Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 15

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$ ; :s V/.vp .:~'£Y *, * > % : f " fc r >'. ••* ^T";-'^\V • <4 • '•*•»'< / v,A J ,'«£-*% V|» * ,' Ak . •• ?*»<•<,* -v *1 rf * W* X -'J«- r PART TWO lire iWAftf) W ST7^r*^S, McttENRY COT*VTY, Tttmots PAGE SEVEN SnArial OrtnK<»r Maatinir F i l lP that SuPr- Harrison be requested k?|*vVM«t V/v " ' WtUHK to continue to net as Chairman of the Dear Mr Delinquent ; Clerk be Attorney The following Resolution of L'nincor- ^er m,eet October 27, 1943. anil w idol t t them County Treasurer to the Claimants for Supr. Meier and duly seconded liy r. Bounty Orders .... Woods: 00 11.251.03 A 7-^ « porated Association opening and main- ®' , s' taining a ration bank account was pre- f . . sented aftd read to the Board, to-wit: °l '7> h Y Here follows an authorization permitt- *"5 £' r ing the County Supt. of Highways. C. U1*";. ' L. Tryon and the Highway Office Clerk, ! ,lna Wayne CJNlentzer, to open a Ration _ Checking Account at the First National j gupr Baitkw'as ^hTretmon'reirularlv moved by 1 and s,ated that he attended the state ! Mrs. Anna Hines Suor \kman and X i(S by invention of Township Officials and Mrs. Annie Maher ' SuSr Schmit that theRelofution be > Shat Moenry County.received a prise of : Mrs. Kate Moan aZoted bv this Howard and the Cha?rman 150 00 for having 100% membership and Mr. John Senn ddewcl'laarer^d tthhee mmoottiioonn uunnaanniimmoouussllyy racr-a r , that the convention was well attend- ! Miss Martha Irene Sheahan ed throughout the state. ] Mrs. Emma Waterman A renort of the Grand Jurv for the I The Cluiirman announced that if there 1 Mrs. .Flora Wood SfDtciXr Terra A D lWDrowrlv If88 no 'urthH business to come be- ; .Applications withd|«wh-^ l^ifi^wJ^seStedanl «aS T^el^i^'8 ^in9 h' ^'°Uld ^^rtain a Mr. James Kain ^ ; untie*-- 79.342.4f' 182.015.H adjoiwn was thereupon Mr. Carl X pi son of Crystal Lake, Algonquin State Bank,'] -,w '«f »»,* » Cary State Bank. Marengo State Btirtk. ] ® e a."*° of the °Pl n ion as expressed The Harvard State Bank and. The State Bank of Richmond, were presented and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and dq}y( seconded by Supr. FerriS and1 declared carried, the said statements were approved and the said banks 'were authorized to continue «is depositories of the. funds of the McHenry Coun ty Treasurer'i and Kx-OfTicio Collector. Special November Meeting^ 1^43 l TSIfe Honorable Board of Sof»ervl?rors ... of -McHenrj'" County met in spfcial ses- The following-com'municatiort'from C. 1>ursuant lo a ca" signed bv*more because of resources in excess of the tnaklmum allowed-- ' • *•,• ?•" ' •!' Mr. Alfred Dvmharn. ' i' , v.'v Mr. Walter Freund-'. •>': •' . V '-•••; . , Mr. F.dwin Haldeman-' • VV"? Miss. Klsa Hartnsen Mrs. Ina King. "v'V ';•;."• f.V' Mr. Fred Heed' • ; V - Mr. Clarence Smith ? ; , Mrs: Minnie I?lrich i . Application not taken--^ ,*^ »LMS i.iMiiiHIIIjiilUiUI 1IUIII . ii IT.- i .. ^m.. . . . . . .c »« t . , .rv l|»mi1lnli L. Tryon, County Superintendent of L'han. °"e-thlr(1 of its members at the < Tn.iiir ii ir . r .n .L, r, ii.L» rJL» Highways was presented and read to the i .^. House in the City of Woodstock pending for C0IBBoard, to-wit: i on Tgiesday, the yth day of November, ; P.0 Information- I A. 1>. 1943 at 10 o'clock A. M. wI"s'„,?enn»,e Bassett October 11 1943 T»•h'»e« meeeettiinngg waass ccaalil eeda ttoo oorrddeerr bOyy vw! r ^^m ' . . »vm! i,, n Honorable Chas. H. Ackman" I ^ F-, "uecker. arid ^ ^t^Go. C*>heaanr mSiarn- of Co. Koad and Bridge Com. 1 tthh^e United SSta' lte s off 4A?mt ee r"ic a1 wa1s giveont 1 ?M, r1 Jav Johnson Gorenflo _>ear Sir: We have been unable to rent a shovel : r.-' „".**• "1^*V,'1" *l" >>i me j M Adelbert Willoutfhbv to load the filing for the Greenwood in^ ; i f t^r Whio'h t rhe ^rirw is^a e ^bv Mrs. Mary Zalaback Road now und^r ennstmot nn. Thn«» • .**' ieF wnicn me roil caiieil b\ by the Clerk with all members gi\ f the Mr. Robert Ritter Koad now under construction. „Those nearby are all busy. f The County ought to have a shovel. The surrounding counties own shovels, by the Clerk and the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors August W. Ruth, C. Perry even little Boone County, has owned <_aA' X", Keck, one for many years. I u'« ^arro^' Edward t. Kuecker,-Chas. At the present" time^ there is suffi- ; la'n,* Jr.,"1""'^ Rarrison, Stanley' TF (Vir- 1K uunnrdi rt°on <fifnnaannccee aat hs»i1(M0,?0(0H0 !Umy •a cHhhignheW. a31i 1 nMuaet' h FNr a. nSkc hBm- itMt, cCHoennnreyl l,C .F rMaenike r', M aanyd, wish you would inquire into the matter John J FiliD and \sst sniw.,vi«nr. A gnd find out how the County Board of M. Maxwell, A. B. McConnell and l'aui buper\ isors feels in the matter. It would i j<osenthal, constituting a quorupi presbe a big help in building bridges and ent ' driving piles as well as loading trucks. The minutes of the Special October, Yours truly, ' C. x.. Tjrti oN, Co. Supt. of Highways, McHenry County, Illinois. It was thereupon regularly mbVed by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Meier that the request of the County Superintendent of Highways for the purchase of a shovel be gi-anted and that the Koad and Bridge Committee be "instructed and empowered to purchase same and the roil being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following communication from the Mcllenry County office oi the 111i- Suprs., County Home . Supt., County Home note. Public Aid Commission, concerning H^chwa^'vurwf *ees Hlinrf A SAintanpo A nnh^otiriMo nroc< nra. , . ® ^ ir l'ers. Property Back Taxes .... 