Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 16

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7 ^ , f - Y r ? > , * * *« > f f * v v ' , f * r y . j r ^ , 1 ? - ' THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS, McHKNRV COUNTY, ILLINOIS • V - \< V* J •1 * a f f l > ; asj Jr#;/' The undersigned members hf the road ed referred to the proper committee® "*$.' Ud hrMr* committw for said County for report. • hog leave to submit the following re- The Clerk presented lists of Claims •;. j port on the matters before thorn. a en iiist the Oounty and upon motion * Wo ins-pertcd the work being done on of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded hy the road loading north out of (livouwrnvf Supr. Meier and declared capried, the ' and t^e recently acquired power shovel, said claims wcro referred to tl»e proper ' -"Ahiftit 'Smiles of the road has boon committees an«l the I'.oard adjourned to completed. j l.:S0 o'clock P. M. for committee work. A complaint was t-eoeived that certain [ parties *(>re taking-• dirt out of the high- ; i'SO O'CLOCK P. SC. ' " way oti what is called Che Bav RoWd In , the Town of VcllMirv and leaving the Board mot pursuant to adjournment road shoulder in a dangerous condition, ft""1 >'Pon roll onll. Hw same membprs \V» inspected same and ordered 'material respontided to their names as appeared returned to tfte shoulder of the ro-Mt. °f record in the morning session, con- Wo a pain Woodstock. Illinois i 'tnl inp 9 quorum present. on the 1 l^h rtnv of December 1913 audi -The on Claims. I.a ho r. Pees : audited and ordered paid bills, of a pen- Supplies presented the following: ^ , oral nature charcr-alle to the McHenrv i report. which on motion of Supr. Meier fountV' patrol system of roads as a .'and duly seended by St»pr. Schm'tt and ' whole tnoludlns insurance ' $3.047.78, *he roll helng railed, was declared supplies and repairs for Oounty n» nwl |UBnitiw«Usl.v adopted, to-wit: machfnery and labor at the County Toot | . . .» , -House' building* to a'total of $3,39-3:5.6., - ' ; . r^p^mher^ i . Bills chargeable to., tlie various se.v [Mr. Chairman ahd Oentlem«* , of W ^ tIons of the Oounly patrol system of . H<vard ftf Sup»,rvjsors; ,, mads^at. ratios heretofore approved by j Your Committee on l-abor. Pee# and - this Board wen- .aud.t,# and ordered ;suppVy; claims would heir leave -to re., £'""»« 'Is « ' h- .port that thev have examined ail claims ^ j w t i n l * ' • a « « S ® - » o « h e ' » H . a n d r e c o m m e n d t h e :" ';!Seeiions,. 4, , 17-' -. ::V.I'i.. v#j&eotionV t. .10.-.4, .-•-.•j^ectiwwH is. 15 , .* : . :io9.9fi Dated this 7ih dnv of December, IMS. I'.WL ROSK.VTKAI, F. K. i:lVK 11FNRY O. .MKIKH , •' FHANK O. KHIMUS : ." A. B. MoOO.VNRLU ^ o Committee on KitthTOe. j p^y>nent-ol' the following, and iha't the ron fto : r1, rk bp [ t l<nlin'lv Trcasn .1 ^ A "J t ! i OU rk he directed tc issue orders on irer to the CJaiuVvntK Total > .. ^ 078.7^ iret^'ii(i^01p<'--»^T^-.'<»ri««feod' maid ' rint of Motor PuH yiSfis-•? .; )owe: , -%• A.-'. . '..'f?. .V. Rt. ' Section ' •j/1. m and . til.. 18. enfri. tahbr •..^Vv^W. f. ' 4.#<l , 1 4-JTi. 1 ii|T. mnint^narico mf<t S f i •t 29 It:-' f2." maint.- lal^or and wnt.:....' "•T.ft.ft'l IB, "jr>, maint.,labor and mat. ....... - .82.31 1.'., SS-TT, AnsfineovinK labor .. 71iT5 15. J"-1T. const Rst,. No. 2 flnal 1,5SJi.!><i IS, SfirlT. en<i. labor anil mat 34.00 13. 2S-IT, contract construction Rat. Vo. 1 and 2. final ' T9.403.5fi 2. SI, KnRineorinp lal-"or . ....... 4.00 .?. 31. day labor const, and mat. 3,849.44 83. *8. enei. labor and mat/ ..... .. 224.50 Wo have received from the motor fuel tav funds rep»al on Ooupty ^a- . chlnerv as follows: S^c. 22- tlO.Sil; S5ec. SS. *S2.S1: Sec. 31, Sl.4W.74., a total of |1,567.S4 and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road fund, which said sum is herebv re-anropriatod for road purnoses including the rennir, storaee and pun^hase of road machinerv and for Improvments for Imlldinps to ho"«e road machinery. We Instructed the County Superintendent of Htehways to nrpnnre nlans and soecifir'affons for hlacktopplng: a two mile section of Wie Tlarvard-T.awrence Hoad and the Anderson Road in the Town of Marengo a 3 mile nectlon -; ly'ne iv«t of S. B. T. «t. ?3 and one rr>Uo south of the north lirw of the Town - of Mareneo. , - We decided to ask for temnorarv deferment of T,a Verne Schroeder. a Ooun- *• tv truck driver, on account of beinir short hondedjh the matter, of manning th» snow plows. Your committee estimates there will h" necsssarv for the care of the Mc- Henrv County. TUInols patrol system of roads an appropriation from »h» fountv • 'Hirhway funds in the sum of $ar>Oo until the nevt moetina' of this Roorrl. All of which is resneotfullv submitted. CHAP., H. A OK MAX XfATH V <?rilM1'pT - . V W TH^CK C. PPRTiv Wr-IOHT JOHN J. PI Mr The following reouest and anhual retwrt of State's Attorney WilHam M Carroll, was nreaented and read to the Board, to-trite 1 December IS, 1943 To the Honorable Ohalrmnn and Board n* Supervisors : of McHeriry County, Illinois. Centlemen: Herewith is submitted a report of the receipts and disbursements of monevs appropriated and paid to the undersijrned for expenses of the State's Attorney's office from December 1, 1942 to December 1. 