Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1944, p. 5

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Thursday, Jane 22,1944 i-iM McHENBY PLAINDEALEB Pifi Ttn .. ; "SO I by EARL R. WALSH SHAMROCKS LOSE TO ALGONQUIN, 3 TO 2. IN ELEVEN INNINGS FIRST ROUND GOES TO ALGONQUIN IN I COUNTY LEAGUE! ! BOARD OFFICIALLY | NAMES MARY ENDRES AS SUPERINTENDENT The board of supervisors last week [<|lFiciaUy named Mary Endres of Pet. AfcHenry as superintendent of schools l.<3®& to succeed Roland McCannon who re- 4/800 signed to accept a commission as % .600 lieutenant, junior grade, in Uncle a .' 'Bonkoski of Dundee, .400 Sam's navy INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS ed into Sturtevant, Wis., on Thurs-j Ankele was drafted into the army day to prepare the prison camp site in September. 1942, and went overeast of the village on Highway 11 seas a year later. He w»« attached for war prisoners. The soldiers to a quartermaster bakerj unit erected several tents and sleep there. New Guinea. * " " ^ r ; ™ SURVIVES SINKING- | Under the articles of war, prisoners (cannot Ije forced to work, but those who do will be given a small portion Algonquin captured the first round MeHenry County LeafW of the MeHenry County Baseball (First Round Final) league schedule by defeating the | Teams-- y-.: < . . W . L . Shamrocks 3 to 2 in eleven innings! Algonquin on their home grounds last Sunday. .Woodstock^ ,1 Algonquin scored two runs- in the Johnsburjj .3 2 fourth Jon two singles and a double. MeHenry ....2 . S ... __ _ camjre are expeciea mi oe in -- 'Dowell pitched good ball in the Richmond'• . on di^ty at-iPort Schuyler, Ne* York.' e s,"k,nK of the SS CaP®'charge of the Sturtevant site. The from her car this week. The family It was while talking with Mr. and; pinches as in the seventh when Hebron .......... 0 & .000 Mr. McCannon said in his letter that,®" •^n'.Ln^.T 'L°n 10 t; army has not announced when the car was. parked in the lot on the - •Mrs Bob Knox--out Irish Prairie way Knobush tripled to start off the Last Sunday: he hoped to resume the position as * P , ', . , A cue 0 prisoners, who will be used on Ra- r^ver across from the Barbian home B°b lmhrra,mWay * " Algtmquin, 3; McHehry, t at head of the county schools after » ^harit cine county farms, will arrive. Two when . someone evidently could not DRAINS GAi TAfT -.*i * /I* Y'v*1" ___ ! of the wages they earn for personal know that there is a ® Tn use. Men who have had previous sho*tage of gas but no one know* it better than Mrs. George Barbian, Mr. McCannon is niw, 10 other camps^r^eTpectS^tcT'be who about four gallons tak last Sunday--that memories drifted inning but failed to score on nice beck to days of swimming in Fox, pitching. River Greg. off the shores of "Bajly-O- 'Simonini in the Woodstock, 8; Richmond, Q.4 Johnsburg, 10; Hebron 1. The approach to the water was ling a^d treacherous. Slough hay, Is all its wiry toughness, was formidable as it hung over a narrow path. * : . ? > There was a sandy stretch as one waded into the river, but when you strayed from the beaten path your Ebel replaced 66The1* Shamrocks scored their two runs in the eighth on two hits and j two errors. ! The game went into extra innings ( with the score tied at 2-2. ' Murphy started off the eleventh with a outs failed to bring him around. Dowell started off -in swell form Woodstock at Johnsburg. MeHenry at Hebron. . Algonquiif at Richmond.- far- o» *he trar^snort. and fifty prisoners have been les'st temptation to drain the * The board first accepted the resig-! action wn<! . ? ??' set as the quota for Racine and, &as tank- Everyone will_no doubt Ration of Mr. McCannon which was| . * ei Kenosha, counties, to be supplied < on the lookout foi Oier school head. Appointment of Jn t. file new superintendent then follow- in the action. The gallantrv, exed. Superintendent Endres haisw ,.b„ewen- rt" V, life,b oat handlin*g andu "th,ec *te,a 1mU*. ta ,ki.n g care of» .th.e. wor,k since .M.r . ; wo r k o f „t h_ej a rmy , n a v y , me r c h, a n t and commercial DIES IN NEW GUINEA Pvt. Wfcrren R. Ankele, 22, son of Algonquin proved the class of the McCannon left the last part of May. airplan„e , Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ankele of A,a u * ...» v.