Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 17

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li»E BOARD OP SHPfiRVtSOU, MtHGKRT 001?!!?^ $20'1.14 2.57 •$Jr •OM • 16.Jt04.90 11.00 #20.00 203.44 1 4 7.10 103.00 1 f.0.10 12.00 178.80 • jtyrniid Total .. . 1 . Xxp*aAit«rM. ..« ountv Onlen* : H iehwnv Orders ^Tllind Orders .; •< Vneral Kun<1 .ia...«.-..!.. CJrnnil and Petit Jurom -- Coroner's Jurors Coun'v Court Jurors Insanity Jurors JHonntv Orders ........,...i.. •Probation Offieed • *Tre;i surer's Salary ..... ' . Clf-rks' Salaries . "/ Inheritance Taxes (Motor Fuel Taxes ..... ' -j^'-ayroii clearing Account ,1 'isputed Taxes ... Ileal Kstate Forf. flefunt . Total Kxpendititres |Js»t. on hand In all funds \ Jan. no, 1944 Grand Total ...... The above and foroe< Ly'vtrite and correct ar-tordi knowledge and , belief. K-.?"',, , J. O. STrcVKS'S. Cri.' Treas. ' • :" Subscribed and swnrti, to before' me > •> this 8th day of February. 1944. . J Seal), R, n.j WOODS, County Clerk. • The' Committer on MeHenry' Countv Ifome presented the following report. .' Wbioh on motion of Supr. • Srhrhi'tt ntn\ .'•••rli»flulv| 'seconded ' by. Sivpr. HD»y and 'thi> • -foil 'being e rvl 1 ed," wn a unanjrhousiy , •.' ,»don(o<i. to-wit: . •/ ' '•% !\.'v. ' -i " \ \ ~ • .'" February. 2: -1544." I-' -M*;. Chnlrtnan and Members >f 'the . . Board of Supervisors of McTfenry '. OountV:.. Vonr Countv Home Committee met on February 2, 1944, at the MoH^tiry County Home and audited the hills for . the Tnonth' of January. 1944, and respectfully submits the following report, •recommending same be paid. Xfiller T'ntton Baking Co., bread $ 54.24 Mr. Chikoki. shoes , >.i.,...:-... i ">.98 Fawyer Biscuit Co.. crackeWl 28.93 puperlor Oil Co., fuel oil . .....U....-;. 66.8"> ,•*'. Mueller X- Co.. hosp. sup. ....^. 9.S2 Kremes- T'rban Co., hosp. • slip. .... " lH.OO 22. K5 if which is respect full v submitted Cll VS. H. M'KMA N ^ MATH X. SCHMITT C; PKRRV WRIOHT »«•; K. BKCK ' • It was regularly moved hv Supr. Xck- I tipor. it tip to 11.« Slate |.-gai .weight man and duly serrjided hy Asst. ' S.upi.. The Count.v s» u> tor, wt t • i P»l,uw t,iu'itn. onnell that the Special March. 1944_ with ;i 4 ton snow plow mounted .on it meetin"g o.f. .t h,c l'.oard of Superv\ iimsoiir.ns ibwe (rahta>s ibteeeenn kniniioiA*itii 1to0 i\.liu< it>i ,1i ~ff ," .; " l ioI'j "n. ^ ednesday. March IS. A, T>. ' was ftlso decided that the approaches i SK: 'SSj-vS.-sRi'1 !A»l;!K\*41ISX.«S( l,'nK'1 w• ""•!"•m-"SStLVXH winct, is r. spectfully vtitimitttd. L lit i H. i i. HRXRV C. MF-IRR KH.V Nis C Kl.RRIS f F. K. l'.RCK ' ,v -- - 'X: is. .vic.ct >N-i?F;r.i:, thereupon regularly. Lmoved h/ Ibvmond and diily seconded l>y St.j.r, ! F. i\ Schaefer & Son, !S|feiicer .... . „ , t the report of the ComnVIt- [Mrs. Frank Schnitcke. IMrhrtf' being called, the Chairman declared the ! era I "oVhW m^m.^ o^^;'ZV. ' ^ 154' «."«• ^ approved and the ! Kva Kapping. I^tebn • „r v (imi ijie new seconded bv Supr. Meier to ad (ourn Section* IS m Supers isor of the Township y>f Alden, i Motion carried. Thereupon the "lioard ' Klmer (. Coy receive th.- commit- j adjourried. te£ assignments as wc-r4ll>>Sfl " - - predecessor, >J\ B. Cla thereupon regularly nwved hv Supr. Harrison and dilly seconded ,t5v Anjst. Supr, McCor.ncll that said appointments be made and the Chairman declared the morion cnanimously- carried. •= v The Cle.rk presented lists of Claims against tihe County and upon motion of Sunr. Acknian -.and duly seconded (>v •Hj«'nr. Ruth and. declared carried. hAW craitlis -were referred to the proper by hiij.,1 It was l Attest: RWf>ARI>. F. Kl'RCKFR. Chairman Rt h. WO(>nR. Clerk. Special March Meeting ,»,ny ive signed i>y the < nairman ot tne Hoard of Svipervisoi's and the County Total S3"~6" 'o l'-e nutliorized bv the Boartl • Bills were^^ a'ijdrM^"a«d' or«n4V. piVMi'!>'ir^ ,1,h;M h,> "'W* a motion ont nf Motor F^rta*.Fun«s as.f;.jioW" ^ th\* t,m/ sar.l uiatt-r. T< ,"S. ;A. Rt ; Section '*• •' j was tl1ereu^on regolarlv moved by Supr. IS-ViA. 4-IT;'maint. labor akd:iilW ii" 71 I*"'1 ,,u'y seconded v. tif -Supr.- 2. 7-1T tnaint. labor., and *tV& "V^ Cbairman of the '25. 9T, malnt. Itbor and -mal, V : Pf;1^?V1w*v"^rs s,u1, .£•?."«•>; ; h. 11-TT. maint. labof and: l101 •?*. authorised •SS. 12,: .maint. labor and mat- Is 40 ,n 'IV ,name ?f ^,wr'1 25. 1MT. mahit. labor and niatr ' 2j«:2S ^ -b^"K people: of McHenry k - . ... 4A-4 \ • and SB ext T3-1T maint ' ' • l m^'^ StMte «.f Illinois, th** following Th* H6Tiwmh1e Board rtirvShli)^*rJshw labor and mat ' ^ Bight of Way dedit-iiiMon .plats with An a .. ^ MoHenry County met in special ses- 24A. 14-IT maint labor and mat " sVl? "of it 1«>ps thereon attached: cdmmittees and the Board adjourned to j slon pursuant to a call signed I>v m'ore 28 17-IT maint lalirtr anil mat T .AM Route 2. Section ni M. F. T. 1:S0 o clock P. M, for committee work. | than one-third of its members at the|l7-1(> 18T engineering 1 ibor' 8" 00 , ;reenw<>o<l Road .4-Mile«. Hebron Twp); 1:30 0>«L00X T. V. Court House in the City of Woodstock. I 14-119-1T maint labor and mat 14 «H S,a,<' Ai ' ' 8- McHenry Kane Board met pursuant to* adjournment •Bd upon roll call the same member* responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, constituting a quorum present. The Committee on Claims, T^ibor Fees and Supplies presented the following reon AVednesday. the fifteenth dnv of March, A. P. 1944 at 10 o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order liv the Chairman, !