Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1944, p. 6

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Stege Six THE McHEHBT PLAINDEALER Thursday, July 6, 19441 Twice T o l d Tale# to do any work upon it On Monday, such machines should use more dis- Jos. Buck has leased the saloon of cretion without such a law. Casper Wirfs, near the depot, Mr.-j , •* Wirfs retiring: on account „of poor TttlRTY YEARS} AGO^ health. FIFTY YEARS AGO Butter on the Elgin board of trade Monday sold at 27 cents per pound. While out walking" with- his lady RINGWOOD (by Helen Johnson.) The Ringwood Sunshine Girls met with "their leader, Shirley Neal, on Thursday evening. The recreation was at seven o'clock and roll call and Betty McKean spent Saturday afternoon and evening? at Elgin. Mr. Charles Krobn, Ethel and Loip, Walter Krohn, Mr., and Mrs. Gletl, Benroy and children, Mrs. Charles Coles and Suzanne and Mrs. * Emma Merchant spent Sunday Jn^ the Roy Merchant home. "• Mrs." Verne Malsh of Glenvie^ and Mrs. Clayton Harrison called ofo was answered by your favorite song. C. Harrison Monday after- First aid demonstration was givfcn ' LuAnn Bauer and Muriel Butler. Dorothy Smith gave a talk on Home, Sunday^ in the~Giayton Bruce home: Grown. Health. Audrey Andreas and T. J. Walsh has come .out.;with-a frjehd tl\e other evening one'of,our handsome new phaeton.^ It is a yGimg men was kidnapped by a num- I beauty.. - ber of his friends. Tough luck. ( • w -- : M a r r i e d , : a t t h e r e s i d e n c e o f J o h n T h e c h * u g b u s i n e s s O f t h e l a t e M r s . 1 B. Pjeiree, in ^Greeiivsrood township, pranj{ jjaSqUejet wjH be disposed of. krtarsat ftfc# VTMT Miss Irene B. Pieiice and Mr. Francis T},e children will make their "home - -- » • • • »- A.. Abbott. in the flat above the store for the | M»rv»nn Wi»Hri - T T h e f r i e n d s o f J o h n N i e s e n t r e a t e d p r e s e n t . M a r y a n n Y Y . e d n I '1'm a birthday surprise party on Miss Irene Bohr has recently en- S Monday evening last. The McHenry tered the emp,oy of thfi Chicago Tele. vIrvS nleasan^tinie" a phone <-oriiPany. Just as soon as j Mr. ^ Mrs>- Ray Merchant and I will be a pot-luck'dinner. very pieasam ume. she becomes sufficiently acquainted -- We are now experiencing in this new work s^e wjjj jn_ ' ttWork has been commenced on the section some very warm and dry > stalled >night* operator.1 driving park in this village, weather. -The thermometer on Mon- • • . A-}.' I CHURCH SERVICES Rapid Acceleration i Rapid acceleration of your car org ilippery roads should be avoided|. When one or both of the driving f kvheels start to spin the vehicle is 1 likely to slide over against the curb, L Against another vehicle, of off the ' "foad. - * . St. Mary's Catholic Church noon. Masses: Mr. and Mrs. Ax!&T Carlson spent Sunday: 7:00, 8:30/10:00 and 11:30 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. ;• tion on pastwnzing milk. Maryann Wiedrich. The W. S. C. S., will sferve a dingave a dejnonstra- ner hall on Tuesday, July 11. Reporter, | Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Rita Mae Merchant, daughter • of wood on Thursday, July 13,. The Home Circle will meet at the Confessions: home of Mrs. John Dickson at Green-1 Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. SIXTY .YEARS AGO TWENTY YEARS AGO "McHenry's dream of many years, that of being able to drive to Chicago without leaving ' the cement, was brought t<? a full realization about' two o'clock last Saturday *ttd it will be rapidly, pushed t<? day showed 98 in the shade and on Spktion. .7^;-iii^ked. very close to, 100. • Durr.g the heavy rain on Sunday *•-- •"rnght.-*rid'• Moriday; the' w>0f over ; ; FORTY YEARS AGO : V." Henry Colbyvs store, in Riverside ,_',•••. ' block, Sprang a leak, completely " de- %V;./|i»Vjfi>;Jus.fen>s store frontAlbbks v.