Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1944, p. 8

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THE McHKHRY PLAIMBEALE& Thursday, June 22,1944 l i t I . • j ing: Mrs. Charles Reihansperger, j gT. MARY'S CHURCH £ Mrs. Quentin Walsh, Mrs. Al. Purj. vey, Mrs. Alfons Adams, Miss Ann ilFrisby, Miss Florence Knox, Mrs. 4 Harold Phalin, Mrs. Howard Phalin, j $ , Florence and Evelyn Carey, Miss T sun shone bright oft one Mabel Bolger, Mrs. Edwin SulliVan,' MeHenry's lovliest June weddings on Mrs. Wallace Dobyns and Mrs. Thomas j Wednesday; June 14, when Miss IS SCENE OF LOVELY WEDDING ON JUNE 14 NEWS OUR SERVICEMEN Riverview Camp Changes Meeting Riverview Camp No, 6818, H. N. j Matthews of Wonder Lake. The: Helen s Bauer, daughter of Michael committee, in charge of awards includes Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Genevieve Avwiltra^ on July lUnrt»d of w|Knox Jo(ln Boj** Fri.» planned on July 4^ Jlwre wll J*; of„,mi5s|M wi„ w 5^. only one meeting held in Jui> and . * * August. • 1 . .. . j interesting Meeting eld By Home Bureau At the Jur^e meeting of the Ring- Pauer of this city, became the bride of Sgt. Norbert Mauch, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mauch of Rib Lake, Wis. The ceremony was solemnized at a 9:30 nuptial mass, at St. Mary's church, Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating* The main altar was beautifully defcorated for the occasion with bouquets GENE ADAM3 STATIONED IN NEW CARD OF THANKS . * In this manner we desire to thank Small Farms Steep mountain slopes leave l.V W, *TTTWB» rn kind fiends and neighbors for floral ,^^7, < • •. A fUINEA, IS WOUNDED offering, .pintu.1 bouquet, „nd i ai"v™ail, a*b "le 'fIo&r faSrmLin1g. T AEve2raSginSg .4,^- other e>Pressi°n8 of sympathy ex- lesg than three acres farms are in- An unusual coincidence, and a J tended at the time of the death of; tensively cultivated 'by hand. The rather unpleasant one. occurred with our son and brother. the telegram which arrived at the MRS. ELIZABETH SCHNEIDER, Lewis Adams home last week advising them that their son, Sgt. Eugene Ernil white peonies, daisies and orange Entertain At 1 Dessert Bridge to ! Afrrs. • Jrfcr. Phalin entertained a wo<i>d Home Bureau unit Mrs blossoms Olhrirh gave a demonstration on Diossqms. W loW on RicSKlrold last food preservation, management and Music for the wedding was furnher hq*e on Richmond road last ^ . Her topic m6st ished by four friends of the groom timely since the University of Illi- from St. Patrick's choir, to which winning prizes. Friday' evening. After a tasty past, card* were enjoyed,'with Mrs. A Henn and Miss Florence Carey nois is at present carrying out plans improve home canning so that the finishecj products resemble as nearly Gov Dalziels Married v r ^as possible the commercial canned Twenty-f*ivje Yea rs •• '4*<*>d.-, Mrs.. Qlbrich is county food ( Mr and Mi's. Guv DayzieT of Pis- assistant and is available until July takee Bay celebrated their twenty- 31 for similar demonstrations by, fifth wedding - anniversary on Sun- groups, who desire such service? The day June 18. Attending the dinner meeting was attended by most of -in tb*^evening were-relatives from 'the Home Bureau members and by. Chicago, Ingleside. Long Lake and members of foul 4-H clubs. At the , . G^ayeltfce; and Mr. and. Mrs. Howard meeting there will be a quilt and • Gbllins arid family of McHenry. ]bedspread. exhibit. This promises to'; | be most interesting as members are, anxiously waiting to see the oldest j quilt to be shown. This meeting will be open to all who are interested ,*s well as to those whose hobby is col- DIES IN ITALY Juvenile Foresters •• Enjoy Summer Party ( A party for the juvenile members of the Foresters was held last Thursday afternoon in St. Mary's-S^. Pat- lecting and making quilts, rick's school hall. -Games and bunco: were played, followed by the serving j of a lovely lunch by members of St Clara's court. Plans were madef at the party for a picnic to be held . at some future date. j * * • Girls Entertain On ' Sunday At Camp Grant Ten McHenry girls, accompanied ( by