Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1944, p. 8

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%BE McHENRY PLAINDEALKa Society Notes ****************** fW Progrtm Planned By The Movers' Club ^ The next meeting of the Mothers dub will be held on November 10 < Olsen. Elaine and John Vycital, Jean, decorations in the rooms and the games played were in keeping With the Hallowe'en season. A wieflVr roast was greatly enjoyed by the children and the guest of honor was prtsented with many attractive gifts. Attending were Joel Martin, Carol MARY ANN DIEDRICH BECOMES THEBRIDE -t- OF LEONARD THENNE3 As lovely as the bright autumn day was the marriage last Saturday, Oct. 28, of Miss Mary Ann Diedrich and Joan and Billy Weber and Carol Lee Leonard Thennes. The 9:30 o'clock Vogel. Others present in the Bassett home that afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel and son, Eugene and -son, Donald, McHenry. * • • Local Couples Last Week at the home of Mrs. Paul Schwerman iT"^ T -v, j * n 'uv Ti M Elm street. Guests on the pro, of Woodstock and Mrs. Harold\yeitol (ram will be Mrs. George Kleinhans, who will give several readings, and Mrs. Donald Blount, vocal soloist. Mrs, Richard Fleming is chairman Served Anniversaries pi the committee in charge. ] _ Mr. an<* Mrs. Robert Kndat and „ , • | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Stilling were kfc And p ...I ]honored last Friday evening at a NorSr S HiTS* P'»n,ned *<»- The Attar «nd Rosary sodality of !*hc .=5,unle' »" """f sllv" »«•- St Pa track's church will hold it. i J"* «i>ni*.«rw. Mr., ai* Mn. M>t mcrtinj in the Legion hall at J™"""*" 8 p. m. on the evening of Monday, on • * *nd a ^?r"' November 6. The committee in charge Stilhn. twenty-dr. years.ago on Oct. Includes Mrs. Leo Thompson, Mrs. >>«*»»» h«ld ,„hn Win". Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs.-Fred Kunz. „ x ceremony was solemnized in St. Mary's church by Rev. Clarence Thennes of St. Charles, a cousin of the groom. Miss Diedrich is the youngest daughter of Mr. dnd Mrs. Jacob M. Diedrich of McHenry, and Mr. Thennes is a son of the Phillip Thennes* of Volo. The bride was4 beautifully attired in a white satin broacaded gown, a long train and veil, the latter held Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe of Marengo, Iowa, have, been spending a few days visiting"Vef parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin, and other relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Frank Rossi and son, George, Robert, of Chicago are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, this week. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mrs. Lawrence remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Dick Smith and <" <?hter were spent in place by a beaded tiara. Her only! Chicago callers on Saturn.,/. 1 . ' » • SA Mr .nJ t> pe Btyeau Plans All All-Day Meeting meeting, with a pot^ luck lunch serimd at noon. The morning session will be -deiroted to the exchange of handicraft. Everyone attending is urged to bring jewelry was a pearl necklace, a gift cf t!5e groom. She carried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Irene Thennes, sister of the groom, served the bride as maid of honor, wearing a pink satin gown with over-skirt of net. Her headpiece was of matching net and she' carried pink roses. .Both bridesmaids, Mjss Stella Thennes, sister of the groom, and Miss Rose Regner, Mr. and Mrs. Ra» McGee were Chicago callers Saturday evening. Paul Doherty spent Saturday in Chicago. Betty Lou Weber and Mildred Raycraft were Chicago callers on Saturday. Mrs. Evaline lLarkin and daughters, Florence and Margaret, were Elgin callers Sunday. „ T Mr. and Mrs, George Williams and cousin of the Mrs. Frank Geroski attended the funeral of August Panknin in Chicago on Monday afternoon. Gerald Reed vof Mount Vernon, Iowa, attended the homecoming game on Friday evening and visited friends here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Watterton of Chicago, and son, Jkmes Jr., who is About seventy relatives and friends •Were in attendance to enjoy an even- •ing of singing and dancing, music for 'Mthe latter beine furnished by Mr. and , .. !Mrs. Carl Weber. A delicious lunch . . The November meeting of „ the _ ^ including two beautifully ! bride, were attired in dresses similar Home Bureau unit will be.hekTon* decor£ed ^niversa^ cakes. Thehor^j *tyle to that of the mfiid of November 7 at the home of Mrs. ored c0Upie8 were presented With ap-' hpI)or- They were of greeri ;satm fid. Pe?t. This will be an all-day _ronr- ' and net and they wore green head- -- --iAt --4 1--u 1 ^ - j pieces. Both carried .bouquets of U . '.'J-': pink roses.. Infant Son Was '-:A V-;'/?