court | Count;- Officers' Fees t'ridge Rond Fund .. ..... (Penalties and Fees ' Total Receipta ...™............. nd i ToWn/hiO of i County Orders in rbp i niun*' fr"^ the construction of a new Highway Orders .C • 1• b11rrtMd" ne> A antt' AMth eA sKidt/eI' Monlft the* I.. BT-~»H: -e nfelt | "{,*hd ^A1r1de1r s Xxp«ma!tiir«i Sabina Rau Ora S V-.lle . Sheriff Oeuuty-- 1.084.RS ... 8 10 . 25.00 IK.00 R.O0 5.00 K no 5 00 r no 25 on 5 no 15 no 20.00 John Xechrebeckl r. k. Nett Clvde C. Miner! shf dptV §40.(10; baiiift $30.00 Willis Jobe, bailiff " Fred S. Gay, bailiff Melvina K. Wright, bailiff1..., Vernon W. Kavs; bailiff Sheriff Feeding Prisoner*--- Tr»<ket'si PaV-ery^. Wilbert Ohlricti' ... ...... . , ; Conway Oairv ! ; i "Mariiiil i. lijites : O. Shinner ft Co. , ^oyal l.'lu.e Food Store Wavne Mentzer. contingent ' . ... McHenry Co. Title Co., contingent 15.on Charles F, Hayes, iudcy jus fees 40.n0 20 in 10.37 70.00 5 00 5.00 5 "0 5.00 34 20 45 «« 6 41 2 on 41.17 67 9<» 5.00 Pov j. Stewart, contingent O. R. Xiehols ct hse jail rep Supr. Sal. Mileage-- • August M. Ruth o. Perry Wright ^ari .F-.-'Wittmui- , T,ake TIL. Rt. 1; .Mildred^^Seheid, McHen- 1^ ^ %< k ry. Tit. RFO 2. ' ' - 1 N. B: Clawson , Nunda o -- Polling piace City Hall ^ i Carroll Crvstal T.ake. HI. Judges: H. C" Mel^r' - 1%-'P- .fucker Wm. Rosenthal. Crvstal T^ake Til Lhas Ackman Wm. Oohertv. MeW^nrv. TU ' • Rpn' f'-tr^nk C. Ferris / . 79 50 r.5.8n 11 i 35 .47.50 57.15 1 •? on 81 «n 50 10 42 On '11* «0 TO *n I'K.RO 18.70 15n nn ^ .... 100.00 ak. "Algonquin " Tll"Tcierk«-"; Fre<i"Vn j: it 01 %iZr»fn. T.a.ansky,.;!^,,:^,^^-^ ^ Algonquin 2--Polling Place Vifginia 'i 'vdr**\J^Ip'ni- Pr Tn ntr '»1 . 85.00 St.. Pumning House. r>jVtTl%,a^ sup schs asst Judges• Frank K. P.ohl. Paul F. Rosen- " T->ta1 ....- . tn fiOfi •• Bills were audited and ordered pa id out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as follows* , . r" A Rt. .Section _ iti.oo |23, IT maintenance laoor, material machine rent 8 84.42 25. 12 "maintenance lftbbt*, material niaeViine rent 7S.S8 25. 17-TT maintenance labor, material. machine tent 35.20 21A, 14-TT maintenance labor, material, machine rent S.75 17 and 19. IS construction labor, material, machine rent 1,802.88 17 and 19. T8 engineering labor .. 1S,5n •7 and 19. 18. R. o. W rec fees T9."5 ?0B, 22 engineering labor tl75 'OR, 22 maintenance labor 9.9n 15. 25. engineering labor 21.00 15. 25 R. O. W. recording fees 147nn T», 25. const, labor, mat., rrtch. rent 65.65 15. 2.5-TT engi. labor 50.75 18. 26. ROW Rwfn & Ella WalkUp 40.78 13. 26. maintenance labor, maoh. rent 24 64 2. 31. engineering lahor 87.50 The grading, graveling and shoulder work on th-» two mile section of the Woodstock-Marengo road known as section O and also on the Harvard-T;nwrcnce road known as section 18 MFT is completed. The asnhalt for the purfacing of section O has been released by the •('.• S. Government and also the construction permit has been received "nd we will soon advertise same for bids The lT. S. Government permit to start construction of the road north out of "reenwood Village through the Town of Hebron to Stones Corners at S. B. I. Rt. 173 has been received and the con- Bridge over a brfinch of the Piscasaw Creek in said Township was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: ?n 7n 55.Rn Go no 62.00 18 10 ; Petition To the Wrtard of Supervisors for McHenry County, Tllinols: The undersigned Commissioner Highways for the Town of rh»mung In said County, would respectfullv represent that the Bridge known ns the Bridenfeldt Bridge on the public hi<?hwav near the west quarter sectton corner of section 19 in said Town of Chemung over a branch of I'iseasaw Creek is f«si. in.g and a new bridge Is necessary for which work the Town of Chemung is resnonslble. That the cost of a new bridge will t>e $2900: that the nonulation of said Town is lers thaa 13000: that the coat of said bridge will be more than 4 cents on the $10n valuation on the latest a s sessment roll; and that the levy of road and bridce tax for two years last passed In said Town was in each year for the full amonnt allowed by lnw to