Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Oct 1944, p. 4

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f-' 1 ^ ^ .! ***« Soui &F?'rWw- :r-'Wjtf*f i I •*•' -f5 " * ^ " • • • ,<v „"• ; • -r It*** •• v '& ->•' 6uy,;.: '•VV~ •:"«•. i ' :-v^;"; • THK McHXKSY PLADTOEALBl : .: ' r - r ,<> Thursday, October 12, 1944 THE PUUNDEALER Published every Thursday at Mo- Bcnry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager ersotidls cine spent Sunday afternoon h Linus Newman home. Mr. and Mrs. George Mueller visited Mrs. Michael Kerrigan at the Waukegan sanitarium on Sunday. Mrs. Vernon Freund left Sundayj Mrs. Louis Stoffel and daughter, Entered as second-class matter at for Chicago to be with her mother, j Mary Lou, and Miss Lorraine Schmitt Mrs. Millicent Pall, who is critically returned Monday after spending a ill* .. I week visiting relatives at^Omaha and Mrs. Ray Rode, the former Bediej Humphrey, Neb. Engeln, spent last week in the home , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause and of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter j daughter, Marion, have returned from Engeln. Her husband, Sgt. Rode, of j a vacation spent at Fox Lake, Wis. Camp (irowder, Mo., joined her over postoffice at McHenry, 111., under act of May 8, 1879. One Year ^........$2.50 FOR SALE -FOR SALE -- New feather quilt, $22.50;. Spanish mantle ship, $25; electric fireles's cooker, $35;, card table and chairs, wringer, odds and ends. Meister, Fistakee Bay, across North Chicago, were callers in the from Snow White Dairy, *21j Charles and Rollin Ensign homes on Sunday. the weekend, after which they re turned to their home in Joplin, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Minteer and M^s. William Sutton of Maywood were Sunday guests in the E. R. Sutton home. John Mollidor ttf Mundlein and mother, Mrs. Katherine Mollidor of Volo, were dinner guests in the houie of John Scheid and daughter, on Tuesday evening., . • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ensign of FOR SALE -- 12-foot counter, marble top. A. Foris, P. 0. Box 528, McHenry. GSlf course subdivision. *21 , FOR SALE -- 1936 Plymouth car Price $75; "* Tel. McH^rry 616-R-2. 21 ' "• ' , '• <• " FOR SALE -h* Lot on Main street. Inquire at 110 Waukegan road, upstairs. 21 FOR SALE -- 20-guage gun, slightly used. $25. Golf course subdivision. A. Foris, Box 528, McHenry. *21 FOR SALE -- One pump gun and shells. Call at 209 Elm street, or phone McHenry 59-W. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz were Mrs. Myrtle Symonds, who has been residing in McHenry for the past several years, will make her home in Woodstock in the future. Mrs. Jack Purvey and family, who have been residing in the Albert Purvey home for the past few weeks, have returned to their home in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Chicago spent the weekend in McHenry. f Mr. and Mrs. August Krohn and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Butterfield of Harvard were guests in the Fred Krohn home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Miss Bertilla Freund and Michael Kerrigan visited the latter's wife in the Lake Thursday evening gimue stts in the home C^ oun+t y sanitarium on Sunday. FOR SALE -- Stewing chickens. Vogt. Tel. McHenry 688-R-l. of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. J. Marchal, in Richmond. " • John Scheid and. daughter, Rena, and George Scheid and daughter, Mrs. Nidc Kennebeck, spent Sunday with Mrs. Regina Marre and son in Waukegan. Mrs. Louis Stoffel and daughter, Mary Lou, visited relatives in Omaha, Nebraska, last week. R. E. Sutton of Chicago was a Sunday caller in McHenry. Leo Scheid was a weekend guest in the Irvin Nester home in Chicago. 