Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 13

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(• V THE HOARD OP SUPERVISORS. McHEST<\ .N * . , il^LL.\UlJ ~.e 88.97 .... 40.20 10.00 5.00 . 10,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 SO. 00 /' 85 no 5.<H> 15.00 170.00 5.00 5.00 t».12 18.0Q .vWilbmoblrica T* FitVgel & Kucn John Nechrebeeki. shf ifpty 11. D. Holmes, »hf dpty . , Oeortre J. Ehlert, shf dpty .. Harold HoM>«, shf dpty Martin Bohl, shf dpty .Martin Ekelund, shl' dpty <>tto Buchert, shf dpty . Fred Wendt, stof dpty Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty *45„00, bailiff |4»>.»0 4 > WlHis Jobe, baiiliff Fred S. flay, bailiff Melvina KL Wright. bailiff Vernon W. Kays. bailiff Woodstock Grill, ct jurors Harold W. Schmidt, co treas off sup; shf off sup-$11.8? .. Economy Oft. Equipment Co., el' hse sup (less 2 per cent) .... Co. Clk. Ins. Depdivsr-- T-»r. A. S. Rumherger, Kw» •Dr. Harry Smith. F.reez I... A. Uanna'nn Co., ct.lise sup Prentice-Hall Inc., ct hse off sup's Off. Firm. Hfe. Inc., i t hse. Sup It. O. -Andrew Co.-. ct iisc .iai) coal Charles F. Hayes, judey jus fees Supr. Sal. Mileage--- ^ AuRtist W. Kuth . C. Perry Wright Carl - E. WlUmtis F. K. Heck . N. I!. Clawson ... • O. J. Carroll • 1-;. F. KUeckqr . ("has. H A ckman Frank C. Ferris . T. Nolan. Jr. .1. 15. Harrison Stanley H. Cornue Frank May Math N. Schinttt Henry C. Meier John J. Filip A. M. Maxwell ... l'aul Rosenthal ...... .City of Woodstock, ct. hse jail It and water < >ra S. Nulle, shf feed pris Henry A. Xulle. shf per diem fees, serv ° Vestie Muldoon, ct hse jail sal Ada M. Manning, sup sehs asst and < lk hire . .•>•• ... A. A. Crlssey. cir elk pro off sal Alice Helm, t TR off sal All of which is respectfully submitted. CARL E. WITT MI'S, chairman. O. J. CARROLL CHAS. H. ACKMAX A. W. Rt'TH •on Friday, *he <Hh Jay of .VigustA ' * " (rtj " ' " A t> 1S4S with the Courtly Superintendent f>t Schools. Roland B. XfcCannon, -to fix ttae salary of office secretary fof sa,id County Superintendent of Schools. which was l>y this Board approved at Its June 1943 meeting. Your Committee, after due delibera- 1 ion, decided to continue s.a id meeting to tills date and after further cousiderat ion of said matter, your Convmitl**e recommends that a special appropriation in 'he amount of three hundred dollars < $500.00 > he allowed the County 20.00 Superintendent of Schools for extra 20.00 hire for the months of August; 14.89 September. October and November 1S4S . • | Vour Committee would further reeom- 41.38 ' mend that the salary of the secretary in the ("iffice of the County Veterinarian lie' increased, effect jve August 1st, 1!'4.1, front. $S..VAjl> to 195.00 per month. All of whii^Ti is resiiecifullv submitted. F. si. BRCK, Chairman AIT.I'STIW M. M*\\VKU, MATH V SCHMITT pi' x VK M \ V FRANK T. FFRR1S .\rc. w rfth -•-»« lii in is " 4 - * . »• ow •: m: utwnlmoMsTv^ "effrriefl a#»d I>c«ein4e rtetrvbefs of tblB (4onorahl.> V!rni\. iij thf> Clerk with all memliers of tfl« , the Finnnce CrtmtjT'.Hee a h*v/ tr>r t **!'.'ctWtlWt ^dopM. Land the People -.K ite..:.. Cuutu» £. j Itourd and visitors'present parti. i|uiiitiK purpose w*1 HnhM, County jsw- * s-ustaintpd, nn irreparable, and jaffti- whi<-h the roll was cnlleo i.v the All of ^bich is fespectfullv sul'mjt^l. sented a report of her activities from' . Whereas,' It is the desire o, the .;<TUi Clerk and the ips metnb.-iv r- .IOIi.n .). til-IP, ( ..ftijri.uui J**n*rv 1. 19+3 to ,)nlv 1/194S nnd also""" Supervisors of Mcllenrv Couutv, li- soonded to their names, to-wit: SUfter- •' 1^. HAHR1SOX presented a written request made by • I'iwois. in Special Session ns-enil>l.-d this • visors AUKUst \V. Ruth. C. Perry Wright. FRANK P. . IcCON'N'l'.LL -the WcHi-nry Tnbereulosis Association i 101 h-d:iy of Auartist, A. 1> lilt:!. 10 ia> ."arl S". Wittmus, F. K. Beck, <». J. Car- FRANK MAY for an appropriatiofi of 12200.0© to e:ir- 'public respect to his memorv, there fori toll. Kdward F Kuecke.r Ohas, H.'Ack. ST.VNI.KY li. t'lillNUt ry put tb- activities of her offi.v for' B - ft RevnB. ed That Ave. tile Board-of man. Knink 1" Ferris T F. Nolan. Jr.. •- ensumir year. »t wa* therenp<m Supervisors, extend u> the 1-ereaved • J. K. Harrison. Stauler II. iV.niue, It was therettp-«n regularly ramwl by r*«Blarty otovM by Swtir. Fllip and iluly {fatblly of the Honorable Warren F. j Frank B. McConnell. Frank May. .Math Supr. Ft-rris ami duly seconded by Supr. ' *ec»»noetl by Stipr. Meier that the fe- I Pier.-e. now deceased, ottr heartf.'lt sytn- Xf .Schttritt, H«nry C. Meier and John .1. \Vripht th•.t the r»*f»ort of the Commit- Jlttest ^be eranted and that said ' j»a»hy. and Filip and Assistant Supervisors A. M. ' u •» on the Relief of Blind be approyed 1 For I'avment >ff. e*p. »lon< i eo.flO 14ff.50 I ' HV.SJ . 25.00 , 1 It was t.he'reutx'h re»»ilnrl\' m^.ved H* Supr Wrifht arid duly sei-onded by 51 20- Supr'*.Meier that the rep*>tt and rec^tnmendations of the Committee' on Foes and Salaries. W ailoptwl , h<- tli's B«»ard and the roll hrin> called, tb^ Chairman declare«l the .motion"•.unanimously, carried and the recommendations adopted The Clerk presented and read the fol- »»(4i' : lowinw letter from" the Oepartmeivt of ^.40 1 Agriculture. to»reth»>- with Resolution 1' 8 90 i a'"l Contract, to-wit: 63.CI1 ' 87.yo 86.(M 152.80 |f>entlemen: M' - 'u On July 2 AUKttst Srd. 1S4S lloaril of Supervisors, McHenry County, c-o Mr. Raymond 1>. Woods, Co. Clerk, i »^'(•)odstock. Illinois. 