* M, -- firib Tput; THS McHENRY PLAINDEALER THREE CASUALTIES __ t DURING PAST WEEK r"ublished every Thursday at M<*L ' ifienry, It'., by Charles F. Renich. j (Continued from page one) THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, ^A. B. MOSHER Editor and Manager ! 10 a. m., with burial at abotft 12 o'clock in Calvary cemetery in Woodifintered as second-clasa matter at, where the family lived for the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under (. some time. Mrs. Marum will be re- , tiae act of May 8,4879. One Year RINGWOOD r, Jtme 8,19tt BRIDAL COUPLE FOR SALE (by Helen Johnson)' •» « The Ringwood Sunshine Girls mat at the hOme of Shirley Neal, Thursday evening. Roll call was answered .. memberpd as the former Miss Leona 5y giving a health rule--the first Justen of this city. i part Gf the meeting was given to $2.50,. Missing Navigatot « exercises for correct "posture. Carol ! Mr. and Mi*s. Ira Cornelius Of Har- j Harrison attd Dorothy Smith gave, r vard received word this week from a demonstration on the right and the war department that their son, 'wrong way of measuring ingredients. Lieut. Willard Cornelius, navigator Each girl brought her mother's meaon an army bomber whose home : suring cup which they tested with a base was Italy, nas been missing in j standard cup. Feroi* Martin gave a action since. May 12, 1944. The last talk on the calf she has for a pro- 1 letter received by his wife was dated ject in the boys 4-H club. The May 9. Soon after arriving in Italy, meetings Will be held at the home of the lieutenant's plane was forced Shirlty Neal every Thursday. Mary FOR SALE--Insulated truck body, down by engine trouble but that Ann Wiedrich, Reporter. 18 feet long; ideal for chicken house,; time was able to land on.allied-held, Leonard Brown of Palatine called tool shed or utility storage. .•In-, Corsica. ! on Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown Monquire at B. & J. Transfer, Volo, 111., I The youth, who graduated from day evening. after 5 p. m. ® the Harvard high school, entered' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Welter and son --^ --~~~--' . \ - . . . service in November, 1940."He re- of Chicago spent Memorial Day with I MR AND JARS. ARTHUR^HOPPEi! FOR SALE--Domestic rabbitie, all cejvetj his wings and commission at; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. j In an early summer wedding sol-! sizes, including hutches. 195-Coun- gelman Field, La., last December and] Mrs. Joe Kuhn and granddaughter,! emnized at the Community Methodist try Club Drive. Phone 215-W. s kft fQr 6yerseas April 6, 1944, j Mickey, of Solon Mills spent Monday | church on Friday evening, May 2fe,! evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., j Miss Elsie Vycital, daughter of Mr. Hugh A. Deneen, Atty. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE firtate of Ernest Carl Miller, . ^ ceased. Notice ia hereby given to all pet sons that/ July 3rd., 1944, is the j claim daite in the estate of Ernest Carl Miller, Deceased, pending in the. County Court of McHenry County, -Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of gtuinmons. • , SIG^A MARIE MILLER,, v Administrator* * (Pttb. 4UB?V8-15-22) ;.:V A-C Jerry Larkin, home on leave from Iowa City, looks fine in his navy uniform. He will take his next training at Minneapolis, Minn. We try to conduct our services in a manner which meets with the approval of the most exacting people. - Jacob Justen Sons -- Funeral Directors -- 0 Phone McHenry 103-R ° Residence, McHenry 112-W. Green Street, corner Elm -- McHenry (Photo by "Vorwlck) Births FOR SA LE--'Furniture; maple twin .beds, complete; mahogany poster . bed and dresser; table with si* -chairs; odd chairs; 7 boxes, each^ Mr. and Mrs. fcln#r Glosson are '"•containing 24 square fe^t insulation ' the parents of a son, born on Wed- : board; kitchen ware; grate and and- n<$day at the Woodstock hospital. ; :£ ' • .: .. • "irons. Phone 671-W-l. RECEIVE DIPLOMAS ; Two youths, one a McHenry resiformer local hfmie. ; "Betty Felts is spending two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Anton Senkerick