1943. I respectfully request that the Board at this time make the fbllowiinr allowances for the expenses of this office for the j'enr beHnninfj December 1, 1943: |300.00; miseollnnoous and contingent expenses. *150.00. I also reoi* est the sum of ffioo.oo bo allowed to this offico to anply on the salaries of stenoprnnhic help. At this time, T wish to express my appreciation to the individual members of your Board for the many courtesies extended to this office durinp the past yeor. With all ervod wishes for proachinp Holidav Season., t am Very respectfully vours, WILLIAM M. CARROLL. It was thereupon regularly moved by Rchrtiitt and duly seconded by Supr. Xolan that the annual report o^ the State's Attorney hp approved and the request franted. and the roll heintf called, the Ohairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Relief of Blind presented thp following report, which on motion of Asst. Sunr. McOonnell and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris and the roll beinir called, was declared uaon- Imously adopted, to-wit: fif-v November 29, 1943. Dear Mr. Woods: Throueh a misunderstanding with our District Representative, those ap. plicants of Blind Assistance whose applications were reported hv us as havine been approved for October did not receive checks for that month, and. not havinsr them from the Oounty either,, they have lost out on one month's pay. We wrote to our Oentral Office as soon as we found out that supplementary October checks were not comine, and wo have just received word back there is nothing that nn be done about it on the State level. The suggestion was made that perhaps the County would make an adjustment and would make, the October payments. Blind Assistance unlike Blind Pension is paid for the current month, i. e checks received the 18th of the month are for that month. The people listed below have no one to help them out. and we are afraid they will continue to be short of money each mon'h because of the fact that no one of them receives enough at any time to compensate for a month's shortage. If. therefore, vour committee can see a way Tphereby . the following may bp paid their October Pensions, we shall appreciate it. and we know that thev will Hulda Braunsdorf, Frank Ohnpman. Klla Colby, Willis Dana. Kate Moan, Irene Marth Sheahan. John Senn. Will von ploaso lot us know as sontv as possible what yoUr decision In thts matter is? Thank you for the copoera-, tion which we feel sure you will give u«; Very trulv vours. - _ . ' I.CLA BARTER, 8upt. State of Illinois. * County of McHenry. ss. \ - ^ November 30th. 1943. To the Chairman and Ontlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Relief of Blind would bog leave to report that thev met at the Oourt House in the City of Woodstock. on the shove date, and authorized the County Clerk and CV.imtv Treasurer to continue to pay Blind Pensions to all pensioners who ha'd not had their applications approved by the Illinois Public Aid Commission, to date. Your Committee received the attached notice or communication from the Illinois Public Aid Commission, Me. Henrv CrfUnty office, stating that seven of our pensioners that wore approved by the Illinois Public Aid Commission for relief did not receive ariv pensioin from the Illinois Public Aid X^mmisulon f^r tbo month of (Vtobor. T943. Your Committee, upon due deliberation, authorised the Oountv ci«r'< and ountv Treasurer to rhake payment to Mid pensioners for said month. AW of which is respertfullv submitted JOHN .1. t »p, Chairman PRANK MAY 8TANXKY H. OOnxtrR FRANK B. MeOONNKLL the Oounty Tr _ . for tho sov0T.1l afnounts alloweii, as- follows. to-wlt: ; / " Prank Thornher Co.. co cjk el»c sup! $2«:?0;,co elk off,.sut? ' s.lvf off sun 143.03; fir' elk / rwi'n S"7c- ... Wo<vlsto«k Daily Sehtinel. suhr - >• prig clr elk'sup $3S.ft() 40.40 Oilman Panfold Corp.. co treas , prtg. : :... ..- . 1.013.70 Woodst ock JournSil. co treas prtg' V09.70 Roland McCannon, Sup. Schs., sup s<-hs off evp Byers Printing Co.. Co treas off stip $S.47: suo <achs off e*p W.fR Johnson-Randolph Co., sup schs t'Joerlitr-Recknell Co., cir elk sup " aw vers Co-op. Pub. Co., judcy library Callairlian A- Co., Judcy lihry ..... Charles F. Havos, judcy .ins fees R. O. Andrew Co.. ct hse jail coal CJeorsre H. Sis^on. Treas. Roone Count, llllnors, co aid bldg pridros 35.35 4 «" 2.10 JM.SM 7.50 S.Ofi 20.91 14S.R1 Pearl Sehult*. co -cor reporter JO.00 B. P. Keunelly. er TB off s"n ,,.j. * Comptometer Co., co elk off s»|k 20.00 S. K. Oshrielson. ct hse Jail rep..:. 2.70 Derris & Broeker Supply Co.. ct hse «up .. 16.22 C. I-. Try on. Sun. H wy., co sup hwy trav exp ;..v-. ,,T4.8S Wavne MontJtor. contingent 'T.oa O. C. Miner. Dir. Civ. Dof., coat.: 15.02 '11. Bell Tei. Co., ct hse jail tel lift True Value Store, ct hse sup .... 3.7 7 \. Worwick. shf off sun federal l aboratories, shf off sup 8.0.r> Mareneo-Republlcfin-News, shf ff SUP .37.00 Harold W. Sehmitt- eo treas o(f sup 28: cont 82.20; cir elk sup $3.37 8ft.#3 Charles S."*Plnrry. Agent for M»* York Casualty Co.. co ins., 'Workmen's Compensation Public Liability) ...' .........j........ 365.1 G Ben Liensu, ct hse lail ret» ...v. 3.00 Sheriff Per T>iem Fe»s S«rv.~ Henry A. Nu'le. Sheriff Henrv A. Nulle 801.36 Shf. Feeding Pris.-- . . ' Trackett's Bakerv 30.#1 Western United A BleOt Go; N. 3.3fi Torifeson Groceries #0.47 Asmus & Son .....: 85. Joseph Frett, shf dnty I..: 5.00 Fred Wendt, shf dntv 20.00 «*red H. Wilke. shf dnty *.«A Max Flglewic», shf duty 10 on Charles D. Zoia. shf dpty 8.on "lovde J. Zoia, shf dptv •" S.oo B. r>. Holmes, shf dnty ;,5.0ft Oeorge Frett. shf flntv ^ Wilis Jobe. shf bailiff • |0,00 Olvde C. Miner, shf hallttt^ fSSOO; «hf dptv ^50 0ft ,, '|5%00 Supr. Sal. Mi'eaige-- Aue-ust W. Ruth 8.90 c. Perrv Wright -L R7.40 ^ar' P. Wlttmus 9" r-n P. P. Beck .1........ • (».8o 0. J. Carroll ..... 83.10 P. P. Kuecker .... Chas. H. Ackman 58.50 T;*ra»k c. Ferris ..... ' 34 rm T. P. Nolan. Jr. • i4.00 1. P. TlaTison 85.1" "tan'fv H. Corntt» 18.40 'T'rnnk B. McOonnell . 1" Frank May ........J0 Matht N. Sehmitt' ^.,... 40.70 tfenrv O. Meier S4.ftf> J« hn J. Finn 10* °n A. M. Maxwell ; 7.40 P«ul Rosenthal 48.70 Mice Helm, er TB off sal ..1...... .. 9TB.00 Ada M. Manning, sup seha as»t and elk hire .. ISO.00 Vestie Muldoon, ct hse Jail sal.. . 