Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1944, p. 4

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, K' ' - ' fr* - »f\ *-'v ; "• V1'sl'.>,^T* !T"Y' ^ n * V--' . ^ O , THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB v\'i7"/'T')i i-!w*.^,»f, ?CV«VtTvs , ^ sv \ •1 >v^ * *«•*'«^v^ ' • *"' '" ""' ttattsa^, Jiify 13," ' THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER rublished every Thursday at Mc-, feenry, Ii!., by Charles F. Renicb: A- B. MOSHER Editor and Manager | fintered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1870. WANTED! l^rt or, woman to leafn tb operate linotype machine and assist in printing plant, ^pply at Mc- Henry Plaindealer. One Year |2.50 • ;^.;-/^|(irAwrTEi> ry ^ Boy. 16 years or over, to work in newspaper plant arid learn the printer's trade. Can go to high school until graduation. Apply at McHenrv Plaindealer. Asvwtatcd NewtpApm £3 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Four--poster walnut bed, box spring and mattress, like new; also 5- piece oak; dinette set, reasonable. Inquire McDonald's Tavern, geant in charge of the marine detachment at Wright Junior college in Chicago. The George Strandel family of Aurora were visitors recently in the E. R. Sutton home. Eleanor Strandel remained to- spend the summer here. R. E. Sutton and daughter, Geri rude, of Chicago spent Stmday *t their cottage at Emerald Park. Miss Lois Wike, who has been em* ployed at Bolger's drug store for p ETER RABBIT sat on the ice i many months has returned to Des j * close by- {Vie house of Paddy the I Moines, la., to make her home. j Beaver, and Peter felt very sore ! Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Baur and fam-j_and very foolish; you see, he had ily of Chicago visited relatives here' tried to play a joke on Paddy. He k<st weekend. ! had climbed up on the roof of Pad- Miss Marjorie Duker of Cook f dy's house, and by thumping as County hospital visited her parents only Peter or his cousin, Jumper here a few days the last of the week, j the Hare, can thump, had tried to MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE PETER SEES PADDY THB BEAVER,AFTER ALL WANTED--Bookkeeper with knowledge of typing and shorthand. Ton- ^ ^ ^ ^ yan Construction Co., WVst McHenry. I'^Mrs/Agnes' Lewis and daughter, frighten Paddy to make him think ^ 1 c° 8-tf j 0f Kenosha, Wis., and Mrs. that someone was trying to break j ' " • - - -- ' ! in. But he lost his balance and had I slid down off the steep, slippery roof I Tel. 152.^ WANTED _ Dishwasher and dining | Alma " RigKs of Salem, . Wa, spent m But he lost his balance and had room janitor; either may be elderly j'"t ^ ' "| (aster than Little Joe Otter ever man. Also two counselors, age ,*L7 Mrs. \Viliiaml c . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins and | »}><* down on one of his slippery McCullom Late. over. Camp Duncan on Fi,H.| ch^~™s^ Vwiaconda j rtid« and l»dta.£d *8 ] Lake. Tel. McHenry 38S> FOR SALE---Gas stove. Bottled pis j FOR RENT ©r otherwise. Andrew Schwartz, 175 , • Country Club drive, McHenry. Tel. I Ion Sunday. 268-W. room flat, oil heat, *gj Venetian blinds. Located oh Green -- j street. Call 16. *8-2 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wiedling j brf,^ and daughter Edithe. of ^icago; he feJ^ f ^ bruises; «0h dear, spent the weekend at their horhe on ; Whftt eyer mafJe me tWnk Qf trying FOR SALE --Thompson run-about boat, with trailer, battery, Kght and oars. Riley, North Shore, Crystal Lake Phone Crystal Lake 974-R. ^ FOR SALE--Buick Sedan, good condition, cheap--Anton Schmitt--Rt. ^1 McHenry. WANTED WAITED TO BUY -- Modern year 'round home in McHenry or river vicinity. Large lot or some acreage. Cash deal. Address Box T, in care of the PUtindealer. *8 •8i the river. Mrs. Clinton Beckenbaugh, who has been residing with her htosband in California, has returned to McHenry for an extended visit with her to play »uch a joke? And I don't even know whether" I scared Paddy or not. I--I guess that such jokes don't pay." ^ - For once Peter was