• ^ Vs igs.v*'*' ••••! Iff* <pp •Hi PUUNDEALER •:7"v, /, • *>&? TfrnrwUy, October 12, 1944 ff *7 f|T* "V- ' ' ^ 4 » fcf ' Mfe' • Mi . ' • *> f-V Many New Products Since 1914 the chemical industry has produced ^ more than 200,009 new products. SLOCUM LAKE Head the Want Ads AUCTION ,P;" CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks attended the chicken supper at the church at Ivanhoe last Thursday evening. Harry Mathews and Lloyd Fisher of Volo attended the regular meet- I ing of the Lake County Farm bureau i at Grayslake last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were callers at the On account of ill health, I am disposing of my dairy at my farm located one mile northwest of Crystal Lake, at the intersection of High-i kn^V W^O. Brooks wavs 14 and 176. The sale will SPECIMEN BALLOT ' . j <V i^ '\l , start promptly at 1 o'clock on at Libertyville last Monday. There they visited with Pvt. Robert Pesheck, I - : i*?. r-.. s- " WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pesheck when the herd and other articles j ©£ Oregon. Pvt. Pesheck had a few yrill be offered for sale, to-wit: I hours stop-over while on his way 16 - <COWS - 16 itp F o r t B e n n i ng> Georgia. Some new milkers and springers. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lusk were Ifcifer. 2% years old; Bull; i*; lunclieon guests at the home of Mr. months old; Black mare, 12 years fnd Mrs. H. Ihnwood at Grayslake old; 1000 shocks of good hard corn; last Tu««»y- 500 bushels of oats; 25 tons timothy Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Carr, and Mrs. hay; 20 tons clover hay; 9 milk cans; Martha Baer of Arlington Heights . Hinman milking machine; Cultivator; j and Mrs. Edna Smith of Ketchikan, Hand corn cutter; Grain bags. | Alaska, were visitors at the home of 3 glass doors; Cupboard drawers:: Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Brooks last Wed- Philco radio; 4 rockers; 3 tables;ines4®y' Cradle; Couch; Fernery; Chest7 of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lusk and drawers; Odds and ends. ^ ! daughter, Betty Lou, were Sunday And many other articles too nu- j dinner and evening guests at the merous to mention. j home of Mr. and Mrs. Paid Larsen TERMS: AH sums of $25 and un- at Des Plaines. der, cash. Over that amount, credit I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davies *tof 6 months will be given with in- tended the Hampshire hog sale at terest at 6 per cent with credit ar-1 Beloit, Wis., last Tuesday evening. ! Mrr- ht «»d jrKJSiJ Uifi 1 XvlUll, j children of Rockford spent Monday Owner ] and Tuesday at the home of her Rone State Bank of Crystal Lake, mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Clerking. | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks of OPEN FOR BUSINESS "M0SF.Y INN" TAVERN RINGWOOD, ILL. -i---Fish Fry Every Friday Night ----- Located in the Welter Building ATLAS PRAGER BEER Fred Bowman, Prop. For Special Election of the Town of McHenjy, McHenry County, Illinois, held October 17tli, 1944, to vote on the question of issuing $90,000 Road Bonds of said Town. H. WALTER ANDERSON, « Town Clerk of the Town of McHenry,* . (Instructions to Voters: To vote in favor of said prop*1 .jpfiition, mafce a cross (X) in the square to the right of the word "Yes"; to vote against said proposition, make: cross in' the square to the right of the word "Shall * bonds for road purposes be issued to the amount of $90,000!" purvirBs poses libertyville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou and Misses Mary Case and Lelah Mae Fisher were tended the regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Federated church at the home of Mrs. Mollie Stapf and Mrs. J. L. Ziermann at W^auconda last Thursday. At this callers at Waukegan last Friday meeting the annual election of offievening. cers was held and Mrs. Matthews was Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Luderman in Chicago. In j the evening Mrs. Burkhart attended i a stork shower in honor of Mrs. I George Burghgraef, with hostesses ' being Mrs. Thies and Mrs. Storm. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of | Chicago were Saturday night and Sunday guests at the home of the elected president of the auxiliary for the ensuing year. FORENOON CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer On account of poor health and have been selling my milk at home, I will sell my entire herd at auction on the old Dodd farm on Route 31, between Crystal Lake and Algonquin, at the top of the big hill, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.. Sharp * • 16 BROWN SWISS COWS 3 two-year-old heifers, coming in this fall. One Bull. This herd is all Brown Swiss, first and Second calf heifers, some with calves by side. Average test 4.5. Five are registered. Will sell in forenoon on account of a sale near Elgin in the afternoon. If you are looking for good cows, look these over. Good size and fresh. ' USUAL TERMS. WILLIAM KLAUSEN Forest Protection The major portion of industrial timberland in the U. S. is partially protected by the owners, who spent more than $4,000,000 in 1942 for this purpose. This supplements the or? ganized protection afforded by 42 former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j states, through the programs of ! Burkhart, at Williams Park. Sunday J the state forestry departments, for j guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulska j some 282,000,000 acres of privately and Mr. and Mrs. H. Luderman of j owned and state owned timber. Un- Chle&go. ) fortunately, the forest protection Mr. and Mve, Raymond Van Natta [ program Is not complete and about and daughter Noreen, and Mrs. H. j 144,000,000 acres are without organ- <J. Johnson of Elgifl were Sunday j ized protection. J dinner guests at the home of Mr, I and Mrs. G-. J. Burnett. Other supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lyla Litwiler of Round Lake, Mrs. Jane Keeler of Barrington and Asa Crabtree of Gary. Mrs. Fannie WilsOft> Mr. and Mrs. | Clifford Wilson, Robfert Wilson and Isaac Tennant of Chicago were Sunday dinner guefets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JaYnes Thomson *at WilliaWis Park. Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. WL. Spaffbrd and Mrs, R. W. Lusk at- AUCTION AUCTION I have rented my farm and decided- to quit farming and offer the following livestock and equipment at public auction on Tuesday, October 17th STARTING AT 12 O'CLOCK at farm located 4 miles northeast of Woodstock, % mile west of Junction of Route 120 and Greenwood Road at Charles Corner. ^ Livestock 12 Holstein Cows--2 Jersey® Pure Bred. No papers. This is a fine Deferred Feeding Deferred feeding is defined. by Kansas State college as "starting'in the fall with good-quality calves, producing 225 to 250 pounds of gain during the winter, grazing 90 days without feed other than grass, and then full-feeding 100 days in dry lot." The system has enabled stockmen to market an attractive carcass with a maximum use of roughage and grass and the minimum amount of grain. Some operators buy both steer and heifer calves and feed them all the regular wintering ration. When spring corpes, the steers go to grass and are handled according to the standard deferred feeding system. The heifers remain in the feed lot and are marketed in early summer after a period of full feeding. This diversifies the program and makes two paydays during the year. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Phone 478 Auctioneer The undersigned having decided to quit farming, the farm having been sold, I will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Hock Farm, 4 miles north of Woodstock, 1 mile east of 47 from Boal's Corners, 1% miles west of Charles' Corners and 6 I miles south of Hebron, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, to- At Bearside Farm on Druce Lake j and some to freshen soon. 12 Heifers, Rd., being 1% miles northeast of | vaccinated. 