87 litO.OO j 150.00 150.00 | 11 3 Tf. 75.00 85.00 The Committee oil Claims, County Poor presented the following report. which on mi t.ton of Supr. Meier and | <~>n ?0th we advise«l yon that nl- 9. ; 'ocat'on of f"nds ty the stafe to a county. for partial payment of salary of a county veterinarian, would be paid directly to the county bep-innlpc July. T94.V The Bovine Tuberculosis Fmdica- |tion law provides for and defines a tuberculosis "County Area Plan " The Act a'so provides how state funds may be allocated to a county that is operating under th« "Cotintv A ma T*1'»n." An opinion from the Attorney Oeneral of the State outlines the procedure to be followed hv the county and the Department of \(r» icultnre in order to qualify such a ountv to receive state aid. This nrocedure Is as follows: 1 The County Board of Supervisors shall by appropriate resolution indicate • H,>sir<> to emnloy a county veterduly seconded by Supr. Carroll and the 1 ina«-ian nnd establish their countv roll being called.-was declared unanl-..;.under the "Countv Area Plan ' This mously adopted to-wlt: : resolution should Include the appropria- *'^---- jtion made by the county for such work. August 10, A. D_ 1943 , A copy of the resolution, certified by the Mr. Chairman and Centlemen of the County Clerk. Is to be tiled with the Board of supervisors: I Oewtm^t of Afrr'culture in o-.b-r to Your Committee on County Poor 'qualify the county as UTyler the "Conn- Claims would hep leave to report that ty Area Plnn" pnd make it eligible tt> they have examined all claims presented receive stnte aid. to them and recommend the payment of S. The contract of employment of a the following, and that the Clerk be di- j county veterinarian by the Board of rected to issue orders 011 the County Super'/sors. certified by the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the sev- Clerk, is also to be filed with the' TVeral amounts allowed as follows, to-wit: oartment of Agriculture. This contract Dependent Children-- to «how the amount of money paid Chicago Indus. Home for Chil. $113.00 from county funds for salary of the Chicago Hoine for Girls. Hohenstein, Olson and Boss .. 120.00 St. Vincents Indus. School, Salsman. Glossen, Toomey lOva Kipping. Ystebo Mrs. Minnie Brigham, Swenson and I Kd.ine Montgomery Ward Co., Del.ine and I'lrich F. P. Schaefer & Soil, Sw.-nson and I'lrich Mrs. Alfred Krueger. Steadman I.utheran Child Welfare Assn., Dayinond ....... 25 Mrs. Cassius Swektman, Steadman 22 I^oujsf M. Brooks, pro off trav county veterinarian, and the amount of money annropriated for travel office exnense. and supplies. Salary item must «ermratA)i from other items. This contract of employment must lw> approved bv the Penartment before the co""»v will 'tualify for state aid. The .Department has prepared 1 stand- 9.89 1 ard form of resolution for adoption by thp Coard of Supervisors, and also a standard form of contract. We enclose monies herewith It is not nec»s«orv thnt the standard form of resolution and contract. be u.sert exactly as nronnr ed by this office. It >s neceseaVv th"t 60.00 15.00 45:00 11.92 25.94 exp $12.20; denendt chil *10 i>4.. 22.24 C* C. Miner, TB Patient Pauper Soma 57.16 l^ike Co. Tuberculosis San., T. B. Patient. Panttor 1.4a« ?<t All of which is respectfully submitted, CHAS. H. ACKMAN, Chairman. T. F. NOLAN, JR. C. PFPPV iv"' • "T FRANK B McCONNKLL JOHN J. FILIP John Brock. McHenry County Farm Advisor and leader of 4-11 work in the County, appeared before the Board and outlined In de.tail the progress made in the past year. He then made a request j, v-o contract and resolution set forth the amount of monev for salaries the amount for travel, office heln. and supplies. Apnropristion for travel, offtoo help, and supplies fieed not be in thr e'«nb>yment contract. nrnviile<l they are shown in the resolutions. Certified conies of contracts and reso- 'utions should he filed with the Department not later then October l'.'h 1 in rvi-dnr to oua'ifv for state allocation of funds thereafter. votvrs very truly, Ptena rt men t of VSTiculture. H' ward I.FONARD. Director CAF MP. Kncs. Keaolution ">• Tt Ppfrv'.-or' by the Hoard of Sn. for an appropriation of $225.00 for the pervisors of McHenry County, at a duly purchase of ribbons and awards, after convened •'oetins of such Pr>n-d bold cm which it was regularly moved ty Sunt'.. *ho t"tb dnv r,f Mignst 1943 th"t such i^arroll and duly seconded by Su<>r. ""ard desires to adopt the "County Nolan that the request of the McHenry Area Plan" under the nrovlston «r ".*»• County Kami \dvisor Pe granted, and Act in relation to the eradication of that the County Clerk be instruced to hovlne tui orcutosis to rni®- t -erdmw ati order on the County Treasurer , ain nets therein nsmed." annroved .Tnn~ for $225.00 to purchase "prizes and "" ,0,>n "»"d m or.ier to qualify therenwards »for the 4-H Club, and that the undar for State financial assistance In connection therewith, that « Countv i-nt^rinnrian be emnlovod and thnt thn following sums are hereby appropriated for 'hf Counts- Veterinarian: fa) For sal. of Co. Veterinarian $1740. <M "or travel expense of County V«'tcri^a"an (cl For clerical help for County Veterinarian (d) For off'ce rent for rVnty Veterinarian 600.0.1 1080 00 none 220.09 said 4-H cluh file a report with this Board showing the expenditures of said fund, and the roll being called, the 'Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Special Committee to whom was referred Bridge work at the site of the Oratton Bridg. in the Town of Greenwood presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded hv Supr. Filip and the" roll i cing called wi>- declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chair-nan and Gentlemen of the Bo"* ' " Supervisors; McHenrv County, Illinola: Your .'.'oinmittee to whom was referred bridge work at the site of the Gratton "ridge i:i the Town of Greenwood, would beg-leave to submit the f^t'owing rcnort <m the matters hefore them. The we met at the site of said bridgw on the 20th day of July 1913 and witnessed the pour-tig of concrete in the north footing. The bottom of the excavation was solid blue clay. That we again Smct at the site of said bridge on the 5th day of August. 