THK McHENRY PLADTDEALZS , JalyCT, 1M4 vent this needless V DAY DRIVE TO VICTORY mm B> hiok Mara»co--Milwrnkee Sentinel V. S. Tfmsnrj u$partm**$ ' •Hry: in the future. Ironically, all of the vacation in the city*. She said that ftfik ; VNTkT TWDAn J1: f drowning in the past seven years were '®he enjoyed it but was glad to return AilUUlinUVV ;to the peace and quiet, of the country. week-end guests or one-day visitors. J\ . ,, ... , I M •< i I XI4 i *»•»> : Inour humble opinion we'believe that T*16 Mddies, fpecia/ly ^ .^eicome By Yardstick if visitors to our homes ^ho are in. the news Qt her return. : n . ho__j ahnnt lh« tent on going for a dip are warned1 The Geo. Harkers and Fred Bd- » By now we have all heard about ,h®i . h . future traeedies will monds were out over the week-end. tragic death of Blanche Shotola in our, averte(i Forewarned is forearmed They ha(! as a 8«est the gracious Mrs. lake last Wednesday. It is high time ^J^ted. Forewarned ip foiearme.i. ^ MHwaukee that some measures be taken to pre- Well folks, our dear grandi . paratrooper Ed. Fanitl, is now sacrifice of life Horn has returned from her brief in ^ ^ ^ training at Ft. Bennitig, Ga., and Camp McCall, N. C. Here is a fish story wortlj reading. Geo. Harker and Fred Edmonds went fishing early Sunday. After about two hours thejTlw^h returned. You guessed it. No fish. George carried a broken J pole and Fred hatj a sheepish look on his face. Here is the story George 'told Ma Harker. I had a big one hooked and fought him for an hour. Finally he broke my pole, took my line 'and hook and got away. Ma Harker believed him like a good wife, George. Idog. tired from his ordeal: lay dawnj to rest. This is where George made his mistake for he talked in his sleepy and Ma got the truth, so did we all. land was his face red when confronted with it. Our adjice to you, Georgo, |is be more careiful Where you step * When changing seats in a boat or dont' talk 4n your sleep, Fred Edmonds is still in hiding. " ; ^ V There were shananiganS at Otter Eberts last Wednesday. Soriry; thkt we missed it for we could tell you more about it. AVe are sure that everyone had a good time for the stop and go lights were working at the "winders" that night. That's all, brother. The Nixons entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. Doerrer. their three nieces, Jeanette, Joan-and Darlene Huebner of Fox Lake, last Sunday. Mr. Nixon went to visit in Blue Island for the day. Our Ann Horn received a. V-mail letter from her nephew, Corp. Robert Janda. telling of his safe arrival somewhere in England. Corp. Robert's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Janda. enjoyed a week-end at the Horn's home. We dropped in at Derr Woods and Ed. and Peggy Dcrr enjoying the company of their two lovely daughters, Jean and Shirley, and their handsome son, Ed. Jr. "it swell bunch they are. . •. Peter and Rose Kaminsky, ! with their little angel. Carrol Ann. were at a party Saturday in Chicago to greet Pete's brohter. P. F. C. John Kaminsky, home on a 10-day furlough. Pete had his accordion with him So we just know that it was some party. If you should wonder why |oe "Bubbles" car has that big bulge on l>oth s&les. We'll give you the low down as per Yehudi. Last Wednesday while Joe was putting the ca? away in the garage for the night he had to sneeze, and when "Bubbles" all 36f>;/2 pounds of him, sneezes something has to give. Hig garage doors too are considerably wider glow. We jstill insist that your car looked better with the fenders on it Joe. Jerry and Betty Cermak entertained some realtives at their home Sunday. There were Jerry's mother and father. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Petrasek, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Souhrada and their lovely daughters, Joan and Jeane, Jerry and Betty make their guests feel so at home that they don't hesitate one minute to take their shoes off to cool their tired dogs in our balmy breezes. Vice people these Cermaks: '* Met Mr. and Mrs. W. Bezani. They informed us that they had a household of company over Sunday. There was Mr and Mrs. O. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber their daughter. Judy, Mrs. Andrew Watters, Mr. John Weber. Mr. and Mrs.. Oliver Weber their A youthful silhouette i| attained by the brief sleeves, slim skirt and graceful ' h^^en an<* Mr and Mrs- Fiebrandt ruffle of this drew. In a breesy rayon print of yellow, grey and white, yon will j w'hose son. P.