Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1944, p. 1

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\ * • *' * " •» . 4" " 1 '• ^ • . r 1 . . - _ - - : • • , . / . % - w - - f < . ••i • w?r, ' ' : • • ..v !:v • .- ^ -- - . . _ ... -.>. ; - < . 4 • . / McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 4. 1944 SUMMER TRAIN SCHEDULE SOON 6QES INTO EFFECT • INTEREST McHENRYLAND COMMUTERS BROTHERS SERVE ON BOTH OCEANS W *> D Spring father is -"likaily ;Vith. Wfvj .Ajiaaany local folks are • becoming mote] «|»d. more interested in the summer itrain schedules soon to become ef-j fective". With: more Chicago resi-, 4®nt* making their home in our com- j ttunity each year, the question of] transportation and from tha.t city ! •nd McHenry. becomes increasingly Important. Of primary importance is • the jehedule which will take local folks Into the city. Following is* the schedule which will soon be followed by commuters: On Monday, June 5, the train leaving Williams Bay at No. 50 OVER 100 GIRLS TO < CHOIICD IHOAI PARTICIPATE FRIDAY TUlimLn LUuAL IN ATHLETIC SHOW ^ ^ jfj Has Done It Again Mothers Honored At Club Meeting Tuesday g Evening---Bishop Boylan Guest Speak^-% * •**> -i» ' 'it •• v;i-. ; ' • ' no urging to attend this: year!s'evertt, i A „ 4By Mrs. Arthur Klein) ! Peter , M. Freund, Mrs. John Nv for in the past they have proven^ most p .^••The Johnsburg- Community;J<^^:.y.jFreuna, '-Edward .; FrettV-Mrs. ^^nj^yable.-•: ; Kr>fc.' 1$ld its Mothers Night celebration Homer Fowles, Mrs. Fred Fowles/'- A p'in show of gigantic propar-j tions is being planned by- the high; j school girls and their athletic direC'l tot, M&s Maurie Taylor, for tomor-j i-rbw (Friday) night. May 5. : Tho$<jMk« i who _ have witnessed these .annual j spring shows, instituted two years HOWARD VOELTZ GIVEN I ago by Miss Maurie. Taylor; /vVilliieed ' PURPLE HEART MEDITERRANEAN This ALFRED WV RIX These two navy boys, sons Of Mr. I he i s a lodalfcIks- who.'remem^?* 1 ' i \ a w- io t u v A* t i i tt M T >; i t n s y e a r ' s i s h p w :, w i t h o u t ^ - . d o u b t . T u r n e r f amHy, , , d r r p ^ r ,.;//gw«day even.n^.M^ S^Johix^ Mrs. Helen Hettermann, M«. :pretentious of ariy held ',^ ^ ^ t0 '• ! ' .School Hall, Johnsburp. w h i elv w e H * Hliemann, Mrs. -Frederick H,-a. ' Tk« >i»vA wnrlrcH fnr ' that Harold Tuner. private fiist are proud to say, was an outstand- Huemann, Mrs. LeRo'y Keenan, Mrs. w_„i' • lonth,' in^ nrpnai-ation for cl®^< has been lifted Usted as miWi^ g patriotic occasion. Members of RMnard Kennebeck, Mi's- Daniel;; vP^ ; action in the. Mediterranean jrea - - > the Community, numbering at least Kennebeck, Mrs. Jos. Kroh. Mrs. Jos. f . *• ' » ^ D„cketj s»nce some time in Fefcruai^'. , ;:.V v ^ 250', were present, featuring almost P- Michels; Mrs. George Michels, • ' d--' 100 per cent mothers, fathers', wives« Mrs. Peter Miller, Mrs. Peter Oeff- ^ymnas,um* and sweethearts of those in service. ling, Mrs. . Louis Oleynichak, Mrs. About 110 girls will participate in The master of ceremonies was our Theodore Pitzen, Mrs. Albert Rodig, Pro^rani wbich will demonstrate esteemed president of the Community Mrs. John^Reinlwldt, Mrs. Alfred E. the various kinds of gym work j done this year. They will prove to: Harold, theson of the Russel Turners, now Chicago residents, Was . Jos. Himpel-• Pose improved co-ordination, agilplayed the ' Star Spangled Banner" man and Mrs. Stanley Zoellner. ity and gracefulness! (Photo by Worwick)' club, Fred J. Smith, who conducted Smith. Mr^ Charles Smith, Mrs. . . - REGINALD RIX the program throughout most credit- John Smith, s^rs. Walter M. Smith, !