2j j While there he visited his wife, who J is confined to Presbyterian h»spital, R. where she underwent surgery for the 21 second time last week FOR SALE -- Two-story brick building. corner Pearl and Green Sts., Sgt. Alex Largo, who has just returned after serving for many months in Alaska, was a guest in the Harold Owen home last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel and Mr. and Mrs. William Rothermel visited in the Cecil Rothermel home in Chicago on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Owen attended the American Red Cross conclave at the Palmer House in Chicago which was held for chairmen of all volunteer special services. Mrs. Owens represented the motor corps for the county chapter. Larry Huck and daughter, Jean, who have been spending the past few weeks at Squaw Lake, Minn., Mrs. G. F. Davis of Chicago visited vj£ted /ritnds h?re weS' '™B M rs. John E. Freund on Wednesday. (Thursday) evening they will return Verena" Justen* of'chicago sp'entTthe Ito S^uaw Lake to join Mrs. Huck and spend a few more weeks there. Serviceman and Mrs. Lewis Brefeld McHenry. Inquire Mrs. M. L. Worts, weekend visiting relatives here. 105 N. Green St. 18-tf j jjr. and Mrs. Bernard Kinsala and „ _ . daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Charles °f Pensacola, Fl*., arrived in Mcaa ^bbaallee. ^PPeetteerr ^Aa.' FFrreeuunndd.' ^lpPhhoonnee i ^arso of Chicago spent a few days ?en*7 » ***"«* the last of the week in the Henry j visiting her_ parents, ___L | Kinsala home. 'the Math Schmitts, and otner rela- ; tives. ' Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Ritter of Chi- 614-R-l. of Mrs. Gertrude Ritter. POR SALE--Year-'round comfort andj Mr. and Mrs. John Keg and daugh economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- j ter and family of Chicago, former _ , , . ville Rock Wool Home Insulationi local residents, called on old friends Sunday in the home "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call j Sunday. LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda were ...... 36tf|. c allers in Crystal Lake on Sunday ^ ---- j afternoon. FOR RENT Mrs. Ed. Holle of Oak Park was (a Sunday caller in the home of her FOR RENT -- Either sleeping room parentSi Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conor four rooms, furnished. Year- W8y. The latter returned to the round house; hot water; oil heat. In cjty her daughter to spend a Golf Course subdivision. Adults dav. only. A. Foris, P. 0. Box 528, Mc- ' _ ^ Henry. *21 Davis of Chicago visited "Mrs. John E. Freund on Thursday. RINGWOOD WANTED (By Helen Johnson) Cadet Audrey Merchant of Elgin was home for the weekend. , Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Mrs. Paul Barbian and Mrs. G. L. Tuesday in Chicago. Alice Mae Low spent several days last week in the Charles Frey home Miss Lucille Simon, on vacation j at Blue Island. WANTED -- Marine needs extra lip j f™m .her d"ties at Bolter's drug j Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Helen for .45 automatic. Have you one you j *to™< 18 v*c^on1"* at„Mllto"' , Johnson spent Wednesday with would sell him? Phone McHenry! ,^,r' and Mrs- Ed. Moderhack and, friends in Waukegan. 132 W 21 jchlldren of Chicago were Sunday! The Ringwood Cemetery association __-- ' -- visitors in the home of relatives here. win meet at the home of Mrs. B. T. WANTED -- bottled gas hookup. Miss Elaine Landgren of St. Eliza-' Butler, Tuesday evening, Oct. 17. All Reasonable. Tel. McHenry 677-M-l. > beth's hospital, Chieago, spent the! who are interested in the cemetery. *21 weekend with her parents The Eugene Nye family of Mil- WANTED -- For marine, a .38 cal- j waukee, Wis., were weekend guests ibre revolvefr or .45 automatic, the latter preferred. Tel. 680-W-l. 21 LOST are urged to be present. Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mrs. Leo Karls of Richmond visited Mrs. Jenof relatives here. nje Bacon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty were Mrs. R. C. Harrison and Mrs. L. L. Woodstock visitors on Sunday. Smith spent from Monday Until Clayton Ohrwall, of the merchant Thursday in Chicago, where they at- LOST -- Doberman pup. Strayed! "^"nes- was a Sunday guest in the - tended the grand chapter of the Eastfrotn golf course subdivision. • Ed^ar ^an T dg"" hoTtle- j em Star. Child's pet. Reward. W. Aeverman, | _ Js- A> j* Butler of Chicago spent Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Box 171, West McHenry. *211 T1 a Monday with her parents, j family have moved to Crystal Lake. tnp Henry Heimers. Mrs. Heimer! Mr. Mrs. B. T. Butler visited ception for Mr. and Mr^ Henry Vogel at Richmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Atkin and Dotty Jean of Evanston called on Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard and Alice and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mej^. chant of Kenosha and Mrs. Charles Col^p and Suzanne .of McCullom Lake spent Sunday in the Ray Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens of Sycamore, Mrs. D. E. Bacion, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawley and Sue of Crystal Lake were callers in the Louis Hawley home Sunday. Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Greenwood spent Friday in the Geo. Shepard home. In the afternoon they called on Mrs. Nick Young of McHenry. S 1-c Roger Collins of Farragut, Idaho, Mrs. Collins and daughter and Mrs. LaRocco and daughter of Chicago were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Wednesday. Guests in the Beatty-Low hom^Jat a family gathering Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family <of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montayne and son of Woodstock, Pfc. Roland Jackson and Mrs. Jackson and Cynthia and Mr. ad Mrs. Walter Low. Alice and Marian Peet of Elgin were home for the weekend; Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. William McCannon called on Mrs. Georgia Thomas of Woodstock Saturday afternoon. The members of the Bunco club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ed. Thompson in McHenry Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Ray Merchant and Mae Wiedrich received the prizes. Cpl. P. C. Leonard spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon Wednesday. Mrs. George Harrison has returned home after spending several weeks with her daughter at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kattner- of Solon Mills were callers in the Ed. Bauer home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel of Richmond Sunday afternoon. Nancy and George Ainger of Greenwood spent Friday night and Saturday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Jean Frey of Blue Island is visiting in the Beatty-Low home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and Marian and Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison, Bruce and Cpl. Neil, were guests in the Glen Treon home at Crystal Lake for dinner Sunday. Mrs. R. C. Harrison artd Edyth were callers in Woodstock Saturday evening. ( Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger of Greenwood. »»»»»•» 'iin/V-'V vl • ' • V? J ».« I •Wk' t T T T T T T T T T T T SERVICE MEN and WOMEN TOMKA'S BAR-B-Q EXTENDS HARVEST GREETINGS AND AN INVITATION TO ALL LOCAL MEMBERS OF OUR ARMED FORCES IN UNIFORM OUR JFOOD SPECIALTIES, SEASONED AS ONLY WE KNOW . HOW, IS WHAT YOU'WS LONGED FOR WHILE AWAY. OF COURSE, IT WON'T BE LIKE HOME, BUT, NEXT TO HOME, WE'RE SURE YOU'LL LIKE IT BEST. YOU WILL BE WARML* WELCOMED BY A BUDDY AND YOUR LEAVE WILL BE MADE CHEERY WITH A 25 PER CENT RS. DUCTION FROM OUR REGULAR POSTED CEILING PRICES. J illrENUTNE SOUTHERN * HICfKORY BAR-B Q RIBS ' DEEP FRIED GOLDEN BROWN CHICKEN ^ LUSCIOUS THICK JUICY STEAKS -- DELICIOUS ITALIAN SPAGHETTI ' TASTY TANGY BAR-B-Q SANDWICHES * (French Fries Fresh With Each Order) WE SERVE BOTTLED BEER AND SOFT DRINKS MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT TOMKA'S BAR-B-Q 138 No* Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. AND DON'T FORGET We ARE OPEH DAILY and SUNDAY -- 4 P.M. Till 3 AJI. EXCEPT MONDAY AND THURSDAY--CLOSED ALL DAY LET US SOLVE YOUR GROUP AND PARTY PROBLEMS WE SPECIALIZE IN ORDERS TO TAKE OUT PHONE M'HENRY 422 * JUST ARRIVED HELP WANTED returned to the city on Monday afternoon with her daughter for a visit in the Butler home. 11 Mrs. Thomas Wood and daughter, WANTED -- Waitress for evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. High school girl for part time work acceptable. J Mrs. Robert Twomley of Woodstock, Town Club, Riverside Drive and j snent Friday visiting in the A. H. Pearl. Phone McHenry 12. 