Mrs. Harold Owen of the motor! corps, entertained the convalescent; soldiers at Camp Grant at a party ; heH last Sunday evening, July 2.j Those from here making the trip^ were Lorraine Schmitt, Mary Lou' Stoffel, Jean Schmitt, Loretta Meyer, Eleanor Reid, Ethel Freund, Dorothy Heuser, Alice Mae Low. Juanita Willits and Rose Marie Kunz. Homecoming For . Mrs. Merle Davis Relatives and friends from Racitie, Woodstock, Crystal' Lake and Henry gathered at the home 6f Mrs. Nellie Bacon on Sunday afters noon, honoriner Mrs. Merle Davis, on her homecoming after spending a year with her husband in California. Since he has been transferred -to Texas, she is making her home with her mother indefinitely. W^aycross Army Air Field, Waycross, Georgia -- Announcement is made of the promotion of Paul Har- ... vey to the rank of Adams, had been wounded in acstaff sergeant at' *ion- The news brought to mind the the Waycross army j air field, where his duty is that of armorer with his organization. He is the son of Steve Harvey, who lives at Volo. Before entering the armed forces in March, 1942, he was engaged in,c<>nstracti6n work at McHenry. output of rice per acre has been in- ; creased to twice that of Java or the •R. AND MRS. ANTON J. j United States, but food imports have SCHNEIDER, been rising to meet a growing popu- Fubscribe for the Plaindealer Id t ion. After a several months' tour entertaining troupes in the Pacific, Lieut. Commander Eddie Peabody and his group of entertainers have again returned to the United States and the famed banjo player is «*g*in stationed at Great Lakes. v v • Marguerite Johnson of the WAVEs returned last Friday to Anacosta, Washington, D. C. ' •/. Walter Brown is now stotioned at Fort Ord, Calif,, and (Floyd Freund at Key West, Fla. Il&f MARY D. KAUSS AND MAY E. JUSTEN 4 V- ANNOUNCE ' - • » t'be Opening of. - : Tl# TODDLER SHOP ** SATURDAY, JULY 1 INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Southwest Corner Green and Elm McHenry SGT. GRNE ADAMS Pvt. Albert F. Schmidt, Jr., of fFbrt Meade, Md., visited his wife and son in Forest Pai*k and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt, I spent their entire three years of sersimilar announcement received less than two weeks previous in regard to Steve Harvey. Both -boys entered service the same day and had Sr., in West McHenry last week. j vice together, 'Both left for overseas tweny-eight mnnhs ago and had been VMMT It Smith toft for •U.tionKl Alf"?™., St Caftip Abbo,.t t, Or.Bo,no. jo n Tihursday1 °™nea ^'L , ^ ^ after spending an 18-day fJu! rli oughJ. After so lon6g a pv eriod in more or with his Ann. .. , , , . T . less direct contact with th£ enemy, wife and daughter, Janet, ^ ffict ^ ^ tWQ boys were: wounded within such a short time of each other was nothing short of an Photo by A. Worwlck, McHMirjr MRS. NORBERT MAUCH LeRoy Melsek, who has been «ver-iUUk seas, arrived home the past week1 unusua co,nci ence. with an honorable medical discharge from the army. he belonged, Weber, *.Miss Mr-, and Mrs. Carlj Adele Froehlich' and • The telegram, coming from the adjutant general's office, read as follows : "Regret to infortn yon your son, Sgt. Eugenf. L. Adums, was on May 22, 1944, slightly wounded in action in New Guinea. You will be ad- I? Gilbert Kunz is visiting relatives Earl Conway, who sang ttie nuptial I here on a thirty-day furlough, folmass. "On This Day O Beautiful: lowing service in the South Pacific. Mother,"- "Ave Maria" and "Panisi -- , . Angelicus" were' sung as solos ' by | ILeRoy and Elmer Meyers of Johns- j ^sed as reports^ of condition arrvve. -members of the quartet. burg are now serving in Italy. The bride, who- was given in mar, riage by her father, made an at- ----- -- - , , . , . . , tractive picture in her floor length second promotion within a very short ™?ped ^ beout of the liospital. „ . „ D x- m * | ivory satin gown with full skirt, fit- time. He is now a staff sergeant fact t J. , "wa® a Le u*° Burton ^Mc^m, son o^ Mr.