^e public that tneir gym classes are . . o/r- tu | ably. Appropriately, Bishop Boylan Mrs. Richard S^taeider, Mrs. Peter not Just hours of fun plaving^^basket' s. . i signalman in the quar-;^ ont>n tu„ mpptinir with' Tho I^'c M chaefer • Mrs IHorman Seholle rball, hockey, etc., but are periods of T:&2 a. m., every day except Sundays and Mrs. R. A. Rix,'v °. . J°hns- termaster corps. His address is in praver Norman Freund Richard Mrs Bernard Toman Mrs Tose drilling-and calisthenics for the purt a d h o l i d a y , a n d l e a v i n g M c H e n r y a t b u r g , a r e a m o n g * t h e < ] n e l o o k i n g s e r - ^ c a r e o f t h e . p o s t m a s t e r , S a n F r a n - * r e u n d , K i c j m i d . M . . . B e r n a r d l o . J o s e . . . tiOl a. m., will make its first trip, vicemen from this community who cico, Calif. . j a"d Charles H.lUr tnree scnool .b^ys.., V^eingart This train will continue until October have in the past few weeks joined Reginald Rix, seaman 3/C, entered' played ^he K?Ur SPan«led Bf^" ma» and Mr«; S . , ... . t, arriving in Chicago at 9*00 a. m. i Uncle Sam's large aggregation now i service in Maj^, 1943, and, like his! **** ^mrMy on two cornets and ^The committee in charge was head- Making its first trip on Saturday,! fighting in distant places. ; brother, received his boot training at i a c^ann^ wh,Je the ^entire audience ed >> July 8, is the Saturday only train Alfred W. Rix, signalman 2/C, en- Great Lakes. Later he entered cook's sa"K- The u ,aJ TVee^!n?, prfj leaving Williams Bay at 4:00 p. m.; listed and started his boot training school at Michigan Citv, Ind., ^nd W8S °m w -u c t *»• u i r- • u n > and McHenry at 4:41 p. m., and ar-;at Great Lakes, 111., on September after graduation wa« assigned to a P™£ram. Mr. bmith express- bchnutt.^o Michels, George Hiller, m arc h i ng calisthenics (includi. g riving in Chicago at 5:50 p. m. The 7, 1942. From there he entered sig-rship in that capacity. He station- *d hlS happ,rte8? at ^ lar*e f Sevennghaus Harold Fox, Rev. tumbling and the of _pyralast trip made by this train will bejnal school at Butler university, In-! ed in the south, along the gulf, for ?"C\ ^ P'^ence of A. J. Neidert and Jos. G. Huemann. mids), single and individual stunts. «r August 26. ^ ; Uanapolis, Ind., and upon his gfadu-'some time before being sent .out in the honored *uests' His' Excellency The train wiiieh noW leaves Wft-fation was sent to Farragut, Idaho, as! the Atlantic. Before leavi Bams Bay at 5:40 p. m., a r r i v e s i n : a n general chairman Fred Leo Freund, William Tickets are now on sale, by all J. high school .girls or they ma^f -be J, purchased at the door for thirty instructpr. After two months; States, he visited his parents and 1 GUest Speakers 9 relays, folk, ballroom, character and . , , Bishop John J. Boylan of the Rock- Following the distribution of bad- clo» dicing. The girls also promise * • ; ford Diocese, attended by his Chan- ?eSi Bishop Boylan spoke on the in- their PuWi« 8 ve'T beautiful finale McHenry at 6:20 p. m., and Chicago there a draft was issued for a other friends here. His address is! c*}lor: .Lo"is J- -Frane>% Msgr. |fluence\of !^d-home .Hfe ^' "h0^t* v^iui^an'tSo^d-to^hs at 7-35 p m, will continue until and seaman 3/C. Alfred volunteered and now in care of the postmaster, New w'p Rev- Jo|in L- I-aleiden. builder for childi-en, especially the « » y F :_ht iludfngP'si;day May ?8 It will was accepted, and for the past year York City. i »n* * ™, M Carroll, state,; attorney. ^ in 8ervice. This was fol owed this ,ho» Friday night. resume Operation with its first trip W been stationed along the west Our courage and faith in ultimate S ^ °e f t£ SSS ^ ? ^esUng patriotic talk ^n •n Sunday, Sept. 17. This train runs coast. A short time ago he left for victory is gleaned by the patriotic 5 ' Ne»dert' gave the address his forcible manner by States At- •nly on Sundays and holidays. The duty farther at sea and is at pre- service of men like these on both ? COme: He especially expressed tornoy, Wm. M. Carroll, who con- Sundav and holiday train leaving sent somewhere in the Pacific, where ocean fronts. his appreciation for the