Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1944, p. 4

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'¥ Page Font THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER •• THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER ^.J'ublished every Thursday at lie-i &enry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter at tke postoffice at McHenry, IIL, under tike act of May 8, 1879. SUPERVISOR CHAIRMAN FOR SALE One Year ^.*2.50 Trfeat Paper Paper, cloth and wood now can Jrf.chemically treated to make theiii ^yeaapable of spreading flames. - * •vy.y Color Promotes Loyalty Color is emotional and a creator emotions, it is said. Pleasant, Stimulating emotions and emotions of loyalty to employers can be produced by the scientific use of color til factories arid other industrial and business establishments. l|§< m • Help chicks and young birds grow and develop. Give them TON AX in their mash. Especially after an attack of any disease. And as a tonic and conditioner. Contains mild astringents to help relieve Enteritis; also blood building elements. Tonax helps control intestinal parasites. It provides trace minerals and reliable stimulants. For layers too. Inexpensive and convenient. 2-lb. can enough for 400 chicks for a month, 73 c. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry FOR SALE--Used vgas kitchen stove, white enamel trimmed; also cabinet Majestic radio. Jos W. Frewnd, Tel. 1272-J, . *47-2 FOR . SALE--Lot 66x121 ft. at intersection of Routes 31 and 120 in city of McHenry. Edw. J. Mischke, R-2. Necedah, Wis. 47-tf FOR SALE--Selected seed potatoes. Early Ohios and Bliss Triumphs. Also eating potatoes. Dave Segel. Tel. 92-J. *46-4 FOR SALE--$ room house in the' block across the street from grade aijd High schools in City of ^IcHenry. P. J. Cleary, W. McHenry, 111. *46-3 FOR SALE--Mohair davenport and chair to match; also another large Hair. Edith Karls Cafe. Phone 26. ^ '-• j"" •' '-*8 1 OR SA LE -- Chester White boar, ; egistered. W; \ V. Her#ott,. Rich, • K > n d . 1 1 1 . " . : • . » 4 8 ersonm Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson and daughter. Gerry, visited relatives ^in Chicago on Sundaiy. The Misses Genevieve Knox, Eleanor and Mildred Kinsala, Alice Gaulke, Marie Powers and Mrs. Ella Buss and Mrs. Bertha Jensen attended a performance of "Oklahoma" at the Erlanper theatre in Chicago Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Evanston were Sunday guests in the George Johnson home. Miss Mary Jane Laures, who ire. NAME STANDING COUNTY BOARD TWELVE WOMEN TO ^,SJ»VE ON McHENRY CO., GRAND JURY year. The committees are somewhat changed from the jpast yean?: The appointments follow: - Personal Property -- August Ruth, chm., Stanley Cornue, Henry Meier. Elmer C. Coy, A. M. Maxwell. Roads and Bridges--Edward F. Kuecker- ^.hl? • ,Franl< Beck, John J. Filip, Math CHARLES H. ACKMAN FOR SALE Charles II. Ackman, veteran -mem- , ber of the county board of supervisors, i ear-old Kroll Kab' was elected chairman of the county ' » * *""" uuitu u. r cently completed a post graduate Schmitt, c. Perry Wright, six months' course in surgery at j „.„^?li?alLon^7A\M- Maxwell, chm., Au- Cook County hospital in Chicago, isj Eiiner c. ey ornue' T- F- Nolan, enjoying a'vacation at her nome I Fees and Salaries -- Paul Rosenthal here. *. . lS?m" Frank Beck, A. M. Maxwell, Frank i *jr T I xtr i u v. "u 1 J- August Ruth, Stanley Cornue, T. j Mrs. Jack Walsh has been spending F. Nolan. I a few days this week in the home .Lands and Lots -- A. B. McConnell, o* her daughter, Mrs.,George MiL-, M.