Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1944, p. 4

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- •? i«ui THE McHEWEY PLAINDEALEft THE M'HENRY PLAWDEALER HELP WANTED t*ublished every Thursday at Mo feeniy, 111., by Charles F. Retiich. WANTED -- One or two young women for work in our bottling and packing department; excellent opportun- A» H. MOSHER Editor and Manager j ity for pleasant, permanent work at -- --: "7 • good wages, Ringwood Chemical Entered as second-class natter at | Corporation) Ringwood, III. 23-tf tbe postoffice at McHenry, 111., tinder the act of May 8, 1879. • j HELP WANTED -- Girl for foun- fighting Olsens y.v.-.•. : tain and general store work. Bolger's _• ^ ! Drug Store, McHenry. 13-tf KNOLLWOOD By "Yardstick" Greetings folks! It is with pride that we present to you this week the One Year S"V': ' ' ' • WANTED--Draft exempt man for war work. Apply Miller Products. Phone 195. 39-tf MISCELLANEOUS FEEDING PIGS -- stop losses from necro and runtiness wit* genuine masteivjiquid hog medicine. Wanted fco buy, feeding pigs. For Sale, two , Hereford boars. Gregory Kattner, FOR SALE -- Piano accordian, like! McHenry. Tel. Richmond 929. *24-3 --Phone Wbnder Lake 223. 24-2 FOR SALE PAPER HANGING -- Dependable FOR SALE Buiidine 8x8x7, suit- ! ""k, "ar0" able for milk or well house; »lso por- g™* St. McHenry. Phone Ife-, table model T Ford motor, mounted "enry v M-Z V: Y. v.- / for belt work. C. B- Hqwej telephone CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS McHnnry 610-J4. ; _ *24 CLEANED -- Wells & Nelson; 138 I T T • • - i 1 . : , . . . , E a s t C r y s t a l L a k e A v e . , C r y s t a l FOR SALE -- Circulating parlor ^ 111. Phone Crystal Lake heating stove; good conditio^ M. Qr Cftry ^ .21.4 Wegener. 103 Pearl St., McHenry. .. • •• tel. 445-M. *24 FOR ANY TYPROF HOME IN8UL-. ot¥P ,Q8e rwA wju" ATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A FOR SALE -- 1936 Oldsmobjle four- NEW ROOF see Bob Frisby Peo. door sedan good paint and uphol- ,e,g Insulation c 104 S. Riverside ery' ®;Plyp ,re!i ,Wnte ! Drive,'McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry care of the Plaindealer. *24 21KI. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson PVR SALE - 200 White Roman pul- i St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf s7el™ete WhTchoXlhe* was em ployed -by the Illinois Bell Telephone company before, entering the service in March, 1943. She chose the mechanical field. Wave Evalyne is at present stationed WAVE EVALYNE OLSEN M. M. 2/C A true combination of beauty and brains. Wave Evalyne Olsen graduated as an honor student and also received the Civic award from the lets, ready to lay. Write Box DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE care Pla,ndealer. , WAR-- Five dollar, i. the lea.t we FOR SALE--Agricultural limestone, I P®y for dead horses and cows in good delivered and spread on fields; rea- condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. sonable prices: immediate delivery.; Phone Wheeling No. S. Reverse the O'Leary Tr jck Service, Woodstock, charges. No help nreded to load. 14-tf ! in New Orleans, La., where she over- Ill Phone 796^J *24-3 hauls aviation engines on Navy GARBAGE COM FTTIKn _ T -t us' trainer planes. It took a lot of de- FOR SALE --- Twelve rabbits, two dispose of your garbage each 'week, i termination and hard work for our months old. 50c each. Address 103 1 or oftener if desired. Reasonable j Wave Evalyne to earn her M. M. 2/C Pearl St., or call 445-M. *24 rates. Regular year round route, for-' rating as there are but twenty-five ------------ ---- ---- ----1 - merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith, such ratings in the entire WAVE ser- FOR SALE--Year-old Leghorn _hens phone 365- tf, vice. Again we say we are all very and fresh cows or springers. Peter May. Route 1, McHenry. *24 HAVE YOU HEARD about the new ]uck reduced Auto Liability and Property proud of you and wish you much good FOR SALE -- Combination range, in TU -n • good condition. West Shore B™ch,. ,™'«s?, Th?>' w'" McCultom Lake. Write E. Ternberg, "el "l 6934 Clyde Ave., Chicago, (or ap- The Kcnt C°" *.=Henry. Phone 8 pointment. *23-2 ' . . ; " FOR SALE -- Two-story brick building. . corner Pearl and Green Sts., CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends McHenry. Inquire Mrs. M. L. Worts,1 and school mates for sending me 105 N. Green St. 18-tf cards, letters and gifts and visiting --: mie while I was sick. FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and PATTY KLEIN economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- '• ville Roclc Wool Home Insulation CARD OF THANKS 1 desire in this manner *0 ex_ LEO J. STILLING, McHenry ^ firess my heartfelt appreciation to : all of my kind neighbors and friends for their wonderful help in caring for my family, sending me cards, vis- WANTED -- Domestic rabbits. Sell ™e an^ for th® ™any other all of your output in one place and done for me during my restop worrying about a market. We Cen WTTTTA„ vimr pay top prices for well-fed, well-fin- MRS. WILLIAM YUNG ished 3 to 4 pound live friers. We make regular pickup. Rensu Packing Company, West McHenry. Phone Crystal Lake 8023 -Y-3. 