> F. C. Robert, has refind it a perfect choice for spring-through-summer wear. This style requires |Cently been transferred from Camp little fabrir, and by making it yourself, you will have extra money to put into Walters, Texas, to Ft. Meade, Md. ^ - "onils. Sewing 'Leaflet No. M 5591, "Before Beginning to tint" mar be Sunday was Weber day at the Be- CHURCH SERVICES < St. MaryV Catholic Chaftfc Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 arid 11:30 Holy Days- 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Week Days: 6:4o and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: ^ . Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and ill. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 1:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. in. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Paator. shower Friday evening, honoring Mrs. Heil, a recent bride. The evening was spent playing games, after which refreshments were served. Hie bride received many beautiful gifts. ;»jMiss Phyllis Low spent last week with friends at Antioch. r 'Kenneth Cristy, Jr., who was stationed at the; Great Lakes has been transferred to Norman, Okla. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ERNEST CARL MILLER, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per- Bapid Acceleration Rapid acceleration of your car oa slippery roads should be avoided. When one or both of the driving wheels start to spin the vehicle i* likely to slide over against the curb, against another vehicle, er oft road. ' "" Mrs. S. W. Smith, Mrs. Andrew j *9™ 1944 i* the Hawley and Mrs.^B. T. Butler were "lai™ d*te "? the *state °£ Ernfk st cnaololne rs in MMccHHeemnryv SSuunnddaayv aafftteer-r^- iCarl Ml,ler. deceased, pending in the County Court Qf McHenry County> Illinois, and that claims ma^r be filed Graceful Lines in Rayon Gives mm Youthful Tone to This Outfit obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper. U. S. Treasury Defartrntnt St. Patrick's Catholic Charch Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 Weekdays: 7:30. ; : ;; - First Fridays: 7:30.- On First Friday, Aa- Pvt. Frank Lambert, wbo is at Fort Sheridan, was home o*er Saturday night and Sunday*. Geraldine Stanek of LaCrosse, Wis., spent Monday with Helen Ruth Butler. - ' PFC. Arthur Schultz called on his sister, Mrs. Roy" Wiedrich, Friday. Rev. and Mrs. JI. J. Collins called on Mr. and Miu. G. H. Jones of Spring Grove Saturday. afternoon. against said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. SIGNA MARIE MILLER, " Administrator; Hugh A. Deneen, Attorney. (Pub. July 13-20-27) • WM. M. CARROLL, c ; Attorney at Law Woodstock, Illinois State' of Illinois, • "Mr.* and"MrsT*i^ck* Yottng*'attend- i Co?ntfu °f WcHen^, ed the carnival at .Spring ^ove!In the .Ci^""4 Court of McHenry tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before [Sunday. .County, Illinois.^ , !' and during tne 7:30^Mass. ] Loren Harrison entertained seven r;ase . ' . Confessions:. friends at a hamburger fry $atur-| C-®e^>*orwMlu1' Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. Ob and'i day evening. • , ment of Marriage. .... 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. V' J Alice and Marian Peet of. Elgin Donald Ph,hPP- a mmor' by Albm Thursday before First Friday . 4:p0 vvcre home for the weekend. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:0C U 8:00 Mrs. Ray Neal and John are visiting relatives in Chicago for. .sfcVr eral days. / Betty Brewer of Burlingtoft^ is visiting Mrs. Lona Brever. ';- Marvin Bauer observed his sixth birthday Thursday afternoon by entertaining twenty little playmates. DB. S. DeROME -- Dentist -- •, 120 Green Street „Jpllone 292-J. McHew^ Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 Other hours by appointment. •;SS Eev. fm. A. O'Rourke, pastor. St. John's Catholic Charch, Johnsbarg Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First, Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80 Philipp, his next friend,.«PlaiRfci!f, vs. Rose Philipp, Defendant, The requisite affidavit for putn lication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Rose Philipp, defendant in the above entitled suit, that the < above suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Me- ' ! The afternoon was spent playinR Henry County by the said plaintiff games, after which refreshments afainst yo" f.°r an"U]ment i were served Guests were from Lake I of a Pretended marriage between Thursday befoW First Friday: 8:30!Geoeva) Crystal Lake SprinTcmve! f.<>« a"d Plaintiff »nd for other reand 7:30. ! RichmnnH Rin.wn«i : lief ^ that summons was duly issued Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. John St. East fcf Highway 31 West McHenry,. 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to Muriel Jean Butler and Farel Martin are spending this week at Camp Aurora, Lake Geneva. Serviceman Roland Jackson of „ , , , . «... .. i Fort Meade, Maryland, \»nd Mrs. all who l ave no church affiliation > Jackson and daughteA were Thurs. to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure,! Low home5 Mrs. William Richmond and Ringwood. . . , .. ^ . . Billy Smith of McHenry called on ,out of K sa, 1 d eourj a*a"f ^ his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S>' as prov.ded by law and that the said W. Smith, Sunday afternoon. - su* 18 s*!11 *?ndin*- , Now, therefore, unless you, Rose Philipp, said defendant, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance herein in the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the day supper guests in the Beattywill fill your heart with hope and courage. iv. Services 9 a.m. " Sunday School 10 a.m. "Christ Our Only Talking Point!" ,W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--W. G. N., 2:30 p.m. Office Hoars--Daily Except Thnra. 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4 :30, Mon„ Wed, Fri. Nights: 7 to<3. Other Hours by Appointment H. 8. VAN DENBURGH, DC, Phc Chiropractor 120 Green St. Tel. 292-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebron 926 . w:: :.;i- ~v; •'••Vv ^ TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 - DE, 0. L. WATKI1CS "'"y • Dentist « v. . , • Office Hour* ~ Taesday & Saturdays: 9 a-nh^'f^iji,;--"'- Evenings and Sunday Montinga . by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, ItL o DE. H. S. FIRS Taterinatiuij. 305 Waukegan St. Phone 31 McHENRY, ILL. o court house in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the first Monday in September, 1944, being the 4th day of September, 1944, default may be entered against you at any time after the day and a decree entered in accordance with the Community Charch Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a. m. Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Mack Powell, pastor. St. Peter'a Catholic Chartfcf Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00.* First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:1S. Thursday before First Friday: and 7:15. Rev. John L. Dalehfen, Paator. 'Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod), Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services--3:00 p. m. , H. L. PFOTENHAUER, Pastor Lime Pie A Summer Cinch m zani's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Jahnke and Mrs. Overs visited with our friend, Herman Jahnke over Sunday at his home. Joe and Libb> Hornd has as guests last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. H. Karasek, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bethke and family and Mr. Joe Kavanaugh and did they celebrate this reu/hion ir>f old friends. Thanks to Libby they found | their way home. What or who was it that attracted iJim Pupik and Otter Ebert to Hebron .Sunday? Tell us about it you galloping casanova's. i We dropped in on Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz at their peaceful retreat in the 'valley? Found Otto reading "Esquire" and Emma the'"Lonely hearts Oazette." Otto has done a lot of interior tdecorating lately in their home. Wc particularly., liked your orchid room, Otto. Grace Lutheran Charch Richmond Sunday School: 10:30 a. m.. Adult Service: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, pastor, Ringwood Church Ringwood, 111. Sunday--Public worship, 9^i • Church School, 10:30. ; Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. McHENRY LODGE A. F. & A. M. McHenry Lodge No. 158 meets the fi™ third Tuesdays of each month ; ^7 "even^ »t the hall on Court street. RINGWOOD Wurtzinger and daughters and Mrs. Wilber Benoy and daughters of Woodstock, Mrs. James Linderman and daughter, Mrs. Willia ms and Clarence Hopper . .. , . . of Crystal Lake called on Mrs. W?*.+ Hoffman Sunday. Harvey Biggers of Wonder Lake, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and I Mrs. Nick Young. ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and! children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich of Harvard. iFred Walter* of Woodstock was a| caller in the Ed Bauer home Mon-1 day morning. j Mrs. Ed Peet, Edna Peet and Elaine Chebrugus spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin is amending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. S; W. Smith and Mrs. A. W. Smith spent Wednesday after- 2:80 I noon in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard" were callers in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geoi^e Haberlim of Chicago spent the weekend at their home here. F. N. Muzzy, Suzanne and Prank, spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Gleorgia Harrison and daughter of Elgin called on Mr. and Mrs. CX. Harrison Sunday. "Mrs. Ed Peet, Edna Peet and house guest visited friends in Walworth and Harvard Thursday. Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore) **d , Mra- ®eTtlJa Saunders of Har-1 |^| Mediea! Center yard spent Sunday in the Fred Wied-1 Saterno was renowned throughout rich, Jr., home. • Europe for eight centuries as a fore- Mrs. Arnold Huff and children of most center of scientific medical Greenwood spent Monday with Mrs. knowledge. • ^ iedrich. Helen Ruth Butler is visiting friends in Chicago this week. Mrs. Emma Beatty was surprised; by the members of her family; in honor of her! birthday. Guests were Mrs. Charles : ! Frey of Blue Island. Mr. and Mrs.! j Wilmer M<yitayne of Woodstock, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Elmer Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. i Glen Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Christensen of Richmond, Mr. ! and 1V!rs. VanAvery of Spring LESTER EDINGER, Clerk of Said Court. Dated July 24, 1944. (Pub. July 27-Aug. 3 and 10) Student Riots The title of Rowbottom given to student riots is peculiar to Pennsylvania university. J. R. Rowbottom was a student there whose dignified and exemplary life was the antithesis of the disturbances that bear his name. His roomnjate, though, was another matter. A gay young blade, fond of all-night sessions with the demon rum. he often reached the erd of his tether as he -foundered at the bottom of the dormitory stairs. There he sat calling loudly for Rowbottom to come pilot him. Rowbottom, as befits the clean of conscience, was an exceedingly sound sleeper, and the entire dormitory usually was in an uproar before he unwound himself from Morpheus' arms. Missiles flew fast arid furiously. The .befuddled tippler caused so many fights with his cries for Rowbottom that the name became associated with all mass strong-arm engage* ment3 at the university. McHENEY FLORAL CO. ^ Phone 608-E-l Olie Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers Tor all occasions! O Phone 43 Vernon J. Knox ATTORNEY AT LAW -- OFFICE HOURS -- Tuesdays and Fridaya Other Days hy Appointment McHenry . . „ UtiaMi (By Helen Johnson) Joanne Strever of McHenry spent Grove, Serviceman Roland Jackson, last week with Muriel Jeah Butler. Mrs. Jackson and Cynthia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultze and daughter, Ruth, of Monroe, Wis., spent last week with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oldson and family are visiting relatives' in South. Dakota. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis of Chi- Transmitted by Mosquito Kala-azar seems to be transmit ^ , , cago, Mrs. Roy Smith and Mrs. Har- ^man ** bite tof the desert .Last Sundays passing parade: Leo old Alin and sons t gunday in; •andfly perhaps by the bedbug in ; , , India, and also by a mosquito known Ltque'y lloney Liquefy honey by placing the container in a bowl of warm water until all crystals are melted. Sawoo converting his concrete mixer | the Fre(j Wiedrich home. };• LIMEc in.iner are syr.^iiji.. ous and limes are here again in your markets from Florida. Any dish is a dream with lime (you can use limes anywhere you'd use a lemon > and pie touched with the lilt of lime is practically, perfection! Great "green when ripe" limes are heavy with the Juice that gives summer menus a tropic touch, score oil the nutrition side with vitamins C and A and valuable minerals. Limes pie-d are not to be denied when they're yours with these easy-to-do recipes: Florida Lime Chiffon Pie i envelope (l tbsp ) plain unflavorea 0ljatlne cup cold water cup eug&r cup Florida lime juice % teaspoon salt t teaspoon grated Florida lime rind 4 eggs, separated 1 9-inch baked pastry shell Florida lime slices Soften gelatine in cold water. - Combine % cup sugar. Florida lime Juice, salt and lime rind. Beat egg orer hot water. „,iinng constantly, until Untkeinjti. Add gelatine; dissolve. Cool mixture to syrupy consistency. Beat egg whites still; gradually add remaining % cup sugar, beating constantly, until mixture peaks. When egg yolk mixture is syrupy, beat until fluffy; fold in egg whitest Pile in pastry shell. Chill until firm. Garnish pie with halved limf slices. Jiffy Lime Meringue Pie 1V4 cups sweet- 2 eggs, separated ened, condensed #-lnch baked milk , pastry or * ' A cup Florida , crumb pie J lime Juice shell . 1 Orated rind of .. • tablespoons '$ X Florida lime sugar *• Blend together condensed milk, Florida lime Juice and grated rind. 'Add egg yolks to lime juice mixture; mix well. Pour into pie shell. Beat egg whites stiff; gradually add sugar, beating until mfcringu*. stands in peaks. Swirl meringue oft,v top of filling. Bake in moderat# oven (350°F.) 20 miaute«. CbUl before serving. into soirve secret weapon while Lillian looked on in admiration. Barney Graff and his son-in-law. Ed. Stack nick pulling tip Barney's well to settle a bet as to the number of holes in the point. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thoinsen enjoy- I ing the cool breeze in their back yard not to mention tile refreshments. Ed. Walton serenading Mrs. Walton, under her window and getting a bouquet of geraniums : for his efforts. Pot and all. "' •Mr*'. Ed. l)oran sitting on the front lawn, with a baby in her arms while Ed. stood l>y with a bottle of formula "A" in one hand and formula "B" in j the other. We surmised that formula,, "B" was for his 'consumption. By the way. folks, are congratulations in. order? ; ! Mike Schmitt riding around with a gorgeous platinum*blonde hesid* him- ^ Don't get excited, folks, it was the Mrs. Grandpa and Grandma Wortnian admiring that new addition on their love nest.. When do we celebrate Chucks? Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Friday^ in Chicago. Edna Peet and Elaine Chebrugus of Rockford are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mrs. Emma Merchant and Edith as the "anopheles puntipenis.'-' The disease occurs along the Mediterranean shore in West Africa, Mesopotamia, Southern Russia, India, North China, and Brazil. It is marked by fever, progressive anemia, wasting, enlargement of the spleen McCannon of Woodstock were callers •; and liver and dropsy, in the Ray Merchant home Monday Baro Dance LYLFS BARN 3 miles north of Greenwood FRIDAY, JULY 28 Music by Joe Turner Come antl bring your frtencls for a pleasant evening A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHEB Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILL. FIRE AUTO INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH FAR* L1FB Presenting Reliable Companies yon need inMraace of say ktei Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Telephone No. 800 Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for ad classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS EDWARD SCHMITT Roofing Contractor Asbestos and Inaul Briek Siding Estimates Famished Phone 603-R-l McHenry, IU. Box 368 0 afternoon. Lt. Roland McCannon and Mrs. McCannon and children were guests of Mas. Rose Jepson for dinner Sunday. Mrs. Charles Frey of Blue Island spent Thursday night jjnd Friday in the Beatty-Lowe hnnje. Mrs. Wm, McCannon. Mrs. Nick Young and Miss Lona Brever spent Wednesday at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and L. Wagner and Annabelle of Belvidere spent Sunday with Mr. yiy I. Mrs. John Hoga'n. Mrs. Georgia Thomas, Hiley Joan and Mrs. Mann of Woodstock were guests, of Mrs. William McCannon Thursday. Mrs. Jack Leonard, Mrs. John Pop Lenai d working in his victory j Wpodward, Helen Johnson, Helen garden." „ ! Ruth Butler and Marian Hawley Pete Kaminsky stltt laying linoleum, spent Wednesday in Chicago and Will that guy ever finish the job. EXTRA!' ! Pop AL POPPED! Keep up the good work Al, we, can t^ke it and how! • • <*• WAR BONDS--will preserve protect the American way. and witnessed a performance of "Oklahome." Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent from Friday until Sunday with reltaives in Chicago. Mrs. R. C. Harrison entertained seventeen guests at a - post-nuptial "SEVENTH ANNUAL SUNNY SIDE BEACH IMPROVEMENT ASSN. at SCHROEDER'S OARAGE, Near Johnslmr^ Saturday Evening, July 29th 8 P. M. Mtrsic LUNCH REFRESHMENTS Come and meet your neighbors and lub¥e a GRAND TIME A. P. Freund Co Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, I1L , S. H. Freund & Sod CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service iir Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry U Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. , v J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O--McHenry WANTED TO BUY We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CA^tS ----5iS^P^y_Phgpe charges. ) o