Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 12

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mmm >H ; FAGE FOITH s ^T? "' !*»*!*' "*•**' J %• , T ;\. •, r^* |tH^ •'* • ,•- » f'* * *•' ,r,¥ 1 o THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS lowing rep arts, which were, on rrtotion I Supr. Sal. MtleacW"4 of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by , August W. Ruth Ctipr. Aokman and the roll b>eing called, C. Terry Wright declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Carl E. Wlttmua ........-- • i F. E. Book • N. B. Clawson L........ A...... Mr. Chairman and Qentlemen of the G. J. Carroll -Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- E. F. Kueucker ....^'i, ty, Illinois: Chas. H. Ackman Tour committee to whom was refer- I Frank C. Ferris red the construction of a new bridge ; T. F. Nolan .... at the site known ai the Kolt's Bridge .1. K. Harrison u..;.',,;. •••- on the public highway near the center Stanley H. Coniu» of Section ll in the Town <>f Chemung W. F. Pierce W fa id County over a branch of the Frank May - ....... Piscasaw Creek, beg leave to submit < n>-y c. Meic-r the following report on the matters be- Math N. Schmitt~l:U fore them. " 'i John J. Filip ............ That we met at the site ,of said bridge A. M. Maxwell on the 23rd of June 1 943 , and fourtd Paul Rosenthal . that said bridge was falling. 1"he Creek Alice Helm, er TJ salSir^, ^.. ha-s been dredged on an• a'ngie with the Hemy A. Nulle, shf. perdjijm bridge and the current flows coiMierwise fees, serv CHAS. H ACKMAN F. E. BKCK MATH N. SCHM1TT C. PEKhr WRlGHT JOHN J. FILIP blllties which such bank In required to Ackman and duly saaonded by Supr. | Bounty Orders 138.20 furnish to the Auditor of Public A» Harrison that Frank B. McConnell, the Clerks' Salaries 4,522.32 , counts, or to he Comptroller ol' Cur- t Supervisor from the Township, takes Institute Fund ...,^,.,^..^4103.14 rehcy; and i over the same Committee assignments 1 Bridge Bond Ord^fil 1,242.SO He It Kurher Resolved that each bank I as were had by his predecessor, the Treasurer's Salary 1,185.20 designated as a depository for such j late Warren F. Pierce, and the Chair- Motor Fuel Tax rders 10,524.43 funds or money shall furnish the Coun- man declared the motion unanimously Coroner's Fees and Cor. Jurorrs 200.00 ty Board with a copy of all bank , carried. Stamps 1,253.41 statements which it is required to fur- j The records of the Special July j Probation OfTlcer ...... 367.40 nish to the Audi tor'of Public Accounts, meeting, 1943, were read and on motion Forfeitures, fees paid 512.40 or to the Comptroller of Currency, while approved and ordered of record. [County Officer*' Fees Uiit..i.l3,312,87 acting as such depository: and j The following report of the County : McHenry County Payroll Be It Further Resolved that if such j Treasurer for the month of July, 1K43, j Cleartng Account .. 12.763J09 funds of moneys are deposited In a | was prersented and read and upon mo- 24.20 •'Cg'&jfc -following M. F. T. construction 21.20 Resolution was presented and read to 62.00 ° the Board, to-wit: 88.50 j • . --- «« (MFT Construction) 53.2# State of Illinois 19.15 Resolution For Improvement by County 22.60 Under the Motor Fuel Tax Law 47.60 Be It Resolved, by the Hoard of Su-•! bank herein designated as "a depository. [Hon of Supr. Wright and duly seconded 24.0(i pervisors of Mi-Henry County. IJllhois. i the amount of such deposits shall not | by Supr. Schmitt and declared carried 5n.:>o that the following described State Aid exceed »;event;y-five per cdnt of the was approved and ordered placed on 99.0Q Routes be improved under the Motor capital stock arid surplus of such bank, j tile, to-wit: 10.80 Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25. 1929: and the Co. Supt. Schools shall -not ot S6.90 State Aid Routes 32 and 8, beginning discharged from responsibilitv f^i* ativ 85.00 at an intersection with State Aid "Route ! s^tich funds or moneys deposited in any 11 near.the SWT -corner of the S.R 1-4 of bank in excess of, such limitation. •150:00\ the SE 1-4 of See. 28, Twp, 43 N. R 50.00 Dt*l(lJZ> me, nurt'IU 1I')W> muiri wn»c irm, Sim Y - «•' through the opening'and has under-S Voile, shf feedg pris 100.60 of the 3rd P. M.; 1 thence easterly, :l It was thereupon regularly moved by mined the abutments and .they have City' of, Woodstock, ct hse jiil . northerly and easterly along, said route Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by County Treasurer's Report- *or the Month of July, IMS Itec.eint* . f..v Balance brought forward Jiily lst_ 1943 General Fund, ; •cracked and slid toward the center of. It and water 11'-?" 32 to an intersectiorr with the ditch. - "• >,Vestie Muldoori, ct hse jail sal ._ 150.00 near the center of Sec. 28, A nt-w bridge should be built on a A. A. . Crissey. cir ct pro ofl^ ,4»al ' 76.ii0 ,'R- 8 E. of-the 3rd' P. M.: theric skew to match the dredged ditch and Ada- Manning. suB schs i s- A- 8 lo the wfest corporate 'limits land the resolution naming-depositories this would Involve a channel change to j " and elk hire .. .. 113.75 of Algonquin for a distance of approx- for' the funds of th'e said County Suthe south of the bridge requiring the 1 ~All of "which is respectfully submitted, j fmately 7 1-4' miles or 38,28o feet an<| I perintendent of Schools be adopted by S. A.-.R't' « IJSupr. Filip that the,request of the new- Supervisors, County Home .... 849 Twp. 43 N. | ly , elected County Superintendent of | Supt. W. P: Allen, Co. Hopie...: 634 rice SHlv '>n ! Schools, Roland MOCannon, be granted j County Officers' Fees 1,263 Bond Taken From Cash .... Unknown Residents and Minor Heirs ; 11.92 Deposit by Order of Cotirt .... 23.80 Penalties and Fees v. 10,166.30 Fines for Violations on Hwys. 1,168.50 Express on tax bills . 27.18 Pers. Prop. Back Taxes 8.70 Cottnty Court Jurors 192.20 i Non-lTigh Fund .v,/.^.!.>..lft,393.11 $15?,833.80 I State's Attorney's FUnd i,»'i8.0ft' ..,..$15,433.21 | Dog Tax Fund 1.038.50 rofid? an appropriation from the conrrty highway funds $3500 until th« next nu eting of this Board. All Ot which Is respectfully SUbfttfttaC . CHAS. H. ACKMAN JOHN J. FIL1P C PERRT WRIGHT MATH N. SCHMITT F. E. BECK ' removal of about 574 < u. yds. <•»f earth excavation. The Highway Commissioner, Lee Corn-well, stated" that the Town . would pav for said channel chansre and the owner Of the land was interviewed • and he gave permission for same to .be done. We thereupon dec ided to grant ,C.VRL K. wi TTM l FJJ,- chistrman O. J. CARROLL v's-:-"'Vv'1 CHAS. H. ACKMAN - • X. B: CLAWSON ;::> . AUG. W. RUTH ' r. •• . .. „ J, i- Committe.e on Claam^ bounty •he,ljfa>'«r of the petition and In-truoted-j p^-j. presented the follovrin# rei)o?t; the County hupt. of. Highway - to tak J which on motion of Supr. Harrison and the necessary steps leading to the let- duly seconded by Supr. Clawson and ting of a contract for• a "eJ*...^n ,he ro11 being called, was declared unanfast as wartime restrictions will allow. jrroU.8ly. adopted, to-wit: We recommended a 30 foot span meas-.| * ured on a skew which will provide a | slightly larger opening than the old: j 1 L;*' *1 bridge, and the current would not be '"Chairman and Gentleman of the impeded its at present. We thereupon adourned subicct to the call of the Chairman of this committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. E. HARRISON CARL E. WITTMUS ' ' K. B. CLAWSON Board of Supervisors: t Your Committee on iCounty Poor Claims woulud beg leave u> report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Cler be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for *<•. Chairman and Gentlemen of the I th« several amounts allowed, as follows. Board of Supervisors. McHenry Coun-,jto-wit: ty, Illinois: . Dependent Children-- Tour committee to whom was refer- Chicago l:idv:s Home for CW1. 1170.00 red the matter of buildintr a new bridge | St. Vincent's Training Seh., at the site known as the Bridenfeldt | Glossen and Toomey 36.00 Eft'idge on the public highway near the ; St. Mary's Training School,. ' " west quarter section corner of Section j Salzman J. 8.66 12 in the Town of Chemung, in said j Mrs. A1 Krueger, Steadman . 22.50 County, over a branch of the Piscasaw ; Mrs. Minnie Brigham, Swenson, Creek would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at the site of said bridge on the /.">th day of JOne 1943 and found " that said (bridge was failing. The west abutment Was undermined, cracked and t:pping. and the roadway was only 14 feet *iile,.and the bririge had been built far offthe center line of the ropd and would need to be replaced by a new structure. We decided to grant the DeLine Eva Rapping, Ystebo Louise M. Brooks, pro off tntv exp J33.65 dependt cil $9.47 .... Dependent Children-- Lutheran Child Welfare As&il.r Norton and Daymond . . Mrs. C. Sweatman. Steadman .... Agnes Nieman, Lynott Mrs. George Spencer, DeLine ...... Agnes Nieman, sup for Lynott!..; T. B. Patient Pauper-- 1. • prayer of the petition and instructed the C. C. Miner. Soma .. County Supt. of Highways to take the . Dr. O. E. Nelson, Hold necessary steps leading to the letting - Lake Co. T. B. San 45.00 15.00 43.12 24.50 28.00 3.00 1. • 8 54.80 ot a contract for a new concrete bridge a* fa e wartime restrictions will alio# ' - ' ; ^commended the use of 4he prctt • beams supplemented with othirt - some other source, possibly fro«n' •. wOlt* Bridge when same is torn oni. We thereupon adjourned subject to "ti.e call of the cii Mi man. All of which is respectfullv submitted. STANLEY H. CORXEU O. J. CARROLL • • •>•••>•• W. F. PIERCE' •' State " Representative Harold Kelsey appeared before the Roard and was called upon by the Chairman. Representative Kelsey spoke briefly concerning the actions of the State Legislature that 1,052.80 All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. H. ACKMAN, Chairman W. F. PIERCE T. F. NOLAN, JR. C. PERRY WRIGHT JOHN J. FILIP Wilhelmina Carlson of Woodstock, Illinois, secretary of the Home Bureau appeared before the Board and read a report of their activities dining the past year and made n request for an appropriation of $500.00 for expenses to be paid monthly as in the past. It was thereupon reguluarlv moved hv As-t •Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the request of the Me- Henry County Home Bureau be gTanted Just adjourned and stated that there I dnd the report placed on tile and the were many bills that were defeated ! matter of the appropriation in the that would have been very injurious to : amount of $500.00 be referred to the home rule and that the members of the j Finance Committee and that same be Board and Township officials and peo- included in the' Annual Appropriation pie generally should be quite pleased. Ordinance to be adopted at the Septm- Representative Kelsey thanked the mem-| her, 1 943 meeing of the Board and the t t*r* of the Board for the 9pi»ndid «>- > roll being called, the Chairman declared operation givgn him and that he wanted I the motion unanimously carried them to feel free to call upon him at The Committee on Roads and Bridges any time for any service that he can Presented the following report which perform. on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly sec- " The Clerk presented lists of Claims "tided t*,- Supr. Wittmus and the roll against the County and upon motion of , being called, was declared unanimoii«iv Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by | adopted, to-wit: Supr. Meier and declared carried the 1 -sfeid claims were referred to the proper Mr Chhirman nnrl committeess and the Board adjourned . G®nV.e,!len of the to 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. K. Board met pursuant to adjournment Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun ty, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said County beg leave to submit the follow and upon roll call the same 'members ' 'n£ report on the matters-before them responded to their names as appeared of We met on the 10th day of July 1943 record in the morning session with the at Woodstock. Illinois, and audited and exception of Supr. G. J. Carroll and ordered paid bills of a ceneral nature Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal, constitut- chargeable to the McHenry > Count v ing a quorum present. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following Patrol System of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery. Insurance and labor at the Further Resolved; That the ;inv« j this Board and to remain in full force provemen't shall consist, of a pravel or and effect for the term of office of the' crushed stone surface Typp B modified J said Couunty Superintendent of Schools, width 20 ..feet with the necessary "exca- [Roland McOannon, to begin August 1, A-ation, etc., artd'shall be designated as ' A. l>. 1943 and to continue until his suc- Section 85, S#FT: and. , I cessor has been" elected and qualified Be It Further Resolved,7 (hat the improvement shall be constructed by the County through its officers, agents and employees by day labor; and, Be -It FUrther Resolved, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Seventytwo Thousand, Five Hundred dollars, ($72,500.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement; and. Be It Further Resolved, that the Clerk i s h e r e b y d i r e c t e d t o t r a n s m i t t w o ( 2 ) certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buiuldings, Division Of Highways, through its District Engineer's office at Elgin, Illincls. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supur. Ferris that the Resolution be adopted by tTTis Hoard and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth. Wright. Wittmus. Beck, Clawson, Ackman, Ferris, Nolan, Harrison, Cornue, Pierce, May, Sclynitt, Meier and Filip and Asst. Suprs Maxwell and McConnell Voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Resolution adopted. The following M. F. T. Construction Resolution was presented and read to the Board, to-wit. wport. which on motion of Supr. | County Tool house and buildings to a .Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. Filip and the roll being called, was ueclared unanimously adopted, to-wit: „ . July 1#, A. D. 1943 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemeli: of the Board of Supuervisers: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and 1 total of j} -yg Bills Chargeable to the " various sections of the County patrol system of ri!i D at rates heretofore approved bv thi« Board were audited and ordered naid as follows: Secitnns 3, 14 Sections 4, 17 4, 16, 18 *1.672 «•> 375.17 Supply Claims would beg leave to re. J «^!!OR v» 212.65 port t'/at they have examined all claims I ,» *•.*»' *®»' IV .12 638.98 presented to them and recommend the Bet't,ons 15 153.64 payment of the following and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the ClaiWnts for " eral amounts allowed, a* lollowa,. to-wit: J i..i. v Thornb< r Co., Co elk off sup $50,32; cb elk elec supl ^ $16.16, ;$ 6G-43.. JEiOn office Srpply, co treas off sup 3.06 Richmond «. .zette. co treas prtg 4d.<& Hpi^'^wind &• Stephens Co., tfup echs off exp U 46 B!jhel C. foe, sup schs, sup " ! .. sc^s nfT evil • Harvard Herald, co elk eleci-Biilt ' • \e Herald, co elk elec sup $49.00; cir clg sup $28.00 Ludwij; Wilson Co.. ct hse sup.:.. Snrik'amo Disinfecting Co., ct hse sup 64.81 i«T'>e T -"tie Store, co <-lk sup : 6.48 KMltz Office Service, co treas off sup $29.09; cir elk sun $8.16;. co elk off sup $8.50; co li-wy ^otal -- .$7,094.05 Bills were audited, and ordered paid ut of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as fol- ,ows: 7 S. . Rt: * Section •o " 1 ^ m a i n t l a b o y m a t $ 1 9 . 5 n 23. 9-T, maintenance In -fir, ' i" material, macli. rental ......... 61.16 2o. 12. maintenance labor, material - mach. rental ' ..' 17 and 19, 18 engi. labor $.7$ and 19, 18, construction labor, 5'fi 7 0 13.00 21.78 6.60 ii 8.76 R.«<» i material, mach. rental maintenance, labor, mat. '• ?2, maint. mach. rental' 77.00 ?0B, 24, maintenance labor 40.24 " "" .j (MKT Construction) State of Illinois Kesolntlon Por Improvement \>j County Under the Motor Fuel Tax Ziaw Be It Resolved, try the Board of Supervisors ot' McHenry County, Illinois, that the Mowing described State Aid Route b improved under the Motor Fuel Tax „ aw, approved March 2.", 1929: State Aid Route 12, beginning at a point near the east quarter corner of Section 17, Twp. 43 N. R. 6 East of the 3rd P. M. and extending along said route in a southeasterly and easterly direction to the west corporate limits of Huntley for a distance of approximately 7 miles or 36,960 feet; and. Be It Further Resolved, that the Improvement shall consist of a gravel or crushed stone surface Type It ModiH <1 width 20 feet, with the necesary excavatjon, etc., and shall be designated as Section 34 M T: and. Be It Further Resolved, that the improvement shall be constructed by tne County through its officers, agents and employees by day labor; and, Et It Further Resolved, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement; and,; Be It Further Resolved, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division "of Highways through its District Engineer's office at Elgin, Illinois. It "was thereupon regularly moved, by Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the Resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being caned, Supr. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus. Heck, Clawson., Ackman, Ferris, Nolan. Harrison, Cornue, Pierce, May, Schmitt, Meier and Filip and Asst. Suprs.. Maxwell and McConnell voted aye. Niy ione.. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and th« Resolution adopted. The McHenry County Relief Committee presented their final report of all thoir acts and doings terminating all of> their business as of July l, 194*, shewing a cash balance on hand a* of said date'in the amount of $34.66. It was thereupon regularly moved by SUpr Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Meier that the report be approved and ordered placed on file^and the Chatrmaa declared the motion unanimously carried. The bond of Roland McCannon, the newly elected Superintendent of Schools of McHenry County, in the amount of 2.<ion.oo with the Maryland Casualty Company as surety was presented and "ead to the Board, said bond being ef» (ctive August 1, 1 943, the date the new V>unty Superintendent of Schools takes >ffice. it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seer nded by Supr. Ferris that t|he bond of Roland McCannon. newly elected County Superintendent of Schools, be approved, and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Heck. Clawson. Ackman, Ferris, Nolan, Harrison, Cornue, Pierce. May. Schmitt. Meier and1 Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell and McConand not "to exceed four years unless otherwise changed by this Board, and the roll being called. Suprs. Kv i Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson. Ackman, Ferris,. Nolan, Harrison, Cornue, Pierce, May, Schmitt, Meier and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell and McConnell voted aye. Nav none. The Chairman declared the resolution adopted. Statements of condition at the close of business on June 30, 1943 of the Harvard State, Bank, Home State Bank of Crystal Lake! Algonquin State Bank, First National Hank of Woodstock. The State Bank of Woodstock, C^ry State Bank, West McHr -y State Ba.ik and the Marengo State Hank were presented and read toi the BOard and upon motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Fe.rris and declared carried by the Chairman, the said statements of condition were approved and the said Banks authorized to continue as depositories of the funds of the County Treas. urer and Ex-Officio County Collector of McHeHnry County. Several communications from the State of Illinois Department of" Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed op file. The Chairman state " •.hat if there was nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. Filip to adjourn. EDWARD F. KUECKER, Attest: Chairman. R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Special August Meeting 849,64 " .75 .80 "240.58 -P32.46 273.00 .49 . . 258.32 ; -89.00 ^:«94J5 7 ,f 19.76 '3ff-i3.H0 3,081.87 ,Highway Fund Pers. Prop. Back Taxes Dog Tax - •. : Penal t ies" and Feefc .-.;y..-,jy- Institute iFund . Violations on Highways ...... Inheritance Tttxes Motor Fuel Tax Blind Pensions Payroll Clearing Account, '• TotAl. ^Receipts Grand Total .:....$192,423.93 axpenditures County Orders Highway Orders Expenditures Blind Pensions General Fund Grand and Petit Jurorrs ,. Bounty Orders * Total Disbursements Ba'l. oil hand in all May 31st. ......J.-; .........:.^3,590.12 Stamps Treasure'r Salary Clerks' Salaries ... Probation Officer Coroner's Jurniyi Inheritance Taxes Payroll Clearing Account County Officers' Fees .t.. 4,305.76 State's Attorney's Funds ........ 665.00 Motor Fuel Ta* vouchers .... 1.574.46 ..$*713.01 .. 7,232.20 .. 1,821.00 92.63 607.70 9.55 5.00 '170.40 ... 607.66 ... 97.60 :.. 54.00 -.5,142.51 . 2,616.39 , ; Grand ^•otal'-;';;:..:'.tV.^:^:..:*3&5-,26l-.88 All of which is respectfully submitted this 14th day of June, 1943. The above and foregoing report is tru* and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. • ' " * ' J- « STEVENS,: Co^treas. Subscribed and .«4worn to before Nni». thfs 14th day of June, 1943. - , . ^ ; . v R. D. WOODS, (Seal) - ' ' County Clerk The Committee on iCoads and Bridges presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison and the r.oll being called,, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit:' : Total Expenditures .. 25,014.87 Balance on hand in *1) funds July 31st, 1843 157.409.06 $192,423.93 'g report is to my best 1943 (J? The Honorable Roard of Supervisors met In Special Session; pursuant to a call signed -by more than one-third of its members, at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the 10th day of August. A. I). " 13. at 10 o'clock A. M. The meeting w « called to order by the Chairrman,, Edward F. Kuecker, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of 'the United States of America was given by the Clerk with all of the members of the Board and visitors present participating. , The Chairman announced that the certificate of qualification of Frank B. McConnell, Supervisor of Richmond Township, appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of- Warren F. Pierce, was on the Clerk's tal-J^ anrl if there were no objections, Supervisor McConnel would be admitted as a member of the Board. There being no objections, the Chairman directed the Clerk to call the roll and the roll being called, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors August W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright, Carl E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck. G. J. Carroll, Edward F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, '•"rank C. Ferris, T. F. Nolan, Jr., J. E. Harrison, Stanley H. Cornue, Frank B. McConnell, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt and Henry C. Meier, and Asst. Supr. A. M. Maxwell, constituting a quorum •iresent. Thp Clerk presented the following Call of Meeting, Publisher's Certificate "f Publication and Proof of Service of Mailing Notices whii h were, on motion duly made and carried, approved and ordered of record, to-wit: maint. n-Mi'-e lni or 15, 25, engineering, labor 13, 25, construction labor, material, mach. rental i. 538 77 15. 25-IT. engineering, labor 3 YS 13. 26, maintenance, labor, material •- rental ; 47 56 July IT, 1943. Call of g To R.;D~. W iods, Couarty Clerk, "[ , McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois. We. the undersigned member" of the Board of Supervisor™ of McKerirv County, Illinois, hereby requ^wt tfcat call a meeting of ealfl Boar# to be held Tuesday, the 10th day of Augflet, A. D. 1943, for the purpose of tbe selection of Grand Jurors end Supplemental Panel for the September, 114* term of the Circuit Court, the approving of claims filed against the Connty and ail further business that may regularly come before aid Moetlng. Dated this 27th da* of ««!y, A. D. 1943, F. F>. BWCK CARL K. WTTTKL'S • <). .T. CAPRnl.T, /Al'f». A.. RUT* -IN. B. CLAWSON /CHAS. H. ACKMAN STANLEV H. CORNUE^ (Supervisor's name) Meml-er of the Hoard of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: Grand Total The above and f true and correct r- c knowledge and beli „ , J. G. STEVENS, Co. Treas. Subscribed »Qd 1< to hefore me this 10th day x»jf August, 1943. , ... R. I>. WOODS, (Seal) County Clerk. The Committee to Settle with the Treasurer presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Meier, was approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: _ .. . August «, 1943. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your ^Committee to Settle with the Treasurel' would beg* leave to report that at their regular monthly me' ic held August 6, 1943 to check the m- i- 'v a< counts of the County Treat r, the attached semi-annual reportr o .ie said Treos irer was examined and found to be correct and we theerfore recommend that same be approved and entered.- of record. STANLEY H. CORVUB CARL E. WITTMUS *~ » FRANK MAT J E. HARRISON HENRY C. MK1ER Official Pees and Emoluments Keoelred And Expenditures Made By J. G. Ste\ ns, County Treasurer, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, To: The Chairman of the Committee To Settle with the Treasurer. 1, J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer in and for the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, respectfully present the following report of all the fees and emoluments of my office and also of necessary expenditures therefore, for and during the half year ending May 31st, 104 3, wherein I state the gross amount of all fees or emoluments by me earned by official service during said half year, the total amounts of receipts of whatever name or character and all necessary expenses for clerk hire, and other expenses. > Nature Aec'd During Commission of Service >A Year 2<??, on $827,344.11 collected as Coi'-ty Collector $16,546.88 2% on $20,694.31 Real Estate For. feitures Col. as Co. Treaa* 18.89 2<& on $7,529.42 Personal Prop. Back Taxes collected as Co. Treas 159.59 1*% <>n $">1,4 66.16 ree'd as Co. Treas 614.66 2% on $9,337.21 Motor Fuel Tax received as Co. Treas. 186.75 2% on $35,758.38 Inheritance Taxes- collected 715.17 2<y„ on $668.25 received as flne^ for Highway Violations 13.87 1% on $123,240.00 disbursed as County Treasurer 1,232.41 Penalties-and Fees earned 638!lB You are hereby notified that the noli * x- | Special August meeting ot the Hoard oi nar th ay , (*ha,r- I Supervisors will be held to ,-on<"m» ^(Iu!he l.n2"t i?n . unanimously j Tuesday, the 10th day of August, 1943, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the ,, , ,, - = requested that 3.06 : "1p rssolutioh be passed for the coti St rue ion of the road leading frm 5.00 I. Huntlev westerly to the 5 corner : OM S,. "O about ..,11., so'..,, ;00 °" Coral. It was also argued that the . oad from Algonquin to Huntlev should .•5 , lmilt as soon as possible We :S f>llarhan Co.. judev Ihrv • Henry W. Sand'een, co elk ' ins depdn (Brefeld)- . Dr. C. \V. Klontx, co elk ina • depdn ( Hrefeld) ........... Woodstock Heating Co., ct hfli" • . lail repairs ';HK»t>r. F. Kcnnelly. CI TH SHU R. (I. Andrew Co.,' ct hse jail coal ** Woodstock Daily Sentinel, supr • prtg *2.70: contingent $79.25; . co elk. elec supl $51.20 u:. C. L. Tiyon, Supt. Hwys., co sup hwy trav exp arHed and the bond approved. (For bond. see Miscellaneous Record ^ H County Clerk's Office.) The following request of Roland McCannon. the newly elected CSiinty Superintendent of Schools, and resolution naming depositories wer*. presented and ead to the Board, to-wit: " - 3 20.21 133.15 88.56 • lecid'd to have the resolutions for these two sections of road drawn and we recommended that they be passed by this Board at this time. The biy for the 2 inch denth •isnha' surra«'e on the Harmon v-Hamnsh|r<. road jn _ the sum of $3,941.62 wos re- Court H(,use in Woodstock, in said Countv. As n member of said board, you will please govern yoursrelf accordly Dated a.t AVo"d> t- '• Til., this 27th ia- Of July A, D. 1943. SelectToij i f Grand Jurors and Supplemental Prfnel. ' R. D. Woods, county Clerk and Ex* f'fTicio Clerk of. th«. Board of Supervisors. •State of Tliinois. Comity of M'-Henrv..' ss. ' I,. R. D. Woods, Clerk of the County "Court and Kx-Offi'-io Clerk; if the Board "f Supervisors of said fiu.rtv in tbp Total Earnings State aforesaid, do hereby certify thtU -mi the 27th dav of June. 1943 be'ii" nil? K- I!': Jel. Co.. ct hse jail tel 100^95 ,'1T,iv^'1 from the Kane County lllinoi Fthel C. Coe, ins prem on bonds .m- premium on Surety Co. bond 4 years T „ 404.on " J. Brown, ct hse jail repairs 5.00 Roy J. Stewart, contingent ... Albert Krause, judcy jus feeip Shff Per Di«m Fees S7?rv ' Henry A. Nulle Kabina Ban Ora '• **wlle . R' ' Fr. • • 'k b. D. • H^roli. is .; .Homer , Mann Fred Kr 7. ..... Clyde J. Zola i . Fred S. Gay, shf dpty HtrM,. " ' bailiff $15.00 Clj'de C. Miner, shf dptv $60.00 bailiff $50.00 Vf-rnon W, Kays: bailiff Melvina E. Wright, bailiff . . ' Shf. Feeding Pris,--. • Trackett's Bakerv Western I'nited Gas & Elec CO. Wilbeirt Oh 1 rich John Asmns Son ......... ....U. .;]]. iPingel & Koch MariiKla Hates. ,sbf• f--<A r»Hs $; ct hse rep ,94.00 Henry ,\. Nulle, shf per diem fees serv Highway Department and we decided to pay it and it is included in the . v oenrlitures under Section 3-14 This roed is aht.-ut deht tenths of a ml'e 15,30 i and wa« built in fulfillment of an 15.00 i agreement between the two counties of isomo two years sending. 776.03 !,,W<* expect to advertise for bids for CtlSb. F. HayeB, justice fees • 4 U . • , » "4 IHM!* I CM 5.00 "be asnhalt t.vp „n the portion of tlv 5.00 j 2'Vfng<>. ^Voodst.H-k Voa.l known as • ,n L early in August. 35.0(1 «e have had considerat-le trouble 5.00 j Jfettlng the Canada thistles , >,t l,ut ;ir,.<n jhnve succeeded In having most of them 5.00 ! C,JJ »"d the remaininir uncut thistles 5:00|Win be attended to within a few davs. - «n 'V e have r^eeived from the motor 5.00 I f , , p' funds rental on Conntv owne^ i niachinery as follows: Se<\ 9-lT $12 30- •30.00 "I £•*<'• 12.:. $12.10; 'See. 18. J97.86" Sec ' ?*> > ) $21.78: Sec 25. $83.23; Sec. 26. $13.3f- 110.00 a total of $240.5S n nd turned same o v e r 20:00 to the County Trea surer for tb^- nod • 1-5,00 |'""d. _ which said sum Is hereby re-apnropriated for road purposes iin ludinr the erpair, storage, and purchase of road • machinery and for improvements for buildings to house road machinery. "lour committee estimates there will »>e neCe.ssary for the care of the Me. Hnry County. Illinois, patrol system of roads an appropriation from the county Highway Funds of *7000 until »n«* next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully- submitted. 3'. ni 3.60 28.70 r,o •?•> 75.58 8.00 51.09 25.00 •ii- •^tate of Tlllnoiti, - ' "I: ' , "ounty of Mclienrv, ss. ' . , * • To the Board of Supervisors 6f McHenry County. Illinois:. The undersigned. , Roland McCannon, ' Stipt. of Schools of McHenry County, Illinois, respeti-ully represents unto y<>ur hnoorable body that under an Apt adopted by the General Assembly of yi« State of Illinois, and now in" full t rce and effect, the County Boards ball, upon reouest ,)f the Co. Supt of Schools, designate the hank or banks, •>r other depository in which the funds and Either public moneys In his custody aH^°' Sllpt- Schools may be deposited The undersigned therefore reeuests the County Hoard of McHenrv Countv M'llnols, to designate the bank or bank's' or other deposjtory In which the funds and other public moneys in his custody is Co. Supt. Schools of Mi-Henry County, Illinois, may be dcposit"d as provided by law. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 8th lay of -r"1y, A. D. 1943. ROLAND MCCANNON state of niois. County o Mcllenry, ss'. Ayherea ..'Roland McCannon, Co. Supt Schools In and for said County, has pursuant to the terms of an Act of the I General. Assembly of the State Of Illinois adopted and now in full force and effect, requested this County Board to designate the. bank or banks, or other depository In which funds and other public moneys in his costu^y- an Co. Svpt. Schools may be deopsited. Now, Thereforer, Be It Resolved by the'County Roard of McHennt* Countv, Illinois, that Th» State Hank of Woodstock and the First National Hank of Woodstock are hereby designated depositories in which the funds aind other o"blic moneys in the custody of Roland McCannon. as Co. Supt. Schools of McHenry County, Illinois, may be deposited; nnd, Be It Further Resolved that no bank herein designated as a depository shall ! Offi be qualified to receive such funds or i vfs'-rv, moneys until it has furnished the Coun- I (Seal) ty Board \^ith copies of the last two I ' ^ sworn statements of recourcee and lfa- j It was regularly moved by 8u9ir< s than ten days prior to the day set •«r •' the Sii'-colrt 1 August, 194H l.neet mir of "the Board of Snpervisorrs, I deoos't- -d in t»vn I'uittcd States mall at t*»e post office in the1 Ci'y of Woodstock Illinois, postage full 'lid, notice of --m'M meeting,, the atta« being a trua and corre<'t copy endorsed with t •> Hum and nlace of sa'd meeting, addressed to each of the followintr Super- \'iso"rvr and .\s«d«t-int nf said County at their respective post of- ".-e ad'iress set opposite each name, to- VArne August W Ruth, Marengo, Til., RFD 8 C. Perry Wriisht.. MKrengo, Jllinols. Carl K. Wittmus, Harvard. RFD.' '•*. K Peck, Hnrvr-' ft'i-ow -. V. IV Clawson, Alden, Illinois-' C,. J. c„r.-on Woo.lsloek 'Ilb'-I • RFD F. Kuecker. Mnrengo, HI.. RFD. Chas. H. Ackman. I'nion, Illinois. ' . •'rank Ferris. Hiintlev. Illinois T. F- Nolan, Jr., Woodstock, lllinolli, I'i. Harrison, Woodstock, Til., RFD. Stanley H' Cornue. I 'i>H, Illinois. Frank May. Sprinir • "ve, Illinois. Math N. Schmitt. Mc onry. Illinois. Henry (". Meter, Crystal Lake, Illinois John J. ^-"ilin. Algonooin. Illinois. \. M. Ma v well. Woodstock. 111.. RT-'D. A. n. McConnell. Woodstock. . 111.. RFD Paul Rosenthal. Crystal Lake, Illinois. In Witness Whereof, 1 hereunto subustody j scribed m>- name and affixed the seal of the said County at my office in Woodstock this 27th day of July, A. 1). 1943. It. Ii. WOODS. County Clerk and Fx-; clerk of the Board of Super- McHenry Cmmty. Illinois. :.**u,3il.»7 Kapendltudes J. Q. Stevens, Co. Treas. a.n4 Collector, salary ^.....$1,200.00 Clerk Hire ^4,596.32 Stamps -...« 1,253.41 Kxpress on Tax Bills ............ 27.18 Total expenditudes i. Net Earnings 120,311.87 All of which is respectfull submitted this 14th day of June, 1943. J. G. STRVENS, Co. Treas. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. 1, J. G. Stevens, - do solemnly sWfear that the foregoing account is. in" a'l respects, just and true according to my best knowledge and belief and that I have neithr received directly or indirectly nor directly or indirectly agreed to receive or be paid for mv own or another's benefit, any other money, artide or consideration than therein state, nor am 1 entitled to any fee or emolument for the period therein mentioned, other than those therein specified. - J. G. STKVENS, CO. Treas. Sul -scribed and >:«orn ' o before me this 14thAday of June, 1943. A R. I). WOODS, (Seal) ^ County. Cl^rk County Treasurer's Seml-Annual Report Bnfling 31, 1943 County Treasm "'eport showing official collection 1 isbursrements -'.^du-ing the .al' . ending May ..,.*.:..|218,750.29 funds ,.. Xv. :-.l3 6,5 4 6^ 5 9 Hupe^Reck, chairman of the Committee on Fees and Salaries, addressed the Board and stated that his committee jmet on Friday, August 6th, 1943 with Roland B. McCannon, County Superintendent of Schools, concerning salaries , . , of his assistant and also fix the salary '. of a secretary to be employed by him which was approved bj the full lioard : Upon the reeommendntion of the Com-' ' !"-: mittee on Education at the June, 1943 , j meeting. Supr. Heck stated further. that at their August 6th, 13<3 meeting they catn^ to no decision and continued the matter" to today to bring it to the; • attention- of the full Board before anv :'*• • recommendation was .madel ' A general ' • - discussion was then had by the mem- . hers of the Board ^or-^rning said >nat- -5*v.\? ter. Asst. Supr. ' ixwell and Supr.' "' Ferris, l/oth membe • of the Fees and - Salaries Committee, also addressed tlie Board briefly, staling that the question involved was whether or not the County Superintendent of Schools needed two ; ' ViV exe<'utives or one executive and an of- ! five -secretary: • ' The Committee on McHenry- County• >> Home presented the following report, ' " • which on motion of Supr. Ackman and v duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the ,: roll beinR called, was declared unanimously. adopted to-wit: August 4, 1943 M*. Chairman and members of the Bor o( Supervisors of McHenry Mr. Chairman and Gentletr « tb Board of Supervisors,: M -len:,. Comity, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said county ueg leave to submit the following rfc port on the matters betore them. That we met on the 14th uay of Ji' 1943 to secure gravel for the road \v«6t oi Harmony, uiffiiculty was encountereu in linding machinery to load the gx-avel ou ihe County's trucks and some pits were* u:'der water. We finally arranged to secure about 600 cu. yus. of gravel that hau been pulled out of the* creek at the Geo. Eicksteadt farm in the Town of Riley at bO cents per cu. yd. loaded onto the CoU'nty trucks. We also ordered payment "of labor billls for work done in the month of June 1943 to tacilitate the handling of the new withholding tax which started July X, iy»3. The amount involved was $135, and was charged to sections ?, H. 9. Hi, 11, 12. We again met on the 27th day of July 1943 and. inspected gravel pits in the matter ot securing tilling and gravel ior the M. t\ T. road nortn ol' Greenwood. The Charles, Barnard, Okeson, Old Conn Farm, Snnes, and Guth pits were inspected. The nearest pit to the job appeared, to he the Okeson pit. but it seemed to be about worked ou and about 3 l'eet of stripping would need to be taken off the top ot tne gravey. it is about one and three guarters miles irom the road to be improved. The Guth pit is two miles from the road just over the State line in Wisconsin looked to be very favorable as there was a forty oot bank opened up and almost no stripping would need to be done. About Jo.ouo cu. yds. of material will be needed. ' V\_e came to jio definite decision on the matter. We a^am met on the 3rd day of August 1943 to receive bids for asphalt work and culvert pipe. We decided to award the contracts to the lowest biuuers as follows: The Woodstock-Alarengo road known as section G $13485.59 ior 3 inch asphalt top; the road west out of i'nion, Illinois, known as section 14-IT A1FT at $157 6.00 for seal coat; the Chappel Hill road northeast of McHenry, Illinois, for $1090.00 for seal coat work all to the Suburban Oil Co. of Oak :v Or Da<" rta. • ' er Co., bldg. mat $ 3.77 ' ® sundry supplies ... 26.83 •--/ - 1 % Son, black- 23.06 . edical services 3.50 M 4 Jfe Co., clothing 43.68 • T1 , .Mothing .. 9.68 Ve l'Pt • baling hay 54.99 • Si . "Wholesale Co., tob 45.85 Pfelffer Pharmacy,- medicine .... r>3.22 Royal Blue Store, groveries IL'1.8# Goodrow's Garage, supplies ........ 9.62 , John Sexton & Co., groceries ...... 194.43 ' Stawyer Biscuit Co., food ....: 16.47, Miller Patton Baking Co., food .... 50.96 F. W. Wool worth Co., clothing .... 15.48 Superior Oil Co., fuel'oil 65.68 Jen A See Laundry Co., laundry 10.10 R. O. Andrew Co., poultry feed . .. 95.85 Willis Disbrow, sundry supplies 47,36 ^ Hotts Welding Service, welding 1,91 Ludwig Wilson Co., laundry sup. 21.75 Boyce Bros., gas 7.82 ' Illinois Bell Telephone, telephone 29.40 Public Service Co., electricity 55.82 George Nystrom, carpenter. 40.00 George Dinzie, seed corn 3.50 W. P. Allen, salary 115.00 Esther C. Allen, salary ....4,100.00 Vern Albright, salary 67.50 Mattie Albright, salary 57.50 Floyd Mason, salary : 75.00 Thomas Montgomery, salary ........ 75.00 Effie Montgomery, salary 75.00- Linnea Wolt, salary 1, 100.00 Hilma Melander, salary 75,00 Clara Behm, salary 32.50 W. P, Allen, i^icld<intals 64.00 • • $1,889.09 $ ; 70.33 6,38.74 61.00 ...... 5.00 67»i«7 $1,514.02 August 4. 194 3 To. the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Woodstock, 111. Your McHenry County Farm, Homeand Hospital Committee beg leave to . report that they met at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited and approved bills for payment in tlie following amounts: <. Permanent Improvement? 43.77 , V/ cream Hull and hogs Toles hospital fe^..;. Dead horse Running Expense Clothing -* '* . . . . uuuu, uan "11 vu. Tobacco.... wi van 11 (1J -• Park, Illinois, and we authorized "the f;,"', Chairman of thijs Board and the County Clerk to sign the contracts and approve the bonds on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, subject to final approval of the State of Illinois Division t Highways. Bids weie also received for 15 inch diameter reinforced concrete culvert pipe for the road north of Greenwood Known as section 31 MFT in the amount of $852.80 from Hall and Eckert of Woodstock, Illinois, was the lowest bid received and we awarded the contract o them, subject to the final approval of tha State of Illinois, Division of Highways. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 7th day of August, 1942 and audited and ordered- paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McMenry County Patrol System of Roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery, and labor at the County tool house buildings to a total of $704.94 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads' at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: I Sections 3, 14 $ 796.83 Sections 4, 16, 18-444.37 Sections 4, 17 .J..............1:....;..,..:..... 1J 1.1' Sections 5, 6 J!3.25 Sections 7, ,8, 9, 16, ll, 12 378.16 Sections 13, 15 . 398.6»i Diet Fuel Credit for: Bull, hogs anc 986.61 68.84 45.85 294.62 ~ 393.72 65.63 \ $1,989.09 The regular monthly inspection of the' grounds, buildings equipment and livestock revealed everything to be in good condition. There being: no further business, your committee, upon motion made and duly seconded, adjourned. * All of which is resnectfully submitted. G. J. CARROLL MATH N. SCHMITT, : : F. E. BECK . ' • : ) " ' £V3 Taxes redeemed frrt«v>?«jrf.\' Pers. prop. Back Taxes 7.521M2 Suprp. for County T. ie 3,123.70 Supt. County Home 1,407.84 sfitute Fund f!3.l2 iheritauc,, Taxes I,.,......,..35.758.38 •Motor Fuel Taxes .