. "I tHS MeHSHSY PLAIMDEALX& *I V - ihnwday, August 3,1944 U i m i t t t I f - M j performed at 8 p. m. in an Episco- A|pal church, Chicago. TTie bride was lovely in a white satin gown, a finger tip veil and Ion# train. The groom was attired in j a custom tailored, blue uniform. : M t T ttt I >11 * f Following the ceremony, a recep- Twelfth Birthday tion was held for 300 friends and relatives at, the home of the bride, MESSAGES FROM ' - OUR SERVICEMEN Dear Mh Mosher and Staff: There is an old saying about this place. It goes thus: God made the world in seven days and the eighth day He threw rocks at Missouri. Celebrate Saturday ^ The couple left the following Tues- Ti,h?,e story is tru, e_ a ccording to the Miss Mary Elizabeth Miller enter-.^ for Francisco, Calif., where!01® m .this p,ac^ ..' talned seventeen friends at hte home j th • groom ^ stationed follow- , Theie ls no mo.141 [° „e ,®tory of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George ing fhw and one.half montha 9pent. except that I am glad that He threw Miller, on Saturday in observance of I in th^' Aieutjans. They will make ' ^cm. he,se McHe^y' her twelfth birthday anniversary. An thejr h&me jn Oakland. Calif. 1 ho™* ,of, th.e famous Mc* enjoyable afternoon was spent in! • • • Henry Plaindealer. That may Sound playing games, followed by the serv- M Speakers / j«! J on the..d«e ing of a tasty lunch by the hostess'! At Meefi 'of flatter, but believe me, if the mother. The sue* of honor was A most interesting meeting of the fellow® in M other side of the world the recipient of many lovely gifts. Johnsburg Community club was held'have the,r P,aPe.f read " ^ Present were Mary Aan «nd Rita on Tuesday evening of this weekf !m,ne 11 J* trdf-; 1 Bolger, Eleanor and ^Dorothy Ann Quests 0f honor were State's Attor-1can Sa^ *$*** ** le»st ten Blake. Patty Miller. Janice Hetter- William Carroll. Atty. D. R.'of "iy ^uddies ™r* •« anxiou. to , mann. Janet Heide, Betty and Jean jos]yn Circuit Clerk Lester Edinger,<rea . eac CU«e" ,ssu® ° ® paperisary bravado is very* costly. 15, it wfis suggested we close the Schmitt, Ann Smith,Donna freun ' County Clerk R. D. Woods, Andrew j scaling a famous niagazinVs I This is certainly no place for a] production sewing rooms for a period Joan Reinboldt, Lucille and o Joan Dianis, secretary of McHenry county | "Coronets to you for the Prima donna, as cleanliness and con-j of two months, as they feel the wo- M ily group that asked nothing more than a chance to work and live it) peace. War douldnV see It their l «V ;r way. It is impossible to paint a word picture of this battle ground for you, the destruction is far reaching and inccncievable. Towns have been 1 completely wiped out by shell fire i and you find yourself depleted of exclamatory remarks as you wind | your way through the litter and j wreckage in the streets-of these bat-| rece;ved last week by Mrs Earle tered communities. Reconstruction: Gornian chairman of the Producseems almost impossible., I tjon sewing rooms from Mrs. Hyde It is v/ar with every tick of fhe West, chairman of the county proclock and you •watch the skies, listen duction corps: with anxiety for unwelcome sounds Jjily * 14th, 1944 and advance with guarded steps. The Mrs. Earle Gorman, land is infested with mines, booby McHenry, Illinois ' cV traps*"1 and death dealing products Dear Chairman: ' created by • these twisted German [minds. Carelessness and unneces-1 Red Cross held in Chicago Jtily \EN WAR WORKERS) RED CR0S3 NOTES The following letter, in part, 'was SIX MORE NAMES PLACE ON CASUALTY LIST (Continued from pifee one) knowledge, to receive two Purple Hearts is Howard Voeltz of the marines, son of Mr. and Mrs? Fred Voeltz. The fact that he was wounded Bob Adams With U.S. Hospital Unit (Continued from Page 1) each man in caring for the wotuide^S patients and placing them on thj§^\ path to recovery. The response t® these talks ia evident in the willing* twice in only sevep months of com- j ness of the men to work long hour! ,. bat duty certainly establishes a rec-: when necessary in periods of emerw ord which we hope will not soon be! gency. equalled. ' | Physicians, surgeons, nurses, an||r;^ Howard was wounded in Sfcipan aiall the oificers and enlisted~men makftt few weeks ago and