Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1944, p. 4

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P&gfe Four McHENRY ?LAINDEALER THE _ Published every Thursday at Mc* fc*>nry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. FOR SALE--90 lbs. of alsike seed. X iijjc I'll, Rout^ m/ Mclicnry. III. . 49-2 " r f FOR 'SALE--50 white oak' planks A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager 3x12, 10 and 12 feet long, $2.50. 'V ^ Tel. Crystal Lake 8047-Y-4. 50, Entered as second-class matter at -- - ----•*_.---j the postoffiee at McHenry, 111., under FOR SAL&--Used kitchen combirra- &e act of May 8, 1879. v tion rang-e in good condition. Kate Ode Yea^ :. , j ghelc^on, Riverside Drive. .... ...i,..$2.50! hy calling 73-J. INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS nersonm Mrs.' Gertrude Vogt is enjoying" a vacation front her duties at the local telephone office. Charles "Chuck" Luck man,, 34, a Miss Betty Althoff, senior nurse at resident on Brinker road in the Bar-1 St. Therese Hospital School of •50 1 rington countrysi(je for the last seven! Nursing in Waukegan, visited at her years and father of three boys, is; home here last week. FOR SALE i FOR RENT--Sixty acres of plow *eature<* a lengthy article in the ] Mrs. McAvoy of Chicago spent land either cash or share rent APril 10 issu© of Time magazine, i several days last week in the home «nd Co. McHenry, 111. ; 1 79> 80 under th« deadline i,of Mrs. Theresa Hickey. 1 , "irium-Plated Alger" in the section | Mrs. John Bolger and dftugfltei*, on business and finance. Mr. Luck- Mercedes, of Woodstock were Mc- FOR SALE--1939 Farmall 12 tractor i riian is Pr?si(lent °* th® Pepsodent Henry callers Friday evening. 50 on steel, with cultivator. Merwin. con*Pany "of Chicago., Staines, West McHenry. Tel. 638-R-l. j 50 i Cruelty was charged in two divorce ---- 1 suits filed in Lake county circuit Mrs. Ben Justen has been spending a few 'days in Springfield, 111., visiting relatives. Miss Ann Frisby spent a few days FOR SALE--Selected seed potatoes, court Monday. Mrs. Marjorie Matson J lasat .w --eek: iv.is_it-in g: re latives in Elg_ i•n FOR SALE Deep froezc box. 4x4x81 Earjy Qhios and Bliss Triumphs. | Fox Lake charges that her hus- j Mr. and Mrs, ,Leo Meyef are now •--3.0(H) lb. capacity. 'pressor. Will besojd 8 ti. m.. to highest bidder. 633 VirjjginiaStreet. Crystal;Lak^. 111. ; 50 FOR SALE Johnson, outboard racing series of attacks in which her hus- . H-horse com-j-Also. eating potatoes; Dav^ Segel. band struck and knocked her dowi making their home in Phoenx, Ariz., Friday. May 5» j Tel • 92-J. _ *50.4 'last November and that he struck : according to word received by friends her in the mouth last March 3. A I and relatives. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Few Diseases Caut« Poultry Men Swell lo«es Wbcu you cotire *et beaks or wbeeiingt bfiJ»v ouirklv with *lth«r of cocte:.ipT t, to too troatJDeotfc TH« " DRINK For colds sad breathinn troubles. Help* prevent F;>rrad; relieves symptoms. Works from the ln&ide 8£&,nst suchdisordws. I'sed or i:i severe cages, • with \ A: i-Sj'L i V SPSAY WITH VAPO-SPRAY Over beads of the birds. R;.p:.un vctioo, high in antiseptic &; d in-^.4 udantTa'-jf. G^t VAPO-SPRAY /[j tr Lfcm,.lsiop NuW, &:.d be pre- sm, oimL ** Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry v McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Red SkfH n -- Ann Rutherford "WHISTLING IN BROOKLYN" Atse*-Cartoon. Newi Events »nd Novelty SUNDAY 4 MONDAY, MAY 7-8 Mickey Rooney -- Judy Garland "GIRL CRAZY" Plus-- World News and Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY) 1. 