21 Mosher home. --I Mrs. Le«fer Page and Mrs. Flovd WANTED -- FIY.? AUTOMOBILE rw,H visaed i/the horT of T MECHANICS , ®,?DY f°rmer's sister, Mrs. Richard .Stenrelativ. es at Bloomington and Morton over the weekend. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday in the L. E. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family and Archie Biggers spent Sunday at Belvidere. The W. S. C. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. John Dickson at BirtKs LADIES' IN THE NEWEST SHADES iJSAC^BmC rDNEA^ERRRpho?e !^in ^az°a- last -ek. | Greenwood Friday," Oct. 20." ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 21. 1Qtf, Mr- and Mr»- Gerald Carey snent! Fred Wiedrich and Mae, Mr. and - _X j several Havs the past week in Wau- Mrs. Henry Stephenson, Mrs. Jack BELP WANTED -- Girl for foun-!ka^a' "V^18< . M Leonard, Mrs. Helen Johnson, Jack ' tain and general store work. Bolger's rs* *^°se Millar and Mrs. Ida j Brennan and Fred Wiedrich, Jr.t at- : Drug Store, McHenry. 13-tf^ . .1X ®?en* a _*^ay this past week vis-, tended funeral services for Ruben -------------- 1 itincr in Elgin. Turner at Solon Mills Sunday after- . WANTED--Draft exempt man for ! Mrs. Elmer Jensen was a Chicago | noon. War work. Apply Miller Products, j caller last Thursday, when she metl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and Phone 195. 39-tf her Husband upon his arrival home children of Woodstock called on Mr. after man" months spent in the | and Mrs. Walter Harrison Sunday afsouthwest Pacific. tcrnoon Mrs. J. Juergens was a caller in I the John E. Freund home on Tuesday afternoon. Mr*. Gordon Knox, who with her nsrents in Wood'+of]* her hnsbarH is overseas, visited relativp* hp**" last wp<>v. (> •The Mioses M^rv F^a ScW»r» r,f Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester are the p&rents of a son, born on Oct. 5 at the Woodstock hospital. The little fellow will answer to the name of Rex. Besides his parents, brothers and a sister welcome his arrival. Mrs. Hester is the former Emily Steffes. Mr. an£ Mrs. Henry Wohlert are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital on Oct. 4. Serviceman and Mrs. Michael Thill are the parents of their first child, a daughter, born last Friday morning, Oct. 6, at the Woodstock hospital. The youfig lady's father is now serving in England. Her mother is the former Miss Katherine Diedrich of this city. Mr. and Mrs, Bernhardt Jung are the parents of a daughter, born on Monday, Oct. 9,-at the Woodstock hospital. , * A son Was born on Saturday at the Woodstock hospital to Sgt. and Mrs. John Jones. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilkerson. MISCELLANEOUS CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED -- Wells & Nelson, 138 East Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lakej 111. Phone Crystal Lake 909-R or Cary 4763. *21-4 FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSULATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, Peo- ... pie's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside! ^>VP° . ^ week. Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry 211-J. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dojlars is the least we pay for dead horses and cow? in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse thp charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let u« dispose of your garbage each wepk. or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular yeaT round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf FORD-FERGUSON TRACTORS and IMPLEMENTS-- Swanaon-StacWer Motors. Woodstock Phone 851. 18-tf -HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto LialvHty and Property Damage rates? They will purpriMyon. Ask u« for insurance rates. The Kent To., Meilenry. Phone 8. 