Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1944, p. 6

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• ' •v' J**'. i|p§lP t Page Six THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, April 13, 1944 *' '• » •T^ $: SPRING GROVE (By Mn. Charles Freund* _ Jlrs. Charles Behrens, Mrs. Wil* Hanr Adsit and daughter, Beverly, >pent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay ! and $on visited in the Albert Brit* hottie f>n Friday night. ; Mrs. Paul Weber visited, friends In Chicago on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Britz and children of Rock Island spent the Weekend in the William Britz home. Sunday guests in the home of «Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders were Mrs. A1 Westman and sons of Woodstock "tand Miss Evelyn Sanders and friend. Parishioners of St. Peter's , church TOWNSHIP TREASURER'S Arthur Stilling, weeds REPORT Mowi n j Jacob Freund, Mowing weed* Anton H. Freund, Grading Frank-L. Adams. Grading °f ^ SKSE*" Mr Out Fiscal Year Endtptf Keniieth E. CrisU', C,;a<K March 27, 1944 STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, Town of McHenry, ss. Office of Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds of said Town. To the Highway Commissioner, Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois. I, Math N. Schmitt, Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds for the Town and Countv aforesaid, State of Charles Miller, Graveling Henry J. Weber, Mowing weed^ Wm. Jung, Mowing weeds .. Matt Schmitt. Mowing weeds Elmer Vogt, Mowing weeds and grading , , September 28 Suburban Oil Co., 11% ton asphalt at $5.00 per toft Iowa Mutual Liability Co., Insure tractor $88.70, W. C. $47.40 ,..., Wm. Spencer, For shaft ..'.a, -x ton V 15.90 3.00 6.60 19.25 18.80 20.60 12.00 2.70 3.00 . 9.60 57.50 • William M. Carroll, Attorney, Woodstock, Illinois. * . NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of HENRY J. THELEN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, June 5, 1944, is the claim date in the estate of Henry J. Thelen, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County. || Heating Inefficiency , Dirty boiler water and oil giudge deposits on the interior of the flue surface will cause foaming and priming with the result that it takes more fuel to get up steam. * Cover Before Freese , Strawberries should not be covered till just before the first hard freeze, whish occasionally comes in October, but usually arrives in mid-November. Aim of the covering is to prevent breakage by heav- Government Investments The total net investment of all types of manufacturing enterprises --which soared from 50 to 70 billion dollars in the past three years--is -now one-fifth owned by the govern, ment. ; Kenneth E. Cristy. Gradi^. . 35^ i , r , . , ci j out of the ground of the plant 136.10 ! lM,nois' an<^ that claims may be filed roots wjth the alternate freezing and 1.20 < against the said estate on or before thawjng 0f the soil in winter. If 3.50 40.60 say that the following statement by £* K j 35 yar<T8 me subscribed is a correct statement; * v„, ' y of the amount of ^^JfofWrn. Millw 40^^^ funds on hand at the beginn,na of,,John E Nett, Grading and ~ , i the fiscal year above stated, Jthe ,• ,trnn<mnrt»tion attended ,Easter services in large . amount cf road and bridge fund^re- j f* tj (transportation 'number. During the masses at eight j cejve(j; the sources from which re-': 4nd ten o'clock many received Holy Reived; the amount expended, and g ^ the purpose for which expended, as R^ry ^/w^;"G«din^ se$ m said ^temenL ^ Elmer Vogt, Grading • ; , MATT N. SCHMITT, r ; ^ ^ Grading • \ • •" * O c t o b e r 2 7 Peter Miller, Grading this 28th day of March, 1944 _ _ j Jo§ Klbeckn - Grading ALBERT KRALSE • .Miller; cutting weefc^v E. Nett, Grading and graveling ; 50,00 jos. Nett, Grading ' 8,40 Grasser, Grading ' Communion. The church was beauti- \ fully decorated with snap dragons,- v" ^carnations and Easter lilies..' i * Pupils of St. Peter's school are ^ enjoying several days Easter Vaca- ; • ,tion. ;" '••' .