*Mward F. Kuecker, and 9. 21-IT. - maint. labor and mat. IS. 2fi-TT, maint, labor and mat. 2, 29-1T, maint. labor and mat. Si, engineering labor the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flig- ; 2, SI, ensineering labor Of the Fnited States of America wa: given hv the Clerk and all members of the Board and visitors present participating. And the roll beintr called, the 1« ?0 22.70,! « (to 0 , l.udwi'i- Wilson Co., sunplies ./rwell Tnc.. "est control serv..... Til. Bell Tel. Co.. nfcnne service .... "Jen A See T.aundry Co.. laundry Ttohn lldw. Ci. supplies Montgomery W">-d Co:, clothing 24.54 Public Service Co.. It. and power 74.45 f?oyal l'lue Store, groceries .....i.; -T. W. Wool worth, clothes Woodstoi-k Whol«>«--nle Co., t"ob. .... Ttrivmi" Bros., shoes .;.. •Tlovce Bros., ".is . .... Condrows fJarnge, gas •R. 0. Andrew Ca-. feed and grind. Turtle Val'ev Form, potatoes* .... Thome R Son clothes Thornpson Appliance Co;, sheVlane . cas 30.00 John Sevton A- Co.. groceries .... 74.05 TJidgePeld, farmers Supply Co., repairs, feed and storm "sash .... 541.5R l^otts Welding Service, repairs S.10 W. P. .*l'en. incidental« «4.R4 W. B. A Men. salahr 115.00 Fsther c. Allen, Vern Albright, salary.... «",T.o >rnttie Albright, salary ^57.50 Thomr>« Montgomery. Salary *"".00 Fffie ^fontgomery. salary . T.. ; 75.00 Floyd M-ison. wages TJnn.ep Wtjl-t, waces .. nn on Clara Behm. wag^s . .. .. ..... .... . 65.00 24.55 11.18 '8.74 52 <54 5. S3 V#£ fi'OS 3.34 "4. (50 18« .00 8.67 Cream . sold $52.Sa "Hosnitnl Fees61.00 TSiblic Service ftefund 3.3-7 I^nrd 2.42. |?,118.0fi 119.14 ri $1,998.92 February 2. 1944 To the ffothorable Board of Supervisors of Mctteri'ry Countv. Woodstock 111. Vonr McHenry County Farm. Home Pnd Hosnital Committee bee to report that they met at Hartland, on the above Iftentioned-' date and audited and an- •jproved bills for payment In. the following amounts: : Permanent Improvements . Running Expense frothing Tobacco . f4osnita|. j. ."Medicinesr »iet Fuel ......... $149.94 814.23 37.07 45.83 . 232.30 . 391.86 4#23 •' Credit for: Selling of cream ... Selling of grease ... Bofund. hospital ;,.$5S.3R. .' 2.42 61.00 Refund, Btiblic :Service S.8? ;$2t 11 $.06 UM4 $17fc»»*.42 $1*5 00 7$$.7« 59.82 53.94 1,982 28 . 185. OS 8 r>ii8.42 2.988.S7 2.534.3* 3«« AO 3$.00 •7,14?,59 f,lS.47 •0 $1 «>98.9» The regular monthly inspection of Wound, buildings, eouipment and live iPtock revealed everything to be in good condition. . There being no further business,- your Committee, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned; ":fl#Nfkjtrtfuliv sul/mlttod, o. j. carroi,!,. chairntan I'AI'I, POSES'THU, MATH V. SCHMITT F. R. BECK • The Committee on Roads and, RHdifes presented the following report" to-Wlt: .' Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road apd bridge committee for said County brg leave to submit the following rem> it. on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock. Illinois. yt>(ji the 5th day of 'February, 1944 and Miditt-d and ordered paid bills of a ffen- -etal nature chareeahle to the McHenry (fcuhty patrol system of roads as a Whole for repairs and supplies for Opunty owned machinery and labor at tie Countv toot house buildings to a ,|#tal of $2,237.35 ;. Bills chargeable to the various sections of th® Countv natrol .«vi»te»i . roads at rates heretofore approved by t»is Board were audited and ordered P0id as follows: Sections 3. 14 $ 326.34 Sections 4. 16. IS/ icq so Sections 4( 17: 88.69 Sections 5. 6 19.50 Sections 7, 9. Xfc„ il, 12 . ,542.12 Sections 13, 15 2or.r,7 on Supr. \\ right [following members resnonder to their iimmooUuHstlyv iadSopt^er, tlon- wwiiit . det-Unea .uaan- RUth. C. Berry Wright. Carl K. Wit»- mus F Ki R^ok EIrow r Cov 0 T " Carroll, Fdword F. Kuecker, Chas. H. February t. A. D. 1144 Ackman. Frank C. Ferris. T. F, NoHn Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen of the [Jr.. Stanley H. Cornue. Frank B. Aft-- Board of Supervisors: iConnell. Frank May. Math X. Schmitt. Your Committee on I-abor, Feea and j Henry C Meier and John .1. Fi'ip a«d Supply Claims would beg leave to re- jAsst. Supervisors A. M. Maxwell, A. B. port that they hav- examined all claims j McConnell and Raul Rosenthal, constl- Pfesented to them and recommend the; tilting a nnorum present. payment of the following, and that the C^erk be dlirected to issue orders on the County Treasurer for the several amounts allowed, as follows, towlt-.* Frank Thornber Co., co elk tax hk etc. $307.96: co elk "|»c supl $3.65 :'co elk off sup $4.21 .$316.72 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, eir elk sup $2.50: co treas ofT sup $4.00: suor prtg $5.00; sup scha off exn $1.00:, cont $24.18 ..... .. Jt.00 Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.-- ' Byers Trinting Co. 78.38 P- F. Pettibone & Co ;..... 10.87 Crystal T>ake Herald X. 1.40 Marengo Reptiblican-Kewa h50 Poland McCannon S1.51 Chas. F. Hayes, judcy Iim f44.