•! "Bud" "Thennes, brother of the Christened Sunday ' „ ' " • groom, served as beBt man and Rob-, , j „ _.0 ^ -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox spent er^ Voglf a friend, acted as grooms- j enjoying a furlough from army duties, •hears, pencils and paper for taking Sunday in Chicago, wh^re they acted j man. Ushers were Alfonse Died- i visited Christine Adams on Sunday. patterns and directions. The after- as sponsors at the christening of! rich, brother of the bride, and Harold j The Wattertons formerly made their noon lesson will be the continuation their infant grandson, George Robert, j justen, brother-in-law of the groom, ("home here. of fitting problems, with Mrs. Leo Pon and Mrs. Frank Rossi j The groom wore a white rose as a Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stoller and j. fcamb and Mrs. Walter Troxwell in (Mary Knox). The 2 o'clock cere- boutonniere and the attendants wore j daughter, Donna, of Chicago visited .^charge. ' mony was performed at St. Geneieve s j carnations. j in"the home of his parents last week- Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. Ed. church, after which Mr. and Mrs., Following the service, a dinner j end- „ • Peet represented the local unit at Knox and Mrs. Rossi and son return-; was for the bridal party and i Ernest and George Kamholz and | Pearl ChristenseiT of Chicago spent $he county handicraft school recent- ed to McHenry. The baby was born ab0ut fifty relatives and friends at | the latter's daughter, Donna Jean, i the weekend in the Harry G. Zimmer- . . Jy and will bring new ideas home on Sept. 30 in^CMcago. j Fritzel's Riverside hotel. Later in | Chicago spent a few days the past man bome. A to members of the unit. This handi- * 'the day the couple left on a honey- j week with their parents, Mr. and * craft day is held only once a year Circle V. S. C. S. J moon trip and upon their return will Mrs. Fred Kamholz., and should prove of- great interest; Mrs Patterson* reside in the May house on John » to all members'. . j Circle 1, of the W. S. C. S. will street. V •*' * , »«eet with Mrs. Patterson at heij. The bride attended St. Mary's Circle 4 With .home in Niesen's subdivision on Taes- school and the Cbmm lity high Mrs. Douglas ^ov* - school and is at present employed at Circle 4. W. S. C. S. wiH hold its'. , , *' * * the A & P store here. The groom next meeting at the home of Mrs. Hallowe'en Party , attended St. Pteter's school in Volo Clarence Douglas on Riverside Drive F" Children Tuesday ; and is now working on his father's Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber Thursday in Chicago. Sgt. LeRoy Conway and Harold Phalin were Chicago callers one day the past week. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Schreiner spent last Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Nellie Bacon visited in the' home of her daughter and family, the Carl Couriers, in Woodstock on Thursday. Mrs. Henry Vogel and childrett, Carol Lee and Eilgene, spent Thursday in the Lisle Bassett home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen j of Richmond, attended the funeral I of an aunt of the two gentleman, Mrs. Hanna * Wiedrich, at Sharon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Marum, son, Edward, and daughter, Miriam, of Edison Park and Miss*Verena Justen of Chicago visitqA Mrs. Qaftfttde Jutten on Sunday. Edward Dwyer of Chicago sprat the weekend visiting his sister, Mrm. Walter Walsh. Howard Phalin accompanied LeRoy Conway to Chicago on Sunday evening, from where the latter left for Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., where he is recovering from injimes sustained on D-Day. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and family of Chicago spent Saturday in the John Phalin home. Mrs. Harry Anderson and daughters, Carol andt Phyllis, of Chicago have been spending the week in the Phalin home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Chicago were weekend guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Pich. Miss Grace Glosson visited her grandmother, Mrs. Christine Freun<t, on Wednesday. Fern Seber, Irene Williams and Thursday, November 2,1941 The drinker of cranberry juice proves the worse offender against teeth. Grapefruit* juice, gingierale and colas follow to order named as offenders. »" Gerald Newman ancl daughter, Mrs. en November 9. ' <1Sr«ity Tablea Dessert Brwge > "' Twenty tables of cards were $Iay last Thursday afternoon |he dessert bridge held at the home " etf Mrs. Peter M. Justen, oracle of the Fox River Valley camp, R. N. A. The event was sponsored by members of that organization. Prizes Sn pir.ochle were merited by Mrs. Thomas Kane and Larson; in contract bridge by Mrs. Wallace Dobyns; in auction bridge by Mrs. Rose Freund, Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Rochelle; and in five hundred by Mrs. Ella Gans and Mrs. Earl Brown. Special prizes v(ere awarded Mrs. Gans and Mrs.\ C.' C. Hoyt (" ^ y The next regular tpeeting of the group will be held on November 7. • • * . Children's Hallowe'en Miss Maud Granger of Elgin spent the weekend in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams were callers at Crystal Lak$ on Sunday evening. • Among those from here who attended the capping of nurses aides at the Woodstock hospital last Sunday . , were Mrs. Paul Schwetman, Mrs. Geo. Milinac %on prizes for the best cos-! Mrs. Ida Swail, representatitfe «f a Lindsay, Mrs. Lottie Bransford and tumes. Refreshments were served large book company, will be present j Mrs. William Cooper, the latter reto both the children and the adults at the local public grade school on j ceiving her cap at that time. and a good time was reported by Monday, November 6, at 3:30 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge and all. The P. T. A. is grateful to Mrs. with an excellent display of children's! son, Jackie, accompaneid by Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Wirfs for their work books. Any parents who are interest-j Margaret Sullivan, Johji J. Sullivan, The Lily Lake P. T. Jtl jtesld Ita farm. annual Hallowe'en party for the i -- children on Tuesday afternoon Games' ^ f Bookg were played and prizes awarded the ® ^ winners. . "Sassy" Weiler, "Sissy" j At Grade ScllOOl NOV. ® f Field, "Skipper" Blick and "Buddy' Mrs Florence 'n ma^n^ the party a success; also;ed in looking over the selection or of to Mrs. E. Larkin for playing the purchasing books for Christmas gifts piano. I are invited to be present at this The next meeting of the group | time. There will also be a limited will be on Friday, Nov. 3, at 8 p. m. selection of books for high school age. at the school house. Following the meeting there will be a bdke sale, j •••••••••••••••••••••••'••• All are invited to attend. | * « The next showing of films will be j AIROIljf ttlC wSlCK on Monday, Nov. 6, at 8 p. m. at the school house. Features will be "Top Sergeant Mulligan," "'Primitive Life" Mrs. Gerald Newman is a patient Und "Real Americans." at Illinois Research hospital in Chi rnrty Soccesafu! ^ , 'Entertain At The Hallowe en party held Sunday Djnner Sunday wening for the children of members Mr and Mn «f St. Marys - St. Patrick's school ent€rtained at 6 o'clock dinner cago, where she underwent surgery last week. Mrs. Louise Nickels is quite i)l at her home on Center street. Patricia Morrison, employed at the T. A. was a splendid success and Sunday evening. Guests were Mr.! Riverside hotel, suffered a cracked vepresented some fine work on the and Mrs L Allan Blomgren of Pista -bone in her ancle on Tuesday afterpart of the chairmen and wonderful Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Denman,; noon when a bowling ball fell, strikeo- operative spmt on the part of the jj,. and jjra_ j0hn J. Murtaugh and ; ing her ankle. •wwtants. The social chairman of Mr and Mts ^ N Young. The! Myrtle Symonds of Woodstock the organizataon, Mrs. Albert Barbian ; evenjng sp€nt in playing pi-! formerly of McHenry, suffered a au»d Mrs. AI. Henn, for the ^ second: nocj,iei ^th prizes awarded to Mr. j broken bone in her ankle as a result tone this year, demonstrated their artd Mrs. Denman, Mr. and Mrs. of a fall a few days ago. •bihty as organizers and their charm Yqnng and Mr. and Mrs. Murtaugh. as hostesses. « • », Assisting Ijhe chairmen were the jj^ Forester following: Mrs. Edgar Landgren and At johnsbarg Mrs. Harvey Nye In charge of tick- The Fonsten of ^ 3<*rt* vmrtoh, ov iff8* Henry Weber, Mrs. Anton j0hnsburg? will hold their annual 8chrmtt, Mrs. George Freund and Forester Fest on Friday evening, lfrs Anton Blake in charge of re- Nov. 15> at church hall. Wives frsahments. Reception and general of members of the court and Mc_ Mnstants were Mrs. Gerald^ Carey, Henry Foresters and their wives are Krs. John Bjolger, Mrs. Eleanor Foley cordiaily invited attend. Mrs. Fred Rogers and Mrs. Harold • * * * > Mrs. Loretto Wfelsh is a patient at Victory Memorial hospital, WalUcegan. ' Subscribe for The Plaindealer Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ullrich and daughter, Grerda, of Chicago visited in the Robert Vogt home on Suqi- Carl Rietesel, visited Mrs. Newman j 'lay. at Illinois Research hospital in Chi-1 Ellen Frisby and George' Frisby, cago on Tuesday evening. * j Jr., of Chicago were Sunday callers at the home of relatives. Mrs. Leo Scheid returned this week from Presbyterian hospital in Chicago, where she was confined for several weeks. She is much improved. Math Glosson left on Tuesday with his daughter, Mrs. Harold Rolfit of Kenosha, Wis., for the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minn. Miss Emily f Simon ' entertained members of her Get-Together Pinochle club on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McClarey of Chicago spent Tuesday with half mother, Mrs. Kithryn Boger. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith and son of Rockton and Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake spent Saturday in the Martin Conway home. Mrs. Helen Kreutzer and Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hagbert attended il banquet in Chicago given by the Atlas Brewing company, after which they attended the radio performance Shell fihells loaded with TNT e*01od# 100 times faster than those ing smokeless powder. Those mad with cyclonite have even fas action and destructive effecta. IS LON0W ^ fffxiiiffvv •>'0 ji;f * Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sullivan, Arline and Betty Ann Klabunde of Woodstock, attended the commencement program at Marquette university in Milwaukee on Sunday evening, at which time Richard Sullivan, a relative of Mrs. Yegge, received a degree of bachelor of engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson Today's customers mean nothing if they don't become tomorrow's friends. Hut's why, in wartime^ oar standards of store service are higher than ever before: we want our shoes to wear wtll, your good-will to wear bttUr--for the future is longer than the duration. MostStjUt 'IQ50 •0 ;#• w Zboalo* i and Mr. and Mrs. Howard O'Conneil I of "Jobs For G. I. Joe" on Sunday, of Chicago were guests «f Mrs. Edith ! Hayes in the William Whiting home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson were in Glen view on Wednesday evening to meet their son, Lieut. George Johnson, who landed there in a cross country flight from South Plaines army air field, Lubbock, Texas. They visited in home of the latter's mother-in-law and father-in-law that evening and then returned to McHenry until Friday morning, when Lieut. Johnson began the return trip. Before leaving he circled in his plane over McHenry as - a farewell gesture to his family and friends. Mrs. O. Tollefsen of Chicago spent a few days lasf week visiting in McHenry. Banana Bread Due to the shortage of wheat products in Venezuela, bread is being made from flour which includes dried bananas. McGEE'S GREEN S!V McHENRY Freund. George Freund capably handled the announcing and Mrs. George Worts was in charge of decorations. The next regular meeting of the P. T. A. will be held on Nov. 8 at S p. m. Entertained" On Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Ferdinand Frett entertained Mrs. Anna Sloan on her birthday anniversary on Tuesday, October 31. Present to enjoy a delicious dinner and a tasty supper were Mrs. Minnie Scheuneman, Mrs. Josephine Heimer, Mrs. Rose Mueller, Mrs. Kathryn . , r Boger, Frank Schmitt, the gueat of Mrs. George Lindsay was hostess honor and Mr. and Mrg< Frett. te members of the Evening Bridge j * * * dub when they met at her home last j p|nochle Club Friday evening. Prize winners were wuh Mrs. Sotton Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs. H. B. Evening Bridge With Mrs. Lindsay Sehaefer. The next meeting of the group will be with Mrs. Sehaefer. • • • Visit Octogenarian On Her Anniversary • Mrs. George Lindsay ap*<| sister, Mrs. Robert Sutton, of Richmond one afternoon last week visited Mrs. Ida Westlake, 86, a resident of Solon The East River Road I^nochle club met with Mrs. E. R. Sutton last Thursday afternoon. " Prize winners were Mrs. Ben Dietz and Mrs. G. Glos. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Druker on No- ... • HARVEST SALE • 10* DISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE BEGINNING NOVEMBER 2nd .• THE TODDLER SHOP NOTICE There are at present four vacancies Mills. Mrs. ke', wellj kl"nwo"wn' Vk* Y°™L AtWetiC ^ 1 n which may be filled by anyone who aahbiilliittvy , oobWserrvv«eSd he°r r rbamir thday ann!ic- ; would like to enter at this time. Any birthday person the age of lg anJ versary that day and g, racio,u. sly con j 80 who feels the desire for an evening af which Wa<* PnmmK«i ln^8' °ne i oPfun, exercise and relaxation should Jwfhneenn MMrs. Werstlsake owats Ja clhil5d. Threi I con•t act -xL eonard McCrackmen ,\ iD onald rften,oo» n ple»8a„,ly '^-Wemgart or Mm. Louise W.hl Visiting. <. * • * | in the next few days or be present * ' j at tonight's meeting. ! "OKP. ALLEN HANKE Mrs. William Strom entertained j KILLED IN ACTION «pveral friends at the home of her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G, Zim- Word of the death "0** Corp. Allen •lerm&n, near the golf course, last: D. Hanke in action in Germany on weekend. The P^rty on Saturday Sept. 23 was confirmed in a letter evening ^honored Fern Seber of Chi- j from the war department which was fltogo, who is leaving to make her; received by his mother, Mrs. Nellie 8 Angeles, Calif., and j Hanke, of Harvard. She has pre- , an Pearl Christensen | viously been informed of his death by ® Chicago, whose birthday anni- a telegram received the versaries occurred last week. Mr. Dand Mrs. Zimmerman and George N. Olson of Chicago were also present •t the party. •• •' • CUd>ratee H«g •farth Birthday Miss Eileen Bassett, daughter of fee Lisle Baqartls, celebrated her •(•til birthday anniversary by ent> rtsining several of her little friends est Thursday afternoon, Oct. 26, at I Hate street. Both the previous week. A letter written by the soldier on Sept. 17 arrived just two days after the telegram. Corp. Hanke, 32, was a gunner on a tank with an armored division. He Had been overseas rfince a year ago, last August and had entered France jUSt prior to D-Day. His last letters told of traveling through Belgium as the enemy retreated and of the entry into Germany. Bead the Want Adst VOGUE CLEANERS Phone McHenry 19. We Pick Up and Deliver Two to Three Day Service Try the Vogue for splendid service and excellent workmanship Fitzgerald's Men's Shop [Representative] West McHenry FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND ENJOYMENT Rolaine Grill WONDER LAKE Will be open all winter every day except Mondays Spaghetti and Sandwiches Served at All TimfS CoTB®d Beef and Cabbage Served Every Saturday Sunday » Don't forget the Farewell Party f«r Flo and Sally on Nov. 11 Our own "Pat Sullivan" will take over from there HERE'S THE ANSWER to your FOOD PROBLEMS DURING these war-time days, with rationing and scarcity of food items, the average housewife is quite concerned and worried about obtaining necessary amounts of good foods. When points are running low there is one move to be made which will solve the problem--just bring the family to Karls Cafe, and we will do the rest Here you will be extended a welcome, handed & menu, showing the choice of several dinner orders, carefully prepared by an experienced chef, who knows how to properly balance meals. You can order either a full dinner or a plate. Or, if you desire something lj^ht,j& tasty sandwich will suffice. To finish off the repast, we have a list of desserts to choose from, including fountain service. ^ Make Next Sunday a Holiday for Mother # and bring the whole family here for dinner. We have some extra specials for that day. Phone 26 for reservations. " Karls Cafe Is Open All Year Round CLOSED EVERY MONDAY ALL . DAY KARLS CAFE Phone 26 J. M. MOSELY, Prop. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, M'HENRY •m. «" \ f.!

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