1943 meeting were read and upon motion approved and ordered of record. -The following report of the County app'^atlon^ w'ere Treasurer tor the month of October, appniations were 1943 was presented and read to tlie Board, to-wit: County Treasurer's Report Tor the Month of October, IMS Receipts Balance brought forward Oct. 1st, 1943 $18fi,363.57 General Fund i...:^..i,i.$10,053.51 ' 4.13.04 313.66 18.70 Blind Assistance Applications, was prevented and read to the Board, to-wit: :'--"l:.O«S|0b«Br •«,. 1948 Mr. R. D. Woods, . AicHenry County Clerk, Woodstock, Illinois; v Re: Blind Assistance Applicants Bear Mr. Woods: The following applications for Blind Assistance have been denied because of convertible resources, in excess of the maximum allowed bV the Bliud Assistance law: Frank Chapman, Woodstock Alfred Dunham, VVoodsjtOclt lna King, Harvard James Kain, Harvard Minnie Ohlrich, Woodstock Fred Reed, Woodstock. Clarence Smith, McHenry, Julia K. Wright, Woodstock Kdwin Haldeman, Harvard. Charles Collins must apply In Techney, Illinois, and James Conway has applied in Freeport, Illinois. ' Ada Spitser Will have to apply in Kane County. Edward Toles is in the County Home, and we have understood that he will | 16,593,27 remain there. Mr. Alien, however, told edemmed fiom Forfeitures,. us that he was going to talk with Mr. Harrison, Greenwood Township Supervisor, but we'have had no reply either from Mr. Allen or from Mr. Harrison. Mr. Vickers, as you know, is dead. Very truly yours, LB:bf LULA BARTER, Superintendent Bog Tax institute Fund ;... Violations on Highways ..i.... Inheritance Taxes ...... Motor Fuel Tax Blind i'ensions Payroll Clearing Account .. Taxes Red. from Forf, Total Receipts 9*2.72 452.48 1.00 .66.00 80.00 .. 706.81 .6,100.00 . 1,931.50 . 2,370.88 .. 208.70 28,669.95 Grand Total v.. . .$210,033.62 Ispndituw County Orders W..w. $12,768.01 Highway Orders ................ .. . 2,320.61 Blind Pensiona; : 1,260.00 General Fund 266.68 Grand and Petit Juror* 146.80' Bounty 7,J0 Treasurers Salary lt0.40 Clerks' Salaries ...., .-..™„.... 607.66 Probation Officer 88.40 Coroner s Jurors 18.00 Institute Fund '6.00 Inheritance Taxes 10.00 Payroll Clearing Account • 2,4^7.13 61.40 Total Expenditures ...36,751.66 Balance on hand in . all flinds Oct. 31st, 1943 .. A.... 173,281.96 Mrs. Julia Wright Ll'LA BARTER, Supt October 2ft, 1948. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Ypur Committee on Relief of Blind to whom was referred the matter of the continuation of the payment of blind pensions by McHenry County would beg leave to report that they received, a report from the Illinois'Public Aid Commission, McHenry County office, showing that certain applications for relief made to the Illinois Public Aid Commission by persons receiving blinnd pensions were denied and that other applications were withdrawn and that other referred to other counties and that other application!! were granted and that there were still some applications pending. Your Committee, after due deliberation instructed the County Clerk and the County Treasurer to pay all hllnd pensions for the month of October to all pensioners whose applications were not granted by the Illinois Public Aid Commission. Your Committee feels that this is necessary and should be continued until all applications have been definitely disposed of and in no case not later than July 1, 1944. Your Committee submits herewith as a part of this report, the report received from the Illinois Public Aid Committee, McHenry County office, under date of October 27. 1943. JOHN J. F1LIP FRANK P. McCONNELL FRANK MAT STANLEY H. CORNUE J. E. HARRISON The Committee on McHenry County Home presented the followinng report, which on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: November 8, 1948 Mr. Chairman atid members of the Board of Supervisors of ^McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on November 3, 1943, at' the McHenry Counnty Home annd audited the bills for the month of October, 1943, and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. John Hess, 1 bull calf $ 25.00 Montgomery Ward & Co., clothing 77.26 Miller Patton Baking Co., bread 60.84 Ludwig Wilson Co., supplies .... 109.84 ! Sawyer Biscuit Co., bakery goods 9.18 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, medicines .... 