Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1944, p. 1

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FORn SELECTEES ,», CALLED III WEEK BY LOCAL BOARDS # FOUR ARE LISTED FROM McHENRY <* The following selectees have been ordered for pre-induction physical examination through Board No. 1 this past week, this being the second call for the month of May- : Me Henry >,• ROBERT E. CARLSON : « s ' ROBERT OL SALES ' ,: i HENRY R. WOLLENBERG, JR.* Aldcn , - v.' • "•*:•••• • HDWIN C. fRINGER Marengo ROLAND C. PENNEY 'hnond JOHN R. HEELEIN Board Two galled up for pre-induction physical examinations by Board No. "2 last week were twenty-nine men. They include the following: Klc v/i MARGUERITE JOHNSON One of the few WAVEs from our community is Aliss Marguerite Johnson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson who is now stationed at the U. S. naval air base at Anacosta. Washington, D. C., as a petty officer third class. Marguerite's work there MILAN LOUIS HOMOLA, Cary, | js directly a result of her studies Illinois. at Northern Illinois State Teacher's BASTIAN VAN HOFWEGEN, Ha- college in DeKalb, where she giadi uated with a major'in home econ- CLIFFORO EUGfiNE LEE, omics. At Anaccsta she is in HI'Hois. / charge of the mess hall, which natur- GEORGh THOMAS SiCAAS, Villa ^ ally makes her very pdpblar with tin Park, Illinois. i other girls, whose appetites are no EDWARD DONALD SPENCER, j doubt keen after a day's .vork Prior Greenville, Illinois, i ' to enlisting last Jut^, Mareuerite was ERVIN JAMES WALSH (Vol.),; a teacher in tho Grant Community ALBWT""EDWARD BROEDER- : broLS,?%ra«nkP"Ld"KG™rKr a™ "SRENtlf^FRANK'S CHILAR. 1 ^ fox River Grove, Illinois. i « KENNETH ALBERT MICKlE VITZ, Crystal Lake, Illinois. GLEN* FRANKLIN FRINGEK. Woodstock, Illinois. ;'.j, CHARLES THOMAS SCHUSTER,1 (Vol.) Crystal Lake, Illinois. ARNOLD CHARLES SUCHY, Cary Illinois. * T' SCHROEDER, < OSCHMANN, DVORAK, RAYMOND DEAN LEG EL, Crystal Lake, Illinois. GLENN JUNIOR Crystal Lake, Illinois LEROY HENRY Cary, Illinois. CHARLES JOSEPH Cary, Illinois. ROBERT CHRISTIAN BEHRENR Crystal Lake, Illinois. JOHN CHARLES FISH, Woodstock, Illinois. BRUCE EDWARD HOPPER, Crystal Lake, Illinois. JERRY HERBERT FREEMAN, Boonville, Missouri. ' Louis George Weiudorf. Illinois. A JACK LAWRENCE COLLINS, Ruirtley, Illinois. JAMES HENRY TILFORp; C#ry. Illinois. ! STEVEN SABAN, Crystal Lake, Illirfois. LEONARD NOGA, West McHenry, Illinois. T OUR SERVICEMEN George "drda gunner's raatethird class, USNR, has returned to his base at New Orleans, La., armed guard center after spending the past four months at sea as a member of t h e n a v a l n u n crew cf a merchant ship. On his recent tour of duty the 3C-year o 1 d g u n n e r v i s i t e d Cuba, Panama, an i Hawaii. He wit-, nessed an air attack off the of Cary.,; Norway last year. Four ships vert ; sunk in his convoy before heavy antia i r c r a f t b a r r a g e s d r c v e . o f f t h e a t - ' tackers, he said. Twenty eneaiy planes were reported to have been downed in the engagement. Brda was graduated from McHenr; high school in 1942, and entered the navy in August of that year. He received his navy boot trainng at Great JOHN JAMES DVORAK, • IH- He is the son of Mr. River Grove, Illinois. • and Mrs- John F- Brda'of McHenry. LEON ERWIN DODGE, Wood- The y°un£ gunner now awaits ur stock. Illinois. - ther assignment as an armed guard LEONARD STANLEY HODGSON, &unner on a merchant ship. Cary, Illinois. i ^ CARL FREDERICK KUBLANK, S*1- Joseph D. Walsh, son of.'-.Mrs. Algonquin. Illinois. > M.. J. Walsh of 301 Court street, lias JOSEPH JOHN VARHANIK, Fox been promoted to the grade of staff River Grove.. - sergeant in the army ait forces, it JAMES ROBERT DAWSON, Crys- Jf8 J>fen announced by Col. Jam tal Lake. " ^ ' ' "" HAROLD ROE, Marwigp. ,, - -- CHARLES RICHARD J I N G A, Field- Ga- Employed by the Shet M. Fitzmaurice, commanding office! third air force staging wing. Hunt Woodstock. t JAMES WINSTON WHITE, Woodstock. MISS GRACE BOLGER 1944 AWARD WINNER FOR SPORTSMANSHIP About 140 members of the high , -- - school Girls Athletic association, their Recent transfers include Howard mothers and teachers gathered in*St.; Heidemann from Phoenix, Ariz.t t dan Liquor company of Waukegan as a warehouse manager in civilian life. Sergeant Walsh entered the service at Woodstock March 2, 1942. He 1 two brothers in the service, both sergeants in the army. They are S/Sgt. Melvin J. Walsh, field artillery, and Sgt. James *M. Walsh, aii corps. Mfcry's-St. Patrick's school hall on Mather Field, Calif.; Jack 9 Wednesday evening of this week from Fort Knox. Ky., to Camp Polk, to enjoy the annual G. A. A. banquet. ^•a,I Robert L. Kamholz from Sanp- It was the largest and lovliest event son. New York, to Boston, Mass.; Kd- »f its kind ever to