^xweU ISMaf Ro8entha1' | ler,, in Chicago. i • Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies fK M^ss Genevieve Knox, awotnpanied J G arj ^ii?' HenryEffi^SeM^ by Georgianna. Donahue of Huntley, , Finance-Henry Meier. ckm., Math N visited Chicago friends last weekend. Schmitt, Paul Rosenthal, Frank McCoii- Mrs. May Fisher returned to^ her j "^uNiV^S!; -- c. Pferry Wright cott&ge on McHenry' street, Lake!chm., q. j. Carroll, T. F. Nolan, Elmer Zurich, this week after a visit with c- Goy, Stanley Cornue. Kheorr dHaonuflgpVhttfecir*, Mvros . TD\aoWnOa1 l^ d "MM cCaffer- j _ Railroads -- Carl Wittmua, chm., C. ty, in Vincennes, Ind. • luggy in good condition Call Md-Z ' 1 V"01'"*"" Mrr.. aanndd Mrrss.. FFllooyydd CCoooolleeyy -- aatttteenndd-- b t-iaims County Po MCi;on. Henrv 87-R " dition. Call MA- board on Tuesday to succeed Edward! ^ a performance of "Oklahoma" in j?.6"* nenrj ?<-K. _ 48 p Kiiorkpr Hp has BPrwrt Hnral , v. *• AolM' Edward F. Kuecker. FOR SALE -- Rocker and . pull-up "" "--~ ivirs. ciausen oi raaaison chair; green upholstered couch; serve<^ as chairman in 1925 and 1926. Wis., visited in the home of her parbreakfast table and three chairs.! Ackman s name was placed in nom-' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Zion Baker, this Mrs. Nelson. Call McHenry 648-W-l. inati9n 'by Supervisor Frank Ferris week. • *48 ®ra^on- The second to the nomin- Kathryn McAndrews, student nurse s ?leffV0,K?--Frank Ms ation was by Supervisor Perry Wright j at Henrotin hospital, Chitago, spent -EimTr c. Co?.* Ferrls' A- B- McConneVli -- v .1 a pcriurmante oi u __ F. Kuecker. He has served. Coral Chicago Saturday night, township on the board since 1916. He -Mrs. C. A. Clausen of Madison, Twelve women we re selected to serve with eleven men on the new r - ! grand jury selected by the board of Charles H. Ackman, newly elected i supervisors Tuesday. This is the chairman of the county board of super- j first time since the law was changed visorors, Tuesday afternoon appointed3] aHow women to serve on a grand standing committees for the coming Jury that the total numbered selectrri -- - ed outnumber the total .number of -men. The regular jwhel selected Tuesday follows: Riley--Carl Ia Johnson Marengo -- Iva Wachob, Myrtle Shearer. , • / ,-Dunham--William Darmon. Chemung--Mrs. Hallie Beck, Nell Phelps. Alden--G. W. Fitzgerald. Hartland--Blanche Schildt. ^ Seneca--Irir Carlson^ ;'- Coral--Eugene Shaw. .Grafton--Annas, Miller., 1 * . Dorr--Elmer Carlson, Ella Walkup. Greenwood--Carrie Mansfield. " " r , 'Hebron--Gertrude Anclersoi)(i Richmond--Cecil Allen. ^ ;vi Burton--'Victor O. Siegle*. .; " . McHenry--Jacob Schaefer, Mrs. Rose Freund. ;» N u n da--Ernest A*^©olby, Mrs. Joy Bauer. V Algonquin--^Julian L^zans^ :Rose Pokorny. .* • ' TTie supplemental panel selected starting with Burton township, follows: Burton, Paul Weber; McHenry, Wm. Spencer; Nunda, Albert Irwin; Algonquin, Thomas Hucek, Jr., Anne Roop; Riley, Marion Burke; Marengo, Elmer M. Hamilton; Dunham, Charles M. Palmer; Chemung, Wm. Guetschow and August Breiten- Thursday, April 20, 194^ CARD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to expresf~ our thanks to all friends for floral; offerings,: cards of sympathy an<li other kindnesses extended at th#?- time of the death of our brother. WILLIAM HARRIS, 48 GILBERT HARRIS, Perry Wright. Frank McConnell, A; b! McConnell, Stanley Cornue. on16!1?! Poor--Frank McCon- More Local Folks Give " ' To Blood Donor Service As reports come in from the various Red Cross blood donor service cen# ters, we find that many McHenry folks are really doing their part for • this worthy cause. Most recent donor when the mobile unit visited Douglat Aircraft was Walter Rose! of Routf- 2, McHenry, and when the unit ap. .peared in Waukegan last month, th» v jfo] lowing were doners: Raymond Klein, Alfred Thelen, Ed. Denman».. .J^red