67.87 111. Bell Tel. Co., phone services 28.35 Several members of the Board were of the opinion that the new blind assistcoal and repairs Jen A See Laundry, laundry John Sexton & Co., groceries Bakkom Bros., repairs and sup 318.12 12.86 71.00 14.07 42.47 7.48 30. Ou Grand Total $210,033 52. The above and foregoing report is i K'dgefield Farmers Supply Co., true and correct according to my best "~"1 knowledge and belief. . ' J. G. STEVENS, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before m©'- ance act under the control of the Illinois j this 9th day of November 1943 (Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob. .... Public Aid. Commission was going to ' (Seal) R. IX WOODS County «lerk ' Thorne & Son- clothing work a hardship on many of the blind I Thompson Appl. Co., shellane gas persons who were--"receiving a pension It was thereupon regularly moved by ! Vrw*" Co- Inc- pest control serv. 15.UU from the County f6r the reason that ! Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded bv w"°dstock Awning Shop, recover under the new act they'could not qual- Supr. Meier that the report of the Coun- i a w n i n* ify for aid and no doubt would be forced ty Treasurer be approved and the !T>u!»,io -Servee Co., ltght and power 57.89 to make application for relief to their Chairman declared the motion unani. i n°>oe Bros., gas 6.49 township Supervisors and Overseers of mously carried. Goodrow's Garage, rep., gas & oil 102.23 the Poor. Supr. Beck of Chemung i The'Committee on Countv Poor Claims i <--^Vndrew Co' feed- Srlnd,nS Township stated that the old Blind Pen- I presented the following report on Pis- ' and 'nal 10S.47 sion Act providing for blind pensions to - tribution of Bogardus Funds which on W' Woolw«"th. clothing & sup. be paid by the County was in force unr motion of Supr Ferris and dulv second- Ro>'aI K'ue Store, groceries til July 1, 1944 "and that lie was not ed by Supr. Wright and the roll bein* ' 'rhe I>>ohn Hdw. Co., supplies .... sure whether or not the County could i called, was declared unanimously adopt- 1 T?0,tP WeIdinK Service, repairs continue paying pensions until said date ' ed, to-wit: I Superior Oil Co., gas and fuel oil to applicants who were refused blind as-'- ™T " ^ - - • sistance under the new act now in full force and effect and administered by ! To tho rM,.-,1943. ; Ksther Allen, salary the Illinois Public Aid Commission of j n , £ l . - Y e r n A l b r i g h t . s a l a ^ ~ ™ » 7 T I ^ . Ihe State of Illinois and for that reason Vonr nnmm?»t «»' «•'/->,.»' t> he would move at this time that said w,?u^r, < ea . relt Y ^ matter be referred to the w.ouia oeg iea\e to report Relief of Blind for tliei and report. Said motion onded by Supr. Nolan and imously carried. Supr. Harrison of Greenwood Town- I the Bogardus Act for "the fiscal* period Hosrtit*!' '> «h ship. Chairman of the Delinquent Tax , ending with the Sundav preceding the Committee, reported that his Committee . first Monday in December, 1 944. I'W. P. Allen, incidentals W. P. Allen, salary Mattie Albright, salary Thomas Monteomerv ksIipv Foreign Wan for funds levied under 1 13.73 70.71 39.91 49.77 61.09 115.00 100.00 67.50 57.5(1 82,065.55 38.75 has proceeded in the collection of de- j Your Committee, after due deliberalin «iuent personal property and real es- ; tion, would recommend that the followtate taxes as far as they could without : in'g amounts be allowed the various legal help and that in the last letter posts of the American Legion and Vetthat was sent out to delinquents they erans of Foreign Wars and charged ' were advised that unless they paid against the total amount appropriated that-they met at Hartland,- on the above mentioned date and - audited and. approved bills for payment in the following amounts: Permanent Improvements I . . 82,026.80 November 3, 1943 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Woodstoi k, 111. Your McHenry County Farm, Home their taxes within a certain time, suits for said purpose for saTd VeViiMi Vo-wiT- Hnd Hospital Committee -beg to report 'would be started and that it was his , Woodstock. American Legion $2,500 00 ,u ' " " ' -- -• v opinion that the Board should secure Harvard. American Legion 900 00 the legal services of a special State's Crystal Lake, Amer. Legion.'!" 1,600 00 Attorney to institute these -suits and Marengo American Legion 70000 that the Board should make a request McHenry. American Legion ......1 600 00 T. _ to the Circuit Court for the appointment Cary, American Legion ....... 200 00 •»l l n 'nr'l? Expense of. said Attorney and that unless the Fox' River Grove, Amer. 0Legion 200 00 Jl'"thing . Board backed him up in this matter, he Algonquin, American Legion ... 200 00 J, , bacco wished to resign as Chairman of the Pnion, American Legion 250^00 1,°^' - ' •" Committee. Supr. Cornue iof Hebron Huntley, American Legion . 200.00 ?'.«-*dicin«»- Township stated that it was his opin- Hebron. America!. Legion 150.00 ion that the Committee had done fine , Richmond, American l^egion . "n - 200.00 work and that they should be backed up Crystal Lake, VeL foreign Wars 400.00 1 by the Board and that he 'would move at | - this time that the said Board request; Total $8,000.00 ' u <7.V r"-- the Circuit Court of McHenry County 1" **osP"W for the appointment of a special State's t 940 20 25.1J dipper assembly, and a forty foot boom lilrrv with a Page three quarter line bucket and shell bucket all chine has teen gravel pit near the road being constructed " nois and We w road 1 Illinois. was sticcessfuljv completed >'lVHhe"'Vbn-4' -: Defense;,'cbri'tingent tractor, the, Suburban Oil Co:.;4f• i)ak|L; <'t. Use. Jail Repairs-- nrn: . , „ -Jay .of Bridge Bond Fund 7..