••••'•• -J : Mf. KFEND MPS.- Frank May^ 'sofr, i-^Eupene, sfient Monday a,ft£fnoon . ^ W o o d s t o c k . ' " A A ; , ' - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Her- 187.46 55.00 20.12 4 10.30 •* 11.25 said date without issuance of summons. JOHN J. THELEN, Executor. (Pub. 'April 6-13-20) snow or mulch cover the plants all winter, they will not be' damaged in this way. Hogging Off "Hogging-off" corn will save labor and make huskier hogs. Feeding trials on farms and at experiment stations show that pork was produced with less grain by hogging corn than by feeding ear or snapped corn in yards. Shoats averaging-from 75 to 125 pounds are the most desirable weights to be turned "but" into the cornfield. DR. R. DeROMB 7 --Dentist-- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Read the Want Ads Vernon ( S E A L ) . . . . . . . (My: Commission Expires June 24v 1 9 4 6 . ) • • • • • " <•:*•* ---- --. c ... : .1 ' . ". - . ., Wm. uiassci, uiaumg - ' bert and" Richard W'agner visited 'Statement of Receipts, Summary of -Elmer Vogt .Grading ^Telativps" in ,,'Chioago on Monday. I . Expenditures and Balance * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson j ' On Hand. and Mrs-, A1 Schmeltzer moved' on,|.. y . V;. . ^ Mondav from the Ellen house t)ne j 1943 ® /.? : .*. .• mile east of town to t"he Arnold May Schmitt, Balance ^ ^ ^ house. Frank Furldtt passed, away last week following an illness of several years duration. - , Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern vere callers in McHenry on Sunday. CHURCH SERVICES St. Mary's Catholic Church Sunday. 7:00, 8:30. 10:00 ajid 11:30 fc Holy Days: 6:00; 8t0O; 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00. p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. 15.99 51.50 April 27 Jos. J. Freund, Donations plowing snow .... May 28 " State of Illinois, Refund on gas tax June 6 • Jos. J. Freund, Donations plowing snow June 16' Ji G. Stev e n s , Co u n t y Treasurer, Partial p a y - mcnt of taxes September 15 J. G . S t e v e n s , C o u n t y T r e a s u r e r , P a r t i a l P a y ment of taxes November 22 J. G . S t e v e n s , C o u n t y Treasure*-, Forfeited taxes J . G . S t e v e n s , C o u n t y T r e a s u r e r , B a c k t a x e s j . G . S t e v e n s , C o u n t y ^Treasurer, ina.1 Payment. of taxes December 6 State of Illinois, Refund on gas tax 1944 February 25 FVed W. Heide, For plowing snow March 22 J. G. S t e v e n s , C o u n t y Treasurer, Back taxes on personal property 5.00 41.00 54.06 16.00 ii750.0Q j Arthur Stilling,' Grading Alexander Lumber Co., cuh verts » v,..,y.. Charles Miller, Crushing and graveliriig ' Howard Wattles, 50 ' yards ; gravel^.., November 24 , Suburban Oil Co., P a r t i a 1 payment on seal coat ...... 1,200.00 Ringwood Garage, Gas arid' oil 21.80 Jos. L. Freund, Putting up snow fences Wm. May, Putting up s/ipw' Knox, Charles D. Page, I Attnmpv« ' NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE | ESstate of Florence A. Sayler, De- i ceased. * I Notice i& "hereby given to all per-; sons that Monday, Junfe 5, 1944, is 24.08 the claim date ih the estate of Flor- 31.10 gnce A. Sayler, Deceased, pending in 9-00 the County Court of McHenry Coun-.[ ty, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or b e f o r e s a i d d a t e w i t h o u t i s s u a n 9 e o f . summons. • : "[ H UG H , A. DEN EE N, AdAiinistrator, . with Will annexed; : ,• V ^ (Pub. April 13^20-27) . - 16.40 4.40 12.75 Help Wanted ^Maintenance Main and Painted HUNTER BOAT CO. Office Hours--Daily Except Tharfe. 