'Calling Dr. Death' Basil Rathbcme and Nigel Bruce 2, "Spider Woman" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Jackie Cooper -- Gale Storm 1. Where Are Your Children" Pis 2. 'Unknown Guest' THEATRE WOODSTOCK, ILL. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. Mav 5-6 "BOOKIES IN BURMA" with Brown -- Alan Carnev • Plus- ^ "ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID" with The Andrews Sisters SUNDAY & MONDAY. MAY 7-8 It s (ii)t Everything and Evervbodv THE GANG'S ALL HERE' IN BLAZING TECHNICOLOR ' Starring Alice Faye -- Carmen Miranda Benny Goodman and his orchestra TUESDAY ONLY--2 Big Hits Frankenstein was a sissy "THE MAD GHOUL" with Evelyn Ankers' & David Bruce Plus MTHE 7TH VICTIM" WED., THURS.. & FRI. May 10-11-12 "SWING SHIFT MAISIE" Ann £-.uthern -- James ("rain % Plus "HOSTAGES" with Rain^r -- Paul Lukas Katina Pexinou THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS motor. 25-horsepower, P. R. 50. Also band beat her severely were outlined | Maud Granger spent Saturday in ' 1937 Willis motor, overhauled. Phone by Mrs. Helen M. Martin of Grays- j Elgilj^ . . Waticonda 3773. Joseph Gnerra. Rt. lake, in a hearing of her suit for <Ji- Mrs. ' H6^ard Wattles and Mrs. 2, McHenry. ^ ; *50 vorce John A. Martin before James Powers w€re visitprs in Pox ^Circuit Judge Ralph J, I^adJ-i FOR SALE Swing-ntachine, child's j. crib and .baby buggy. Mrs-. Nick M;! /Coiroral Thomas ^J. Mon^'%^., Rivey Grove on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. ,M. A. Oster and Mrs, Anna Streuh returned : last. week to their [uste'in, -205Green-street, ^Jcll^ry , fs^hr,p£ 'Mr.'and Mrs. Thomas Mondays'I '10ni'e on the Fbx river after spending *5^'. well known suiYimier residents of 'th6 i -nionthsr-at^ Sea Island, Ga., 14 11 Ki Maiman Lakeside subdivision, Wau- and a few weeks this spring iij New ^ TI con^a ^or many, years, was killfed in vail 679-J-^l_ or ^ctj0pJn.-the defense of his country 50 on 'March York. , . Herb Reihansperger visited his Bister, Joan, and other friends at the FOR SALE-r-One practically new. v 9, 1944, according to a ShRS^ D12lj MrS. Mary Evans of Chicago is or 82-W. 50tf. spending a few weeks visiting in the home of her neice, Mrs. James Powers. The latter's brother, Father DeLire, also of Chicago, visited in • the Powers home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Perkinsori and FOR SALE--P. '& O. Little Genius, Harvard Community high school -'-bottom 14-inch tractor plow, like made a creditable showing in the new; Stover corn sheller, -with 3 ele- sectional music festival competition vators; 5-foot Deering mower. Frank ^ the^ Glenbard high school at dau hter Marilyn and Lillian'Peter- Ehredt Round ^111, Tel Round, glen Ellyn Saturday Miss Martha 8<>n of Chi /were Sund callers Lake 2223. , . *50 Huffman piano soloist, and Eugene jn ^ Leo and Theodore Winkel - " Schmidt, tenor soloist, placed in the h Mrs perkinson FOR SALE -r-Kursery stock and" fil'st division. jforalongervisit shrubs, small quantities of many varieties to close out at a special remained Mrs. A. J. Wirtz spent Tuesday A Barrington dog owner was fined visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Christlotv price-at Bast's 5c to $1.00 Store, and paid Saturday for letting a dog jansen in Palatine. Round Lake, Fox Lake and McHenry. run at large in the village. This is Miss' Ethel Jones \waa a Chicago 50 the third dog owner fined recently | caller on Tuesday. • Jruuro T~ ~ 'n ®arr'ngton, according to police. | Bob Bacon of Chicago spent several •SUMMER HOME LOTS--krrown as W^ley Schaefer, Barrington man j days last -week at the home of his ~ and 3 in Country Club sub- and father of two high school boys, | mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. division being about 150 by 200 feet, received an order from his selective Mrs.' Gerald Carey visited her Street address is 201 Country Club .service board last Monday to report j daUghter, Barbara, at the Marywood «V®•nry;..,Wl2 sacrifice for next Wednesday, May 3. for induction School for Girls in Evanston on .^JoO.OO. Write Miles F. McClanahan, into the Navy ' " ' ' -415 Prat-t Ave., Chicago, 111. f The following day he Tuesday. received a notice of cancellation of. A. E. Nye of McHenry and Ed. RNR CLIP T * CC I„ order; He is wondering now Larkin of Round Lake attended a tersection Vof i°R„o u•t es 3Q1? and 120 in i™n newtsh.e ne- day will brin& hi-m K. of C. convention at the Morrison city of McHenry. Edw. J. Mischke, R-2, Necedah, Wis.,.'.' • 47-tf EXPECT REMAINDER FOR SALE--Ford-Ferguson tractors --We,are taking orders and making deliveries on new tractors and equipment: Ford-Ford Terguson Services arid Sales, 248 Throop St., Phone 851 Woodstock, 111. hotel in Chicago on Tuesday Mrs. John R. Justen returned home Saturday after a week's visit with ^ her son, Lieut. Eugene J. Justen, of BY MEN UNDER 26; ^ j Elizabeth Moriarty of Chicago vis- '44 CALLS FILLED House military committee members ited her cousin, Grace Thompson, saw in latest selective service figures 'ast weekend.^ Friday an indication that, barring a! Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye of Mil- FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and bi£ uPset on the fighting fronts, draft j waukee, Wis., spent the weekend viseconomy with fire-proof Johns-Man- calls for the rest of this year will be iting McHenry relatives and friends, ville Rock W7ool Home Insulation fil,ed mostly by men under 26, with On Saturday they attended the wed- Blownin" walls and ceilings Call few fathers over that age being in- ding of Miss Marie Lay and Charles LEO J. STILLING, McHenry '18. ducted. j Weingart at St. Mary's church. 36tf However, in making* that prediction j ^r" anc^ Mrs. Eld Moderhack and -- ; .---- Chairman Costello (D-Calif.) and children, Darlene and Kenneth, of FOR SALE--By May 15th will sell other members of the draft suborn- Chicago spent the weekend visiting out all, my strictly corn fed steers, 'mittee emphasized that if strategic her mother, Mrs. Ida Kreutzer. weighing 800 to 1200 lbs., fed six plans require unusually large calls in I .^r- and Mrs. Jack Hart of Chicago months. One or more. Afternoons some months, then to the extent that j yisited in the Jacob Jxisten home only. 14 cts. per lb. Will also be younger and older men now being in- | last weekend. iceady in a few weeks to show light- ducted under current policies are not! Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Barkus of weight steers and heifers suitable available in those months larger num-: Fox Lake called on friends here Sunfor grass, at TWO DOLLARS per bers of older men must be called. I day. cwt. less than present values, or at Figures given by Costello's com- Mrs. Fred Nickels and daughter, about what I sold them for last year, mittee by selective service showed a i Mrs. Fred Krohn, were Chicago call- Farm on Route 20, two miles west P«ol of 1,509,000 fathers and 700,000 ers on Saturday. While there, the of Belvidere, 111. H. L. Dunning. non-fathers in Class 1-A on April 1. • ' 49-3 Just how many of these were under - u ... „ 26, the report did not show, but a HELP W ANTED recent selective service report estimated that more than 25 per cent of the GIRLS WANTED--For servicing Mc- I-As would be inducfted Henry Ice Cream Bar. Phone Mc-1 In the agricultural and industrial Ilenry 302. 