Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1944, p. 8

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'w* •*' TUB MoHOtkY PLADVDiALB ii •J*f U. k m Timrsday/ l&rembcr *, l! < *•/ ; •.:••/ Society Notes Ss& • •»t <« f * * * * * * * Bate of Card #arty Changdi The public card poty announced by the Altar and Rosary sodality of &t. Patrick's church will be held on Sunday evening, November 19, instead of on November 26 as originally planned. ^ * * • f * Christian Mothers Hok) November Meeting * Twenty-five members of the Chris- • tfan Mothers and Altar society were " present last Friday evening at the regular November meeting. Follow- . fa* discussion of business, ^ cards were played, with prizes in pinochle being awarded to Mrs. A. P. Freund, Mrs. Ben Blake, Mrs. Paul Gerasch and Mrs. Frank Blake; in bridge to Mrs. Herb Simon; and in bunco to iMrs. Joe Wegeinqjp. The next regular meeting will be -held on December 1. VyUl: -Y'-.'-jljiiSployees Guests "At Halloween Pariy s ' 7* Mr and Mrs. Thomte Hionneson . were hosts at a Halloween party held o«i Friday evening of last week in ths Legion hall, the event having ; been planned for employees of the Tent company, of 'rt'hich Mr. and Mrs. Thonneson are managers." Seldom fc.« such a gay crowd assembled in the hall, each one present enjoying the evening to the utmost. There were costumes of all kinds, firs. Brda won first prize for ladies' ISbstumes and next in line were Gertrude Weber, Ann Geier, Susan Steinsdoerfer and Mrs. Fuchs. Nick " Young and Bill Schaefer won the gmzes for the best costumes for men. However, Mr. and Mrs. Thonneson felt that all of the costumes were so attractive that she awarded prizes tt> each of the guests. Ducking for apples was enjoyed and T Thonneson presented with a prize. Ben Thonnejjon furnished the music. Both hosts *nd guests are very grateful to the local Legion Post for the use of the hall and it is hoped that a similar fathering may be held in the near future. • » / V • Club Gives Lovely - j'farty For Teachers Purvey, Mrs. Elisabeth Pich and Mr*. C. W. Goodell. • f ' Annnal Forester '-•*» ; Fest On Wednesday The annuat Forester Fest will be held at St. John's church, Johnsburg,^ next Wednesday evening, November 15. Foresters from McHenry and their wives are invited to attend. * * • W. S. C. S. Luncheon Tx> Be Held Nov. 16 The regular monthly luncheon meeting of the W. S. C. S. of the Community Methodist church will be held in the church hall on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. C. W. Klonte will be guest Bpoakar. * f' ' C. D. of A. Holds Business Meeting Court Joyce Kilifter No! 573, Catholic Daughters of America, met in the K. of C. hall on Thursday evening, Nov. 2, for its regular business meeting. Following the business discussion, a social hour was enjoyed, with prizes in cards being merited by Elizabeth Thompson in bridge and Eleanor Young and Gertrude Stilling in pinochle. The social rrteeting of the month will be » • » 'V'/'V. Entertain On Their Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Matt Adams entertained at a large gathering of relatives and friends at their home east of the city last Saturday evening. The gathering honored the. couple oh their fifteenth wedding anniver- ! sary. Cards provided .entertainment for the guests and a delicious buffet lunph was served during the eve- • nirtg. The couple was presented with many lovely gifts. Altar And Rosary j Plans Card Party The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church held its monthly meeting on Monday evening, at which time plans were made for the j public card party to be held on Sunday evening, November 19. The committee in charge • will include Mrs. Anna Miller. Mis. Charles Miller. Mrs. Fred Kunz, Mrs. John Wirtz land Mrs. Leo Thompson. ! Following the discussion of busi- | ness, cards were played on Monday evening, with a prize awarded for each table. Lunch was served by the committee. BOSS SHIRLEY COLBY BECOMES THE BRIDE 07 MARINE IN EAST In a double ring ceremony performed by Rev. Metzner of the First Trinity Methodist church, Providence, Rhode Island, on Oct. 30, Miss Shirley Joyce Colby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Colby of Woodstock, formerly of McHenry, became the bride of Pfc. Paul W. Ziegenbein of the