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4:30, Moiu, We<L, Fri. Nights: 7 to"8. Other Hours by Appointment H. s. VAN DENBURGH, DC., PhC Chiropractor 120 Green St. Tel. 292-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebron 926^ TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 y DR. C. L. WATKIUS . "Dentist - '/ ' • - Office Hoofs;. • Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 pM." ! Evenings and Sunday Mornings . by Appointment! j Lookout Point •••,• NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE . Estate of FLOYD E. COVALT Deceas- | ed ! Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, June 5, 1944, Is the claim date in the estate of Floyd E. Covait,; Deceased, pending in the County j Court of McHenry County, Illinois, 27.00 and that claims may be filed againwt _ the said estate on or before said date _ fences (use of car $12.00)^^ 39.00 without issuance of summons. Charles Miller. 845 yards of | - CARRIE E. COVALT. Executor, gravel, crushed (transportation tax $12.54) ........ Howard Wattles, 845 yards 857 54 DAVID R. JOSLYN, Attorney (Pub. April 6-13-20) Total Receipts ;.... Summary of Expenditures .i. Balance on Hand . St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10HK) Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion d& tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before ^ and during tne 7:30 Mass. ORDERS PAID Confessions: 1943 April 28 Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and Collector of Internal Revenue, t :00 to 8:00 p. nx. rJ Victory tax Thursday before First Friday: 4:00 Tonyan Bros., 4 yds. washed" to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 tr, 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, pastor. gravel .....; Peter M. Schaefer, Grading.. • Ed. Bauer, Cuttini; weeds .. i ' ! Wm. Smith, Putting up snow T^oj: :'ences D«imter'i6Lai oc«> or Suburban Oil Co., Balance f on seal coat «,.v i December 22 on'McHenry Co. Farmers AsStt^; 30 posts j Wm. Pfeifer, 1,192 yards of crushed gravel at 35 cents per yard ...... Kenneth Peterson, cutting weeds ...... Wm. Grasser, Grading Charles Rietesel, Printing Road signs ............................ McHenry Lumber Co., 50 | stakes "777T7IT71 Gentral Garage, Gas, oil and .$11,095.00 | repairs q ro "^os Huemann an(l Sons, i. 9, Storage and repair's Wm. Miller, 189 yds. gravel,. 84.50 51.71 9^00 12.57 1Q.00 14.71 ; Fall Planting of Shrubs The fall planting season for hardy 27 00 trees, shrul^s and vines commences with the time the leaves begin to turn color and drop from the plant >729.58 and continues until the ground is . ! frozen. The early part of this period is probably the better time. 12,90 Then the roots of the plants have ! an opportunity to become established j before the ground freezes. Root 417.20 growth will continue in the fall as ' n_ i long as the soil temperature is from 8 to 10 degrees above freezing. 6.00 WAR BONDS vital" investments for a future Free. World. 4.08 WANTED AT ONCE! Girls and women for war work, making hospital tents. Good wages. You can help your country and make good money at the same time. Apply at McHenry Tent & Awning Co. Phone 37 Corner Riverside Drive ^nd Pearl St. ;J)Rr H. 8. FI^ ; '.".7 •ilterinariaa • ' 305 WH»kega* jli, , Vhone 31 McHENRY, ILL. 8^. John's CathoUe Church, Johasbnrg Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:90. Thursday before First Friday: and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. 2:30 gravel ...... John Weingart, 203> yards gravel Jos. L. Freund, Taking down, snow fences ($10 for use of car) «.;• Jos. Nett, Grading and clean-' ing ditches John J. Thelen, Grading, ...1,,;' Elmer Vogt,* Grading .......... Chas. Miller. Graveling and and crushing (transportation tax $13.52) ........... John E, Nett. Graveline and grading (transportation tax $5.88) May 26 Nunda Township, Grading; roads 1942 -.^T Wm. Grasser, Grading roads and work on culvert ...; Central Garage, Gas, oil and repairs John E. Nett. Grading (trans, tax $4.5C) ?..