27-tf The •Jffisert. r<n<* ; *.T"^ Miss Helen Bilstian of Chicago was a weekend guest in the Ed Bauer homo. . * Bobette Cristv and friend of Evanston spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cristv. Need Rubber Stamps ? The Plaindealer. v0rdfr.;*|:j AUCTION Having decided to dispose of my | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich a fed j dairy, account of my health, will sell I' children called on Mrs. Arthur Shultz 1 at auction to be held 3 miles west of ij and children of Richmond Sunday af- j State Route 63, on the old Voloternoon. j McHenry black top road, 1V& miles ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Chi-! east of State Route 176 on the old" Kmsala and Lncillp . Steffi cago visited in the John Skidmore [ Volo-McHenry black top road, 2 miles : i i * mi" I orso ^rtTrie !n Chicago home over the weekend. ( west of the Wishing. Well tavern on1, ?!^l_ ««dar. _ | Mr- and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and | the intersection oi/xhe State Route Mr. ""d M»s, A V daughters '.and Miss Green of Chi-; 63 and the old Yolo-McHenry black tb«. . nt nf .tt^'rjrveo visited in the S. W. Smith home top road. f -n. Mpr«vn in Sunday. ' WEDNESDAjY, OCTOBER 18 1 :.'}0 p. m. Sharp Other Stylei, Biles 12-52 $16.75 to $24.75 GOATS FOR CHILDREN CHESTERFIELDS AND 0THE& STYLES . $7.50 and up Men's Sweaters No Sag No Pull When the leaves start to turn in th® fall, a man just naturally turns to his sweaters--and we've the ones he wants, pull-overs, cardigans, long sleeves and sleeveless--all in 100 per cent wool--for work and for sports. $2.98 to $5.98 33 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 16 MILK COWS,(Consisting of IIolsteins, Guernsey and Swiss; 3 fresh cows; 2 close springers; 3 cows that will freshen in January or February, A L^ertwifl® is i yi the making. If plans of the pporsors,Wayne R. Gratz and Walter j P. Steiner. are carried to complc?tion ' it will be in operation by latee spring ^ or early summer. Inasmuch »s the twnosed site is within the village! limits the* sponsors s?ked members! *>f the village board at their meet- j ,ing last week to grant nermission to establish the air base, which would Ibe known as Libertyville Air Park. | 'tvp MooM cn .fVo I ,-Miss Marian Haw'ey snent the Pry rivet- .rr<> '.lpnvinrr «or>n for ] wekend with Helen Ruth Butler at Ppn Antonio, r»^pr.r> j Bl^ominf^^n. nl-nn'nr +v.f» fv,r^ J Loren Harrison spent Thursday afwill return to McHenry about Aprilj ternoon nt Morton Grove. " ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., Mr. rii'1 Mrr Mrs. Jack Leonard and Hel«n Tohn- Mr. and Vernon Plafter of Ra-1 son attended the golden wedding, re- ' balance milking and to freshen in M ^ M a r c h ; 2 H o l s t e i n h e i f e r s , l f i m o n t h s old; 2 Swiss heiftrs, 14 months old; Guernsey and Ayershirc mixed, 16 months old; good 2-year old Holstein stock bull. Average test herd is 3.7 and is producing six cans of milk at present. These cows are larfro in type and in weight and Mr. Gottschajk has never bought a cheap cow--he has always bought the best. SHEEP---5 3-year-old ewes; 4 1- vear-old owes; 3 lambs; registered Cheviot buck, with napers. 1 needlevalve milking machine, one year old. with motor. Milk cans and pails. TERMS; All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, onequarter down, balance in six (G) monthly payments. Other arrangements may be made with the Clerk No property to be removed until settled for. LEWIS GOTTSCHJ/T FROELICH & WICK, Aawtloaetrs GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE CLEANERS 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104'M STYLED FOR ACTIVE Works well 011 the job . . .this sturdy jacket ... # superbly made of fine leatlH r, fanious for its pliaflt & smoothness and weaving qimlitv.^ • $9.75 to GLADSTONE'S j GREEN St. Phone 182 M'HENRY • 'm MMk

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