U. S. marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ziegenbein. Serving as maid of honor was Mrs. Morris Kirkwood, and Corp. Morris Kirkwood, U. S. M. C., acted as best man. The bride and her matron of honotwere attired alike, in street length dresses of sheer velvet, designed with fitted bodices, shirred sleeves, sweetheart necklines, and bouffant skirts. Small black sequin hats and matching black accessories with contracting corsages of white roses completed the attractive costumes. The groom recently returned from twenty-six months of overseas sirvice with the United States marines, having seen action on Guadalcanal and Saipan. He was wounded on the latter island after the first twelve hours of landing, and is now the possessor of the Presidential Unit Citation with one cluster antl the Purple Heart. The former Miss Colby lived most of her life in McHenry and graduated from tl\e local high school a few years ago. She was employed in the office of the Woodstock Electric Auto Lite company before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Ziegenbein will reside at 346 Pine street in Providence, Rhode Island# NEWS MOOT Oin SM9EMEN PVt. Violet Miller, WAC, now stationed at Kingman air field, Arizona, recently had her picture printed in ••Cactus", the Kingman air field newspaper. She was one of fifty WACS to arrive there to fill „ clerical positions on the base. Pvt. Miller has been in service one year and had previously been stationed in Florida, New Mexico and California. She is the daughte# of Mrs. Lucille Laurent of Waukegan and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of McHenry. , NEWLYWEDS NOTICE The- undersigned business houses will be closed at 11 o'clock, Saturday, Nov. 11, (Armistice Day) and remain closed for the balance of the day. 25fp. WM. H. ALTHOFF HDWE. NICKELS HDWE. VYCITAL HDWE. '•« NOTICE Mi Place Tavern and Restaurant on Green street will be closed further notice on account of rem ing* and redecorating. . , . Soybean Maeawi The soybean flour adds food" and a pleasant new flavor macaroni. James Wolf has. been transferred from C&mp Pickett,, Va., to New York, And Richard Rosing from San Diego to San Francisco, Calif. OCTOBER BRIDE Sgt. Hans Behnke, son of Mr." and Mrs. Carl Behnke, managers of the Oakmont Game club on the old KirT schoff farm east of McHenry, is home on furlough from duties at Panama City, Fla. Sgt. Behnke^ an aerial gunner Tjvith the army air corps, upon his reteurn to duty will be sent to (Lincoln, Nebraska, Where he will complete gunnery school and then await overseas orders. The Behnke family has resided in this community since last spring. Photo by A- Worwfck. McHenry ENSIGN and MRS. R. NEWKIRK. On Wednesday, October 18, Miss Beatrice Williams of this city and Ensign Robert Newkirk of the navy air corps were united in marriage. Complete details of the wedding appeared in an earlier edition of the Plaindealer. STUDENTS HOLD SADIE HAWKINS DANCE SATURDAY Members of the Mothers' club were again gracious hostesses- at the anaual party given last Thursday evening for the faculty members of the Sublic grade and high school. About jrty-five teachers and members of Hhe club gathered in. the Legion hall to an evening of cards. Prize -^Tinners were C. H. Duker, George 'Hgbert, Clarence Angelse, Miss Genevieve Knox, Mrs. Joann Rulien and ••rs. John Bolger in bridge; R. M. Fleming, Mrs. Kathryn Conway, Mrs. Carl Weber and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie jfci five hundred; Mrs. C. H. Duker pnd Mrs. R. M. Sutton in pinochle. - following the cards, Mrs. Paul |}chwerman and Mrs. Peter M. Justfen presided at a beautifully decorated tea table as the guests enjoyed Ibe tasty lunch. The committee in diarge included Mrs. George Kramer, chairman; Mrs. Matt Laures, Mrs. Bdgar Landgren, Mrs. Henry Schaef- Ijpr, H. B. Schaefer, Mrs. William ^riee, Mrs. Jacob Stoffel, Mrs: Albert FORTY HOURS DEVOTION Forty Hours Devotion will be observed at St. Patrick's church this weekend, Ibeginning at mass on Friday morning and extending until Sunday morning at 10 o'clock High mass. BirtKs A future Halloween prankster was the son born on Tuesday, October 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie Stedman, of Rout^ 1, Spring Grove. Mr. find Mrs. Walter Hunter ojt McHenry are .the parents of a son, bom at the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday. We