$ 1,569.86 jog Nett, Grading • John E. Nett, Grading and graveling John J. Thelen, Grading and cutting weeds ..i...1. Charles Miller, crush i ng gravel 1944 v January 28 George J. Oeffling, cutting weeds Win. Grasser, Grading s,,. Jos. Kloeckner, Grading {>5.60 Eimer Vogt, Grading Henry J. Weber, Grading" S^io Frank L. Adams, Grading .... 12.20 3.60 131.95 Zkw Evangelical Lutheran Church ' John St: East of Highway 31 . West McHenry, 111; R. T. Eissfeldt, Pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A. cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, i ntoP Freund, Grading will fill your heart with "hope and Sf„n. JVnt g courage. Services 9 Sunday Scho^-*.i..,;..;..lft a.m. ^C^irist Our Only Talking Point!" v • v W E L C O M E , Listen , to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--W. G. N., 2:30 p.m. 464.42 201.78 23.40 Community Church Smiday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a. m." Junior League: 6:30 p. m. Bpworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Mack Powell, pastofe St. Peter's Catholic Church* :i Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Fridays d:00. Confessions: . Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:15, Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor.* Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services--3:00 p. m. H^ L. PFOTENHAUER,-pastor Grace I-utheran Church v^tulhmond e^ool: r0:30 a. rti. . Service: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, pastor. Adult Ringwood Church Ringwood, 111. Snday--Public worship, 9;30. Church School, 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday eve- J^ng. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director: McHENRY LODGE A.F.-& A.M. , McHenry Lodge No. 158 meets the flint and third Tuesdays of each month •t the hall on Court street. Peter Miller. Grading Kenneth E. Cristv, Grading.'. Earl Harrison. Grading ...... Jos, Nett. Grading John .T. Thelen," Grading ...... Jos. Kloeckner, Grading ...... Ernest Schondorf, Labor on Road ....;; Charles Milled Graveling and • crushing, (transportation tax $5.94) Howard Wattles, 721' yards: . gravel , Elmer Vogt, Grading June 23 Ringwood Garage, Gas and Bien N.. Smith, Grading and sanding Charles Miller, Graveling .... Howard Wattles, 102 yards 'gravel John E. Nett, Grading and : graveling (transportation tax $7.10) " July 28 Peter Miller, Grading and cutting weeds Wm. Grasser. Grading and cutting weeds ..... tfltilin Schaefer, c u 11 i a g thistles i,.'.wK.:.'. Elmer Vogt, Grading Henry V. Sompel, JF i x i n g culvert and sod Charles Ensign, Ditching .... McHenry Lumber Co.. Tile ..; Jos. Kloeckner, Grading Peter M. Schaefer. Grading and cutting weeds Anton H. Freund, Grading Frank L. Adams, Grading .. . Wm. Harris, Grav< ling Frank Kaiser, G r a v e 1 i n g, grading and cutting • weeds .^.... : A r\h u r Hoppe, Graveling, grading and cutting weeds Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading and cutting weeds John E. Nett, Grading and graveling (Transportation tax $3.99) ..: Jos. Nett, Grading August 25 John E. Nett, Gadding atid graveling (transportation tax $5.54) Jos. Nett, Grading Ed. Bauer, Mowing weeds' J.. Alec, Anderson, Labor on - road ....: .• Rinerwood Garage, Gas /and oil John J. Thelen, GrajJiff^ and mowing weeds •^3'in Anton H. Freund, Grading *. Nunda Tow?iship, Grading and plowing snow 1943 .... February 23 „ Stilling's Service Station, Gas and,.oil .... Ringwood Garage, Gas and . i Botts Weiding Co., Repair on We 1 snow plow '•/?' • Wm. Spencer, Repairs ........ Jos. Nett, Grading John E. Nett, Plowing snow ^ _ 2. months a**'*; f0.59 peter Miller, Grading Frank L. Adams, Grading .... 