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., hW Jfcfl tW...t »f.44 Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Pfeiffer Pharmacy J.27 T'niversal T^aboratortes ; ll#.08 Woodstock 1>ry Ooods Co. 1.93 Woodstock Heating Co. 1.20 Rochester Germicide Co. -C$.91 Ct. Hse. Repairs-- Woodstock Awnin* Shop .1.75 A. S. Romberger, M. P 35.00 Mishler Flectric <1,81 Woodstock Orlll, cf jurors It.12 Jesse R. Kingsley, ct hse jail rep R1.18 R. F. Kennelly. er TB off sup .. 222.29 Robert Conway, co elk per diem and mileage elec off 4.25 Andrew Worwick, shf off sup S.60 Kilfz Off. Service, co treas off sua *$11.94: cont *2.00; co elk off sup *10.50 {4.44 C. C. Miner, Dir. Civ. D«f„ oont M.33 C. t. Tryon, Sup. Hwy., co sup hwv trav exn 44.90 R. O. Andrew Co.. ct hse jail coal 18.73 Sup. Schs. Off. Kxp.-- Hebron Times t.......iy . |."'0 Richmond Oazette . J.50 Shf. Per rtiem Fees Serv.--- Henry A. Nulle, Sheriff $75,00 Henry A. Xltlle. 36.56 Orn S. Nulle 65.00 Shf. Feeding Priii.-- ' Asmus g, Son $7.32 v"ational Tea Co. Biifl Trackett's Bakerv, ...... -33.73 Tortreson Croceries 62.61 Shf. Deputy-- '"•••' ' T.afe Benthusen . , #.#10 Fred AVendt "..•......a....... IK.OO .losenh Frett ..v.......... ................,;.... #;00 Oeorge Frett 6.00 T.ewis Thayer , 5.00 Clyde J. Zoia 20.00 B. I). Holmes -..., ;. . t,fto Oeorge J. Khlert . |.<»0 -Tohn N'echreheckl ; . S.00 Howard Cairn® : ...., -5.00 Sablna Rftu. shf bailiff ' 25.00 '•"-ed S. Oay. shf balll« 6.00 Willis .Tobe. shf bailiff *10.W>;shf dptv |r..oo Cli tie C. Miner, shf bailiff $45.0«;' shf dptv $50.00 Western United Oaa ft Rlec. Co., shf feeding pri« Supr. Salary Mileaff®-- • C. Perry Wright !....... The minute* of the Special February, 1944 meeting were read, and on motion approyed and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of February, 1944. was presented and read and ur»on motion- of Supervisor Sehmitt and dulv seconded by Supr Fil'n and declared carried, was approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: Ooutv fmnm1! Bayort Tot th< Moath ot r«kmrjr, 1141 >M«|S|| Balance brought forwaijd February 1. 19»4 Ceneral Fund Supervisors, County HgtMft Supt.. County Home County Officers' Fees ........... Highway Fund Pers. Property Back Ta*es fnherltsnce Taxes Motor Fuel Taxes Payroll Clearing Account Fines for Hwv. Violations 'nstitute Fund' Tasef< redeemed from Forf Deposit by Order of Court Total Receipts OMtfid Total 15.00 M.00 3.50 24.60 25.50 ?4 f.0 23.10 24.60 111,45 •3.90 30.80 8.JO 17.60 8.80 28.60 16.00 41.40 Total $#*589.76 Bills were - audited and ordered paid oitt of Motor Fuel Tax Funds "as follows: ^ S. R. Rt. Section '2. 7-TT. maint. lab^r and mat,*.-..*.- $-108.76 2$. 12-IT. maint. labor and mat. 2.00 1? and 19, 18, engi. labor 58.50 1$ and >9. 18. maint. labdr. .. ........ ll;0/> 26R. 22. maint. labor 4.40 13. 26-1T, contract const. ..: ........1,465.23 |, 29-IT. maint. labor - • 33.37 it 31. const, labor ; -4.35 2S. 32, engineering labor • 3,50 33. en pi labor and mat. ........... 237.65 Word was received that priorities restrictions may be dronped temporarily o» steel corrugated culvert pipe in the near future. Our stock of culvert pine Is exhausted and we instructed the 'CVuint'y Sunt, of Highwavs to make an eatitnate of the pine needed in the near fit ure and secure quotations of the prices of the various siaes. We would >*pect to attemnt to purchase enough .*«>r immediate need. '.We have received 4 rom the motor fuel tax fund the co«t of making the stone for the Rid^-e/i.'ld black top road known as section 26-1T $1,465.23 and from the Onrden Prairie Stone Co. Inc. for stripping quarry for farm fertilizer lime Stone t"17.05 machinery rental and from :Wm. I-ans for iunked tractor track f4-0o a total of ,$1,986.28 and turned same Over to the Countv Treasurer for the County Road Fund w^ieh s'lW sii'n i* hereby re-appropriated for rond purposes, including the renair. storage, and purchase of road machinery and for provements for buildings to house machinery. Your Committee estimates there will be nccesssry for the care of tha llf- Ifenry Countv. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County Hiehwa\Q Funds in the sum of $3000 until thtftnexi meeting of this Board. Carl F,. Wittmus . ..... '•'rank K. Reck . .. O. J. Carrol] chas. H. Acknian Frank C. Ferris ........ T. F. Vol an. Jr John E. Harrison Stanley H. Cornue . .. '•'rank P. McConnell Frank May .v. Math X. Sehmitt ........ Hcnrv C. Meier P«ul Rosenthal City of Woodstock, ct hse jail It and water . ., A. A. Cri^^ey, cir ct pro Ora S Xulle, shf feed prift Henry A. Nulle. shf per diem fees, serv Alice Helm, er TB off sal .......... vestie Muldoon. ct hse jtil sal . Shirley Sa'aman, sup schs asst and elk hire Ada M. Mannine, sUp schs aast and clerk hire .-..160.00 All of which Is resnectfillly suhmltted carl E. WITTMUS. Chairman A lT0. W. Rl'TH E. C. COY O. J. CARROT.L CHA8. H. ACKMAM 100.00 95,00 IM.00 100.00 County Orders ..... Highway Orders Blind Pensions ...... Oenernl Fund ; ;,... Coroner's Juroi-i|.,.^..!...::.. 