^ Henrv Countv Baaehall League qv,„ uaA w. «; .crew figured m keeping the loss of 418 North avenue, Bamngton, died fhit to l e f t , but t h r e e s t r i k e i f T * ®h? ^ M r* M c C a n n o n s " " . l i f e low. S u r v i v o r s were, landed at June 4 in s e r v i c e at Nadzab, New , .. _ . Suva, Fiji Islands 1 Guinea, Southwest Pacific. His death The choice of Mrs. Endres as sue- Xew Caledonia. -* was due to a gastric hemorrhage, the cessor --•'» j War department said in a message, to DIES IN FIRE ; the family Monday morning. Pvt. Herbert Struwing of Algonquin as they won the first round of play sistant. without a loss. i,. To ward off a tie with Woodstock f„Q -Ath til. *Zn_ w.*, in the eleventh striking put the first: -1 ° ™ 4 ^©r was especially gratifying to -.fe hatter* Th«n, Algon-,!!S! 5 i quin scored the winning run on an 'throughe eleven innings with the Mc- weJ] acquajnt«d mith her during her ""'••'Tii Wv w W error and two hits. - i ?enr>'. ?ham rocks last Sunday, emerg- here . She was teacher at #6>r swimming suits. Xavy as lead Next Sunday the Shamrocks travel 1,™ • -! the Griswold Lake school untU it . • • ' -V mtm THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRUGS •jfhen they got wet. to Hrtron to start the .«or.<l roand. fun,i_.«f ?tay .r" SHAMROCK.&--J ^^ ®ut, there were many times when _ ' ' flie shadows of night were falling 88 ""**•"--"*"*•: •and no ladies were present. Those c •» "were the times that the overall j- ^*5,ner * •wimming suits were an unnecessary ; Jt* ^tilling li •piart of luggage and didn't get wet! McCracken lb .....-- ;"T .Crouch 3b -- ..o L. Stilling rf ...........J> L. Wagner 2b A Murphy cf .1 Dowell P. -- • my* After- the swim, our bare feet fudged over dusty roads to our grandmother's house a mile or more awmy. mond. j Woodstock will travel to Johnsburg j; for what slurald prove one of the j j real tussles of the year. Both teams j are showing improvement end have , plenty of mound strength. ' lost his life in a fire at the Ray Pre-1 burned down more than a year ago t G™M' ^ ^ is believed that Struwing, who was an j fell asleep j start next Sunday with our local, and had u^ht in th*L territory ^7,*^ "T H' ^*"1 "PPeanng on the Hebron dia- durin^ ^ p^t year until her new emplo>e the re8ortappointment. . Our grandmother wa* alwaya in bed when we returned from an evenjag swim, but her eyes and ears were open. Totals .45 ALGONQUIN---4 / AM Abbott If .;6 If they -weren't hpw cpyjdv 3l?"P_ -5 know that we were too tired to wash ^PP Our feet and had merely rubbed them j "°WP *-- over the grass and scooted past her Simonim 2b-p door and up to bed. Knobush c ... Lobohn lb 4 J& .......5 6 2 Many is the time she set a pan of 2 Water out on the back stoop and r>PPlmE ~L-*" _ ordered us down to wash those feet. Hening<y .Z And the water wasn't warm! Payne rf .......;.;............Z That procedure seemed utterly foolish to us. After all, hadn't we just washed our feet in good old Shamrocks fox River not more than a mile or so away? 1 Totals .... .42 Store by Innings: 004 000 020 Algonquin 000 200 000 Stolen bases--Simonini; hits--H. Hopp; three-base hits-- ARMY CAPTAIN 00--2 01--3 10 two-base j while lying in bed and the blaze was | , started from a lighted cigarette j which fell from his hand. Damage j j estimated at $5,000 resulted from the j EUC.ENE NIELSEN An ambition of long standing was HOMES NEEDED FOR 4,000 DEPENDENT CHICAGO CHILDREN falus from auto More than 4,000 dependent child- Sat^Yy