50 occupation deferment group on April . , . • • ' . -- 1 w e r e 5 , 4 6 3 , 0 0 0 m e n , o f w h o m 3 , 7 4 8 , - WANTED--Night Cook. Call 377. 000 were fathers. Most of this group, 46-tf 3,767,000 fathers and non-fathers, former made her second donation at the Red Cross blood bank. Mrs. Harry Zimmerman of Chicago spent the weekend in McHenry. , Mirs. Eunice Kosinski spent a few days recently with her husband in Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. C. W. Goodell attended, the twenty-eighth Illinois Federation of Music clubs state convention in the LaSalle hotel in Chicago on Sunday held occupational deferments of the I and Monday of this week./ WAJNlkD--Men for chemical manu- type now being reviewed with the I .Sunday guests in the Albert Vales lacturing work. Apply to Mr. Gros- idea of inducting more men under borne were Leo Peters and son, Leo, 1.'Chemical' • Corporation, ^'26.--On-.-MaH&-.4, there were 754*000 and John Carson of Chicago, Mr. ' Ringwood, 111. 50tf men under 26 with industrial defer- and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer and Mr. and HFIP WIVTPN w . ments. Mrs. F>ed Schoewer of McHenry. u « t0,8T °n Selective service, Cetsollo pointed Miss Lois Wite; left Wednesday for naehines., McHenry Tent and Awn- out, has estimated that between DesMoines,' Iowa, where she will ng °' 45tf 65,000 and 70,000 men will either §#i- spend a few days visiting her- par- . list at the age of 17 or be inducted en^s* exempt man ior upon reaching 18 each month. Mrs. Ed. Thompson, daughters, Aggregate needs for the armed Be*ty and Grace, and son, Corp. services between now and Dec. 31, Charles Thompson, spent Sunday in WANTED--Man for general work.: based on current estimates, Costello .the Ed. .Thompson home in Wauconda. Experience not necessary. Kramer said, are 1,385,000 men. Should that Mrs. W illiam Johns, daughter, WANTED--Draft A*ar work. Apply Milter Products Phone 195. . 39-tf Boat Co., Fox Lake. do«j. WANTED Tel McHenry £°al ^e reached by inducting the Carol, and the Misses Audrey and 4g£f same, number of men each month, in- Mary Lou Warner of Elgin were , • • T. ductions would average 154,000 Tuesday evening callers in the.home . monthly the rest of the year, ' of Mrs. Nellie Bacon. • --------_ 1 That number of men, Costello said, Recent guests in the R. M. Flem- WANTED. TO RENT -- 5-room or can be furnished from the teen-age "*g borne were Corp. Victor J. Holarger house or apartment in Mc- group, from the younger men whose vorka of Goodfellow Field, Texas, Henry. Preferably stove and re- occupational deferments are revoked, Mrs. J. L. Hovorka of Cicero, Mrs. frigera-tor included. George J. Kauss, and from the relatively few older Charlotte Walters of Muscogee. Ok- Tel. McHenry 259. ' 50 men homing unessential jobs. lahoma; and Lieut, and Mrs. Keith PITV . The Californian noted that 4-F J- Hovorka of Cambridge, Ohio. WANTED TO House in or classification now cnnstittito* tho Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews rtear McHenry. 