'osan 11v .1 urors Treasurer's Salttry- 1....... Clerks' Sala'-jeM Inheritance Taxes V...:.,...; Motor Fuel T«\#s Payroll Clearing Acct. .......... Taxes Redeemed from Fiwrf Total Expenditures Bai. on hnnd in all funds Feb. 29th . Orand Total Th# above &ad foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief, ,T. STEVEN'S. Co. Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me thin 15th dav of Jd«reh. 1944. tSeaK R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. 17.403.24 $196,328.66 $9,686,19 359< 589.00 444.77 12.0« 170.40 808.14 1 5 36t.73 5.184,60 2.4*3,93 04M.90 Sf.fll 5.76 15^,312.91 $196,328.66 Countv I.ine Road: State Aid Route 34-: Section 29R. S. U. I. Rt. 19 1*. S. 14 from I'ellegrin prone rt \ to Harvard, ami the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk nresented lists of claims against the Countv, and 011 motion <>f Supr. Ackman ahd duly seconded Vy Supr. • Meier and declared carried, the same were referred to the proper Committees and the Board adlourned 'o 1 :So o'clock P. M. for committee work, li»0 O'CLOCK r. M. 2. 31. const, labor and mat. .'. 10,«i 15, 38. engineering labor and mat. 10i>.35 25. 32. engi. labor and mat. - 53.25 We have received from the motor fuel tax fund rental 011 Comity owned maintenance*- machinery 'included ..-in above report $133.98: and returned check ' on McHenry County Hipliwav l>er»art- ' mem No. TtH'O. freirht that'hml be-Mi t prepaid atjd check from Starliue In.\ I. fhe Boftptl met pursuant to ftdfriuta- **r "wr<^and,se *1.84 a total ;,n.Uupon roll call, the same memof *13. 69 and turned same over to the ; h„rs responded to their names ns apt T i?irt,,,SU^!lr r j ' County road pared of record in the morning session, i * hereby M-ap.' constituting a ouorum present propriated for road purposes including! The Committee on Claims. l.abor. j^nair. storapo and pxirchase of road ami Sunnlies pr^ponted followmachinery or for improvements tor (mr repoTt. which on motion of Sunr. buildings to house machinery. , Meier and dulv seconded by Asst. Supr. lour committee estimates there will , McConnell and the roll being failed, was he necessatj for the cat e of th<» Mc- ; dt*clared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Henry County, Illinois patrol system off : - roads an anproprlation from the County Highway Funds in the suni of 1:3500 until the next meeting of this Board March 15. A. p. 1944. Mr.' Chairman and C.entlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committe^--uu l.abor. Fee* and Suppiv Claims woultrS»eif~leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, ami recomnien ' the nnyment of the; following, and that the Clerk lie directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follow*, to-wit: t .. _. . ,l . -Frsnk Thorhlter Co., co elk ptg. Mr. Chapman and Members pf the Board | *S76.97:' co elk tax bk etc. of Supervisors of McHenry County: 1 $134.90: cir elk re,- l.k *1 H 36: The undersigned members of the, r(r 0ik |J6.56; -co elk off sun *6.39 All of which is respect full v submitted CHAS, H trvv > Y MATH V. SCHMITT F. ^ BPCK ; C. PERRY WRIcWf join j. fii:ip The CommiJtJtee on Right of^Vgay *pre- •ented the following report, to-wit: A report of the County - Treasurer showing payments due the County from Townships on County Home for the ouarter ending January 31. 1944 was nresented and read to the Board and on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Sehmitt anil declared carried, the said report was approved and ordered "laced on file. Supr.' of Schools, Roland McCannon, appeared before the Board and was introduced by the Chairman. Mr. McCannon addressed the Board and stated that in the very near future he was going !nto the military service of the 1'nlted States and there would be a vicancv in •he office of the County Superintendent of Schools to be filled by nnpointmen by the County Board and that he would ••ecommend that his first assistant. Mrs Vary P, Endres of McHenry. T'llnoi* be appointed to act in his ennncity ss County Superintendent of.Scho«1s during his absence. After some-discussion it was . regularly moved by Supr. Ftllp and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that said matter he referred to tnc Committee on Education for report and tecommendation. giving said committee full wt-r to net. And the roll bqing called. The Committee otj Roads and Bridge* I presented the following report, which Ion motion of Sun'. Meier and duly seconded hv Supr. Ferris and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Kir Countv Right of Way committee respectfully submit the following report for the month of Pehrunrv. 1944 tha' we audited and ordered paid on Feb'-u- *ry 9th and 19th. 1944, the following Right of Way on State Aid Route 34. S. B. I. oRute 19. Section 29R. Charles Voss and Martha Voss lloo.oO Algot Anderson and Alma K. Anderson ... 45.60 Robert E. Young and Marguerite <5 Young . 40.00 Douglas T. Hine and Jennip Ittne 47.00 l.ester O. Seaver and Margaret Seaver 10.00 Ceo. l;. I,ake and Vera 14. T.ake 75,10 Otto HaffTner and Tilda Haffner 42.06 Martin A. Horwltfc and l.illlan Horwitz 21.06 Fr-Mik 1>. Herelev. Maurice' H. Here'ev, Wm. .1. Hereley. Rav- . mond J. Hereley. Trustees of • • T}. Hereley and Sons* a comm«j«\- • law trust . 400.00 Ann\e Ahrens, Trustee . , . 303.70 Peter 'Artlito and Mildred M. Ardito ' 146.40 Donald Moore, Neilie F. Moore 80.50 Kenneth R. Burritt and Helen M, Burritt ... .......... 39.60 Alfred Robinson and l.eonie Robinson 178.60 Martin I,. Knutson and Delia M. Knutson > 344.60 c.>«taf f intl"-aii. E", , , ',n l.lpdwall 301.50 Michael D\ Burke. Walter K. , Burke. Agne* Rurke .. . 956.10 Harrv M. Mie.'ka. l.otijse \. B|edka. and Fed. I.ond Rank of St. Louis 517 20 Rl»«er n. RelleRrin and Helen M. . > Pcllegrin ,....,...1.93.40 Herman Zimmerman and 1^1* . ! Zimmerman 17.60 Carles O. Fender and Fkiirence R. Fender 21.10 The Committee on C1al1*n< Countv Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan and the roll being cf.lled, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: February 3. A. P. 1944. Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen of the -Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them -'nd recommend the payment of the following and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, to-wit: Dependent Children-- Chicago Tndus. Home for Chi], $ 90.00 St. Vincent's Indus. Trng. Sell., Olosson. Toomey and Salxman 60 00 Mabel Shufeldt, I.vnott 23.90 Mrs. C. J. Mitchell', Bradley ; fc' IS.?1 Eva Ka.ppinr. YestetW) .15.00 Louise lM. Brooks, dependt cbil *6.14: pro off trav exp $24.35 ... $6j(0 Dependent Children- Mrs. Alfred Kruee-er. Steadman . 25.54 Montgomery "Waard «- Co.. Del.ine 25.54 Mrs. Minnie Brigham, Swenson 22.50 Mrs. Cassiits Sweitman. Steadman 30.00 T. B. Patient Pauper-- T ake Co. Tuberculosis San.' 1,254.95 C. C. Miner. Soma 41.40 All of which is respectfully rtnbmitted CHAS H ACKMAN. Chairman C. PE»»»»Y WPtriHT ^ ^ T. F."NOLAN. JR. An acknowledgment of sympathy shown hy the Board of Supervisors waa received from the family of the late N. B. Clawson and was ordered placed on tile. • - Chairman and Oehtlemen of the Btwrd of Supervisors. McHenry Countv. Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said County be* leave to submit the following report on the matters hefore them. That we met at Woodstock. Illinois. nn the 28th day of Fehrnarv. 1944. Word had been received that the War Pro- 'acture of a limited iiuantitv of corfacture of a limited}- quantity of corrugated culv|*t pipe in the near future, our stock of pipe is exhausted and a special request to cross a State Aid rond In the Town of Nunda near Oriswold I,ake with a dr»d?ed ditch to <lrai" about 600 acres of slough land makes it necessary to have a 6 ft. diameter pipe readv to-place before tire ditch is constructed. A representative of .the Armeo Drainage A Metal Products, Inc.. of Chicago. TUino's. was nresent and f>ve the ceilihg prices of the various sizes of pipe. We decided to order the 6 ft. diameter pipe which amounts to $1,190.00 and also an estimated ouantity of pine-expected to be needed in the near future if same can be manufactured: the ager9gate cost-of which $2,314.84. and may be cancelled l.-y either party before fabrication. We again met nt Woodstock. Illinois on the 2nd day of March, 1944. A request from the citv officials of McHenrv. Illinois, and others that We inspect the old River Bridge across Fox River adjacent to the City of McHenry with a view of repainting the bridge, repairthe asobi't floor, ti'-'cine- signs to limit the weight of traffic using same and also that the approaches should be paved. We inspected the said bridge and found that it ought to he painted, hut th'« "ould he nostponed on account Of thee war. also that the floor should have a connle of natehes and s seal coat of asphalt As to signs it was decided to investigate further aa to the dvisabMity of placing name, as th> bridire appears to he strong enough to I • ••;.. . *.r«76.:'<i Stite Aid Route 2; Section 31, Right )f Way I ' i.eonnrd Weill and Erma Weill $152.00 la cob l'olvock and .Sadie Polyock 64.49 Minnie D. Fisher and l^iV'erne^ V. Fisher Uuelln M. Atterliery. Lyle Ilugett. Flovd E. Rureett . • 12.95 lames J. o'Keefe and Lillian O'Keeft* 69.75 Edith S. Welch. F. C. Welch, Theodore S. .Brown, J. C. Brown, Wendell^ P. Coition William F. Clarke . lo»>n A. Sime. Treas Tryon's Orove School 24 5 so 41.51 3.10 *633.61 All of which I* respectfully submittetl PPIVK T FFRRTS HENRY C. MEIER ' * V Tt was thereupon regularly rryriv}4(it bij Sqpr. Ackman and duly seconded" by Supr. Wright that the report of the rv>pimitte(. on Right of Way be adopted hy this Board, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimouslv carried. The Committee on Finance presented 'he follovta* report and Resolution, towit: Woodstock. Ill,, Mar. 15. 1944. To the Chairman and nentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Vour Committee on Finance would beg leave to submit the . following resolution and recommend its adoption, towlt: Wherea's, there is pot at this time sufficient money' in the Treasury of McHenry County to meet and defray the ordinary expenses of the County, and it is accessary at his time to provide a fund to meet all ^such expenses ny issuing anti disposing of anticipation warrants to be drawn against the County Tax le.vied in the year of 1943 in 'he way and manner provided by the Stattite pf thla State for the Issuing nd disposing of warrants Re Ij Resolved l-y the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry that the Cftunty Treasurer of this Countv be and he is hereby authorized and iirected to issue and sell as, needed, inticipation warrant* to an amount not to exceed the sum of $25,000.00 against the County Tax levied in the year 194$, but in no event shall the-anticipation warrants issued exceed 75cj, of the mounts of the appropriation tax levietl for the ?-ear 1 943; that said warrants *hnll he issued as needed in the sum ^f $5,000.00 each and each bond to be 'o drawn so that the same shall draw nterest at the lowest available rate not , o exceed 2 3-4c'_ per annum from the time of its issuance until paid or until notice is given that said warrant i• recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are issued for the purse of creating1 a fund from which payment of the ordinarv and necessary expenses of said County may be paid. Be It-Further Resolved th-it such anticipation warrants shall when drawn show upon their- face that they are payable t-olelj- out of the tax when o,ol- 693.18 E. \V. Joiner; co elk ott nun 4,60 KI1t* Off. Service, cont *3.00; shf off sup $1.75: Co elk off " sup *10.65: <>o treas off sup $1.73 17.15 Harvard Herald, co treas prtg . 68.00 Richi"ond Oa*ette. co treas prtg 315.94 "oerlita-P.ecknell Co., cir elk sup 15.79 Rolptid McCannon'. Sup schs off fxp 29.77 Dr. P. F Kennelly, er TB off sup 31.05 •I, F. Mitchem. co |ns 50.00 Pearl Schnlt*. co cor rep . 6.00 R. D. Wood*. Co. C'lk.. co elk per ,. diem fees for #e"rv *1.000.00;' co elk tax estn $3,7 43.79 . 4.743.79 J. R. Kingsley. ct hse jail repair? 15.50 McCollum Hoist & Mfg, Co.,. ct hse jail repairs Mcllenrv Co. Title Co.. co surv 3,50 "I. Bel 1 Tel CO., ct hse jail tel 95.JO c. I.. Tryon, co sup hwy trav exp 34.39 C. C. Miner. Dir. Civ. |»ef.. con» 10,00 B. O. Andrew ct hse jail coal 21.11 Chas. F. Haves, judcy .|tia feea . ..i $i.Oo • Ct. Use. 'Sup.-- i.udwic Wilson Co.-'.'.' 62,74 Dacv. .Electric Co';" ; .. , 15.J6 Pfeiffer Pharmacy 1.91 Ct. Hse. Jail Repairs--: Dr. Henry W. Sandeen ' 9.2". Dr. A. S. Rombergei; .' .. 15,76 Antirew 'Wor*vick. s»if <>ff sup ., :, 6.10 Woodstix- Daily Sentinel ctr elk sup $-39.50; supr prtg $2.50; co elk ptg' $8.50 ...... 50.50 Ryers Printing Ci>„ co elk ptg 129.48 Shf. Per Di».m, F»es^^ Serv,--- * Henrv ,\. N'ulle #3.55 Ora- S. Vulle . 103<'A Sabina .Rati '-,..•' 5.0o Shf, i>edinir Prls.-- \ Trackett's RakerV 50.91 Western Enited A Elec. Co 3:63 \ stptis & Son : 65."" Pitigel's Grocery ft Market- 5$,7$ "oval Pine Foot! Store 25.17 lohn Hinderlider . .. 30.00 (takside Dairy ... 1 27117 Shf. -Dptv.T-- l.afe licnthnsen,", . : 5*;00 RI.-hard Wolf 5.00 Itilin \'t>t hrebecki 5.00 "red Wend t : 20.0(1 H. D. Holmes 5.00 •Robert c Carr . . ^retl H." Wilke 5,01) Ceorge J. IChlert 5.00 Melvina E. Wright, shf l/ailiff ;. 5^00 Clvde J. ^oi.-i. shf bailiff $5.00; ,' dntv $5.00 , ,'1:0.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff $25 00; Treasurer to the Claimants, for Hhft ' been matte <o far'alto if -i Rfveral amouhts allowed, as-follows, tgi t™ *' t. roughout the whoi 'fr.tat. *\l: , , ,'i Wonlil causi- a big^e < . Dependent. Children-- .;. •.. t'lrf' his; office and t-bat-'h- I a«l ' St. Vincent s Trng. School, C.los- a r. tiu. st rr.UU.'1i,s , ifi,v ^ Sla*fi..*»t-. --tt'OVi'l .an. increase, in salurv -i.ine ; . "lit.iiai work. A. general tiis. ^ ."<ti.u0 then had concerning said > • JS.9I -. t'er which 1^* was r<KUIarl-; i, . - . n. 4 5.00 Sunf; Be«-k and duly seconded by Supi. •'•'•15.Ott Ferris that the matter of sala'rv :tifk 22.50 liangs disease le-t.s he- 'refene.| to ch« » rtSi ed tht '% n Mc- Jarfsen, Tt>oniey and Hlazi't at . Lutheran Child Welfare AsVn., the issuance of : Mrs ^l.nnie Rrighnni, Sv» ty wert >inj file. W ork.s Super McHei R." P. Clerk. ' Board next regular meev ouid fall on' the and wondered if • take ahy action rgariizati'on meet- ! was thereupon ; re-gtiiarlj moved l>y S-tipr.: Meier ami duly Sr™? .Tr"-' . month of February .1944, and respefeti- 4 . >The. "Chairman Ptated' that" li- thero fnUy submits the following report, re- nothing further t«\ cohie- bef^e this '-om mend in g. some be paid. ' - •l.nieeting. he- would entertain-a motion Sawyer Hiso\nt ( nk, crackers 1 J.h4 adjouTn. It was thereupoh r^ciiliirlv The Rohn Hdw. Co., repairs 2.§4.^ moved" bv Supr. ACkman and dulv sec- Royal Blue Store, groceries ^ ,. 45.12 1 onded by Supr. Melff to adjourn iiotHm- R. o Andrew Co„> coal and fi>ed 117.^0 carried. Thereupon the .Board a.ljourn- •Mr. Cichockl, shoes .-. s 3i50 ed. • -. • D. F. Quintan. 6 mo», rent f«»r | EJDWARt), F. KrECKER. land 375.00 Attest:: 'Chairman Public Service Co., It and power'..:- *93.77 " -- . --- Superior Oil Co., fuel oil 96.80 i.ester Hawley. corn planter ....... 161.99 •len A See laundry, laundry ; 15.82 John Sexton A Co., grocerten.... 219.27 Miller Pat ton Bakitig Co,, bread 53.2« Ferr's Bros., repairs 19.39 BaVkom Bros., supplies 2.92 W Woolworth Co.. supplies.. 8:15 Thorne ft Son, «'lothit\g V.--i<• 43.1.5 Woodstock Wholesale Co., totV 2T.26 I.udwig Wilson Co., supplies .... c5.47 Boyce Bros., gas and oil 7.95 Oootlrow'* Oarage, gas and oil ,..J 9.66 Pfeiffer Iliarmacy. medicine ...... 