Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 5

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- "----7 .1. • fippfp Thursday, April 13, 1944 pTHB McHENRY PLAINDEALER *i / ,, *g*e 91# SO I HEAR" by EARL R. WALSH SMITHS LFCAD THE JPIFILD IN SPECIAL . BOWLING EVENTS Last Sunday marked the wind-up of the sifigles and doubles matches, at . the Palace. From the following list y°u will readily: see that McHenry Two weeks ago we-listed names It is surprising what your pennies, bowlers did quite all right. from an old time record bo?k iin- nickels and dtimes are doing in help- The Smith boys, Jimmy and Hup, earthed by Wm. Pries Sr' ;„ingr the American Legion help the came through in neat style to win . boys. : the doubles. Ted Budil and Herman Many, whose memories went back ' • Schaefer were up close to land sesome forty years, were quick to tell Daring a recent tour of down town cond money. lis that Gilbert ^ Bros., operated the offices in Chicago we bumped into; A close race took place in the sing- •tore at that time. • ivi'Wo men WRo, asked an identical |'es> with Eilix Unti proving the " -- m . ; q u e s t i o n * " S a y -- w h a t k i n d o f t r a i n c l a s s o f h e a l b o w l e r s w i n n i n g t h i r d Our "ST B. C." took a shot in the' service do sou have out there in Mc- place. dark and mailed the clipping to a Henry?" _ ^ . Just to" keep the Smith's in the Leonard G. Phillips in New York, t ----r--- . limelight, Ralph stepped in to win 9 flo'S; ;C0UNTY MEETING 0* | yan, 560; Simon, 545; Peisert, 649. Palace Recreation, 2368--Scfhaefers' Recreation, "2245. M. Crouch.- 551; feud Miller, 524; D. Conwa# 525; S. Miller 480. COUNTY ASSESSORS each summer she conducts a special RED CROSS WORKERS course of lecture-demonstrations. WEDNESDAV APT?TT 1Q ' T!"s is an occask)n no'Red CmM A ' KIL; 19 worker will want to miss and will t* ~ °* special interest to ail women ia ; ExtensiVe planning for a tt»^, im- ^is difficult time of meal planning, portant and inspirational county-wicte j C?°^ngT.and home-maki"g- , \ meeting for all volunteer Red Cross j" AN APPRECI 4TIO^f workers and their interested friends, - ' I . arri sincerely grateful to til# • .^S3j ;'Wj •:v§ PLAN YEAR'S WORK j occupies the spot-iight in head-quar- vo*ers ^or their support at tfaeprf- WITH CLERK WOODS 1 ters' activities these d^ys. This s-mi- marifs last 1 . .. THOS. A. ROWLING NOTES annual get-together on April 19 at j {J County Clerk Raymond D. Woods the °Pera House in Woodstock, at 1 | and County Treasurer J. G. Stevens; 2:0C pm" is under the auspices of i met last week jvith the various as- the cant€en corps, who proudly pre- ] spgsors of the" county 'at tl^e court, Mary Dahnke! : - house in Woodstock. The purpose, of •, Miss Dahnke is widely known^ BQLGEK. ' Pake* Waterfowl Migration - The anftual southward migration ducks, and waterfowl usually be* . . . . • * --- - 1 . n j i n s i n A u g u s t w h e n t h e m a l e a o # _ . the meeting was to issue supplies throughout the I nited States for her 'Some species begin to come in. Hie • • jand £'ve instructions for the assess- .j lectures, demonstrations and w ritings largest flights, -mostly of females property in the county this on specialized food subjects. Ten- and their young, occur in October year.' • , i nessee-born, Miss "Dahnke receiyH after storms and, cold have driven Alexander Wofk on assessing personal' proft-' her doereo at Teachers college. Col- them from nesting grounds ia Alas- Co., Ed Smith, 25$-,587; arid changes in real estate, will umbia university, New York, where and Canada. . ; W. Tonyan, 565; Ed start vth^ first of hext week. -Asse:s- ^ •' tK-it'• »i'KoV '+ • " *>" '• 4.