10 ftrt Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading.. Ben J. Schaefer, 1 shovel ..v d o . o u E i ^ r e f j J o h n s o n , c u t t i n g we^ds Charles Miller, crushing gravel, 400 yards 90 S March 22 01 Charles Miller, crush i n g gravel, 400 yards in An Wm. Grasser, Grading IO;0U Henry V. Sompel, Work on T culvert ... John Smith, Cleaning cul- ^Ud.94 verts no 1 n Wonder Lake Repair Shop, if'In Gas and oil I4,^u; John E. Nett, Graveling $148.84 and plowing snow i v. 1 $52.00 ....... ^o.^u ijos. Kloeckner, Grading .... Anton M. Schmitt, Adm., 35 yards gravel 40.54 158.90 18.90 3.90 218.44 38.00 64.96 9.00 9.40 11.80 8.40 12.25 75.25 25.80 100,00 5.40 13.90 17.23 1.20 3.00 104.00 15.90 9.00 54.45 1.99 22.50 •200.00 200.00 "v&OO 1.25 10.78 200.84 14.10 55.00 • 3.5<) 94.55 1AO„ DISTRIBUTION OF a0.20 EXPENDITURES ' Earth Road, Construction ....$4,760.4:5 i Earth Road, Grading 1,778.02 ^oV,4U! H a r d Road, Construction 4 ; ] seal coat "1,929.58 VL^iHard Road, Maintenance .... 57.50 •yv ] Bridges "and Culverts, " Re- Q7qa Pairs v • Machinery Purchased WANTED! MEN AND WOMEN Trimmers 1 Inspectors NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 16.80 Machinery Repairs Treasurer's Commission Miscellaneous 38.5;t 1.99 112.42 •114,11 633.0.') 21.00 Total ........„.:.„.^riftt6a^6y 118.63 .17.92 : . 13 00 Storing Sheets 78 50* M you store sheets and pillow 12 00 cases f°r an indefinite period of 33l00- time, put them away freshly 3*00 washed, thoroughly dry, unironed and neatly folded. Wrap or fold 1 them in a heavy dark cloth to pre-v 147.03 vent yellowing. : ; :--- ' 71.88 j • . Peru Good Tea^Country 87 „7! Edward C. EllipK; a British tea , expert from Ceylon, who was engaged to supervise tea growing in 192.74 Peru's agricultural experiment sta- 3.90 tions, reported that growing conditions in Peru were better than in ! Ceylon or anywhere else in the Far East. Tea plantations totaling 1,200 acres have been established in Peru with production of about 250,000 pounds of dry tea this year. Hundreds of more acwjs will be planted and a factory for drying and processing tea will be built at the Tingo Maria agricultural experiment station* 191.94 3.90 17.25 17.10 50 HOURS PER WEEK. TIME AND ONE HALF OVER 40 HOURS. FOR NIGHT WORKERS. BONUS ARE YOU DOING YOUR SHARE IN HELPING WIN THE WAR? APPLY TO War Manpower Commission United States Employment Service . Postoffice McHenry; IlN Thursday and Friday, April 20 * 21 9 A. ML to 4 P. M. ff yoa are employed In essential war work or at your highest sldli, please de vet appiy. McHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R-l -- One Mile South of Mcfienry on Route 31. Flowers for all occasions! Phone 43 ".' ; Veraon J. Knox ATIORNEY AT LAW -- OFFICE HOURS -- Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry .... Illinsli A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHEB Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging • Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive ••V McHENRY, ILL. * ^ INSURANCE p l a.E EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies When you need insurance of any Idai Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Telephone No. 800 -- Stoffel A.Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS EDWARD SCHMITT Roofi n gr^Qnlrry t or Asbestos and/ InsuT~Brick Siding Estimates Furnished I*hone 603-R-l Box 368 McHenry, 111. * ' Horses Wanted I B U Y Old and Disabled Horses. . - Pay from $5 to $14 --~ ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 844 439 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, I1L A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building- Tel. 2D4-M McHenry, III S. H. Freund & Soo j CONTRACTORS i , AND BUILDERS ; Our at Your Service in Building Your Wants. ! Phone 56-W McHenry Phone McHenry 677-R-l • -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg p. O.--McHenry WANTED TO BUY We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES & CAmS charges.

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