Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 4

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At V JPagfc . • . v . - r ^ t v f : i i l : •""• *~* ><»•*•*, <f »-**• J 4 ** -> j'*/'< ^ • »>•"-. » - » I f>'! Thiirsday, April 13,1944 THE M'HENRY PLAINOEALER . • >i r Published every Thursday at Mcfcenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. A. H. "MOSHER Editor and Manager * - Entered as second-class matter ail |he postoffice at McHonry,. 111., under | tiie act of May 8, 1879. ' • FOR SALE One Year ..$2.50 FOR SALE--Used gas kitchen stove, white enamel trimmed; also cabinet Majestic radio. Jos W. Freund, Tel. 272-J. • ' ' - *47-2 Paint for Pipe Line The paint used on "Big Inch'^oil ]pipe line approximated 3,362,000 •fTalions. Of this amount approximately 62.000 gallons was a primer coating and 3.300.000 gallons -was pipeline paint ersonm Few Disease* Cause Poultry Men Suck Losses When vou uotre beaks ^ in?, pet bufy quickly with •>th« of tbef coEsrmert, toJtfd treatment*. For cold? and breathing troubles. Helps pr®- ventsprraj; renfves (vinptoms. Workh from the Inside.sga;ust si'fhdisorders. f U»d alone, or i:i severe cases, t, with VAl'O-^rR SPilAY WITH VAPO-SPRAY Overheads of tbe birds. Rap^iD ^ action, high in antiseptic and in*^.^' lalantva-ip- Grt VAPO-SPRAY ( * Leemuiaion XO<V\ w: pro- BolgerV Drug Store Grce "l5: reet McHenry McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY '* Olveif and Johnson •'CRAZY HOUSE" Plus--News Events, Cartoon and Novelty SUNDAY AND MONDAY April 16-17 0 John Wayne -- Susan Hay ward Dennis O'Keefe^ "The Fighting Seabees" Plus--Cartoon, News Events, Jan Garber and His Orchestra TUESDAY Richard Dix -- Jane Wyatt Victor Joy -- Albert Dekker Eugene Pallette "THE KANSAN" Plus--Selected Shorts WEDNESDAY --. THURSDAY Jean Parker -- Bruce Kellogg 1. "The Deerslayer" Allan Jones --: Evelyn Ankers 2. "You're a Lucky Fellow, Mr. Smith" MILLER THEATRE WOODSTOCK, . ILL. FRIDAY--SATURDAY April 14-15 ¥ IN OLD OKLAHOMA" with '• John Wayne -- Martha Scott Plus: Co-hit No. 2 PISTOL PACKIN' MAMA MIDNITE SHOW SATURDAY April 15--2 Features Dcors Open at 11:45 p. m. "SHERLOCK HOLMES FACES DEATH" with Basil Rathbone Plus: Musical Hit "SHE'S FOR ME" David Eiruce -- Grace McDonald SUNDAY--MONDAY, April 16,-17 CLAUDETTE COLBERT FRED MacMURRAY in "NO TIME FOR LOVE" TUESDAY ONLY, APRIL |# BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Ginger Rogers -- Jimmy Stewart in "VIVACIOUS LADY" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY April J9 and 20 B1NG CROSBY BOB HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR "ROAD TO MOROCCO" FOR SALE--Two chicken coops, 14x 16 and 8x12. Hog house and rabbit hut. Reasonable. J. DeDecker. Riverside Drive and Lily Lane, Lily Lake. Rt. 2, McHenry. * *47 FOR SALE -- Two Simmons, 3/4 lipds, coil springs. . Miscellaneous summer cottage furniture. Inquire! Saturday and Sunday afternoons | until .May . 1, W. Cleveland, Fox St., j McHenry, , 34 mile So* of HighWay,* | FOR SALE--.-Lot 6€xl21 ft. at ,intersection of Routes 31 arid 120 in * city of McHenry. Edw, J. Mischke,: R-2, Necedah, Wis. 47-tf FOR SALE--Five windows "'suitable f< t "hot, • b,eds.' Also, for rent,. one lot' for gardening. Mrs, John R. Smith, McIIenry, Tel. 49-M. 47 FOR SALE--First and second cuttwig alfalfa hay. "baled. Also ear" corn. Fred Krause, 2 miles south of 120 on Wonder Lake Road. Phone McHenry 613-J-l. 47 FOR SALE OR RENT-^-Buildings located on Rt. 31, 1 mile south of McHenry, now used as Farmhouse tavern and gas" station. Tavern may also be. purchased if desired. John Otto. 2730 So. Keeler ave., Chicago. Tel. Lawndale 7984. *47 FOR SALE--Baled clover and timothy hay by the bale or toil. Mrs. M. Lane, InglesickT, 111. Rt. 59 at Stanton Point. *46-2 FOR SALE--Selected seed potatoes, Early Ohios and Bliss Triumphs. Also eating potatoes. Dave Segel. Tel. 92-J. . _ *46-4 FOR SALEt-Record player, $29.50; auto radios, $12"and up. WANTED-- Used table model radios, vacuum cleaners, outboard motors, etc. Coles Radio Service, 218 Riverside Drive. Phones 101-R or 656-J-l. 47 FOR SALE--About 400 bu. good Canadian Yanguard-nseed oats, rust resisting, still, left, /at $1.25 a bu. Frank Ehredt, Round Lake, 111. Tel. 2223.. 