is ijow in a hos-; every effort to speed the woundeK pital in the Solomons. The extent! men toward recovery and a quick re* of" "his injuries is not known by his j turn to normal life. parents but in a letter home this | • •' ' week he said that wounds were re- Order your Rubber Stamps at The if-}. Kno&. Ruth Schaefer, Eleanor Strange! and Master Jimmy Doherty. Central committee: Fred Bau, chief i ceived when a shell exploded close j Plaindealer. Afca midwestern -meeting of the fto him. He is reported to be feeling better. •; Clarence Ehrke : Clarence Ehrke, 23, son of Mr. and j Mrs. Albert Eihrke, Crystal Lake,' is f reported killed in action in France on June 8. He had been in service i veniences are discarded pleasures men have earned a much needed r-.-- »• •".$ As for my life since I have -been iafter >'ou hit *he Reaches. Your: rest and vacation. county, Howard Scott, recorder of; service it can be boiled down1 c'othes become permanent fixtures I "The stock pile of U. S. hospital j for some time and was a private Wrtglit Family Lake county; William Marks and, ^ Qne wor{j' school. Air Corps j saturated with dust and grime and j comfort articles has reached its first class. Two brothers are also Reunion Sunday ^ - Hid. T-.veed of Lake county and Joe! AcfP and now Siimkl Corn* Mv i y°u s*eeP an<^ eat whenever you can! goal, as the U. S. government is now in service, Arnold, 22, in France, The annual Wright fainiiy t«nnion4 J. Schuster. Senator Paddock and; , ' . i „ tind wherever you can. A ditch, a'able to meet most of the needs, sot and Artliur, 25, somewhere in 4he j" "f Keller »pd Kelse,; ^ ™ ™ I or a bombed out barn be- S the demand on Red Cross is less, i south Pacifle. ^heme near Burton's Bridge on Sun- were called to Springfield on busi- .... ' "JIT TOUR " SERVICE! W9 4&y, July 30. An enjoyable day was ness and could not attend. Sheriff spent in visiting and games, with a; Nulle. in Wisconsin on business, was (. .. f (delicious pot luck picnic lunch served i represented at the meeting by his 13 * V , 1 ' •t noon. Present were relatives from, chief deputy, Fred Bau. \, My limited vocabularycan go no CSlgin, Volo, Crystal I<ake, Congress Rev. A. J. Neidert, popular for his J!?r ,er' u , . 111 y°u ea® PVrk, Spring Grove. Chicago, Des- interesting talks, was specially well Monday through the medium of the Plaines and Mr. and Mrs. Robert received on Tuesday evening by mem* PaPer» ' . . • i • Thompson of McHenry: The birth- bers and guests alike. *y anniversary of Mr. Wright was. :iriM celebrated on Sunday. • • • Marnin KarowsAcy Kas Birthday Party A birthday party was held at the rammer home of Mrs. S. Karowsky Hold Garden ; Party August • The garden party sponsored by the- County Home Bureau will be held on Wednesday afternoon, August 9, in about the most interesting 'vocation ™mes" your 1 boudoir or dining room, | Nevertheless the government de-| that the Signal Corps can offer. That; J0" s^el T h,elmet becomes your mands will change from time to time1 bjath tub. It s rough, tough and | and we must stand ready. They rugged every inch of the way. This 'have asked ua not to make any more is one spot where the officer^ must lap robes, as the supply is "more than ca^t their lot with the common J adequate. soldier as far as conveniences and "The warehouse for refugee gar- . C&hd Luck7 1 ; EARL SMITH, Camp Crowder, Mo. The following letter was written privileges go.'r It will do many a world of good. The deprivations of the battle field is a great equalizer of men. ments are filled to capacity and will be so until shipping improves. To date, two shiploads have been sent to Italy. The demand in occupied France must have been a beautiful j countries is so great, a baby layette 4I1C J.UUUW1UK ICVICI WHS WiliVvIl * .