Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1944, p. 8

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P»ge HgM THE McHEKEY FLAIKDEALKS "J, ' . M i r& iX, "? : : Thttrsdsy, ifay 11, Society Notes •%( #gt. William Hay * IVeds Tennessee Girt- Friends have received word this t week of, the marriage on April 7 of Staff Sgt. William Hay, son of •"' •' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay of Mc- . Henry. and Miss Dorothy East of . . frftfayette, Tenn. The young couple : fc jiow residing in Drew Field, Fla., Iho-; groom having been recently "" transferred from Nashville, Tenn. : i * • .*. y Mary's-St. Patrick's school P. T. A., last Wednesday, May 3. A report on the recent rummage sale was given and the gratitude of the members was extended to those who donated articles, those who purchased, and the owners of the Eitgeln buiUy^g for the use of same. The musical portion of the program was furnished by Sister Andreella's school orchestra, which, delighted the audience with their fine progress. Sister Andreella introduced the members of the orchestra and explained about the various instruments. This was followed by the playing of several selections. ' Of much interest was the talk given by the guest speaker, Sister Confirma, Hfnthers Clnh /' " ^ seventh and eighth grade teacher at #o Meet Friday ' *'St. John's school, Johnsburg. A ^ The Mav meeting of the Mothers ^mer missionary in China, Sister ilub wijl be held on Friday afternoon,, Confirma returned to this country Hav 12.1nW^Legion.hall, Vith Mrs.!™0** than a year ago bringing with . • Em'il Olbrich of Harvard, assistant i h L er hand pamtmgs and drawings of ;; %Ome advisor, as guest sp^ker.i 5«er ehmese children. She exhibited subject will be ."Nutrition". • ' ' s*me of her-collection last.Wednesday. .. *• • « • . with all items being much appw»r ciated by her attentive audience. The next meeting of the P. T. A. will be on June 7, at which time there will be installation ©^officers. /Christian Mothers -Hold May Meeting' . \ Fortv members ofthe Christian Motiu rs and Altar society were in at- - tendance at the May 4 meeting of the •' Organization^ Following the business.' Fosters T® Unveil ".meeting, cards AERIAL GUNNER EVELYN SANDERS IS BRIDE OF MR. HARRY GUSTAFSON ON MAY 6 APRIL BRIDE (Photo by Worwtck) #; \ .. ALBERT R0D1G > Among Che young local lads now joining the aerial crews abroad, is Albert Rodig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Rodig of Johnsburg. A» graduate of the Community high school in 1942, Sie was employed by the Louis Melind company printing shop in Chicago until his induction. He; served at Scott Field, 111., and were' enjoyed, with-' : Honot- Roll, ^ % ??i)rizes in pjnochle being awarded'- ' St* Mary's Court, .•w&fclrs. Margaret Freund, Mrs. >ri Ann serve the unveiling of the honor , . -Austen. Mrs. Mathilda Gerascly arid roll which contains the names of allK*ar"s: -Utah, before attending radid iv'iifrs. Josephine Heimer; in five hun-niemkrs in the service, on Tues-! ^j1001 in Sioux Falls, So. Dakota, arid Vdred to Mrs. Celia Justen; and in I day, May 16, at 8 p. m.f> the For-1 ^er s^ in Jy^all F«eld, bunco to Mrs. Catherine Miller. Spec- ester Hall. A large crowd is ex- j ^ Hunter Field,. Ga., in ial prizes wer6 merited by Mrs. pected and all members are asked to• Pn or overseas' w er!e e. WI Evelvn Freund and Mrs. Barbara be present at this time. Members ac* as aenal sunner and assent Krause; Mrs. Kate Worts and her and officers of the state court will radio man on a Flying Fortress committee served delicious refresh- attend and Thomas R. Heany, high ments to conclude the evening's ac- court secretary, and George H. Phaff, tivities. "-Hie next meeting will be ( state chief ranger, will be the speakers of the evening. Invitations have been sent to Johnsburg, Grayslake and Buffalo Grove courts, all of whom have re- Nineteen young McHenry women, spondeJ. Paul Yanda and his boys -roost of them members of ^a^jlocal • wj]j be there play musical numbers on June 9. .. • Bowling League Enjoys Pot-Luck SERVES IN PACIFIC bowhng league..gathered at the Rome and lunch and refreshments will be of Miss Louella Smith one evenmg hand]ed by "Pa" Thennes and his last week as the last meeting of the committee. So keep Tuesday even- -tentire .group.this season A pot-luck •• and come tQ the Forester dinner was enjoywl, followed by a hall and join in the program The court now has fifty-nine memsocial evening. Attending were Lucille Weber, Shirley Smith, Bette Buss, Jane