• •"f1-;**' •' "'a' !•' ;.•• wwuifw . ; . ' ' Gus Freund, 204-555. : • v. ' sOi^ who "\Vere pries.ent " foUow Phillip referred to. It has been sev- . . • tu lams we . aye aie goo . j J.- Jimmy, Smith and "Hup" Smith', Walsh Insurance. 2--^Heister Brau,v --Burnice Mackev. . - - 2^ ^ T. 1 r-i$ Back came a letter, a portion of Both of these men had families thi,Al1 Evens" ......... which we give you here: and both thought/ they would like * results of the Team Events City League-- "Ypur letter of April 3rd enclosing ^ live in. McHenry. " . SJ**- F°x River Grove recently are also ] , Tonyaft Construction#. 2 a flipping from the "McHtniry•' T" , ;jliste d; shoeing the Oal? flotel Lumber Coy, 1. Plaindealer" was very interesting in- ' :;'*,.v,VkS% team in second place. d«d as undoubtedly I sm the L. " £5' Zi %£ ' ' " ' G»S ^-555. erpl y- ears si.n ce fI • ih.a ve ited, ^MrVc - That is-r--ithey make go'o d tu¥n e. But. Heniy1 and it was refreshingh pealing pvic*'t7u"r"eT • o•*f" oyr" service 2. Ted Budil and HermaiT Schaiefer, 2l5r536; Hup Smith. : (2I^549>: - ^vi - Dunham--John T.^Kinj^i i ^ recollect some of the old . name^r^r^'^^^T5 McHenry ^1244..Carlson, 528. v. ! , Chemung-Fred -Dean v "I recognized them kll verv well, : , .[• " f ^ Knaack and IV Kpippel, Crysi. e.; John Ix)dtz, the tailor; Dr.* Wells, ' It l'? aPParen^ that ehitato p^e - tal Lake across the street fron? the Gilbert's like ;SI<;He^r-v and 4many. wwild like 4; H, Pape stdre; John Heimer, the one with here permanently, the beautiful daughters; Mrs. Sear Is; •. . : ^ ' • John I. Story; F. K. Granger; Mrs. Post.wAr plans';"ivQjald indicate that tioch 5. T. Huck and F. - KasparJI Fox Willys Schreiner, 220-allV tirhftOn^Mtfrgaret Dw^^ V ' River Grove, 1210° 510, W.;Schlitt,,, 2Q1-548." ' Dorr--E. C. Kappler! * ' ., Stebbins, who ran the very nice McHenry will grow.^'. JSgW htonesj 6- G. fiwcetland^and 7 V. Schultfe, ' . - ^ ' '!t"' Greenwcod^W. F.'VWeidiiwjy'.1-.V;-.:' boarding house; many the time have are-iieeded riglit no^fr. . " Woodstock .....i.......".. 1203 Old Timers-- , • ' Ik'l>ron--John P. O'Holleran. I gone to the postoffice where Roll --r----• • 7- _P- Serres and W. Series, Fox Adams', 2370-^Smith's, 2822. Les- Waite handed out the mail; Harry As long as we can remember, me! River Grove Fay, who married one of my good railroad company has said, "Get us friends; EX S. Wheeler; N. E. Bar- the commuters and we'll put on the bian, the good old cigar maker; trains." / Patsy Boley, the brewer and last . • ;V\'"--r. but not least, G. McOmber; C. G; Frett, the butcher who used to give us free sausages and your humble servant who worked for a dollar a old question of which came firatweek and all he could eat. I re- the chicken or the eg^ member the storekeeper said he did- . V*- n't make much on me. You were „ . ' such a little girl back in those days Progressive businessmen see a that it is difficult to. remember you n,efd f°r a C!V1C organization but I think I do however." . that could promote improvements m . --and near McHenry. iver ...........A..;..;.... 1192 ter Adams, 545, Thompson, 1^7-491 B. Shulfur and C. Stock, Wood- Barbian's, 2325 -- Ropers', 2 2 5 6.' stock 1190 Rogers, 534, Carlson. 208,524. 