>0 / October, 1943 were presented and read. Grand Total |261v358.8t above and foregoing report is tn^k ••crept according to my Jbest knoWV ahd belief. • JI, G STEVES, CO. Treaa. "•'"""vyMSJ.v carried. r Subscribed and- sworn -to before «*•-.. i,:. 20.80 , The following resignation of R«y J; this 14th day of December 194^ : Stewart as Chairman and. a member ' (Seal) . R. D. WO( >DS; CoUnty' CTeifcii rortd l w^ -3.S5 Iof the Zoning Commission was present on ijctobt i 16th and ^ uh and 1iave ac- Hakkom Bros... "•-HlO-ed «nd read to C ~ ;«epted same on behal f of'the McHenry i Joseph Fitr.gerald .'. •••• "V C 2 50 County. UUnois. stiid appioved "a pay- fThomas H. Mtrwin '.. * it 2-2 ,T,<w' 'if "f ^lu- contract price. 1 Charles F. Hayes, ju,dcy jus. f^es 2">. %nd read to the Board) to-wit; . j It. Wits tliereupon regularly; moved by Oct •"««• 1941 Woodstdi^ Til an^ au1y seconded by Sums, -/JL..-:. ,V J-'V. -Vhmit-t that, the report be approved. of for tion and amine find State V1' M,,t"'\r S- X^lle ;! 10.00 "t he city, of my residonc r uel Tax funds, the acconvpanVing.reso- ; Marinda. Bates-,1 c.t hSe jail" rep ... 4.50 Illinois., caused by inv lution maWng the road a .. .State ..Aid-j„Shf. Feeding Pris.-- ^ . with the; proper function !^!r,".«:?• . " l,\ os,orn ' '".ited. Gass A Elec.^^ Co. • 3.36 J mission und I do not fee «Vh Ha? «'f v « l'"'-' on' .najry - - =----...4..--.... 47.18 or just for me to continue as Chairman anrt hni ^ and audited ' Trackett s Bakery 24.16 and a member of the Commission. and ordered paid bills of a general na-.i As.mus & Son 48.31 For the reasons abov ture chargeable to the Mcllenrv Cnuntv1 H".val Blue l/.od Store patrol system of roads as a whole for Robert C. ("arr, shf dpty supplies and repairs for 'Count\' owned ' Harold B. Brewer shf dpty"""*'" machinery and for labor at the Countv ! George J. Ehlert, shf dpty * House buildings and fo- Xortli- ! Harold Hobbs. shf divtv • - Countjr _ collections ' Countjr inning - ember ,. . to the , Board and upon, motion -duly' made and til.-. . '•/••: Treasurer- 'ounty ips cov- , ering the months of August, September A T n-ich and October, 1*1•* «*w3 w"naos pjrrjersoecniutecdu aAnimd fin fil 'at this time to nresent L i r<?ad u> the Hoard and UP"« motion duly 55 OO i natioli '"TVa^renToVed \he wor'K'fs TIL™' ordered •5.00 | Chairman and a member of the Commis- The hnnri nt h ***! -tab.ish | Co^ty^olUtor-^Tax^Tn f^aToulS Se.ction 5, 6 Section 7. 9, 10, ^ Section 13, 15 Total .. . Bills were audited and Ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: S. A. Rt. Section 23, 9-T. malnt. labor and mat. ....$ 80.95 25, 12, inaint. labor and rnat. . ...... 2. 17 and 19, 18, engi. labor If..oo i F. E, Beck, j ....... 21 r, S7 j G,. J. Carroll 187.77 Ghas. h! Ackman i Frank C. Ferris 82.00 23.10 f?»-724.56 jT. F. \olan. Jr. 49^0 red J E- Harrison siisa Stanley H. Cornue --~« Frank B. McConnell Frank Max- Math X. Schmitt 17 and 19, 18, maint. labor and mat. 43.00 14 and 15, 19-1T, maintenance labor and material 2.72 20B, 24. maint. larbon and mat. .. 8.80 1 5 . 2 5 . m a i n t . l a b o r a n d m a t . 8 T . 2 » ! 15, 25-IT, engl. labor 11.25 13, 26, maint. labor and mat. !.'*i , 4S!25 13, 26-IT engi. labor and mat. -2S.4-88 2, 31, engi. laMor and mat. ........ _l_i6.00 2, 31, const, labor and ntat. .3,804 91 2, 31, right of way to Albert and Emilv Mathlson 662 65 We hav^Xreceived from the motor fuel tax /Tunas rental on Countv owned machinery as follows: Sec. 9T, $18 20- Sec. .18. $29.25; Sec. 31. $230(1.10; a total of $2,347.55 and turned same ove»- to th<> County Treasurer for t'Ue road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes and for improvements for buildings to house road machinery. < - Your Committee estimates there •will be necessary for the care of the McHenry \ ounty; Illinois,: .patrol system j K Oil i Henry C. Meters- -""T" fi.40 2ft.40 1 7,fi0 40.00 . 103.20 95.00 100.00 lohn J. Filip Paul Rosenthal .. Alice Helm, er TB off sal .""" Ora S. Xulle. shf feedg pris Henry A. Xulle, shf per dient fees, serv . • 150.00 A' CW-sey. cir ct pro off sal 75.00 < ity of \\ oodstock, ct hse jail It and water 96 46 Vestle Muldoon, ct hse jaii sai""." l5o!oo «v, ,p or tls' ^d Clerk HIre- Shirley Salxman on OA Ada Manning . . .. -- . • Edward F. Winkelman, ct hW Jail coal - 70 00 Ridgefield Farmers Supply Co.,"" ct hse Jail coal 281.80 All of which is respectfully suhmitted. aKll?f i : s 'clal™ AT'G. W RI'TH CHAS. H. ACKMAN The --Committee on Clalmsi 'XJouhty 1 Oor -presented the following report, of roads ap appmpriation from the ! which on motion of Supr. Carroll and • ienn . ,f Tay f , , n , 1 s' tn •hp "tfcn of ! duly seconded by Supr. Meier and the $2500 until the next meeting of this i roll being called, www declared unani- A?i » . j j niously. adopted, to-wit AH of which is respectf„i,v Wanted. CHAS. ACKMAN C. PERRY W RIGHT JOHN' J. FILIP MATH X. SCHMITT F. E. BECfc The following Resolution creating a State Bond Issue Route 19 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit- V- No>reml>er 9, A. D* 19*3. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, of the • Board Of Supervisors: _ ^ our Committee on County Poor. Claims would, beg leave to report that Cliey have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the pavment of the following, and that the Clerk oe directed to issue orders oit the County Trt'asurer to the Claimants for the several amount. allowed, as follows, to-wit: li<'|iendent Children Besolntlon Be It, Resolved, by the Board of Su» "f Mi'Henry County, Illinois, Chicago Indus. Home for Child. $ 83.00 !> j , l,ortlon '°f State of Illinois iSt. V incent's Indus. Trng. Schl., Bond Issue Route 19 lying between the Glbsson. Tooiney annd Salsm'an 55.80 • otith. tity limits, of Harvard, Illinois Chicago Home for Girls', Hohenand the north line of section 29, Town- stein,Olson and Hoss TiL rv^( KSngf„6 Kast «f the Mrs' Altrvd Krueger, Stedmah^ .IrfS1 Meridian, near the Crystal' I^ke Legion Auxiliary..., Brookdale Bridge is hereby designated Shut'eldt's Cafe, Lynott t o b e a S t a t e A i d R o u t e , s u b j e c t t o L y n n ' J . - P u t m a n , B r a d l e v T * the approval ol the State of Illinois, ; Louise M. Brooks, dependt Department of Public Works and Build- I $7.82; pro off trav exp $27.So.'„i. if' S^ r. • _ . • " Dependent Children-- c„. n»! J«^L.he.r Res,olved- that the j Mrs. Minnie Brigham, Swenson County Clerk transmit two certified I, and I>el.ine . copies of. this resolution to the State 1 Lutheran child Welfare AssnT" i'U"?.1?: Apartment of Public Works! Daymond and Buildings for their action thereon. 'Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, Steadiihan Mrs. George Spencer, DeLirte 7.98 22.50 , 7.00 23.50 17.00 35.12 33.31 25.00 24,.">0 23.50 It was thereupon regularly moved by 1 !-<«•<« Co. Tuberculosis 'San., . ' Supr. Schmitt ajid duly se«'onded by T. B. Patient -Pauper 1,307.97 Supr. Ackman that the Resolution be c- Miner, T. B. Patient adonted by this Board and the'roll being called, the Chairman declared the" motion carried. The following Resolution for the Purchase of Right of Way, L*. S. Route 14 (State Tiond Issue Route 1!>) was presented and read (o the Board, to-wit" might of Way Resolution ^ Be It Resolved'1^- the Board of'Supervisors of McHenry County at its meeting this 9th day of November. -1 943'-*hat' there is hereby appropriated the sum of Six Thousand Three Hundred dollars, or so much thereof $is may be necessary, from the said county's motor fuel , tax allotment, for the purchase of Riirht i I"'1"*'"1-'1' Property of Way. together with all court ™sts I -the Boarri and jury awards in necessary con dem- ! V ' 1,1 Pauper,. Soma .. 39.40 All of which is respectfully submitted. .•CHAS. H. ACKMAN, Chairman - JOWs' J. FILIP C. I'ERRY WRIGHT T. F. XOLAX, JR. FRANK B. McCONNELL State's Attorney William M. Carroll, being present at the meeting was called upon by the Chairmaan. Mr. Carroll addjressed the Board and stated that hewas notified by the County Clerk to be present at this meeting to discuss with the Board matters pertaining to the collection of delinquent real estate and taxes. . Mr. Carroll d that since he took ' of 1936 to date he nation proceedings, required for Section I'l a i' ;"1<' prosecuted 235 tax^ suits 29R. State Aid Houte (also known inv-olving the collection, of approximateas State' Bond Issue Route 19). . "f'ly "1*31,000..jn real estate taxes and had When detailed cost for each tract. !a,s" i.ns,i,uU' '1' "bout . 12 foreclosure or condemnation are known the Countv ! i l l"s "" rea' <>Mtl,te taxes. He also in- Superintendent of Highwavs is hereby i HS the amount of authorized to send statement of such 1'*work Involved .in nthese suits and cost to R. T. Cash. District Engineer at !as (<> the fe('s collected for the County Elgin, Illinois, with request for payment a^ a" e?rn.inK -i1' his <»(jrice and of the from aforesaid motor fuel tax allot- l 'he < ounty Clerk or CircUit ment. ' H'lerk as to docket fees. Mr. Carroll Diet Fuel Be It Further Resolved that this [ f,Jrther informed the Board that there J^StmrtlSTn be rSTTfrnTTtted to the Denart -as n"' a *r<*at of service requir- ,«.4»tmcnt of Public Works and Buildingss"'ts S,ate "f Illinois -to guarantee pavment ! perso^al nroPe r t>" 67-87 of all cost for right of wav needed on 211.73 said Section 29R. State Aid Route 401.59 $2,065.55 Attorney to represent the County in bringing suits against delinquent taxpayers. Said motion was duly seconded 8S.000.00 Your Committee woiiid further rec- Ortt&i: .1 commend that upon approval of- this i , s report the County Clerk be instructed! ^ to draw orders to the various organ!-! 881.M . 