1 Bull--18 months. 3 Grayslake, 1 mile east of Hwy. 21, 1 REMEMBER Your car or ta&ck must last you many more? months, probably for the duration of the war. THEREFORE The wise owner will see to it that his machines receive the best of care and upkeep.' This can be found at the CENTRAL GARAGE mile west of Hwy. 45, on Wed. Oct. 18 at 10 o'clock. CATTLE -- 12 Head of Guernseys and Swiss Cattle;, consisting of 1 milch cow, 6 heifers, 3 steers, 2 calves. HORSE old. Gray Gelding, 8 years herd of young cattle. Some are fresh "it: 0F LIVESTOCK . V Consisting of 15 Milch Cows 15 ifbstly Holsteins, springers And Phone 200-J FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Towing Johnsburg ^' i ' POTATOES RURAL NEW YORKERS AND EARLY OHIOS We will have two more cars of potatoes on track at bur McHenry plant, starting Friday, Oct: 13, and continuing until all are sold. $3.25 per 100 lbs. , o. McHenry County Farmers Co-op. Assn. Phone 29 • West McHenry, HI. POULTRY -- 80 yearling Leghorn hens, 100 N. H. Red pullets, 80 N. H. Red cockerels, 330 chickens, 3 mos. o l d , 180 R o c k s , 6 w e e k s o M . l l j ducks. I MACHINERY -- Case Model "C" Tractor with power takeoff and two row, power lift cultivator; J. D. tractor plow; spring tooth drag, 2 sulky cultivators, Janesville corn planter, corn shelter with electrk motor; 6- ft. grain drill, spreader, ext. ladder, etc. . * :tjV FEE® -- l%e %u. oats, 15 acres of good Hybrid corn, 400 bales of liay, 5 acres of soybeans. Edward Wotton Owner. Wm. A. Chandler, Auctioneer. Public Auction Sen-vice Col, Clerks HOW YOU CAN TiST YOUR OWN COWS FOR MASTITIS H««* te a .quick, my way to tMl your cow* (or Mutlth. You can do It yourself right hi your own b*rn.T««t 2* cows in M min. with tho Bubi "BTB" teat. And it docs not coat you a panny. Hare la all you do: Aak ua far the apeclal Baabe "BTB" Teat Card. We wlU gWe you FREE one test card lor --<th cow In your hard. All you do ia follow the simple directions on the card. We hava Baabe "BTB" test card* in stock now. A*k for your FREE supply today. Remember. • few minutes spent In teetlnft your cowe fir Mastitis may save eome of your moat nilable animal* from nUiifStw. 'WATTLES DRUG STOKE West McHenry, .111. Heifer calfs. 1 Sorrel Belgian team, 6 years old. 26 Feeder pigs, 80 to 100 lbs. 1 Duroc Jersey Boar. 4 Bred Ewes. 3 Yearling lambs, 1 Ram. 100 White Leghorns pullets. Feed 10 tons timothy. 30 tons alfalfa hay, 130 bales oat straw, 120 bales alfalfa, 2nd cutting, 10 feet silage, 14 foot silo, 600 bushel oats, 150 bushel soy beans, 21 acres standing corn. Machinery and Equipment McD H. tractor on rubber. 1 McD. power lift cultivator, 1 McD power mower on rubber (foot power lift), 1 McD. 2-bottom 14-inch plow, 1 McD. 7 ft. tandem disc, 1 McD. side delivery rake, 1 McD. 42 R. combine ; on rubber, 1 Clark 10 ft. buck rake, 1 McD. corn planter, fertilizer ati tachment, 80 rods wire, 1 McD. manure spreader on rubber, 1 McD. I com binder, 1 3-section drag, 1 walking plow, 1 6 foot grain drill, 1 C-40 Gehl silo filler and hay chopper, 1 hay rack steel wheel wagon, 1 Flare top grain box on steel wheel wagon, 1 10 ft. broadcast seeder, 1 wheelbarrow type grass seeder, 1 set bob sleds, 1 Pontiac power unit, 1 soil fitter Hammer Mill, 1 7 inch x 35 ft. drive belt. 1 DeLaval Speedway milking machine, 2 single units pipe line for 15 cows, I Dairy Maid water heater, 1 wash tank, 1 rinse tank, 6 milk cans, pails, strainers, etc. I milk cart, 1 Prime electric fence unit, 1 j Jamesway brooder house, 1 250 chick Jamesway brooder stove, chicken feeder and waterers, snow fence, 1 hog self feeder, 2 hog waterers, 2 A dog houses, 40 rods 30 woven wire, 3 gas barrels, faucets, grease guns, grease. Several steel feed barrels, 1 set work harness, 5 leather horse collars, saddles, 1 20 ft. extension ladder, 1 platform scale, 1 oat fanning mill, 3 vices, 2 heating stoves, 1 75 lb. ice box,l child's bed, some furniture, 1 1924 Ford coupe, wreck. Fork shovels, some tools, chains, ropes, 6 gallon Black Flag fly spray, rope, 1 bale twine wool, 1 set Stewart cow clippers, 1 45 lb. pressure paint spray and tire pump, 1 5 gallon fruit hand spray. Terms: All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount six months time will be given on bankable paper bearing six per cent interest. G. B. GOBLg, Owner. .