^and ted bagque &nd & ,ong train She 8tationed in Alaska with the air write home made the hearts of his had a fingertip veil held in place transport command. He has been felataves and friends lighter, by a half hat*of orange blossoms, located there for about ten months. !18 hoped that s wounds, too, ' i prove to be of little consequence. Last week relalives received word from Steve, that he had received Happy to hear of Alex Largo's i shrapne! wounds In the back and LIEUT. BURTON McBROOM vi Mrs gave June John McBrooni of Woodstock, j his life for his country on 2, 1944, somewhere on the j , .. - , . ¥. - „ .. j Her only jewelry were pearls, a gift The after- ^U J lef,elds i ... ,-r-- , „ , . of ,. He came UP th«, ! owf twh,ec gKr'oWomU.. F* or her bridal bouquet New-stations of local servicemen noon was spent in visiting, followed way to win his commission and | gjje choge ^.jjite gardenias and ste- include Merle Barth at. Camp Ellis,1 % , . VNLIMRAAFA/L FAV AVAPQAOC nnfIR WVIAM ! P . n ««• • _ .... . . by a buffet supper. volunteered for overseas duty When ph?motis. ~ 111.; Loren G. Miller at Camp Ab- j p A TTOXI HT TTFlF e fighting was -he toughest on Carolvn Bauer sister of the bott, Oregon; and Thomas R. Crehorej lvyiN vJ U LlJK1> the "^Anzio beach head, Lieut. Mc- M,ss *-aroi>n Udutr. sit.tei.Qi me • ' » Broom was given the opportunity to bnde' served as maid of honor, wear- 81 ^ranvuie, ^nio. I I H f",1? Jhe f reaJ\ for f '^mb Proof" J,n r|Sgn a a^aff 'ha^to5^^tc^i°°ar.^"car-! William F. Meyers has been trans-r PROCESSED FOODS -- Book four ughters of America, held its ^ : but ^ s°. he I <?ould ^ pj^ tearoses and blue del-1ferred from Hawaii to New Guinea, blue stamps A8 through V8 worth C. D. of A. Hold , Social Meeting ' Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, Catholic montlaly social meeting on Thursday, BEEF AND DAIRY PRODUCTS-- Book Four red stamps A8 through t 1- • ir v, u c i fighting wbs the most fierce He! Phinium- The dre8S was fashioned - „ ;• ten points each, now valid and re- June lo, at the K. of C. hall. Several J £ - LS ol Feb 4 1 with a ful1 skirt and long sleeves, T1| CaPt" Jac u k Purvey of Camp Ellis, | main good indefinitely. Blue tokens games of cards were played, with , had livi ws ^tife life' as wa« that of the bridesmaid, Miss | sPent the weekend with his fam- may be used as change. prizes awarded to Marie Powers M . ' ana naa uvea nis entire iiie- ^ .. . . .. . ilv HPPD I prrr A VN n A TI>V D contract bridge, Mrs. Elizabeth Pich jtime 'n co:umunity. in auction bridge, Laura Weber and WM »M»M »««•«#»» MfM ma'n's' dress" wa^ of yeflow marqui-| . *4®U1". Bacon writes home that he ;W8, worth ten points each, now valid Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson in pinochle. tsette, with yellow half-hat and she 18 m the New Hebrides islands,: and remain good indefinitely. Red The serving of refreshments conclud- AlBOng1 ttlC fflCK 4 J-I • TT ^ ' ed the meeting. The next business meeting will be Thursday., the K. of C. hall at 8 p. m. • ? - 4-H Club lb Sponsor; Salvage Drive July 8 , - The fifth meeting of the Go Getf «arried yellow tearoses and blue del- southea®t of 9uadalcanaL He was tokens may be used as change. »••<•••••••••»»**•«iit*it • one of forty-eight chosen to be sta- SUGAR--'Book Four stamps 30 and tioned at this post and was recently 31, for five pounds, good indefinitely phinium. Mrs. George Glos of Emerald Park ^>e8t ,"an was initiated into the solemn mysteries Stamp 32 becomes valid June 16 "for ' " -- ~ Mauch brother of the groom of R.b ;of the Andent Qrd of the Deep. five 1 ^ Book Four stam 40 was taken to West Suburban hospital, Oak Park, on Monday for treatment. Donald Wattles underwent surgery ters 4-H club was held on June 19. j at Children's MemoriaTTiospital, Chi" Demonstrations and talks were given • cago, on Tuesday. by Dorothy Justen, Marie Jus ten, i -- Mariananne Rogers, Cheryl May and j MILK PRICES Marjorie Thomas. The salvage drive i Lake. Ushers were LeRoy Bauer of Volo and Roman Bauer of McHenry, nephews of the bride. Attractive in a long pink moire dress trimmed in blue was little Miss Joan Mauch, neice of the groom, who wore a matching half Deep. Only men who have passed the equator are