* «V THE M'HENRY PLA1K0EAIER HELP WANTED A fubli»h«d every Thursday at Mc- HELP WANTED -- Girl for founfc «nry, HI., by Charles F. Retiich. | tain and general store work. Bolter's Drug Store, McHenry. 13-tf A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager WANTED--Draft exempt man for Entered as second-class matter at war work. Apply Miller Products. tfeM postoffice at McHenry, 111., under Phone 195. a 39-tf Mm act of May 8, 1879. T*|.- ,$2.50 MISCELLANEOUS ersonm Mrs. Edwin O. Sullivan spent Thursday of last week in Chicago. Mrs. Rose Miller and Mrs. Ida Mix spent several days last week in the Cloyce Wagner )>ome in Monmouth, 111. PIANO LESSONS -- Newest meth- j Mr- and Mrs- Malcolm Mclntyre, ods, classical or popular; beginners j former residents, visited friends here or advanced. At your home or in j one day last week. Mr. Mclntyre my studio. Maude Stuhlfeier, McCul-! ha§ just returned from army duty 4iom Lake, near beach. Appointment j N«w York »nd wil1 be stationed Can be made by mail. 26-tf jat Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Mrs. Mcj Intyre is making her home in Elgin SEND A RECORD OF YOUR OWN : for the duration. He was formerly VOICE to your serviceman or woman.j trades teacher in the high school Call Cole's Radm Service. Phone j here. 101-R for appointment, 218 River- j Mrs. *C. J. Reihanspergeir and side Drive, except Thursdays. 26 daughter, Ruth, left on Friday * of ~ : ~ ! last week to spend a few days visit- *or o .. Stop losses from j their son and brother, Herb - - •necro and runtiness with genuine ReihansPerger, in Springfield, Mo. w\d oil f Weber DroDertv Phone J11*® 'c,u'( FOR SALE Weber property. ™one tay fe«d? hog medicine. Wanted: ]yjrs Robt. Beckenbaugh and child- ln» p.rj. For Sale two of c tal L>ke * t several i Hereford boars. n------ FOR SALE ' FOR SALE--Geese, alive or dressed. ' Call John Passfield, McHenry 612-W-2 FEEDING PIGS McHenry 82-W. FOR SALE--40 H. P., Model A power I McHenry. Tt eli. »R•ic ^hmreopnodp r9 ^29a. tt*"2e4r--3 days laLs, t • week in the Louis Althoff plant, complete with, electric starter, j jcqjj ANY TYPE OF HOME INSUL- ! Mrs. "Simon Stoffel and daughter, generator battery, governor, 3-groove ^TION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A L*na> spent a day last week in Chipulley, mounted on welded steel base, .j r<X)F see Bob Frisby Peo- cag°- The former remained for a $180. Write Box "K" McIJenry Plain-! le,g. Insuiati;n Co., 104 S. Riverside ,onSer visit, in the home of her daughter- 25"2 Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry | ter>_ Mrs. Curtis Westphal^ •F O1R1 SA- LE--- ^L ive carp™, pre^fe raT~bZl7e on t • - v%<oodstok, 9z1iu0^ vi Jackson i Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and size for smoking, 5c per pound: They ! St. Phone Woodstock -17. Thursday, November 16, 1941 20-tf children and Dick Hayes of Chicago visited Mrs. Edith Hayes in the Wil- *re from spring fed lakes of Illinois : HAVE YOU HEARD about the new liam Whiting home on Sunday, \ and are very meaty. Call after Induced Auto Liability and Property; Mrs. Carl Courier of Woodstock • p. m. week days, except Saturday ^ Qamage rates t They will surprise | visited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Baand Sunday all day. Wonder Lake. Jerry's place, I 25-2 you. Ask us for insurance rates, con, on Friday. FOR SALE--1935 Chevrolet 2-door The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Callahan of 2?-tf• Oak Park were called to McHenry her young daughter for the duration. The husband and father is now serving overseas. Lieut, and Mrs. Fred J. Mueller returned to Boston, Mass., last weekend after spending a furlough visiting relatives »n4 friends. Vaughn Jones spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Glen Robison and Miss Helen Welch visited in the Clarence Martin home on Monday evening. Miss Elaine Landgren, student nurse at St. Elizabeth's hospital, Chicago, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Edgar Landgren. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dam and family of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mitchell and family and Mrs. Carl Hiatt and daughter, Roberta, of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rapp and daughter, Carol, of Arlington Heights and Bob Bacon of Chicago. The gathering served as a "welcome home" for Marshall Bacon, who returned the previous evening after serving overseas. .. • Mr. t and Mrs. Harold Owen were dinner guests of Mr. Owen's cousin; Lt. and Mrs. Joseph Fillmore Shaw, in Waukegan last week. The, dinner was a farewell for Lt. Shaw, who is being detached from Great Lakes after two years as assistant district dispersing officer for the ninth naval district. Lt. Shaw will report for sea duty after a short indoctrination course fit a supply officers school near Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Linus Newman and daughter, Mrs. E. J. Buss, called on Mrs. Myrtle BEGIN ADULT HOBOS NURSING COURSE AT SCHOOL NOVEMBER 3 Michels, Mrs. Frank Jung, Mrs. Albert Huff, Mrs. Leo Michels, Mrs. Clarence Michels, Miss Evelyn Michels and Miss Thelma Lay. The bride-tobe was the recepient of many lovely An adult home. nursing class will j gifts. She will be married to Ange hold its first meeting on Thursday, DeBona of Marengo, Nov. 22. November 30, at the local high school. This fifteen weeks course will be held §ach Thursday morning between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock, with Mrs. Quentin Walsh acting ps instructor. Enrollments will be accepted on Monday, November 20, in the high school office between 7 and 8 p. m. Those who wish to enroll and will be unable to be present at that time are asked to call Mrs. Rulien, chairman, at 68-M. There will be a ^$1.00 charge for the course, the money to cover text Pvt. Alfred (Sonny) Smith spent the weekend visiting with friends and relatives. Miss Mary K. Schmitt, Carrie Rodemeyer and Hazel Sondgrath of Sterling, 111., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund. Elmer Miller and Ed. Delsol are visiting a week in the John Schpjitt home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Rinkenberger Sunday evening. Sunday guests in the John Weinbooks and other items. The class i home, honoring their daughter, will be limited to twenty persons so all who are interested should be present on iMonday night, November 20. JOHNSBURG c (By Mr*. Arthur CUln) "Friends and relatives honored Miss Dorothy Michels at a pre-nuptial shower Sunday afternoon. Cards and bunco furnished the entertainment and a delicious luncheon wji.g served by Mrs. Jos. Michefr, Mrs. Frank coach. Three brand new tires. Call pEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE of\er aunt and uncle EW'and Daat J. Guzzardo s 408 Park Avenue WAR _ Five do,lars jg the least we' £d ' "***' Etta and Da McHenry. pay for dead horses and cows in good Mrs Frank McMillan of Elgin vis- FOR SALE--Agricultural limestone,, condition. \Vhee)ing Rendering Co- ited friends here on Tuesday, delivered and spread on fields; rea- i Pbone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the ( Mrs. Eli7abeth Pich was a Chicago sonable prices: immediate delivery, c-ih arg,eesg. nf eded to * OXeary Tuck Service, Woodstock-GARBAGE COLLECTING ID. Phone 796-J. *24-3 Let us dispose of your garbage each week, FOR SALE, -- Turkey gobbler good ®r oftener if desired. Reasonable the first of the week by the death Symonds at the Woodstock hospital on Sunday. 'Frank Vales of Chicago is spending the week in the home of his brother, Albert Vales. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman spent Saturday afternoon in the C. L. Newman home at Slocum Lake. . for breeding. Tel. 648-W-2. FOR SALE inch mirror; 3 large drainers. Price $50. Miller. 306 Elm St. 26 rates. Regular year round route, for- -- merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Modem dresser, 30x32 Phone 365. tf dust proof Mrs. Loren "SWAP" CAMPAIGN OF *26 PUBLIC SERVICE HAS FOR SALE -- All wool snow suit PROVED HUGE SUCCESS jacket, size 14. Tel. L78-R. *26 -- FOR S ALE nard Bauer. ~~ ~ r~' d * Almost 18,000 idle electric house- Muscovy ducks. Ber- j)0jd devjces have been rejuvenated load. 14-tf caiiGr on Wednesday, Mrs. M. Gladstone spent Wednesday in Chicago. Ensign Richard A. Fitzak of the Navy Air corps, stationed at Corpus Christi, Texas, was a weekend guest in the R. M. Fleming home. Ensign Fitzak's next station will be Jacksonville. Fla. Mrs. Emil Patzke spent Wednesday in Chicago. Miss Cynthia Woll of Winnetka spent the weekend visiting relatives here. - George Walmsley of Great Lakes Tel. 691-M-2. *26 and pm in the war effort in j vjsjted in the Clarence Martin home FOR SALE -- Combination coal or McHenry and other northern Illinois j last weekend. wood stove and bottled gas. Wm. towns outside Chicago since the ap- j Sunday guests in the