690-W-2. m, a* xi i.w" constitutes the fnone McHenry iargest single pool of undrafted men 1 Were Chicago callers last Thursday, 50'2 between 18 and 38. On April 1 there where they met their son, Sgt. James ] WANTED--Bicycle in good condition were 3,836,000 men in the group, an McAndrews, who was enroute from Phone 77-W * 5Q increase of 213,000 during March. a Vls,t Wlth relatives and friends in -- During the same month, the num- Monterey, Calif., to Camp Mc£ain, WANTED--^Locked" boat storage on ber 0f non-fathers defen-ed for occu- Miss. His sister, Kathryn, a student; Wonder Lake. Reply P. O. Box 8-1,: pational reasons decreased 154,000 •nurse at Henrotin hospital, also was [tiiigwood, III. despite a net increase of 90,000 in W WTKII TO iTTv t) u s * n I the total grouP- reflecting the policy k^mU Wm ^ I £ aH'of ^ving occupational deferments « ^est McHenry.|.more liberally to older-rWwin reclas- Tel'.' McHenry 638-R-l. ^^•2 sified out of 3-A. WANTED--Stroller. Tel. 59-J. M. P. Freund.; .. *50 i WANTED TO BUY- ! Address • Box "O," Plaindealer. -Piano accor<fian. in care of the *50-2 Repiacfs Copper New roles for steel in tanks have replaced a total of 3,000,000 pounds of copper. present at the station to meet him as he stopped between trains. Sgt. James recently enjoyed part of his furlough with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Blum of Oak Park are spending the week with Miss Mary Fleming. Pvt. Henry- J. Smith, recently inducted, is now stationed at Fori Knox, Ky. y FOR RENT ANIMALS WANTED GARDEN LOT FOR RENT--Is all plowed and ready to plant. Mrs. •|'«P|H.I)ie.drich, Tel. -224-R. - ^*50 MISCELLANEOUS w Daniel M. Sohmitt has been transrferred from Camp Carson, Colo., to DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE! Shelby^ WAR -- Five dollars is the .least we j MPvtrv rneeniAI UN pay for dead horses and cows in good' .. V, OSSMJ^^WIES . condition. Wheeling Rendering Co.' „ IIenry Cossman, a resident of Mc- Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the ; ?enr>' for man>' years' died Wednescharges. No help needed to load. 14-tf • ^ay 1944, at the Lake Coun- HAVF YOir HVADII , . .7 ------ ^ ty sanitorium. The body is resting AIII T about the new GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us at the Jacob Justen Sons funeral r>nma<r v +° t13 Jlv! and Property dispose of your garbage each Wteek, > home until Saturday morning at 10 uamage rates? They will surprise - •- - - - - .. •' you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co or oftener if desired. Reasonable « a. m., when services will be conducted ra^tes. Regular year round route, for-j from St. Mary's church. He is surent Co.. McHenry. Phone 8. , merly Gm& Meyers'. Ben J. Smith, i vived by ^ brother, Frank, of Johns-i] _ : v . . . • r Remember Mother on her day, Sunday, May 14. TQiis store is prepared to .supply you with numerous gifts wfyich sne will appreciate. A few of them are listed below: ' Dresses 8 Cottoa and Spun Rayoa Flowered, Stripes and Plain Ma terial--Sizes 12 to 52 Hand Bags Various Trims Some All Le^fcket^ Leather and Cloth Ladies Striped PINAFORES 8 4m l \ BLOUSES Cotton, Rayon and Sheers Flowered & Plain Colors .29 to $3.98 DICKIES Tailored and Fancy Trims White and All Colors LADIES' HATS Felts and Straws White Dark and Light $2.39 Children's Hats Straws and Felts $1.19 to $1.39 2 GLOVES Rayon and Kid Trim. Dark and L%ht Shades. HOUSE COATS Quilted Chenille and Seersucker $^45 to $11.95 SLACK SUITS Various Colors and Styles Sizes 12 to 44 $?.98 to S7.50 Open Saturday Evenings and Sunday until Noon!! ; Green Strett Phon^1182 * " McHenry M'j'. :

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