of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin at Lake Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Harvard called on Ringwood friends FOR SALE--Drakes and ducklings Muscovy. J. S. Siebert, 2K mj]«s i<jent an<T"the' other - south of Fox Lake on Route 12. Tel. ^ are graduating from high. Tuesday afternoon 632-M-2. .3: schools *outside of McHenry this! Mrs. Louis Schener and three FOR SALE--In first class condjtioin, sPrinS; are Barbara Carey, \ children visited in the Clayton Harrineon window sign clock, electric, os- ^o is ^finishing her studies at son home Sunday afternoon, cillating fan, electric. Hot plate and i Marywood School for Girls in Evan-j Plans are being made for the 111. evening in the Fred Wtedrich, Jr., home, ' Henry Wraage of Chicago was a guest of Loren Harrison for the weekend. Rev. -and Mrs. H. J. Collins spent Friday night #m Beloit and attended commencement exercises their grandson David was among the graduates. . „. __ __ • .. • . i " _ Mr. and Mrs. William Hiene of CARD-Of1 THANKS , Mrs.-Chicago were guests of Mr. and _ , w^T e W1SJ * Jhank the people of Alice Mae and her girl friend of St. Mrs. George Shepard Tuesday. West McHenry, 111. Phone 622-W-l. McHenry for the Memorial Day honor Charles called on Mr. and Mrs. Ray i Mr and Mrs Toe VaJliancourt en- *3 paid to the men^ery of our beloved Merchant Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs.'Frank Block (Marion Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer, Xuann, FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein bull ca* Born 5-20-44. Three nearest dams average 683 lbs. fat and 20637 lbs. milk. James D. Curran, *3 ston, and Dick Hayes, who receives; Father's Day party to be held at his diploma at Foreman high school: the community hall, Sunday evening in Chicago. son and brother, James Bailey, who ' June 18. A pot luck supper will be jserved. Mr. and Mrs.* J. L. Epgstrom and and Mrs. John Vycital of this city, became the bride of Mr. Arthur Hoppe, president of the McHenry County Farm Bureau. The couple is now residing on the Hoppe farm near West McHenry. FOR SALE--McCormick-Deenng Ro- was ki]led in action on 28, Hepburn) of Kenosha are parents of tary hoe--Joe Draper. ^West^ Mc-1^944 Also the friends and neighbor* a daughter born on Friday June 2. Marvin were Sunday dinner gueste in the Joseph Kattner home at Spring; Grove. . j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peet and; Henry, Phone McHenry 613-J-2. 3 at McCullom Lake who extended Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler and Mrs. FOR SALE -wr Bov's bike, Meade their sympathy and the beautiful Eddie Spitzbart of Rock Falls, Ray "Pathfinder" in «>od condition* 24- ^ora' tribute. The gold star flag Gleason and Beatrice Popelar of Chiinch wheel' 18-in.^rame; good tires. Presented by the American Legion Cago spent Sunday in the B. T. But- Mr" and ^ Ar^hur P^t an! irand new'extra tire* basket carrler.wi11 be forever cherished by the' ler home. 5?^°? ,and u of "L^e Coonev 113 Richmond Road, fami'y- Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck and j Woo^stock were cailers in the Ham- McHen^ '3 MR.. AND MRS. F. W. BAILEY, family of Arlington Heights spent son"Peet home Sunday aftemocn. : --:-- -- 1 MRS. LORETTA MEYER'.., | Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Shirley Woodward and Marion FOR SA^E--Furniture for- either ! ^ - I Carr. j Hawley are spending several days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Btaufr attended farm or summer cottage. Beds, i Recent transfers include Albert The W. S. C. S., will meet with tables, chairs, rockers, lamps, cots. Vales from Memphis, Tenn., to Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Friday, June 16. R. Bruelheide. Rt. 1, West McHenry. Breckenridge, Ky.; Wayne T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of funeral services for Mrs* JMsie Johnson subdivision, west of McCol- from •" Lincoln. Nebr., to Austin, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman ; Schmidt of McHenry, Monday morn- "lum Lake. 3 Texas; Leo Miller from Camp Haan, of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. John ing. ------- ---- ; , . , Calif,, to