R. I. Overton Fmk, on Blacktop Gilmer-Volo road. Prance "swap" campaign started ab- home were Mrs. Ada Hoelscher and Phone Wauconda 2582. *26 most a year ago, according to an J daughter, Mary Catherine, Mr. and -- J announcement by the Public Service Mrs. Harvey Ritz and Miss Belle FOR SALE -- Used hot air furnace, company of northern Illinois. Over [Carey of Elgin. ' some pipes and four registers. A.; 30 per cent of the total ^re electric ; Mrs Pptpr Wpher inr? Mi« riara Lallinger, Route 1, West McHenry, irons. ; Schiessle were Chicago callers on Fri- Jll. *26 The drive started last December day; where they attended the funeral ' . . „ ---- ---- ----"when the War Production Board is-j ftf „ rpiflf,Vp FOR SALE -- Sink and j sued a nation-wide appeal that homes' M M r , Wrhrr n*>hnt drum. Otto Mueller, fel. 138-J. *26! ^ searched for idle work-saving de- ^ and Mrs. Carl, Weber sfWit ; . . . u , . , 6 . i T h u r s d a y i n C h i c a g o . " - FOR SALE -- 1937 Oldsmobile 2- viees that could ^ turned over to NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN Miss Vinnie Bacon of Wauconda j has received word that her" grand j nephew, Robert Johnson, only son I of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson of! Wall Lake, Iowa, has been listed as j missing in action since Sept. 7.! Mrs. Johnson is the former Edna | Davis, daughter of the Charles Da vis', former residents here. door sedan; dining set, table, six ' war workers and others unable to' Among those from here who atccnhaaiirrss, buffet" 5 cubic" foot" Keivina- Purchase them due to wartime manu-1 Jfnded open house at Woodstock in Duiret, o cudic 1001 ».e»vina _ honor of Mr: and Mrs. Charles Ren- Lyle Franzen of Camp Murphy, Fla., is spending a furlough visiting relatives and friends "here. His brother, Lloyd, who has been out at sea much of the past two years, spent a few days the first of the week here. Marshall Bacon and Chester Colby, both of whom have just returned from the European war theatre, talked before an interested audience at the Community Methodist church on| Tuesday evening, telling of their exj periences in the war. tor refrigerator. Tel. 287-Mj •OR ! facturing restrictions. I_n _ans_we_r t_o t his_ ap_pe_al t he P_ ub_- 8 n wedding a n n i v e r s a r y FOR SALE -- $400 Zenith radio, in lie Service company readily obtain- j weEf ,^.r- ^rs" good condition. Price ?50. Cole's ed the cooperation of some 160 elec- ,0 e" Miss Ethel Jones, Mr. and Radio Service,--218 Riverside Drive, trical dealers in suburban and north- Mrs. Henry Nell, Mr. and Mrs. Zion Phone 101-R, except Thursdays. 261 ern Illinois communities and helped i Miss Lena Stoffel, Miss Clara ---- | them launch and carry on an organ-; Stoffel, Miss Louise Welsh, Mrs. Ken- FOR SALE -- Heifer and bull calves,; jzed '<swap" campaign. People by 1 net^ Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stethree months old; also baled hay and;the hundreds swapped their idle orSPhenson' Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Flem- Muscovy ducks. Siebert, Tel. McHenry ; broken electrical devices for their Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mr. 632-M-2. ^ 26 va]ue jn war stamps. The units were, and Mrs. Norbert Yegge, Mr. and FOR SALE -- Gas stove, with oven then repaned by the dealers and re- Mrs- Edward J. Buss, Dr. and Mrs. Baclerins (or Poultry Resistance against fowl cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid and colds in por >y can be built up by the use of bacterins. The resistance will be of several weeks" duration. McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY SATURDAY JOAN DAVIS, JANE FRAZEE BOB CROSBY "Kansas City Kitty" Plto: News, Cartoon and March of Time "POST WAR FARMS" SUNDAY-MONDAY Nov. 17-lfe JUNE ALLYSON GLORIA DeHAVEN VAN JOHNSON JIMMY DURANTE "TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR" Plus: World Events and Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY ONLY) "HITLER GANG" Plus: Popular Science--Sports and Community Singing WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY FREDRIC MARCH ALEXIS SMITH DONALD CRISP r ALAN HALE ."The Adventures of Mark Twain" Carol Ann, on her . third birthday anniversary were Mr. and Mrs. Beter Resedean and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Egan and family, Mr. and Ben Kennebeck Mrs. Ihomas Egan and family, Mr. and Mrs. James C<ynstock and family, Mrs Josephine Weingart »nd son, Bud, Mrs. John Sauder and son, Jackie, Miss Dorothy Fuchs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nell and daughters. Charles Hiller, who had a slight break in his wrist, Had his east removed Monday. Miss Dorothy ITuchs left Tuesdaj^ i; for Humphrey, Nebraska, where sh^ *3? will visit with her parents. She planjfe^ f * to return with Mr. and Mrs. Fre4' Fuchs, Marlyn and Wayne in tw** weeks. ' -• Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox enterfv tained a party of friends, at theuF" home Saturday evening. Cards fur-» v' nished the evfening's entertainment*** 1 ~ Refreshments were served and a de-*'.« licious lunch concluded *n enjoyable* - . . ,.v evening^ % V ,; Mrs. Earl Burback4jMrs. Bob Mc-*"-'.<» 0 Nally, Mrs. Steve Schaefer and Mrm»V j » Paul Lewis of Fox Lake were Fridajgrt? • ^ evening callers in the Arthur Klein, *'•* home. Seaman Jimmy Hetterman Seaman Art Jackson of Great Lakeftt^ C spent the weekend in thpir respectiv#« homes. Seaman Daniel Kennebeck is honi#* leave visiting with his wife son and his parents, Mr. and Mra* - ' • MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FRI-SAT--NOV. 17-18 GENE AUTRY in "MEXICALI ROSE" with SMILEY (Frog) BURNETTE flus "TROCADERO" with Rosemary Lane and Johny Downs SUNDAY MONDAY -- Nov. 19-20 GALS - GAGS - GIGGLES. FRANK SINATRA in LOVE -- FUN-MAKING «, in "STEP LIVELY" with Glorift DeHaveit, Geo. Murphy, Adolph Menjou TUESDAY--ONE NITE ONLY NOV. 21 Big Poultry Show - at About 9 P. M. 100 Lbs. of Choice Foul. For Fun! And Profit! Be Here! --On Our Screen-- "MEET THE PEOPLE" with DICK POWELL-LUCILLE BALL and Spike Jones and His City Slickers WED„ NOV. 22 And Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23 CONTINUOUS SHOWS THUR., THANKSGIVING DAY FROM 2:30 P. M. EDDIE CANTOR in i "SHOW BUSINESS" with Geo. Murphy, Joan Davis, Nancy Kelly. Plus: Late News and Cartoon PROTECT YOUR HOMES IMMEDIATELY The cost of using patty to tighten windows and also for weather stripping mi* calking can be saved many times over in the fuel to properly heat your homes. We have a good supply of these necessities--including window glass. Remember this is a hardware store! We are not going to tell you--as we could in normal times--that our stock is complete. It is difficult and many times impossible to get many items. But we do claim that we are always on the job, searching for merchandise to take care of your needs. We welcome your inquiries just the same, hoping to eventually secure the items usually found in a first class hardware store. This store will close at 11 o'clock Saturday, Nov. 11 (Armistice Day) for the balance of the day. E.H. Nickels Hardware PHONE WEST McHENRY regulator; green and white enamel; reasonable. Stuhlfeier, take. C. W. Klontz, Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer, Mrs." M. J. Walsh and sold. MpCullom'a' Reports show that over 4,000 elec , ^ 26-tf tric lamPs have been teken in by, daughters, Mary and Dorothy, Mr. :--:-- j dealers thus far. Toasters rank sec- j ant^' ^rs- Paul Albert, W'illiam J. |k)R SALE -- • 1936 Buick sedan, asi ond with 1795. Also high on the I Christman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waish, is, with radio and heater. $60. H. C. j list of items swapped are radios,; ^r* aIM* ^rs- H. Mosher and Dr. Lock, McCullom's Lake. *26 j 1232; vacuum cleaners, 1063; lamps, j an^ Mrs. A. I. Froehlich. -- --;--| 592; washers, 532, and hotplates, 377.! Mary Lou Stoffel, Madeline Freund, JOR SALE Duroc Jersey boar pigs.; Other appliances include numerous 5 Waldmann and Elaine Heimer Regular blood lines. Inquire John fans^ clocks, heaters, refrigerators, spent Saturday in Madison, Wis. ranges, ironers, roasters, fdod mix- j While there they attended the Wisers, motors and percolators and cof-1 consin-Iowa football game, fee makrrs. I ^rs- Genevieve Swenson of La- Comment from both dealers and Grange and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of "'Wauconda visited in the Alfons campaign has done and is doing a ^onJ.e la weekend. big war job in northern Illinois* ^ ' * ** U H. Strever, Kaneville, 111. 