-ftgiftfr his store afid-. goods with brighter in a fresh coat of paint. ; :causing a damage -^ nearly, I A/new building is being construct- "when "lie.'McHen^Volo ;if, not quite a thousand dollars, ,,ed on the Borden grounds for the road was thrown open for travel. ' • On Monday morning^ast. afjer thestorage o^ bottles. A storm $gch yerv much resemfcusses going from the steamboats Miss^C. A p. , .jfomg ,bled , olouds, pa8sed over had crossed the red bridge ovef ,the, out of business;^nd. are offenitgrtH^ city about 5:30 on Tuesday creek- in the center part of this everything, in stock, at prices below afterTloon. Considerable wind acf village, .it gave wa>,... e.:wes -si e cost. '•"-'A >""VrV' , . , ' companied the passing of the clouds partly dropping into the creek mak- There is no ordinance regulating the ^ our citizens breathed a sigh of ing it impassable for teams. Owing speed of automobiles^ through the after the darkness had passed to the heavy rains it was impossible streets of McHenry. but owners of; over . •> - ttfc--. " " . . • 1 j One of the chimneys on the Pries block on Green street was struck by lightning during the electrical storm which passed over McHenry about six o'clock last Saturday morning. McHenry's second shipment of oil was applied to our streets the first of the week and if the pleasant weather continues for a week or so, we will have little reason to complain regarding the dust nuisance fori some time to come. HIS NAME WAS Paul Hill, son of Mary K. Hill, of I Mrs, Clayton Bruce and children WooHstock were united in marriage1 were Wednesday visitors in Wood- Saturday evening at eight at the stock. Methodist parsonage in Woodstock, j Mrs. A. Wice of Durgess, Michigan, They were attended by Cadet Audrey Mr. John^ Neal daughter, Marie, and Merchant and Martha Ann Hill and granddaughter, Violet, of Oak Lawn Armour Wallace. Only members of j spent from Friday until Sunday with the immediate families were present. J Roy Neal. ' ' A reception followed at the home of Pfc. Ethel Krohn of Fort Jackson, the bride's sister, M^s. Charles. Coles , So. Car., is up^ndihjf a furlough wrth This Thursday before First Friday-- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. ^ DR. R. DeROME ^ < -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Hours: 10 aim. to 5 pj|.' daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:39 p.m. Other hours by appointment. of McCullom's Lake Mrs. Vern Malsh of. Glenview spent the weekend with Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. •Mrs. Lillian Conway, Mrs. Cora Walters, Mr. and Mrs. her father, Charles Krohn; and her sister, Mrs. Glen Benoy; of Greenwood. v • , Mr. aho Mrs. Granville Carlson Of Maywbod visited in - the« Clayton Ed HaVrtey Brufie home Sunday. % SLOCUM LAKE arid Mrs. P. C. Bacon called on Mrs, Jennie Bacon Friday. - Mrs. Charles Brennan, Mrs. iFred WScdrich, Jr., Mrs.. Helen Johnson, Mrs. 'Jack Leonard, Peggy and Butchie were at Antioch oh Thursday afternoon. , ' I Mr. and Mrs. Pete Olsen and Peter William M. Carroll, Attorney of West McHenry spent Sunday af-1 Woodstock, Illinois temoon and evening in the R. B. | NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Merchant home. j Estate of JOSEPH P. SCHAEFE|fc, Mrs. Matt Nimsgem of Springs deceased. . Grove spent Thujglaf with Mrs. Nick , Notice is hereby given to all per- Young. In the afrnoon they attend- son« that .^ay, August 7 1944 ed a party in the Walter Carey home,'3 the cla,m date ln the estate " St. Patrick's Catkolic Ctiarch Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00,10:09and 11:00! Weekdays: 7*0; , j first Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion dis-; tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before! and durinsr tne 7:30 Mass. | Confessions: . I Saturdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday; 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and 7aW tr &;00 ' Rev. Wm. A. CKRourfce, pa^or. Office Hours--Daily Except Thurs. 10 to 12, 1:30 t<i 4«30, Mon^ Wei, Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appointmcat % H. S. VAN DENBURGH, DC^ PhC ; Chiropractor 129 Green St. Tel. 292-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebrew 926 of ^Joseph P. Schaefer, deceased, pending 8t, John's Catiiolic Charch, Joknsbart Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, and lfrlW, floly Days: 7:00 and - Weekdays: 8:00. ' : first Friday: 8:00. ^5; f . Confessions: ^Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:S0. Thursday before First Friday? 2:3ft and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church John St. East of Highway 31 West McHenry, 111* TEL. WONDER LAKE v DR. c. L, WATKIlfi Dentist ; .,*• ^ • Office Honrs « Tuesday ft Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.a^ Evenings and Sunday Mornings ' by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, lit at McHenry. j ™^htv "c'ourt ""oT"McHenry ; Herman C. Noll pastor, Round Lake, Mrs. Helen Johnson and daughter, , ji County, IIIlKli„nrot;ics,, a„n„dA that claims may j Illinois. Jan6t, were at Waukegan on ed- ^ fjje(j agajnst the said estate on A eordial welcome is extended to D*. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian 305 (Yaukegan St. I*h«ne31 McHENRY, ILL. nesday. Mrs. F. N. Muzzy who has been 'N i summons^ l>efoie said date without issuance of; f11 who have no church affiliation several weeks is gradually improving. Mr. and Mrs. L. SJ. Hawley, daugh- ! ters Shirley and Marion spent Sun- JOHN W. SCHAEFER, Administrator. (Pub. July 6-13-20) Army Signal Corps Photo Ar. army doctor v. ith the Fifth Army in Italy looks at the dog tags of a dead '•American soldier; so" that his beloved back home may know that he gave his life for his country. All your country .is asking you to do is to give your dollars to back up the men who are fighting lor you by buying War Bonds. * . . U. S. Treasury Dtparlmtnl ~ (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson at j day in. Crystaj Lake. Williams Park were Mrs. Fannie! Jean Rae Vogel of Elkhom is' State of Illinois Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wil-j spending several days with her cou-1 County of McHenry, as. son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and ' sin Maryann Wiedrich. ' In the Circuit Court of McHenry son, Robert, and Robert Moes£h of j Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Hopper and, County, Illinois! Chicago. | daughter, Eleanor Jane, of Chicago Case No. 30243. Chesney Brooks was a caller at were Sunday evening visitors in the Joseph H. Weber, PtaifltilF, McHenry last Thursday. - J home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs.; vs. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Culberson S. W. Smith. , John William Goodwin; Nan Marie of Cortland, Mr. and Mrs. E. JJ. CuUJ M,rs. William Hoffman went to^ Goodwin; Eric Landstrom; John S berson and Mrs. Anna Nelson of De- j Crystal Lake to speind over the holi- Kalb, were dinner and supper guests j days with friends. Sunday at the home, i Mr. Vern Malsch of Glenview Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and | was a caller in the Fred Wiedrich, Miss Betty Lou Lusk were callers at i Jr., home on Monday. McHenry Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Mrs. Harold Foraoff of Chicago] Sunday with the Harvey Biggers spent four days the past week at j family at Wonder Lake. the home of her parents; Mr. and Syver, Trustee; Citizens State Bank, a Corporation; Lawrence P.; Yopp; Gasoroil Manufacturing Corporation, a Corporatibn; Burton V. j Pritchett; Clayton R. Anderson and to worship with Us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill • your heart with hope and courage. Services 9 a.m. . Sunday School .....10 a.m. ^ "Christ Our Only Talking Point!" W E L C O M E / Listen to the International Lutheran Ho^t-Sundays--W. G. N., 2:30p.m. Community Charch Sunday School: 10:00 a. in. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Junior League: 6:30 p. m. • lEpworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Mack Powell, pastor. I cSt,. Peter'8 Catholic Charck, [ • Spring Grove Leslie Charles Olsen, defendants. Masses: The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brenhan ai- hereby gven you, Eric Landstrom; Mom! Look n^ancro Juice! Mrs. James Thomson, at Williams tended a wedding at Kenosha on Sat- John S. Syver, Trustee; Citizens Park. urday evening. State Bank, a Corporation, and Gas- Mrs. C. H. Hansen was a caller at i Mrs. Edna Stanford of Charleston, oroil Manufacturing Co'rporation, a' Highland Park Sunday. J West Virginia", is visiting in the home Corporation, defendants in the above Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom of'of her daughter. Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, entitled suit, that the above suit has j North Chicago •were callers Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haw'ley, Mrs. been commenced in the Circuit j at the Blomgren-Lusk home. ' They J Frank Hawley and Mrs. D. Bacon Court of McHenry County by the j had just returned from a two weeks'| of Crystal Lake, were callers in the said plaintiff, against you praying fishing trip in Wisconsin. | L. E. Hawley home on Friday even- for foreclosure of a certain machan- M iss Marion Dowell of North Chi-I ing. , ic's lien and for other relief; and that cago spent the weekend at the home' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley were summons was duly issued out of the i of her mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. | callers in Crystal Lake on Sunday said Court against you as provided | Mr. Adolph Dipping and Miss j afternoon. by law and that the said suit is still '"Tillie Kessler of Chicago were Sun-j Mr. A. W. Smith and Mr. S. W. j pending. ! day visitors- at the Blomgren-Lusk j Smith were visitors in the John W. | Now, therefore, unless you, Eric I home. j Smith and Lon L. Smith homes on j Landstrom; John S. Syver, Trustee; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhaft and Sunday afternoon. I Citizens State Bank, . a Corporation, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clarence of Williams Park were callers at Barrington last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent and Gasoroil Manufacturing Corpor- Monday at Woodstock. ation, a Corporation, the said de- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley, Mrs. | fendants, file your answer to the Edwin Hawley and Mrs. D. C. Bacon j complaint in said suit or otherwise Fort Custer, Michigan, and Mr. and spent Thursday evening in the L. i make your appearance herein in the Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00, Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. * Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00/ Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. 2:80 said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the. Court HoOse in, . the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on j n,nE- Mrs or before the Third Monday in August, 1944, being the 21st day of Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Churclt (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services--3:00 p. m. H. L. PFOTENHAUER, Pastor ' * ', Grace Lutheran Churek Richmond Sunday School: 10:30 a. m. Adult Service: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, pastor. Ringwaod Church Ringwood, 111. Sunday--Public worship, 9:3®. Churciv»School, 10:30. Choir Rehearsals^--Wednesday Kenneth Cristy, director. ' Mrs. Arnold Burkhart and Mr. and E. Hawley home. , Mrs. Stanley Adams and little' Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart, Bill and daughter, Barbara, of Chicago, were J Bob of Waukegan were Sunday vis- Sunday dinner and evening guests itors in the Fred "Wiedrich, Jr., home. ilMWV. ... n rnvi? a •< v t u Jat the home of Mr. and Mrs. William j Mrs. Nick Young spent Friday with gust, I Vru t j 2 *1. Burkhart at Williams Park. her daughter, Mrs. Joe Weber at1 August, 1944, default may be enter-;. McHent^ Lodge No^ 153 meets the | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews (McHenry. ! ed against you and each of you at' ."5,an, « °f e»ch month • were visitors Sunday evening at the: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and!any time after that day and a Dehome of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lueder j family were Sunday afternoon vis- • cree entered in accordance with the | at Wauconda. ' itors in the P. C. Leonard home at prayer of said complaint. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart and j Lake Geneva. LESTER EDINGER, Cl^pk, m :«:• McHENRY FLORAL CO. ~- Phone 608-R-] -- One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all occasions! Phone 43 Vernon J. Knox ATTORNEY AT LAW -- OFFICE HOURS ^ Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days byJAppointment McHenry . . . . ilUnoit e A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHER Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 2X5 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY. ILL. FIRE AUTO INSURANCE FA?5 EARL R. WALSH Presenting ' Reliable Companies Whe* yon need insurance of akiy n-4 Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry at the hall on Court street. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clarence of Wil- ! liaftis Park were callers at Wau- ] k^gan last Wednesday. HERE'S one small assistant giving his mother a sound hint by picking the super-size Valencia variety oranges now coming from Florida for the family market basket. So big that only two oranges will make a full glass of juice, they're the best bargain-wise juice and vitamin C buy in the market. Extreme heat and heavy rains made them ripen in a hurry, gave them extra juice and sweetness and size, which means less squeezing and work for you.' | Makes Them Stick Special sprays applied to fruit trees cause the fruit to hang on the I trfees a week to ten days longer. It j is estimated that this saves more than three million dollars each year ! for the fruitmen. RAKtS TURU UP IN THE MOST UHEOTCTtO PIACES ,111 m Mr. and Mrs. George; Shepard spent Datpd June 30, 1944. Sunday in Chicago. Attorney tor Plaintiff: . * The 500 Club was entertained at William M. Carroll the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Murphy Block Pearson, Thursday evening. Prizes' Woodstock, Illinois were won by Mrs. B. T. Butler and •_ (Pub. July (>, 13 and 20) Weldon Andreas for high score and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and George Store Parsnips Shepard low score. ! Parsnips may be left in the ground Pvt. Robert Andersoft of Camp! over winter, but as digging them out Pickett, Virginia, spent the weekend j in wet spring weather is apt to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec disagreeable, it may be simpler to • Fluff Nap While corduroy is drying it should he brushed occasionally with a jtfhiskbroom or ^lothesbrush, to fluff Up the nap. When completely dry, press lightly on the wrong side, padding the ironing bosfrd with a terrycloth towel. Brush m on« <!i-:J rection as a final steo . Telephone No. 300 Stoffel & Reihan .perger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS Anderson. Cadet Audrey Merchant of Elgin is spending a two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler of Rock Falls are visiting "in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. William Mieno of Chicago spent from Wednesday until Friday with Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and Earl Sutton of Richmond were Sunday supper guests in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson and Wayne Foss spent Sunday with Cecil j Allen at his cottage at Twin Lakes. ' Mis's Betty McKean was a guest I of Edyth Harrison for the weekend, j Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and son of I Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Sibre | Whiting, Monday. Mrs. John Vollman has returned to her home in Elgin after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. C. Harrison. -- Marion and Alice Peet of Elgin are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. this week. Mr., and Mrs. Harold Carr of Kalamazoo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs! Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultie and daughter of Monroe, Wis., spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Virginia Jepson of Evanston spent Friday night and Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Clayton Bruce is spending a weeks' vacation writh his family. Mrs. R. C. Harrison and Edyth dig out the roots now and store them in a pit. As slight freezing will not injure them, the parsnips need not be covered as thoroughly as other root crops stored in pits. Read the Want Adt Warning Gases Carbon monoxide is colorlesa and odorless, but fortunately it is often accompanied by other gases from the exhaust that do have odors. Hence, any odor of exhaust gases in the vehicle should call for immediate ventilation. So, also, should a feeling of drowsiness on the part of the driver or his ^passengers. Read the Want Ads! EDWARD SCHMITT Roofing Contractor Asbestos and Insul Brick SMiftg Estimates Furnished Phone 603-E 1 McHenry, I1L Box 368 A.P.Freund Co Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building- Tel. 204-M McHenry, III MEN WANTED DRIVERS HELPERS HECHANICS ©OWNS MOTOR EXPRESS McHENRY, ILL. S.- H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry Help Wanted Maintenance Man HUNTER BOAT CO. Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating --, NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dfcrt * » Power Leveling and Grading, J. E. NETT * lohnsburg P. O.--McHenry - 1- WANTED TO BUY ' We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 669-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ONT>EAD HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE _____We pay phone chargea.

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