-••• Charles Leonard^ • ' Auctioneer The State Bank of Woodstock dMrlds^ new milkers, most of which are first and second calf heifers; 7 Holstein heifers, coming two years old; 2 Holstein heifers, four months old; 3 yearling heifers, 1 Holstein bull.' One sorrel mare; one black gelding. Hay, Grain and Machinery 18 acres of good hill corn, DeKalb 422; 800 bu. Vicland oats; 20 tons of mixed hay; 2 tons of old corn. McD. hay loader; McD. side deln*- ery rake; New Idea manure spreader; McD. seeder with grass seed attachment, nearly new; McD. 7-ft. tandem disc with drag attachment, nearly new; McD. 2-bottom 14-in. tractor plow, nearly new; McD. single row cultivator, nearly new; J. D. corn planter with tongue truck fertilizer attachment, nearly new and 80 rods wire. McD. 3-sec. drag, nearly new; McD. mower, 6-ft. cut; dump rake; hay rack; McD. corri sheller with electric motor; McD. grain binder, 7-ft cut; McD. corn binder with conveyor bundle carrier; -160 ft. hay "rope, grab fork and pulleys; pump jack and electric motor; steel wheel wagon; 1 horse cultivator. Prevents Soli Erosion Two or three pounds of timothy per acre, seeded in addition to the regular rate of alfalfa helps to assure a stand, assists in erosion and wind control, and produces a pasture sa'er from bloat. Use ef Cork Only 5 per cent of the cork in the United States is used "bottle stoppers." Much of the , Ply. is now used for cartridge ping* bomb parts, insulations of planes and tanks, life preservers and other army and navy needs. ill . Wanted MECHANIC. Steady work. Also WOODWORKING HELPER. HUNTER BOAT CO. - McCONNON PRODUCTS •old in this community byv v' 1 A. DICKSON 724 Wheeler Street WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS _ It* a ^»g convenience these days to have farm- and household necessities brought right to your door. It saves time, tires, and money. McConnon products have been sold that way for more «*»!» fifty years by ^established dealers. v . u Regular users of McConnon products will be glad to welcome Mr, Dickson and those who are not acquainted with the line will •want to get in touch with him. NO RATION POINTS NEEDED McConnon products are unrationed items--high quality extracts, spices, desserts, cleansers, fly sprays, home remedies, toiletries, livestock and poultry supplies, animal mineral feeds, dips, insecticides, disinfectants and a hundred other items. PREMIUMS AND SPECIAL DEALS m M0001111,011, products are guaranteed to be of high quality and McConnon dealers frequently have special money-saving deals valuable premiums. McCONNON & COMPANY WINONA, MINNESOTA 7:30 p.m., sharp Wednesday, Oct 18 At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 250 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 125 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS AND FIRST CALF HEIFERS, EITHER FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE OR CLOSE SPRINGERS ONE LOAD OF JERSEYS BY MR. PARKS 100 HEAD OF FEEDER PIGS 25 DAIRY HEIFERS Don't fail to attend this auction, if you want herd replacements. You will find the best buys offered in years at prices you can well afford to pay. ATTENTION FARMERS: BRING YOUR VEAL CALVES AND KILLER HORSES FOR HIGHEST market prices. Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. .1 to 16 months time at y2 of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLIAM E. GAULKE, Owner Phone 572 CLOSE-OUT SALE CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer with steel post and wire; jack and vise; 20 rods of chicken wire; slat cribbing for corn crib; set of 1V4 in. i breeching harness; set of fly nets; | pair of horse blankets; DeLaval magnetic milking machine; 2 single units and extra pail, stainless steel and pipe line for 24 cows; 12 milk cans; pails and strainers. 