njhrwhen^he^ll oi^i ren in Chicago and its Metropolitan | an automobile driven by his father, i | areas are m need of homes, it has YUy Grauman, 455 Hollywood ave., i been announced by fourteen of the Chicago. They were enroute to the! ! city's leading child welfare agencies, famiiy'8 SUmmer home at the time. I j as they continued a campaign to; The child opened a door of the car I find foster homes for the children. ' ^ jt neared Libertyville and toppled' ; Representatives of these agencies the pavement. He was brought ; have organized a United Home Find- Condell Memorial hospital. Ap- ! ®®n7ce'. which will operate a i parently he was injured internally co-operative prorram to find foster j and aifter* preliminary examinatiW I homes for dependent children. The j he W6 uken chicage. j service will have offices at 343 South | j Dearborn Street and is sponsored by j TWINS JOIN NAVY ; the Council of Social Agencies. ; Richard Frederick and Robert This United Home Finding Sen,ice I p^ncis Allen, 18-year-old twins of is an outgrowth of a brief campaign , Wauconda became tKe third and {held a year ago to find foster homes.: fourth members of their family to This campaign only produced enough enter naval service when they were boarding homes to meet the needs | eniisted as radio technician trainees of welfare agencies for a few severaj days ago at the navy recruitmonths. The new Home Finding, station in Chicago. Their father Service is to operate an educational; j8 present awaiting the commisprogram for a laive period of time to sionjng cf a new ship to which he has ; nieet the continuing shortage of fos- bet.n assigned as damage control of- , ter homes cause*! by the war. These f}cer after serving for one vear and children are not for adoption. a half in the Carribean theatre. He With the opening of the United Use what talents you possessr the Knobush; double plays-Crouch to »oods very silent if no ^ agner to McCracken^struck out by »"u ' Wlin OI Lne ^mwH1is a graduate of the United States .^birds sang there except those who Dowell , lmonim , Ebe , rea lze recen y > or. Home Finding •Service, a statement! navaj academy at Annapolis and iang. the best. bases on balls off--Simonini . 2; win- soldier, Eugene Nielsen, who was, was made by Chauncey McCormick, formerly 8erved as a lieutenant in --Confederation Life Bulletin, i mn* P>t«her-Ebel. made a captain ,n® the a.r corps «*• Chairman of the C.tizens Committee the marine He was appointed weeks ago. Capt. Nielsen is a local , of the Service who said: "The war to h- Drest.nt rank when he re-enlisthigh school graduate and has been has brought catastrophe into the lives ^ in t P he nav { Au t< 1942 ^ serving as a pilot overseas foi*many;0f many( and not the least of these • tL.r of the familv months. On Wednesday of this week rare the thousands of babies bereft of „„„„i ;D „ fki..,! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry homes. There is no more patriotic . i * * Nielsen, received his Distinguished service than that rendered by the | J™" Michigan * coUe^e Led bv Jim Freund's four straight ^lying Cross and Air Medal which | woman who becomes a foster mother, hits and Alvin Freund's homer and hf ^"t home for safe^ keeping. Jle and takes ^ into her home some need_y When an idea gets into an empty ; JOHNSBURG POUNDS 'head it has the time of its life. --The Pick-up. . Joe Frett is back in the harness, managing the Johnsburg baseball team. OUT 14 HITS TOTRIM HEBRON 10-1 now in naval service is a third son. Clifton, 20, who is a navy V12 'trainee at in Kalamazoo. double, Johnsburg pounded out four- also se"1 home some flak which had j child to give him his chance at lead Jo* his -be#* around the diamond teen hits good for ten runs last na.rrowly mls®ed h,m a r^ent ing a normal, American life." a long time, knows the game and is Sunday at Hebron. i missl®n ovf I! rance- er oui n