sacrifices gratulated the mothers, fathers and L Bay at 7:20%. m„ McHenr? : ------ -- I S ^ : WiVW' ' ^ ^ ^ NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN CHARLES WHITING OF WOODSTOCK IS LISTED MISSINO at 8:10 p. m., and arriving in Chicago •t 9:30 p. m., will make its first trip •b Tuesday, May 30, its last trip on j Sept. 10. ; j Westbound Trains j The train now leaving Chicago at ' fjGO p. m., Saturdays only, and ar- j taring in McHenry at 3:02 p. m., will i The following story of the meeting ®Qn« Corporal Charles R. Whiting has continue in service on present sched- : of two brothers-in-law in service is been reported missing in action since vie until and including Saturday, May not onlv interest locally but also April 20. 1944. in the North African 87, after which it will be discontinued; seems to us a bit area- I' further details or other infer the summer. It will resume op-j * unique. Tb fully formation are received you will- be eration on Oct.^ 14. Another Satur-; . appreciate it we Promptly notified. Signed adjutant da$ enly train, leaving Chicago at, must recall that funeral." 1:30 p. m., and arriving in McHenry; M>s. Carl Hiatt, The above, telegram was received at 2:35 p. m., will make its first; the former Arleen Saturday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. "toip on Saturday, June 3, its last^ Bacon, met her fu- Charles Whiting of Woodstock. toip on Saturday, Oct. 7. tui*e husband a iu> Heard on .March 30 The train now leaving Chicago at WW " short time after Tfaelast heard from "Bob*' by his S:18 p. m„ daily except Saturday,! W her brother, Mar-.Par^nts was on March 30 when he Siinday and holidays, will also run on W V shall Bacon, had wrote from the east cpast. Some twenty Saturdays commencing on June 3. ^ left for service. As days later he was reported missing. This train arrives, in McHenry at a result» the tw<o men had never met. Whether he lost his life while crossing 6*24 p m Recently, through correspondence with the Atlantic or with his outfit in ac- 'The train now leavin* Chicago at !^r T'f they »?r.vlf<'" not known- 4:42 p. m. except Saturdays and »r-|th" they were ln the s"mp Bolj trip from Rcckford to honor our made in giving their loved ones to Service men's mothers, fathers, wives, the service of our country, sweethearts and all those present. Short talks then followed by Msgr. The presence of Bishop Boylan was c. S. Nix, Father Franey and Father MESSAGES FROM i MEN IN SERVICE HAROLD TURNER born on Oct. 24, 1923, in McHenry, and resided here until about fifteen years ago, when he moved to the ! city vith his parents. His mother of more than ordinary importance Daleiden, who expressed their plea- Dear Mr. Mosher: , . rememlieredl as ^the former , and delight to Father Neidert, the • 8Ure in being present and wished ; Despite my years^of high isa«So! ^1SSHerbes, daughter of The Secretary of War desires me two having become friends when at-! us au well. The meeting then ad-' in Mclleni& a»d other activities i the late William and Mary JustMl ^er™.!VS^!!L^rw^„yK"I ;tendin>f the same binary togetheffjoumed by the playing of "America," many years ago. - : by the same school boys mentioned Presents Badges I ^i ove and sung by all present. The His Excellency presented^€®ch j next on the program was a large mother and wife with a badge, the group picture, taken by Andrew Worbadge containing stars representing wick, of the mothers, fathers, wives the number each 'hag in service., Bishop Boylan and honored guests There were three mothers with three This picture will appear in the Plainstars, ten with two stars, twenty- dealer, Thursday, May 11, thus reachtwo with one star, also fifteen wives, ing local service men and women in "Those with three stars were Mrs.' the four corners of the world. Fred J. Smith, Mrs. William J,: Lunch and refreshments "were ser- Meyers and Mrs. Albert Pepping; j ved and cards