«..vv 'v "vv" -- | J . . • . , , I by Kenneth Tonyan to his father, country with its thousands of hedge Pla"ned to take care of one baby Wm. Tonyan, on July 5 from France, the parsonage of on Sunday, July 30, in honor of! Methodist church. th* \V\vr>rktook Kenneth is one ot the ,ocal h°yS In case of ram that .w e have heard li.t tle o. f since Marnin Karowskv's eighth birthday the party will be held in the recrea- j ®n. ..s.eiT'ce. nowing ann.i versa_ry. His gues^ts were \Jo an, tion ih alilj theMre. This lovely social, friend.s will _be glad to hear of his t fpont Barbara and Kathleen Wildauer, event will be enjoyed by all new _ ' Janet Heide, Tommy and Elaine members of the Home Bureau in the ear Wasik and sisters, Yvonne and En-. county who have signed up during; DM ha^con^iderini Itime- ^eing what has taken place S- hospitals as nice. Other guests in the Karowsky July and for the old members who ^ I and what is still going on, I can no?Lbeing spiled. rows, orchards and quaint little farm j must now do for three. So as we houses. It would be difficult to tell j &° ,nto the final stage of the war what it was like from the mess it mor® s.hlP* wU ^ mailable, more His j is in now. Between the enemy's i Pe°P|e in Europe will be clothed, and shell fire and our own we have al-1 the demand on Red Cross greater, tered the entire landscape, and not I *"e ®nd °' August, the grova beautifying alteration in the least. | ®rnment wfll be able to again tell Having been over here this shortly® ^ t. ^ mos' needed in the ' the .figures are home that day were Mr. and Mrs. signed them. It is expected that in I the circumstances. First of all, we | "™dlW'"uridlnTtand *how our care- The question of hours was anoth- George Profit and daughter, Miss all about 120 ladies will be present, got a five fallon can full of cider haDDy-eo-luckv vouths who are ier P°int of the meeting. It was Lucille Sanders and Mr. and Mr*. The Ringwood unit has signed the i ^ raise our spirits. No\ that our .. mniHlv Wnmp «o ' acreed that, each emmtv Edward Purcks of Chicago; Mr. and most thirteen ladies, in the past, spirit.isJew, but just to ruse* for; mat^d ml Mrs. Clifford Jackabson 8nd son, month and so wiH be represented by (the occas.onH The restofthe day, Their sacrifices ghou,d become in. Jayne McAndrews, Peggy Oefflmg twenty-s.x at the party^ A fine pro- we just 'stened to the b'g funs roar delible memories to the folks back and Pvt. Elmer Smith of McHenry; £ram has been planned for the en- and explosions of the shells. How- references for minor Mr_ ana Mrs. Ben Meiers of Dutch joyment of the lar^B crowd expected, ever we ^ our :fox holes ^ ^ home d hag to Lake; the Frank and Stanley ^Vasiks * .» • for the German shells come our way p„OT_, hnvo a» of Calumet City; and the tin Mel- Past Officers?^ 1 M0-' We can distinguish the differ- j f whether* their lodys of Glenview. One verj- impor- Ni«ht ObserT«d , , ertce between our shells and the chegtg are" Qr eyer u ^ tant invited guest was unable to be The local chapter of the 6. E.S. Germans' for theirs whistle while; . , { 2 present. He was Steve Karowsky, observed Past Officers' night at the ours have a swishing sound. As a j J SC 2-C.. who is now at sea: Those, Masonic hall last week. Those hold- result, whenever we hear a ! imsnonden'S nen^^hev ^re^ll who attended reported a ntost efn- ^ ing ofTice for the evening were the ling sound we dive for our foxholes; , . * , . P joyaWe day. • • ' • Contribute Toward Anbulance Fund The McHenry CJo-Getters 4-H club, with it« leader. Miss Shirley Neal, turned in $88 toward the ambulance •--^rfund this past week, leading all other clubs hereabouts. The Federation Apbulance committee consists of iSfrothv Jean Williamson, Crystal Lake; Shirley Neal, McHenry; Thos. Slavin^ Hebron; and Wayne Gustafaon. Marengo. A planning and checkup meeting of all federation delegates k to meet Saturday night, August S>, at 8:30 o'clock, in the assembly room oi the I. O. 0. F. building, Woodstock. *• *Botior Soldier Home On Furlough Corp. Harry Conway, home on far following: Worthy Matron, Elsie Hoppe. Worthy Patron, George Johnson. Assoc. Matron, Frances Vycital. Assoc. Patron, C. W. Goodell. Secretary, Amanda Brown. Treasurer, Alice Lindsay. Conductress, Minnie Lindsav. « doing a good job and bravely--that agreed that county should set the nihnber of hours. McHenry county will be fifty hours a year to be an active member in wartime and eighteen hours in peacetime. "Sincerely -yours, '"Mrs. Hyde West, Chairman, "County Production Corps." \Vlllfemost in Red Cross activities from now until August is the mobile blood bank. Mrs. Ray McGee is the local chairman in charge of registrations. Mrs. McGee will be at ly. That's all the reward most of number is 221-R. and pray