7.76 by* Asst. Supr. Maxwell. The'Chairman "" the County Treasurer for an called for a discussion. / The Chairmen suggested to defer said matter until the next meeting of the Board and have amount not to exceed 50qj, of the levy or Iqplance thereof at any one time upon the tiling with the clerk of a good and ' ' 91,026.80 The regular monthly inspection of ground, buildings, equipment and live stock revealed everything to be in £ood ndition the State's Attorney present at the *}'^l<',ent bond witji two or more sure-i There imping no further business, your ;i,is twice, the, amount of the total , Committee, upon motion duly made and worked out satisfactory to the State's "®vy. bond to be approved by the Clerk, .seconded, adjourned. meeting and see if something could be 'P twice the, amoui *approve Attorney and the Committee to the end H being understood that sureties on that said suits could be brought through ,M>nd are to be fre the State's 'Attorney's office. .Several Henry County. Illinois, freeholders in Mc- Respectfullv submitted, G. J. CARROLL.' chairman. PAUL ROSENTHAL MATH X. SCHMITT F. E. BECK The Committee on Roads and Bridges members of the Board stated that they Your Committee would further recwere also of that opinion as expressed ",T,men<' that the County Clerk and and suggested bv the Chairman.- After County Treasurer be instructed to dissome further discussion, the Chairman tribute no funds until the reports as i-alled for a roll call on the motion. And ' required to be filed under statute by [ presented the following report, which the roll being called by the clerk. Suprs. the various posts of the American Le- j on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly sec- Ruth. Wittmus, Ferris, Xolan. Harrison. K'on and veterans of Foreign Wars are -onded by Supr. Wittmus and the roll Cornue ' McConnell. and Mav and As-*t. presented to the various Supervisors for being called was declared unanimously -- - - - approval and filed with the County Clerk. All of Which is respect fulIv-. submitted. CHAS. H. ACKMAN T. F. XOLAX. JR. ' C. PERRY WRICIHTI J«>HX J. FII/IP ' " FRANK B. McCONNfet-t, SUpr. Maxwell voted aye. Suprs. Wright, Beck, Carroll. Ackman, Schmitt, Meier. , Filip and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted "nav. Ttie Clerk announnced the result, of the vote as follows: eight Supervisors and one Asst. ! Supervisor voting for the motion and! seven Supervisors - pii'l two S',1- i pervisors voting against the motion, ^e- • > > s " . - ing nine votes for the motion and'lfiihe; The Committee on Relief • of Bltnd votes against the'motion The C^-'r- pres-nted the following report which, at Woodstock. Illinoi man voted nay and declared the motion on riiotion of Supr. Harrison and duly of securing » power sh not carried.' adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen Of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said County ••eg. leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. We met on the 13th day of October on the matter el for M<-Henr\ aeainst delinquent taxpayers if suits ; were brought in-the justice courts. Mr. Carroll informed the Board that there (Also known as State Bond Issue Route ' l s t 'n .time since he has .been 19), the detailed location being de-cribs •s t a ,.,> ^ Attoonev that he. has -refused- to ed as follows: Begins at Stu. 0-33 and I Perform any servie'e for the Board- or ends Sta. 281-62: ,.*•••• for any County Officer that he is legally perform and that he ? was to conauthorized to appoint a new member and Chairman of the Zoning Commission. The Chairman declared the motion un irn able to the American Surety Company of X. Y. in amount'of $750.oo the premium of said bond. The roll being called Beak, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The .Committee on McHenry County Home presented the following reports, and recommendations. lie chairman declared the motion unan- siinrs Hntlw Urivht \virt.»... 311 mously carried. The Chairman. Ed- ^ ,ard F: Kuecker, appointed T. F. Nolan, ' Vu^nnen ^la\- S hmit^ \i»h»rrT Jr. as a member of the Zoning Commis- \ sion of McHenry County and as Chairnian of said Commission. The Clerk present a contract entered into by McHenry County with the Strom Construction Company of Crystal l^ake on a cost plus basis for the improvement of the office of the. County Super-" intendent of Schools. The question oft.1 ' T . whether it was necessary to advertise .» December 8, IMS. for bids for this improvement was ^ Chairman and members of tin brought to the attention of the Board. Board of ^ Supervisors of McHenry The Committee on Public Buildings County: stated that it was their opinion at tho '-Your County Home Committee met time they made the recommendation to !on December 8. 1943, at the McHenry let the contract to the Strom Construe- | <-"oun,> Home and audited bills for tbi* tion Company which was approved at ' month of November, 1943. and respect* the 'October. 1943 meeting, that it was fu,,v submits the following reporfe noLncressary to advertise for bids on a i recommending .same be paid. cost plus basis and that the Building !"- °- Andrew Co.. feed and grind. $91.«f Committee would pass upon all original Jen A See Laundry Co., laundry 1<K4§ bills Incurred for this -improvement. .'True .Value Stores, glass, etc til The con trait was ordered placed on tile..