Mc- . , Andrews, Audrey Rothermel, Cath- offlcefs ^1 committees in charge are erine Meyers, Angela Freund, Bernice' Proud. to ^av€ *hls opportunity of Hughes, Isabel McVicker, Catherine "ononn& these^boys. ^ and Lucille Simon, Delma Rusboldt, Doris Zerby, EveljTi Weingart, Evelyn Hay, Mabel Ibsh and Maureen Mill Uex Ray Will I Til Marry May 13 Mr. and Mrs. Hans "Hanson of Woodstock have announced the approaching marriage of their daugh- Fziends will be interested to ^ hear of the marriage of Miss Evelyn1 Sanders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Sanders of Spring Grove, an»» Mr. Harry Gustafson, son of Mr.; and Mrs. J. Gustafson of Chicago. : JThe ceremony was performed on Sat-; urday afternoon, May 6, at H:30 o'clock in the Grace Lutheran parson-1 age in Woodstock, the Rev Roger C. Kaufman officiating. | The bride chose for her wedding attire a white wool suit, with which she wore brown and white accessories. Her corsage was of white carnations.; Arch Erdanger of Crystal Lake! served as best man. Following the nuptial ceremony, the bridal ^p'arty enjoyed a wedding j dinner at the Riverside^ hotel in Mc- Henry, after which the young couple • left for a short honeymoon trip. . The bride is a graduate of the Ale Henry Community high school, with the class of 1936 and has been employed at the Alemite, yfhere she1 now holds the position of checker. The groom is a tool "maker at the Oaks manufacturing company at Crystal Lake. They will occupy onei of the Hoesley apartments on south Madison street in Woodstock. RESIDENCE CHANGES I moved from the Earl Monear faouJM I on Fox street', to Chicago. The plaee Ife. «wl Mr.. WelU 1 n°» W* occupied ^ mov«f l„t wwk from Crystal Lak. t,h<l ^ °T y IT,/' who•m<"•,, ttoo MMc,HHe.nnrrvy . ^ from tl»e Pries building The Michael Kerrigans, who formerly lived in th§ Kelter place in the north end of this city, now reside in the apartment above Bolger's drug store. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Kaplan have on Elm street.- The Frank Hay family of Chicago moved the first of the we#E to the latter building. ^ Mrs. Bob Conway and children a||l Leo Conway and*daughter, LaurayrMKt have moved to Rockford. ' *" t ' .. . .. .•>. •_ OPEN FOR FUN JOE & GENE'S PLACE ^ --LILYMOOR-- ' * SCHLiTZ OK TAP--sandwiches ; ; ^' ^ MIXED DRINKS--BOTTLE BEER : ;YOU'RE ALL INVITED--BRING YOip FRIENDS „ y CFhoto by Worwiek) MRS. CHARLES WEINGART In a beautiful nuptial ceremony Last week the bride Was^ guest of i ?®rformed ^ Mary,'s church Mchonor at the pre-nuptial shower at Henry, on April 29, Miss Mariie Lay, the apartment of Mrs.- Thomas For- dauSh*er of the John ,Lays of Spring rest and Mrs. James Walsh, when a group of friends presented, her with j ® a gift .for her new home. ~ • Soften Before Cooking , Oatmeal, dried fruit, peas, beans' and lentils should be soaked to soften thfemA>efore cooking. Baby Eyes Eyes of babies are gray-blue, and for several months after birth they gradually develop their permanent «olor. Athletic Club Holds Banquet Thirty members of the Young People's Athletic club gathered in the Riverside hotel last Thursday evening to enjoy a banquet which brought to a close the winter season's activities. Following the dinner, Donald Weingart acted as toaatter, Frances, Lucille, to Pfc. Rex M.; master at a short and informal pro- R&y, son of Mr. find Mrs. Vernon gr&ni which included origin&l poetry Mr. &nd Mrs. Mi&^nus Nelson now Ray of Valparaiso, Ind. Rev. Roger' written by Fred Goodsir and read in service- at 23 years of age has Kaufman will officiate at the cere- by Miss Esther Althoff, a vocal duet seen e'ghteen months of service in mony. which will take place in the by Adele Froehlich and' Earl Conway fhe south Pacific. A member of the Grace Lutheran church on Saturday, and speaches by Clarence Feiereisel in^antry» Leonard was in the army May 13, at 3:30 p. m. Pfc. Ray, a Fred Goodsir, Ed. Dittman, Mrs! |onIy three weeks when he was sent former local resident, is now sta- Charles Vycital and Margaret Larkin. oversea!' Since that time he has tioned at Camp Claiborne, La. | Gifts were presented Leonard Mc-!serve<* 'n the Hawaiian Islands and T * • . / ; Cracken, supervisor of the club since '•Australia in addition to several other Choir Membij^;.; • its beginning four years ago; Charles Pacific islands. Before entering ser- Enjpy Dinnw .. V :. Vycital. president; and Helen Knox, ^'ce' CPhoto by Worwlck) LEONARD NELSON Leonard Nelson, one of two sons Members of the choir of St. Pat- secretary all of whom