just exactly parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. j rjght. Jokes that frighten other peo- Her husband, Sgt. Beckenbaugh, has j pje really are not jokes at all, but been transferred to Texas. On Sun- just mean tricks, and as Peter sat there nursing his bumps he began to understand this. After a little he day, Mrs. Beckenbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Althoff visited in the Rob- W A NTED--One or more rooms on ert Beckenbaugh home in Crystal j started tor the Green Forest and Lake. Peter limped. Yes, sir, Peter Miss Marie Nix, R. N-.f FOR SALE--One single bed with of Cook | limped. You see, he had so many I fights the war and the navy gets 1 lower floor for elderly couple during spring Whinyroom table and chairs, j month of August. Kitchen privi- «« '"ii." EE. DDeevviikk.// TTeell . 665-J-il aafitteerr 5 p. m. I leges. Prefer location in West Mc- County hospitali sm g , P ^ Address ^ <<D » in care mother, Mrs. fillie Nix, last •in tents which is not so good over here, as most people know it rains almost every day. In fact, this is the fifth day it rained, in a row, and it is at it while I am writing you. I am now doing the work Of taking •,».•.*> ' care of the gasoline field range, of Dear Mose: | which I think every one heard of. It Received tecottd "iffy'-'#' -'lite! *8 f°r cooking .in tents, kitchens and Plaindealer this A. M. The first one I also has a lot-of other uses. I received was a middle March issue | We are all working long ;and hard sent old j hours and I think every one else is address.,, It caught In order to get this thing called war up tp me just a over so we can all go home to our ,little Over two , loved ones and start life all over, months ®fter I j When this letter reaches Alfred B. e) States, j Miller I hope that he will have some The copy received ; beer to drink as he wrote and said m Wa? a I that there Was no beer to drink die May issue ad- j where he is, but tell him that I will dressed to my F. * buy him the first one when this is P. O. number. Now ] an. over with. am wondering if Also say hello to "Les" Krieger, and that I would like to hear from him as ijt has been quite a, while since I liast had a letter. In your paper of May 25, .in the letter that "Bill" Kreutzer, wrote, and told about the Red Cross, and all the help that they give a fellow when on pass is true, as I have found that out for myself. Well I know that this may not be much of a letter, but I do want to thank you all who are sending this paper .to us all. Cheerio for now, • "SKIPPER" WIRFS, Somewhere in England. Order your Rubber Stamps at Hie?; Plaindealer. 3 this is the first copy to reach these ^ islands. Things care q lot different now ice with a bump that knocked th% froth what is was when we arrived here. It will be some time before we finish the things we were sent here to do and able to carry on with our routine duties. It rains here almost evfry day and is very hot. As you will note on a map we are only a short distance from the equator and in fcjite of the heat we have throughout the day, we sleep under a blanket at night. The days are rather long as we hit th* deck at 4:45 and seldom see our sacks •again before midnight. You have heard the old saying that the marines get the glory, the army of Plaindealer. visited her! bumps and bruises that he felt lame week- J all over. He didn't feel good a bit. en<j j He knew that Blacky the Crow, Mrs. Harry Hubbell and daughter, i who had seen him tumble, would Patty Jean, of Chicago, are spend- j te'll all the other little folks and ine a few weeks with her mother, | that he never would hear the end of Mrs Harry Fredricks. ! ^ Everybody would laugh at him The Leonard Antonson family has] and tease him. No, Peter didn't been enjoying a vacation in Michi-, on* ^ good' ' ha<* gone but a few stePs gJMiss Maud Granger is enjoying a happened to look down h^. Muirhv folding bed, . cash I WANTED TO BUY--Feeder pigs and | two weeks' vacation from her work the clear ice. He forgot register steam table. Mrs. S. S.! thin sows. Gregory Kattner, Rt. 1, | ^ Chicago. | how lame and sore he was and gave M^. Sprin. Grove. II.. '81 McHenry. 