Camp McCain, Miss.; and Skidmore enjoyed a picnic at Anttoch Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank of Crys- IOR SALE-250 gal oil tank chick- NeiI w Harrison from Camp Polk, Sunday. I tal Lake spent Saturday in the R. en wire, day bed, davenport, two tQ Fort Benning Ga , Mrs. S. W. Brown called on her C. Harrison home. chairs, overstuffed and occasional; floor lamp, drapes, portieres, etc. ; , M;i. H. M. Pine, Route 1. Johnsburg and WANTED--Man for general work, j MlJJs' ,ast Wilmot Road: first house in ©effling E^rience hot necessary. Kramer! ~ sister. Mrs. A, C. H'errell oi Solon >Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and children of McHenry were callers Mrs. L. E. Hawley entertained at j in the Frank Wiedrich home Sunday FOR SALE--7-roOm Modern all year "ELI> WANTED Girl or woman j William Hoffman. They also attendaround house--1 car garage attached p^. _ 0U^J m Chicago. ed commencement exercises at Mcf- rr ont faces on lagoon--river 77^5 *f*t. -P l_a ,n cookln&- Middle aged couple..I HH-ennrrvy_. o 41 t? j 11 1 or North Shore Line Station. Also SAf~ . ^PpPichurches, theatres, etc. Write Mrs. breeds. Reg1Ster^ spotted Poland: R D Kell 7345 Darnen Ave., Chi- « ; , Sp 7 w"e ca^°- IH' or Phone Hollycourt 0246 Bristol 52-R13. Rt. l, Salem, Wis. COLLECT Can interview you at our Farm 2% miles N. E. of Salem, on Summerhome Highway 50. *51-4 Howard Ave., Greyhound bus depot David xhevenot is visiting his aunt subdivision ' »3 Boat Co., Fox Lake. Tel McHenry » graduation party in honor of her; evening. . ' 90_j v 40tf daughter, Marion, Friday evening. Mrs. Mayme Harrison has return- FOR SALE--100 bushels Mini soy w u ^osc ^elPing Marion celebrate were! ed to her h^me-in McHenry after fctans Phone McHenrv 627-M/2. 3 nAMhu--High school boy Mrs. D. E. Bacon and Miss Marge | spending sometime with her daugh . 1 I A ' ' for summer work. Can also work Whiting of Crystal Lake; Mrs. T. ter Mrs. Clarence Pearson. FOR SALE--Seed potatoes. Phone weekends during winter if desired, A. Hickey of McHenry, Mrs. Rose J Ringwood friends who called on McHenry 661-M-l, Saturday or Sun- or permanently. Snow White Dairy, Jepson, Mrs. B. M. Walkington, Mrs. Bob Schulz at Johnsburg Sunday day ' *3 Boute 1, McHenry. 3 Lester Carr, Mrs. S. W. Smith, Mr. afternoon were, Dave and Judy Rae- ' and Mrs. Andrew Hawley and Mrs. i maker, Shirley Neal, Mr. and Mrs Walter Low, Muriel and Helen Ruth Butler, Alice Mae Low, Walter Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooestar of Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan \ called on Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce of Richmond Sunday evening. ! Pearl Wiedrich of Harvard spent j Saturday and Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell of Elgin and Mrs. Kate Worts of McHenry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Bell for supper Sunday. Mrs. Fred Davis of Chcago and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aim and sons of McHenry ware callers in the FVed Wiedrich, Jr., home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and daughters were callers in (Fox Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake called on Mrs. Jennie B^con Monday. Mae Wiedrich was a caller in Genoa City Monday lafternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended graduation exercises at St.»Mary's school at McHenry Sunday. Their granddaughter, Joyce Weber was a graduate. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., is spending several days at West Concord, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler enter- FOR SALE--The Matt Weber resi- i dence property on Riverside Drive. For particulars call McHenry 126-J or 82-W. - 50tf Grove, 111. weekends. and uncle at Woodstock. Mary Ann Glouser is spending several weeks with Dr. and Mrs.-Hepburn, their small granddaughter . _ . ; from Kenosha is also with them, in Wildwood, Spring; Mr and clayton Harrison Phone Richmond 7410 3-tf. WANTED called on Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie and family, Sunday evening. Mrs. D. C. Bacon and Edgar Hawley spent Monday in the L. E. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooistra and WANTE^r--Room and board in Mc- T__ c„ ,7 , , . . . i Henry, as permanent residence for , „ FOR SALE--^Year- round comfort and j former local man. Write George E. i sons °* Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Staneconomy with fire-proof Johns-Man- j Schumacher, care of Elks club, Al- 'ey Carlson and children of WoodviHe Rock Wool Home Insulation buquerque, New Mexico. "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call -- • LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. | WANTED TO RENT--House with stock and Mr. and Mrs. Selvey Davis and daughter of Crystal Lake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Ander- 36tf.: modern conveniences for year-round J son _ Sunday, occupancy. Address replies to Dr. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard en- M. S. Larrison, Ringwood Chemical \ tertained the 500 club Thursday Corporation, Ringwood, 111. 3 evening. Prize winners were Mrs. -- ---- -- L. E. Hawley, Weldon Andreas and MISCELLANEOUS ! Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and B. T. But- _ . : -- ! ler. . •• * Swanson-Staehler Motors. I LAWN MOWERS--Sharpened. Silent! Mrs. Harry Smith of Oak Park, FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS -- Implements, parts. We have special oil for Ford Ferguson transmissions and hydraulic units. Call Woodstock 851 for field draining and flushing service. We buy used cars and service all yardman, $3.00; hand mowers, $1.50 Mrs. George Imme and Mrs. Charlie makes. Ford Ferguson Services and j and up; power mowers $6.00 and up. j Gates of Chicago were callers in the Sales, 248 Throop St., Phone 8511 Robt. J. Thurlwell, 110 Main St., i Beatty-Low home Monday. Woodstock, 111. 2-tf West McHenry. 1-tfj The Ringwood Home Bureau will irriD o»iu xt~ ;. j . T ~~ -- I meet at the Harrison =chool, Tues- i tained a group of friends and rela-1 n ** T«a J 101/^ FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSUL-jdav June 13. All 4-H girls end their i tives following commencement exer-1 One or more. My first 1944^ buy i ATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A j mothers are cordially invited. i cises Friday evening in honor of! Five hundred yearling Hereford and NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, Peo-1 Nelson Cristy has gone to Plains- their daughter Helen Ruth. Guests Shorthorn-heifers weighing around ple's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside! boro, N. J., where he will be em- were Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Austin of 500 lbs. at 12c per lb. Will T. B.: Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry ployed at the Walker Gordon Labor-' Genoa City; Mr. and Mrs. V. Stanek, a n d B a n g s t e s t w h e n n e c e s s a r y . H . - - - - - - - - - - - L._ Dunning Farm pn Route 20-- .two miles-west of Belvidere. Will start getting steers as soon as prices are right, which will be soon. My cattle are gauranteed against death loss for thirty days. 211-J. Woodstock, 210 E. Jackson St. Phone Woodstock 717. 1-16 FOR RENT HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Avito Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise 2-3 j y°u- Ask us for insurance r»tes. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf FOR RENT-- Small furnished apartment on east side of river, half mile south of bridge; yearly rental; also furnished summer cotta-ge on river. Dunrovin Acres, call 79-M. *3 LAWN MOWERS--Sharpened, power or hand operated; mowers also repaired; few used mowers for sale. Robt. J. Thurlwell, 110 Main St., West McHenry. 3 LOST IX)ST--Dalmatian, white with black spots. Answers to "(Lady." Reward. Finder please call 320. »3 IX)ST--Light pigskin billfold on Friday, in vicinity of Park and Elm Sts. Can identify by amount of money. Reward. Tel. &48-J-2. *Z HELP WANTED WANTED--Man for year round job. Matt's Mink Ranch, Johnsburg; Tel. 659-J-2. 2-tf HELP WANTED--Women to sew on machines. McHenry Tent and Awning Co. 45tf WANTED--Draft exempt man for work. Apply Miller Products. 