responded with rick's church and , their pastor,' Rev.: appropriate remarks. '•V';':William A. O'Rourke, enjoyed a de- Plans were discussed at the banassisted his father on the Nelson farm west of this city. Leonard's brother, Harold, is serving in the medical corps in the navy licioos chicken dinner served at Eva's quet for continuing the program yards ln Boston, Mass. '••y£r restaurant on Tuesday evening of, throughout the summer season with p M vwi* -this week. Tht)Se present besides ; 811 "Outdoor' program. Anyone inter- UUUtt 1 x I AAfA Y1LKB Father O'Rourke, to enjov the din- ested is asked, to meet at the high ner and social hour which ' followed,' 8cho?! ' on- June 8 f.or further diswerc Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Mrs, cuf9*.on the P^anpTame- Powers. Ea*l Convvav Joe r. a*tendance Thursday night were Freu*i, Mrs: John- Kilday, Mrs.' John D°;ai? Ju F st,en'.t^sther M Altho^ ^r. Stilling, Clara Miller and Adele Dit,^man! ^ and Proehlich. WILL NOT GET TAX BILLS UNTIL JUNE C. D. A. Holds Annual ,I3ection Of Officers ^Taxpayers in McHenry county will not receive their 1943 tax bills this j 4 Fred Goodsir, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. year until the month of June. Coun-! ^ Wirtz, Helen Knox, Mr. and Mrs.1 ty Treasurer J. G. Stevens says help Charles Vycital, Leonard McCracken,: contemplates a penalty date of Au-|^ .Donald Weingart, Margaret Larkin, S gust 1 on the first installment and iP n i , xr• i .T Ruth Reihansperger, Eleanor Sulli- j September 1 on the second install- i Joyc* K,lmer' No.r 573, Cathr • van, 'Mr..and Mrs. Charles Brda, Mr.'iment. I™ paughters of America, met in and Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel, Made-' The delay in getting out the tax % the K. of C. hall Thursday evening, line Freund, Mabel Bolger, Mr. and bills is due to an injunction suit ^ May 4, at which time election of Mrs. Fred Wahl,- Helen Bauer, Mr. which was filed by certain taxing P officers was the main business of the and Mrs. Francis Schmitt, Adele bodies restranng the state revenue '••..•evening. The following w<?re elected: Froehlich and Earl Conway and Wal- • department from certifying the as- Uncle Sam "Uncle Sam" apparently origlnat-: ed In Troy, N. Y.» in the War of 1812, A government meat inspector, Samuel Wilson, known throughout the city as Uncle Sam Wilson, marked all cases "U.S.-E.A." which meant, United States-Elbert Anderson (contractor supplying rations). It was popularly reported that he marked Uncle Sam on the cases and the story gradually spread around the country. The first American cartoon of Uncle Sam, however, did not appear until 1852. t I $ I $ t t t I I i it % Grove, became the bride of Charles Complete details concerning the wedding occurred in1 last week's issue of the Plaindealer. CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to express our gratitude "to neighbors and friends, pallbearers, the Miller Products company and all others for their kindnesses during the illness and death of Michael Winkel. We are especially grateful for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets and cards of sympathy. MRS. MICHAEL WINKEL. 9 THEODORE WINKEL,: Somewhere in England. COVERS COAT QtOa, W-! TRUCKERS' MEETING* A meeting for truck drivers willbe held at the Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, at 8:00 p. m., on Friday, May 19, 1944. Milk haulers, livestock haulers, parage dealers, implement dealers, feed dealers, etc. are requested to attend thi£ meeting. The ladies are also invited. Dries hard in 4 hours • It dries in 4 hours to a brilliant, glossy finish. • Bathrooms and kitchens glisten with new beauty* • Painting old furniture is fun--and so easy; • It is easy to keep clean; is inexpensive. mm iMimr with Mirfisou-Miomr mint* Bolger's Drug Store GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. IS Grand Regent .... Elizabeth Thompson ter Bolger. ' Vice-Grand Regent ...... Helen Weber Prophetess ........ Gertrude R. Weber ""Lecturer Ethel McGee" Monitor Bertilla Freund Historian TOO LATE The following bit of poetry Nettie Fleming think is. especially fitting for our j first of April. „ ^ Financial Secretary .... ILaura Weber Mother's Day issue of the Plain- j clerk has his certifications on capital sessments, on capitol stock and railroad properties to the county clerks. This suit was not settled until March and the county clerk was not able to we | start the extension of taxes until the Normally the county Treasurer Sentinel Organist Trustees Trustee Elizabeth Schoewer dealer. It was written by Miss, stock and railroad properties in Nov- Margaret Simon Phyllis Smith high school sophomore: Eleanor Young lf y°u haye a gray-haired mother Mary Freund & Olive May1 In the old home far away> Eleanor Miller Sit down and write that letter Initiation of new candidates and You Put off from da^ to ^ - installation of officers will be held the evening of June 1. A pot-luck Do"1 wait until her weary steps - supper will precede the business of, Havens, pearly gate . the meeting, the committee meeting1 But show her that you think of her at 6:30 o^clock sharp. All members Before 14 18 100 late* aneKd'i,,?e "egUla fi ri The tender word unspoken, social meeting will^be^held on May 18.. The letters never sent, Hie long forgotten messages, I t Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 1, 2, 3 LEGION PARK, McHENRY Start planning now for this big yearly event! Watch future editions of this newspaper for detailed announcements Vice-Commander Floyd Cooley is the General Manager ember and has turned over the county collector's books for the collection of taxes by the middle of March. The county treasurer states that the taxpayers will h^/e their bills in plenty of time to pay them before any penalties are added. Install P. T. A. Officers June 7 An unusually large group was in attendance at the last meeting of St. The wealth of love unspent; Harry Case of McHenry will spend May 12 and 13 in Chicago as a For these some hearts are breaking, guest of Prairie Farmer--WLS. He HAEBY CASE WINS YOUTH AWARD TRIP OF PRAIRIE FARMER K RELIABLE DRUG STORE • If there's one word thai describes what you want in a Pharmacy, that word is- Reliublc. We're proud of tl.i privilege of displaying tin "Reliable" emblem pictun <1 below. It's a mark reservfor selected Prescripts > Pharmacies -- and it meanju6t what it says! Let ucompound your Doctor - prescriptions , . . Reliably. BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street, McHenry For these some loved ones wait; Show them that you care for them Before it is too late. ^ Among the Sick Mrs. Thomas Kane is ill, at her home west of the city. , M iss Kate MeLaughlin, who has been quite ill for the past few weeks, is greatly improved. Paul Doherty, who has been con^ fined to his bed at his home south of McHenry, is reported to b^ much improved. is one of twenty-five midwest Future j Farmers of America who chose with ! their leaders this all-expense-paid I trip .as their Prairie Farmer--WLS Rural Youth award for superior achievement in farming and leadership. Harry is now completing his fifth I year as a Future Farmer j and dur"- jthis . time has followed an ambitious, diversified program, consisting of dairying, hog and poultry raising, grain farming, and all kindred farm work. This special recognition to be given Harry Case and twenty-four other F. F. A. members May *12 and 13 is part of a far-reaching Prairie FarPeter Hamil was a medical patient mer--WLS Rural Youth award proat St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, j gram instituted this year to honor last week. j onts;tflnHin<r members of the 4-H I Mrs. John Stoffel has been quite ill at her home in West McHenry. MARRIAGE LICENSES William B. Stamets, Woodstock, : 111., to Margaret Jane Leonard, Wood- ! stock, 111. , I Jack D. Segel, McHenry, and Julianna Fritza, Cicero. Order your Rubber Stamp* st The Plaindealer. . » f T T t Tf T T t T ? f T, T Y Y 5* It t Y •f t T t SUNDAY the Day of May SUNDAY ; the 14th t I ? f••• Day of May | outstanding Club, Future Farmers of America association, Rural Youth and other farm youth groups in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan. Six j hundred twenty-six individual* boys , & and girls in four states and twenty | Iodiftoa counties will be recipient#. Maybe you are puzzled as to just what to give Mother on her day this season. If so, may we offer just a few suggestions that any Mother will greatly appreciate, one of which is a box of fine Candy --the very best. Or on the other hand, some dainty toilet articles--Powders, Perfumes, Colognes. Remember your "best friend"--MOTHER. Starlight The amount of light that reaches the eye from some distant stars is equivalent to the light coming from a candle six miles awsy. You'll find just the right Gift here for nearly every occasion THOMAS P. BOLGER IzL THE MCHEHRY DRUGGIST PHONE 4-0. MEHENRY,ILL. f T t T • When it's Gifts you desire, try the drug store on. Green Street

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