Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1944, p. 1

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Volume 68 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1944 A r '-i NEW FACES IN FACULTY RANKS FOR 1944-1945' > • Four Teachers To •< Fill Vacancies At , Community High School McHenry Youth Pilots "Texas Queen" . Afi scbbol is soon to start, boys •and girls from 6 to 18 years of age, are turning their thoughts to the subjects which will occupy much of their time during the next nine! months. And with planning for these subjects, their thoughts also turn j to the faculty members who willbe thei r instructors over this long period. •" Fortunately, all McHenry schools have now secured.; their quota of teachers, and obviously that has not been an easy task this year. ! Many schools in the county are still ! minus two and three teachers and | are opening their doors with merelyj the hope that some time during the year, they may be able to secure in- i structors. While the condition is | not desirable, it seems to be the only answer in view of the fact that the schools must be kept open. While there are several teach- MISS KATHERINE REULAND YOUR HELP IS ASKED IN TURNING IN NEWS "HOOKEY DAY" AT M'HENRY COUNTRY CLUB | r Members Plan Big t: . Dating On Course For September 14 > Breathes theito a...)^j£^':?-'v With soul so dead "i'St jf-jo"* house planned lien, sometimes^ termed boys or. FOR CAPTAIN EUGENE old boys, will have a chance to skip ! NIELSEN NEXT SUNDAY I away from their cares on Thursday. September 14 when members of I Captain Eugene Nielsen has arriv- ; the.. McHenry Country Club will get ed back in McHenry after an abtogether to enjoy 'Hookey Day". "sence of about two years. looking I ,T1le com™tte« y«» start and feeling fine. Apparently arriiy I playing golf as early as you wish- life has agreed with him, but ac I and play as you like. Plenty of . prizes are on hand. 1 Refreshments ? Will, We all remember when the phrase, "Let's all hang together or we'll hang separately," was meant ^JiterallyX In today's emergency \ye are tatyng it figuratively when we ask our readers for help. In the future our city editor will not be at her desk between 9:45 a. m. and noon. Could you help us out by phoning in your news either earlier in the mornings or in the afternoons? RECEIVES PROMOTION TWO MORE ROYS ARE REPORTED AS KILLED IN ACTION Good News Short Lived In Russell - ; Turner Household . ... *>' i Photo by A. Worwick, McHenry VINCENT TONYAN Good news and bad news rt irhiwf the Dussell Turner home in Chicago last week. .. Just as they received word that one son, previously listed as missing, was a prisoner of Gefc-. many, word came that, another sort had been killed in action. Sgt. Arlyn Russell Turner. 23, was born in Solon $Mills on August 4^ 1921, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rubsell Turner. Mrs. Turner will be remembered as the former Miss G**- cording to tales of some harrowing - - iuiMiAW trude Herbes, daughter of the late i experiences, he is a lucky lad to be i .r. eL fine looking army boy is William and Mary Justen Herbes. new, don't. here to ten it to us He completed! v,ncent Tonyan, who was inducted Arlyn was about 10 years of age worry about that angle. Just look -aeventy three missions. which islon Au*ust 17- 1942. and left for sor- when the family moved from Mi* over the committee in charge of that quite department. missions. .....v.. ^ , - -- feat considering that each > yic . ? . at month. Follow- Henry to Chicago to make their; one involves so much danger. ^1_ ing basic training at Camp Callan, home. He was listed by the war A lunch will be served during the thoueh he was awarded the Pur ! Calif- he wa« transferred to Seattle, department as killed on July 22 wh$^ noon hour and the dinner bell will ple ^eart for' injuries, he avoided! ,Wash.. where his duties consisted of on active duty in Italy. rirtg at 6:30 in the evening. telling of it in the event that it drivin& trucks and cars for officers; Just a few days previous to tWi After a busy summer season, it is woll|a cause too much rone*™ I at headquarters of the anti-aircraft I announcement the Turner fismily M, that memb«rs of the club will w" pTS th..X «•»I'dMr"- A*»" • month »«-„ he w„j -- • --: enjoy a full day of sport and relax*- McHenry Iad has turned safely! **a,n transferred, this time to Fort I home to us. rank of corporal last Bliss, Texas. Son of Mr. and Mrs. After a furlough, he will besent Be,™rd f T.nyan, Vincent was proto Miami. Florida, due there Septem-j V10 , ber 27, w4iere as yet he does not anuary- ^ know exactly in which capacity he . 