1943, and found said bridge completed substantially in accordance with the plaps hv anproprlate resolution, provided for and -tiecifications and agreements, and "Countv A r--• Plan" in accordance With decided to accept same on behalf of n an-4 adopted for said countv»the McHenry County. Illinois. We audited the emp'ovment of a County VeterWarand approved the bills for labor and "»n ^ ct in rniation 'o the- eradication materials involved, and we recommend of bovine tuberculosis and to repea1 (e) For supplies and stationery for Countv Veterinarian Be it further resoH'ed that any County Veterintrian so employed mav. when reuuested bv tile Ti»paHment of \gr|. ciH'ire. State of Illinois, participate In general disease control work in the county. Contract This Agreement. entered into this trtth d«v of t A tic-nst. 194S between the •Board <\f Sunervisors of McHen-v Countv, Illinois bv F.lward F. Kuecker. Chsirman of said Rotr«' narty of the erst nsrt. anil r>r P. F. Kennelly, a veterinarian. party of the second part: Wltneraetb: That .Whereas, the Board of Superisor «> of McHenry Coiintv, Illinois have that the County Clerk draw orders on the County Treasurer* in favor of the parties listed in the amount shown opposite the name, as follows: Wm. c Bailey. 12u his. labor on bridge $96.00; use of auto on job 34 miles *2.31 } 98.98 CI-• nre J. Schroeder. 116 hours labor on * rldg.- 78 30 Aobert Albrecht, 10T> hrs. labor i on bridge "I'.SS Verne S' hroeder, ISO1; hrs. labor on brigde Si. "4 Chas. I iverey. 123 hrs labor on bridtre 83.«2 Hern'in pehauer, 100 hrs. labor on bridge . . . * 67.50 J. O. T,|veyey. 96 hrs. labor on brid-e f4.M: his rental truck $"00 F P Coodall Oil Cof. 15 gal. gas 2.72 Perr\ Pros tja^age 5^." • nl ga.s 11.90 Dacv Lumber Co.. 114 sacks ce- -- cnt. nri's, wire, tile,, 'umber for for"'« 165.43 Consumers Co, 26.89 cu. yds. gravel an ' »»nd " 27.44 Welding Service, ox - accet. gas . 8.63 H- ' ron Lumber, Co . 140 lineal .ft 1- :n x 2 in. lumber 4.29 T-eas McHenT Couf'r Hwy •n iv f und ;o hrs. triu k rental *1* 40-: fio hrs. rental 2 in n"b'p and mixer *9 00 Total coyt of br dee . 17"" '"•S All of vhl'-n is resnCtfullv submitted. O. J. CARBOLI. T w N'oI.AN. JR. STANLKT H COPNTE T. C. L. Trvon County Supt. of Hwvs. for McHenry County. 111., do herfby approve the above statement of cost of materials am' '--h- r involved. . C T-. TRY'tS# Co'. Supt. of .Hwvs. 27.46' certain Acts therein named," approved June *5 19?9. as amended. It Is Herebv Agreed by and between tile parties hereto as follows: 1. That Or R, P. Kennellv oh"1! he «'>s»oved "s Conr»v VeterinTian for a ..erio,i n'"" July 1. 194! and end- J.'ne 30. 1944: ? the p"rtj" of the second >vrt addition to his duties and re. y'<onslbi'it ie's f"r the < ra.licat Ion of bo- N-'ne tnberciilosts. •-•ball, v-hen reoHcsted ,' v »b.e IWqptniont of Agriculture «t-ite of Illinois. nartiHnatr. In other .ttspa«e control work within the county *, Tbit the compensation of the -Tty of the second part shall be as ^olioWs • <aN *'tS.Oo »o be paid mo"'hlv from "•» annrcpri"Hon made by the Countv «nd s-f be other "mo"nt as s ' - i '1 h" r1 '""itw' ' x- the f'enartment- of Agricul- • .re of Illinois t" th» C"H)»»v for nartiit r»vn.ont of the salary <>f h i'«" 'i- Veterinarian: 'hi If the amount nnid from coun'y '••ndc -nd the amount allocated 1)*- the • rt mer » ef \ t"Up'tre Oflte of tt ' poifi, sliatt f>t I'.p en<l rf a"»- - ' • - 'AT.' V. tr.ial less thflT. *285 00, • he titr'v of 'he second p->rt sha'l have the rifrht to be release^ fi-.*>p the :»-o • no f «hin and fr^'n "«n t • n•.inc "s co>«ntv Veterinarian for Mc- •"ero-v Countv. I'-" 1 a • \\-VAr,(t«toelf tt'inols. this 6th . f A "Cf ist A i o . *» rov*T>r> '•-» KC'TKKP. Chvirtnan rf Ttoar.1 of 5luri'r'-i- •**t" or ^tcHenrA* ,h, K»|^t Part. " F KKNNKt.LV Part of the Second i'rt. ,referr.«<l to the Finance Committee 1 IV It Further Resolved That this* and that the report be placed on file abd 1 resolution lie spread upon the records the roll being called, the Chafrman de- ; of* tills meeting (Htid tbe Clerk be di- "'4* *'?!'"!' unanimously carri.d. 1 reete»i to -certify a cop\ of the same The following M. F. T, Cottstruotion ' to the familv imtnediatelv ution its pas- Resolution. State Aid Routes 29 aisd 20.\ I sage tiureiu) . ' K u i . ^ u . . . . . . For -VI. Hew> < . tll.T,. Karuv anf Home, ^-H *<-;uii i•(-<iu. jects Farm Hure.iu . 125.1 s Total of General iluart Appropriations Por Relief of CouiUy ll iii.l. i"c tiliiut pi-nsioiis \,r.I&.00 For County A id. in Building BrHlges. to retrrp bonds aj,«t i interests \ ""!* »*1 125.ts W*" of Bight of Way was presentci and read to the Board to-wit: • State of Illinois (MKT Const ruction V Bwoittloa for DnyrovniMt ky County Under the Motor Tvl. Tax Uw IV U Resolved, by the'Board of Su- Maxwell. A. P., McConnell and i^ul and the reoommendat'Uins adopted, and] and Ruildm^ Boatts i Rosenthal, constituting a quorum pres- 'he roll being called . Sutirs. Ruth.! For Countv Highway Tats rnt. Wright. Wittmus, Beck. Carroll. Ack- I Mainferfance state and state The minutes of the Special August,-1 man. Ferris, N'olan, ^ Harrison. Cornue. roads » 1943 meeting were read and on motion • McConnell. May. SetimfVl, ,^.A'eie•- and | Removing snow i .-Itily. made and carried wefe approved i Filio and Asst. Suprs. Ma<X,ell. McCon- Office supplies and ordered of record. - ne|l and Rosenthal voted ifcj e. Nay ! < Ilrand Total of All Tb.> following report of the .<"Vuinty 1 - The; Chairman declared vtk^ 'no- - Appropriatiorfis Tt* >asiir'er for the m,onth of " Angusti, jfeMon unanimously carried. - v ,. . '-. tSection. 3-- . ... -- v----- • . , , - , j 194 3 uas presented and read, and upon .-The Con.imitte. on Finance presented ; :phi- ordinance shali be in- full force Tt was thereupon reg,uih.i lv n'ii>yc.l li\ mo^tAnii <nf -jStipr. FiJIp and duly second- ' the following, repotl and Annual Appro- and • effect from and after its passage £ilpi l-'ilip nin) «Ju1y se..oiidi'Jl '1T\ Supr Jitnitt :yul for- i lpiinance, w t j; - j iuipt-oval iU'.'qr.