46-2 FOR SALE -- Jerusalem artichokes have no equal as live stock feed. 100 lbs. at 5c a lb. will plant ieed for 40 hogs, low feed cost. Belvoir Agency, Genoa City, Wis. *46-2 FOR SALE--8 room house in the block across the street from grade and high school^ in City of McHenry. P. J. Cleary, W. McHenry, 111. *46-3 NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN Bluejacket Howard C. Shepard of Ringwood completed his recruit training on April 6 at the naval training station at Sampson, New York, on the shores of Seneca Lake, a n d h a s b f e n granted a leave. Upon his return to Sampson, he will be eligible for f u r t h e r a s s i g n ment which Jmay qualify him for a "petty officer rating. HARRISON URGINGSPEED IN FILING ESTIMATED RETURNS will have the usifcal^extensions postponements. ^ Mr. Harrison urged all taxpayers to file their estimated returns im: mediately. The time between the distribution of the forms and filing date being so short, should taxpayers ,put off the filing of 4heir forms., until the last day, considerable confusion might be caused in the orderly handling of the returns. Mrs. Leslie Olsen visited her mother, Mrs. Susan Speaker, and sister, Myra Speaker,* in Richmond last Thursday. Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Jr., of Wauconda was a weekend visitor in the Thomas Wilson, Sr., home. Miss Lelah Merrell of Woodstock spent a fe^v days last week'with Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Joe McOmber and Marion ^McOmber of Chicago wcjge Sunday Visitors here. Mrs. Regina Marre and son, Raymond, of Waukegan were Easter visitors in the home of John Scheid and daughter, Rena. The Jack Reinert family of Elgin spent Easter with her parents, the John Blakes. . < , Mr. and Mjrs, Robert Thompson , n „ - -- and Miss Maud Gtahger spent Sun-1 Chaffee, Atk. before leaving day irr the Harry Alexander hom'e in ??niP ,r ^®me he was promoted to Hebron. . - . ; the - rank of corporal. Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry' Kinsala 'And!- . ' ".-^2, • • daughters, Mildred and Eleanor, and p f v 'J'^man on our hst is grandson, Donald Kinsala, were Oak . ° z' no^ taking boot Park callers Sunday evening, having | . mg at Sampson, New \ork. been called there by the death of T i Martin Carso, father-in-law of Marie 'Jof|r>Glosson has been promoted I£in$ala Carso. /'.Later: the MeHenry '!• m 8•,® ,7 f<)lks called iii.:Jthe Bernard Kinsala exas* , ' home. .« •.,v" ' ' , ,f. nr ' Mi-, and Mrs. . George Lindsay were | k was deceived last "Thursday callers at the home of her sister, ^ Mrs. Alfred Kleinrath of Mrs. Robert Sutton, Sunday. j l?far Crystal Lake that their son, Mrs. Julia Kralowetz and Miss L,eut- Alfr«d A. Kleinrath, who was Alice Gaulke spent Sunday in Chi-! reP°rted missing in action following cago. S ra'd over France on Feb. Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent .Easter 's ,a German prisoner. He wnsi Sunday in the Carl Courier home in a navigator on a flying fortress. Carter H. Harison, Collector of Internal Revenue, announced last eeloth Janirs I arkin has been enjoying a furloug'h from army duties At Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Shortly before leaving for overseas I he married the former Carol Dean of, Crystal Lake, who with other members of his family and friends is FOR SALE--Ford-Ferguson tractors --\\ € are taking orders and making deliveries on new tractors and equipment. Ford-Ford Ferguson Services and Sales, 248 Throop St., Phone 851 Woodstock, 111. ' 40tf F OR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rock Wool Home Insulation 'Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. . . 36tf. HELP WANTED Friends have received word that overjoyed by ne^s that he is alive. Mi'-.- J- W. Fay, formerly of Belling-1 ham, Wash., is now making her hom* Clarence C. Freund, 19, son of with her daughter. Mrs. Helen Fay I Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund, 104: Hunter, at 518 Cypress avenue, San j North Court St., McHenry, 111., is; Bruno, Calif. » ' [now enrolled as an aviation cadet Mr. and William Heimer, ahd i 'n the pre-flight school at Maxwell daughter, Elaine, and Pvt. and Mrs. i Field, Alabama, an installation of, Edward Gitzke, Jr., and son, Billy, the army air forces training comwere guests in the home of Atty. mand. Here the cadets are receiving and Mrs. Vernon Knox on Easter inine weeks of intensive military,1 Sunday. " physical and'academic training. j Mrs. Tillie Smith of Elgin" was a -- Sunday guest in the home of Mrs.' Capt. L. B. Murphy has been trans-1 Catherine Young. ferred from Shreveport, La., to; Easter guests in the John Phalin Camp Philips, Kas. ! home were Mr. and Mrs. Janrfes Ma-i ; 1 honey and, children of Chicago.'-- - I Honie for the holidays were the Miss Anna Guzzardo, who is em-'Walsh twins, Joe and Jith, of Hunployed in Chicago, spent the weekend ter Field, Ga., Joe Justen of the merwith her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Joe chant -marines, George Frisby of Guzzardo. . . j Springfield, Mo., Elmer Meyers of' LeRoy Schultz s^t f the Easter j Long Island. New York, Arthur Mcweekend in Chicago. I Vicker of Fort Knox, Ky., James Miss Rita Martin spent Sunday Geier of Camp Claiborne, La., A. L. with Mrs. Carl Hiatt and little Kosinski of Fort Benjamin Harrison,' daughter in Waukegan. Ind., and Bill Brda of Chicago. Mrs. Paul Yanda left Monday for- ------ Winnebago, Minn., where she will Joseph and David, sons of Mr. and spend a few weeks visiting in the. Mrs. David Powers, both inducted rehome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.! cently into the, navy, are now at Robert Ritchie. Great Lakes* * Mrs. William Smith of Chicago' " was a caller in the Clarence ^Martin i Relatives have received word" that home one day last week. She was : Thomas Wilson has arrived in Italy. accompanied home by her daughter,; Home on furlough this week are Ann who spent the Easter holidays j Floyd Covalt, Jr., of Fort Leonard m it • ' • • ** *; r. I Wood> Mo., and Lester -Witt of Cartip Easter guests in the Martin Con- j White Oregon wajr home were Mr. and Mrs. LynJ. Lieut. Robert L. Dowe, 26, an army Smith and son Dennis, of Rockton,; glider pilot, was killed in action over HI., and Ms. Mabel Holle of- Oak ( Burma on March 6, his parents, Mr. ar and Mrs, Leo H. Dowe, Waukegan, weekHhat copies of the form for the 1944 declaration of estimated tax have been mailed out to approximately 800,000 taxpayers who filed 1943 declarations in this district last falf. Mr. Harrison stated that there might be other taxpayers who are required to file this year but were not required to file during the previous year. These taxpayers may obtain forms from either the main office, located in the United States Court House, Adams and Dearborn Streets, Chicago, or from any of the division or zone offices located throughout the city of Chicago and in most of the major towns and cities in the twenty-six northern counties of Illinois which comprise the first Illinois tax collection