TTie United Home Finding Service one of the best when it comes to While all this hitting business was! monihf. *,tho"t ® casualty in his is scouring the city with its apquoting the rule book. . • going on, twirier Thomas' was hold- ^ew! his .bombardier-was killed since;peal to everyone to give some needy ' *' ^g Lbr^n to four hits. He walked lhe inva^l and_his^vi^,;1^tichi!dahom;- i PREPARE- PRISON SITE Soldiers from Fort Sheridan mov ; The children are now We/had some great times seven and fanned eight. j J!8 in. the s*m® aiT. l)att,e- . j under jurisdiction of the fourjoey «nd the boys a few years ago. Herb Lortscher, Hebron's hustling .18 e ** ome, p le sen as , teen child welfare agencies. mWse were the days when "Red" catcher, was cre<lited with two hits ! for nothing except prayers^ and some' -- - Winkel, "Zeke" Bacon, Sib ^^hiting and drove in his team's only run. The foster home need not be lavish I candy from his family. We believe i or sumptuous. All that is required ind George 'IPiCkles" Bohr were Howie Freund, regular shortstop, that Eugene,. a. t 2.3, is one of the jg a real love for children. It's verv playing a lot of baseball for the made an appearance in catcher's togs! ; simP!f. make an application for Johnsburg team. in the late innings and gave a good •• • account of himself. That was the time that * colored The Johnsburg team is hitting team came to Johnsburg to play and along on all cylinders and is primed the game had all the trimmings. A for victory next Sunday when they huge horn was produced and yours: tangle with Bob Woods & Co., of truly was asked to step to the home the Woodstock Alemite. \i.. plate and announce the batteries. JOHNSBURG--10 and the entire community is proud of his accomplishments. Well, we stepped to the home plate : H. Freund ss-c all right--hoisted the megaphone and|L. Freund ss .... looked at a slip of paper with the A. Freund <cf •• names of the batteries for the day. G. Jackson; c .. Miller rf .......... What should meet our eyes but a A. Jackson-®b .. couple of names as Irish as corned | R. Frett 2b ...... beef and cabbage listed for the col-; Schaefer If *;j|red boys. We remember one name Jim Freund 3b Was O'Sulliivan. What matter what |S. Frtuhd lb .... #ie other name was--we tossed the Thomas p ...... megaphone to the ground and let j 'em play without names--except for Totals the names we called 'em on .the way; to the bench. And those were under! HEBRON--1 our breath! • '• *• t j ------- ' Schmidt It looks like there will be a hot L, Lortscher lb time in the old town Saturday night.! Keucker 3b They are poking the fire under Toi|»- H. Lortscher c ka's barbecue for the first time. Schultz ss ... .. Schroeder ss If all the people attend the Grand Hadler p-2b Opening who tell us they are going. Rehorst cf ; it's &oing to look like round-up time. Slavin rf --:---- . Nogard lb ... Vou aren't going to see just an Hendrick If . ordinary little bon-fire with a hunk Beal p of meat roasting on a stick. % | t -- , • ' !;* • ii^Totals'.... AB R H 4 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 4 . 2 1 .....6 1 1 >...4 1 1 -.,.0 0 0 4 . 1 1 .....5 ,' 1 ; ' 4 .....5 1 2 ......4 0 1 .....41 10 14 AROUND THE COURTHOUSE ACCIDENT SUIT A writ was filed by Hazel OTKalley i COUNTY TAX BILLS a child of any ag>e, U>ite or telephone the United Home Finding Service, 343 South Dearborn Street, Wabash 9793. The children are of all religions, both colored and white. Naturally, the foster parents do not assume the financial responsibility of the child. Board, clothes and medical attention is paid by the agency. and Thomas O'Malley against Eric Kingren in the circuit court last week, asking damages for injuries received in an accident on June 6, 1944, on Route 173 near Chemung. half of $2,500. Clarence, a minor, asks R 0 4 ' .....:..2* 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 ;„.:....;.;:.:4 0 . . 