-_ 9,337.21 Blind Pension Drders 3,641.0# General Fund: Tax .War......135.000.00 Liquor LicenseR 22,100.00 Transfer from other funds '25.930.52 * All other sources ........ 1,615.52 • 84,846.04 Fines for Violations on St. .Hwy. 668.25 State'* Attorney's Fund ............. 565.00 Penalties and Fees R^ :... , * « 9 7 . 5 10 Dog Tax Highway Fund Co. Officers' Fees McHenry County Payroll Clearing Account , 12.. . 49 1'nUnown Residents and Mlnb* Heirs Acct. -267.11 Deposit by order of: Court 422^44 Total Income . Bal. .brought forward Dec. 1, 1^42 . Total $3,357.33 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as follows: S. A. Rt. Section 13-13A, 4-IT maintenance, labor and machinery '50.50 20, .">-1. maintenance labor A mch- 37.26 2, 7-1T, mait., labor and mai lt. .">B, 8, njaint., labor and mach 28.9-T. maint., labor and mach...'.. 25, I.. ? maint.. labor and mach. 25, 12-IT, maint., labor & mch..-.. 1A. 4A and 5B ext., 13-IT, maint., lal.-or and machinery 21A, 14-IT, m.aint., labor & mch. 17 and 19. 18, const., labor ^ w»,h. 14 and 15, 19-lT. ma inten- nee . labor and machiqery :63 1. 20-IT, maint.. labor an<' m<:' '"St 9, -21-IT, maint., labor and .'•••• itt.. 2"P>, 22, maintenance labor & tacii. 15.00 20B, 24. maint., labor & mach..... 91.29 15, 25-IT. engi.. labor and mach. 76*0 13, 26, maint.. latf»f and mach.... 13. 26-1T engi., labor 26, 27, maintenance labor 2, 20-IT, maintenance labor 2, 31, ensineering labor 2. 31, ROW labor and material ... 2, 31, construction labor and* mat. 74.73 A delegation of residents of the Town of Dunham apyieared liefore this committee and requested that an Improvement . resolution be passed to put the ••oad extendina from State Bond Issue Route 173 southerly past Schultt's Cor >'er to the '-'lat Iron School southwest o Harvard, Illinoiis, on the construction program. We decided to recommend that this he done and instructed the County Supt. of Highways fo draw th^ nioper resolution and we recommend that it be passed by this Board at this The blacktonn'ne thfs y»ar of the road north of Ridgefleld known as section 26 MFT with a 3 Inch asphalt top has been turned down twice by the Federal Authorities. Pursuant to request •f peorde along the road that something be done to hold the base in <pe we decided to recommend that • be eiven a light prime coat of as, title material ami we instructed the ( ounty Supt. of Highways to., prepare .the promaintenance resolution for' said 18.50 9.25 1.00 4<i 93 19.95 •43.?:. 84.25 •86.12 7« ; 0 4" 2i,'iS 34.-.0 134.76 The Clerk presented lists of claims auainst the ("ounty and upon motion of. Supr. Aikman and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Hoard adjourned t» 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committe ework. 1:30 O'CLOCK Board met pursuant to adjournment and the roll being called by the Clerk, the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session including Supr. John J. Filip of Algonqu Township, constituting a quorum p «:nt. The Committee on, Maims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr, Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. May and the roll 1,-eing called, was de- -clared unanimously adopted,. to-wit: August l ft. A. D. 1913. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Lah'or, Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following and that the. clerk Cor directed to issue orders on the Treasurer for the several*, air llowed, as follows, to-wit:. F i -nb^r Co.. co elk ptg rec bk-3106.91; ' >.39; eo elk tax ^ ... 'r elk I co treas assmt ,n -hs off exp $1.50; ;r : ,» $8.50: co elk ,N-:' • 3 '.50 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, bd of rev sup $19.50; co treas assmt $165.00: supr prtg $247.80 Crystal Lake Herald, sup schs off exj ROc: co elk ptg (M6,81 Roland McCannon. sup schs off exp . .. 13.M .McHenry Plaindealer. cir'oik sup- 7.50 Rich^iond Gazette, co treas assmt 303.70 >l+Hvngo Jtepublican-News, sup. -~r?-• schs off erp $1.00: co treas assmt $667.60 683.60 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., co treas off sup Rvers Prtg. Co., co treas off sup Amer. Law Book Co., judcy llbry Lawyers Co-op Pub. Co.. Judcy librr .. ;'.... 111. Bell Tel. Co.. ct hse jail tel. C. C. Miner, contingent Rov J. Stewart, contingent' ........ Frett Brothers, ct hse jail rfcp $8.75: contingent $12.40 William H. Schmidt, co elk elec supl Vestie Muldoon, co elk elec supl B. F. Kennel ly. er TB off sup'..., Value Store, ct hse sup .... Ludwig Wilson, ct hse sup Pfeiffer Pharmacy, ct hse suf> $198,611.28 ,^.156,610.60 -Grand Total , * ; $355,251.88 •XDMUtsm Coiinty Ordrer $70,739.1 « 'Ttlchway Order •;„$fl.093.'7.i Blind Pension Orders ............ 8 419.00 .Grand and l*Mit Jurors ...... 1 07.1 TO Inheritance Taxes 003.1® work ami recommend that it be passed ; G. E. Still. Agent "for Maryland by this Board at this time. We h:iv'e received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on founty owned m;»chinery as follows: Se<\ 12! $15.73- Sec. 18, $21.57: Sec. 24, $10.94: Sec. 25. *39.68: and from State Auditor refund on gasoline tax on gas used in tractors *150.51 ordfFXVo. C-6087l9,' a total of $217.43 and, turned same over to the County Treasurer for the rond fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purpo-scs including the repair, storage, and purchase of road machinery and for improvements for buildings to house good machinery. » Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois, patrol system of 404.80 J2.30 47.41 lloo 3.68 10.00 12.50 118.46 17.05 21.80 21.15 10.00 6.00 10.0ft 1.97 23.26 1.38 Casualty Co.. co ins . 96.00 Wm. A. Mueller, bd of rev sal ... 126.00 C. L. Tryon. eo sup hwy trnv exp 19.12 A. Worwick. shf off sup 1.85 Henry Thurow. ct hse Jail rep .-... 15.00 Pearl Schultr. co cor reporter ...., 6.0© iCmijth's. ct. jurors ..... ' S;40 Marnnda Bates, shf feed prls *2.00: et hse jail rep- $8.(»o .... 10.00 Shf. Per Diem Fees Serv..-- Henry A. tille 30.40 Henry A. Nulle 135.00 Sabina Bau • ...... ' -j. • feOO Shf. Feeding Prls.-r-- -- Western I'nited Gas 1^1 ee. Co. .... 3.61- Tra«-ketr"« Bakery..... 32.3fr National Tea Co. ,.t 66.34 Aimua ft flon --,---r, •• 66.50 ft

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