hear that Donald Meyer is home on leave after many months of duty at sea. It is his first chance t^ see his young daughter. Sgt. Albert Vales has been spending a few days at his home here enroute to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams received a letter this week from their son, Richard, saying that he had ari rived safely in France. They also : received a radiogram from him, congratulating them on their twentythird wedding anniversary; Edmund Wirfs, who has been stai tioned at Las Vegas, Nevada, with | the ground crew of the air force, is 1 home on furlough until November ' 15. At that time he will be trans- | ferred to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he will attend O. T. U. school. Beautiful baby gifts, popularly priced. The Toddler Shop, Green and Elm Sta., McHenry. Photo by A. Worwlck, UcHeniV MRS. LEONARD THENNES On a lovely autumn day, October 28, Miss Mary Ann Diedrich, daughter of the Jacob F. Diedrichs, became the bride of Mr. Leonard Thennes, of Volo. They are now residing in the May place on John street. ' i ./.l VOGUE CLEANERS * Phone McHenry 19. We Pick Up and Deliver Two to Three Day Service Try the Vogue for splendid service and excellent workmanship Men's Shop [Representative] West McHenry • COUNTY ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM TO COMPLETE YEAR FOR 4-H CLUBS We hear so much complaining among civilians these days about the cigarette shortage that we think it timely to quote this passage which a local soldier wrote home recently: "You think cigarettes are scarce back in the States. Listen to this. The guys who have been in Rome say that a carton of smokes can be sold for seven dollars here. I see no cigarettes at any price but guys who don't smoke are making a few pennies. These guys smoke only when they're issued free by the army, like on boat rides and in K rations." Recent transfers include Robert Struck from Moscow, Idaho, to Shoemaker, Calif.; Jay Cristy ffom Dyersburg, Term.; to New York, and Harold Vycital from Farragut, Idaho, to San Diego, Calif. George Nett is now stationed at Camp Ellis, 111. McHenry county 4-H clubs will complete their 1944 year Saturday night, November 11, with a countywide achievement at the Woodstock Community high school. State outstanding members and state project honor members will be honored and will receive certificates. County honor members will be recognized Each agricultural club mem-j Vernon j Kramer, aviation tnaber who completed five years of club mhinist,s male 1/c tt officer, work this year will receive a gold | who has been stationeJ in y Panama !p.n and each member wh« has_com-ifor th t ten month hag returned Lawrence Freund, Sl/C, of Boston, Mass., arrived last Thursday to spend a few days leave with his parents, the Nick B. Freunds. Lawrence, who is one of three brothers in service, was in the path of the recent hurrienne and "has many interesting acconnts to tell of the storm. S M R T ^ S H I R T S pleted his first year will receive a bronze pin. Checks representing premium money to the States and is now taking a six weeks' course ait, Olathe, Kas. show, will he distributed to the agri- i Qhio cultural club leaders and they will ' present them to the members of! Recent transfer8 include Gerald A. their clubs. Only those club mem- Schumacker from Richmond, Va., to bers will r^ve premium money who | gan Pedro> Galifv Robert Anderson satisfactorily completed their club | from c Picketfc, Va,, to New York; Cictor Hunt from Baltimore, Md., to New York; and Elmer Erber from New York to Palm Springs, Cal. COMING EVENTS Miss Maurie Taylor > and the students at M. C. H. S. are hard at work this week learning the latseit dance steps. That is, the students are learning and Miss Taylor is their capable instructor. iLast year's Seniors left as their gift to the school a juke box, which arrived last week. Now the journalism class is planning a Sadie Hawkins dance for this Saturday night in the local gymnasium, to be enjoyed by all students who care to be present. The students have really worked hard this week so that they will not be outshone on the dance floor. Inspired by the *SLil Abner" comic strip, the Sadie Hawkins dances have become increasingly popular these last few years throughout the country. This, however, is the first one to be held here. Read the Want Ads! TUMMMK ~ ••«. U.S. ft*. Off. MIRACLE WALL FINISH OMIT 1« om coat covan i 2. AFHJB UK! MUOK 3. MBS IN ONE HOW 4. Man with waim 5. NO "PAMTY" OOOt 6. WASNCS EASILY •:f. lOVCUBT COUttS ONE GALLON DOES AVERAGE ROOM Kani-Ton* R0LLER-K0ATER Km-Toif TRIMS As low as 1§( a refll PLASTIC PATCH 99C Repairs cracks "0 ft < •». • v.'