^a^kom Bros., repairs 1.84 Sev'eral communications from t h e'Thorne & Son. clothinn 5.8S State of Illinois Department of Public ! Goodrow's Garage, gas and rep. 11.84 Works and Buildings, together wiht a Montgomery Ward & Co., clothing 6.58 notice of application of the Peoria Rock- J" T- I)a>'- cleaning cess pool .... ford Bus Line to operate as a motor 1 Doodstock Wholesale Co., tobacco carrier through Marengo, Harvard and £• u- Wool Worth, supplies Woodstock, were presented and ordered j "oyce Bros, gas placed n tile. " jlioyal Blue Store, groceries The Chairman announced that if there '^-ey Lumber Co., lumber was no further business to come be- i Sawyer Biscuit Co., . crackers .... fore this meeting, he would entertain a'! Public Service-Co., It. and power motion to adjourn. It was thereupon : t'arl, K. Wittmus,'1 boar ......... regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and l ^ alter E. GofT, repairs duly seconded by Supr. Meier to adjourn, '-udwig Wilson Co.. supplies Motion carried. Thereupon the Board J,,bn Fitzgerald, gravel aaddjjouuurrn ed. Bolts Welding Service, repairs'.... EDWARD F. K1ECKER. Attest: Chairman. R. D.. WOODS, County Clerk. Special December Meeting 1943 40.09 88.85 3.2C (M 51.65 11.68 11.8S 67.47 40.00 42.4® "iii 4.«« 2S.W 50.0# United Chemical Co., Inc., med. Arwell, Inc., pest control serv. ... Leste>- Hawley, manure spreader 228.09' Supei'tor Oil Co.. fuel oil 65.68 Willis Disbrow, supplies 44.08 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, medicine .... 67.58 111. Bell'Telephone Co., phone cerv. 28.60 Miller Patton Baking Co., bread 60.61 Sf John Sexton Co., groceries. .. j Frank Oinse, silo tilling and The Honorable Board of SttperVlsbiw U»-t0i^n . , , of Mcllenry County, Illinois. ^niet In )) - 1' incidentals . Special Session pursuant to the follow- ' •corn:- ing call signed by more than one-third fun ' ^ K hogs . .. I'f its.-members, together with proof <>f ; "service, at the Court House in'-the. Clt-v Of Woodsto--ck , ao n *Tvu eusdnay'1, .th e Mth dayt. • M\.\a7tJtiie, Ainlb.truigvhi-t, wages 't- ' of December, A. I). 1943 at ten o'clock j T^mL'Vnm^m^^ajres _... 1 I Linnea ,Wolt, wages . EfTie Montgomery, wages OaU of Keetiaff Clara Behm, wages '<•'" December 948. To R. D. Wood%«i, County clerk McHenry County, Woodstock. Til. 188.87 84.H 56. M 100.00 16.0* 115.00 100.M 67.5* 57.5ft 75 0« 100.0# 75.0#. 65.00 We, the undersigned members of the ' r; .180.00 Board of Supervisors of McHenry ,^re2 ^^• J-JJ County. Illinois, herebv.- request' thit : " •t • e ZS.«* you <'all a meeting of said Board to be i ' 1 ' held Tuesday, the of December. A. D. 19 43, for the purpose of the selection of grand jurors and supplemental' panel for the January, 1944 term of the Circuit Court, the anor 6».«S $2,146.11 " December 8. 1948 To the Honorable Board of supervisors of Mv-Henry County. Woodstock. TIL Ypur McHenry County Farm. Home of-County, officers' reports, the approval*"and.-'Hospital beg to rei>ort that they of claims filed against the'County and.? Bt Hartland, on the above mention-- nil further business that may regularly date and -audited and approved bills om« ti'fore said meeting. for payment in the following amountl Dated this 1st day of December, A ; Permanent Improvements D. 1943. J. E. HARRISON CHAS. H. ACKMAN" FRANK C. FERRIS A I ' G W P I T H FRANK MAY MATH X. SCHMITT E. F. KCECKER Running Expense Clothing Tobacco Hospital . Medicines . . . Diet Fuel . The meeting -was called to. ooder by Credit For: the Chairman, Edward F. Kueck.r, anil Bel-ate P. S. the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Grease ........ f the Pnited States of America \v,as Hospital given hy the Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors present p.-yticipating, after which the roll was called by the Clerk and the following ineni-. Iters responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors August W. -Ruth. «"\ Perrv Wright. Carl E. Wittmus. F. E. Beck. G. J. Carroll. Edward F. Kuecker. Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris, T F. Xolan Jr., Stanley H. Cornue. Frank B. Mo Connell. Frank May. Math X. S-hmitt. Henry-C: Meier and John J. Filip and Vssistant Supervisor* A. M. Mavwe'i A. B. McConnell and Paul "Rosenthal oust it tit ing a quorum present. The records of the Shecial S'oveni'ver. 1913 meeting were read and on motion apttrnved and ordered of record ..$28.38 1.40 30.00 $2">9.8l . 1.233 ft. i- ll.TB ... 85. >5" ,... 200.55 .... 91.50 307.81 :... 65. IS $2,205.74 59.63 ' '-8M46.fl:i The. t«gula,r monthly inspection of round, buildings, eouiprtient and li^e. revealed everything to be in good ndition. , There being no further business, youuf Committee, upon,motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. * * • '•'• submitted; • 3..v'- J CARROL1,; Chairman PA I L R O S K X T H A L MATH X SCHMJTT * F. E BECK . '" Mr, Chairman and Members of" tint Board of Supervisors of McHenry C*. Your 'County Howe INtnintitfe^ n..t Itialified t It was thereupon regularly moved bv • r!>a,'v iin<l wi"'nS at all tfme. - . , Kupr. Ferris-and dulv ssconded bv Stipr iHnue-ln the prosecution of delinquent Board, to-wit: Schmitt that the Resolution be adopted I '""Payers, subject of course, to the ,diby this .