9. J. Heberline and K. Basely, Wood- • • / stock 1189 Ladies-- 10. E. Sherburne and W. Park^, Riverside |)*ii^, i-^Birfeiafe lJ Woodstock 1188 R. Marshall, 448; M. Owen. 408; E And so it stands. MuVriikr'the A- Schroeder and R. Schneider Hester. 402; G. Barbian. 194-4^5 Crystal Lakje 1182 ~ McHenry has countered with ' Give us the trains and we'll get the riders: Richmond--Ray Barthoff. Burton--B. L. Orvis. McHenry--Joseph J. Schmittr Numia--C. F. Schroeder; Algonquin--George E. Nelson. Shale Oil Extensive exploration and devel- The letter goes on to men^iott ^ - , . ' ford Pouse, a close lifelong friend of , Ma>'be a CIV,.C organization, em- L. Phillips, and also mentions hear- ^rac 1"^ alLSefu10^nS.:.„C°U, . ing from John Dreymiller occasion- need of a Youth Center for our te^nally. Pearl Claxton Dreymiller |s age lads and lassies. remembered as the grand person she . was. Lake McHenry Eauioment Co 2--Mar- ^ CH L uvyci- 12 J Stilling and G Barbian Me i m AOO V - Opment work have been carried on Henrv ' Barbian, Mc mris, 1. M. Yegge. 402; M; Krause, by the U. S. Bureau of Mines with 11BU 419. -- ^oil shales. Tremendous deposits, QSnai^t. I- A..- . » .. 1 totaling perhaps 400 billion tons, are i f n l i. r o' « OAK JP "lock Ladies-- / "available in this country. They will 1. F. Burkett Fox River XSmye, 66a; B. Weber, 459; A. Nett, 407; B. yield an estimated 100 billion bar- I i %"'!*• Z°l R'Ver Gr0V*' " So Buss' 404; Sis Weber, .'.1 79^; ^u rels, of oil, at costs only slightly 3. F. Unti, McHenry, 649 Smith. 401; T. Meyer,,411 • M. Mil- Over the current cost of crude petroi' Antioch,. • .64r jer, 193-491. " leum/ The U. S. Bureau of Mines 5. D. Joslyn, \\ o xistock, .....644 __ for years ran a pilot plant near Rul- 6. R. Smith, McHenry, ..644 • Sthaefers* ison, Colo., proving the feasibility of 7. B. Eichman, McHenry, -64? • Ladwi -'iricWry-- extracting oil from shale. It is esti- ' 8* Sieburg, Fox River Grove, 642 Farmers' Mill, 2--Schaefer's Mark- mated that approximately 60 billion " T • 9", K. Baseley, Woodstock, ..638 et, 1. M. Simon, 421; A. Devik, 441. barrels of gasoline may Be extracted Harold "Zeke" B^cNSn was telling R- Stroner, Antioch, ................638 Harrison's, 2--Phillips 66. 1. B. from this shale oil. * And that's hw news ^ts aitouiid. us recently about the development of 11. G. Ekstrom, Crystal Lake, ...632 , Justen, 447; D. Schaefer, 172-468; ----^ • Youth Center in Crystal Lake. It's 12. C. Thorsell. McHenry, ............631 M. Stilling, 415; G. Weber, 429. WAR BONDS \ital investments for We know a couple of big, strong caking! ^ i" eos ' a future Free Wi.rld. lie-men who are going to have to A :i--S'hne'dtr. ( ry„i1.1:Lake, ..^..625 K „f c.- . practice bowling before they make Frank S^^iner, t^O evidently Is • 5; JonyariU c^fnry^-..^ ..1S24 • McGee Clothing, 24~8iake Mdtbr any more remarks about the ability « reader of the magazine called "The W.-Sewes, Fwc River Grove* ..622 .Sales, 1. Fitzgerald, 482; G. Barbian of girls to hit th,ee mmaapplleess.. Jim Lark- Woman," plucked this story from a l7- F-Kvidvera, Fox River Grove, 622 529; Immekus. 479. in and Donald Weingart never ex- recent issue. It pertains to John An. pected Nadine Schaefer to bowl a derson's son, Albin: 222 game against them. MASSACHUSETTS, Springfield. Even the best of secretaries makes' Paul Yanda showed us a communi- mistakes. In typing out a recruit- ;cation" and samples of the sealing ment plea for WACS, secretary to label placed on each package of Acting Mayor J. Albin Anderson, Jr.. cigarettes sent by the American Le- hoped women wouid enlist to "relieve gion Post No. 491, McHenry to many able young soldiers for more boys overseas. ' s active cuties." Nye's Jewelry. 