0 2 • 0 „._...l 0 .;.....;.0 , 0 ......27 1 DIVORCE GRANTED i'i : A divorce was granted to Mildred Hembrook from (iordon Hembrook in D the circuit court last week by Judge - 0 William L. Pierce. 0 PLACED IN MAIL BY TREASURER STEVENS Collections were started Monday on te $1,401,579.70 tax bill against taxpayers in MeHenry county. County Treasurer J. G. Stevens and his office staff finished the huge task last Friday of getting the statements ready for mailing. Through no fault of the county treasurer, collector of taxes, or R. D. Woods, county clerk who extends the taxes, the bills are later this year than many years. This was due to the delay of the state tax commission in certifying certain as- Well--go down and see for your- Score by Innings: self. • CONSERVATOR DISCHARGE!) _ A jury in the circuit court last 0j week returned a verdict finding Sam- 0 uel Carson of Harvard competent totsessments to the county clerk. 0 properly manage and care for his • The first penalty date, on the first 0 estate and effects. Carson had ap- j installment, will be August 1. This 1 pealed the appointment of a con-j is two months later than usual as j i servator for him from the county in the past the penalty date on the 0 1 court asking: that the conservator be! first installment was June 1. 0 discharged. The State Bank of! The second penalty date will be\ _1 Woodstock "was appointed conservator 1 September 1 ;md that will be on the 4 on May 8, 1939 after a jury had re- second installment. g turned a verdict in court requesting ,, Evidence of the tremendous job of JOHNSON'S CLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS It* BUFFALO, N. T. For • Umktd dmtbrnnkymm opportunity to buy thk (MM household d«a»> •r at a Sp«dd rtnVclBr,* SAFB AND " EASY toum CImw Pr*ctk*ily Ertrytkimg hi th« Horn*! *f.U R«f«larly $IJt SALE PRICE GALLON HZM BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street MeHenry 1 that a conservator be appointed 6 i •':• •• ! •' R H Johnsburg 110 010 313--10 14 Hebron 000 100 000--1 4 Stolen bases--G. Jackson, 3; Jim June 30 Deadline For Freund. 1; Keucker, i; two-base hits Dairy Feed Payment* --A. Frtund; home runs--A. Freund;; J J double plays--A. Freund to Jim Freund; struck out by--Thomas, 8;, -..i, u Hader, 3; Beal. 2; bases on balls off reminded by Bert ^ Bridges, member Thomas, 7; Hader. 1; Beal. 2; win- of th€ Ice Cream Ingredients Cream, milk, milk solids, sugar, rand sometimes eggs, form the basis of all ice cream. Vanilla, chocolate, berries, fruits, and nuts are added as flavors. The typical proportion of ingredients in the basic "mix" is about this ratio: 80 per cent cream and milk products, 15 per cent sugar, 4.5 per cent flavor, 0.5 per cent stabilizer. A small amount of edible stabilizer is sometimes included by ice cream manufacturers to prevent the formation of gritty ice crystals. Pure food The following men were called up! in their applications and evidence, gelatin is often used for this pur- i for pre-induction examination by sel Mr. Bridges, said pose. The solids content of the mix i ective service board two last week. ranges as follows: milk fat, 10 to 14 j They were: Woodstock HERMAN E. BESSER ROY F. STOGSD1LL JOHN H. WELBON HAROLD F. WINKLEMAN Farmers of MeHenry county are i by Bert Bridges, mem county AAA committee ^nV7iteher-ThomasV losm'g "pitcher ^arge of the Dairy Feed program -Hader June 30 is the deadline for making payments for milk and butterfat produced and sold during February, March and April, 1944. "Farmers who "are too busy to cpme to the oounty office should mail compiling the statements is seen in 'the figures of the number of envelopes sent out containing tax statements. A total of 22,000 envelopes carrying 40,000 statements were mailed out. Six Men Are Called Up Foi* 'Examination By Board Two per cent; milk-solids-not-fat, 1C to 11 per cent; sugar, 