concluded the evenwith two stars, Mrs. Jos. L. Freund, ing's entertainment. Everyone went Mrs. Leo Gerlaeh, Mrs. Pink Harri- home happy for having been present j son, Mrs. Jos. P. Mi'lc. Mrs. Nicho- at this history-making event. took part in there, Herbes. ; I regret saying The missing youth has two brothers that I did not be also serving, Lloyd in California, awl ccme very well ac-i Arlyn, overseas. • quainted with you Community Fortunate r and >oui staff. M>. ^\^ie compared to hiany cities in j . » in ions weie o McHenry county. McHenry has beeii get down and see fortunate in the number o( its cas. k°» tu oje e^v'n^' ualties in World War 2. nevertheless, u ose as ew the community has had occasion-to, days of c i v i l i a n f i R u r a t i v e l y s p e a k i n g . - b o l d i t s 1 e pass so quick- bjeath" several times when word •v a, 1'nan* I)'ans has arrived that one of our boy's must be evaded. - * •••i. i u they were in the same locality "Bob" belonged to a photo recon ^ living in McHenry at 5:42 p. ni'//aAh , j" weeks ago Marshall, noissance squadron. He had his basic Mrs --i,!f trin nn wni«J«w ' Tnn« trying to find his brother-in-law, training at Greensboro, N. C., then -- B it last trin Oct 6 ' j stepped up to a soldier and inquired went to Fort Belvoir, Va., and finished ' * * , ^ he happened to know anyone in [at Will Rogers Field. The photo Regular year roun^ rains now ar-1 that company named Hiatt. To his'recotinoissance Is an arm of the air riving m McHenry from Chicago at ( surprisP the young serviCeman an- service. ! . 10:17 a. m., at 6:24 p. m., and at; swere, m wjth .>Well hello Mar- On September H, 1943, he wrdte , JACK SMITH NAMED 9:47 a m will continue as in the shall ,(U look so much Hke ^urifrom Greensboro, N. C., as follows: 5?s tV als0. the^eastbound train leaving sjstei i d have known yru anywhere." ) wI1iave been transferred to a Photo- McHenry at i :04 a. m., and arriving it really is a small world, isn't it ? topagraphical school ^ Ft. Belvoir, --•--:-- Va.; here is my new address. A finer looking pair of navy broth- ' Perhaps you would be interested ers we haven't seen than the Brda ,*n ^ust wbat work we do in school. | boys, George and Bill. Both have"Photot9PKraPhy means that we make u„ , . . . . . . »»s wounded. F o r t u n a t e l y , each tn th»nlr wnn rj ii n, " 6. 18 time the outcome has proved a time wus hi!«uij.-iiu»iwi«k. •=»»=.,». sible for sendinff^nf tK P^' 1Tsp.on" °f--rejoicing not only for the boy's lias Pitzen, Mrs. Reginald Rix, Mrs. Father Neidert. Fred J. Smith and . . '• g e ®ln^ea'er; family itself but also for the families Peter Smith, Mrs. Jos, S. Schmitt, hi.s committees worked strenuously to .!.» °rm y0"-/1 my c 0 of other boys whose own sons were Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan and Mrs. John ; make tlrs outstanding celebration the ^ no Qne as a r^auy done ajgo at front. Lay; with one star, Mrs. Lewis huge success that it was, being the * ^ . ' | We recall the first such news when Charles Busch, Mrs. first of its kind in McHenry county. * received my first copy just Marshall Bacon one of fort 1 left Pennsylvania and can't > : "-.'i , „ , , , .. was reported ser- Clarence Etten, Mrs. William Etten, Anyone wishing to obtain one of i°rt i lett Pennsylvania and can t jousiy WOupded in North Africa in Mrs. Donald Freund, Mrs. Martha the pictures taken should contact the tell you how welcomed it was. With March. 