that it wont drop in ourj facV° 1°"Reserves its iust^ rewai-d^'-ihome to answer any questions conhip pocket. Speaking of sound all} them all home safe- cernin* the Procedure. Her telephone their guns can be distinguished from | 1 . . -- _ ours by the sound. You just have! to hear them once and you remember. I couldn't tell you in the last letter because of censorship that Ij • •- John Clarke John Clark, 34, of Crys'tal Lake, has been reported missing in action in France on June 8. He was a member of the Elgin national guard company when ^ar broke. Sgt. Clarke's wife resides in Crystal Lake. Herman Blank Herman Blank, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Blank of Crystal Lake, was wounded in the battle of S.aipan, when his index finger on the left hand was shot off. . • Buttonhole Edge* To repair edges of a rug that are worn or frayed; buttonhole the edges with heavy yarn or a heavy cord placed along the edge and bound to the rug with yarn. • It's a eommonplsce eott : saying--you hear it repeater aWoct every day. Bat in this PrftcripHu PhartMcy it's a Message with a meaning. Lhar* . illy, we always 4rv at your serfsee-- ready and eager to do aH flat we can to help in time of teed. Next time your Doctor hands you a prescription, just bring it >n--and see for yourself! BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street, McHetftfy .. % • CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBURG, ILL. LAWN CHAIRS « $2.00 and up TRELLISES, PICNIC TABLES AND BENCHES SHOPPING BASKETS CLOTHES BASKETS LEATHER BELTS, BILLFOLDS, PURSES, ETC. CLARENCE J. SMITH them ask for. CAPT. LESLIE KRIGER France. Assoc. Conductress* Arlene Pearson, arrived here on MD" day. Now that JULY BRIDE Chaplain, Valeska Hoppe. Marshal, Ethel Holly. Organist, Gretta Goodefi.- Adah, Ethel Jones. Ruth, Mabel Collins. Esther, Florabel Vogel. Martha, Mabel Johnson. Electa, Myrtle Harrison. Warder, Eva Eppel. Sentinel, Louella Stephenson, Guest of Honor, Emma Smith. it is past I wouldn't have missed it' for all the money in the world; how- i ever, I wouldn't give a nickel to go! on another one. Yes, I was plenty j afraid and anyone who would say they weren't is a liar. Even after; you got off the beach you had that, hunted feeling, for you never knew | from what tree, house or hedge a German would take a shot at you. | The first night was the worst beSoloist, Lillian Cox. cause of excitement all day and be-' Members of grand chapter commit- ing all wet from when we came in. ^uru xxarrv i^nwi* nome un iiu> tees, Worthy Matrons and Patrons Also not knowing what is ahead lough from duties at Camp Gruber, ^ereescorted^ Patrons of you or where the enemy is you Oklahoma, was honored guest at a 711^ 7 °t d°V dai? to close your eyes. Neverfamily party held on the spacious who S nn in^1"^^ theless, four of us dug a nice deep Uwn oi his parents' home, Mr. and SI/' thL h a foxhole and ,al1 of U8 «ot in keeP j Mrs Martin Conway on .Sundav An f fi altar draped. Later warm as well as for company. That Mrs. Martin Conway, on Sunday. An taikg were en b thog . h manaeed to eet a little! enjoyable afternoon of visit,ng and Eagt and refreshments were served.'^ managed to get a little aingmp was spent, followed by the p, . . «n O F <s P' I aerving of a delicious picnic supper. t . A ' ' ' No doubt you know as much of| Present besides those mentioned were the home nt Mrs Vnlonkn^Hthe situation as I by the papers. Ij Mr and Mr,. Ed. Holle of Oak Park. 5* T*. £•***• am sure „ »ill continue to Bo lor- Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake, Mr. a" * * * ward because you can't beat this army. All the equipment and supplies, there is nothing lacking. Anything we need is brought right to 1 Conway and family, Miss c rj' "iei" us .and no questions asked. The Ethel Althoffj>nd Roy Redwam, >11 h,„^ ^ ™ii »m' t *"h onIy thi"z' that '» har<l to do i» to M McHenry. i l , a"d k«P «'«•» because you are always . » hole- However, you j»»t J. ice cream and other tasty food took fk- Km* «ua<. The 4ast meeting of the localj the girls of the homemaking class j ? n j u • Home Bureau unit was at the home &> Walkup's Woods near Crystal'y^ ^re well and busineaa «f Mrs. L. B. Wheelock. Business | Lake to eSjoy a picnic. An enjoy- W g00d' ^rS£° ff