Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1944, p. 6

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fi|i Six ^ • • Beeswax (!iei' Beeswax is being utilized tor m> thipery coating in warm climates fhm the oil will not stay on the Machinery. It is also used for den- •"; -"ial work and model machinery de- Signing. s * • "4' « THE McHEHSY PLAnrDXAUCX P*?R Kerosene Expfads Place the kerosene «tove so that , the fuel tank is not ne «r a hot stove, ; radiator, hot-air reg'rter, or in the ; sun. Air inside a tr ok subjected to such heat expands «nd causes the kerosene to overflo v onto the floor. Milk Flow Cat It is lack of food and not the flies and heat which are responsible for the reduction in milk production during the summer months, according to South Dakota experiment station dairymen (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) us. FROM ILLINOIS be principal speaker, at a Republican ; OPERA HOUSE 7:30 O'clock OTHER SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE FROM THIS DISTRICT, DISTIN GUISHED VISITORS AND THE M'HENRY COUNTY CANDIDATES. THIS MAY BE THE LAST PUBLIC MEETING IN THIS COUNTY BEFORE THE ELECTION AND CITIZENS, BOTH MEN AND WOMEN, ARE URGED TO ATTEND. ^ MEETING HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE " M Henry Co. Republican Central Committee HENRY L COW LIN, CHAIRMAN (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) Assure EVERiASTING PEACE Protect Yourself and Your Children Against the Horrors :Lf. ; Civilized humanity cannot endure the atony of another World War. PREVENT IT NOW-safefeuard America-vote for Scott W. Lucas, the able, experienced Leader wh° proved that he will fifcht for a REAL International Organization to keep bandit peoples from again deluging the earth with the blood of millions^ innocent people. YOU DARE TAKE NO CHANCES! ' K single Isolationist vote in the Senate might block all efforts to establish » lasting Peace! Prevent that unthinkable ! Go the P°Us on November 7 and do YOUR part to re-elect Scott W. Lucas to the United Statif Senate. r Republicans Urged To Vote for LUCAS From the Pekin Daily Times: •' "Every lllinoisan knows that^Sens*- TRIR CROTT \V. LUCAS IS all out, 100 per S^qualifiedly and unwaveringly for world peace. fiecause of this the Times expects to reason with its Republican readers, and in the name of their sonswho ha died, or of those sons for whom they have present desperate fears, the Times expects to ask Republicans thw year to put the fate of the worM above politics, and vote this fall for SCOTT LUCAS." From the Chicago Daily New* (a Republi- V'A. a man, on the issue., on h» courate and independence, wa .up. port Scott W. Luca». Political Advertisement. LILY LAKE """""" W*> wish you . .peedy recovery, Mm Grooms. Included in our "casualty list" for this week is Freddie Swoboda. Fredie has been in bed the last few days with a swollen knee, received playing football in Wisconsin with the McHenry hig-h school team. Hattie Einspar made a trip tof Chicago Wednesday to see her new granddaughter, Elizabeth Mary Einspar. .Elizabeth Mary's, daddy is in the navy. In spite of wartime restrictibns there is som^T building going on in Lily 'Lake. The Hyatts are building .„ , . - . , a new garage with their son's help, will be awarded. As a piece de re- and we see a new garage at the Ansistance they offer the "Sentimen- ] derson's. Well, we've got to keep tal Hawaiian#^ Come on out for those chug-buggies running over the 'I It •»• > I 'I' 'I 'I' 'I .1..}. .I. .I. .}•» ».|.» (By Evelyn Lavin) * ~ ' ,. Hi There, Neighbors! ' GobKns and witches will really be rampant around !Lily Lake for the next few weeks. With two large masquerade parties planned we'll never know quite what to expect when we venture out at night. The Lilymoor Land Owners Improvement Association is sponsoring a Hallowe'en dance next Saturday night at the Lilymoor Country Club. Prizes the fun, folks. Tlien, on Tuesday afternoon of the thirty-first, the kiddies will have their affair. Costumes winter. Sons, brothers, and husbands, of this community, in the service overare in order. Refreshments will be 8eas, will be well remembered this served through the generosity of the j coming Christmas. The Lily Lake Lily Lake P. T. A. i Ladies League, the Lilymoor Land Headquarters for servicemen at the lake this past week seems to have been the Corbin home. Mr. Corbin's nephew, Corporal William Yohana, hcs been here from Camp Rucker, Alabama, for the week. Sunday, Owners Association, and the Lily Lake P. T. A. are all sending boxes to their members and relatives in the service. The Lily Lake Ladies League asks, its Chicago members to send in the names of their rela- Radioman Daniel Sargis of the Mer- (tives who are still serving in the chant Marine, Indiana Harbor; came States, so that they may be included out to help them eat a delicious | in their list of gifts to be sent withpheasent dinner, topped with pumpkin pie. We're sure that, if the Whole menu were published, the Corbins would have a line of servicemen clear down to the highway for dinner next Sunday. in the United States. TSU next week then, friends! Thursday, October 26, IS CHURCH SERVICES! Cat-tails for Down ' "Typha," the botanical name for TL* J i, - , „ , cat-tails, is also the naime being giv- Mr and Mrs. Joseph Yeager drove en to fluff processed from the cafe to Chicago Sunday to help celebrate! tail seed, now recognized as a highly the golden weddiip anniversary of acceptable stuffing floss. Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Viggberg. ; farmers are scattering the s(?ed to This beautiful October weather promote greater growth in order to proved irresistible to Mrs. Harold cash ^ oia the present demand fdf Miller. Mrs. Miller spent Wednesday t down. and Thursday at the Krieger home. We have not seen as much as we would like of the Millers since Harold joined the Coast Guard. Value of Buttermilk Buttermilk should become a regular wartime diet of the American C P . O . a n d ' M r s . E l m e r J e n s e n o f P e o p l e , a c c o r d i n g t o f e d e r a . " l i e a l t h McHenry were entertained Sunday i authorities. Buttermilk is superior to . curooi m ill* in if r*rr»»vi Kni at dinner by the Charles Normands. sweet milk in that it promotes bet- Between eating, taking snapshots, i ter enzyme action/resulting in betaanndd lliisstteenniinngg ttoo EEllmmeerr"ss vveerryv iinntteerr--1 *r~e*r digestion. Its high lecithin gcoun- esting tales, we enjoyed a memorable; 15 makes it an ideal beverage, day. C. P. O. Jensen spent nineteen Fe,w Peo f ple* °re ,aw*r?. that months in the southwest Pacific on valu f e ln f°rm"las f°r t ba^les suf?er" the island of Espiritu Santo, New fr°m ^1gest1ve ciisturhanees has Hebrides. • bee" w,e 1 establlshed- .While m Qim/jatr „ ,, , • | metropolitan, areas the price factor Wrfiigp-hhtt " antt tthh®e Toward/I TL3a nnes»' Jh1o0m1"e6 : is not of prime importance, in rural distri ts and near butter_making Enjoying supper there were Mr. and j pIanls' buttermilk can be secured rs. Veazie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J a cost far below that of whole Zimmerman of Pistakee Bay, Mrs. milk. Much of the present supply Kay Krause of Chicago, J. Wauer of: Df buttermilk is now b»ing used in Delavan Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | powdered form. Alter tne war this Seyferth of Lily Lake and Mr. and | source of cooking ingredient will be Mrs. Maurice Mentch of Racine. J available to .the public in unlimited- Palatine residents are certainly • quantities. ' * missing their former neighbors, the j Andrew Andersons. Visiting them ' ------ this week were Mr. and Mrs. Hin- j Synthetie Quinine After 88 Years ricks and their daughter-)in-law and After more than 88 years of search Mr. and Mrs. Vacek and Barbara.! by leading chen,ists of ^ WQrld Also, down Sunday from Harvard, i including Pasteur, a process for syrv were Mr. and Mis. Tom Hill cele- thesiZing quinine totally has been St. Mary's Cithollr Chvdi Masses: . Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Holy Days: 6:00; ft^OO; 10:00. Week Days: 6:46 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00. Confessions: » Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8:00 Mass on Thursdays 8:00 p. 0i. and 7:91 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. l&Patrick's Cathode Clartl Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00,10:00 and 11:00 Weekdays: 7*50. yirst Fridays: 7:80. On First Friday Communioa tributed at. 6:80, 7:00 and before _ and durinz the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. and 7:'J0 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before Mrst Friday 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:0fl tr •; Rev. Wm. A. 0*Rourlte, pa»tot, St. John's Catholic Charch, Johnabarg Masses: Sunday: 8:00 10:00. ;f : '• Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:9ft, Weekdays: 8:00. 5 i ^ Firsv Friday: 8 ;00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80." ' Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:30. Rev. A. J, Neidert, pastor. Wasting War Feed & More than 150 million pounds meat is lost annually due to bruise! that animals receive before slaugty ^r- Bang's disease costs another 39 million dollar loss and a 50 million dollar loss results from cattle gruhte Dairy mastitis costs one-quarter of the possible milk production. brating Mrs. Anderson's birthday. Many happy returns, Louise. \ Mr. and Mrs. Irving Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierotti made the "hot perfected by two 27-year-old American chemists. Robert B. Woodward and William E. Doering, after only 14 months of concerted effort, have sppts" in Milwaukee Saturday in j announced the new rriethod, which honor of Mrs. Ellis' birthday. While J is being made available to "the pul> in Milwaukee, they took occasion to j lie. visit Mrs. Ellis' two sisters, Mrs.! Of particular importance at the Ernest Kauss and Mrs. Howard Taylor. A very happy birthday to you, Mrs. Ellis. present time is the possibility that the new process will be able to re* place the vast store of quinine- Mrs. John Peschke, Mr. and Mrs.;, lost when the Japanese took the Robert Miller and daughter, Marilyn,! Netherlands East Indies. all of Oak Park, paid Bernie and: Not only did Woodward and Doer* Esther Peschke & Sunday visit. ; in8 duplicate quinine .but in addition. Robert Corsi from Salem, Wis.i j created an entirely new substance, and Dominic Schiavoni from Chicago! optical isomer of quinine. If spent the weekend with their aunt the new product is found to have the and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent | therapeutic properties of the natural Schiavoni. j or synthetic quinine, the combined We are very glad to learn that, anti-malarial substances would be Mrs. Lorriane Garrison is recovering' much easier to produce because it so well from the third degree burns Would not be necessary to separate phe received when her blouse caught f^e synthetic quinine from the fire as she was lifting a pan from i®01*161"- her stove. I - " •' -- Mrs. Laurence Grooms is in the Need Rubber Stamps? Order at Woodstock hospital for an operation, j The Plaindealer. . Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church John St. Ear,t of Highway 31 West McHenry, 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. t A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill your heart with hope and courage. Services 9 a.m. Sunday School .10 a.m. "Christ Our Only Talking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--W. G. N., 2:39 p.m. *' Com inanity Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship 3ervice: 11:00 a.m. Junior League: 6:80 p. ne" Epworth League: i^00 p. m. Rev. Mack Powell, pastor. . DS. R. DeROME . - -- Dentist -- 129 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Honrs: 10 a.m. to S y.wi. daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 p.m. Other hoars by appointment. Office Honrs--Daily Except Thnra. 19 to 12,1:30 to 4:39, Mem, Wed. Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Honrs by AppotatmaM • H. S. VAN DENBURGH, DC, PfcC Chiropractor 120 Green St Tel. 292-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebron 926 * • IfiEL. WONDER LAKE 418 WjL C. X. Wi^KIllS % - Dentist1 . * Office Hours - Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.«. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, lit '•« • ••••• • wmmm m DE. H. 8. FIX* Veterinarian 305 l^abkegan St. Aenc 81 McHENRY, ILL. Fhan* 48 t St. Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. - Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: tf:00. Confessions: •; * Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday: 8:8d and 7.15. ' , .KCT John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Wonder Lake Ev. I.uth. Church (Missouri Synod) , Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services--3:00 p. in. H L. PFOTENHAUER, Pastor Grace Lutheran Church Richmond Sunday School: 10:30 a. ra. \dult Service: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, pMtor. . Ringwood Church . 1 Ringwood, 111. Sunday--Public worship, 9:S0. Church Schocl, 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday eve- •iing. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. Vernon J. Knox ATIORNEY AT LAW -- OFFICE HOURS -- • Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHeiiry .... Jllinote Telephone No. 300 Stoffel &. Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS IvM INSURANCE ^ EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 Or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry O O A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHER Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive - McHENRY, ILL. Come and Bring Your Friends to the HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY AND DANCE Sponsored by the LILYMOOR PRGjPERTY LAND OWNERS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 at $ P. M. at the * LILYMOOR BEACH and COUNTRY CLUB HOUSE on Route 120, East of McHenry Dance to the tunes of the ' SENTIMENTAL HAWAIIAN^" ' . REFRESHMENTS . . DANC1N© PRIZES . FUN GALORE ADMISSION 60e, INCLUDING TAX Children under 12 years, Free • I' Sailors, Soldiers and Marines who will be home on leave for Saturday night, Oct. 28, are cordially invited to attend this, party free, as guests of this association. All men in uniform, not accompanied by sweethearts, will be provided with a nice pretty girl by our entertainment committee... Don't forget the time and date, Oome and have a hilarious time. « McHENRY LODGE A. F. & A. M. McHenry Lodge No. 168 meets the first and third Tuesdays of eflch plonth at the hall on Court street. HUGH A. DENEEN, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois ' State of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. In the Matter of the Petition of Frank John Rosinski, Josephine Rosinski, Ruth R. Rosinski and Joan Rosinski. Petition for Leave to Change Names. ' Public notice is hereby given, that on the 20th day of November, A. D. 1944, the undersigned will file a petition in said Court asking that each be given the legal right to change their respective names and of assuming and being known by the said changed names as follows: from Frank John Rosinski to Frank John Ross, from Josephine Rosinski to Josephine Ross, from Ruth R. Rosinski to Ruth R. Ross, and from Joan Rosinski' to Joan Ross. FRANK JOHN ROSINSK% JOSEPHINE ROSINSKI, ^ RUTH R. ROSINSKI, JOAN ROSINSKI, a minor by Frank John Rosinski, her father. (Pub. Oct. 12-19-26) McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 608-R-J -- One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all occasions! O. Care of Lawns | While close clipping is never I advisable for lawns, this is a point that is doubly important during wartime when only a very limited , amourtt of plant food is available | for the feeding of lawns and other : ornamental vegetation. Clip the j grass high, setting the mower so ! that the grass is cut no shorter than | 1% inches. Keep the lawn free of ; weeds by constant hand-weeding | and see that it is given a balanced i plant food. It may be necessary to I reseed bare and thin spots from time to time. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. JOHN F. BRDA SHEET METAL WORK K^lrnaces, Pipe, Fittings and Gutters 101 N. Green St^ McHenry r Phone 243-R A. P. Freund Co Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building-- Tel 204-M McHenry, III. S, H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry C «v Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Fillir.g . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT lohnsbwf P. O.--McHenry • l WANTED TO BUY ' We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES ft CATTLE '."TV 1 , .

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