130.00 Oi-tv of Woddstock, ct hse Jail • It and water 100.45 Ora S. Xul'i". «hf feede nru 100.0a Henrv A- Nulle, shf per diem. fees, serv 150.00 A. Orisse.v. cir ct pro off aal 75.00 Shirley Salsman, sup schs aast and elk hire a 95.AO All of which is respectfully submitted. OA RL P. WTTTMl'S. chairman. M?G. W. RI'TH n. J. CARROLL. CHAS. H ACKMAN The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report which on motion of Supr Perils an" ^uly s«conded by Supr. Wittmug, and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Decernl>er 14, A. D. 1943 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County tV>nr Claims would l.-eg leave to report that they have examined all "claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the, following, and that the Clerk be "directed to issue orders on the Oounty Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Children -- Chicago Tndus. Home for Chil. $ 60,00 Luth. Child Welfare Assn., Drtymond 25.00 St. Vincent's Tndus. Train. Sob- ; Olossen, Toomey and Salzman dO.oo Mrs. Oassius Sweatmah, Steadman 34.74 O. W. Bailey. M. D., Del.ine 3.00 Mrs. Alfred Krueger, Steadman .. 22.50 Harvard Hospital. Spencer '20.00 Mrs. Harrv Richardson. Spencer 3.4.00 Mrs. Minnie Brigham. Swenaon .. 22.50 ^hufeldt's Cafe, T.ynott Mrs?" Lou'se M. Brooks, dependt child $G.14; pro off trav exp $41.03 Mrs. George Spencer, dependt . chil.. Del.ine . T. B. .Patient Pauper--. Fdward Sanatorium, Kubla-nk .;.v IS.75 C. C. Miner. Soma V1S9.00 I^akc Co. Tuberctilosis San. .1.593.07 .All. of.lwhich is respectfully submitted. --v . .. CHAS. H. AOKMVN. Chairman. - T. P. \oi,>\. .TP Wright JOHN J. PILTP FRANK B. McGONNKLL 80. ir 47.17 34.50 It was thereupon regularly moved hy Supr. Oarridl and duly seconded by Supr. Sfhmttt that the report of the Finance Committee pertaining to the collection of personal property taxes in 'he County Treasurer's office from December 1. 1938 to November 30, 1942 be adopted by this Board, and the roll neing called; Suprs. Ruth, Wright. Wlttmus, Beck, Carroll. Ackman, >Ferrls. Volan. Oornue. McOonnell, Alay,.Sehmitt, Meier and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McOonnell and Rosenthal voted ive. Nay none. The Chairman declared •.he motion unanimously carried. After the adoption of the reimrt of the Finance Committee, tho Clerk presented Uld road t >" • fid lowing UeleasO ljeso •ution! ,to-wit: "" , . -.-J, " •,FSe If. Resolved, t/v the Ttoar4 •jefvfsArs of tfie (^ounty of Mi'tTehry; in •1 meeting duly convened this 14th day if December, A. l>. 1943, that- the report of the Committee on Finance,' Which pertains to the collection of per- •onnl property taxes 'by the County Treasurer's office Of said Oovm'v for .'lie period fAm , December. 3. 1938 to Detf'enibor 7. 1912, l|'. and the same is hereby approved: A •' Bt It Further Resolved (hat the chaif- 'rtan of this Board be and he is hereby Mithorized to oxocute a general release - if • liability, on behalf of said County of McHennry, ti% C. Frank Daly. Treasurer of said County during, tho oerlod above mentioned, and to deliver <aid release upon payment to said Oouny of Miilenry of the sum of Three Thousand F.ighty-flve and 22-100 ($3,085.22) Dollat-s. was declared unanimously adopted tow i 1 : Couaty Treasurer's Beport Jor the Month of December, 1*43 Xeoeiptsi Rnlrmee brought forward . Dec. 1, 194s .: *182.015.90 General Fund ...............:....'.|32.305.58 Supervisors, Co, Hotne -17ti.I(» Supt. County Home Oounty Officers' Fees 75.65< Highway Fund . i,387.>4 I'ers. Property Back Tax®? . 4r!.r»..">4. F i n e s f o r H W J \ V i o l a t i o n s * 8 0 . 0 0 . Inheritance Taxes .- 13,899.24 Motor Fuel Taxes ...v. ..26.90fi.fi5 Taxes redeemed from • forf.,.,; 972.1 C Hwy. Payroll Clearing Acct.-.. 2,426.21 Pers. Property Back TaxM, Sljecial Account 3.085.22 Total Receipts . ... It was thereupon rearularlv moved by ^npr. Nolan and duly seenrjed by Ruor. ".arroll that the Release Resolution be idopted by this Bonrd, and the ro»l being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Witt-, nius.v Reck. Carroll, Ackman, Ferris, Volan, Oornue, McOonnell. May, Sehmitt. Meier and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McOonnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Ohairman declared 'lie-motion unanimously carried and the Resolution adopted. A claim In the amount of $162.50 presented by the J. W. North & Co., cer- •ified public accountants, for examination and report on ' personal property 'nx matters approved for payment by the Committer on Finance was presented to the Board. It was thereupon ,i-ceularly moved by Asst. Supr. H'>* " •hal and duly seconded bv Supr. Ferris that the claim be allowed and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw an -irder on the County Treasurer for sam» rnd the roll being called, the Ohairman declared the motion unanimously car- ••ied. The Ohairman announced the Selection >f o.r-ind Jurors and Supplemental t>anel for January. 1944 term of the Circuit court «>nd the following named persons were selected to serve -as Grand Jurors for the January. 1944 term of the Circuit Court to-wit: ^'arence Seeears Rilev Thomas Dlmond, Marengo Lo»-a Wiencart, Marengo Tohn Milvenna. Dunham Maude K. lOickstaedt, Chemung "Cathryn J. Hill. Chemung °obert Schroeder, Alden Fdgnr Pierce, Hart land Henry Seoor. Seneca H. J. Miller. Coral v If red G. Swanson, Org ft on Lena Huffman, DOT Thomas Rafter, Dorr 'Joyd McCannon, Orepnwood clarence Kommen. Hebpon George D. Mvers. Richmond ^ ' f^en Busch.v.Biirto'n * * °. 'Ifii Justen, Mcllenry ""arrlo Oolvnit >«cH "alph A. Bristol,' Nunda Alice K. Oole. Xunda , v 1 Tames Clarence Boiirer, AlBdWt^ltl '1107 Sevk, Algonquin • ' ' The following named persons were se- 'ected to serve as Grand Jurors on the S\tpplemental Panel for the January. 1944 term of the Circuit Court, to-wit: Freda Krull. Dorr .' Chester Gould. Dorr Margaret stoffel. Greenwood Henry Siems. Hebron """red Colli son. Richmond' Mover. Rurton , , Nick Weintrart. McHerif^ Paul Dietriek. Nunda Tulian T.naanskv. Algonquin Rose Pokorny, Algoij'tuln « Helen Anderson. Riley Pov Carmack, Marengo ^rtd Read. Dunham George r>. Vermilva. Chemung' "ov J. Keelpy, Chemung Melvln Staab. Alden T.vlo Paulsesn. Hartland 'da S^batier. Seneca '"hristine Vi rce. Coral An'if. Mi'ler. Grefton It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ferris and dujy seconded by Supr. Wright that tho selection of Grand Juror.- and Supplemental Panel for the January 1944 term of the Circuit Court be approved and the Clerk be directed to certify the said lists to the Olork of the Circuit Oourt. and the roll being called. Suprs. Ruth. Wright, Wlttmus Beck, "arroll, Ackman, Ferris. N'olni, Conmo Mc<\,nneU, May. Sehmitt. Meier and piHn and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McOonnell and Rosenthal voted ayo. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimouslv carrrld. Sevoral communications were presented and ordered placed on file. Supr. Oornue of Hebron Township addressed the Boar<^ and stated that there was a hazardous, narrow bridge on Rt. 173 between Hebron and Alden that has t^eon the cause of many accidents and something should be don£ to have same corrected: that the bridge was located rlsrht on a turn on the highway and wa^- not much wider than the pavement. After some discussion, it was recularlv moved by Asst Supr. McOonnell annd dulv seconded by -Supr. Ferris that said matter be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee to Investigate and to contact the State Highway Department and to file a report of their findings witth thtls; Board. The Chairman declar »d the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman stated that If there was nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved bv Supr Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Meier to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned* , KDWARD p. KT'PCKFR Attest: Chairman. R. .D. WOODS. Clerk. The Special Tax Committee of Mc- Hepry County presented a report which on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded bv Supf*. Sehmitt and de-lared carried, was ordered placed on file. Th Finance Committee presented the following repoort. to-wlt: flie •eami-annual , reports the Countv Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff and the annual report of the County Treasurer were presented and upon motion duly made and carried .were order- I hereby recommended l>y your Committee. $ *• To the Board of Supervisors 0/ Mcllenry County, Illinois: Yoiiir Committee on Finance," respectfully >=ubmit the following reoprt: t. They have completed their Investigation of , certain- matters pertaining to the collection of persosnal property taxes by the County Treasurer's office fur the period from December 1, 1938, to November 30. 1942. 2, -An agreement has been reached "nder which tb» sum of Three Thousand Firhty-flve and 22-100 Dollars r$3.85.22) will bo paid to the«County Treasurer of Mcllenry Oounty in nil settlement for personal property taxes paid and not recorded or otherwise accounted for during the nbo> <> period. 8. A "draft in said gum of Three Thousand Eighty-five and 22-100 Dollars '13.08.!:?!) covering said settlement hfcB been deposited with your Committee. 4. Approval of said settb-m 81,290.28 OWiid Total ;:$2fi3,30f.,l8 SxpeaMfcturei ; ... OoliMy . Orders „ ..'^A.v^w.:-.ii#ll*71.86' Miuhway 'Orders. r4;i 19.28 Blind Pensions • 938.00 "cticral Fund .v. •.* 10.00 - Treasurer's ftalr.r v 170.0'* \ Olork's Salaries t 5(i2.-46 Probation Officoi Coroner's Jurors 18.00.", Inheritance Taxes to State *-" .Tf. • of Illinois - '..S,?nif44 Payroll X'loarinSr A(:<^ount ,". 0 •*•»*>..»c-» Motor Fuel- Taxes^....i'SFS,234:93Yp County OfyicersV l-'ees- to-. Gep'l Fund 9.680 2') Hwy,, Violations Pln^s, ; '" Gen'V Fund ." 859.25 Penalties & Fees AcOt.- ; GenT "Fund - . " . ..^..';v^,i'9,097;0.r) State'.s Attornov l'^und" ' Gen'l Fund 865.00 Tota.l Pxpendltureis-u..!.:....^:......83,688.66 Ralnaee on hand in all funds Dec. 31, T945 ,1:.:...:.;....17^,637.52 Grand Total ........;....;.-....-.';..j..«68.30648 The above and. foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. J. G. STKVRNS. Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to liefore me this 11th day of January, 1944. (Seal) K: D. WOODS. County Clerk. Process Docket Rvi-cntion Doi'ket Miscellaneous ....... 8:(1.40 ^ 1.80 Total Ree^tlrtii* v tf.tr4.8* • .Kxpendituresr^ij- Deputy Sheriff's Salary (3) $8,580.00 To Oo. Treas., hal. relm- :; hursement of $600.00 doan Misc. as per st^t^V ment herewith" Shf. Salary for • x . . one-half year ...' M98.60 208.60 60.00 H9M The. Committee to Settle with the Treasurer presented thg following report, to-wlt: A .Januarq 7, fil4 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supers isors: Your Commlttoo to -Settle AA'Hb the Treasurer to whom was referred the annual report of sai,d Treasurer for the period ending'November 30. A. D. 1943 would beg leave to report that thev mot at the Oourt House in the City of Woodstock on Friday, the 7th day of fanuary, A. D. 194 4 and checked, sa'd •ooort and find same to be correct in letail and recommend that said -report i>e approved. Your Committee has held monthtlv meetings during 'the present year to heck the accounts of the County Treasurer and are of the opinio^ thts procedure should be continued and would so recommend. Your Committee ubmits herewith as a part of this report the annual report of tbte Oounty Troasurer. * All of which is respectfully submitted. VTANI.KV H. OORNOE HKVRV c. METT3JV J. R. HARRISON - . • PRANK M \ v CARL P. WITTMtJS . December 14. 1943 Mr. Ohairman and Memlvers of the Board of Supervisors: Submittd herewith is the Oounty Treasurer's Report showing official Col- 'ections and Disbursements made durincr the year ending November 30th. 1943: , Val. brought forward Dec. 1, 1042 in all funds . $1 S«,t40.60 Rec'd from all sources during months of December. 1842, through Nov. 1#48. inclusive 560.419.76 . $717.0(!0.3(i Rxnenditurres during month of Decembot-. 1942. through Nov 1943. inclusive: ...