135.82 ill. Bell Tel. Co., phone service S3.6.1 \rweli, Inc.. pest control serv .... V. Mueller ft Co., hosn. sun. ..... Rosenthal Lumber ft Fuel Co., con I and stoker service Cr»tal 1 ake Herald, statementu W. P. A Men, incidents!* W. P. Allen, salary ..... Esther C. Allen, salnry Vern Albright, wages Mat tie Albright, wages Thomr's Montsromery. waved '."•ffie Montromerv. wages ' innea W«lt^ :. Clara Behm. wa$(M Says Food Yeasts Add \ Many Missing Vitamins "Pood Yeast--a newly discovered Vegetable food that tastes like meat --may soon play an important part in the health of our country and the feeding of starving European populations," Capt. E. K. Gubin, A.U.S., Washington, D. C., says in Hygeia, the Health Magazine, but admonishes that it will not actually( take the place of meat and other. 15 oo 31.31 . 62.79 .1.3.-2 * 47.00 ! staple foods. 115 oo Itn.OA . 67.50 *7.50 25,00 Jr,.«o 1*1.00 65.00 Vosnltal :...! '>u« sold' 9 hogs -. |91. 00 .. 43.78 . 410 .00 12,293.72 464 (S Fobd yeast is a strain of the Torula utilis species of yeast. It should not be confused with baker's yeast, which is fresh and live* with a somewhat unpleasant taste, or with brewer's yeast, which is dry and bitter unless specially treated. "Some have become overly optimistic over food yeast." Captain Gubin explains. "Several national publications have recently carried rather sensational articles on the subject --so sensational that scientific facts have been distorted to make it ap- 31.808.37 March 8th. 194-4 The the Konnrable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Woodstock. 111. Vonr McHenry County Farm. Home pear that food yeast will actually *>nd Hosnital Committee kf to renort «„i,_ _i_„_ „« _j that thev met at Hartlard. on the above j take the place of meat and other mentioned date and audited and nnnrov. staple foods. Such is not the case; -d bills for payment in the following i too much yeast taken at one time 3161.99 I may actually be harmful to the dil, 2tt>.!|5 j gestive processes. 37 ?« "Food yeast will never replace . 195!22 1 •staple items of diet. Instead, food m«» « ! yeast e^ectively supplements other I4fi]9l 'oods in two important ways. First, even in small amounts it will pro- <monnt Permanent ItnproVementB »'un«in« e*»WMW : clothing Tntaoilj 1.... Medlcljies Ho«iMta» '"'uel ....... I»let .!..... Credit for Hosnital Cream 9 hogs . . •»»l.oo 43.7* 410i07 I3.SI3.72 •••HTV"/' 481.85 vide much vitamin B complex so essential to human life--thiamine. I riboflavin and niacin--the vitamihS that increase stamina, promote »i.808.87 i- nerve health and stimulate appetite The-re^ilrvr rhonthb; Inspection of , and digestion. Second, it will pro- Toimd. iniildlngs. entilnment and live !., ~ . , . ... . ,j#w stock revealed everything to i,t> in good f. vide protein that is high in quality, with many of the important amino acids not found in ordinary cereal proteins. People forced to exist or diets of bread, mush and other cereals. withou* onrv!.<:h meat. .v» '" a* •tt""' v.-i'i wui load ve.2-.-i. , Viucs the missing vitamins ai^J amino acids so necessary to heatU*.** condition Ther*» lielnir no further business, your Committee. <u>on motion duly finable and '•eennded, adlourned. . , Resnect fully submitted. n. .1. oam»oi,i,. Chairman. < PACT, POSK.VTHAI.: . K K. BKCK MATH N. SCHMITT dntv *70.00 Willis .lobe, shf iMtfUff *1«,00; S5.00 . Harb'd W Schmidt.- co elk ntg , tiv-x off s(.|. ,. tr-ir i-UBT -ni S1' c<*t *4 08; •>".00 15.00 Washing Pretties, Makes V, Curtains Last Longer Washing is not merely a matter «tf of making them last. The sheerer and more fragile your curtains are, the more necessary it is to protect them by washing them as soon as they need it. Before putting curtains into coolsudsy water, loose dust should be declared the motion unanimously carlie. V P The Committee on I-'ducntion presented the following report and recomendation. to-wit: 1MB -u» *'tv"; c<w rnfMNr sua l7.t*Q J -• ... j. 1 t. ritilg'» HftrrvC 1")anlilfi_co Jdglfjfi i, '•rvstil liphe t^er»ldji-«]f»( cUflplHc - «uid Frank Thornber. Co.; rllr rflit sup Sfl.05; cir elk rec l k *72.50; co . treas fiff sup *1.71; f'r. elk "1*4; -'* s"nl *10.00; cont *10.00; co cjk o f f . s u m 1 5 . o , Stipe, s.-ii. Mlleage^- ,vug. \V. Both. C. Perrv Wright :..., '""arl I-: Wittmus .' > K. Reck ...'. . .'1. .1. Carroll . '"has. II, Ackman '•"rank C. Kerrl* T. F. Volan. -,Tr. 1. Iv Harrison ' . ' . . Stanley II. Cornue •* '•'rank May Math N'. Sehmitt Henry c, Meier John .1. Filin . . x. B. .McConnell . , Paul. Bos.-ntha! . Citv of Woodstock, CtK Hse.Jail It and water Ada M. Manning, sup schs asst ' and elk hire ' '. 75.00 Verne Schroeder. ct hse jail coal 73,75 Mice Helm. er.TB off sal . ...... 95.O0 tlra S. Nulle, shf feed prln 1.00.00 Henrv A. N'ulle, shf per die.m ' fees, serv |.">o.0p A; A. Crissey, <-ir ct pr-o off. sal Kltlgefleld Farmers Sup., co ct hse jail i#>al .. . Shlrlev Kalzman, sup schs asst and c|k hire .. .... 100.00 Vestie Muldoon. ct hse jail sal 1.">0.00 All of which fk resi>e<'tfiillv titibniitted. CAB K. WITT MI'S. Chairman. P. C. rnv O. J. CARROLL A CO. W. Ul'TH CHAS. H. ACKMA.V 10i ,|9 • s'.fio 32.80 42.SO 32.80 30.80 32.80 68.76 r,.