3--Schaefer .Alleys. 0. Freund. 496; Brefeld, 547. .. .1863 Kleinhans, 2^--Pragir Beer, I. .v.1844 Tavern Pale, 3--McHenry Laun ...1839 dry, 0. Sutton, 512; Hester, 525. ...1835 . . Only One Upset In • EVENING CLASSES Precinct Contests FOR FARMERS GAMS j TO CLOSE APRIL 5" Earl Whiting won "the precinct com- | V * j mitteeman fight on the G. O. P. ttcket j On iWednesday, April 5, the poulin McHenry one yesterday by a vote try course came to a close after of 59 to 30. He defeated Clyde A. meeting for ten consecutive Wednes- Carr. Whiting sought re-election. day evenings. Various problems of Jerry Newman defeated Earl (Pink) egg production were discussed. The: Gorman in McHenry 2 for the G. O. last meeting was used to discuss P. precinct post. The vote was 129 culling, together with a picture showto 116. Gorman sought re-election. ing the development of an egg in a; In the only other precinct contest chicken. This film was made avail-J on the G. O. P. ticket, John Barnings able .by Bill Hoppe, Purina Mills was re-elected* in Nunda one over representative. Those who were Harry Wright by a vote of 154 to 58. i awarded diplomas as having received Only one contest was staged on the systematic instruction in this war! Democratic side for committeeman, production training course are a& jo. Leader Hardware, Fox River William Hubbe defeated Ramona Don- . follows^ Leo Smith, Francis Schmitt,! Grove, 280* ahue in Grafton one by a vote of 37jJchn Lindsay, James Currans, Rich- Antioclr Recs., Antioch, 279® to„14. This was rather a bitter con-! ard Wheelock, Erwin Usner, Merwin -^2. Joslyn's, Woodstock, ........... 2795 test, with legal action being necessary Strever, Ray Horenberger, Roy Milprior to election, wfcen a petition was l®r, Steve May, Ernest Johnson, Ed j War Imnrinm filed to have the petition filed by A.freund and Tony! ^ ^ ^ yeara»»to« M. Hubbe thrown out. The court ruled • t}_ f ma(.hin#rv ' tablishment on October 8, 1940, the the petiition to place Hubbe's name on! The last meeting of the machinery Corvio. t the ballot was legal. i repair course was held Monday, There was no opposition to the Dorr t March 20. This was the twelfth cOntownship G. O. P. candidates for com- secutive meeting dealing with the mitteemah. A. B. MdConnell polled rePair °f farm machinery. Those re- 111; Albert Pearson, 247; Gordonceivin<?' diplomas in this course are Green, 278; Grant Nolan, 210, and Wal- ®s, follows: Matt Adams, Walter Bolger, Allan Diamon, Eugene Epple, Glenn Epple, Vernon Freund, Leo Hiller, Norbert Hiller. Clint Martin, Bud Miller, Charles Scheltz, Albert M. Schmitt, Stanley Schmitt, Robert All Events; 1. R. Smith, McHenry, ......... 2. K Baseley, Woodstock,- ... 3. J. Stilling, McHenry, 4. G. Sweetland. Woodstock, 5. G. Sieburg, Fox River Grove, 1825 Mixed-- - 6. M. Wienke, Fox River Grove, 1793 Rose Freund, 174-433; Rose Gleiide. 7. J. Waldweiler, Antioch, ,1792 445; Charlie Lasch, 553. 8. Jimmy Smith. McHenry, ........1790; ;;c- • .(Ladies-- All Events Actual Pins | The Vogue, 2--Pop Fenske, 1. Melvin Miller, Woodstock, ........17J6 Marg Thompson, 411; Dorothy Schaefer, 462; Helen Immekus, 428; Pearl 5-Man Team Events Schmidt. 442; Mae Simon. 409. 1. Serres Hardware, Fox River ' Suburban Oil, 2--Ruppert Beer. 1. Grove 2971 Mary Sutton. 410; Fanny Freundr. 2. Oak Park Hotel, McHenry, .. 2926> 439; Rose Stilling, 442. 