$*>35,044.48 Bal. on hand Nov. 30, 1943 . ..182,015.90 (717.060.30 All of .which is respectfully submitted • his 1.1th dav of December. 1943. J. O. STRX'KNS, Co. Treas Subscribed and sworn to' before me this 14th day of December. 1943. (Seal) R. D. WOODS. Oo. Clerk Approved: STANLPY H. OORNUrc. Chm. llEMT'Y C. MKIKR ' FRANK M\T CARL P. WITTMl*8 J. E. HARRISON Tt was thereupon regularly mored hy Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Sehmitt that the report of the commitee to Settle w'ith the Treasurer be approved, and the roll being called, the Ohairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee -on Fees and Salaries presented the following report Which 011 motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and the roil being called, was declaretd unanimously adopted. to-wit: . y . D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 1 9 4 8 . Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the semi-annual report of the County Clerk. Circuit Clerk and Sheriff for the half year ending November 30. A. D. 1943, would bog leave to submit the following rooort on tho matters and thtings before th'em: The semi-annual report of the Oounty Clerk beinff as follows: Receiptts Karned Received For Probate Fees ....$1,097,55 $ 443.20 For Clerk's Fees in Suits in Oourt .... 305.20 840.55 For Oounty Service* 8,881.21 "or Misc. Serv. ....... 5.365.«C 5.802.9* Total Karnings of half year $9,689.62 0ec'd of earnings previously reported: Probate ....-:. $1.459.*6 Miscellaneous: . 5.55 Special January Meeting : 1944 . fhe ttonorabu Board of SuperviBors of McHenry County met in special 'ses sion pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of Its members at the Oourt HoUse In the City Of Woodstock, an Tuesday, tho of January. 19-'4 at ten o'clock A. M. Th11 meeting was called to order bv the Ohaiirman. I'd ward F. Kueeker, and the Pledse of Allegiance to the Flau of the I'nitod States of America was given by the Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors prevent participating And the roll being called, the following ineml-ers responded to th<"v-ni"»«os. t-- wit: Supervisors August W. Ruth. C. Perry Wright, Carl P. W'ittmus, F. E. Beck. O. J. Carroll, Pdward F. Kiiecke-- chas. H. Ackman. Prank O. Ferris. T P No'in, Jr.. John K. Harrison, Stanley H. "cvnii», Frank B. McOonnell. Frank May. Math N. Sehmitt. Henry O; Meier, and 'mi J.. Ifip and Ass'stant Supervisor* A. M. Maxwell. A.' B. McOonnell and Pvnl Rosenthal, constituting a quorttrr present. TV..- '-ecords of the Special December. 1913 n eetine were reaii and on motion approved and ordered of record. , The following report of the Countv Treneurer for the mftttth nf December. 1 943. was presented and read to tho I'.oard which on motion of Supr. Harri. son and dtHy secondad hy Supr. Ferris Total Receipt* Rxoend it ures-- Oik Hire, incl. extra $VS02.7ri Refunds ...... ' 5.00 Miscellaneous 54.1 • Clerk's Salary for one-half year 1.25fl;00 Balance due county for -- half yr. ending Nov. 30. 1948 Circuit Clerk The semi-annual report of oult Clerk helng as follows: Receipts^-- Psrned For Recording ,,....|8,934.60 '•"or Clerk's Fees in • Sum* in Court ...; 1.832.05 For Misc. SerV. 140.70 For 152 days in Court at $10 00 per day ... 1,580.00 Total earnings of . -- half year ..$6,887.85 Receipts during ctirrent half the si'rvices performed In half years and heretofore not received. $7,852.11 5,511.91 $1,840.80 the Cir- Recelved $3,934.60 1,145.60 ion. 70 Bal. due Co. for % yr, ending Nov. 30, 194| $175.60 Your Committee mft at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the 21st day of December, A. D. 1(M3. and audited the above and foregoing reports and found the books and accounts of the various officers under audit neat and well' kept, and the reports correct in detail with the evceptioh of a few minor errors that were easily adjusted. We therefore recommend' that the reports lie, : All of which is respectfully submitted. -F. K. BROK ' Arci'STt'S M. MAXWELL . aoo. w. iu'tii :t- •••'" MATH N. SOI1MITT - . . * ^••!,'/iV;:iR(t-ANfI MAY ' • . ,1*' .. ' F R A N K O . F P R R I S ' ' P.\ IM, ROSFNTHAL^i&y -. The Committee on Public Buildings presented 'the following report which Vi#'; motion >f Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McOoiuieli and the' foil, being' called! was declared unanimously adopted. to-wit:--j January 11, 1944. To the Ohairman and Gentlemen of the • Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Public Buildings would beg lea\ta to report that the following list of agencies have been approved by your Committee to parti'ipate in insurance covering on McHenry Oounty properties, effective Jan. I, 1944, together with the amotint of premium Title each, to-wit: Vaul A. Neldhold. Harvard .$fi8.?*'" John A. White, Woodstock ; 418.32 0. J. Vierck. Harvard ............. r»r(.70 Foy T.. Mentch, Oarv i»ti.33 1.ake & Harris, Harvard ............. fiS.32 Byranf Tns. Agency, Crystal; li f>8.32 Ohss. H. Ackman, Onion ...'.-:,.wwH8.83 C. J. Vierck, Harvard ....^ 68.32 Wm. IVsmond, Jr.. Woodstock .... IS8.32 W. A. McOonnell, Richmond J. P. Mitchem, Harvard '84.61 chas, H. Francis. Woodstock-1.21.1 (< 1 VinaM Tappan, Woo<lstock. sv. ..-. <fi8.32 Jos. W. Freund. W. McHeArj^N... (58.82 Frank P. Khlen, Lakewood, J " Crystal T^ake , Sfi.70 All of the above policies nJkye been received and are now on file in the office of the County Clerk. Your Committee would therefore recommend that the County Clerk be Instructed to draw orders on the County Treasurer to the several Agencies as listed for the amounts set opposite their names in payment of the premiums on said policies , All of which Is respectfu-llv submitted. T. F. NOLAN. JR. O. J. CARROLL ACiOSTI'S M. MAXWRLI, C. PFRRY WRIOHT FRANK B. McOONNELL ' The Committee on McHenry County Home and Farm presented the following report and annual inventory to-wit: January 5, 1944 Mr.- Chairman and Members 'of the Board- of, Supervisors of McHenry County: Your Oounty Home Committee ipet on January 5, . 1944, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of December. 1 943, and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. Sawver Biscuit Co., crackers ....$13.91 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, medicine 63.49 R. O. Andrew Co., feed and fuel 96.90 John Sexton d Co.. groceries .... 145.07 Raymond M. Slavln, balance for corn picking 42.5o Ludwig Wilson Co., supplies 4 6.90 P.W. Woolworth, supplies 8.14 Public Service Oo.. It. and powef 77.82 Bauske Bros., cinders 3.20 Tbe l'ohn TIdw. Co., supplies .... 5.33 Miller Patton Baking Co,, bread 60.27 Arwell. Tnc., pest control serv l'.oo Raue TIdw. Co.. galvanised pipe 6.15 111. Itell Telp Co.. phone service.. Superior Oil Co., fuel oil C8.44 .Ten A See Laundry, laundry .... 7.52 Thorne & Son. clothing 13.51 T. Boyce, gas 12.89 Montgomery Ward & Co., clotbing 24.48 Onodrow's CJarage.- gas and r«|>, - '11.56 " ' * ~ 4 .95 21.59 49.49 f 0 OS fil.00 11 r,.oo 100.00 67.60 r.7,50 7* 75.00 100.00 65.00 Bakkom Bros., repairs r'ardin Tns. Agency, truck ina, r>oyal Blue Store, groceries Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob. W. P. Allen, incidental* ........ W. P. Allen, salary . ............ either C. Allen, salary Vern Alln-ight. salary ^'attie Albtieht Thomas Montgomery, salary Kffie Monteomery, salary ..... Linnea Wolt, salary -V-..-;- Clara Behm, salary ... Hides 81,629.90 January 6th, 1944 To the Honorable Bonrd of Supevisors of McHenrv Oounty. Woodstock 111, Your McHenry County Farm, Home and Hospital ^Committee beg to report that they met at Hartland. on the above mentioned date and audited and approved hills' for payment in the following amounts: Permanent Improvement* 9 rr. Punning Rxpense tfi7,31 Clothing ; VS7.97 Tobacco -'.v..',.'f0,0a Hospital * .'. 103.32 Medicines f>3.«9 'Met ... 8»'.H,74 Fuel .' ' 94.C9 11,664.90 Credit for selllng hides . 35,00 $1.529.90 The re«rtt1nr monthly Inspection of irronnd. buildings, enuipment and live stuck revealed everything to be in good "ondition. Your Committee submits herewith th^ annual inventory as a "art of this report. There being no further business, your Committee, upon motion duly nt>>de and seconded, adjourned. Respectfully submitted, v. O. J. CARRoLL. Chairman P VOL ROSENTHAL : math n. schmitt ' " . 'F. R. BROK * • • (Copy of inventory on flle tn OQunty Clerk's office) " Recording and CoWfCTotal Receipts Rxpenditures-- • ... Clerk Hire, includlnic extra '2 yr. ...$8,810.00 Refund Docket fees one-half vejw 2f t.oo » Misc. Off. Fxp. 13.7# Clerk's salarv for one-half year •1,860.00 8,698.79 B a l a n c e d u e ' c o u n t y f o r . . -- -- ' for vr. end Vh<' 30, 1948 $1,889.61 Sheriff The semi-annual report of the Sheriff toeing as follows: • » Receipts Earned Received For Sheriff's Fees tit- Suits in Court: '^rocess Docket .. $1,082.85 $ 607.36 Rxecution Docket .. . 117.lo • Fey Misc. Serv. 8,076.05 Total F.arnings of • »i " 11 ^ half voar t4.80.".;8« Receipts during half year for rfervlce* performed In half vear ending Movem» ber 30. 1943; and heretofore reported as not received. Court Costs. It was thereupon regulary moved bv «>«tr. Wight and duly seconded by "'iiPr. Meier that the Report and Annual Tnventorv Presented bv the Countv Ho'"/> and Firm Committee be adopted bv this Board, and tlie roll being called, year for *he ct!nli-i"ir, .'"clared the motion unanprevtoUs imously carried. reported | Tho committee >>n Roads and Brldees |-prosentod rh> fo.Uowin"' Report which 8.97.50 r1'1 *""ticn of Sunr. McOonnell and duly t »oo^nded bv Supr. Ferris and the roll ...„..$R,483.40 /l e'lnK called, was declared unanimouslv adopted, to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of, the ' Bosr^ of Supervisors, McHenry Couniy IIMpoIsi. r>(tersignet1 members of the road »nrl bridno committee for said County |b eg leave to Vuhmit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 16th day of December, 1913.' in regard to h compiMrv.' concerning the Ontes Bridge on S. B. T. Rt. ,173 bctwevn Hebron and Alden. Illinois. We Rxaminf/rt^he bridge site and were of the opinion that a portion of the soi'th guar' rail should le moved north about 3 feet near the southwest corn er of th® bridge and also glass reflector buttons should be put on the cuard rails to improve the vi"»>Uitv »• ni-Ht. We reported to the Btata vision of Highways at Elgin and were •wred th#» improvements would be made. We acriJin met at Woodstock. Illinois, on the 8th day" of January, 1944, and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the \I<-Hemy Oounty patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for Oounty owned machinery and labor at the Ooupty tool house buildings to a total of $2,102.95 J Bills chargeable to the various sections of the Oounty patrol system of f-or.ds at rates heretofore approved by this Board were atuttted and ordered |>aid as follows: Sections 8, 14 107.54 Sections 4, 16. 18 Sections 4, 17 Sections 7, 9, 10, 11,1$ ......... Sectiou* f$r 16 16f.9« 129.80 246.61 3.75 Total .