111. Tel. Richmond 92^ J'"^. e M t ^mu^en ---- - Margaret Aylward of Chicago vis- - FOR SALE--Case threshing machine,, size#22 x 36; also a six-foot Deering, WANT TO BUY--300 to 400 bushels ^rain binder. Robert Knox. TeJ. j of oats at the combine. Phone or 630-W-l. 8; write, stating variety and price. ! : -- ---- Rensu Packing Co., Rt. 1, Wtest Mc- FO^l SALE--Square dining table, 4 j Henrj. Phone Crystal Lake 8023-Y-3. chairs, 8-ft, counter, 2 beds and, »g springs, large ice box, circulating PERSONALS Mrs. Marie Corso of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, the Henry Kinsalas. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Kirkman of New Munster, Wis. Mrs. William Justen and niece, the pay for it. No one ever mentions the C. B's. True its a branch of the Navy, but those lioys do a job and do it well but never get any credit for it. Many times I have heard of the C. B's. work and now I have! ^iss Jacqueline Hoffman, of Wilseen them in action. Mose, those Imett® will leave Saturday for Newboys can sling more roads together' port> *•> w^ere she will visit for and erect more things faster than'a few the home of her you and I can think about them. You! daughter and husband, the Robert tell them what you want, leave them Bestosas MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--Roper gas cook stove, ih- good condition. Will §ell cheap phonokMcHL^nC56-RLinUS ! STOP LOSSES-^aused by Necro the! Woods^ck j w,re McHcnry wallers - . , . o j . ! in8 straight toward him, and it starited friends here on Sunday. • ye(j ^jm SQ ^ minute he quite Mary and Stacia Gannon of, ; 1 alone, and presto, there it is. They deserve a lot more credit than what they get. Out here our hats are off lo them 100%. May I again thank' you and the Colony y McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY William Powell -- Hedy LaMarr The Heayenly Body* PLUS--News and Cartoon SUNDAY AND MONDAY JULY 16-17 Inn Sheridan -- Dennis Morgan "Shine On . Harvest Moon" ALSO--News and Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Gail Patrick -- Nancy Kelly Bill Henry -- H. B. Warner 'Women In Bondage' ALSO--SHORT SUBJECTS WEDNESDAY (ONE DAY) . Belita and Janes Ellieon "Lady, Let's Dance" ALSO--SHORT SUBJECTS ;1|IURS., FRI., AND SAT. In Technicolor RITA HAYWORTp GENE KELLY. %)VER GIRL" Oyster as Calcium Collector There are only about siX-hundredths of an ounce of calcium in a gallon of sea water, but the oyster "Master Way"--liquid hog medicine, iThuisday evening. FOR SALE -- Electric refrigerator S~ o,l d, and. • g* uaran^te ed. _b y G_ regory Mncr„- and MMMrs . HHaorrrny Geary of 6% cu. ft. Phone Pistakee 603-M-l.; Kattner, Tel. Richmond 8 Henry, 111 929, Mc- Grayslake visited relatives here one ; •7^ d,ay last week. • • Little Carol Ann Courier of Wood? PGR SALE--Brass bird cage and FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME 1NSUL- stock spent last week visiting her J onyx trimmed stand; 175 gallon fuel j ATION. ASBESTOS SIDING OR A i grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. j tiank and 85 ft. chicken wire, 6 ft. | NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, Peo-: Miss Frances Michels of Chicago | high. Tel. 609-W-l. *8 | pie's Insirfation Co., 104 S. Riverside has been spending her vacation vis- j' J.YHI cat F Four uteel Venetian! Drive> McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry iting friends and relatives in Mc-j EL T^fT^Rl 8' ' g^ll-J- Woodstock, 210 E. Jackson Henry and Johnsburg. V ' " • I St. Phohe Woodstock 817 1-16 Mrs. Clara Overton left on Friday FOR SALE--Dining room table,- 6! f -- ----' morning for Camp Carson, Colo.,, chairs and buffet. $25.00. Phone i jVJ\ VU HEARD about the new i wheve she is visiting her husband, ; Pistakee 642-R-l. g| reduced Auto Liability and Property Richard, stationed there with the : t-- - , --j Damage rates? They will surprise ! army, ! 