district; " Mr, Harrison explained that the purpose, of these declarations is to keep everyone substantially paid up on his or her income taxes, under the payras-you^o's^tem. A great many taxpayers are kept approximately paid up by the tax that is withheld from their wages, and if these people have no other income than wages they are not required to file-a declaration. ^ v- , . A declaration is required on or before April 15 from all citizens or residents of the United States who expect to have during 1944--either alone oi1 together with a wife or husband: 1. Wages subject . to withholding exc e e d i n g $ 2 , 7 0 0 f o r a s i n g l e p e r s o n j or $3,500 for a married couple living together. 1 2. Or, more than $100 income from all other sources if the total of such income plus wages subject to withholding is (a) $500 or more for a single person, or (b) more than $624 for a married person, or (c) $1,200 or ; more for a married couple living to-' gether. ! The fist quarterly installment of estimated tax shown to be due on the declaration should be made at the time the declaration is filed and; the remainder should be paid on or before June 15, September 15, and, December 15. Farmers who receive more than 80 per cent of their income from farming may, if they desire, postpone the filing of declarations until December 15. However,, if they' do! wait until December 15, the entire amount of the estimated tax must be paid at that time. Members of the armed forces and others who are outside of the continental United States on April 15 Sign of Ring-Rot One of the first signs of ring tieI in potatoes is a yellow or creamcolor ring about one-fourth inch below the skin at the stem end, whig*;: can be pushed out by squeezing,;; - r Use Plane for Wiring *> 'establish telephone communications across an almost impassable glacier in Alaska,,, the glacier was "bombed" with reels ofwire dropped by an army bomber along a Use staked out in the snow. V Coated Textiles ivV Armored or coated textile* ha«i~~ so improved and multiplied under war pressures that the consumer is assured of many better peacetime products. Fabrics coated and impregnated with pyroxylin, rubber, synthetic rubber and synthetic resins are serving a multitude of mfil» tary uses. : J V* Order your Rubber Stamps at Plaindealer. . 4. ^ 1 j ^ i w e j h i n e r ^ Ambulance Servicer ; We axe prepared ; ' - ; - ; v ' I , ; Jacob Justen Sons -- Funeral Directors -- \ Phone McHenry 103-R ^ • Residence, McHenry 112-W Green Street, corner Elm -- McHenry JOHNSON'S CLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS COMPANf BUFFALO, N. Y. . Housewives call it their most dependable cleaning aid. Cleans painted woodwork and walls, sanitas, rugs, upholstery. Won* derful for Venetian blinds, too. No hard rubbing or rinsing necessary. SALE PRICE GALLON SIZE $1-25 fUfular Pri«e $1.50 QUARTS 60c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET ~ V McHENRY, ILL. <$» •+• «$» «%» <%» «*• »+• «$» <$> 4 A. WANTED--Woman for laundry work, in my home. Phone Woodstock 1610-W-2. v. 47.2 HELP WANTED--High school boy. Inquire at McHenry Ice Cream Co. 47 Miss Barbara Carey, who attends | were informed by the war departschool in Evanston, spent the holi-; ment. A memorial mass was said her Parents' the Gerald; in Waukegan. Lifeut. Dowe was the son of Mrs. J. Scheuneman's nephew. WANTED--Night Cook. Call 377. 46-tf Careys Miss Nadine Schaefer, student at St. Ann's hospital, visited at her home here last weekend. Corp. James Larkin, Donald Weingart and Roy Stackhouse were visitors in Chicago Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blount spent the Easter holidays visiting relatives in Springfield, 111. RETIRED WORKERS! CONTACT SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD WANTED--Girl or woman to assist in home of small family. Tel. West McH§nry 123^1. ^46-3 HELP WANTED--Women to sew on machines. McHenry Tent and Awning Co. 45tf WANTED--Draft exempt jnan for war work. Apply Miller Products. Phone 195. 