11T . nna,i will serve. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Niel- C IS AWARDED oh,h nrn Timnw Smith Or from ^ * M Eu*ene 8re °Pen TO M'HENRY PILOT Smith, house Sunday afternoon and evening, tion. Cares, duties and worries are to* be left behind as good fellows get together. Tickets have been sent to mem- 1 bers, but extra tickets can be sea price, of course) from South Plains Army Air Field, *Tex.' The "Queen*" literally "stripped for Lieut. George Edwin Johnson, son action" in me far north, ran into a of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, bit of trouble with the censor and ; cured (for 406 Main street, W. McHenry, 111., had to don a few clothes before her the club secretary. Hap Smith, the is shown at the controls of the debut in the states. club pro, Jimmy Smith or from houge Sund afterno()n evening, CRPVTNn nVFPRWA« "Texas Queen," one of the army The ship, a C-47 cargo plan^ is F; Kle»nhaus, who heads the September 3rd .and hope their friends OJ"l'v ir,u UVBttBBAa air forces' most famous transport now used in towing Uncle Sam's ticket committee. will come and rejoice with them. planes at South Plains Army ^ir giant cargo and troop carrying glid-! ~-And did we mention that 'Hook- Field at Lubbock, Texas. a ers at SPAAF. Lieut. Johnson is a is for men only? • The "Texas Queen",, has ' just rtM j tow pilot at SPAAF. » He is a grad-j HOOKE\ I)A\ COMMll'l'EES turned from the Aleutians and Alas-1 uate of the McHenry Community: PUBLICITY--Earl C. Seepe, Chair CHILD DIES IN IDAHO Kay. eight year old daughter . of,, . . Kr „ v..... , -- , - t KT 0 . „ . c L Guy Bacon, died Friday at McCiTT,1 Li*^ Nor!"?? E- Blomgren. 26, son ka, where she flew men and supplies high school and attended the Uni-Ja™es N. Sayler, Hubert Smith, Idaho> am>rding to word received °l ?nd ™r8" LouIa A- Blomgren For leading his formation ittn ii (successful bomb run despite the I crippled condition of his ship. First over the fog bound islands for eigh- versity of Illinois, teen months. BOOKLETS ON RIGHTS AND BENEFITS FOR VETERANS RELEASED Washington, D, C., --T^ie first copies of a government pamphlet informing veterans of the present war of their rights and benefits were reers in our public schools, the only j leased today. Prepared by the re- "new" face to McHenry folks will' taining and re-employment adminbe that of Miss Katherine Reuland' istration of the office of war moblief Chicago, who will teach math- zation, apiAx>ximately 2 V4 million ematics and social science. She is!copies of the 24 page booklet will be filling the vacancy created by the: distributed beginning this month, departure of Miss Ruth Klodzinski,] The guide for veterans and their mathematic and English instructor., dependents is the first of its kind. Her unexpired semester last year Veterans will receive the booklets was filled by Mrs. Clarence Angelse, from the army and navy and local and Miss Reuland now steps in as a [ offices of various federal agencies permanent teacher. : and later from discharge centers. The new addition to the high school, Veterans already discharged will be faculty is a graduate of DePaul Uni-' able to obtain copies from draft MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE Dear Mose and .Staff: ' Well, it has been quite some time' since I last wrote to you to thank JUNE WILLIAMS, 17, you for sending WINNER IN NATIONAL DESIGNING CONTEST C. H. Duker. PRIZE--Harry E. Eckland, Chairman; George Johnson, A. A. Thompson, Homer G. Fitzgerald. TICKET--George F. Kleinhaus Chairman; A. E. Nye, R. I. Overton, Dr. J. E. Sayler. A GOLF--.Jimmy Smith, Chairman; "rtioB P. Bolger, Stanley* E. Hill, i REFRESHMENT--Chas. F. Lasch, | Albert Krause, Herman Schaefer, I Ambrose Schaefer. NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN j HAROLD TURNER •ereity and has been taking graduate boards, offices of the veterans adwork at Northwestern university dur- j ministration, the United States emme the good old Home Town paper. I am getting] every copy, even A Jackson, Mississippi, young lady if some are a cou- received the surprise of her life one pie of months old morning early this week when she when they get to received a telegram at the home of me. I still find her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred out an awful lot Cooley, informing her that she had of news that I did won fourth place in a national not know. mother and folks back home i by her grandmother. Mrs. Will Bacon. P^takee Bay. ^s recently awerd- I «d the Distinguished Flvinar Cross. • ! He is. a pilot of a B-24 Liberator j heavy bomber of the 15th AAF in • Italy. I Veteran of fifty combat missions, j he has led his formations against many important enemy objectives in Europe, ranging from the southern part of France to the eastern Recent transfers include John' ^0I"ners of Hungary and Romania,, H,mU T.imA Glosson from Camp Maxey, Texas tolBut ' T*8 for Pyticipation ,n j :J "Fort Georee G an a*tack upon the old installations^'-' reported missing in February, at Ploesti, Roumania, that he was,1944. is now a prisoner of the Get- W C t f cited. ! man government A third broth#,; As- Lieut- Blomgren led his flight L1°yd. is now 'n New Guinea. Dversbure Tran • on 0,81 bomb run- bursting flak' enough families are fortunate Earl L ' Dowel! 8mas'1e<:' a" his instruments out '° have casualties such as HaroW from Camo Beale as *'e11 as the No- 4 ^g\ne. He con- Turner's, with a happy ending. It Calif to CamD tinued his' course nevertheless and; >s surely not easy to have this brief Ellis 111 • JoseiShx8'1 'X)m'>8 were dropped with marked happiness snatched away by even MrAluWw* fr»m uP°n the old refineries. Said nwre tra»nc news- ^ Turner fam- Camn Beale Cal he of P10684'- "The there is the °*»e of the few with local sigrd- TTr.rl.»r Hnrhv roughest I've seen. I'm in no hurry fican°e that has had the misfortuM De-'Pa.; L. B. Murphy* from Camp iP*h.ijlf-' to go back to that place." i to have two casualties. My sign and Name It" contest for teen- j lips, Kas., to New York; and Donald M A.buyer ,of for ,irntinnXlrlvn the I timers. The young lady is 17-year Hettermann from Long Beach, CaL, ' °" sror"e^ a ' f * ^c ®nry • .Id M Williams, d.u»h,.r of. Mi-, to Fort W.y»., ' Vfi'0,' wni « «0™wCT«rn uniy^uy aur- mmisira ion, »e ™ !!, Z '* keep- me pretty well posted on what I and Mrs. Dwight Williams of Jack ,y WhAt, but thete-are still a' totisbn. who at Rresent is visiting ii Besides his parents and two bln<fc Turner is 8u|» Regina, and son, 1942, reiving his training at San: Lowell, 2 years old, two brother* in Mr anH Mr, Geo Witt have re '• Antonia and Brooks Field, Tex. Since'Earl of Johns burg and William at •set Misa ReuUnd on her visit tojeians' information centers. ( £ ™ U^to^tTtell Z^ MdHen^ "He" mother' wiu"uT re-1 ceived word that their son. S«t. | ?8 in F«bn»ry of this; J«ne, »nd two sisters, Konna a#; McHenry this summer found her to; Among the subjects discussed n 7 ? membered as the former Miss Opal! Glenn Witt, who was wounded at Xear. LaeuLBlomgren has also re- Jaunit*. be posseaaed of a most pleasing per- the pamphlets are: Mustering out A of weeks j hmd .Cooley of McHenry. ; Saipan, has returned to the Hawaiian ""^the Air Medal with threeoak Iht P&Y" KOvernment insurance; ways thrill that comes only once in a life- i June's entry was selected from Islands for treatment. leaf clusters. ^ of obtaining new jobs old jobs and time j r received a letter lover 40.000 entries from throughout J Rubier ,t Th«. faculty ranks. government employment; apprentice from home te„injf me that LeRoy the United States and as a result, UeuL Leander L. LaFlex of Wood- p] 1>rder ,your Kubb«r SUmps at The The second new teacher at the and vocational training; unemploy-. Conway had hten wounded in action, of winning, will receive a *50 war stock. 111., is pilot of a Twelfth Air ™:n eal«r- * > m^nt ! hoill^. fftmi And bust* : J X l •_ _ I !t-i i Kau if]** kainn<v . Fama SUDDEN DEATH OF HARDING E. THIELE SHOCK TO FRIENDS . # .. •> V high school is Mrs. Jennie Mae Rich-; ment benefits: home, farm and busi- an(j was jn a hospital here: bond besides having the distinction Force P-47 Thunderbolt fighter-bomb^- •ar pd^s«Aonn . wu*hKon h\\aa*s Kbeaeanii ^Ann anbhlUe ttAeaAcfhhe^rr . «naeosos llAo<ainnas ;• ^hAosanpiittjaall craawre atnnHd medi- jn gEnnj?fjlfatnn(dj WW^e^llll , *I at once go-t ; of ih av:in g her prize winning d/leosaiignnn er, now blasting enemy communica-; ii«a now in a hospital somewhere in x^ieie 0f p^,.^ a former jj©- in the public grade school for the|Cal attention; disability pensions; j>usy> an(j foun(j ^ what hospital manufactured into a teentimers' dress tions, motor transports, and gun po-; the south Pacific under treatment Henry resident, will be past nine years. A home town girl, • care in national soldiers' homes; le- and where jt located. Well, I j and distributed to department stores; sitions in support of Allied ground, for a skin disease and a wounded hear o{ his untimely death early 1 Mrs. Richardson is a graduate of gal protection; back pay claim num- to get a pass, and made throughout the country. forces in the Miediterranean theatre, hand. The son of Mr. ^nd Mrs. the Ohio University of Commerce in ber and draft card, will of discharge: trackg down there to see him. It The dress designed by Miss Wil- Lieut. LaFlex arrived overseas March, James Beavis, Clifford entered service Chicago during the summer months. and , retirement rulings. j g^re was a funny feeling, when I Hams who is a senior at Central 3, 1944, and has completed eighty- i in October of 1943 and took hir and is replacing Mrs. Earl Tischlef The guide book advises veterans. went jnto that hospital ward to ask high ' school in Jackson, has been' five missions over enemy territory, j training at Camp Grant, Otmp Bland as a commercial teacher. ; that within five days after discharge ^ was in there, and before the named "Sportin* Life" as suggested It is believed that Lieut. LaFlex*s j in^v Fla., and Fort Ord, C^I., before untimely death early laft Sunday morning, August 27, 1944. Mr. Thiele, who had been in poo* ,9 health for some time, had just returned the previous day from a trip to California. Another new teacher at the school; they must report in person or by nurge on duty cou,d' look on her ros.! by Eleanor jackson of Madison, Wis., sensational record of ^ighty-five mis-- going overseas to New Guinea and i ^ decea8ed wtLS 32 old an# 1 ter, my eyes had wandered all around ; another dinner. A dirndl skirt with sions is "tops" in these parts for a .| o.tAh er„ . comba.t. . areas. „H e took his gj»rraa(djuuata<te>dd wwiitthh tthhee cc lass of 193ft [situation philosophically however, from the McHenry high Far and wrote home that at least he got several years he had been engag^ this year will be Mrs. John Bolger,; letter to their draft boards who'did substitute work for several if they wish to-return to their old ro(>m, and came to rest on a 'tight fitting bodice and applique ar- fighter-bomber pilot. months last year. She also taught , jobs they must apply for reinstate- fejiow about half way down the ward, rows on the shoulder, the two-tone .... at the high school sev«ral years ago ment within forty days after <*is-f that was motioning me t<* come in. model speaks well for the designing Leonard Steinsdoerfer, Is with j seven Japs before t'ley got him. He jn t^e jnsurance business in Chicagi. when she was known to her stu- charge. They are told where to get Yes. sure enough, there he was, and talent Off this young lady. the medical corps, was recently trans- also added that in the hospital he dents as Miss Lillian Kortendick.' the answers to their questions, and for ne3Jt ej£ht hours, I sat by ' - i ferred from the Bexter General hos- had a clean, comfortahje bed and Her four years at that time were what records, including serial num- hig bedside, and there was constant «P« i pital, Spokane, Wash., to Presidio, good food for a welcome change. spent in teaching English and civics, ber; discharge papers, disability chatter, about old times and friends and one year iri home economics. She claim number and^ draft card, will ancj iv|a(jveg jn and around McHep^ will' resume her English instruction be required if they fepply for benefits. happened to be a verjn*onthLs year. Mrs. Bolger is a gradu- Other information contained in the derfuj <jayi -with nice sun and all, ate of Rosary college and has been booklet includes: ^ j 80 jn