26-2 FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and1 •conomy with fire-proof Johns-Man-1 ville Rock Wool Home Insulation , , ... , , «Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call, homemakers indicate thai the "swap' LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 36tf. POR RENT COUNTY CHILDREN PROVIDE MATERIAL FOR RENT -- Having purchased the FOR "MAE WESTS" One-third interest of Howard J. Walkington in the William Walkington _ _ estate, we are now offering the farm L , November 10, McHenry for rent. It is an excellent dairy! Coun,ty.. Tow]lship Road Commissionfarm of 330 acres, located 1% miles ; frs delive™i 792 bags of buoyancy east of Greenwood. Meets the Chi- j ° a warehouse in Woodstock. School cago nailk requirements. References c'11j"r®n a" over the county this fall required. Doris M. Walkington and1 Plcked< one by one. millions of milk- Lois Walkington Harrison. Inquire | ^eed Pods; and dned them during of Lois Harrison, Ringwood. Phone .e, Pas^ ew months. A familiar Richmond 648. *26 j Slght has been these bags hanging ' - :\ . | on the fences of country schools over LOST Sgt. Norbert Mauch left for army duties at Robins Field, Ga., on Monday after spending a furlough visiting his wife, the former Helen Bauer, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Owen and daughters, Marlyn and Patsy, attended the Ice Follies in Chicago on Friday. Mrs. Harry Hitzman of Chicago has been visiting in the home of her parents, the A. E. Nyes. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Bauer o f1 Chicago visited relatives here last weekend. Paul Bonslett, Jr., spent Sunday visiting his father in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ensign of LOST -- Ponson cigarette lighter, on Green street. Reward. A. J. Mc- t"at our %bting men wear while .Carroll. Tel. 103-J. the county. This feathery material, which will I North Chicago visited in the Charles be used in the famous "Mae Wests" Ensign home on Sunday. Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Jr., who has *26 over water, could save the lives of a been with her husband who was sta- :-- whole shipload of soldiers or sailors, i tioned at Camp Reynolds, Greenville, I Milkweed floss, which these pods pro- j Pa., has returned to McHenry with duce, is being used in the place of j Capok, which we have not been able PERfflAnEIlT WAVE KfT) i A •'LOST.-- Package containing Rem- to ggt from its native growing place, Jngton electric razor and navy cloth- the Pacific islands, since the b'e- Hng. Finder please call 625-R-l. ginning of the war with Japan. These Finder may have choice of popular bags of pods will bo shipped to Pebrand cigarettes or $10 in cash. Any tosky, where the War Hemp Indusinform* tion will be appreciated. *26 try, incorporated, will process them. ' Richmond Township had the most, • with 147 bags. Carroll was the I second with 106. CompMewith I'crmaneat aair M Wave Snlution curlers, ASIC •hampoo and wave set--nothing •Im to buy Kequiree no heat, electricity or machines Bafe for every type of hair. Over 6 million boH Money back guarantee- Get aCharin- Kurl Kit today. THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRUGS WANTED WANTED -- Call Mrs. Remus if you wish to dispose of old dishes or glass, ( old dolls or toys, rolls of old wall-! paper, decorative irons, fans, lanterns j colored lamps, old. jewelry, old linen, ! prisms, silverware, furniture, in fact, I anything old. Phone Woodstock! 219-W, 343 Jefferson street. 26-4 WANTED TO RENT OR BUY-- Modern house in or near McHenry or 1 Ringwood. Harry Barr, Ringwood Chemical corporation, Ringwood, 111. k • : 15tf. WANTED -- Room in McHenry home to use as studio one day a week. Will furnish piano. Maude Stuhlfteier R-l, West McHenry. 26^tf • r , I. ; : " The army has developed a protective cream which prevents severe " i, burns from fl^^h fires. ' GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE CLEANERS Precision Manufacttiringr Company To Locate in the City of McHenry , Now located in Chicago, a well-organized company plans on moving to McHenry on a permanent basis. Now doing 100 per cent War Work for the Army and Navy. Post-war products ready to manufacture as soon as Victory is won. Onefof the important considerations governing our decision is the employment situation. We must be assured of sufficient help before final decision is made* Employees Immediately • WOMEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 45 -- NO EXPERIENCE -NECESSARY Apply Saturday evening, Nov. 18, 6 p. m. to 9 p. m. at tKe office of Kent & Co., Riverside Drive, McHenry, at which time a company represen' tative will be present with full information. r Men who have machine shop and set-up experience also needed. 103 Elm Street Phone McHeni*y 104-M ••••'rv V