39-tf WANTED---Man for general work. Experience not necessary. Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake. Tel McHenry 90-J. 46tf WANTED WANTED TO BUY--Poultry of all kinds. Wm. Staines, West McHenry. Tel. McHenry 638-R-l. 46-2 WANTED--Am in the market for a jrood McHenry County farm. Please i-'ive number of acres, township and section number. Preffr one with stock and tools. If price is right, will pay all cash. Box 233 Waukegan, 111. *4-45 ANIMALS WANTED DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 8. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask. us for insurance rates. The Kent* Go., McHenry. Phone 8. ' ; 27-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf NOW, re-roof your house with Sears Honor-bilt roofing. All material and workmanship guaranteed. Phone McHenry 106-W, Frank Gans, for free estimate. Representative Sears Roebuck an^ Co., Waukegan, 111, . " . * . 4B-8 Inaccurate advice from vrell-mean- ^ ^ ^ but inadequately informed friends Gerald* AlTetag"left last Thursday ; may ** costing some retired workers for his home in Providence, R. I., "loney \n the form of old-age sui- "where he is visiting his parents be- ; ,nsurance benefits, * Bernard fore entering service. Hef has been T1f.rn(: ' "]ana£®r of the Waukegan, employed at the Ringwood Chemical D moJ8' office of the Social Security plant for the past several months. • 8 , to(*ay- same kind Miss Evelyn Kraft and Robert Sut-' u ^ ° m&? be keePin? beneton of Richmond were Easter guests 1 checks from widows, children and ; in the George Lindsay home. i °* workers who die. 1 Mrs. N. J. Justen, Mr. and Mrs. I ' . co"nteract this, Mr. Barnett ' Stephen H. Freund and Mr. and advised that eVery worker who is 65 Mrs. Peter M. Justen spent Easter or °^er a"d has working in in- Sunday visiting Mrs. Christine Mar- sU^e" employment generally business ; quardt in Chicago. , ar?d industry--should get in touch ! Harry Lindsay received word this ^ nearest office of the Social week of the death of his sister, Mrs. Board immediately for in- Nettie Cummings, in Marengo, Iowa, .°£mation as soon as he quits his last Thursday. ?ob' Eve" a brief delay may result Miss Betty Regner of St. Anne's i" a material loss to retired workers, hospital, Chicago, spent Easter at if ® is qualified for benefits, the i her home her^ Board will assist him to file a claim. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boyle and family , " he ne,eds additional work in coverof Lockport, 111., spent Easter Sun-!® employment to qualify, he will day with her parents, the Harry ™ told just how much more, Mr. j Lindsays. . Barnett said. j Mrs. Marie Diedrich, who has Jbeen; Similarly when % worker dies, if ill for the past three weeks,, will re- security taxes have been taken open her beauty shop on Tuesday. 'i '®"or" *us Pay> the widow or other j Mrs. Vaughn. Jones of Chicago £.loSe relative should contact the ! spent the weekend in McHenry. Board's office immediately. FUll as Miss Mitzi Durland enjoyed her distance in completing claims will lx I Easter vacation at her home here. n'sbed the field office. Con- She is a senior at St. Scholastica tacts may be made by visit, by let- I school on the Ridge in Chicago. j or by telephone. I Easter Sunday guests in the home | Several retired workers who have j of the H. E. Durlands and Mrs. j. • delayed in filing claims informed the ' Scheuneman were Mr. and Mrs.! "oard that fuiends had told them they | Henry J. Scheuneman, daughter, Pat,; Yr£ue n°* ^"^'ble, Mr. Barnett