the meeting consisted of arran- able time was spent and the girls ilig the meeting places for the next did admit that the boys were A-l nis d Mrs. Lynn Smith and son, Den- K. j. A MEMBERS TREAT of Rockton Mr. and Mrs How- HOME ECONOMICS CLASS SOn' ATe<g'?T- Mnd Members of the Future Farmers /*rs. E^rl ^ A * j In the news item which came in from the county, asking for 800 donors, an error was made regarding the age limit. Instead of "18 to 50 years," it should read "18 to years, inclusive." Mrs. George Stilling, chairman of our local canteen, will be in* Chicago on Monday to receive instructions of the duties for canteen workers who are" to work at 'the blood bank in Woodstock. Louise Wahl, a member'of the local canteen, contributed blood for the fourth time on Thursday, July 27. Local representatives of our canteen had charge, on July 31, in Woodstock, for the departure of twenty-four more servicemen. Three local boys Were among those leaving. Art -Jackson, Jimmie Hettermann and Harold Michels. Minnie Green had charge of transportation. For the benefit of ,those workers in the surgical dressing department, who did not see the notice, workrooms will be closed until after August 15. The local quota has been completed and we are waiting for the new shipment. Notices will be sent to workers as soon as the material arrives. Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Scribe. Wanted to Buy ... FEEDER PIGS AMD THIN SOWS Stop Losses. .. CAUSED BV NECRO, THE "MASTER WAT" LIQUID HOO MEDICINE, SOLD AMD GUARANTEED BY GREGORY KATTNER ROUTE 1, M'HENRV TEL. RICHMOND 929 [i»j , ^ear, with two members being put cooks. I'hoto by A. Worwick, McHenry MRS. WILLIAM HAMIL COMING EVENTS ANNUAL CHICKEN DINNER, The annual chicken dinner served each summer by the ladies of St. Gilbert's parish, Grayslake. will be held next Sunday, August 6, from noon until 4 p. m. Dinner will be served by number so anyone plan- On Saturday, July 15, Miss Idtti njng on an early dinner is urged to raine Fortin of Crystal L^ke became | come early and get a low number, the lovely bride of William Hamil of Among the guests will be one from •Dear Mofce: ' ' McHenry, the ceremony being sol-j Hollywood, Bee Coughlin, a former Well, here I am down in Moscow, | emnized at St. Thomas church in; pupji 0f Father Hartnett, who has Idaho, having a swell time while be- j Crystal Lake. | been very successful in dramatics. ing only about 2000 miles from -- j For a jrood time for the whole famhome. Believe me, I was really CARD OF THANKS ' | ily, attend St. Gilbert's dinner next beginning to forget good old Mc-. In this manner we desire to; | Sunday. KENNETH TONYAN. France. BOUQUETS TO FIREMEN Two grass fires, one at Pistakee j i* We are prepared to serve you weB. { Jacob Justen Sons ~ Funeral Directors ^ Phone McHenry 103-B Residence, McHenry 112-W Green Street, corner Elm -- McHenry charge of handicraft each month. A book review was given by Mrs.; Collins on "We Took To the Woods", also highlights on the life of the author, Louise Dickinson Rich. Fol- ^ , August 3 lowing this interesting account was I -River Road Pinochle, Cltib. ^ u _ the feature of the meeting, a quilt. D®88*rt Bridge--Sponsored by ^Mtar' Henry until I started receiving the press our thanks to friends and relaand bedspread display. There were and, Rosary Sodality. Plaindealer from you. It got pretty tives for floral offerings, spiritual twenty-seven placed on exhibit, one August 2, 3 and 4 disgusting after going to school bouquets, cars and other kindnesses . crocheted bedspread and a hand Rummage Sale--Sponsored by Chris- every day for about one and one-half extended at the time of the death of woven counterpane. The oldest quilt ^an Mothers and Altar Society-- months and listen to dats and dits Mrs. Catherine FVeund. Also our j Bay and the second at Lily Lake, was over 100 years old and had Rossman Building. all day and come back to my room gratefulness to Msgr. Nix for his brought out the local fire depart- . been brought from New York by August 4 \ prepared to spend an exciting eve- sympathetic services. , ment during the past week. The men of i • • covered wagon. It was placed on Christian Mothers and Altiwr Society, ning in my bunk. The first Plain- 11 - THE FAMEkY.; the volunteer fire