^iji„t'» law Al l of which is respect ful lv -a) bm it ted. HKNBY C. MF1IM: APGrSTPSj M MWWKLl. J 2,898.00 1349.354.00 Routes lie iniprwed under the Motor Fuel Tax 1-1W a.pproved March 25., 1 9"i9; State Aid Routes £9 and 20 \, beginning at an intersection with State Highunv No 17S near the N. R, corner of the NW 1-4 of the NW 1-t of S. c 3. Twp. 45 N. R 5 1-:. of the 3rd P. M and extending along said routes in n southerly and Westery direction, for rt distance of approxiinntelv 15410 fia t C. miles): and, ^ Re It Further Resolved, that the improvement shall consist <>£ a gravel or crushed stone surface. Type 11 Modified, vidth 20 feet, with the necessary excavation. etc.. and shall be designated aa Section Sfi MFT; and. Be It Further Resolved, that the imnrovement shall hr constructed by the Countv thtough its officers, agents and employees by dar labor: ami. Be it Xrtther Resolved, that there 1s hereby appropriated the sum of Thirtv Thousand dollars. (*30.o«0ft«> from 'he •Vntnty's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement: and, fiolt F\«rther Resblved, that the clerk •s hereby directed to transmit two <2) certified copies of this resolution to th® 'Vpartment of l*uMic Works and Buildings, Division of Highway, through its District Kngineer'a office at Klgin. I llinois. Tt was thereupon regularly moved by ^upr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Schmift that the Resolution he adopted by this Board and the roll h*. !ng called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously earric.' and" the Resolution adopted. Supr. Wittmus of Dunham Township thanked the members of the P.oat-d including the Bond and« Bridge Committee, for their consideration in said matter. The following Maintenance Resolu Mon M. F. T Sec 26 was presented and -•ad to the Board, to-wlt: Supr. S.-nmitt iuiil declared fnr- pri;rtion opliaance. Wittmus that the'Resolution-be aflopVe.l v :"1- was .Mppi oved art.1 i or.lerCH bf . ' >, • . this, Hoard n*3«V ho Oh:tUih;in" *-S* iho nfotion \inaninmusly ne^is!,Vs"«r^l nV Jh^ Res^luii^c" ! vi.-^wasa, ttrMeatt tthbee ffooilll owing dde's cr ibe\d State A^-iRd| ,-",•h>•e ' his. Btoo.a; r.d,Y a,Wndnf'.t»h,oe» .Cvhtva -U-fivan'.fe-'lar.-d "f ' ' atfiejf; The t'lerk presented and. read a communication frotn tWevl 131 M'«.»ik„"V.nHh Aid Commission cotU'Crniiitr tlve relief of blind-. yviiitHi .was. on motimi duf> made and carried; referred to- tlx. Coii,niVtt«;. on Blih.l Relief' for report The Clerk 'presented anii n.:ad' A;ceoiM- , Tnunicactbui fTOm K. Thouia's ' Brawl -s , r"t;' Count* ..-Hbine- •stating -that Svipr;. 'ClawsoVt of Aldcb fCoutjty. t'iff.iccrs' Fees' Township was quite iij at his lui-un- and ^Highway Fund .'.v.*. would liot be able -to attend the meeting 'J Pers.'J'roperty P.a.-k 'Tax Do To '4 ;*tititi opliwance. to-wit : -\ -j and- approval tUTiirito: Jo -la tbe el).nitpi!»« Htu) It Atl,,<vr loaid of hupervisbrs:" > 9 • - *•» • llF.NI{'s"c; Ml-* ICR Connty Treasurer^ Beport , Fair the Month of Anguat, 1943 > Receipts Balance brought forward Auk,'-1st. l;i43 Ceiierat Fund 1 Suprs. 4'or County Home Your "Com in it tee on Finance, lieg^ leave to report that they have established a ! budget for tbe genet a! funds and for the fur.nds raised by taxation fur gen- *1*7.»00.0i*, 'eral ta.nrtty purposes for the tiscal tierafter which it was "regulai ly Supr'. F.ilip and declared the Clerk of the IV.ard Supr. Clawson anil als« speedy recovery. Statement of condition at of business on the 30th day 1943 of the State Ifei'uk ot if Harvard tb-br 1 In j. '»os. Tax I , j 1 n s t i t u t e F u n d 1 (, j Violations of liitrhwa ! I nheritanee Ta xes •Motor Fuel Tax th-> etose 1 Payroll Clearing Acc or June. | "isputed Taxes I) unt 4 8 2, OS Sil.O'O 2ft He,,' ,(i, 2T 4.4t.:,34 2,1-'. oil i a .;•? 3."«.oo nd flow a wish him unit Fi rst State Bank | T otal Receipts s State Bank. State Bank of Richmond ' " , , ... and th. State Bank of Pnion were pre (.rand Total sonted to the Board. It was thereupon I Expenditures regularly tnovvd by Supr and Co'inty Orders duly seconded ly Supr. Nolan th-" th. HiUli.way Orders i statements of condition of said banks Blind Pension Orders be approved and that tin- sail back* General l-'und be autborised to continue as depositor- <»rand and Petit .lurv'i's~ ies of the funds of the Connb Treas Bounty Orders nrer and Kx-()fficio County Coikictor of Stamps McHenry County and the Chairman <le-' Treasurer's Salary clared the motion unanimously carried, i Klerks' Salaries The Chairman announced the .. le. j Probation officer. Hon of Cranil Jurors and Supplemental I V'orotter's .lurors l*anel for the September. 1*943 term of i 'nstitnte Fund the Circuit Court and th. following 'nheritanee Taxes named persons we.-e s. leeted to si rv e ' '*>> roll Clearing Account /n Valntesaace Kesolution Of fViiintv Hoard of S"nervisors of McHenry County requesting approval of the use of tnottf.v allotted to the countv under the provisions or the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Resolved, bv the Ro^fd of Supervisors if McHenry County, that public Interest '«manrts the maintenance of sections of the public highway alt located on Slate *>ld roads and originally constructed un- •'er the provisions of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved March 25. 192?, '"••ig-nntfd as follows: St^te Aid Route 13. Motor Fuel Tax Section. Apnroor'ation f2.500.00 ^n-v-e It further Resolved. (II that the above designated sections be maintained un.ter the provision of eiid -Motor »°uel Tax Law during the ear ending December 31. 1943.. (21 thaf theri' is berebv apnroin-iated n additional sum of Two Thousand Five Htw»«*r»d Dollars (91500.00) fro in the county's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax '^ttild for the maintenance of the above •le«ic-nated sections: and be it further Resolvn,}. that the Ccnty Clerk is ^er«liy directed to transmit two certified >opies of this resolution to the •"enf of I'nhiio Works and Rulldin°-« Division of Hirhwavs, Springfield. IlliioIs, through its District Kngineer. as Grand Jurors for th 1913 term of the Clrcu" Cou-rt. t Walter IHihlmati, Riley Twp. ;. Agnes Wright. Marengo Twp. Alma Stvirs. Marengo Twp. Paul Crone. Dunham Twp, John Raeder, Chemung Twp A, C. Strain, Chemung Twp. 