be raised thereon for all road and hrid"e purposes. except for' damages incurred in layinir out. altering or vacating roads, or for ditches to drain roads, the whole of which lev y <s needed for the ordlnarv repair of roads and Irridges in said Town. Wherefore, the said Commissioner of Highways petitions youf; Honorable Board to deem it expedient to build said bridge at the said Countv. and that you appropriate from the County Treasury a sufficient sum of money to meet the cost of said bridge, and that yon direct the. Countv Superintendent of H'ghways for said County To prenare plans and specifications for said improvement all as prov'ded for bv Article V. Section 34 of the rpad and Motor ""uel Tax Account, inheritance Taxes fltamns Treasurer's Salary Clerks" Salaries Ray Boll Clearing Aeeount Bountv Orders <f,f 1 Oeneml Fund. Tax WMr. Rd; 85.463 *4 ' Institute Fund 61.85 Grand and Petit Jurors ............ , .#9.on Prorbatlon Officer r ^ Coroner's Jurors lone in this rec-ard. a«d that toe to fi* "fgencv of other work. In the Ccntv Treasurer's and County Clerk's office, 't was impossible for them to place, an ^•n«'|enc»d person as nart time work to keep the changes of assessment® m names and legal descrlot'ons v"'ir Committee was Informed that an evpcrleneod person with le**a' descr'ntlons could do this work over the. course of a vear attd keen up with he transfers made in the offfco, of the ",w,tt|t .cT«-k bv sncndlng anpr&xim^teiy two and one-half days a week of?hl« time. Tour Committee was also Informed that this n'-aeH'-e has bc<m esr'-Ser' i.-. r>«Ve» Po'inttes «ati»factorj" to all concerned. Vmi' Committee after d-<- dellberation would recommend that tV» countv emr>iov the n»"csen» G'erk of the Poo** of Pe\'iew of sa'd County. Grove P. Chittenden, to do this work and to work undo* tt»e direction and sunerv*- ston of ,T O Stevens Counts*- TreaSur^-- and Fx-Officlo Punerv'S'""* of Assess, ments. he to receive $7.00 per day for each dav of emn'ovment. Vonr 'fnn ^^jnittee would further recommend that 1185 89® 25 T-easurer he allowed the ' a.',ijt jonal amount of *10ctnnn for clerV hire out of his. fees earned and received" for this service. „ All Of whi- h is respectfully submitted, F F BRCK, Chairman "ttH x' SCHMITT " • FB)\'K M*v AVC A. RT'TH A T'GT'STl 'S X. MAXWELL FR « XK C FFr>r»tS PAT'U ROSFVTHAL .( 311 71 t«« tn 6,306.51 28.53 .99.352.66 $14 130 1* .. 5,518.85 1 <**3 on 7.867.98 ... .8,356.36 ... 150.30 ... ><nm .... tT7 94 . I,7*i «5 St 10 T7.065.45 158.833.80 Total Expenditures Haiance on hand in all fifttds June 30th. 1943 Grand Total .. . 8235.899.25 The above and foregoing report Is true and correct aeeording to my best Iknowlodge and belief. J. G, STKVEXS, Co Treas. SubRcflhed and sworn to before me this 13th day of July, 1948. R. O. WOODS, (Seal» County clerk. Roy J. Rtewart, a former member of the BoaTfd pf Supervisors, appeared befoW the Board and spoke briefly concerning the bills t-hat were enacted into law in the last General Assemblv and al«o urged all of th* County and Township officials to attend the state Convention of County »nd Township officials tn lie held at Peoria oh the 22nd*, 2.1rd and 24th ofj July .. , , , The Committee on Fees and Salaries entire expense of (presented the following report, to-wit: Jiilv 1. 1943, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Snuervlsors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the seml-annua' report of the County Clerk. Circuit . .. . . , .Clerk and Sheriff for the half year iJil je laws of Illinois, {ending June 1. 1943. would beg leave tn Clerks: Warren F. Swenson. Mrs .Tanfs Schimf Mrs. Martha Feffer, Crystal' LaVe. ill Xunda 3--Polling Place. : T. O. O. p Hall. Crystal Take, Til. Judges- Cha« S. Plngrv Crvstal Take. Til ; Paul J. Doherty, McHenrv. TU Rt. 2- John C Flotow, Crystal T.ake, Til. Clerks- Wm .Tors. Crystn 1 T.ake, Til . Rt. 1 ;'d Johnsofi. Ralph A. Bristol: Crvstal Lake, Til. A1 go n o u i n 1 --Pot ling Place. VI flftge S?'1- Al^orMjpin. Til. .Tltdces: Jo^n '•-.J; |<VH - 'Voile shf feed nr»« Til p; •'^huen,./.T-ohn;-.^;"nvor> ]^u;v 'of Woodstock, ct lise JaiK jFr;>nk ;"T*.- Xolan. Jr. !-T, E. Harrison . r^'nr'cy Tl.,.Cornue ' W F. . Pierce ! Frank Ma v . . Mnth X. S'-hmitt .. •Henry C. OVfeler .: [John J. Ftlip ; A; M. Marwell 5 'V B. McConnell .„ . |T'a<ll Rnsenf.'i'll JHenrv A. Xulle. shf per diem I' fees s'-rv nated this 14th dav of June, A r> 1943. LEE C. CORXWrt L. HlghWa^ CoTin-tssioner for the Town of Chemung. McHenry County. Illinois. Lee Cofriwnll, commissioner of tilghtMs 14th d"y of June A. D. 1943 (Seal) R. D- WOODS. County Clerk, thai, Fdward Kirchbcrg; Crystal f,av <11- Clerks:. Paul Pauhut. Sidney Nelson, ^'incent J. McCormick, Crvstal Lake, 111. ^ .- Algonnulh 8 -- Polling Place. Village Hall, Cary, -Til. Judges* H;irrv -S'lchy, Anton Synek, Paul *L. Wium. Cftrv, TJ1 Clerks: Fov T.. Mentch. Elsie Hoeft Laura Jnhnson. r*ara- Til Algonquin 4--Polling Place, Hall, Fox Plver Grove.. Til. Thomas L. Hucek; ? Haber Sersep, Fox River Grove, TU A: A. Crisse\*. All of which CABf, X; B. '. G ,T. ATrG. CHAP •113.75 cir ct pro off sal 75,00 is resnectfullv submitted F. WlTTMT'S, Chm. Cl.AWSO\ '-\RROI,T. W RT*TH H. ACKMAX , :,fhe Committee on Claims, Countv Village -presented the :-foilowlttlr'-'.>-'|^B«>i4. judges* ! w;*hich on , motion of Supr' Ferris and Toseoh by . Supr. Wittmus and Clerks: . I" called, was declared .which duly seconded hi . h-ii\> ,--'h'e' roll being Emma Opatrny. \nna 'Poo'p,'-Lydi«:TRe-l-- 'Uiia.hlniotislj' adopted, to-wit:. cek. Fox River Grove. 111. • ' --*- -. Algonouin 5 -- Polling Place. Jun-'or . 14. A. &»• 194?. High School. P'st 4 7 i'rvst-,i. T si- >1 Mrt .Cnalrtirmn and Gentlemen of the Judges: Paul E. Bertram, H. C. Frlck, Board of Supervisors: 5 Clifton Miller. Crvstal Lake 111 '. Voiir •'.'Committee on County Poor Louis Ritt. Herman Ehlert, T^ester Tvibel-C^'^'s would beg leave to report that Crvstal Lake. TP. they have examined all claims presen- Tour Committee would therefore rec- ed to them, and recommend the.payment ommend that the above and foregoing of the following, and-that the Clerk be •elections of Judges and Clerks of TC'ee, directed Jo issue orders 'on the Countlon for the various Precincts and I»i,«t- ':pY .'Treasurer '.*to tin- Claimants for tfie trictr in McHenrv - Countv as m-.»do for Several amouiitst allowed. a» follows, the ensuing year, by the two political to-wit: ^ parties represented on said Board.' be I'cpendent Children--' approved, and that the Clerk of the Chicago Indn^ Home fbf Chi 1. 8180.00 Board be directed to file reports on said Lutheran Child Welfare Assn:, selections with the County ~ ' " McHenry County. All of which is resnectfullv MATH >??• S^l'MITf v C*RT, F WTTTVtr-s FRAXK C. FKUR1S X B CT. * W«< 'V A. B. McCONXELL sfru^tion work can start, as soon o.- , _ .. _ , --- - mortgage releases are Signed In the^i0,v.n j , rhemung, in said matter of the right of wav. Iiu*! .1V._ '^1' ..7".rn -T" C',,Vl We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on Countv owned machinery as follows: Sec. 9T. $9;20: Sec 12. *33.88: Sec. 12-IT. $24.20: Sec. 18v $445.84: 'Sec. 25. $23.68: Sec. 26. $16 94: a total of 8553.74 and turned same over to the County Trasurer for the road fund, which said sum Is hereby re- "unronriated for road purposes Including the repair. ' storage and purchase of road machinery and for improvements for buildings to house road machinery. Tour committee estimates' there w'll be necessary for the care of the. McHenry County. Illinois patrol svstem "t roads an appropriation from the County Highway Funds of $4500 until the next meeting of this Board. All of which Is respectfully submitted. CH.VS H ACK5HN' 'MATH X SCUM ITT JOHX J. F1LTP C. PEPPV WRIGHT F. E. BECK submit the following report on the mattt r« and things before them: The semi-annual report of the County Clerk being as "follows Receipts For Probate Fees . i.For Clerk's Fees 1 Suits in Court ..... 