1943. Last fall the same news Freund. Mrs. Fred P. Freund, Mrs. Worwick Ptudio, McHenry. ^ a bome .town papeu* being sent to you it seems to give one a push and in Chicago at 8:07 a m. It is suggested that anyone'interested in summer train schedules ber tween here and Chicago clip this time table for future reference. lets you know jthere are others back there knowing of our job. Well, I am at the service club here but must bit back for th° barracks now as lights will go.oui spread concerning Fred Meyers, who was wounded in Italy, and the same with other youths from the nearby vicinity. Both Marshall and Fretf long ago re-joined their companies. Last to receive the Purple Heart UDNG ILLNESS OF JffiiCHAEL WINKMx ENDS IN DEATH cil on Monday evening, of this week . - . , , 4 - . .. , Appointments weire made by the rate of any city in the county and been ENJOYING leaves the ' past•h»atr 'Vtal ronrsp r^wpIv PimaJ'or and'approved by the council, only two villages have a lower rate, •wweeeekk,, * aanndd ,wwee. ddoo mmeeaann etnnijnovyinin<gr- iinn ! . • with only one change being made. The villages are Spring Grove and capital letters. When their brother. Charles, joins the navy soon, it will make the Brdas a 100 percent Victory family. Their sister, Lillian, has served -with the WAC. CLERK WOODS HAS BY CITY COUNCIL AS ANNOUNCED 1914 SUPT. WATERWORKS CITY TAX RATES n J - . -- -- j - " ' , " f , r s o o n 8 a n d t h a t " b u g i e r h a s - ' n o ^ e ^ y f w a s H o w a r d V o e l t z w h o h a s s e n t h b Jiotb^the Annual and regular May A recent announcement by County nn an^ 11s award home for safe keeping and as ' meeting were held by the City Coun- Clerk R. D. Woods discloses the fact Thanking you again, and looking- a ™eiTiento of h is record in the Pacithat Woodstock has the forward to future issues, I remain j . . • ' Sincerely, PVT. ROBERT ANDERSON, Camp Pickett, Via. The lengthy illness of Michael Winkel, a resident of Lilymoor, ended • •--r- * : , i« death last Saturday afternoon, Lieut, and Mrs. Vale Adams and April 29, 1944. For the past eight little son of Waycross, Ga.,-have ireeks Mr. Winkel, who would have been enjoying some time visiting relbeen -70. years old this month, had^atives here. been in a serious condition. However, for some time previous he had; Charleg ^oinps<)„ of Conc5rd, leen in poor health. .[Calif., pw't The deceased was born on the farm l'week. between Johnsburg and McHenry ' •.; v •now occupied by the Schaefer Bros.1 , , • ,. For'several years Mr. Winkel oper- A. L. Kosinski of Indianapolis, Ind., ated a farm near Deerfield . but had-, recently enjoyed a furlough visiting been residing at Lilymoor for the his w'if®. the fomur Eunice Marshall, past twenty years. At various limes Since that time he^ has , been sent to he had been employed at the Buck- \ork andwill leave the Stater land Nursery and the -Miller Pro- s00n* * ducts company and for many years _* / ^ •was engaged as a carpenter. . The Sorry to \ekfn that Pvt. George A^ reward for his labors are many of Levee, serving overseas, was confined the fine cottages which now make up to an army hospital from January Lilymoor subdivision. j to April 3. He has again re-joine^ He is survived 4>y hi« wiie, Anna!' -company. one so.n, Theodore, now stationed with i the army in England; a sister, Mrs Anna Webster, Chicago; and a CHARLES WHITING Following the resignation of M. M . Caty, both of which have 67 cents j Nlesen as Superintendent cf Water- to Woodstock's 89.- ?ent#.-' The '.<wn-; Dear.'Mr Mosher and Staff • __-{ wbjks, Mayor Overton appointed parison of rates for this year against ^ ,ate but thought it-ad I Jack Smith to fill the vacancy. Dr. last year follows: ~ ; : 0. W. Klont-z was named on the local . 'IMIl; BcMtrd of Health. All other employees Woodstock .69 i and committees remain the same as Marengo ..,..1.07 , during the past fiscal year. Salaries Harvjml• .........i.»,l4^ i of employees were raised five dollars Union „-. ; per month. Huntley^^ j A. J. Kamholz and B. J. Brefeld, Hebron .....V..1.05 - | memlers of the Board of Health, re- Spring Grove >67 ported on conditions and improve- Richmond ->..1.02 ments made and wore urged to con- McHenry ....1.07 ; tinue the gcod work in the pre- Crystal Lake .......... ....... .83 I vention of disease and epidemics in. F.' R. Grove the community.' . : Carv ,>67' | The Council, authorized Mayor , Lakewood 1.07 i Overton to sign papers to be filed Algonquin .87 in connection with plans for Post -- --rr~T War Construction. It is possible that, Nine Foxes Captured j. assistance will be given municipal!