'P0R SALE--Year-'round comfort and you. Ask u.i for insurance rates. Mr' and Mrs. Carl Weber and f^rnmany others for making it possible i Up,its # heavy sheU of calcium for us to receive the good McHenry I c t oralsJ°T™ * elands by Plaindealer. It's a„1lm ost a year now* collecting this element. since I've been home, so it's rejally appreciated. Even my buddies that have never seen McHenry, read it and enjoy it very much. As I once said, I even read Earl's column, well, now I read it twice. My best wishes, to you^ Mrs. Mosher, your staff and all others ithat make this paper possible to reach us. May you all be well and |reap joy. , i Sincerely, • K E, MATTHEW'S, PH M 1-C., Admiralty Islands. economy with fire-prottf Johns-Man-j The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone . 8.' s^ent Thursday in Chicago; That Ww"Oh!" exclaimed Peter, and made ville Rock Wool Home Insulation j 27-tf evening they were dinner guests in ; ready to run. "felownin" walls and ceilings. Call! A «TT1ur . T n -rrr > the Watson home in Gladstone Park.1 . .. LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. ANIMALS WANTED j Karge' of Kenosha, Wis., ^||'{| w«* under ice. «nd . 36tf' I DE.AD ANIMALS WILL WIN THK h McM'. "!':- resident .for many ye>ra, wanted ^ FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS -- j WAR -- Five dollars is the least we j been vlsltin& 111 the Wl1 l"m Hello Earl and Staff: Well, here goes, of what 1 should have done a long time ago, and that is write to you and thank course, couldn t harm him if « , yOU au wj10 make it possible for all the boys in- the service to receive -- , , - 9h' exclaimed Peter, and made , the most wonderful paper in all the; Implements, parts. We have special' pay for dead horses and cows in good ] Bl®5lop h0I"e' M Kinsala 1 n to u ru?- -Pe? }\ cameJ° 2111" world--and that is "The McHenry *il for Ford Ferguson transmissions condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Mr and Mra. JtowtW Kinsaw; a flash who it might be. He bent p, jndeal „ That's right, the Plainand hydraulic units. Call Woodstock; Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the, and daughters, Norma Jane and Mar oward it and looked eagerly. Yes, dealer 851 for field draining and flushing: charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf. garet, of Chicago spent a few days lt was Paddy the Beaver, and he j k . or c d o"g„v,1 , M ! ' the past week in the Henry Kmsala | was shimming under the ice straight 1 kr service. wanson- e ^-.GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us'home. j toward his house. In his mouth was We buy used cars an _ service a | c]jSp0pe 0f your garbage each week, j Elmer Walter Kinsala of, Batavia | a little log of wood. Peter looked in makes. Ford Ferguson bervices an or oftener if desired. Reasonable j js visiting his grandparents, Mr. and the direction from which Paddy had rates. Regular year round route, for- J Henry Kinsala. . come, and there, just above the ice, merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith, j jjrs Walter Larson and daughter,' were some small twigs. Then Pe- Phone 365. tf: patSy, Mrs. Helen Boyland and Miss ! ter remembered how in the fall he ~~ i Edna Brown of Chicago were Sunday had watched Paddy store a great 1 euests in the home of Mrs. John R. pile of aspen logs and branches out j But I hope we will have the j Smit.h his pond and how Paddy had told i chance to see each other, not here Mr and Mrs David Berthold and him that was his storehouse of win- ; in England, but in good old McHenry, j family of Elmhurst have been spend-1 ter food. It must be that Paddy j and soon. This goes for all the fel- j intr the week in the h6me of Math had been out after his dinner and j lows that are in the Service and | * - was taking that little log to his are over seas. Since I last wrote to you, which Sales, 248 Throop St., Phone 851 Woodstock, ill. 2-tf HELP WANTED fjirruATION WANTED--Painting interior and exterior; also paper hanging. Dependable work. Harold H. Bell, 106 N. Green Street, McHenry, IB. *8-3 know that you all have heard by now that I had the honor of meeting A1 Weingart and "Les" Krieger. What he wrote to you some time ago, about having tears in our eyes was true, for it was hard to part that day when we all left to go back to our stations. ersonah HELP WANTED -- Kitchen woman; •also 2 girls as waitresses; must be :w home in Woodstock, over 18; good wages and tips. Apply Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Weber were • T of Con-' house to strip off the bark which he .unday „Ight viator, in th. Joe; h,v? bwn vlc,ti„ning i U, eat it com- Store. 