1 For Co. Services .... ; For Misc. Services Enrned Received • 1.749.86 » Y84.00 Tt was thereupon regularly moved b-v SitPr. and ,d"Ty se^nded hr Sunr Wittmus lhat the. report of the Committee, on Fe»s and Salaries be an. proved and the recommendations adopted and the roll being called, Suprs. "uth. Wright. Wittmus, Reck. Clawson, CafToll, Ackman. Ferris, Xolan «on. c >rnue. Pierce, May, Schmltt. Melef and Flllo and Asst. Sums. Maxwell? AtcCohnell and Rosenthal voted, aye: N'ay none. Thereupon t' e Phatrinan de " "tared the motion unanimously carried, the report, "nproved and reenmmendations' adonted.-' The f o l l o w i n g i-enorts of the Count* Superintendents of Schools were presented and read to the Roard, to-wit: Sapor* or TniMoi Tnnd ^uly l, 1W3 To the Chairman anil Members . . • If the Board of Sunervisors. -;j; McHenry County. Illinois <s S"ncrinten<'ent of Schools Of Hc- 'Tenrv Connfv, Illinois, I beg to present the following report of al' money.-' **° celyed from Arthur C Leder, St-'te Auditor.' and the navment made to the Treasurer of the districts of the claim for state reimbursement--- for ttirtion of children residing in orphanages.- Xeceipts State Auditor ?5,o9fi»42,, . Total • :. Sisbnnemankl G»V R. St 11 lr Treas, - Twp. 44-7, I>i«»ta; 7J ; and 1-52 . . $5,096 42 supervisors of the of MrTTenr*' n.l State of Illinois, which is the party, of .the first part .and Dr. B. F. Kenneily," ' i.artv of the second part. Witness-f-th: That Whereas. The Boat* >f Supervisors of the County of Jfc- Menrv and State of Illinois, has hereto* 'ore appropriated a sum of money to used in the suppression of tuhercu among dairy catt'4-of 1 the Coun,t? tiw« 'osi« : .;j$5.096.42 $5,096.42 232 00 2.85B10 . 5,588.8? 17-6.00 8,476.32 that thp facts stated in the foregoing net it Jon, are true of his own knowledge and that the matter Is an , emergency one. (Total Earnings of LEE C. CORXWELL ' half ve»r tin 490 >9 Subscribed and sworn to before me Reeved of eiiiiingB previously relivirteil: Probate 'jCourt Costs .. Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Miscellaneous Supr. Ackm.-in and duly seconded t>v Sunr Wright that the nrayer of the petition be granted and that the Chair be instructed to appoint a Committee of three Supervisors giving salrt Committee full power to act and they, together with the Superintendent nf ' Miscellaneous? ,.81,282.08 20.00 1.00 Expenditures-- Clerk Hire. Including extra $4,951.1* Refunded docket fee S.OO 81.0.8 IWin-^ways, to have full charire of the j Clerk's Salary for The following maintenance ^Resolution St. Aid Rt. 21-A was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: Maintenance Kcaolntioa Of County Board of McHenry County requesting approval of the use of tnorlev allotted to the county under the provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors, of McHenrv County, that public Interest demands the maintenance of sections of the public highway all located on State aid roads and orginally constructed under the provisions of the "Motor Fuel Tax La*," approved Mar. 25. 1929. designated as follows: St. Aid Pt Motor, Fuel T. Sec *ppr 21 A. 14-IT $1,850.00 and he it further Resolved, (lV that the above designated sections be maintatned under the provisions of said Motor Fuel Tax Uw dur- Court of.. Xortun and I>aymond •.-..•'...V;;.',C„j'-i80.00 11nsr the year ending December 31. 1943. St._Vince.nt's Indus. School, Gloji- ' :, 2) t*at there Is hereby appropriated submitted'. 'sen and -. Toomev . ... 37.20 , an additional sum of one tbooS >nd Chfiirinftn , C'h !fiafro Home for Girls, Carlson. j eipht hundred fifty dollars ($1,850.00) hrepalr or Installation of a new bridp«». And the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth Wright. Wittmus. Beck Clawson, Carroll. Ackman. Ferris, Xolan, Harrison, Cornue Pierre, May. Schmit» Meier and Fllin and Asst. Suprs. Maxwelli McConnell and Rosenthal , voted ave! Xay none. The Chairman declared the mc«ton "nnnlmously carried. The Chairman apojnted Suprs. Cornue, Carroll and Pierce to act as such Committee. A certified copy of the renort of the Grand Jury for the M-/.\ 1948 term of the Circuit Court waf! presented and read and un«n motion duly mpde andL carried, was ordered placed on file. A communiesit ion fr^.m the Tll>'no<s countv and Township Officials Associa> tlon eon"«fnim- subs"r|n»<ona vi <• "ented and road and ordered placed ort fie. one-half, year .... .... 