3. No. 3 Grove, Fox River Grove. ----r-- 2868 1 Monday Majors-- 4. Grove Recs., Fox River Grove, Oak Park Hotel. 2--Town Club, 1. 2862 Wrublewski, 200-570; J. Frett, 512; 5. Keylwers, Woodstock, 2826 Eichman, 201-492; Koob, 210-563; B 6. Grove Gravel, Fox River Grove, l Schlitt, 21(^-666; Budil, 523; Krau.^. 2820 204-516. 7* New Way Laundry, McHenry 1 2820 Ruppert Beer, 2--'New Way Laun- 8. Shulfur's, Woodstock, .2816 dr>r. 1- ^ber. 514; Schubert, 532; 9. Grove Bakers, Fox River Grove, 2810 ClVf VOUR CHICKS (rfwfozow rfCr/0lO* DBIMMINC War CD CHOP AHO intcstincs I M. 40c; 11 01 T5e mnaaj It ot., 11.80 MT. AOTt IN DRINK |m and basUrU vltk whiA M hbii la (ODtaet tbtr*. INS, ACTS IN OROPI Ordtauy «W»< fwUnU Btr paiirr drink. M i kn ain stated op fram uw Ur-droftdno- Ovmoaan* ACTS fc t, (Ml 1RD, ACTS IN INTtS. TINES. Ovmoiaii* fa oat enly M MtriaMBt tn lntwtlott. It kltOMli •OlMt harmful btcttrU tb«r«. T»la*bl« for nu; dnipla crop, dlbowel dUordcn. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry National Service Life Insurance program in the army has grown to a 65- billion dollar enterprise, providing insurance protection to more than 95 per tent of all members of thejprmy. Subscribe for the Plaindealer ter Reed, 60. Increase Carrying Capacity The nation's transit industry is saving 200 million bus miles annual- Smith, Art Stilling, Richard Wheely and has added the equivalent of iock. Frank Wilson, Bill Wirtz, Wil- 14,500 street cars and buses by in- jjani Young, Harold Stilling and Earl creasing the carrying capacity of H iPrison existog equipment. j Monday evening, Ajpril 3. all the v farmers who had been attending , either - the poultry or machinery Plane Production courses, gathered at the* local high Jll building a typical fighter plane, - school for a recreation night. Bastne first plane to come from the ketball, cards, and shuffleboard were production lines, Model "A," took i enjoyed by the great majority. Those 157,000 manhours to build. Tenth plane of that model took 59,000 manhours. By that time the engineers were beginning to discover ways and means to improve the ship, so the 13th plane was a slightly revised model--Model "B"--which still took 59,000 manhours to build. Despite design and model changes and changes in specifications/' the 100th plane took only 26,500 manhours to build and the 1,000th, only- 7,800 manhours. <? SIMPLE TEST NOW TELLS YOU WHICH COWS HAVE MASTITIS H«r« la a quick, may way to tMt your cowa for Maatitia. You can do It youraelf right In yoor own barn. Test 20 cow* In 20 nnin. with tha Baaba "BTB" teat. And tt doca not coat: yau a penny. Here ia all you do: Aalt u» for tka apodal Baaba "BTB" Teat Card. Wt wUl fttoa you FREE ona teat card for each, cow In your bard. All you do la folt iw the ataaple directions on tha card. W . have Baaba "BTB" teat carda la stock now. Aak far yoor FREE eupply tbday. Ramambar, a few mlnuta^ spent In taattns yoor cows for mmili Ml --na--Iarfywtmtfnhi- •Ma airimala from alaagbtar. THOMAS P. BOLGER The McHenry Druggist ' who never participated in any of the games were certainly entertained watching the basketball game, which had thrills and high spots which seldom accompany ordinary high school games. Mr. Blount and Mr. Mc- Cracken were on hand to lend a hand, j Afterwards refreshments of sweet rolls and coffee were enjoyed. | Those who attended either of the ; courses undoubtedly profited from ] the rhaterial presented and work completed. The members should feel ; they have accomplished* very