8-2 STENOGRAPHER - TYPIST -- with some experience for position as per-! en servingf overseas. f : in his snug chamber above the in person at Bill's Diner^Sn" Hm! n M\s»Charle"e of £ and* Mrs. Walter Landeck of | water/where nothing could disturb Stree!t!, McHenr:y. . *8"2 |e nts, iM r. awn*df k®Mnrds . vF'8re,td' n^KhroehTn ,P Sarr". ;i Berwyv?n and t>M- r. ann d Mrs. Jacm, es' hlp' ln. Peter turned back to watch Pad- • WANTED--Woman or man to assist! Mr. and Mrs. George P. Blake' and.! 55 ^ CaTwe^"home". *?\but Paddy had d|S®Ppef"d; A1i it kitchen, short hours or full time; I family, Mr. and Mrs. John Klapperich Mrs Albert Vales and daughter, P j®ter. SaJ fn p L , u can arrange to suit. Good wages, and family, Mr. and Mrs Edward1 n i ' • w Tfpmnfer Jr ^ rising close to Paddys house. Phone McHenry 12, Town Club. 8-tf I Justen and family and Stephen Jus Do!ores' ^ w Sato cal' and he knew that Paddy was inside. • vl --. - ten vi«t^ in tL ri T . and son, Albert, were Chicago cal"; Peter scratched his head thought- HELP WANTED --Girl, for store j home • J L «lers on Tuesday. . , fully. . work and fountain. Bolger's Drug SrilpihSSi v*t. S ^1 MrS' Albert Vales and daughter,, "Why," he said, "it must be that k there they helped little Stephen Jus-! Dolores, Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., paddy wasn't in his house at all Clarence Justens, aruj son) Albert, and Mrs. Ben Dietz vvhen I tried to scare him. Selves ce ebrate his nrat birthday. Mr.: v}sjted in Salem, W^s., on Friday. ; me right, I guess, for trying to play I Mrs. Vernon Kramer of Chicago such a joke." Then, as he thought sonnel secretary. Excellent pros- i Mrs. John L. Rolinson and Mrs.! spent Tuesday in the George Kramer! how queer Paddy had looked under pects for advancement and perma- j Marie Foster of Chicago were callers ; home. • • the ice and how all the long winter nent employment after the war. in the Lhtus Newman home oh ;Fri- j Mrs. Harold Phannenstill »nd Mrs. he lived in the darkness of his won- R i n g w o o d C h e m i c a l C o r p o r a t i o n , d a y . ^ W i l l i a m N o v i c h o f K e n o s h a , W i s . , ; d e r f u l h o u s e , o n l y c o m i n g o u t , t o Ringwood,' 111. 8-tf Mrs. Linus Newman and daughter I visited in the John Phannenstill home, swim under the ice for his food, a WANTED---Aeeoontaht* bookkeepwj ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ five days a week.- Top ppy, Wonder- i jvfondav ful opportunity. Post war. Man! u ' _ _ i whanT «inrp their mar-: And in his snug, warm chamber or woman, complete charge. J. E. j . M^s- F/an . ^ Chicago is i . months aeo , Paddy the Beaver was thinking of Strinrfellow, 325 N. Wells, Chicago.;™^ «l Mr.. Lmni Ne«man rlI (/all collect, Superior 5950. *7-2 ' week. Mrs. Leonard McCracken and daughter, Patsy, is spending the week visiting her mother in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mulligan and son of Oak Park spent Sunday at their home on the river. Staff Sgt. Jack Spear, U. S. M. C., visited his aunt, Mrs. Dora Lang, last weekend. .Sgt. Spear has twentytwo months in the south Pacific to his credit and is now acting first seris quite some time ago, and I am sorry ..that I did not write sooner, I have been moved quite a few times. This time we are doing work that would otherwise be done by the Army Engineers and that is set up and then run a hospital--but all up HEALTHFULLY COOLED MILLER WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS SATURDAY ONLY, JULY 