Fuchs" and Eugene Hughe&V Pearl Patzke was a recent, donor i*/;. ^Elgin? ..'jv;:'VJ: O f • W: •• illbod Donations ^ , : Blood donations to Red Cross Iters average 80,000 a , week. To Settle With Treasurer--J, E. Har- Twi?n' ^ V ,Stanley Cornue, Henry Meier, Frank May, Carl Wittmus McHenry County Home--G. J Carroll t l£" u' B>' McConnell, Paul Rosenthal' J. E. Harrison, Carl Wittmus. ^fAlon^~^k_May, chm.. Math N. Rules--Elmer C. Coy, chm A R Xfr> Connell, Frank May. ' ° Purchasing -- E. F. Kuecker ohm ^e^t; Alden, Milton Gast; Hartland, Frank Ferris, John J. Filip. ' • | Emmett Costello; Seneca, Edna Wette ief of Blind -- Stanley H. Cornue, j leif; Coral, Walter Karsten ; Grafton, McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND ROBERT CUMMINGS "Princess O'Rourke" Also--Cartoon. News Events and Novelty SUNDAY AND MONDAY April 23-24 Deanna Durbin -- Franchot Tone Pat O'Brien "His Butler's Sister" Also---News Events, Cartoon and Musical, FOR SALE^1929 Model A Ford; of Marengo. The election^was unanl-jthe weekend at her home here. two^new tires. Leo Diedrich. Tel. mous. Lieut. Everett B. Thompson, son McHenry 662-W.2. M8 Chairman Ackman has a fine record],of Mrs. Floyd Thompson of Congress J. W. Olsen. Tel. McHenry 686-J-l His some 28 years experien.-e , a few days last week with his uncle, B I ,5 * ! S w•MT MT'e G"r? ^ _f as a board member makes him very Robert Thompson. Lieut. .Thompson; Ferris. Frank May Flllp> ehm" Frank Hl, . „n ?' ^ Greenwood, FOR SALE --Two, 20.amp. single much qualified to^^ hold the nosition. is with the Fourth Ferrying group of Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cat Kiellstrom^RiphmnnH rwT' ft ?S1+ pole Tork electric time clocks, new.; In retiring as chairma« ,E. . F. Memphis, Tenn., and just recently N- s^mitt, chm., j. E. Hawi-! J strom» Riehmond, Oscar Ranhut. returned from India. 1 RiKht o^wnv F pvi'1, ™ • Miss Eileen Kilday of Chicago E. Harrison, Carl Wittmus?^ "^I^lan! spent the weekend with her parents, I enry Meler. the John Kildays. ' Paul SKos!ntLr £" Ptrr^ ^rlght chm-" Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard -Albert and' - - - ' ran c onn®llj- wte iurK eiectric ume ciocks, new.; * •. For turning lights* on and off at Kuecker leaves behind a fi&e year predetermined times. $20 each. Tel. service. ' * , '.wl-W-1. • *48 ' ' --: • FOR SALE--6-room house with two MARENGO YOUTH lots, drill well, basement and two-; car garage. Mrs. Marie Skotnick, ; MeCullom's Lake. Phone evenings i after 7:00---McHenrv 678tR-1. 48. APPOINTED OFFICER . TWllis, Jobe of Marengo was appointed probation officer of the cirr ert ana | Special Tax - Frank BecTchm BM 'Cuit Court ^ Jud?€ William L. DIES IN ACTION sons of Crystal Lake were Sunday | ward F. Kuecker, John J. Filip. " j Pierce Monday morning. He succeeds OVER GERMANY visji°rS T in ^he,, P\ul /lbfrt f ; Fr Z*TniecTTenrT MeieFr N°lan' Chm" ! ^ A- Crissey- ha* held the posi- The Leo Diednch family of Hunt-] , xienry Meier. _ ! tion for many years. Mr. Crissey ley were local callers on "Sa turd1a y. T was appointed by the late Judge Ed. FOR • S4IF io ft --wTV ; Lt George G Hoehn, son. of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilkerson were1 Increase Carrying: Capacity Clav Baird Farm Rt 2 VTi-'h " e and Mrs. John Hoehn, 100 West street,! Chicago callers one day last week, The nation's transit industry it .. »• ••*!*•. enrJ* Marengo, who has been reported miss-; where they met their daughter, Mrs. saving 200 million bus miles annual* ; " : • 4° ing in action for several weeks, was; John Jones, and baby, who accom-; ^ an<* has added the equivalent of FOR SALE--5-ton hard oak fire killed ,n action over Germany Jan. panied them back to McHenry. Mrs. I 14,500 street cars and buses by inwood, 1-ft. lengths. Call 194. 