-1 ties and the Council wants to be • . ready when the time comes forceps, h ; stories this Our rooms are very nice as we live' fie to be ^ taken. Perhaps one of the | about local hunters catching in the Roanoke hotel, which t«**t important projects m mmd^ is .»ng u _> J tops them ' the appearance of a large country ing general, enclosed with his war of a new bridge 1 ° 1 - - i < --i--i-'-Jt.. >* 1943 v'sa')'e to write you giving you my new address. 'I just arrived in Roanoke late this evening and wan; j'q7 1 to be sure to receive the Plaindjaler 'g.', I completed the' instrument colirs* j'jg at Atlanta, Ga. The navy has only 1*05 one instrument school such as Atlan 'g-. ta and the training was very good, 'gg, though it was tiresome to fly un<ft>; *89 a* ho°d and by reference to the instru '94 ments. Pennsylvania Central airlines ha- ' j- a school here in which it trains it pilots. The navy is now having it .85 1.V08- transport pilots trained here. I'm t fly the C-47, which is the twin-en gined plane used by most conimercia airlines, and* eventually will be con» i Recently By Local Men nected with the naval air transport] - • service. ' ' • j. HOWARD VOELTZ Following is the note which wiui has : gent-to Howard from his command* Mrs. Charlotte Mehi _ word that he husband, Robert, has-^--- brother, 'Theodore Winkel"-' McHenry. «i rived safely in England The body rested at the Jacob Justen '.Sons funeral home until Tues- • weeks and they promise to be busy and has received interesting weeks." Enlisted April 10, 1943 Bob" is a native son of Woodstock. ivl CC£U<?Silc "and" thp all reached fus on Wednesday of this club it unaouoieaiy won v prove f. „In the ^ f (h^pr^mnt. over Boone Creek ^and the widening ^ 0ne day recently U>o Died- to be such for us, however, as we- direction of the secretary cf the Strppt that* noint of the^rpsent rich, vfrho now resides on a farm west have plenty of work to do. _ navy, the Purple Heart is "awarded v." S at that -P°int of-the present t Crystai Lakei saw some small My eyes are getting heavy after 'b h commanding general, fourth " br^e' • " hole 1„ th. the train nde so will h,t the sack marine aivisiort. to Pfc. Howard & Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby have "" *'""c Clerk. Town- m 1939- He attended Kemper Military s C„,„ee .t^nev,„e. Mo- a,t„ churchy, here. Burial »-as in the saM>' ,n E"Kland- ^ church ce'mctery. graduation 1943. and enlisted April 10, of Crystal Lake, saw some small «iy R i by Annim] w.«> nhStM bv ^oxes tnoving around a In ride hit marine to A,nnual reports were submitted by f vnr<4 Tmmediatelv he sim- for some shut-eye. Thanks for the v_,t r c mar;r p -- ~ C i t v T r e a s u r e r . C o l l e c t o r a n d t a r m , . . , T - i . _ U n m A * n a m n a u . ' o a n r l c m A i r i l i i ^ V > n H , . • . • . . . . . m action durii^gt . • the Marshall Island occupation JaR*; uary 31--February 8. 1944. ^«^e fHen^'heri, S^n. b« C°r'" ^ eriv. me ^unwiui » t suuwvu •• • . T , rrrtnMfl0 total of $4,.>14.3& collected in the; J'1^ * Sewer Service fund and $6,233.90, who good health to all. drove to the farni to. aid in "the | • jj^Y'^XeTORMANK, collected for city water service. The, caPIntu l*teh e fox hole they discovered Urgent Need For Workers In Surgical Dressing Rooms George Bylsma is now stationdd at) There is little one can write which $7,879.83 collected during the year, CleQr7kQ' sQ 9 report sho^wnerd n-t va 4-tkoat atlr aoovf 111116 fIOoXxCeSs wMIh1i1cLhII tlvev estimated to Roanoke, Va. Fort Bliss', Texas. (would lessen the heartaches of the [parents and friends of "Bob." He was d during the ^ about six ,wek9 Ul. So excited Dear, Mose and Staff: licenses, permits and ™ aW* „ . .,o. just Like "H. SCHMIDT, •Commanding General.