*.so 38.r,o *.2" i7,«o 25.10 nfl.oo C8>0 7.20 32.70 It?; in r.:oo 392.08 Tt was thereupon t«v»ved by Shnr. Wrigh* nnd dyly seconded bv S>">r. Ack- . man that the renort of the McHenry,; Countv Home and Kurni Committee he i; adopte-' bv this Board, and the roll 'bet I Ing called tt'e ChHrman 'declared the! motion unanimously carried. j A renort of Louise M. Brooks, Proba- •• • inn officer of the County - Court was j prettying the curtains. It is a means 'presented anil read and was. on motion i of Sunr. Ferris and duly seconded l-y 1 \isnt. Si'"r 'McConnell -"<d d«cl-ired c". ] stated that he was glad to be bqek. Sunr. Corn"e of Hebron Township atidressed the Board and stated that Mrs. i Hrooks made n ren»»est to him fi>r nn i increase in salarv due to the increase | in her \v|»rk on .Invenile delinottencv. I After some discussion, it was recularly | moved bv supr. Ackman and duly sec- ; shaken out. Let them soak for about obne derdef ebryr edS un»or . tMhee ieCro mthmati ttseaei do nm aFteteers.,' j* mmi[nnlujttpecs, mfhie>nn s«qniuiPePez7ee oouutt tinhee for r.»nort The civurman j blackened water and place in fresn lukewarm suds, either in the washer or tub. Run tl^e washer about live minutes for fragile curtains; eight 0r ten minutes for the more durable ones. Before going into the washer, lacy curtains should be put thin ply^w slips so the agitator *|«hre6uis. For UAytubbii'g af or wtween the fiajmtt' may b« needed to remove all the grime. Rinse, starcii lightly, and djry on « stretcher or by hanging evenly over the line, being sure to square the corners. Many curtain fabrics, especially ... chairman I those v>'ith a net or mesh . weave, K^c^cot ^O^XUB • v j shrink during washing. This should ' w. Rl'TH i be taken into consideration when T- .volan'. JR. , tl.ey are purchased cr made. If no It was-. t..h ereupon .re gularlv mnvw.i .b v !; su"c h allow. ance has been m^.1^ . and Supr. Fiiip and duly seconded bv 8nn». j the curtans have shrunk mat..ial^ Wright that the renort of the CoWyiiit- | they can be re-lengthened by fals«- treeec oomnm eEndduactaiotino nf obr e thae a^pponint<me'n t ot ; facin•g the tofp and bottom hems', or Mrs. Mary B. Kndres of Mcifenrv. 11li- by adding fringe to thi bottom hem, nois to act in the canacity of Countv qj Jjy a bias fold t>f Contrasting Superintendent of Schools, in case the j l nresent ("oonfv Superintendent of j _ To the Boartl of 8uoerv|8^t*j*, -if 1&. v, K n.HlxtM Cl'.airma nresepl < 'o r,iiiti-tn!e> i Schools. I!,.l n«H'ess.irv i>. hi# coontrv for the duration of the 'hat his flr«t *»ssi*tan' Mr*. Mary P. Kndres. of McHe»"*v. 111.. h<> appointed to act in his cnncitv ax County Superintendent of Schools. Al'Ol'STra M. MAXWRLT 64 »iwd the traffic that IB apt to cotn« jtetcttiMl and not otherwise. • The Committee on Claims', .County Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded hv Supr. Ferris and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: March 15. A. P 1|44 Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen of the Roard ,of Supervisors; Your Committee on County Poor Claims would heg leave to report that thev have examined all claims presented to them and recommend the payment of the following, mirl that the C'r-rlt be directed to issue orders op the Count* Schools is called int.\ militarv servitie. be'accepted. The roll IxMng called. Supervisors Ruth. Wright, Wittmus. Bnck. Cnv, Carroll, Ackman. F '•is. ; N'olan, Corn tie. McConnell; May Sehmitt. Meier -^nd Fiiip and Asst. Sunrs. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The chairman declared the report and recommendation approved and the appointment made. Asst. Supr. Maxwell addressed the Board and thanked them for the cigar- j ettes he received during his illness and | ® _ many eiectorb wB Supervisor Fiiip stated that h>-» was also glad to be about again ind thanked t he Board for the beautiful nlant that he received daring Ms IPne««. The, Chairman stated that he and the members of thP Board anil the Clerk were all glad and happv to _ have suor. Fiiip and Asst. Supr. Max- Monday after the second Wednesday wen with them again. Th« Chair, j in December at a site direc ted fey ' nrnn further *tat*a that h# was r*c*nt1v A ~ informed that Supr. Harrison wr* i \ \ * Stflte legislatures to cast th<JV at hi« home but wab not amr« of th« ! VOtCS. The ballots then Statist extent or seriousness of his illnsss. but ; r«\ t hoped that h« would up and about eie(-toraJ ^ soon. « member to deliver 'he vote •«>» ih»t n. P. KennaHy, bounty Veterinarian, i state to the president i>f tht- itr'nit#; Electoral College Voters cast ballots not for the President directly but for electoral candidates, who are nominated in various ways according to state laws and who are pledged to vote for the candidate of their party. it has U. S. senators and represents tives combined. " . 1 It is the electoral vote and not tlift popular vote which elects the Preaik dent. The electors meet on the firgt appeared before tha Bo^rd and stated that he would tike to ha\e the opinion of the members of the Board aa to what they wanted to da concerning: the teat for Ban^3 dfse*is« la McHotiry County, erne* ttafi fittttA ft £t* GMCfl **4 The senate and liie ttvAtse ul tentative^ meet m j>>.m >i§ 1 p. m. on the tollgw-i.-i jf to teuii* couaw^,;r. • 7:

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