'i. H. 'ten.t7. Allien Twp. <nna Ca'l;ihtn, Hartland Twp. j Ralph Pomroy. Senoca Tw». Walter Karsten, Coral Twp t->ed Kngle, Orafton Twp. John llacv. Dorr Two X'ida Catlike, Dorr Tw]i Mhv Smith, flreenwood Twp. • Telen Horcblcd. Hebron Twtv Frank H. McAssev. Richmond Twp. A. J. Ox-toby, Burton Twp Jacob Schaefer, McHenry Twp. Barbara Krause. McHenry Twp. Hans i'eterson. Nunda Twp. c.l*»»vrf Stanek. Nunda Twp. A. Krnest Schroeder. Alconooln Twp. Mabel Robinson, Algonquin Twp. Supr. Harrisop addressed the Board "id stated in the selection of Grand Jurors on the Supplemental Panel, it was his opinion that they, should he'rertifled to the Clerk of the Circuit Court alternating the selection so. made so that the Grand Jurors on the Supplement'! Panel from the same towiishin-- would not be called to serve at each September Motor Fuel Tax ft wa« thereupon rewulj^rly moved bv 0ttnr. *cVm«*n and duly seconded 1-v «iifir FPIo that the-Resolution be adopted ly this floar,l and the roll being "ailed, the Chairman declared the tno- "nn unanimously carried and the Reso- ••>tlon adonr»d. Supr. NnJan and Asst. Supr Maxwell of Dorr Township tt'an'.-- •d the members of the P*«ud and the "•oa^ and Rridcre Committee for their •onsideration in aahi matter. _ The following letter from Mrs Ethel Coe nresented and read in the Hoard, to-wit: v Woodstock. 111.. Aug. 9, 1943. To the Cha it-mat^, and Members --f the Hoard of Sunerviaors, \fcHenry County, Illinois. cpntiemen: Remembering that in March. 1925. your Board appointed me Supcrintcnil- '-tit of Schools of McHenry County. I "annot let my official corneetion with •he County end without thanking vnu p*iv|Ie»res granted tne at that time nnd for the continued confidetx-e and co«>peration which your Board has given. During the past eighteen years, you have given serious eonsidera tion to whatever matters I presented to you and have granted all legitimate requests. I ant deeply appreciative of this: l.-ut most of all, I am grateful for the freedom to plan and to work wi'h ••nd for »he schools of the County with no fear that any pressure of anv kind would be everted to Interfere with f,r •o Mmit whatever nrogress might be made. Whatever educational re.-ognltioh the schools of McHenry Countv may be "-i'-en Is due In large measure to this fact. Gratefully and slRcerelv. KTHKL c POF. After ^fhe rearfin"- of the communica- •ion from Mr* "^tbel C. Coe the Committee on Resolutions presAnted the foHow i n g Resolution, to-wit: August 10th, 19 >3. To »he Chairman and Members of the r'oard of Supervisors: Votir Committee on Resolutions, beR 'cave to submit the following Besolu- 'In" nnd moves ito adoption to-wit: Whereas. Kthel C. Coe, who for the na«t et"htee*. .and one-half yenrs has |v een the County Super intendent of School* of McHenry Counts', and Wbefeas. She h-'* conducted said ofin a mo-t eflri,.iPnt manner and to the e red it of thi^ r»o,ard -i nd the people ,f McHenry County, and Whereas, Mrs. r'oe. -now seeks volun- •arv refir»r,,n„» f,nm public duties n* resnpnsibilities. Therefore. Tie It Resolved rhat this *odv in Snecial meeting assembled th'<-- 10tb d; y of \ugust'. A. D. 194 3. extend »o Kthel C. Coe, nnr sincere thanVs for ' er nntiring d»votio'n to her du*ies of •he ..fHrp of County Sunerintendent fif c-r th»...t« which <-he voluntarily relinquishes and v-isb b»r every pleasure in •'»' rett-ement, .and IV. »» i.rtt"*r t?esol' ed that the Conn. m- r*Vr'- certify a true cony of this Tlesob't ion to th" «aid. Ffhol rv>e i,mB.„u. » , iv upon its adoption. All of vbtch is %respe"tfullv sulimitted. llt.-V'v»1 (. M^ivil VCGFST' S M MAXWR1J, Property Back Tax ".runty officers' Fees Total Fxpenndlt tires Balance op band in all funds August 31, 1943 Grand Total The above and foregoing 'rue and correct- according-! •\nowledge and belief .1 STKYKNS. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me 'bis 14th dai of September. 1943 'Seal) ft. |i. WOODS, Co. Clerk , iod ending with the S»nday preceding ' the flr- t Monday in Dece.nilier. 1944, and ' j rtx-ojninebd to this Honor;il le Boiird the ! approval and adoption of the budget or : "Aiiinsal Appropriation <Ordinance" attached and made a part of this report, in th> manner, and upon (he conditionsnspeciied In said annual appropriation 'ordinance, to-wit: Annul Appropriation Ordinance j For the fliscal period endnlg with the | Sunday preceding the first Monday in ; December. 1944. ' Pursuant to "An Act In Belation to the Budgets of Counties Not Required by Luv to Pass an Annual Apnronri.-ition Bill" approved July 10, 1933,' it Is licrebv Ordained by the I'ounty'of McHenrv. in the State of Illinois, as follows. to-wlt: Section 1 tit s of the preceding fiscal year ii $491,850. oj Payments jpade tn the,-preceding tiscal year *494,850.71 Bal. in the Co. Treasury at the en.l of the preceding fiscal year 156.640.00 Estimated income fjont all sources during tbe vear covered bv this budget are as follows, to-wit: Income from Taxes 185.611.60 Total Receipts, Co. Officers |84,165.59 Total Net Receipts, Co. Off. 51.088.96 Income from Twp Co. Home >1.254.79 Income Pentals . . Income County Home . -- 16," ^73 j income State's Attorney . w j Income-from -Co. Licenses >22'.200.93 Income from State of Illinois report is "cf"nd Blind 'Pensions . mv best M. F. T ltefunds Total Kstlmated Income . ... Section 2-- Tint it is -'eerned necessary In order io defray all necessary expenses and ".abilities of said County for the ,'urrent tiscal year that there lie and there here. I T y is appropriated to lie nmvid, d for < i unt\ Treasurer | ,)v c, , n f . r„i tax levy and ojlier rev- , ,L L"Llr,l! h„l* I for the current fiscal year the aggregat.- sum of three hundred fortvnine thousand three hundred fifty-four l,:n:i.07 .1.2' 0,94 5,494.34 •56.791.87 $224,200.93 $12,2S4.2: 1,2 10.00 1 7 0.40 f. ",0.70 "58.40 24.00 1.1 Hi.3", 20r0>'0.oo 100.00 2.933.05 942.00 21,525.00 5,000.00 72,898.00 340.334.00 A report of th showing payments for Countv Home was presents .and upon motion dulv made and carried was "T^rorninin^m'S °off lnit, t i«1«ll«rs and no cents and the obWt and l ress<e nt eiT tthhVe> flooHl loowu .huiJg ^ Ie,npoorrtt , ttoo- wwiiCt . ! , for which said appropr iat ion is n.„1p a n i, amounts hereby approiiriated s,i. for the same are as follows, to-wlt: ^o^T'sui:^ :'r1 v.;; Vour in Belief of- Blind i £., r c l l£ hnr would beg leave sul mit the following i f,"r ' If" 1 \ ' ' r^ report, on the matters before them: h For bounty Clerk, Tees i>er \-.,nr .'ommittee Instructed the Conn- i V1 ,V'M \' ,s ! For Connty Clerk. ,-ommis«ioncr's fees insane and feeble- 700.00 1.200,00 Clerk notify each new "apiilicont for '1 111 iltil lioliwinn K\ rr>(>iut.ii*it.l mn il o on F (VI BRCK - FRANK C. FKUBIS It was thereupon regdfarlv moved bv Supr.. Wittmus. and duly secondeil by.. Asst. Supr. MeCottnell that the Report ot the Committee on, Finance, lie approved and the- Anriusjl- Appropriation •'ir'dinance" or Budget fdr the fiscal per- •<h1 Minting with the Sunday preceding the first Monday, iii December. 1344 be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called. Suprs. Ruth. Wright, Wittmus. Beck. Carroll. Ackman. Ferris, Nolan, Cornue. McConnell*. May,'Schmitt. Meier, and Filip and , Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared •he motion unanimously carried, the re-, port approved and the Annual Appropriation Ordinance adopted. The Liquor Control Commission of McHenry County presented the following report, to-wit: Septembef 14. 194S To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: The Liquor Control Commission of McHenry County, Illinois, would beg leave to report that they have accepted applications. license ffes and ho«d« from the following named persons, tavern keepers of McHenry County operating outside of the corporate limits of anv city or village, and your Commission. after having made the inpestione. required upder the provisions of the Illinois Lftitmr Control Act., have issued licenses to the following for the period eudine Miril 30. 1944. to-wit: XeXenrr Oo*nty 1943 Xd«oor UcmM Fred K. iJine, Rl> Crystal Ijike. John Bitt. .lr. Rl> ->larengo. Jerry B. Kubovy, BD McHenry. Wonder Lake. Rene 1".. Lamoilreaux. RD Marengo. C, H, Samuelson, R. D. Mareng. C li Samuelson. RD Marengo. Rliealvth Boyko, BD 2, Mcllenrv, LUy • lake. *" JOS'e F. Watrous Beed. RD Richmond. Margaret Harris, RD I. Box 96, Marengo. Otto Dedlow. RD 3, Rox 46A. McHenry. Rrwin IV. Mo»*ws, Rt 1, box 1..8, turj • George Herman. Wnuconda. Ben Plngr.V, BD 2. Crvstal l^jke. 111. Hilda M .loh'lticon. McHenry. Alex Horn and Annette Horn. BD \\ McHenry. \nna B Schneider, BD 1. Woodstock. Kmll .1 Heilman, RD 1. Ringw.HHl- Won.ler I«tke. William A. Keller. RD 1. Woodstock. Bernard ,1. Pesciike, RD 2. Lily l-ake, McHenry. Antoinette Horn. Selon Mills. Ambrose 11. and Herman J. *eliaef*r. Fox St., McHenry. Frank 1-". Harrison. RD 1. McHenry, Genevieve McDonald, \\ . McHenry* Me* '.XI.bi4.OCk iMttk. ft w -",*w. •ehm; '" ee, ] '1 .a r» The Co'i'ir pr -sented thr T• on Pe. s and Salaries fopowitig report, to-wlt: .v s' i ... » tsors • itlemen: Vour Conipirttee on T-'ees and Salaries to. r> recularp- moved bv . p . ' - « ' » v l V Ko* t lift PesoP'Pcn an' in.' 1 v t h ?. ,.^ ^t -.-» ho an'horire<4 " to nti"r-.i'l »->a*tv of • he ho.'C r.f M,.|ter.e7. C-i-ntv - .. „ >t^J O.. W!"i"iis. '*eck Carroll, Vo'n» 1 T-*r. CVrr. M">- S"b mitt M«'cr nl tiiin and A aft Sunr. Maxwell voted ' vwould b«c leave to report t'hat they tuet aye Nay none. The Chairman declartherecn^ n refri'larl.- mr.v^.1 'bv »!u of,.! itu'i" s«"eon.lcl bv SU'ir fK- * |i.o enmmonicn t ion fi'^ ->nd th» TJenoltit'on adoot- Chairman de-'ared the mo- ! f ;iv carri^-d. f The Committee or, Re«61 utions pr«- ented the folloWmg Resolution, to-wit: A"gu«t 10. 19<3. To the Chairman and Members of the 1 of* Vour fn^rrif^n r.n 'ofi ^ f., fftMnwin<r Rpso- '"•Ion and recommend its adoption, to- Aesoln'tlon , ,*h.creao Jt has nlea*»e(J the Allw'se ('"iiler of »h" T'n'veree to romo<-" from , o.-r most worthy- ewlleaguo, p T'lor-e the Supervisor from the Township of Richmond, and I Whereas, In his passing, we his as- Ferrls and declared unanimously carried and the following named persons Were selected to serve as Grand Jurors on the Supnlemental l'fcnql for the Septemher. 1943 term of the Circuit Court to-wit: Walter '"ink. Alden Twp. Fdgar Pierce, Jr., Hartlan.l Twfi Minnie Carlson. Seneca Twp. Eninui Siems, Coral Twp. Alfred (Tom) S«'fU)So», Grafton Twp. (•'red B Merrell. Dorr Twp. 'nna Deneen, Dorr Twp. * Carrie Mansfield. Greenwood Twp. Arn, Hebron Twp. Bcrthtl I'eet, Richmond Twp. "aul Weber, Burton Twp Wm. Spencer. McHenrv Twp. Frnest Colby. Nunda Twp. James Clarence Ro'eer i,r,,„,,,,jn Twp. Tne* A del Seyk. Algonquin Twp. Margaret Ratfield. Riley Twp Iva Wachob. Marengo Twp. T> M "r'd'e\ 'mnliam Tvp. Anna Conerty, Chemung Twp Mabel Bricklev, Chemung Twp It was thereupon regularly moved hv Supr. Ferris and.duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the selection of Grand Jurors and Smmlemental. 1 'neel for t), September. 1943 term of «he Circuit "otirt > e approved, and the Clerk lie directed to certify the said lists to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the 'oi| being called, Suprs. Ruth. Wriirht, Wittmus, Beck, Carroll, Ackman. Ferris. Nolan, Harrison. Cornue, McConnell, May. Schmitt. Meter and Filip and Asst. Supr Maxwell voted ave. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion. unanimously carried. \n acknowledgment of sympathy shown l.y the Board "f Supervisors was -•'cei.