1» "CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE" with Simone Simon PLUS: "MOON OVER LAS VEGAS" with David Bruce -- Anne Gwynne SUNDAY & MONDAY, July 16-17 "SHINE ON HARVEST MOON" with ANN SHERIDAN DENNIS MORGAN IRENE MANNING " TUESDAY ONLY. JULY 18 THE STORY OF VERNON AND IRENE CASTLE' WED., THURS., & FRI. July 19-20-21 SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS' ALL TECHNICOLOR SHOW FRIDAY ONLY JULY 14th 2 SHOWS ONLY-2 Doors open at 6 p. m. STAGE SHOW TIMES 8:00 and 10:30 P. M. Horro On Screen--Super Chiller "Phantom Lady" STARRING FRANCHOT TONE ELLA RAINES •' HELP WANTED---Two good men as chemical Workers. Excellent opportunity foV, advancement • and assurance of permanent postwar job. JUNG WOOD CHEMICAL CORPORATION, RINGWOOD, ILL. Tele, Richmond 652. * 1 gtf DooKKeeper|McDonald h(>me ^ Woodptock on ! returned from Camp Fannin, Texas, ['It's que<yr how some people do live yv Wonder-, 1 where she has been making her h6me m this world,' he muttered. . th her husband since their mar- Anci in his snug, warm c ige a few months ago. j Paddy the Bejwer was th.r Mrs. Kenneth Gonseth of Washing- peter Rabbit, and how Peter had ton, D. C., wife of Lt. Col. Gonseth, snug warm house and no food is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j ^PP*. bu must hunt dajr after I* v»aiwii« ts i , day, no matter what the weather, to Juif E-irSelh at, M : get enough to eat. Mrs. Peter Engeln, Mrs. W'illiam ^ queer>„ said paddy Beg ver, "how some folks do live in this w o r l d . " -- -- -- HELP WANTED--Women to sew on machines. McHenry Tent and Awning Co. 45tf WANTED--Draft exempt man for war work. Apply Miller Products. Phone 195. 39-tf WANTED--Man for general work. Experience not necessary. "Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake. Tel McHenry 90J. 46tf HELP WANTED--Girl or woman for general housework in Chicago. Plain cooking. Middle aged couple. 6-room apt., no heavy cleaning. No laundry. Your own room, bath, radio, evenings and usual time free. Salary 425 .00. We are walking distance of He ward Ave., Greyhound bus depot or North Shore Line Station. AJso churches, theatres, etc. Write Mrs. R. D. Kelley, 7345 Damen Ave., Chicago, 111., or phone Hollycourt 0246 COLLECT. Can interview you at our •Summerhome in Wildwood, Spring Grove, 111. Phone Richmond 7410 weekends. ' • 8-tf. . / • Rothermel and Mrs. Martin Wegener visited in the Franfc ^Sexton home in Elgin, on Monday. Mrs. Richard Stenger and son, Dick, of Kalamazoo, Mich., are visiting her parents, the Wm. Spencers. Read the Want AdsT GOOD DESERVE CLOTHES GOOD CARE 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry I04-M GOOD NEIGHBORS Mr. Brown--I thought I was completely disguised. I've let my beard grow and I'm wraring blue spectacles. How did you recognize me? Neighbor--By my umbrella! BABY TALK Effective Sunday, July 16th The following daily schedules will operate through McHenry: • „ . May--Last night I dreamed I was ! on a trip. And then in my dream I fsaw a whole train load of chewing gum. jtue--Oh, a chew-chew train, «hl • ' Lard Grades • Lard is made from the fat of the hog. Three grades of lard are obtained from three parts of tWPbody: the best grade, leaf lard^is made fr<$m the leaf, or layer of fat lying inside the abdominal wall; the second grade is made from the backs, the sides, and the pieces ttimmed from the various cuts; the third and poorest grade is made from the intestinal and stomach fats. The last is much stronger than the other two and should not be igixed with them. EAST BOUND , WEST BOUND >6:29 A. M. 9:24 A.M. 9:34 A. H. 2:i4P. M. 2:04 P. M. 6:23 P. M. 6:53 P. M. ;; 10:43 P. M. ---For Complete Information-- " GUS UNTFS • Phone 104-R ^McHenry, I1L Direct Buss Service WAUKEGAN WILSON GRAYSLAKE ROUND LAKp VOLO LILY LAKE McHENRY WOODSTOCK HARVARD MARENGO GENOA SYCAMORE DeKALB I ROCKFORD CAMP GRANT L1SAT.T iE PEORIA BLOOMINGTON SPRINGFIELD Peoria-Rockford Bus Company General Offices:. 424 Seventh St. Rockford, Illinois * T

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