1,250.00 $7,439.49 1,287.21 Balance due County for half - year ending June 1. 1943 $ Circuit Clerk The semi-annual report of the Circuit Clerk being as follows Total ... Respect fully submit ted, ETT"-'1' C. COR, Co Sunt, of Schools " Keport of Institnte Fund Jnly 1. t»43 To the Chairman an<l Menll>era * Of the Board of S>'»ier\ TsbM«, McHfory County. Illinois. As Supetfntendent of Schools of .McHenrv County. Illinois. T to presen't the following renort of all monevs received and denosited with the Countv Treasurer for the Cotjntv Institute Fund and the--expenditures made therefrom for the Vear beginning July 1, 1942 and ending June: -30. 1943. Receipts Bal on hand Julv 1. 1942 $ 26.35 l>eg|s«rntjon of Cert. ' 1 " Miscellaneous P3/1? Total Sxpeaditures . No,*- F, Xorton Receipts- For recording Clerk's Fees in- Suits in Court . Misc. Services 150 days in Court at $10.00 per day Earned Received $3,857.70 $3,631.45 1,050.48, 145.«0 1,500.00 925.45 120.00 Total Earnings of half year $6,568.76 Receipts durinr current half vear for the services performed in previous half. yta. and heretofore reported as not leceived. , Court Costs 106.15 Il 'henstein. Olson . and, Ross ... : | Pftj k Ridge School for Girls', ^-Wf'eLine . St. Marv's Training School, Sale- --•-- •'• •' . man • It -was thereupon, regularly moved bv , Laura Buckley, I.ynott I,:....'..: Supr. Adim&n and - {luly seconded bv Agnes Xieman. Lynott ........ ........ Supr. Harrison that the report of the Mrs Minnie I^righam, Pwe'nson Committee on Elections be adopted bv yj- John M. Warri-n. Stea'dma,n this Board and that the County Clerk be directed to file a report of the selections so made with the Coun'y Court of McHenrv Countv for confirmation and appointment, and the ro'l being: called. Suprs. Ruth. Wright, Wittmus. Beck. Clawson. Carroll. Ackman. Ferris Xolan., Harrison. Cornue, Pierce, May. Schmltt. Meier and Filip and Asst Mrs. c. G. Sweatman. Steadman Eva Kanping. Vstebo .... Lo; M. Brooks, dependt. chil.' *4 4*7: pro off trav e*r). *26.85 Mrs. George Spencer, dependt chil.," PeLine^Mever and Stedman '•'.' .• T P. I'atierit Pauper-- t fke Co. Tuberculosis San. Suprs, Maxwell, thai voted aye. McConnell and Pos,.n. F.dwir-1 Sanat-uium. Kublank Xay none. The Chair; man declared the motion unanimously carried. The semi-annual reports "of th" County Clerk, Circuit Clerk. Sheriff and Xreasure,r wew presented, and upon motion duly made and .carried, were refe'-. rd to the proper Committees for renort.' Asst Supr. McConnell pd^re«-.sed *he Board and stated that \Yi'iiaq< H. shipton, the father of Mary S_hipton; Yatep. C. Miner. Soma "The,, pair. • Vermett Esmond &• Hoiiglas, Vermete All of which is respectfullv submitted 'cms. H. ACKMAX, Chalrnmn tohx rt T'" TP"- AV F. PTERCB T. F. Ni'UAX: JR. ' -• C. PERHV WRIGHT 248.71 i.from the county's allotment of M Fuel Tax Funds for the maintenance 69.08 of the above designated sections and be it further , 20 no I Resolved, that the County Clerk is •r50.40 ;hereby directed to transmit two certi- "7.?0 fled copies of this resolution to the l>. 9.75 W>artment of.. Public Works and Build-" 4.eo ; Ings, Oivlsfon of Highways. Sr»»*lngfleid. 24.50 : Illinois, through Its District Engineer. 15.00 j ~-- j It was thereupon regularly moved bv 70,98 (Supr. Carroll and duly seconed bv tSunr .Harrison that the Resolution be adopted by this Foard, and the roll he- 93-00 jlng called, the Chairman declared the | motion unanimously carried. «• 1,240.36 The following- petition of the High- 3"i.00"|wav Commissioner of Chemung Town- . 74,16 ; ship Trir the »"*onstruction of a new 15.00 bridge at the sire of the Kotg Bridge 41.62 ]ln the Town of Chemung over a branch of the Piscasaw Creek was presenter and read to the Board, to-wit: Total Recftpta . Expenditures-- ' Clerk Hier. including extra for Vfe vr. i.. $2,305.00 Refund Docket Fees 5.00 ^'Ic. Off Exp. V4 yr. si.ta Clefk's Salary for one-half year .. ..... 1,250.00 $4,783.65 $;58l.23 A communication from the Woodstock Public Hosnital concerning new rates ijnd regulati^.ns ws r>resen*efl read .and ordered placed on file. \ eommuni'-ation from the State of Illinois Department of Agriculture concerning the appointment of local noxious weed Commissioners was presented and rrad and ordered otaced on «tate allotment reports on M. F. T. Funds for the mon'hs of 'nrll and Ma-- 1943 were nresented and read and ordered placed on file. j Bal. due County for % ' Several commonii ations from the' -vr* ending May ?9 '.943 State of Tllinofs r»p„.,rtment of PtiM|« ! Sheriff Works and Buildings were presented I . 'r,,e secl-a-nnual report of; the Sheriff and read and ordered placed on pi„ |be'ng as follows; " Sunr. Reck, Chairman of the Special' Receipt*-- Earned "Received County Relief Committee addressed the • F"or Sheriff's Fees in . Board and stated t^at ther. >.-->s e-, | Suits in Court: further need for his Committee to ' Brocess Docket" .....'.$1,500.85 function and that thev would have a I Execut ion T>ocket . . 127.60 final renort to present to the rt-^M m Uan (per Supervisors' $1,202 43 712 85 107.80 ' Order **«», M. 340. D. E. Lindstrom 1.41., Ada M Manning ! 34?,'- Ada M MannfJUr: 8-43, Alcne Red'in 9 4 i n-i wn-' I >eWoJ-f XC 34 5, Helen. E. SteuKon 8^6, Ada St. Manning . 3J7, A 'one O'Hollerkfi . 31S. Mi hel Ca rnev Mabel C-.rnev X:; <50, ' Ada M Manning,, 351; Helen E. Stens in , Total expenditures ... Balance on hand .$506,'7 I 5:00 20.00 111.2- 1 f. en 8.00 2 Or 30.00 .-'6 4.^0 4 .00' 30 00 32 00 37 14 61 8" $420.7^ 95.73 Total $506.47 Resneet fuily submittedi ETHEL C, COE Co. Suot. of Schs Biport of *rAnsport»tlon Tunis Jnly 1. 1o«3 To the Chairman and Members of the Board of Si-o i \ i s, ,rs. McHenrv County. .Illinois. As Superintendent 'of Schools...of McHenrv County. Illinois. I'beg t.v ir-e^en* the following renort- of all >m»iinevs rec.. ii-ed- from Arthur C. I.ueder. State Auditor, and the pavmenTs m*"', to the treasurers of the va> 'ous ,.dN'tr?c«s. •>* claims for state reimhurusements for part of the cost of- transnpr-tation- of common school nwr>ils for the year ended- June 30. 1913. ~ Receipts PCEt- 1.942, State Auditor -. $9,239.25 * " " " * J * " 1 « 11^ * «>«! of McHenry under the direction of Mid Board of Supervisors, and Whereas, the said Dr. B. F. Kenneily Has been anpoin^ied County Veterinarian •*." administer the tnberoilip tests, by McH-enry County, and-said appointment l>een confirmed by tile t^-na'nment ^ tr,i£iil t'-'re. of .the-,State of TllinolC ;• This memoranda there .therefore wit- , I nesset-h.- that" rt is mut-uaUv agrered -W j•*.' ••fid between; the panties, hereto that the-. •v\rfy.'Of the flnot *in rt ogr^eH to f-mnloy ' the- party ,of the st-<*ond part^for a. term rtf ,one year .beginning Jrtly. J,. 1-948 and ' •'•nrilng not later than .fune^so. 1944, , fe>lowing express terms.- arid condiiions. that is. to say: • ~ The •pari*" of-, the ^secopd .part--ag^beSh •-• ..'o his serwlces to • ion of, t he .;a-hove' ;men.iioni»d committee, •etirosentinc the Board of • Supervisor?" ; f: t>i« .-?a,irt M:;H>-nry; . Conritv for the i l^la-y -of- Seventeen Hundred Forty Dof- '-"rs (-f 1740<0ft^ per .'a'^num. h«. to be •- -overbed My the*, direction'of the Com-- , : ;7Mtte©' representing th^ Board of Supervisors as to the. manner in whi^h tu- ; ereu'in tests are to be made- he Will . Veen or cause to keen a'n accurate account with a oa^d «v«tem of a'l e!jtf|e tested by himself and by his assistants nd to see that a orooer annual renort be furnished to the partv of the first 'art. The Partv of the 1rst nart will 'ssue to, the party of the second nart an order for one-twelfth of the stOnr^ each month. The party of the second "'rt shall, keen an accurate record of "1 reactors. The party of the secm-d \art is to have < harge of the buying of necessary ear tags for hrandin- of -"ittle and also all other necesspry sp^^. ••>1«es. to i-arry on the .sa^ tests, party «he first to pay, for same. The nortv of t're first part reserves "?e right to supervise and direct the -,ri (ees PT'V of the Seeand nsrt -i long a<s this contract is in force and . and in fh» wwt«» ' r>* tb' .-•arty of the second part are not satts- >rtnrv to tH* Af thn ^^4- upnn a renort of such dlssatisftictn thft Porfrtl of SnnTv^or-? »n i'-M* qt, n TTKN&t* of Hoard and if pMd r^t^ort of <s !*nr»rni*FMl t f •fact shall be terminated and the serv- !>*es p»ld for proportionatelv up to the- •ermination of said contract, tt bein* • -n^er?^frvod that *n ca^e s»mh re»tor* 4^*" -"dc. party of the second paft shall ' avp |K„ rj"-bt nnr>-.r»"ni>v >n, •ear before the Board of Ritn«r'-t<i«rj» •»>d make anv «vpl.>na.»ion b» me* '••m necessarv. in e<»se the eonting*>ncv r»>»n"oned shall occur. Tt Is further imderstood and a*re*d 'hst the partv ef sen - *vd , nt r« 'or the sunv of Fifty Dollars (|r»OO.W>\ oer month to be paid monthly bv the ' "arty of the first part .fumfsh his own •~eans of tran>.nortat<or< jn n ftbnrHh his work and the upkeep of any sinttv--.-. • ~ >> rt .•* y 1 . «-o s*. ^ •b<-r expenses of goin" to >*nd frorr> Kt« • rl,iVm»tlt. .. - .,.,•. Tt is further understood «nd a^r^d *>iat fh.. partv of the seenud part «bsR ' 'tve the party of the . f i*st part sixtT "avs notfee of termlnat'on of ' "">ert- and that the nnrtv of the first 1»*rt >>aii pive the nartv of the second part r. .'"•v'dnvs noti'-e of dlsm|s«»l. Tn Witness whereof, the parties henew. 'o ha>'e -hTeupto si"ne<l rheir dav and veir,flr<t written above. Board of Supervisors of McHenry' county. Tllinois • ' Partv of the flrst mrt. - By Al't). W. BFTH "i c .1 c \' •• I C'HAS. H ACK^AV ••,•"••• : Mf1'".' ef Ooomhritte*.. *•->• B. v. KEVXFT.LT Party of the second partj- ;5i Tt was thereupon regularly moved Ky ^upr. Harrison and dulv seconded Sunr. Meier that nr. R F Kenneily' 'ppointed County A'eterinarian and ths*'- •he .'onfrhct l»e unproved and the rrtll ^elng cnllfd. the Chairman declared tbe -cotton iin-<nimou-;tv nnd 1>, l.'enne'ly ar,r,,,inted Countv VetorH-, "arlan of McHenry County, subject', to the terms and eondltions of the ttQin- ""••t and agreement. The Committee 'on McHenrv Coiintv Worn.. at"d F*>rm *>re«sented the fi'lnw|«» report, which on motion of Supr S -hmft* •?nd duly seconded bv Sunr. Fi'ip and •ho rrM beipg called was declared unatt-> imously adopted, to-wlt: •;>.,••«' • -.«•• ••^o - n • .Jf- •MM July T. T»4». Mr. Chairman and Members «f t**e Roari of Super%*isors of McHenry County: Votir County Home Committee-met on July 7, 1.943, at the McIIenry Cn-intv, Home and audited the bills for •»»* -e-ti-i of'June 1 4.1 and respectfully submits the following report, ree<»m- •"ending same be paid. ten A S"e t -undrv Co;, laundry $16.3# The Bohn H.dw. Co. sundry sup. t'T Bakkom Bros., repaids t.ester Hawlev,. cultivator ......... 187.5# ir. Mueller '& Co., snp. • 84.13 ^awver P'scult Co.. crackefs! 18.70 Ludwlg Wilson Co.. sprava and 8*.»J» n,,t»s Welding Service, repairs .... 14.#1 Public Service Co., It. and power: 89.18 Jtnsenthal T "mt-er j. Fuel Co.. fuel and lumber ..... . M.St III. Bell Tel. Co. phone service >1.11 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs . .. . 54.0$ Milter patten Pairing Co. bread **** Royal Blue Store, groceries .11 SiM . Montgomery Ward & Co., clothing apil supplies 8* -ft irm Snnpli- Store, feed 87.W Woodstock Wholesale Co.. tobacco 34.OJ rjoodrows Oarage, gas .,;•... , •*! Thome «- Son •Mothirig .. . .. . ... 18.*4 W. Wool worth, clothirtjf' ' 18.39 Oeorge Moncur plants . 1J ovoe Pros., g-- s - . ft, 1K •' o. v ndrew Co.; fee d 11#.TT 1.. Poush . -em»*r*» " , . 1AJ •inerier r»jl Co fuel oil ..... ... WM "bp Serton *•, Co.. groceri** , -- 84 *t *. P. Allen. In-'dentals RX.e® r r>. Mien •-•alary 11S.0# s'.her c silen. «n'iry • .. • 1IMI ern A lbright, wages • M JO >»ift|e Vlhright wages • BT R# vd Ma sen -wages ,'.v. Mont*-omerv. wages ' '-e^e M.ort"o'eerv wages TR.ea , >' se -h»vson 'in ges -. .' 4.ft# 'T.-lnpea . Walt . .!•*##, . Tiie-t.ander,^ ^alaig*^ " - •••.-•'.' Ts- '^tarn Behm. salary -r • -7..-5# •"reajn .sold $1.9?* •* 4S.-0 J'llv •', .^Total::.- Diibursaments V TTeleh M P-'Imer. l>-ist -1 "t Fav H M. Kenasle. DlMs7 17, 47. . 