$2,752.05 Rills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Fund* as follows: S. A. *t. Section 15, 25-1T, cost of,County owned stone for asphalt road $987.86 13, 26-IT, engi. labor and mat. 149.86 2, 31, enei. labor and mat. tj.on 2, 31, const, labor and mat, ........2,001.81 We would report that the resolutions for black topping the Harvard-Uawfence road and the road leading west from S. B. I. Rt. 28 one mile south of the north line of the Town of Marengo, are'drawn- and we recommend that they be passed by this board at this time. Also the usual maintenance report. * We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on--County owned machinery as follows: Sec 25-TT *987.25: Sec. 31, $835.98 and from F n! Hard rental of machinerv grading lane $4.00, a total of $1,827.23 and turned same over to the Cottnty Treasurer for the Oounty road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage and? purchase of road machinery and for improvements for buildings to houae road: machinerv. Your committee estimates ' there' wilt be necessary for the care of the McHenry Oounty, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County Highway Funds in the sum of 53,000 until the next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. h. ackman - C PRRRY WRIOHT P. R. BROK MATH N. SCHMIDT JOHN J. F1I1P Th" following M P, T. Construction Resolutions and County Maintenance Resolutions were presented and read to the Board. (See Records in County Clerk's office) It was thereupon regularly moved bv ^unr. Harrison and dwiy seconded by Supr. Carroll that the Resolutions oe adopted by this Board, and the roll he- 'ng called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Resolutions adopted. The Oounty Superintendent of Schools Roland McCannon, presented an Affidavit Occupational Classification to be "'ed with his Selective Board No. 2 at Woodstock, Illinois, and it waas reg"- 'ar'y moved by Asst. Sunr. McOonnell •^nd duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the Chairman and Clerk of the "«ord be authorised to sign said Affidavit as the employer of the said bounty Superintendent of Schools, and *he Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman suggested that the Resolutions Committee be instructed to prepare and present to this Board a proper Resolution of Sympathy for the lat« Supervisor from the Township of Alden. N. R. Olawson. who departed thin life on the 5th day of Januarv, 1944. It was thereupon regularv moved by Sunr. Pilip and duly seconded bv Sunr. Wriaht that said matter be referred to the Committee on Resolutions? for Report. The Clerk presented lists of claim? against the County and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and declared carried, the same were referred to the proper Com. ulttee*. and the Board adjourned to 1:30 Q'clock P. M. for Committee work. 1:30 O CX.OOX P. XL Board met pursuant to adjournment and tipon roll call, the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, constituting a ouorum prosent. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following Report, which on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly seconded bv Supr. Wright and the rolj being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: January 11th, A. D. 1944 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of, the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Pees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the Oounty Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as feUo-wti. to-wit Frank Thornber Co., 00 elk elec " ^ ; supl $55.69: co elk off sup $7.84(i cir elk sun *26.86; cir elk roc bk $188.89 $*78.$8 Kilts Off. Service, contingent $15.37: co treas off sup $9.86; co elk off sup $8.50: shf off sup $9.69; cir elk sup $11.28 64.44 Metropolitan Supply Co., co oik off sup 18.84 McCollum Hoist & Mfg. Co., ct hse jail repairs .......: • 39.38 McHenry County Title Co^, cont. fund ; 5.00 Rugene Dietajfen Co., eo trsas off sup 8.88 Judcy. Lihry. Pun4^~ Lawyers Co-op. Pub. Co. 16.M American Law Rook Co. 20.n0 Oallaghan & Co 40.80 The Harvard Herald, co trsaa prtg 13,00 R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse Jail coal fund lt.7t Pfeiffer Pharmacy, sup schs off exp 32c: ct hse sup 76c 1.4MI C. o. Miner. D'v. Civ. Def., cont... 18,60 Pearl Sohultz, co cor. reporter.... 5.00 J. F. Mitchem. co ins 398.46 O. L. Tryon, Supt. Hwy., co sup hwy trav exp 38.08 111. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse jail tel .... 95,19 Frank Thornber Co.. co trea* off sup *101.57; cir elk rec bk $85.89 166.9C Deputy Flection Regrs, co elk per diem and mil elec off . .. 39.5t Henry A. Nulle, Sheriff, shf per diem fees serv 41.65 Shf. Feeding Pris.-- Conway Dairy ...., 28,47 •P. O. Shinner & Co. 46.84 Ti-ackett's Bakery 3$.51 Western- Pnlted Cas St Klec Co. S.Sfi Rohn Hardware Co., ct hae sup 6.93 Fred Wendt. shf dpty ......" 20.00 John Nechrebeeki. shf dpty 10.00 B. D. Holmes, shf dnty . 5,00 Willis Jobe. shf bailiff 30.00 Clyde O. Miner, shf hailiff 886.00: deputy $35.0© 60.00 Supr. Salary MlleagS "• \ugust W. Ruth ...^. 17.80 0. Perry Wright 41.00 'ari K. Wittwtja ..; 61.00 F. R. Beck :..... ... 64,40 <1. J. Carroll 15.40 K. K. Kueeker ; 18,65 Chas. II. Ackman 57.40 '•"rank O. Ferris 8.">.3S T. P, Nolan ...... ......... 49.70 1. E. Harrison 88!50 Stanley H. Oornue ...... .. 8.2o Prank May 35.20 Math N. Sehmitt .. 49^70 Henry O. Meier ... 56.0" lohn J. Filip 80.50 \. M. Mavweil .:.... 7.40 ->. R. McCon>%ell^ v....... 14 40 Paul Rosenthal ,...• 48.70 '•"idward F. Winkelman, ct hse lail co«l ; •"itv of Woodstock, ct hse jali 1t and w^ter Vestie Muldoon, ct hs«» jnil sal.'... Henry A. Nulle, shf per diem fees, S'TV Shirley Salaman, sup schs asst and elk hire \da A. Manning, sup schs asst> and c»k hire 150.00 Or* S. Nulle. shf fe»d prl« 100.00 Miee Helm, er TB off sal •^.0' v A ct' wro oft ssV .. Ridgetleld Farmer's Supply, ct * hse 1a41 coal 811.36 All.of which is respectfully submitted. «8:lf6 180.16 150.00 150.00 93.00 CARL K. WTTTMT'S, Chairman O. J. CARROLL A1JO. W. RUTH * 5 ' CHA8. H. ACKMAN . : The Committee on Claim* t.'-'.CtaiSlity". Poor presented the following report which on motion of Sui>r. Meier and •Inly seconded bv^ Supr Wittmus, and the roll being called. was declared -.inanimousty adopted, to-wit: ' „ January 11. A. D. 1944 Mr. Chairman ahd <!entlemea «f the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor "laims would beg report that they have examined all claims present- •»d to them, and recommend the p'ayment of the following and that th'e 'lerk be directed to issue orders on the*1 "ounty Treasurer to the Claimants for 'he several amounts allowed, a* follow*, •o-wi't: Oependent C h i l d r e n -- • - v •"hicago Indus. Home for Chil. $J07j## i.utheran Ohijd Welfare Assn^,.. " ;-v.' Da vmnnd '• :2!»;,0fr- St. Vincent's Indus. School., ; ;..- Olosson. Toomey and Sa^zfnap" •*(f.A0' Mrs. V'ifred Krueger, Slead-man 26.-04 Eva Kapping. Ystebo : 1.5.0(1 Vlabel S. ^hufeldt. Lvnott !. . 16.82 Mrs. Minnie Brighanv, Swetison-- 22.50 LoulseM. Brooks, dependt child - » .' $9. 7«: nro off trav exp $39.40.. 49iJt(S; Mrs. Oassius Sweatmaiv, 'dependt . r;C. • « hil.,- Steadman Mrs. Harry Richardson, depentJt ' : • . chil.. Spencer , 18.^"' I.s'te ('ountv Tuberculosis San':. TB Patient Pauper . t,9^5.H7 Col. O. C. Miner, TB Patient Pauper, Soma 43.4$ All of which is respectfully submitted.'. CHAS. ACKMAN. Chairman .TOHN J. FT I IP , . C. PRRRY WRIOHT . ' T. F. NOLAN* JR. FRANK B. MH70NNEIX The Committee on Resolutions presented -the following , Reoort, which oti" motion of Asst. Supr. McOonnell and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Januarv 11th, 1^44 To the Ohairman and Gentlemen of the . Roard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Resolutions would 'ution and move its adoption. beg leave to submit the attached Reso- AU of which Is respectful'v submitted. HP VR Y c. MKIFR APOrSTOS M MAXWRLL PAl'T. RDSRNTHAL Whereas. Nathan Burr Olawson, a member of this Board for many year*, lied at his home in Alden on the 6th lay of January. 1944; And Whereas, Burr Olawson. as he was known to us, as the Supervisor froin Alden, was an outstanding mem: her of this Board, rendering faithful, service to his contituents and to the County of McTTenry: And Whereas, by his honesty of purnose and devotion to duty, he won and held otir highest esteem; And Whereas, by his friendly dtspo* sltion'he had endeared himself to every member of this Board; And Whereas, it is deemed fitting that this Board, in respect to hl« memory, do now express its deep feeling of sorrow at his passing; '• • Therefore Be Tt Resolved by the Board of .Supervisors of the County of. McHenry, Illinois, that official note Of the death of Nathan Burr Olawson be made upon its records; And Be Tt Further Resolved that this Roard herebv expresses its deep sorrow at the death of this beloved member and that the sympathy of this body be extende to; the family of the deceased; Be It Further Resolved that this Resolution he spread upon the records of this Board and that the Clerk thereof forward a certified copy of the same to the family of the deceased. mm A Report of the County Coroner for the fiscal year, 1943, was presented and -»ad to the Roard, showing the amount due the Coroner as approved bv the County Court in the amount of $87.00, Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr, Wright that the said Report be approved and placed, on flle. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously ••arried. Statements of condition at the close •*f business on Decemher 31st. 1943 of, 'he Home State Bank of Orvntnl Take. The Harvard State Bank. State Bank *!f Onion, Algonquin State Bank. West McHenrv State Bank and the State Bank of Woodstock were presented and read, and it was thereupon regularly moved hy Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. May that the sa>d statements of condition be approved, and the said Banks be authorized to continue as depositories of the funds of the County Treasurer and F.x-Offioio County Collector of McHenrv County, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the nation 'inanimousty carried. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this, •mooting he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Meier to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Roard adjourned. EDWARD F. KUECKKR, Attest: Chairman, ft D. WOODS, Clerk; Special February Meeting 1944 The Honorable Roard of Supervisors met in 8peelal Session, pursuant to a call signed by more thane one-third of its members, at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday( the 8th ' day of February, A. D. 1944 it 10. o'clock A, M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Fdward F. Kueeker. and the Pledge of Allegianceto the Flag of the I'nited States rif. America was given by the OJerk with *11 of the members of the Board artd visitors present-- participating. The Ohairman announced that the •ertifleate of qualification of Rimer (>... Coy of Alden Township, appointed to All the vacancy caused by the death of N. B. Olgwson. was on the Clerk's table ind If there were no objections. Supervisor Coy would be admitted as a memt< er of the Board. There being no oblectlons. the Ohairman directed the Clerk to call the roll and the roll being called, the following metnbers responded to, their names, to-wit: Supervisors. An-' 6-ust W. Ruth.- C. Perry Wright, Carl K; Wittmus. F. K. Beck, Elmer P. Oov. O. T. Carroll. Fdward P. Kueeker, Cha*. H. Ackman. Frank C. Ferris, T. F. NO-' 'an, Jr.. John P. Harrison. Stanley tt. Oornue. Prank May. Math N. Schmitt and Henry O. Meier and Asst. Supervisor A. B. McOonnell, constituting a luorum present. The minutes of the Special Januarv. 194 4 meeting were read and on motion iprfoved and ordered of record. The following report of the Countv Treasurer for the month of JanUarv. 19<4 was presented and rear* and unoii •notion of Sunr. A.'/man and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and declared "arrted, the said report was approved and'ordered placed »>n file, to-wit: CovntT Treasurer's Beport Tor the Vontlt of Jan vary, 19*4 Ra'^nce brought forward Jan. 1. 1944 $179,637.52 OJeneral Fund ....... $ *7."5 •Supervisors. Co Home . :'B9 ^0 ^upt. County Home .1..... 125.32 '"•cunty Officers' Fees 178.50 Highway Fund 1,834.85 >v>'s. Property Beck Tawe*.:,. Soo.92 ; Inheritance Taxes 2.697.01 vr y,,ci T"xes 4.720.7", Payroll Clearing Acct.. •2,39"v:45 "'ind Tensions fi70.4l Taxes Red. from Forf! -S.S'*4.7<1 state's Mtorney's v«nd 1,427.00 deposit bv Order of Cotift .... 3S, 1«S Prop. •»«««•!«• *rr* T8.?4 Bridge Bond Kun4^^.. 1.03 Q O Q £1' Total Receipts 51 0

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