department in Mc-|^ display by-Mrs. Ed. Peet. Several. Lity Lake P. T. A. deSler put an end to all of that. • -- 'Henry have been a busy group this j J others were between 75 to 80 years; August 6 I read that paper like no paper was CARD OF THANKS spring and summer and those whom 11 old. Mrs. Peter A. Freund exhibited P*. Picnic. . read before until I ran out of words. Th# family of Mrs. Jennie Eddy they have aided have nothing but. £ one made by herself and displayed by August 9 I don't think it's possible to put wishes to thank all who assisted or praise for their speed and efficiency. Se,ars and Roebuck at the Century Garden Party -- Home Bureau -- into words just how homesick a fel- helped in any way during her stay They are doing a real public serof Progress. She also displayed one Woodstock Methodist Church Par-j low can get even if everyone is at the hospital and for flowers, loan vice and any praise is justly defor which she had designed both ®onage. 'writing to him. You get a yearning of cars and expressions of sympathy served. the pattern and quilting. In anoth- August 16 V j to know just what's going on back at the time of her death. -- -- er quilt displayed tl^re were 4,300 .A. Fair -- WauconHa, George in the old home town. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy. Nped Rubber fctamps! Order at The pieces. Brought to the meeting by Egbert, chairman. I'm not much of a letter writer as *'11 Mr. arid Mrs. Claron Eddy. Mrs. Celona Kane was a hand woven _ Sept. 1 you can plainly see but I guess I've counterpane of pine and snowball Lake P. T. A.--Election of told you about what I had on my -- pattern, an heirloom over 150 years Officers. mind. Thanks a milion for sending old. It was made in Auburn, New September 5> ( the Plaindealer and keep them corn- York, and had in the comer the Home Bureau Mrs. Paul Walk- 'ing my way, please. name Celona' Cummings. Mrs. Zion ington. - - . Sincerely. BOB STRUCK, Moscow, Idaho. ' THE TODDLER SHOP - Summer Clearance Sale ~ AUGUST 7-12 Sun Dresses of Seersuckers^.- Chainbravs, Oiaghama, originally $1.10 to $2.50 1 89c-$1.98 " Waterproof Pants at 59e --.49c Waterproof Sheets at $1.10 ,• ... . . .98c. Infants' Shirts at 29c .... 20c Store Hours: Open daily from 9. to 12, 1 to 6 6|H»n Sat ui day, all day and evening; closed Thursday afternoons. ; : r • -- ^ °laindeaiei. Baker brought the newest quilt, one .which she had ocmpleted in 1944. All were interesting and beautiful and those who attended found it difficult to choose the one which appealed to them most. The meeting closed with the serving: of a pot luck supper. Coking By-Product The nylon from which most Of out military parachutes are made is cre- Dear Earl: Alfred W. Rix Tak« Bride, July 22. ated ft rom a by-producAt of coki-n -g i I am writing this letter from Friince_a ,mal. area of the contin. operations in steel mills. i rif^ce a u sma11 ar^« i-w * •, . , ent we have successfully liberated , ; from the Nazi horde. It is being written in one of the war torn fields ivhere bomb craters, twisted tanks and gu^s replace the peace time crops of the French peasant. As I write I can see in the distant coris WaterRulesWeather T , Water rules the weather in Ire- A wedding of interest to local Warm winds scoop moisture friends occurred on Saturday, July "om the Atlantic, blow mistily . 22, -a hen Alfred W. Rix, SM 2-c, son a8amst the western hills, wet the I ner of-the field the remains of of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rix, Sr., of J?as. , s^iP with heavy rains, keep humble little home. The few jaggel Kieseri's subdivision, took as his bride, t ,n . s temperatin-e 20 degrees pieces of brick and lumber still Mi14; Margaret Cro\^her, da ugh- or p er ^an American : standing reach toward the heavens European areas m the same lati- , ^ plea for peace> shambles once .sheltered a small fainter of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Crowflbr at Chkagv. The ceremony was in latif » aaaiflre a miid, damp climate; VOGUE CLEANERS Phone McHenry 19 V/E PICK UP AND DELIVER Try the Vogue for splendid swrice and excellent workmanship FitzQerald's Men's Shop {Representative} GRAND CHICKEN DINNER and SUMMER 4- AUGUST 6th at ST. GILBERT'S CHURCH GRAYSLAKE. ILL. COMPLETE DINNER, *1.00