eligible. COMING EVENTS June 22 l WlUt w tiw "Ulc d |IiC»lVlllll£ lid IA j _ t _ _ J • , - I All K»rwi - j jhat and carried a. bouquet of pink »l e,r r ^oad Pinochle Club*--Mrs. , , , , , „ AH producers under the Chicago! t M | Albert Vales. sponsored by the club will be held federal milk marketing order will re- Saturday afternoon, July 8. ceive a uniform blended price of tiF' mony, a »ecep- Things to be collected will be waste $2.97 per hundredweight of milk of „ p ^ the ^ home of the fats, paper and rags. The committee 3.5fr test, f. o. b. 70-mile .zone, for1 J?1}- Rlverslde Dnve for about on collections includes Joan Freund, ALL of their deliveries, May 1-31, ^v^ty*nve relatives and buffet and friends, supper were m June 24 Card iParty--Sponsored "t^r O, & S. . June 26 • Friend's Night, O. E. S. June 27 Carolyn Freund and Dorothy Schmitt. J944 H. H. Erdmann, acting market, enjo^T Xr wh£h tbe young | St- John's Church Centennial-^ohns- The next meeting will be held on j administrator announces. enjoyen, aiier wn*cn Hie young June 26 the home Car„,y„ TMS ,8 ,o ,ower th, ApriT^ ^ tnp ^ ... Freund. Christian Mothers Plan Rummage Sale June 29 Twenty-two members of the Chris-1 tian Mothers and Altar society were ' in attendance at the last meeting of the group recently. At the meeting,' plans were made for a rummage sale, ; the date to be announced later. A social hour followed the business1 meeting, with Mrs. Paul Gerasch, Mrs. Joseph Blake and Mrs. Leo Blake winning prizes. A delicioys lunch was served by Mrs. Elizabeth Michels and her committee. The next meeting will be July 7. * * * . . ' . i Honor Helen Bauer At Miscellaneous Shower Miss Helen Bauer, who since has j become Mrs. Norbert Mauch, was1 honored at a miscellaneous shower given recently at the home of Mrs. j Math Adams at Pistakee Bay. Cous- i ins and fiiends were in attendance to enjoy an evening of pinochle, with prizes being awarded Mrs. Albert: Schmitt. Mrp. Irvin Schmitt. Mrs. i Ernest Freund, Mrs Alfred Oeffling and Mrs. Joe E. Freund.. The serving Of a 'delicious lunch by the hostess completed the party. wei"^ mnrCC thn(1 'tV\r ^ bride is a graduate of the1^1'0 Card Party --Walter Carey Zi *h blended P°ce McHenry Community high school and Lawn--Sponsored by Altar and received for May f DeKalb State |eac^er.s college. j For the past few years she has beeij teaching in the Grayslake school. The groom graduated at Rib Lake | valid Feb. 1, 1944 through Feb. 28, 1945 (13 months) for five pounds for J home canning. Book Four spare Stamp 37 good for up to ten pounds of canning sugar upon application to local rationing board. . SHOES -- Book Three airplane stamps 1 and 2 good indefinitely. GASOLINE -- Coupon 11-A good for three gallons each through June 21. Supplemental ration coupons B3, B4, C3„ C4, good for five gallons etch through validity period. FUEL OIL--Period 4 and 5 coupons good for ten gallons per unit through September 30. call it the 5th War Loin Drive. But it's more than that. Much more. It is Faith in America's future . .. Hope for America's sons overseas . , . a way to show them we're with them in the only way we can all back the attack . . . with dollars. * The goal is 16 billion . the most important dollar drive in our history. To raise it means raising our ante to double the extra bonds we bought in the 4th drivfe Sacrifice? Yes, for most of us it will mean sacrifice. But a pretty puny sacrifice compared to living in slimy fox holes . * # watching your buddy blow up . .. stopping one with your own name on it. •- * When the solicitor calk on you, remembef that a War Bond is the best investment in the world, and remember also that when you double your purchase you doaUt your stake in this sweet Land of Liberty. McGEE'S Store for Men -> McMENRY Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. I which producers j.1943 .deliveries. JUNE fiRIDE Rosary Sodality. • 'July 6 C. J>. of A.--Business Meeting. July 7 .. m. and also from the Chicago Technical; McHenry County Home Bureau Anc o l l e g e and was employed at the in®! Meeting--Grace Luthe.ran Alexander. Lumber company in Mc-I Church, Woodstock. Henry until entering service two |Chri8tian Mothers and Altar Society* years ago. He is now doing drafting1 ^ ® , for the radar school at Robins Field, . ^ nvt ^*° Getters 4-H Club Ga< , Ringwood Home Bureau--Quilt and Among those from out of town' Bedspread Exhibit,--Mrs. L. B. who attended the wedding were Miss Wheelock Home. Melinda Hammas'of Chicago, Mar- i 1 » wi* i ' jorie Johnson of Anacosta, Wash.,| Vervievv Camp, R. N. A. -Meeting. M i s s H e l e n V a s e y a n d B i l l y g l a s i u s K _ , • • » » . . of Round Lake, Miss Grace Adams, Catholic Order of Foresters--^Picnic Mrs. Myrtle CheeSman and Bess „ ... . _ , . Harkness of Grayslake, Rev. Mr. ® Party 'Lady Foresters, Raymond Hetterman of St. Mary's _ 2 , , 22-2S seminary at Mundelein, Miss Ch• ris04 Peter's Parish Annual tine Brefeld of Indianapolis, Ind., John Mauch, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mauch, Jr., §on, Jack, and daughterj Joan, of Rib Lake, Wis., Mrs. Ray Mauch of Rib Lake, Mrs. Anrie Bauer, Mrs. Jim Callahan, Mrs. Eilreth Bauer and daughters, Barbara and Mary Ellen, of Waukegan, Chicken Dinner and Carnival Spring Grove. Parent Teachers Elect Officers At the June lfteesting of the P. T. A. of St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school, the following officers were installed "for the ne*t year: Mrs. Hugh Murphy, president; Mrs. Albert Barbian, vice-president and social chairman; Mis. Carl Weber, secretary; Mrs. Al Henn, treasurer; Mrs. R. L. Fleming, at St. Mary's church in Fremont ways and means; Mrs. Matt Laures,! Center, Miss Delphine Untz, daugh- «, program chairman; Sister Adelindis, ter of Mr. and Mrs., John Untz of, enR? advisory board; Mrs. Ray McGee and Mundelein, became the lovely bride Mrs. Harry Durland, past presidents, of Mr. Alfred Diedrich, son of Mr. Hiss Bertilla Freund is chairman of and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich of Ingleside. The couple now resides at Volo, the groom being employed OB his father's farm at Ingleside. THIRTEEN ORDERED BY BOARD NO. ONE FOR EXAMINATIONS CPhoto by Worwiclc) MRS. ALFRKD DIEDRICH In a beautiful wedding at 9 o'ciock The following registrants have been ordered for pre-induction physical examination by Board No. 1. Harvard VERNON A. RATZLOFF RAYMOND H. REESE CLIFFORD W. BAUMAN the First. Friday committee. MARRIAGE LICENSES Altar and Rosary Tf Bfouer Garden Party On June 29, at 1 p. m., a garden party will be held at the home of! Irvin B. Keck, Solon Mills, and r Walter Car»y. JJrs.ft&gtr•;M^-^€Jeanor _ Mae Rucnz, McHenry.' pny and Mrs. George Stilling will act | Henry Mikes, McHsmy. and Evas chairmen, assisted by the follow-1 elyn Small, Mundelein. ~ "":=®=s:®== BERNHART W. RAHN ROBERT B. HEWITT PAUL B. HOLLIDAY Crystal I>ake ".^v RAYMOND G. HARRIS Woodstock JOHN 11. BLOESE Other Places: EDW ARD V. SUNDQUIST, Elgin. ALFRED "L. OPPEGARD, Urbana. VERNON W. FRITi, Melrose Park. FAY J. REPP, Albia, la. i$ for IGILANCE • Yes, frankly, the standards we set Ja oar Prescription Department are high--very high. Bat can there he such a thing M too much caution where • human life may rest oa action and accuracy? BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Qreen Street, McHenry PRESCRIPTS x w „***•* ^ W11 a NEW TYPE ONE-COAT FLAT WALL PAINT -fry An Oil Ba$ernot a_Water Base , Very economical because^of spreading capacity (one gallon will do the^average room) + Eos^ofap^ly^brushsniooth%Ven finish' .4- Completely^covers surface with^nly one*coat • • ;v 0 4* Ories^quicklyproom can^be used^ame day ^ souyos j'n rodorrc'ommon_to wateT"paint; + WiU_not_rust^metal# las^water^paints*do + Wil^otraise grair^of^wood, as water paints do <4- Requjres no thinnor^oj^^i-g^bucket + Requires^no priming or sizing coat -f* Pries^out to^g flat, glareless, beautiful finish 4- Is not a fad--surface can be repainted at anytime 12 Ways Better when you use FLATLUX DONT FORGET- THIS IS AN Oil PAINT INOT A mm* FAIND NEW BtAUTY WITH PATTiKSON-SAKGINT PAINTS BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET . McHENRY, ILL. m o

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