19&. Sft-tf EARN EXTRA MONEY--Take orders New Sensational hosiery and lingerie, also coats, suits and dresses. Men's socks, shirts and ties. Do not apply unles you can devote 20 hours weekly. Should earn $1.00 ±0 $2.00 per hour. Write Realsilk Hosiery Mills, Inc., Chicago, 111. 3-2 atory. j and Richard and Betty Aubert of Mrs. L. E. Hawley and Mrs. John i Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Woodward were visitors in McHenry! Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haw- Thursday. ley, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas, Mrs. Eddie Spitzbart of Rock Falls j Mrs. William Hoffman, Mrs. S. W. is visiting in the B. T. Butler home, j Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jofm Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison j LuAnn Bauer and Dorothy Smith, and Carol and Mrs. Frank Wattles Mrs. George Bacon and grand- ANIMALS RANTED DEAD ANIMALS )VILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cowsjij^ood condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 865. tf and Glen of McHenry were Sunday guests in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mrs. Frank Buchert and Prank Jr., of Richmond called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon Memorial Day. Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and Henrietta of Harvard were callers in the Roy Wiedrich Wednesday evening. Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin were home for the weekend. Mrs. Lena Hendricks is spending some time in the Frank Block home at Kenosha. Mrs. F. Muzzy of Marengo is visiting her son, F. N. Muzzy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and Mrs. Steve Schmidt were callers in Woodstock, Saturday. Mr.a nd Mrs. O. A. Newsom of Libertyville spent Sunday evenrng with Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore. Mrs. S. W. Brown was a Woodstock caller Saturday. Mlrs. Katherine Vogel and Jean, Mrs. Dan Lawrence and Susan and Mrs. George Vogel and Philip of Elkhorn sprat Sunday afternoon and daughter of Antioch called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Tuesday aftenif Mrs. Oscar Berg wag host^s to the Buhco club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and Mrs. Arthur Lau received the prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Asel Stevens and daughter Mrs. ^eter of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Kob Thompson and Maude Granger of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson, Tuesday afternoon. " Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. P. C. I.«onard of Lake Geneva. The Ringwood, Jr., Dairymen 4-H club met at the Rinfcwood school May 22--Dick Rinkenberger who has a heifer for a project gave an interesting talk, and Bill Young gave a report on his pig project. Pamphlets on FSrst Aid and Fires were given out by4 Dick Rinkenberger. The next meeting will be held on June 19. Ferol Martin, reporter. Order your Rubber Stamps al The Pfaindealer. w- IS; SUNDAY,. JUNEf^i; tre soores of appropriate gifts for Dad on display in this stcik 'Below we ' a few suggestions. 1® c m 0 / Sport and Dress Short and Long Sleeves All Shades Plaids and Checks Sixes, Small, Medium and Large, Extra Large, Double and Triple Laxge Price Range '1.49,.'3.95 TIES of every description Price Range 69c-79c-$1.00 • •: SHOES, Ventilated Just the things For Hot Weather < '. . • Sues 6V2 to U ; Come in tan Price $2.69 to $2.98 HOUSE SLIPPERS Felts and Leather $1.00 to $2.75 HfKF ANKLETS AND WWE/ HALF sox ' Allen A Quality Black, White, Pastels and 49c Fancy Patterns HATS j Straws and Felts .39 to $3.95 PAJAMAS Large Onljr. $2.49 - $3.50 ROBES \ For the Beach and Home $2.98 and up SLACK SUITS $2.95 to $7.95 Sweaters Slip Overs ] Button Froal • or Zipper Front $1.95 to $5 HANKIES--15c and 25c JACKETS In Leather, Gaberdine, Corduroy, Swede Short or Long Tan and Brown Such makes as Windbreakers and Campus Price Range $4.95 to SI 7.50 I*: •Mm BILL FOLDS In a Wide Selection _ Pack, Brown, Tfcii Saddle Leather Price Range 49c to $1.95 BELTS All Leather, Sises up to 48 50c - 75c - $1.00 POLO or TEE SHIRTS White and Pastel Shades 79c to $1.29 Gladstone's ~ Department Store •McHenry • V' »«*>••;» * , yv Green Street Phone 182 •J**;