48 ^ was learned yetserday in a Jones, who has been with her hus- creasing the carrying capacity of j cause: • - • - thp War ncnsrimont i--a existing eauiDment. ward D. Shurtleff. 4g 11, wm, u learnea yetseraay m ^fusing me tarr; o * i f c ~-- -- . t e l e g r a m from the War D e p a r t m e n t b a n d , who is in s e r v i c e in the W e s t , ; e x i s t i n g e q u i p m e n t . fT7U^ri£.h^ Pi.11-?, in ex- received by the parents. | will remain for an extended visit, f j cellent condition. Tel. 656-W-l. T_h--e ,y oung man was <_a pilot of- a_ ,i TMWiiseso TL^ennnorroe FFrr-iisebKyv llpefftt t+hViep lloasstt '£^•. Read the Want Ads 48-2 flying fortress. It was stated that the of the week for Indian Town Gap, information was received from the Pa., where on Sunday she was an at- Prevems cioiung Tfes element in sweet clover which causes a type of bleeding disease in cattle is now being adapted to use in human medicine to prevent dangerous post-operative blood clots. vJOHNSON'S GLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS Ofc, BUFFALO, N. fi For i Iitnifd time heir* b yem opportunity to buy thia fstnoaa household dti» er at a Special Price. SAFB AND EASY TO USB Cteani Practically Everything ht the Hornet 1.81 Rtfularly$140 SALgmCE GALLON SIZM BOLGER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street McHenry FOR SALE Tvro "work horse*? A1 *cvci«cu inc T-a.-, wncic uii ounuiiy sue w»a mi nthprt r - r- ' iit I International Red Cross which in turn * tendant at the wedding of Robert Schm,,Jt' ' Flos,lm Farm' had been so notified b, the German : Sutton of McHenry. McHenry. *48 government. , ' ' Among those from here who at- FOR SALE--Ford-Ferguson tractors Word that Lt. Hoehn h^d failed to i tended the thirty-fifth wedding an. -TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Randolph Scott -- Ella Raines Barry Fitzgerald -- Andy Devine 'CORVETTE K-225' Also^--Selected Short Subjects WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Charles La ugh tor.--Binnie Barnes "The Man From Down Under" x>---r ora-r erguson i umi u. nueuu ut^u laiieu (u lenueu ine iniriy-imn weuuing aii- --We are taking orders and making return from the raid over enemy oc- nivers^ry celebration of "the Gilbert deliveries on new tractors^ and equip- ciipted territory Jan. 11 was received Harris' in Woodstock last Friday ment. Ford-Ford Ferguson Services from the government Jan. 26. Since night were Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaeand Sales, 248 ThroOp St., Phone 851 then fhe parents had eagerly awaited fer, Mrs. Irvin May, Clarence Adams, Woodstock, 111. 40tf a message, which they expected Miss Christina Adams, the L. Adams ---- ;-- --:: 1-- . wjHald state that their son was a family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris O »ALE i ear-round comfort and prisoner of war. | and family and Mr. and Mrs. William economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- it was only a week, ago that the i Harris and family. v' .e • y Wool Home Insulation War Department notified the parpnts' The Misses Bette Wirtz and Bar- I FO^ t'^TTT t cfj^nSs* that an Air Medal had been awarded | bara Miller spent Sunday in Chicago, U J. bTILLING, McHenry 18. the young pilot fir courage, coolness where they saw Lew Breeze's orches- 86tf. and skill displayed while participating tra make a personal appearance at in five combat missions over Europe, the Chicago theatre. Lt. Hohen was a traveling salesman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel Were in civilian_life. He enlisted in the! Sunday visitors in the Anton Meyer FOR SALE--Kenwood winter coat set, yellow, size 2-3; imported English winter