-ed from the family of the late Wan-en F. Pierce and was onb red placed on file Auditor's Report No. 12 covering Mc He or i- Countv M..' TJ. Tj 'Kyitils I'iv t" period beginning January. 1. 194 aiHl ending'December 31. 1912 was p t sent ed and oirtered nlaced on file The matt, r of appropriations and Tu\ l.cvy was brought to the, attentt »n <>• the Board by the C hair m: to. It wa thereupon regularly moved by Supr Ferris and dulv seconded bv S'tor. Hai risen that all matters of appriipria Hon anil Tax Levy jbe referred to the Finance ("ommjtt... for rn.vt ...i.l ti."- •nv other Committees that have any recommendations -to make cotue'tiim aporop'-'.ations or Tax Levy contact the sjiid Finance Committee concerning same. Th« civ,i-m*>n .'e-'ared the mo tion unanimously carried. Se" V"al communications from th ^'at, of Illinois Department of Public Works anil Poiblines were presentis and oriler<-d Placed on file. g. The Chairman made a reou.-st for additional time for the Board of Review to comiilete 'hetv work. He stated tba« •here was still three townships that did not have their books in and that they would need about two weeks time after •^enti tnber 7th to finish. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman -•id duly seconded by Sunr. Wright that 'he request be granted and the roll he- "e called, the Chairman declared th* motion unanimously carried. The Chairman stated that if there was notbinv further t.> come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion *o adlourn. B was thereupon regularly •nove.j by Supr Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Meier to adjourn. Motion "arrird Ther.enr.on the Board a<jiou»m«d EDWARD F. KI'FCKTTR.- f Attest: Chairman. B. D. WOODS. County Clerk. Regular September Meeting 1943 * Th" Honorable Hoard of Supei viso-s "f McHenry Count:'. Illinois met in •>nntisl session a* the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tpesd'v. the 14th day of JS/x'\t<• mher. A. f>. 1943 at •en o'clock A. M. Th" meeting win called lo order by the Chairman. Fdward F. Kuecker. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fla?' the Cnited States of America was elver. to-wit \ vcr St.. j ing application he approved 1.34---Danald C"llcn Harvard, Illinois. Vour Committee mad" an investigation concerning all other persons' re- -ci\ing pensions under the 'Rlind Penfor travel For Flections, printing lists of voters For l-Mcctions, rent ot" polling ptaees For Election, printing ballot-. -ion Act' and would recommend that the ; supplies for polling r.00.00 3.000.00 sum ot" three hundred and sixty-llv^ Dollars ($rl65.00> payable montiOv tie paid to the folbnvin* named persons ••l.ler the Statutes, to-wit: Basset t, Jennie. West McHenry. Bowman. Wiliam F . Biclimond. Hraunsdorf, Hubl.-i, BD 2, McHenry "rooks. Frank. M "rnn'o. Chapman. Frank W. Woodstock. 'oliiv. lClla, Harvard. "olHn.s. Charles Woodstock. 'otiway. Jail', s F. Woodstoi-k. v. John. Harvard. Mann. W W„ 'utiham, lifted. Woodstock 'vs.tnond Char', s. Cheimmg bailey. Tom. Huntley. '•'round. Walter J., McHenrv. '•"rost. Gil I ar,| C., Crystal Lake. Horonflo, Christina. Woodstock. Haldoninn. Fdwitl- Harvard. Hamilton, Mary. Wooi'st-.ckr Harms.-n. I'lsle. W. McHenrv. lllnes, Anna. I'D 3. Woodstock lohnson. Jay S., Woodstock. Kain, James. Harvard King, Ina. Harvard Hospital. At.aher, \nnie 1'".. Woodstock. Moan. Kate B. Marengo. Nelson. Carl. Marengo. 'hlrich Minnie, Woodstock Peed. Fred, Woodstock. Bitter, Robert. Marengo, Senger. K. A Woodstock. ">'<n rolin 10.. Huntley. Sheahan. Irene M , Wooodstock. Smith. Clarence .1., BD 1. McHenry Spltzer, Adda., Woodstock- "Tojes. |y»\var.j. -i;li <:rof places For Fleet ion. For Co. Tr. •lerk's sunn'ies and KOffieio Col - I.oflo.on t,»irt«,o<> {•"rank Bryan and Frances" B. Ibtlch, 5}D 1 Box 102.Marengo. . .- Fre.l Dittman. 173 North Shore Dr.. Crystal Lake. Charles Westlake, Solon Mills. O.-klev Gri>. RD 1. Marengo. Marisarct Porteii. BD 2. McHenry. Josef,U J. Ban ml. BD ?. """ """ William ,T Ma- "• .\h - 3.000.00 Coles, 1^1 ward. -|;l), «5Tee«4voO»WgterrMn, f'tnltu> Woo<tst«*i1tl WeStpha 1. .Nlipa. Woodstock. Willouffbbv. Adolb^irt H.. Woods;p<-k Wood. Flora Adell. HarvanT. .-••# Wright. Julia 1-1. Woodstock. Zalaliack. Mary. Fox .River Grove. We further "report that tbe new am • approved bv your Committee as lector, printing - for i'O. Treas and Hx-Offic Collector. nrinHn •• j>s<"iti t.'or Co. Ti and Kx.Officio c.illectpr officg. ypoliev For Co. Treas. and Fx-Officlo Collector record 1 iv-Vs For c'o. Tress and Fx-Officio . Collector, collection, delMuiuent personal property tax hills For Co Treas. and Kx-offiein Collector interest tax unt lei. pat ion Warrants r F-.r Sheriff's-- !.Bailiffs per diem, all courts Court per diem fees for service ! Office supnlles Food for prisoners Cooking for prisoners Jail supplies and clothing Deputies ner diem For County Coroner's Fees Wor Coroner's, reporter fund • For Sunt, of Schools clerk hi'-e For Supt. of Schools, off. sup. For Court House and Jail, salary janitor. '•"or Court House and Jail, coal 1.700.00 i For Court House and Jail, light and water 1.500.00 For court House & Jail, repairs a.OOO.OD For Cotlrt House and Jail sun 3 liOO.Oa j For Court House and Ja11 tel. l,3"A f t f t i For Judiciary, library law books; 200.00 'For Judteijirv, justice fees 450.00 F"r Judicinrv, ^>iisc. expense 100.00 Fo|j c«nntv Home-- Salaries f«* Knipb^-eiw* --» •*' of (nnMe!*. ir ewe li.- .1. IttJtetl, Ii 1» I. -anieiii.» r'oss Gibson. RD «. Marv-ugo. 2 000 on William J Nolan. Harvaro. Claus and Louise Larson. Jtebron. 8»|0.00 J Mrs. George Lay. Rl> 1. MMIentrj. , ! Joiinsburg. *' Rov W Smith, ^hemung. nk Nell. BD I. McHenty. . Albert D. Leable, 905- N. Division «t^ 1 Tit rvard. Vndn'W C. Sorenson. Chemung. Henrv .V.