** his co-servicemen from Mcother income. Just a few lines to let you know Henry Howard s .njury was not serthat I have a new address and 1 [°us- lt ?as caused by shrapnel, but , . t H A v n n n ( r a m m a i s l l l C ¥ d o n ' t want to miss g e t t i n g the good b e c a u s e of a s h o r t a g e of m e d i c a l su^ . _ Smith, years of age. He had a legion of amount received was $1,056.50 covers ( sl#,es win'irs and dead rab- old home town/paper. It is coming P^te® 115 that area at the time, he' M4 * Mrs. Charles Low. McHenry county now serving at Camp Pickett, Va. j friends locally'and many of his school ing the sale of vehicle licenses. Sur-;™"^ pheasant wings anu | in on the dot ever). week but it is to forego immediate treatment so Red Cross surgical dressing chair- ..-t _ _ j chums now in service all over the ' prisingly, in view of curtailed use of fOXgS have been given to var- ' about six weeks in getting here. Even that^those in a more^ serious condition covering various licenses perm.ts ana the men that W neglected Tavern license fees **ei,T Re. New on our list to receive the a most likable young lad, being 23 totalled $5,830.00." The next largest! to,dl^ deeper to hnd tne >oun(j Weekly paper : is Harold B man, has sent an urgent letter ap- Recent transfers include Herman world will be pulling for his safety. I cars, this was an increase over the . e ?,xes. • POmmunitv who if it was to take a year to get here, might be taken care Qf. pealing to McHenry women to double Kreutzer from Camp Robinson, Ark.,' T»he days ahead will be anxious ones, previous year. The Treasurer's Re- i 10us resi en s . . r u_>i. _:_j -- ' -- - their output of dressings during the to Camp Rucker, Ala., Corp. Albert;for his loved ones. There is still next few weeks. The local chapter Rodig from Hunter Field, Ga., to a hope that he is safe and that he may asks all women to give a little time New York address; and Walter Nick-She in enemy hands. The entire comeach week, thus not making the els from Lincoln. Nebr., "to Alanor- jmunity is grieved over his being missburden too great on the faithful who j gordo, New Mexico. ; ing in action and everyong is hoping put in . many hours of work each ' t --• • j.and praying for his saf??y. -week. The need for dressings isvery urgent at this time. Order your -Rubber Stampg «t TT»e "er. Herb Reihansperger returned today • •--: --»• (Thursday) to Camp Swift, Texas, Small and large head sizes in after spending a nine-day furlough beautiful Fisk hats, in plain and with his parents, the'C. J. Reihan-, flowered designs. Elizabeth Pich-- spergers. J McHenry.- ,. 50fp port, covering the entire scope of income and expenditures will be published in its entirety at a later date. have built Their food chicken: cages for the animals, .^onsists mainly of raw The "Tip Top" hats are the very newest both for dresw and sport wear. Attractive colors, gome in felt and; jay afternoon and open Sundays until straw.' Elizabeth Pich, Green street, j 12 o'clock noon. NOTICE Tliis- is to inform the public tfcat our stofes will be closed every Thurs- I wouldn't mind, as long as they keep coming. • Well,, . I must sign off for now, so "hello" to everyone and thanks. "BOB" ADAMS, McHenry. SOfp Read the Want Ads! JOHN J. VYCITAL HDWE. WM. H. ALTHOFF HDWE. m a^KICKELS HDWE; ACCEPTS NEW POSITION CSayton Bruce, who for the seven years has been manager of ti# Shelbe Farms near Ringwood, has Somewhere in England.--.4 accepted a positiorf with the Lnitad ! States Department of Aghoulturt^ Obib® Ik and see the smart tans; and is now located on the Sinissip in felt and straw styles. Elizabeth Farms, owned by the l*t* a - i Pich--^McHenry 50fp Stdwcribe for The HaindealsH Lowden of Oregon, IU» •tad the Want A<h 5 \

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