coat set. size 1. $10 each; r*" "" "" 60 cycle, 6 am: kitchen ventilating army air corps Aug" 13, 1941' and re-r home in Spring Grove. fan, $18; 16 volt tapering battery ceived his as a pUot after train-' Miss Kathleen Henn of River For. charger with hydrometer and battery ing in Texas and Washington state.! est, Miss Elaine Liepe and Mr. and filler, $8; 7 boxes insulating board He went overseas in October, 1943. Mrs. George T. Duesler of Chicago $2, box; Winchester 1-16 gauge pump' 0n Nov- 30- 1943- he was reported were weekend visitors in McHenry. gun, $75; Weber fly rod, reel lineiwounded in action,, but after 23 days! Joan Reihansperger, student aft the and flies, $15; Excell 16 mm camera of hospitalization he returned to duty University of Wisconsin, Madison, $35; gxcell 16 mm. projector, $50; and Was on his fifth mission since | spent the spring holidays at her Kid1d"le 1- qt. *L ux C02 fi-r e 'e xtin' Jan. 1 at the time he failed to^re- hotne here. guisher (foam), $5. 'Tel. McHenry turn 671-W-l. • *48 I ° ID auucu LU yje " ft - * -- ---- i-- already long list of young men from Springfield, 111., due to the illness FOR RENT McHenry county, who have given their , ^er mother. Mrs. C. J. Mrs. Donald Blount has been spend- Lt. Hohen's name is added to .the inJ? the Past week at her, home in MILLER THEATRE WOODSTOCK, ILL. FlClDAY AND SATURDAY April 21-22 ... 2-Tip-Top Features "THE KANSAN" with Richard Dix -- Jane Wyatt Albert Dekker . Plus Co-hit No. 2 • "WE'VE NEVER BEEN LICKED" with Richard Quine Anne Gwynne--Noah Beery, Jr j Vv , - SUNDAY AND MONDAY He's in the Army--and the Army <Qan't Take It. BOB HOPE --BETTY HUTTON in "LET'S FACE IT" : Plus: WITH THE MARINES AT TARAWA The toughest bat«e in Marine history. TUESDAY. ONE. DAY ONLY April 25th BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! "LILLIAN RUSSELL" Starring Alice Faye -- Henry Fonda Don Ameche -- Edward Arnold WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY April 26.27 "WAKE ISLAND" with Robert Preston William Bendix 1-- Brian Donlevy Plus:- Nio. 2 Hit LARCENY WITH MUSIC Allan Jone*i -- Kitty Carlisle ;life in this war. The list keeps grow-' -Mrs. *J. Reihansperger and FOR RENT--Modern brick house at ing and the gold stars keep mounting, daughter, Joan, were Chicago callers McCullom Lake. Will rent for sum- Probably no other county with the :on Saturday. mer months. Write Mrs. G. Makofske, population of this county has as many John Dreymiller, Paul Yanda and Route 1, West McHenry, 111. *48 casualties in this war. Mrs. W. Ward of West McHenry vis- LOST The Marengo community has suf- it(;d Ed- Rossman and Earl Bose at fered a number of losses to date in Hines hospital on Sunday. I aot pi i ' " ~. ,"'the war including Donald McAndrews Miss Dorcas Howe of Barring^ton ^fJleet T ' 5!a»d Bl.worth McCue.. MCAMT<"" | vWted friends i4 McHenry the first white leet, answers to the name of; 0f the Week. "Boots." Call 619-R-2--Thonneson. j -- , ] Miss Shirley Smith is visiting .' ' . 48 WANTED 'Lieut. Eleanor Althoff in Denver, -- |Colo., this week. _ "HELP WANTED WANTED--Lawn mowers sharpened Lieut. Paul Justen visited in In- • ; and repaired. Have a few used mow- dianapolis, Ind. last weekend, where WANTED--Two men for chemical fers ^or sa'e% Robt. J. Thurlwell, 110 he was usher at the wedding of a manufacturing work. Apply to Mr .'Main streets West McHenry. classmate. He left McHenry this Grosby, Ringwood Chemical Corpor- j 48tf week Tuesday to spend a, few jiays ation, Ringwood, 111. 48 i w A vn?n * . --:-- with friends in Cleveland, Ohio. From w a vTpn r .. -- M „ m m the market for a, there he will leave with others in WANTED--From May 2, girl or *?