-ll, Mcllenrv. I Hurry Minola and James Minola, BD -, WoodstcH-k. Frnk Wozniak. BD 2, McHenry. Ella Hint?.. BD 2. McHenry Florence Pederson, RD I. McHenrv. Josepii A Vaillancourt. Ringwoo<1. Dora Sehimmel, ltl» 1. Mc,Henry. Connie Straus, Bl> 2 McHenry. Herbert Fick. RD 2, Harvard. Anna Hennine and l'aul Hennms. ns. takee Bay. RD I. McHenry. Sam Salveson. Jr., MnH^nrv HP. Till'e Me vers, Bl> 3. Harvard. William Mertes. BD McHenry. Pistakee Joseph B. Hetterman, RD 1, McHenrv. .lohnsburg. Helen L Birk. RD 2. McHenrv Frank J. Bosnski. BD Harvard. John K. Freunfl. McHenry. John V Ayiward, Ul> 1. W oodstoc*. JoseiUi I jtitdl, RD 2, l.ily l«"*ke, McHenry Farl (Bant*. Hebron. Sophie and Fdward ^mlersoo, ** Spring Grov*. iil> SpritW 250.00 100,00 2.500.00 *tl0.0<> 7.0IUI.OO 50A.M 2.300,0a 1 ,?00.00 150.00 i> i:an.ort 7oo oo 125.^0 ') II I,a Lioo.oo ; i sua oa EsftK- »%s »'«•*»> • \'ZZ *Sn&ry. «ml .vow..,. bOWMWt Carl F. .lohnsen. RD l. RichmonO, ,, , ^ " tnoii n« »Una Evenson, BD 2. McHonr*. hove set forth was regularly examined , "eoatr* n«.. s snl n-v " 500 00 F. A. Waitxie.n, BD Crystal I^ktV by th" Examiner of the Blind and 1^••• ^«r Co. •«««•• «' V«v "" trov. " " Mary C. Coopey H.irtland. poricil thai he is blind and also it is ' "r; ' " l r'^ h)| Dist of the Ameriwu Turrerc hi. oPin ion of your Committee tti.t ^ c,„,rt ' Sm!' con.pun. .aid apoi icant is ent iP.u to- the benef i ts For Probat ion Of f icer c^ Ceorge E. Fr i t iel . Crystal I j»ke under the 'Blind Pension Act' and yonr , • l*robat|0« Offu er. alar., committee would recominmend that his co' , lHA court , 'Mv'«iin* application be granted, and that then, * "r ' rob ltmn Offi. er t a\ . . , . . . . r, , • exnense court Ah countv T-V.r H*Wril of He vie v Salarv of members Siipplh-s mi nth of ! "T'-a'-ePnt expense • Clerk hire For Jurors, p" Courts per diem and mileage - For Supervisors, per ilioefiA and mileage • paid •«> him three hundred and sixtyfive dollars ($365.00) p.-r vear, •••'id payment to be made monthly The new applicant to. receive his tlrst pa\ - "lent on October 1st for th Your Committee had on Pie the appli- ! | ; 'nr .T°"n'v 'reporter sal cation of Mary E..Charles of Woodstock, or .J witnesses 'llinols and utioti investieatlon your 'rows' .-row «n Commit tee denied said application for Jj or oontie. . < the reason that the said applicant does < ant roxe not qualify under the 'Blind Pension Act ' Vour c.,mmittee would therefore recommend tIn.t the sum of Nine thousand five hundred seventy-six dollars ($!>;- 571.00) be n I eluded In th,. ..on'ial api.rohriation ordinance of the blind in McHenrv Countv Relief rrf blind persons In the State "f Illinois, on. and after Jiil-y ' s'- H*44. due to a c'lanrf iti the law relative to •'eiier of i.lind. will be taken care of i-ntrelv by the State li.-nartr < nt Public" Welfare. \indications'. f,.r 1 ief of Blind to le naid for » v th- State will, in some instances, be approved after October 1st of this v-ar. Following instructions received from th,. Public Aid Commission of the si-.'- of Illinois, your Committee authorized 1 ton n«> William Haves. McHenry. \rthti'r tlreeti. Bl>x 3. Woodst. fiftOO# Charles Kandlik. BI> 1. CSary Elaine M Hardy, Crystal I-- I jmi e* , Harry Simula. Crystal^ Late. -r* .000. w •' Countv Clerk to send notices to all J For County v'nr Supervisors, printin For fa re of S.ntnty Dependent Children v-or Care Tuberculosis Patientsin Sanatorium 12,00ft.•• i'or Med. Tftfr-ereulnsis P'tient* I.OOft.O# For Care fnunt.- I'a'mers 3,')00.00 For State's Attorney- Bent T'e- 1 Salarv th- 1 i^slstant s->lary •Office sllnnMes Investigations Stenographer W Countv Aid in Building Brldg-es. construction of Waff S.OOI.OO irv Country Club. RD Car> Harrv WinskL RD 2. Harvai-. T non 'in : Fred W lYipe. RD 2. McHenrv 'John Patek. Piix Algonquin. j-'aines a Wienartl. Spring.GroViv M1.p4.on Nielsen. BD 1. Cary. i Walter Iriea. RD 2. BicUuuind. John Adamj", RD 1. Car>". c Ren .lacoby. RD McHenry. Your Conumtte* would further jepArt that therv haa been collected the a'»«tlivt of *22,075.00 on 1943 luiuor Ucens. fees to thi* date and same has been turn-4 "vi r to the County Treasunr at McHenry County. was 75.00 -otvfia S.fioo.on |J 4 in AO iKO.Ot' v.oao.oo :i,3(b».i>0 1« 000.00 300.00 4 500 00 1,600 04> ._ a$o eo _ 100.00 •00.00 th oers-.ns receiving Blind Aid from tbe Countv to immediately make application to the" Countv Department of Public Welfare at Woodstock. Illinois, an-1 >s fast as ;i nollca Hons are anproved hy the sai.l Countv Department of- l^ublic Wei fat-.- nd aid granted, the pension- • is will I-'- dropped from The County pension roll Tour Combi-ttes estima-tas that tuare is sufficient f.-r""-- • • h-'nd 'o be collected for the Blind Pension Account to take care of all blind oension matters to antfc including Juti" 30th, A. T>. 1544. ami for that rc;;-or did r.ct re.x^maiecd Aid in Building Bridges, repair of bridge -- 4.000.00 For Boeardus Fund, Relief ex« soldiers, sailora and «narin«» 3.000.W For Erad. of Tuberculoan in cattle-- Salary of county veterinarian.... 1,420.00 Trax. exfr of county veterinarian 600.00 Salary of office secretary 1.140.00 Office supplies _-- r 2*0.00 For Contlngont -- 2.000.0ft For Tns. on Co. Properties l.iOO.OO For Insurance Premium*. Hondo County Officer* -- X.OUu.vU For JrfcHenry County Tuuerculo The following Dance Hall lie issueil by your license c-o:um;Ure tor for the year 1 **43: Frank Nell, Johusburs. ili'llmrv RD Your committee havinir (•."*•;«! «He amount of |25.00 . for said lvmce UaH License, the same being turu-sl »v« * *'i the County Treasurer of 'T -'vr.y l\. EDWARD V Kl'F.CK' " Liquor Control^wavi JOHN" J. FII FRANK C. FV.BRIs FR.VNK MAY Agst. Liquor t". r-.r»! It was thereupon reeui Supr. Schmitt ami dulv Supr. May that the rep»" Control Commission ••• Committee be adopte»i ' 1 t the roll being called clared the motkm i • A report of J. w vpublic accountant - ' ginning Nov. Jo 11 • • covering recei'-oj »h# office of Kih. |U- "-1 Wy .» bv • i «»>t '»» i' •- • .->r>--|, * •' ift * tW * %*3t •is Aaaociatlon Fund S.StiO'Qi) fnt of Schoola ot ^ ^ For iiaioary Coucty Sc3 Jliuola. tetanic* u J Hi

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