200 ft. rope; 200 rods 26-in woverr wire; rotary hoe; 3-section harrow; McC-D mower, 6-ft. bar; rubber-tired wagon; 2-row Case corn planter with \ mile wire and fertilizer attachment; Banks spray machine equipped with Briggs & Stratton gas mo- . Having decided to quit the actual delivery rake; 3-sec. roller; Interoperation of the farm and rent the national end-gate seeder; New Idea place, the undersigned will sell at fi-actor manure spreader on rubber; public auction, on Springdale farm, gasoline power lawn mower; rubber- Truck wagon with triple grain box; | located 6 miles northeast of Mc- tired wheelbarrow; 2 feeder cribs; O'Wattona grain elevator 26 ft.; j Henry, or 2 ihiles north of Johns- electric cow clipper; hay fork with wheelbarrow; grain bags; elec. fence ; burg^> on FRIDAY, OCT. 20 starting at 11 o'clock, a. m., the following described property, to-wit: 100 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of DAIRY HERD--31 head of regis- tor; Hand corn sheller; walking plow; tered Guernseys, consisting of 15 fanning mill; 4 stock water tanks, milch cows, 5, yearling heifers, 9 2 equipped with hog waterers; elec- Electric heating torch; solution | heifer calves, 1 bull calf, 1 herd bull, trie motor and grinder; 3 hog feeders, tank; wash tank; 2 gas barrels; oil j All these cattle are vaccinated for wagon with high wheel running gear; barrel with pump; tank heater; scald-1 Bangs and all are negative reactors 500-lb. platform scale; road grader; ing kettle; 2 log chains; eveners and j for Bangs and T. B. Registration electric incubator, 600-egg capacity; neck yokes; 75-ft. 7-in. drive belt; (papers furnished. forks, scoops and other miscellaneous 30 ft. 8-in drive belt; brooder house,! BEEF CATTLE--4 head, 2 Black items too numerous to mention. 8x10 ft.; 2 small brooder houses; elec. | Angus' cows and 2 Black Angus Dairy Equipment brooder for 100 chicks; hard coal j heifer calves. ® single unit Hinman milkers, else SHEEP--60 native ewes, 1 to 5 trie hot water heater; 2 wash tanks; years old, bred; 1 pure bred Hamp- 25 milk cans, pails and other nrisshire buck. cellaneous equipment. HORSES -- Team roan Belgian LUNCH WILL BE SERVED mares, 7 and 8 years old; wt. 3200 Not responsible for accidents should lbs., sound. One set heavy breech- any occur. Some household furniture, player ing harness 1 8-yr. old Shetland TERMS--All sums of $25 and unpiano; heatrola stove. | pony, with Bridle and saddle, Spotted ca8h; over amount, a credit TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and j pony, 9 years old; 3 gaited riding Qf 6 per cent ^ extendi on under that amount cash, over that! horse, 8 years old; 2 saddles, English notes approved by the clerk. Anyamount a credit of six months at 6(and Western. one desiring credit kindly make arper cent will be extended on notes j Hay, Grain and Machinery ran gements before purchase is made, approved by the clerk. Anyone de-j 90 acres standing Hybrid corn, No property to be removed until siring credit, kindly make arrange-1 har(j ears; 900 bushels oats iiv settled for and settlement must be1 bin; 25 tons Alfalfa and Timothy made on day of sale. hay, loose; 15 tons baled straw; 8-ft. W ROY FTTZGERAIJ0L Case tandem disc; Case 2 bottom, 16- « in. plow; Case 2-row tractor cultiva- UWlier. tor; 10-ft. power McC-D grain binder; Route 1, McHenry, m. McC-D. cera budbr; ibay loader; S*de Waal.. Mrflmj Stete Buk, Om brooder stove. 140 spring chickens; 200 bens, New Hampshire Reds, Leghorns and White Rocks. Forks, shovels and many other articles too numerous to mention, ments before purchase is made. No property to bte removed until settled for. * GEORGE E. WOLF, JR. First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking.