Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1944, p. 7

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r, October 26, 1944 &<* <%1 V ; V . , . ^ , ^ N T k',< V * ' •_ j<fe»iL.'.tthyufcg* i3i .-o^fi -" .>_r:.«to McHEHBY PUUNDKALXS KNOLLWOOD "By "Yardstick" • Greetings, folks! give you We join your parents and many friends in wishing you the heat of lock, 6 1/e Raymond Deskis," < ' v -v;"- 4 . •V<W.' i . News Along Fountain Li«e All day Sunday Lee Sawdo has I been singing the did popular ditty, 'Where has my little dog gone?" His doy, "Skipper," has been AWOL ' forget, the baby's name will be Paall day and no trace of him any-j mela Jean. Congratulations and where. Otto and Emma Pyritz, too, many happy returns of the day to Mr and Mrs. E. Wagonseller were i tallers at McKim's on Sunday. Their ship contained at the time of closing home has been sold to P. Howard. on Tuesday evening, six hundred ail(i Mr. and Mrs. Mike Artery and fifteen • names, the largest number children,"spent Sunday .at their'home; ever ^fore registered here. also Mr. and Mrs. P, Klewin spent, John Wirfs, who is clerking f#r the day out here,. Fred Sauer, in Elgin, was visiting Mrs. Musynski became grandma with his parents here on Sunday. cated on the Terra Cotta road, passedJ The register of»voters in this town- away at his late home on Tuesday proudly announce the arrival of a I by Mr and Mrs Crick, opened for1 day last week. Milk fever we believe Frisby brothers whose farm is lo- 7 pound 9% ounce granddaughter,) business last Friday. was the cause, born Saturday at 5:45 p. m., at the Swedish Covenant hospital in Chicago. The baby's mama, Shirley Munroe, is doing nicely. Papa Ed. Munroe is having a hard time shopping for r box of cigars. Lest we morning, following a long illness. City Council Proceedings . v f ^ flf* BtfMr -J Same Distance Mexico City aad Rio de Janeiro are the same distance from Sew York city. Council Room, Oct. 16, 1944 The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor were busy searching, not for "Skip-' you folks. We also extend our!*or t|ie.third tl™e Saturday. A baby Miss Alice Bennett, who has" been Overton presiding. Aldermen presper," but for "Boots," their cat, who congratulations to Grandpa and J\ut£ter Mr- and Mrs. spending the past eight months with ent: Buss, Freund, Nye, Regner. likewise was AWOL. After an all Grandma Muszynski. I^d Musynski, Saturday, Oct. 21, at her sist«r. Mrs. J. T. Sorenson, atTonyan. Absent: -Ferwerda. day fruitless search they returned! A • • , ,. . ^ the Swedish Covenant hospital Chicago. ^veryhome. Next'day "Boots" returned; from the MeCullom~Lake, West Shore tweie-hed 7 •**«* "tv,! *.I.uV "^kipper" is aftill among the j Beach, North Shore and Lake wood j fon^er Shirley Gates'. is the in Racine, Wis., has been suffering with pneumonia for the past two weeks. ! but ! missing. -i Community clubs was held Sunday at, T, • i , a ,, Sunday visitors «t the home of!the Derr cottage for the purpose of! Mj-S- Idziak (Agnes Musynski) ar- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz were Mr. j forming a united body to tackle any • n Tuesday from Greenboro FORTY YEARS AGO and Mrs. Arthur Pfaff, Mr. and Mrs.' problem which may confront the | No. Car., after spending a The bank cottage is now occupied few by Henry Meyers and family, they Motion by Regner, seconded by Freund, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motioned carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Freund, authorized Mayor Overton to sign contracts submitted by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinati. Herman Krueger of Chicago, their j Property owners on McCullom Lake. J™ Aer - husband, _ navmg moved into it yesterday. ^ noiseffe^tinTa reduetZin oo«t niece, June, and her baby of Cinein-jThe idea was most enthusiastically! W*iak» has left for over- Our new lighting system makes; , streGt H • M 'accepted by all the delegates of the seas' ; the store as hg-ht as day. You can I ^htmg and pumping. Moabove mentioned clubs. I v Mrs, Palm, Sr., and daughter have colors, at night at M. J. Walsji's.' " Mrs 41 Horn', o-ift A# » V«.«tlf,,l'dosed their home fpr the winter. Henry Brefeld, the barber, lias Rfports of standing committees salad bowl and JLm ,nH Mr Jo They enjoyed it so much since early ^oved his family into the N. J. Jus- ai»* appointive officers were received, sseepohh BBrruuiilleettttee"ss .griifftt ooff aa S5-po-unnd,m indspring...l»°use "on Waukegan street, re-v Motion by Nye, seconded by Buss, chest of chocolates contributed t<*» the | soon success of the McCullom Lake Com S, 1/c RAYMOND DESKIS I Grandma Annie Sawdo is with us [ again, but we are sorry to say that it will be" only for a week.' She is , leaviig next Sunday for Sturgeon Bay* She has had a busy week visiting her many friends and relatives ; in Chicago. j munity club's party at Horn's Lounge last Sunday. Nice people, say we! Weekend visitors at the Horns' home were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Janda and their son, William, of Berwyn. The Jandas received a letter from their son, S. Sgt. Robert Janda, telling them of his , safe ar- George and Betty baumbeck have made great progress in giving their new home that lived-in look. Hanry and Myrtle Fet7 spent a > • : quiet Sunday at their cottage. This smiling sailor is one of our Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schmidt reyoungest men in the service and is port that it will be months before «t present stationed on Munda Island, j we c&11 hope to see their lovely I r'val somewhere in France. This was S 1/c Raymond Deskis attended daughter, Wave Jean "Toots," in her i welcome news to these two parents St. George grade school, De LaSalle new uniform. Ifs going to be a long; an<^ •I80 to Grandma Horn, wfao is lligh school in Chicago and St. Paul wait for us, Jean. We all wish you very proud of her grandson. Seminary in Epworth, Iowa. He is luck with your studies at Hunter • On East Lane 19 years old, entered service in College. | Mr. and Mrs. Kazimer Zablocki en- Karch 1944. On completion of his, Willard and Therese Schultz were; tertained Mr. and Mrs. Lewandowski, basic training at Farragut, Idaho, he with us over the weekend. "Zeke" | Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gruszka over the Was assigned to duty in the South-; had a lot of luck squirrel hunting i weekend at their cottage here. Ciotka •est Pacific, where he is at present but it was ali bad. I Hanka remained in Chicago with the •erving as Electrician's Mate. His; On Hickory Drive J canary. idvorite sports are football and twse-; Grandpa and Grandma Ed. Derrj There was joy in th* Ncrstad home last Sunday. The* reason for it was the return of their hero son, Pfc. Pe- Twice To 14 Talti cently va'cated by C. D. Schoomaker, to adjourn. Motion carried. S. S. Chapell shipped his house-j EARL R, WALSH, City Clerk, hold goods to Chicago yesterday, .*• R, I. OVERTON, Mayor, where he will make his future home, haviiig been made secretary the ChapeH Milk Co.. THIRTY YEARS AGO .. . . . . V i t a m i n S o u r c e Meat is one of the richest sources of the B-cornpiex factor--niacin. KEEP THEM GROWING! • Help chicks and young birds grow and develop. Give them TONAX in " their mash. Especially after an *rt*r\ any disease. And as a tonic and conditioner. Contains mild astringents to help relieve Enteritis; also blood building at*, roents. Tonax helpa control intesdaal parasites. It provides trace minerals «•"< reliable gimwlanti. For layers too. Inexpensive and convenient. 24b. can enough for 400 chidcs foe a month, 73c Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry SIXTY YEARS AGO (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) -•'•'•••v. • .* ' ' . J '•'V Ri- W» Ire Wiuiig Ik* WAR... aid will wia tin PEACE with FBANKLIM D. ^ROOSEVELT as MI PrtsiieaL with SCOTT W. ear United Stales Seaaier aad THOMAS J. •COURTNEY ' a> o«r Geveraer ;"" v * : ; ^zlatd Hoover depression whipped... Banks saved, de- Eosits protected... One million farm and city omes saved from foreclosure... Farm income, national income and employment at an all-time high . . . Wartime farm prices guaranteed against collapse ... Cost of living controlled, distribution oi food and essentials equalized. *» Labor's rights upheld and advanced. . Job surance and old age pensions established,*. Working conditions bettered, wages raised . .. Business made to prosper ... The nation mobilized with utmost speed to win the greatest war in history... Grateful treatment of veterans assured.«v * Leader in the fight for national defense... prior to Pearl harbor .. .Voted and worked for every prepardness measure siqce then... Championed the interests of the farmer, the small business man, the service man, the underprivileged . . . Almost single-handed forced through cash loans for farmers, obtained increased machinery allotments ... Sponsored and fought for G. I. Bill of Rights.. . Coauthored Federal Soldier Vote Bill and led fight to prevent its complete defeat by G.O.P. reactionaries ... An outstanding statesman whose voice speaks with judgment and authority for the middle west... Achieved national fame for ridding Chicago awl Cook County of vicious criminal gangs ... Sent the notorious Roger Touhy and his gang to iprison ... Smashed gangster rule ... Stamped out kidnapping ... Drove gunmen out of unions ... Broke up the phony bond racket... Smashed the arson ring ... Broke up automobile thieving rings and cut auto theft insurance rates in half ... Eliminated the "fix" in prosecutions ... Cut operating costs of State's Attorney's office $1,000,000 . . . Courageous and independent State's Attorney fw j?»ata aa& State Senator for six years... ' Mea <i fufnliaM, Fnvea AMHy »ad h. Vote for ROOSEVELT, LUCAS, COCRT» KEY aad tkafar raaaiaf mates. NOVEMBER 71k. ffefc DEMOCRATIC Hfli ynrtiKanit paU far tgr lb Pintrrtlt Mate Ctrnfrti Committee, Bt KicWts II• tat, 8pr»rl«M, IltiM&s ter Nerstad of the U. ^ Marines, who has been in the Southwest Pacific for twenty-one months. He has been wounded in action and spent a month in a naval hospital in San Francisco. We- all welcome you Peter, and hope that yoiT enjoy your 30-day leave. On West aLne Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reimer enjoyed a quiet Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaminski were out making '"whoopee" last Saturday night at a spot on Snug Harbor. The McHenry Cornet band have sent for four new instruments, and | are now practicing almost every ; night. The band is composed of i thirteen pieces and has the material I for one of the best bands in the I county. - "E...E. Bassett, who during the past ten ^ears has been the rural letter | carrier from the West side postoffice, is the newly appointed postj master for the West McHenry office, , having received his appointment from | Washington two weeks ago. I Ground was broken recently for the foundation of a new bungalow which is to be erected by F. E. Covalt just west of his present home on : Waukegan street. j The Borden -Milk company eon- | tracted for their winter's supply of | milk on Tuesday at the following j prices: October, $1.75; November, , $1.85; February, $1.75; March $1.65; average, $1.78 1-3. Center ^street is being graveled. A very much needed improvement. ' :• ;< & TWENTY YEARS AGO Joe Nix who-has had chaijte of The Blaine and Logan marching club was organized on Monday evening at Heim6r's hall, and elected the the A & P store here since its lofollowing officers: Captain, J. Van cation in this city, has been trans- Slyke; First Lieutenant, Henry C. ferred to Chicago. His place here Mead; Second Lieutenant, P. S. Mar- has been taken by Albert Barbian. tin; Orderly Sergeant, John Brents. The stage of water in Fox river Jacob Bishop is building a new {has been unusually low during the = i._. ^ barn, 16x24, on his premises in the past week or more. This condition Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hollacher were! noi"th part of the village. has been brought about because of out this week and enjoying t&e nice | Carpenter has sold his black- the removal of the flash boards in weather. , smith and wagon shop to Henry the dam south of this city. On Knoll wood Drive ' ; Simes. Rev. B. W. Wentworth is the newly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Connor had i .• V-_appointed pastor of the M. E. church as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Connor, Mrs. Marie Loitz, Miss Katherine O'Connor of Chicago and Pfc. Russell Lee, on leave from an army camp in California. On Orchard Drive . ,|Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Wortman were out over the weekemL^tyj^ieir cotj tage. "Chuck" leftTor Chicago STorP ! day with a few kinks in his back i fjapm laying some new floor coverj ings. The old gray mare ain't what I she used to be. Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolin enjoyed the company of their lovely daughter, Eilene, and her husband, MM 2/c Robert Goodwin of the U. S. Navy, last Sunday. The Sunday Passing Parade Otter Ebert in hiding. Why ? . -fMetsch and his peaches. Chester Sheriff laying a smoke screen. Ed. Doran: The drinks ar? on me, you guessed it. H20. Hy Hall taking home the bftcoft* Special Notice * Boys and girls, next Tuesday at 5 p. m. is the time the hay rack will leave Horn's Corner for a ride to McHenry and back, then a parade to the beach where a weiner and marshmallow roast will be held with ice cream, , candy and soft ' drinks aplenty for all. To take part in^his fun you must register with Ann Horn. This gala Halloween party is all free and is sponsored by the McCul- ! lom Lake Community club and under the personal supervision of Otto Pyrits. Put on your funniest costume and bring along all the noisemakers you can carry, but, above all, dress warm. We wish to assure the parents of the children attending that every effort will be made to insure your child a good time and a safe return -to their home. Please dress them in^ warm ^lothjng under their costumes" so they don't catch cold. .ADIOS FIFTY YEARS AGO For Truck and Passenger Cars FIRESTONE TIRES AVD TUBES We have a complete stock of both passenger ai^ truck tires/,.. • You can now have your tires retreaded without an OPA order. Bring them in. TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING Trade in your old battery on a new FIRESTONE. We allow $2.00 for your old one. in this city, he having been elected -- to fill the McHenry charge at the Jacob Bonslett had the misfortune Rock River conference held last week. to lose a valuable Jersey cow one Edward M. Frisby, one of tlie two W A R T I M l i b I A S r O R P O U L T R Y M I N OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M'HENRY PHONE 294 Keep fall and winter egg production your 100 Eggt In On* toy vu the high tint reached Dy allacc Matthews' 195 hen flock. His Opsulc-type poultry Water warmer was a Contributing factor McCULLOM LAKE (By Marie McKim) We Were pleasantly . surprised when our son, Allan McKim, S 1/c, 'called us at almost midnight, Oct. 11, ' telling us to pick Mm un, that he | was at Crystal Lake. We did not ! expect him until the last of October, j He left Oct. 18 to return to the | Naval Air station in the south. | Guests at our home on Sunday, Oct. 115, who came to celebrate his leave. ' were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Housel of Pearl City, 111.. Mr. and Mrs. G. Boyle and daughter, Pat, Mrs. Ar- ! nold and Mrs. E. Boyle, all of Elmi wood Park; also Mr. and Mrs. Westphaln and Mrs. Smith of Chicago, j Much obliged to you. Yardstick, for the nice article about Allan in your ! column. A nice job you are doing. Mrs. Richard Nimtz and daughter, Gerry, visited itheir Sailor Dick Nimtz, I? 1/c, over the weekend. While Dorothy Bowler'a husband is in se^ce she. her young son and mother, Mrs. Bowler, are living here i permanently. -i Miyard Mrs. John Woods intend to I spend the winter at their home here. } Mr. and Mrs. S. Hu*ka received a card from their son. Stephen. S 2/c, last week, telling them he was fine ! but not to expect any word from I him for about eighteen days, j Robert Sales, S 2/c, has been sta- \ tioned in the east for some time.' He j has a New York APO address. He. has been assigned to a Liberty ship. : Bob is a gunner. • j The new Boyal Blue store, owned y\fATtR WARMER TSe Keep die eggs coating when die pricet ste highest--that's the way to make more profits from your flock. Although fall and winter months generally bring a slump in egg production, there are several easy tricks you can use 6n your layers to keep them working harder than ever to fill Unde Sara's egg quota, to increase your poultry earnings. One is night-lighting which lengthens the hens' laying day. Another is poultry Water warming which keeps water at a drinkable temperature of 50" during cold weather and thils encourages your flock to drink more of the water that builds more and bigger eggs. If you don't already have a poultry water warmer, you can easily make one in a short time from the plans below. The Momence High School Ag students in the "How-To- Build-J|" scenes below, constructed theirs at t total cost of only 5 0c--chances are that you have enough odds and ends lying aroundi your place to fill the material bill. How «• build a POULTRY WATER WARMER MATIIIAIS I* Lunber Porcelain socket aad Tin can . wbberized «*d Light balb Stwdast Build a box from lumber, install and wire sockct. Cut both ends from DO can and place over socker and bulb. Pack sawdust insulation around can. Provide a perch according to plans, place pail on warmer. plug in --that's aB! • PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NOItTHIRN IlllNOlS ..r'T -v • : s - ,

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