saio. land son, Teddy, of Chicago; Mrs. The best thinj'to do," he added, "is | Josephine Heimer and Mr. and Mrs.1 to come to our office and ask about George J. Kauss, Jr., and daughters, ?uch matters. We have the exact Maribeth and Suzanne, McHenry. information." Mr. and Mrs. William Hansmar. , """te provision is made for some and daughter, Rita Ann, of Chicago back payments on delayed claims, spent the Easter weekend at their Mr. Barnett said, delay may reduce the amount of benefits, or wipe them out entirely in some cases. "Many workers of retirement age tell us that they did not realize that they may continue to earn- credits toward benefits after reaching 65, or that they may work. in covered employment, even after benefits start, without sacrificing their retirement insurance rights." "The true facts are that a worker may qualify for retirement benefits at any age above 65, and that he nperely gives up his benefit for those months in which he makes as much as $15 in covered employment. He might work one month and give up his benefit, and not work the next month and receive hi* J»eneflt. • home at Wonder Lake. . Food Wasted A garbage survey of 247 cities showed that about 20 per cent of the food purchased by householders was wasted. Nylon Plastie ; < After the war, nylon wfl! come to you not only as a yarn for stockings and fabrics, but as a plastic. Some things already have been made experimentally -- tubing, rattan-like strips for outdoor furniture seats, crackless coated fabrics, carburetor diaphragms, coatings for electric wires. Even zippers have been molded oi T T T f f T T T T T T T T T T ? r? T T f T T T T T t t T f T f T f T r y y y T t 7 •f f T T( y y T T y y f ? f f r y ? fy f T t tOFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of McHenry State Bank McHenry, 111. (P. O. West McHenry) transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business <?n the 30th day of March, 1944. . ; RESOURCES ' 1. Cash and due from banks ; 2. Outside checks and other cash items 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts r..... : 6; Overdrafts •: 7. Banking house, $2,999.00; Furniture and fixtures, $1.00 • V • ' '• • • '.'v ' 649,881.58 223.40 1,339,380.39 ! 255,505.70 647,568.84 1,121.30 3,000.00 Grand Total Resources LIABILITIES 12* Capital stock •• •' . 14. Surplus 15. Undivided profits '{Ne.<|) 16. Reserve accounts 17. Demand deposits •; ' • - 18. Time deposits ' • •. ••• . • Total of deposits: (1) Secured by pledge of loans and^or investments „..$ ' 206,634.18 (2) Not secured by pledge of loans- ; and/or investments• '-v' • 2,484,121^96 :........:.......;.:,.......v..$2,896,681.21 50,000.00 50,000.00 36,440.03 52,500.00 1,808,916.64 881,839.50 (3) Total deposits; . ... 25. Other liabilities 2,690,756.14 16,985.04 • Total labilities . Memorandum: I^oans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Loans and investments pledged: U. S. Government oblig^tionrf direct and/or j. . fallv guaranteed .... ..$2,896,6^1.21 ....,$ 546,000.00 T y y y y T T T y y ty T T T y •t T f y T•> t I t t Ty y T Ty y y y y y Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) -- $ 546,000.00 27. Pledged: • •• • v.-: (a) Against U. S. Government and postal savings deposits ....... *517,000.00 ; (b) Against funds of State of Illinois 29;000.00 Total Pledged ..$ 546,000.00 - I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Illinois, pursuant to law. - ROBERT L. WEBER. Cashier. Correct Attest: GERALD J. CAREY, G. J. REIHANSPERGER, directors. STATE OF ttUNdfi County of McHenry.. ss. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of April, 1944. < (SEAL) 4 LILLIAN M, LARSON, Notary Puttie. Ty yT y y T f fy y y yt f y y Tt - •A,- 1,-.

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