-Board, -and the roll being called, I'e<t lon of ,he H,ul th<" .County the Chairman declared the motion car- i '"oDec-tor. He inforced the Board as to tied. • - thc amoiint of- work required to be done The Clerk presented ii,sts -of.' Claims i,n'the -County Collector's office in- getagainst the- Cotinfy and on motion oH fAn- *he figures together preparatory to Supr Schmitt and declared carried, sal<! Court and complimented the Treasurer claims were referred to the proper Committees and the. Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock -P. M.' for Committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK F. V. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and upon roll call. the. same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, constituting*-' quorum present. The Committee"on Claims. -Labor Fees and Supplies presented the follow Decemlter 1943 and wtmld recom- The following report of the County 1 n,end the following appointment at the Treasurer for the month of. November, McHenry County Farm Home and H««t- 1S43 Was tires,.„ted and read lo" the I iHtal-f'op-the y-ea-r -'beginning MsW^Hnti-- [ 1144. at the present s.»hwies: - ' Mr. W. Allen, Superint.^ndent County Treasnrsr's Xeport ^Irs. Esther C. Allen. Matron. ?or the Month of HoTtmlMr, 1943 Receipts Balance brought forward Xov. 1. 15» 4 ;t General Fund •_ U|ter\-isors. County Home in this regard. The State's Attorney Supt.. .County Home then outlined in detail tax assessments, "collection and tax procedure tinder Illinois law and the amount of work that is necessary in getting a judgment against a delinquent taxpayer that will pass the. review of the Courts. The County Treasurer. J. G. Stevens, addressed the Board on tax matters and gtated that the collections for the 1!>42 tax were much higher than anv^vear in the past.13 years and that tbtey have collected to date !>t).32<%. of said tax. A ing report, which on motion of Supr (general discussion was than had try the Kerris and ' duly seconded by Supr. -members of the Board, the State's- At- Wright and the roll being called, was | torney and the County Treasurer condeclared unanimously adopted, to-wit: seconded by Supr. Meier and the roll County, Illinois. We found that one It was thereupon regularly moved by being declared unanimously; was available at Roikford, one at Befiupr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. . *dopt*4. to-wit; " i loft, aiarf one at Sowiwri Oro**^ Illinois November. 9, A. D. 1943. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen at the Board of Sujtervisors: " * Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Suppjies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the, payment of the following, and -thi't tie ; contiitnu'e their .work as in th Clark be directed io lssu* orderk on tiie j^ftsjp wliich it was regularly moti cerning tax problems. After the close of said discussion the Chairman, Edward F. Kuecker. thanked both Mr. Carroll and Mr. Stevens for their splen* did explanation concerning the coHe'ction of delinquent taxes. It was the opinion of the members of the Board and the Chairman that th« Committee on Delinquent Taxes should Sounty officers'. Fees Highway Fund .. [...i.-,....... I Vis. Property Baik Taxes Von-High School Fund' Penalties and Fees • . Fines for Hwy. Violations Inheritance Taxes Motor Fuel Taxes , : Blind Relief ..... Taxes redeemed from Forf.» 2,948.26 Hvvy. Payroll clearing acct. ^81.25 Dog Tax 1 Ct"4.'»6 Mothers' Pensions Bridge Bopd Bund I'nclaimed Witnesw Fees Total Receipts ' "v J SI 73.281.96 $19,582 53 6«7.04 38.25 8..-t;o 72 .13.888.96 T-J2.76' 12.114.81 19.0." 7. to . y.:< lo.rift .. 658.84 1.450 00 1.447 64 Mrs. .Litinea Woij. Supervising Nurse. Respectfully submitted. G. J. c,\ R Rot.f,. Chairman PAI'l. ROSENTHAL MATH X SCHMIT* F. E. BEEK Grand Total . azpendlttures County Orders . Highway Orders Blind Pensions ., . General Fund, express ott tax bill st, $2486; petty cash $25.00 ....' 49.00 j Grand «nd Petit'Jurors 8.20 It was thereuv"'ii reirularly moyM iQr Supr. Wittmus and duly second«*l by i Snpr. Ackman that the reports and reo j ommemlations ,,f the Coini't v H >nte I Committee be approved « arid accepted land that W. P. Alien be re-euip(,>v»-.» its •Superintendent and Mrs. Esther C. Atlen be re-employed as >latn.>n an>1 Mrs. : nea Wolt be re-emploved as Sup»-rvis» | ing Xursp of the McHenry Co.mtjr Farm. H«nne and -Hospital at their •»>>••>»•. | ent salaries for the year beginning Man : 1. 19-54. and the roll being called, the ! Chairman ' declared the motion uttanl- \ mously carrn-d. rewrts approved. •; . , l a n d t h e a p p o i n t m e n t s m a d e . .'...88.07S.S6 f . The Committee on Uoads; atwl Bridge# --> presente»l the following report, which $261,358.32 Ion motion of Supr Ferris_amt d«'> sets I ond-d by Supr Meier and the roll t>ein(f • •aHe<t. «--ts declared unanimously ad<-pfc« ed, to-wit: t S 99.24 3.063.40 S0.20 $9,656.50 9,^94.63 806.00 Mr. Chairman and . tJenflenren of tM , Board "if Supervisors. McHenry Coufljk ty,. TlliiwiiH ' ii# N

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