patriotic and valuable wrok in our de- ; sire for increased food production and should be complimented for taking an interest and using their time j iif thig manner to aid in our fight for I victory. , - • i. Those profiting from the courses j offered should feel indebted to the | following persons for aiding in carrying cut such a worthwhile program: Gus Freund, Tom Diedrich, Merwin Strever, Walter Boleer, Clint Martin, i Anton Schmitt, Matt Adams, Matt Schmitt and Art Stilling. J G. C. EGBERT, ! Vocational Agriculture Instructor. We have word that Charles Dowe is with the navy at Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Va. Order your Rubber Stamp* The Plaindealer. • V ' j Again We Say-Spring is on the Way A few weeks ago we advised everyone to get ready for spring gardening. Then Old Man Winter stuck his bead out again and killed all desires for garden toola, seeds, etc. Now Old Sol has reappeared with some heat, so we "hope that our supply of seeds will be gobbled up by enthusiastic gardeners. Another thing to. remember is that to have a producing garden you need good tools to work with. We have them, too. Come in today and look us over. % E.H. Nickel's h a r d w a r e PHONE 2 WEST McHENRY LIFE I'nsl NATIONALLY ADVERTISED neo.u.s. pat. off. j. r. & soft You've seen it featured in LIFE and ^he POST. It's very name tells you the story. It's the Ideal, all-purpose Windbreaker . that turns back wind and weather. A handsome looker--tailored of wFndproof, shower-resistant fine gabardine. Gives you a world of comfort and long, dependable service.. The Wlndbreoiter Aovm ft a button front hip-length model. Two jlath pockets and zipp«r breast pocket. Full rayon lined. Tan, brown, coco and tool S 8.95 McGEE'S - Store for Men - McHENRY Thanks I take this means. of saying thanks ' to the voters of McHenry County for the support in the primaries. Harry L Ehorn WASHINGTON WINESAP Eating Apples * ARIZONA ICEBERG Head Lettuce. • CRISP AND TENDER Texas Carrots 2 MARSH SEEDLESS Grapefruit .. 5 FLORIDA SWEE7 ANO JUICY Oranges . . 5 RED RIPE Tomatoes 2 HEAD 8 LARGE B6HS. LBS. OUR BREAKFAST CORN FLAKES Coffee ... SJ 59c Kellogg' tt-oz |«e PK6 II COFFER Hills Bros. FORT DEARIORN Oatmeal. SWIFT'S (LAND otAftMOUR'S STAR JUMIO WHITE SLICED Lard .... Brearf^. 2Lo4 Avi nc DELUXE COFFEE National... . £!27* NATIONAL ORANGE Pekoe Tea.. ^23* COME AGAIN ORANGC Marmalade • a JAR 29* COME AGAIN COME AGAIN Peanut Butter'/;" 29c Salad Dressings* 16* SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip "<26* UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT NATIONAL UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED WHOLE KERNEL CORK (t Hue PH.) (I Red Point" Niblets... • 2-OZ. IIC CAN II Milk... 3 l4/ror 25e PORK & 6LANS ( IC 8lu« Points) AMPBEIL'S TOMATO (4 S'o« PoifkH) Sou.. 3 'SnCampbell's ° 25e OME AGAIN OR MARIGOLD 5 6lif« '•l. ££ 18* AMERICAN HOMfe Salad Dressing POPULAR ooo rooos dog -cor cum Friskies ii122* mLOGG S tlMOM 0OG FOOO Juice.... . t?N 29* MargariM.. LOUDON'S tt BIim PolnH) MARGARINE Apple Butter !j°«L 22* Good Luck.. GRam AM CRACKERS Salerno XI 18c SOA» FLAKES Ivory MIG+4 'ESI Oiytfol uvi-oz 23c LITTLE BO' 81WE Bluing 2 bus 15c FLEECY WHITS Bleach 25c PURE FLOATING SOAP Ivory SOAP American Family more suds Super Suds e Hie ortcfto of om noi^ ^ pproiimoWj IX ?a fttcovnf of IIMaoi» l«i CAKt IOC ^ 23c GRANULATED SO AC 23c *or 23c Gro-Pup Se 22* •^•4 k»'«ia >ia kMM •> NATIONAL STORES si

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