12 to 15 per cent; edible stabilizer, 0.2 to 0.5 per cent. On Broad Plain Teheran, Persia, is situated in a broad plain, 70 miles south of the Caspian sea, at the foot of the lofty Elburz range. Approaching the city from the mountains, it seems to pop out of its flat setting, greeting the eye with sudden, complete revelation. Hot and dry, Teheran is like . Arizona in the warm season. Algonquin ' ~ ROBERT W. DUENSING, i Genoa 1 EUGENE T. KEEGAN Coal (or Medium Tank Fifty tons of coal is required for Steel to make one medium tank. The county office has received quite a few late applications for past payment periods. Because the Dairy Feed program has now been in force some months, it is expected that farmers should now be familiar with the program and observe the regulations for making applications* Women Marines Women's reserve USMC now serve tfeeir country in over 125 different capacities formerly assigned to combat marines . . . thus fulfilling their promigfe to "free marines to fight." l>«k* I r«sta ?.»!«• Enriched by the salt waters that brought commerce to her ports in eaflier history, modern Sicily has been impoverished because of lack of life-giving fresh water. Winter floods and summer drouths are farming hazards. Even the largest river, the Simeto curling southeast around Mt. Etna across the Catania plain, cannot be counted on for yearround, navigation. The Anapo, considered remarkable because it usually survives the summer with enough water for rowboats, is also an oddity for its marshes of papyrus, the grass that in Egypt g<ive men paper and paper's name. Papyrus grows wild nowhere else in Europe. Sicily's yearly thirst has been blamed for the island's poverty and attendant evils, such as brigandage and the outlaw gangs of the secret Mafia organization, aa well as the" hoayy emigration. Bead the Wast Ada! Why Wait! The 5th War Loan campaign is on, with a larger quota than ever before. This means that we all will have to increase our own quotas and buy all tha^t we possibly can afford. The big invasion which has begiin in Europe will make it necessary to use more airplanes, tanks, guns, etc. These all cost money. Money is made available by your bond purchases. Don't wait to be asked. Go to your bank or postoffice today and place your order. E. H. Nickels Hardware PHONE 2 WEST McHENRY Mundelein Locker Service - will be closed from 12 to 1 o'clock each day until further notice. Regular hours are from 8 to 6, six days a week. AL PEPPING, Mgr. Main Street, West MeHenry RED PLUMS 19< CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES 5 - 5 3 « California GRAPEFRUIT 3 lbs. 32C Htm. C*l. Wkit* Kom U. S. No. I--Sin A AMERICAN HOMt Beverages Assorted PU»or» 4 "OITLB 25 No Points N PHILADELPHIA CREAM NATIONAL EVAPORATED MILK 141/,-OZ. CANS (1 lot I Rod Point) AMERICAN HOMt CEUON QUAKER rUFKO WHEAI SrARKIES 2 15' Qwick or Biakat 0<t> IT Sorvo Hot or Cold Mi CAM FLOUi REDI-MEAT 25s 32' 12-OZ. CAN BISQUICK BROADCAST 29* 19' CompMt 4Q.Q2. BtscuH Corned Recip* Botl HUftb POTATOES 10,b* 43c " •• No Polnh No* f Cheese Spreads IT LIDO CLUB Spaghetti 18 Dinner . pice. (I Bin* Point) Kraft Pt monto o> O'lvo Pirrtnfo 5-OZ. GLASS Household Needs HAZE* I TOILET SOAP 3 CAKES lie B VELVEETA Kraft fc-LB. Ch*«ttFo«d ?KG. (S #»<J Po'nttl 20 ACTIVE LATHER LUX SOAP ScAmiec Inr Km 14-Day Pa»mo8v« Pla* PALMOLIVE 3 CAKES 19c HEALTH SOA» LIFEBUOY. "-^wac iopr. pure mmrmp WHITE--ROATtN* SWAIT SOAP 20 MULE TEAM BORAX •CAKES 19c l6C 10c CAKi .nctt. 15c s»< Arneir's LaHl 17' I-LB. CTN. ORANGE PEKOE 17' A Poko« TM N«HOIMI '/•-LB. CTN. SALERNO Graham Cricktrt I-LB. PKG 18' GOLD MEDAL 25-LB. $|2S BAG SOFTASILK C«!« 2% LB PICS, 25' An ortcaa at oar mnkMdlM Mod haroto* »S 6* addod m »MtHo*al mm( |Sapp roaimatoty oqaNaJMrt to 2% om accooal al tka Uflaoli MaflM' Oacaoathwai iaa AA NATIONAL STORES

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