135 " S W Brown, r»ists, l.V F. B., >1 H*li. IP" Hellon E., .'Ferris?,,;,;r>ji#t':'.;f-6S' >etttton To the feoar*l of supervisors for Jtc- Hcnry Conirtv. Illinois: The undersigned Commissioner, of The,. Committee An Roads and Rrldsres 'Highwavs for the Town of Chemung in newspaper reporter" who' has been presented th« following report which said founty. would respectfullv repreattending the sessions of the County~nn mortonTTTf -Supr, Harrison and duly sent that the tiridge known as the Kottz Board for manv years' and with whom seconded, by Supr. Ferris-and the roll (Bridse on the public highway near the tlie members of the Board are well ac- 1 e<ng alie'f wa^ declared unanimously , center of section 11 in said town of qiiiinted.. is beinjr \buried today and that adopted, tb-wi-t: the next monthly meeting and that the report would show a balance on hand of '^pprorimatelv ?85.on Sunr. Reck stated that this was a small amount of money* to try to prorate back to each township and it was suggested that they turn the balance of funds on dlre~t(onn> co. For Misc. Serv. Tl-eas. 3.009.85 600.00 Cif9,.2I?9.3* I1.S19 95 VN?7«*; . 1.7»»4.90 493 •-'.0815->' f 9 239. 85 j »••«:•» Total Earnlng-s of'- half year $4,638.10 Re during half yeat- ending for serv v«r ii"es performed in half year ending- May •of Schs'. •lined -\- 31. 194 3, and heretofore reported as not -ecelved. Court Costs. Process Docket.™ 179.85 Execution Docket . 4 4 90 Mlscellaoeous l,92.a 00 renter jChemu'ng over a branch of the Piscasaw to the county Association of Township Officials for their use. After som» discussion r-oncerning sai-1 matter, it was regularly moved bv S"or Meier ->nd duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the Committee be . authorised to i turn said funds over to said Associa- Total Receipts tton and the Chairman declared the mo- • Expenditures--- tlon unanimously carried Deputy Shf. Sal. (8> $£.886.90 The Chairman stated that if the-# To Co. Treas. part rel«r was nn>ln* furth»r to come before this ! hursement of 1600. meeting he would entertain a rhot'on ' - loan If 1.09 to adjourn It was thereupon -e/t Vv Postage 44,00 'Sunr. Ackman and duly seconded by : Sheriff's Salary - " •Supr. Meier to adjourn. Motion carried.'! for one-half year 8SO.00 Thereupon the Poard^adjourned KPWARP F. Kl'FrKER, 1 TourJ. Committee met at • R. E*. "WOODS, Clerk Chairman $3,570,40 Total ."> . .. ., Resp'eetfutiv. submitted^ .'.ETHEL -C.' C.iF,- Co, Siipf It was thceupon re-ulariy i Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly* seconde«l bv Supr. Ruth that the. reports of the. County Superintendent of Schools be annroved. and the roll beinjr called, the Chairman declared • the motion unanimously car**ie'-'.. / The Committee, ori Eradication of Tuberculosis In Cattle -made a recomnien - dation for the re anpomfment of B F Kenneily as .County Veterlri.arlan for McHenry Coiintv to admih-Ste'* the tu- l berculln test for the v«i- hep-fn-'ng , -intv 1. 19«3 and eniling not later than ! ,lun"e 30 »at4 n'e.i the *-.v' 1 lowing contract and agreement. t6-*itv' • »r *?9 7th. "'1-94*,; e Honorable ^oard of S'-w'NnH McHenrj* County. W.nvdstock. III.! r Nb-H nrv County p-irm, Honi«» d Hosp'ti'- Comwitt^ beg • to re'x^t,: •h"v me> at f."i-M*"d on the ytst« «nd Kui'ited and ^poro|**. b-"'i . for 4mvrtieht • in the fotlowi,*|t ,"8'?* M 53# t», • »*«,• W-' . - .'St..#*.', : a-.1-4* •>o>- j Per,,,aften,t imnrayements . [ •Pi'pntn',it,'.expense , : ( h o o t ? n n d s b ^ e s i l".Ti.vbaeC.V ' ' ' ' " "let %<el-. ^iSNtP cream sfoid 8l.9S8.31 48 70 The htguiAr Vnontbly inspection '-«rf... ground.' bii.Hd'ntl^ 'e«i«infpen» atyd ttw stot-k revealed everj;thing to be in toad • '!ti->n • ' • , • ••;"" T-here h^ing no ftirth'er business .yo'tf" upon motion duly made.and .seconded, -idournetl, -'-'.Respc-tf^iii** s"111. .n,.".r cieROt.1,, cba'tma#*,'- - : H i.'"" V: iTHM TT •-:V •.•jSkij.T" • \r *« Ct.A VVSOX •r-gAru • •. .ai ..SI:. "f A Thi?* Memoranda of • rl<*v «vf l*jlv * ' ---f ----. $8,870.40 A. D. 1913, by and 'between" .•>?»-»««>'• -TV -etna-It^ 'n <-e th* ... the Court »"tb Chas H *cVman and O. T, rtir-< Ven^'d* ""-idre «nd the Kolt* T*rld«>* \ House in the Cltv ot Woodstock on roll for and on behalf jptP the-f>V*d of j-ih Ciiemun* Township present«d the fofci ,

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