24 WANTED ceived his commission in June 30, 1943. The dashing airman is at present flying reconnaissance planes in Dutch East Indies. Happy landings to you Lieut. Theo. Olsen from all your friends and neighbor J 1«. 3/C ARTHUR OLSEN Entered service on April 16, 1944, and received his basic training St the Great Lakes training, station. Being an Olsen he is naturally ambitious and soon hopes to win ^ M. M. 2/C rating to be on par with his lovely sister above. His many friends and neighbors join his charming wife, Shirley, and his 2-year-old little angel, Karren, in wishing him a happy birthday and many happier returns of the day. - mm ed so much 16 the success of this occasion. Happy birthday, Al! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Derr had as guests over the weekend at Deer Woods the lovely Miss Clair Prieb and Paufr Ricketts. Grandma Peggy and grandpa Ed. hope to meet their new granddaughter soon. Mama Shirley is doing nicely *md expects to be home from the hospital Sunday. Papa Ed. Munroe is ratjier slow with the cigars. Why the delay, Ed*» Jerry and Betty Cermpk had a happy houseful of guests over the weekend. They were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Cermak, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Wanda Witt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Souhrada and their two beautiful {laughters, Joan and Jean. Berwyn must be a community of nice people for all the above hail from there and they are all grand folks. "Old Timber" Pietch was at it again. We are going to pin this guy down some day and find out how he does it. On East Lane F. JW. Bailey* president of our McCullom Lake Community club, came but second best in a dispute over the right of way with a huge freight locomotive at the Proviso yards, as evidenced by the crushed fenders on his car. That's iBill all over when he is right, nothing nor no one can change his mind. More power to° you, Bill Bailey! Folks, here is great news. That hero marine of ours, Pfc. Peter Nerstad, who has recently returned from a two year fight with the Japs in the southwest Pacific, was married last Saturday evening to the lovely Pearl Johnson £t the Messiah Lutheran church in Chicago. Seventynine bald-headed men formed a line at Horn's to kiss the bride Sunday afternoon. The poor thing lived through it but, to this writing we don't know how the aforesaid baldheads came out when they reached Thursday NoteMfcf % 194& the happy parents of an 8-lb. daughter, born Oct. 19, at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. The little lady will answer to the name of Sandra Lee. Mrs. Palmer is the foriner Wanda Jepson and she and tjie baby are making their home with her parents. The proud daddy is now stationed at Camp Walters, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner motored to Chicago on account of the death of their brother-in-law, Wm. Otto, vho died suddenly of a heart attack last week Sunday. Mrs. Otto is the former Anna Mertes. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills of Paw Paw, Mich., spent a few days in <fhe Jos. H. Adams home and also attended the funeral of Wm. Otto in Chicago. , Mr. and Mrs. UOs. Guzzardo and MT. and Mrs. Jos. H. Adams visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Smith, Nancy and Bobby, Mrs. Regina Schaefer and Mrs. Elaine Rose of Fox Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein Thursday evening on their twelfth wedding anniversary. Jimmy Hetterman, S 2/c, and Art Jackson, S 2/c, returned to Great Lakes, after spending a nine-day leave in their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Catherine Smith and Mrs. Mamie- King. Leo Lay of the navy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund, Monday evening. The Lady Foresters held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening with about thirty-five members present. Father Neidert gave a short talk for the good of the order. Following the meeting "600" and bunco were played and a delicious luncheon served by the committee, concluded the e/ening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and BESIDENQE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Philip May and fam-i*" ily have moved from Cherry street in Spring Grove to the Matt Majfr-* place west of town. rannin acurce • , Buttonwood has been found to ttt a domestic source f6r tanpin. home. We must confess that ». „ ^ „ Norbert Klaus, Mary were among them and it's the dog- T, house in our case. Move over, Bonnie! On Forrestview Drive * Our friend, Otter Ebert, has finally come back after a two-weAs absence. His devotion to his work and the present manpower shortage are responisble for his delayed homecoming. We sure missed you, Otter! On Orchard Drive Those two grand people, Mr. _ and Mrs. Chas. Wortman, spent Sunday PFC. OLE X. OLSEN Entered service in the Engineer corps in April, 1944. He is a former resident of McCullom Lake, but since his entrance into service has estab at their cottage and, from the contented loc^c on Chuck's face we surmised that he enjoyed .the chicken dinner Pam prepared for him. The Struck's have a new granddaughter, bom to their daughter, Mrs. Pauline White/ last Thursday Ann, June and Bobby of Spring Grove were callers in the Arthur Klein home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Freund and Jos. Miller and family visited with Mrs. Alvina Miller in the sanitorium at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. KarlS and famly visited with Miss Mary Ann Karls at the sanitorium in Waukegan. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weingart are now occupying the Nick Weingart farm. Mrs. Weingart is employed at the Curl N' Swirl Beauty Salon. A Halloween party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Quaintance on "Saturday evening. Misses Dolores Michels, Patsy Huemann, Kathleen Oeffling of Johnsburg, Catherine, Morene, Jackie and Daniel Devlin, Thorfias Allison, Jr., Billy -- -- :ne well. The new arrival's name, , , A1 - ,, „ lished a home for his wife, Margaret, j wiU be pamia jean. Daddy Sgt. j a"d ? Y McHenry enjoy and 3-year-old son, Thomas, in Louis- Kenneth WTiite is in service with the | ed a ^arbeclue and marshmallow ville, Kentucky We salute you four j ine8 SOmewhere in the Pacific, Terry Mazer, Jean of Chicago, Roy WANTED -- By plant executive, j House in «good fepair and with mod- ' ern conveniences, #»r rent with or without privilege cf purchase. Write j •or telephone Ringwood Chemical Cor-i poration, Ringwood, 111. 24-tf. PERfHAflEDT WAVE KIT Complete with Permanent emr i Wave Solution, curlers, ASffc •hampoo and wave act --nothing Cfuvmlfad LIEUT. THEO OLSEN marme& suinc " stamps were awarded the It is our hope that this little family j and Mrg ^ winners. Ed. Beckstrom, Mr. fighting Olsens! News Along Fountain Lane , The Lee Sawdo family welcomed their errant, pup, Skipper, when he returned after a two-day spree. c, , , ,, .... . Where he was or who he was with I nest after'their wedding next spring. ff"!:aT,y_SerV1C L e m Aug"St' will forever remain a secret as Skip-! Their name will be Mr. and Mrs. per didn't offer a word of explana- j Phil Brautigam. The future bride's , ThuVsday evening> Those attending tlon- maiden name is Miss Catherine Mm . were Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson, Kay Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Doran had . as i Trinder. These nice folks hai\ from | and Jim Miss Glorice Freund aml Villa Park. We just know that they;. , , „ F , „ TWrlv 1941. • By his diligence he soon after -- was promoted to corporal and was &?n^uJeK^y^ assigned .to-act as instructor in the Money back guarantee. Gpt a Charm- infantry. Lieut. Olsen than transur t today. ferred to the army air corps, where THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRUGS he finished his instructions and re- 1 POLIT K^ALTADVERTISINGV" so™ be, ^nited. . - | an^ M Thomas Allison, Harry The Stroud cottage has been sold.g^^ of ChicagQ) and Mn anJ . a young c UP i Mrs. Harold Aim of McHenry also will make it their permanent love attended i / Mrs. Richard Schneider honored Art Jackson at a dinner in her home Bripg the Boys Home Promptly / To Jobs and Opportunity for All wrm DEWEY BRICKER K E B P I L L I N O I S S O U N D X Re-elect Governor DWIGHT H. GREEN Vote for These -- For United States Senator: RICHARD J. LYONS For Lieutenant Governor! HUGH W. CROSS For Secretary of State: ARNOLD P. BENSON For Auditor of Public Accounts; ARTHUR C. LUEDER For State Treasurer: CONRAD F. BECKER For Attorney General: GEORGE F. BARRETT For Clerk of the Supreme Courts EARLE BENJAMIN SEARCY f&jr Representative in Congress: State at Large: STEPHEN A. DAY It's Time for a Change! --from the tired quarrelsome New Deal to A united strong national leadership. --from dictatorship and regimentation to freedom of opportumty for u»duetry, agriculture and labor. --from uncertainty and experiment to jobs and prosperity. ---from waste and confusion to efficiency and economy. --from Bureaucracy to Comtitutional Goverhment. Stand by Deweyfe Vote for Lyon si Send Richard J. Lyons to the United States Senate to support the sound program of Dewey in the White House. Vote for your Republican candidate for Congress. B# lure our boys come bomt to a free America. VOTE (x] REPUBLICAN guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore and their one-year-old son, Jackie. Incidently Mrs. Moore is the baby sister of our little darling, Wave Yeoman 1/C Jerry Becker, who at present is doing such good work in Washington, D. C. What's new with the Waves, Jerry? Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schmidt enjoyed a mild windfall last Sunday which will in* a small measure take care of the long distance calls from Hunter College in New York, where that sweet young daughter of theirs, Wave Jean "Toots" Schmidt, is in training. Drop us a line sometime, "Toots." Charge it to Pop! Our charming grandma, Annie Sawdo, left last Tuesday for Sturgeon Bay, Wis. She has made maijy friends during her brief stay at McCullom Lake, who are all going to miss her. Hurry back! When driving on Fountain Lane folks be careful of the loose gravel which has been recently spread over the roadway. It will be a bit hazardous for a while until it packs down, go drive slow and hold on to your wheel. We have just learned that Pfc will be happy here. On Knollwood Drive That sweet little Miss, Pat Jensen, celebrated her seventh birthday anniversay with a party for all her „ilD. u. iiuciiitj friends last Saturday. Amongthem j mo^ore(j <-0 Milwaukee Wednesday, were Joan Gt-otthuss, Bonnie Trigin, Arlene Thiele, Judy Struck, Sandra AUGUST F. PANKNIN Robert Krickl, Lee Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank May, Beverly, Ardys and Arlette were present. A large crowd attended the Community club meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann Lock, Chickie and Jimmy Sales, Kenny Sawdo, Jerry and Glenny Maraunder, and Pat's brother, Leonard, and sister, June. Many games were played with prizes awarded the winners. Ice cream, cake, orangeade and candy was enjoyed by all those present. A happy birthday to you Pat and may you enjoy many of them. Hallowe'en Echo A bowl full of violets to Jerry Cermak, chairman of the entertainment committee of the McCollum Lake Community club, to Mr. Otto Pyritz, the able supervisor, to Ann Horn and others, for their efforts in maki«g PASSES AWAY AFTER ^ A LENGTHY ILLNESS Death came to August F. Panknin, 75, at his home on Court street last Thursday, October 26, 1944. . The deceased was born on February 22, 1869, in Prusig Friedland, Germany, the son of August and Othelia Panknin. He was educated in a German military school until the age of 12, when he came with his family to the United. States. He was a butcher by trade and followed this occupation for many years, , In 1913 he was married to Grace a success of the Hallowe'en party for, gcj10nZ( who survives as do four the children. There was a hay r®0"*; children and one step child; Lillian ride to Ringwood with Rear Ad-; Burbank, of San Fernando, Calif., miral Joe Schaeffer at the helm, the j George Panknin, California, Arthur torch light parade to the beach where panknjn Qf Silver Lake, Wis.; Roy ,, v a weiner roast, ice qream and other panknin of Chicago, and Edward] Wil- William Becker, crew chief in the; refreshments were enjoyed by ^all. ^ son> Waukegan; also three^ brothers: army air corps, has arrived safely on the European battle front. Good luck, Bill! Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz, those two %love birds in Peaceful Valley, have made extensive preparations to insure themselves against the cold of the coming Winter. When ydu see Otto's red flannels on the line, winter will be here. He is in the browns at present. According to word received it will be any day now when George and Klapperich motored to Betty Baumbeck will ^^/^ Milwaukee Friday to visit with Miss housewarming party. At present they M j, Mm who was operated are stocking up on squirrels and'mtt,lli squirrel juice for this occasion. Go heavy on the squirrel juice, George! - , On Hickory Drive Bolger's in McHenry report a tre- j0hn Gf Spring Grove, Charles of mendous increase in their sale of gan Francisco, and Ferdinand of castor oil. The kids say it Was worth; gouth Bend, Mich.; aril two siitms. the tummy-aches. Augusta Schrader, Chicago, and Mary ADIOS. | Fritz, South Bend, Mi ll. • • • : ---T i The body rested at the Jacob Jus- ! ten Sons funeral home until Friday | noon, when it was taken to Chicago, | services being held at 3 o'clock on Oct. 30 from May's 1 uie'al home. Interment was. at Montrose ceme- JOHNSBlJRft (By Mr*. Arthur Klain) • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klapperich tery. WOUNDED IN ACTION George and Betty Krickl enjoyed Sunday evening holding hands at the McHenry cinema. Will these two love birds ever get over it? on for appendicitis, Mrs. Albert Weber and son, Allan, | spent the weekend with her parents, j Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Klapperich. j M i s s E l i d a P a g e s p e n t t h e w e e k -j end with Miss Marie Jackson. Mrs. Henry Klapperich and son, i Joseph, and Mrs. Art Thelen visited It was party at Horn's tav- 'with Miss Marceline Miller in a hos-j e r n l a s t S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g w h e n h i s j p i t a l i n M i l w a u k e e , S u n d a y . ' j linany friends and neighbors gathered j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiller and j to help celebrate Al. Horn's twenty-! daughter, Beruice, Mr. and Mrs. Al- j third birthday anniversary. A sump- j fred Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | tuous dinner, was served and the'Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hiller, spirits flowed freely. There was sing- >Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller, Mr. and irig and dancing to the music of our j Mrs. Henry Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. splendid pianist, Jerry Cermak, and i Math Schniiti, Mr. and Mrs. Ben accordionist, Peter Kaminski. Fur-1 Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitzen ther entertainment was furnished b°y.| and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller attended those two screwball comedians, the j the silver wedding celebration of Mr, McCullom Lake "Blue Gills." Otto and Mrs. Joseph Stilling, Sunday. and Paul, whose musical novielty act j Mrs. Olivia' Keenan accompanied brought down the house. Echos of' Miss Mary Simon, who was a blood this party reverberated into McHenry; donor, in Chicago Tuesday. for it brought Mr. and Mrs. John1 Mrs. Lola Casorso and daughter, Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake Rita, of Lake Forest, are staying with and 39 per cent of. the remaining her parents in the J. C. Jepson hori\ 'reside between Woodstock and Hunt- Blake population of McHenry to par- j Betty Christensen returned to El- ley, that their son, Walter, was take in this gala celebration. Sweet I wood Park after spending the past \ wounded in action on OctobeV 14. violets to you, Ann, Joe, Libby Horn, | four weeks in the home of her par- j 1944, somewhere in France. He has Betty Cermak and Jim Pupik forlents, Mr, and Mrs. Jeppe C. Jepson. j been serving with an infantry unit your untiring efforts which contribut- f»vt. and Mra. Harvey Palmer are J overseas wnce last spring. Word was received last week by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Akerberg, who PHONE NO. 32 <sm WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS SATURDAY ONLY--NOV. 4 No. 1. "Roger Touchy Gangster" with Preston Foster, Victor Jk^eLaglea Plus No. 2"BOSS OF BOOMTOWN" with RED CAMERON - TOM TYLER SUNDAY - MONDAY NOV. 5 - 6 Incredible Romance and Adventure GARY COOPER in » "THE 8TORY OF DR. WASSELL" with LORRAINE DAY . -fa» Glorious Color . TUESDAY ONLY--NOV. 7 Popular Request Showing "ADAM HAD FOUR SONS" with Warner Baxter, Ingrid Bergn^an, Susan Hayward WED. THURS. FRI.--Nor. 8-9-1* Teamed For Laughs PAUJ-ETTE GODDARD SONNY TUFTS in **- LOVE A SOLDIER" Organ Recital Every Sunday Matinee 2:15 to 2:30 with Al. Klemme at the Console McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Betty Davis--Claude Rains "Mr. Skeffington" Phis--World News & Cartoon SUN-MON. NOV. 5-« "Bathing Beauty" Plus--News & Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY) TOM CONWAY-JEAN BROOKS "KNIGHT OF ADVENTURE" Plus--Oklahoma Outlaws • Colorado Trout and the Voice That Thrilled the World WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY Anne Baxter--Michael O'Shea "THE EVE OF ST. MARK" Plus Musical Fun for All-rtews & Cartoon WE ARE NOW ENTERING NOVEMBER Anil must expect an end to the beautiful fall weather we have enjoyed for so long this year. ' Which means that something must be done to keep the cold out of our homes. This store has just the rbiiigs you will need to stop Old Man Winter from com ing uninvited inside of the house. We have a good supply of window gl&ss and the putt ? to hold it in. Weather strip and calking compound are two necessary articles to help win the fight against the cold winds and low temperatures. Ask us for them. Speaking of November there is one very important date in this month--Nov. 7. Every real American of voting- age should go to the polls and cast his or her ballot next Tuesday. E. H. Nickels Hardware PHONE 2 WEST McHENRY

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