be given here, it ward Gitzke from Jefferson Barracks, ieing the first time that the mothers Mo- <*> San Antonio, Texas; an of the girls were in attendance. Blmer Steinsdoerfer from, Jamesto . n. Helen Ruth Butier was the capable to New York. mistress of ceremonies as she introduced the various speakers. Grace Have^ a new display of large tots. Bolger gave thp president's address,; *1*® lovely matrons' hats. followed by a most interesting and! ELIZABETH PICH, McHenry. inspiring talk by Miss Elsa Schnei-j ' ---- ^ •ier, associated with the state De- NOTICE partment of Health in Springfield. All food stores in McHenry and ' Her informative talk and challenge; West McHenry will be open until t to the girls will long be remembered noon on Memorial Day as in former l»y all present, her keen wit adding years. They will be closed the rest imuch to her instructive remarks. ^e ^aj* Miss Maurie Taylor, director of ' ; the girls' athletic activities, in her Dorothy Freund and Elaine Schaefer. •inimitable manner presented awards, secretaries; Mercedes Stilling, treas- ._a»nd at the close of the banquet dis- urer; Glorice Freund. board chairrlosed the names of the new officers man; Kathryn Adams and Jean Marie for the 1944-1945 G. A. A., also win- Thome, senior board chaiiman; Eileen »kt of the sportsmanship award. Smith and Joan Durland, junior board >vhich annually goes to the girl voted , chairmen; Joan May. Barbara Freund Jhy ; members of the organization as' and Loretta Larson, sophomore boar 1 most worthy of the honor. chairmen. This year's winner was Miss Grace Lovely decorations in the hall were ! fjoLger, president oi the association, carried out in pink and blue and the who graciously accepted her award, dinner served by members of the Miss Taylor, in presenting the award, church sodality. Girls names who i <o^rratvlated Grace on her four won awards will appear in next years' record and the members of week's issue. the association for. their excellent: : --r---. I • choice. Officers elected for next: Just arrived, lovely new flowered j year are Mary* Gr ace M--urphyy, p*rev »saii--1 j mu ses' hats. . # 4nt; Gladys StiUin^. Tice president;} ELIZABETH PICH, McHenry IN HONOR OF THE DEPARTED AND THOSE WHO CARRY ON * r ^ ^ ' j X '• hi f^ ,.3?n -As our flag is lowered to half mast on Memorial Day in reverence • for those who already have given their lives in this war to end all, tyranny forevkr, our heads will also be lowered in prayer. And with our prayer in memory of those departed we must also add another, one . full of'hope and confidence in those who must carry on, bearing along with "their own, the burden of those who against their will have been forced to quit. . While MemoriaJ Day must surely bring sorrow into our hearts, let it- this year of 1944 also bear a note of encouragement and joy, representative of bur faith in the future of our country and the world in general as -the resnlt of the efforts of these brave men and' women. ON AIRCRAFT CARRIER BACCALAUREATE SERVICE TAKES! PLACE SUNDAY REV. PRANK MILLER If GUEST SPEAKER _ ' ° ' . (Photo by Worwlck) LIEXJT. WILLIAM A. NYU One of McHenry's popular doctors two years ag-o, William A. Nye is now a lieutenant in the navy, serving: the needs of our sick and wounded abroad an aircraft carrier in the South Pacific. Lieut. Nye enlisted in September of 1942 and for a year and four months was stationed in Detroit, where- his wife and daughter remained with" him] Shortly after ihe new year began, however, he wa* assigned to sea duty and in Febi-uary left the States. His family is once more residing in McHenry. where Ahey are anxiously awaiting the end of the war and his return lionve*".-. '"rt'vWith the '.animal Junim;-Scnio'i?'^- (luet riier^ly a meme ryv thoiig ht» a^T the local -high school a^e this weelc^ focused on the Baccilau-reate s£t*vie^* vvhich with, take plact <?h Su'ndalS'i, night. May 28v at 8:15 o'clock. .Un^I like last year's servioc. this year's, program will be held" - ihsjde; th#-' school, with" commencement exerciseii' the following week on the high schoot; grounds, weather^ permitting. i Miyiy McHenry folks, even some : who may have no relatives or friends j among the graduates, will be interested to know that Rev. Frank Miller of Warren. 111., former assistant pastor at St. Mary's church here, will give the Baccalaureate address. Father Miller was very popular during his stay in McHenry and many will recall his first address of a similar nature as guest speaker for the* class of 1936. . . The musical portion of the program will be furnished by the high school mixetf'chorus, its last individual concert under the direction of Miss Lucia Rauseh. The Baccalaureate program-; will be given in place of a spring choral concert this year and wiH i feature selections known and loved by all. Thj? many folks who have fol- FROM MEN IN SERVICE utional base, I tear Sirs': I again wish; to express tiy gratitude for-your sending the Plaindealtu to me. It is quite an aid as a morale buil.ler l>ecausc it ' e m i h ds one of vhat I am figlvtf or--the type of! livme I am for the .'.duration separated from, an^l it also keeps me well informed on current events back home, j r ; As for myself, I am now at operaflying that famous lighter plane, the Wildcat (F4F) and will soon transfer to the (F44). known as the Corsair. j The climate and ehviroment a*® much better and more pleasant here, <0 X really like it here and believe that,.I will enjoy my eight weeks ---- • training period. . • lowetl the chorus' tine work through- Most appreciative, out the year will not want , to mis* • LEO GERLACH, this chance to hear them in one of Green Cove Spring*,• iFlav their last pe rformances this^ yCM* REV. FRANK MILLER « j Program i. Mi. Mosher and^Staffr The complete program follows: I am sorry that I ^ have not written PnKessional -- Graduating Class of soon.e r. , I.t. se. em..s sinc,e I ve bee'n *in" 1944. Cr> atnh erine So cuh werman, ac- Kngland that time doesn't permit t.onipanisL much letter •vnting. Many people Address-Rev. Frank MiUer. Jhat Mixed* Chorus--lliss Lucia Rauseh, fie quartermaster has an easy job in Marion the army. Well, we are kept pretty I usy all the time, night and day. We go on the road and may be out until bte that night and then go-to/bed thinking we .will get some sleep when •ve are probably awakened in * the middle' of the night. It happened many times with me as well as others. You see how much time I get to write and I hope the ones I ">.e a letter when they read this will understand why they don't hear from me and take this one also as a letter to Uiem. f I am getting the Plaindealer as I always have arid again' thanks very much for it.' It surt makes a fellow feel good to read letters from- diffdi rector, Freund. accompanist. "Praise Ye The Father"--Gounod. "Semper 'Paratus"--Van Boskerck. "Loyal Hearts Will Not Forget"-- Brown-O'llara. "Abide With Me"--Lyte-Monk. . "Patriotic Choral Fantasie"--Arr. by James. BIG PARADE WILL A.GAIN BE FEATURE f OF MEMORIAL DAY V/A*yn this year McHenry- will have as its Memorial Day feature, a parade through the city and to each of , . ... the cemeteries. Hearts will beat a e. ent ones in the service. It seems ,iule faster steps wiU ^ a bit lighter like uoy are right next to them even am, an ^s.onal tear will be " ' apart. brushed aside as the long line of I am getting to see much of Eng- ,narch. l«l by the high school band, land. I've been all over it. It does-: ,m,kes its way through city streets n't pay to try to explain the scenery to its,destination, there to fulfill its i'tcause it's too hard to find the purpose in honoring those departed, words to describe it. While I am on especially those who have fallen in the road and have to stay anywhere the line of duty. ;md if there is a Red Cross club we Those who will march Ai* asked j<> and stay there and I will say as to meet at the high school at 10 a. well as others that the Red Cross ^nr.. with the parade starting at 10:30 -are- is doing its part They always sharp. The line of march will be the lind a place and room for you to s$me as in former years, proceeding stay. They have good meals and if Up Green street to Pearl street, you are on a pass for a time you where it will turn right, to the city l ave a chance to enjoy any sport you park. There a wreath will be placed like, even horse back riding. on the monument afid taps blown. To cover it all in one, the Red From there the parade will go on Cross has everything and anything a to St. Patrick's cemetery, where flags service person would want or need, and flowers will be placed on graves "V It makes a person feel good that and taps blown. The same procedure --. folks back in his home toTvn back will be followed at St.. Mary's and, ; them up to the limit as McHenry has Woodland cemetery. f and hope they do in time to comfc. Legionnaires, Red Cross workers. Well, folks, I know this isnt much of the city council, members of the a letter but it is something. I have various fraternal organizations. Boy a new. APO too. Give my regards [ and Girls scouts and all school childto all McHenry folks. Tren are invited to take part in the Sincerely, ( parade. Geld star mothers are also "BILL" KREUTZER, Invited to be present this MwaortJ Somewhere in England. Day. - - :'e - K. OF C. MEETING Knights of Columbus will meet thia (Thursday) evening. A report of the state convention will be given. UR TONY AN. Grand Knid* NOTICE Grande cleaners will to eiwad ^ v.ri ._ on Monday and Tuesday wtfk. -. » -^-;f ® tMd tto Waat AiW

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