-': v vmm v ;.r.V' BQLGER'S ORUG STORE r GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. DEALER SALUTE TO THE U.S. NAVY FREE. 24-page booklet, filled with beautiful, full-color illiutmtions of U.S. N«ry$j6ghting wait. A book you'll want to top. Come in for your copy. 0 o 0 this year, as reported by their leader. The program will be held in the high school auditorium, beginning at 8 p. m., with Orville Pagle, county federation president, presiding. Shirley Neal, chairman of the ambulance committee, will present a check for $1,000 to Vaughan General hospital, November 9 Maywood, 111., for installations there j East River Road Pinochle dub. to fce used by recuperating soldiers.; November 10 This is the balance of the money! Mothers' Club--Mrs. Paul Schwerman raised last summer by 4-H members ' Home. for an ambulance for the navy, which j Nov. IS was presented September 23. j O. E. S.--Election of Officers. : Frank Maynard, assistant state 4-H | November 14 club leader, will address the group Circle 1, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. Patterson, and Ralph McKinzie, a farmer in; November 15 Kane county, and former State Rural | Forester Fest--St. John's Church Youth worker, will lead a recreation | Johnsburg. period in the gymnasium following 1 . November 16 the program. Refreshments will be W. S. C. S. Luncheon--Methodist V. . means Mneat" to a nautical and that's the word for this good-looking pin striped worsted ... a pattern add fabric well liked by well-dressed men. There's individuality m wearing Hart Schaffner & Mack clothes. They're smoothly, smartly tailored. They fit your figure . . . and what's just as important, they J& your type. Minute you slip one on you'll see what we mean. Triple Test Worsteds PHONE 19 Cool-weather Casuals for Fall : Here are the shirts you'll want to live in right through the tip and winter months. Sleek ga|t ,, ardines for autumn and early spring; warm wool and wool-and-rayon mixtures for the deep-winter months. #• And we've got them in sparkling assortment-- from bright plaids to small neat checks... from solid colors to two-tone combinations. Buy them now for smart, comfortable wear right through F I T Z Q E R A L D ' S WEST McHENRY served to all, following the program. Parents of all club members are especially invited to attend. Long1 Illness of James Unte, 13, Ends III Death V " Funeral services were held on Friday at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's 4 Christian Mothers^ Church Hall. C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. NOT. 16-17 Junior Class Play. . November 19 Public Card Party--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of "St. .Patrick's Church. December 1 church in Fremont Center for James Joseph Untz, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Untz. He died at the home of his parents on the Volo-Gilmer road last week after an illness of several months. , Survivors' include, besides the parents, .four brothers and five sisters; December 7 Methodist J^adie*' Bazaar >nd Su? per.. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to exprjess thanks to all of our neighbors Ralph, serving overseas, Aiithfrny, and friends for their many kind- Joseph, Gilbert and Mrs. Margaret; nesses in our recent bereavement. Wi§ Tailored bjg Mart Srhaffm Mmrx C Scott, all of Fremont Center; Mrs. Alfred Diedrich, Ingleside; .Mrs. Elmer Schaefer, McHenry; and Meretdes and Rosemary at home. - Temperatures In Alaska The climatic temperature of Alaska varies from 60 degrees below zero in the winter to 90 degrees gbova in *he aummer, are especially grateful for donation! of cars, for floral offerings and t» the pall bearers. MRS. HARRY LINDSAY MR. and MRS. BEN BOYLE MR. and MRS. HAROLD LINDSAY We now have a good display of Christmas toys and gifts. Shop early at Yyeital's Hdwe.. ' > McGEE'S GREEN SREET McHENRY Mlvme 0i Mart Schmffmer & Marx, clothe* \ • :

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