°d McHenry County farm. Please ^ class to report for duty at Carwoman to assist in housework; two iRlve number of acres, township and ijsje Barracks Pa adults; Pistakee Bay. Write W. E. sect|°n ,number. Prefer one with Mr. and Mr's. pgter Weingart vis- Kotrba, 451 Melrose, Chicago. *48.2 sU*k ahd tools If price is right, ited theil. daughter and infant grand- HELP WANTED -- Men, evenings,, gan, 11^ ' B°X 233 W*Sk i dauKhter at West Suburban hospital Saturday afternoons and Sundays!!--^ -- ! °nJ3undaJr- .. w Phone McHenry 166 or calUn person ANIMALS WANTED i KrueK r .^ ^ at Edward Dittman's, on Waukegan v,slted ln thp home °J. ^* 5 Road, East of High School. *48 DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE Krue^ers at °elavan, Wis., Wednes- -- : ----_ WAR -- Five dollars is the least we day- 0n Friday they WlU leaVe f°r WANTED--Woman for laundry work pay for dead horses and cows in good Great Fal,s' Morit-' where they ex- WANTED? MEN AND WOMEN File Inspectors NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY in my home. Phone Woodstock condition. Wheeling RencTerin^Co. i Pect to sP_end several weeks with her 1610-W-2. WANTED--Night Cook. uutn , L-unuiiion. wneenng Kenderine -- 47-2 , Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the | husband, Pvt. Krueger, who is located Call 377. 46-tf charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--Stenographer for general J npu. Z | | " office work. Apply by letter or . AKI>--For information concern phone Richmond 650, for appoint-!inf? the removal of approximately ! ment. Ringwood Chemical Corpora- 400 of fence and posts from the I tion, Ringwood, 111. 48 property, on Pistakee Bay. I Plaindealer. there. Roy Stackhouse and Robert Cutler were visitors in Chicago Wednesday night. WANTED--Girl or woman to assist I _ -- Joliet by Judge William Jb. fierce iur home of small family. Tel. West' • PLOWING--I am ready burglarizing the Woodstock Locker Wonnr 19Q_T AD o to do VOUF C^arflAn nlnwincr qIqa t„ ~ j- <M\AA RECEIVE SENTENCES ,a_ ^ pubis lrum me Tw° youthful brothers, Robert and 4g Roy Kock property, on Pistakee Bay. Norman Keller, were sentenced to Write Box. 8, Care Plaindealer 48 terms in the statei penitentiary at L. Pierce for McHenry 123-J. 46-3 HELP WANTED--Women to sew on machines. McHenry Tent and Awning Co. , 45tf to do your garden plowing and also i on Jan. 4, 1944. have fertilizer for sale. Write F.; Robert, 18, was sentenced to a term B. Ritzert, Box 41, Ringwood, 111. I of 1 to 7 years and Norman, 17, to a ' *48 term of 1 to 4 years. Petitions for , -- .HAVE y.OU HEARD about the new prob.a tion f^'hoth were denied by the WANTED--Draft exempt man for (reduced Auto Liability and Property, co"r/; , ' „ william M Car- Th. Kent fc. McHenry. Pho^e? 8. j " ; Joliet by Sheriff Henry A. Nulle. , WANTED--Man for general work. Experience not necessary. Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake. Tel McHenry 90-J. 46tf Canada Got Horse in 1MT The first horse taken to Canada •rived at Quebec in June, 1647. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage eacH week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Stpith. Phone 365. tf Latitude Is Same Salt Lake City, Utah, is located at approximately the same latitude as New York, Madrid, Naples and Istanbul--41 degrees north latitude. or 50 HOURS PER WEEK. TIME AND ONE HALF OVER 40 HOURS. BONUS FOR NIGHT WORKERS. ARE YOU DOING YOUR SHARE IN HELPING WIN THE WAR? APPLY TO War Manpower Commission .United States Employment Service Postoffice McHenry, 111. Thursday and Friday. April 27 * 28 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. / If yoe are now employed inessential war work or at yoer highest skill, ple^e do not apply. 0 *

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