the afternoon he got into a Causes Damage To in San Francigco> Caiif. There he John Phalin Residence has been assigned to the hospital Everett Reeves, who has been statraining unit and will travel to all tioned at Farragut, Idaho, is en- The local fire department was sum- parts of the United States. Alvin joying a leave with home folks, mdned to the John Phalin home on has been enjoying a fifteen-day fur- Survivors are his wife. Edna; one son, Don; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Thiele; four sisters. Ha|* riet Thiele, Muriel Frolich, Joan ami Barbara Thiele; and four brother*. Bruce Thiele, Gordon Thiele and! Lieut. Frederic Thiele. . The body rested at the funeral Births taking a course of study in English Depending upon length of service whee| chair and j took him out Richmond Road early Saturday after- lough from Mayo General hospital The rotation plan of granting fur- hdme at .^3 s Marion street in Oak at"Chicago university this summer. and honorable condition of discharge, around ^he hospital area. Of course, noon to extinguish flames which very at Galesburg, 111., in the home of loughs to men who have been serving par|t until 2 p. m., when funeral The fourth new instructor will be veterans automatically will receive conversation then was something nearly caused much serious damage, his parents, after being stationed in overseas, in accordance with needs services were held. Miss Fvoehlich, who will take over mustering out pay of $100 to $300. jike . If Lindsay or Powers or Walsh Little Joyce Mahoney, grand- the south Pacific for fifteen months.. for troops in specific theaters of war j the vocal department, replacing Miss All veterans honorably discharged coujd only see us now, wouldn't they daughter of the Phalins, was play- which must be determined by the; Lucia Rausch. Her musical train- are entitled to five to 10 points pre- enj0y 7" or, "I never figured that ing with other children in the fani* Ray L. Smith has been transferred theater commander, is now in oper-, ing includes a year and one-half of ference in federal civil service ex- j ^ making a tour of-England ily in one of the bedrooms and, in from Sheppard Field, Texas,, to Hon- ation. '•vocal study under Mark Oster and aminations. i jn a wheel chair, with you at the child fashion, while playing with do in the same state. j In keeping with the war depart- . . .. t ^ j t seven years under Dr^ Feyy Lulek, To cover temporary periods of un- controls." All in all, it was a dav some matches, accidentally struck v ^ ^ , ment policy that the returned soldier. Chicago. ' employment, financial aid is available that j am sure nejther one of us A blaze which enveloped the Wcrd has been received from Wal- shall be given such recognition as is ; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pitzen of Pis- J through state or federal sources. ever forSret as long as we live. I bedl the rug and draperies threat- lace Dobyns. who is fighting in the desired by him. for his extended takee Bay are the parents of St Mary's -- St. Patrick** school T'h® federal program, for those not was g0 ^ee him again, but before ened to spread to other parts of the1 front lines in France, that he has. service at the front, information (daughter ' " J I could get to it. I received a mes- house before firemen arrived on the seen plenty of action and has col- about his return is being gathered Woodstock hospital, -a v_ 1 1 i ¥ -i 1 n..L flomaa 1 S 9 fow souvenirs. "Hie letter by the transportation corps, army -- on captured German service forces, and is being made born last week at a the will open on Sept. 6, With registra- elijrible under a state program, pro- ^ tion for all on that day. There will vides an allowance of *20>"a week for sage that he had been moved, so I scene and put out* the flames, be some changes noted in the Sisters from four weeks to a total limit of am waiting to see just where he is, at the school, with the following in fifty two weeks, depending upon charge length of service1. Anion* the Side lected a few >%.yrms written; stationery. .Sister M. Adelindis--Eighth Grade. • F«>r those with service connected and if it isn't too far away, we may get together again. B Well, I think that I have rambled "" Sister Melissa Sixth and Seventh disabilities which are occupational on ion(r enough now, but before I Tonsillectomy patients at Grades handicaps, and who otherwise meet si|fn Dff I want to again thank you Woodstock hospital last week were Alletag Sister Lota--Fifth and Sixth Grades. the le**l requirements, the veterans for sending the "best little paper in Sister Arsenia--Fourth and Fifth administration will provide training the worid" to all of us fellows "all Friends here will be interested to' Public Relations office^ the learn of the whereabouts of Gerald former employee of the Technician 5th grade Beautiful' haby gifts, popularly available to the press and radio inffpriced. The Toddler Shop, Green and the soldier's home community through gjni gts McHenry. Glen. N. Grades. - Sister Josetta--Third Grade. • Sister Nola--Second Grade. ' Sister Laurentine--First Grade. Sister Andreella--Music Teacher. Joanne Rulien--School Nurse. Grade School At the McHenry public grade school. Mrs. Norbert Maueh, the former MSss Helen Bauer, a teacher in the school two years ago, will take charge of the eighth grade. She is a graduate of the teachers' course at and a pension of $80 a month for single veterans, $90 for those who are married, with added allowances for each child and dependent parent. • The veterans administration will provide for education of veterans whose education was interrupted. Veterans discharged with disabilities due to service will be entitled to disability benefits, including pensions, which range from $11.50 to;arn, $115 a month. over the world." . ° Yours for D-Dpy (Demobilisation Day). t- SGT. BOB ADAMS; " ' England. John and Joseph Hanley of McHenry Ringwood Chemical plant, who left Draper, coast artillery corps, return-j and Francis Oeffling of Johnsburg. last spring for service. He was ing from twenty-six months over- [ Larry Phalin underwent a tonsil- commissioned an ensign in the navy! seas in the Aleutian theater of oper- | lectomy at Woodstock hospital Mon- in July and reported last Mbnday, at ions, is arriving on approximately day, August 28, at Fort Schuller, New; August 28, at Camp Haan. Cal., prior Mrs. Jchn E. Freund is a surgical York, for duty. to reaching his home at West Mcpatient at Victory Memorial hospital., I Henry, where he will visit his par. Jerome Obenauf underwent a ton- Relatives have received word that; ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Draper. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander spent several days with their granddaughters near Milwaukee recently. Dear Mr. Mosher: My name, just as a form of introduction, is Jerry Becker, snd I former resident of McHenry and a student at M. C. H. S. Now, sillectomy at Sherman hospital, El- William Sutton has arrived in Eng gin, last week. l*nd. * ; . Robert Freund is a surgical patient at Woodstock hospital. Pfc. Lyle TYanzen has been trani- Wal'ter Kenimer is a medical pa- ferred from Camp Murphy, Fla., to tieqt at Woodstock hospital, under- Boca Field, Fla. Word has been received that Pvt. TOWNSHIP NOTICE Doe to the fact that some tf the Justices of the Peace and the Town Clerk are working in defense plant#, and cannot attend meetings as ad« vertised. on page two of this issue*, hour of meetings have been gl. that's over with. i . . - _ Q„_ at'-- ---- For the past three weeks you have T*a m. „ Word halt been received tnat rvx. DeKalb State Teachers' college and sist during the present emergency. sending me a copy of your pa-1 ta,"ed a - - v Clifford Beavis of Crystal Lake.whom img to school work this year to as-[taught in the Dundee public schools. (Continued on Page Eight) I week.' I McHenry boy, has been wounded After three years of trying to get together, Marshall Bacon and Geo.' the Kinsala met on the» streets of Italy 1 changed as follows: - _ , recently, and spent the afternoon to- The town auditors' meeting willbe gether. George wrote that Marshall, at 5 p. m., instead of 2 o doct Tm looked fine, and although he did public hearing will be at 4:30 p. m., not write details of how they spent instead of 1 ^0 o'clock on Tawnl«X» the afternoon, we can imagine that Sept. 5. these two good friends must h*v« [ MATH K. ^CHMiTii enjoyed themselves feonsiderably. t Superrtooe. •r

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