Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1944, p. 4

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t*[SWte p;*, THi *• * t ^ .-1^ * "V Toul mw$m * •'*>" , 'fc.vT* • ?.;"j - .f-? imufCwnoJ'^a'IlSll'fPc Y -4$ < * •: j,* * I, ? v. • ^ ^ & > j- *. Thursday, November 23, 1944 . .y _ y» : '" " >. « THE M'HENRY PIAWOEALER fublished every Thursday at Mc- Bmu7i III., by Charles F. Renich. A. H. MOTHER Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter at ie postoffice at McHenry, 111., under te act of May 8, 1870. s4^ One Year personals served at 7 o'clock. Cards and bunco were played as the evening's diversion and prizes were awarded Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. John Lay and Mrs, Math Nimsgren in 600, while Mrs. Harold Vycital and childrerf b A unC0 Prize dinners were Misses Lu were dinner guests in the Lisle Bas- ,nne Bauer, Kathleen Freund and sett home on Sunday. 'Clarice May. A lovely lunch was Mrs. Georpe Wirfs and son, Stephen serve^ following cards. r have been visiting the former's son. ' The Firemen held their meeting at Vincent, and family in Rockford. - Town Hall on Monday night. Cards Miss Eileen Kilday of Chicago were played after the meeting and FOR SALE #OR SALE--Weber property. Phone McHenry 82-W.- 25-tf. FOR SALE -- Qas stovfe, with ov6n regulator; green and white enamel; fteasonable,, Stuhlfeier, McCullom's ike. " « - 26-tf . : i : : ~ ! T*^ " ' 11 FOR SALE--Duroc Jersey boat pigs. ! >R^gular blood lines. Inquiry John II. StreVer, Kaneville, III,* ?6-2 ff-- Vl'i ">*' ^lank._ sheathing, windows, 'I over- • ' *' \. vjiead doors. Call McHenry 235-R FOR SALE -- Lumber1, 2x4, 2 2x6, m Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Williams Park were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oswald at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ludermann and j Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulska of Chicago ; were Sunday callers at the home ot- ? Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Burkhart at Williams Park. Tasty Garfle Certain medicos have advanced die idea that gargling with fresh fruit juices rather than with standard mouth-wash is healthier and tastes better. . • j Serpentine Increased Chemical stimulation of spent the weekend with her parents, refreshments were served. the John Kildays. />Vs Lyle Thomas left on Monday to Mrs. Joseph May spent Sunday in enter the U. S. navy. A farewell Elgin where she visited relatives. i party was held in his honor fit Town Mrs. Charles Carso of Chicago ; Hall last Saturday night. spent the weekend in the home of Emil Nelson of Chicago spent the her parents, the Henry Kinsalas. j weekend in the Math Nimsgern home. The Robert Krinns of Des Plaines j MVs. Harry Myers entertained her visited relatives here last weekend, j pinochle club at her home on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart and son j night. Prizes for high scores went of Chicago visited in the Jacob Jus-j to Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. A1 ten home last weekend. ^ | Schmeltzer and Mrsr Albert Britz Mrs. Anita Beckenbaugh visited j received consolation. Th^" serving of relatives in Crystal Lake on Sunday, i a delicious lunch brought this pleas- Mrs. Clarence Martin and daugh-1 ant evening to a. close. jrjeasonable,, Stuhlfeier, McCullom's ter> Rjtay and Mrs. Carl Hjatt of' Pfc. Lawrence Nimsgren <jf De- L&ke. « 26-tf Waukepran, attended • the Ice Revue.. troit, Mich., is enjoying several days in Chicago on Saturday. | at* his home here. Miss Madge Phannenstill of Chi-j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber entercago visited her sister, "Mrs. Mary , tained at their home on Sunday in Pouliot, on Sunday. j honor of the first birthday of' their Bob Bacon of Chicago spent the daughter, Judy Anna. The children weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lena i enjoyed a party in the afternoon Bacon. , j when ice cream and cake and cookies Miss Ruth Klodzinlski, former was served. Games were played and teacher in the local high school, at- j prizes were won by Kay Frederick- FOR SALE Three 110-gal drums tended the Junior class play on Fri- sen, Beverly Behrens, Paul May and 17 each • oil burner $10 Call Mc- d®y evening and spent Saturday vis- j Donna May. In the evening a buffet Henrv 674-M-l, Saturday or Sunday ! h«re. „ _ ^ | supper was served. Those present * #27 | Mrs. William Spencer, Mrs. Eester • were Mr. and Mrs. Gust Gustafson, -j. : ; Page and Mrs. A. H. Mosher were | son, Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fred- FOR *s\le 1937 Dodge sedan. ^ Elgin callers on Friday. | ericksen, daughter, Kay, of Chicago, Price $175. Apply at Trigin's Store, Miss Elaine Landgren of St. Eliza- | Mrs. George Sanders, son, Bobby, McCullom Lake. *27 beth's hospital, Chicago, spent the j and daughter, Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. weekend with her parents, the Edgar i Charles Freund and family and Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family and Beverly Ann Adsit. Mrs. Bertha Esfe, Mrs. Lois Esh, sons, Terry and Tommy, were guests, in the Andy Straub home in Chicago I on Sunday in honor of Yvonne Straub's birthday. The Solemn closing of Forty Hours Devotion was held at St. Peter's j church on Tuesday night. Services began with prayer by Father Baum- j hofer, followed by a most impressive sermon by Father Kohen, the Missionary Father, who conducted the ; services through the three days of J prayer and Adoration, The Litany : of the Saints was sung-by «11 priests present, followed by solemn pro-1 fcession with the Blessed Sacrement led by servers, the girls dressed in white and all the priests. In con- , > Salt Oxidates Meat promotes oxidation in meats and sausages, resulting in ranciditjr, and should not be added to these i^ems placed in storage. • Chewing Insects Crysolite is stomach poison effective against chewing insects. It can be used on beans to control bean beetle. Crysolite is less poisonous than the arsenates and safer for use on leafy vegetables. the southern pine trees has increased the production of rosin and turpentine as much as SO per QQt$. SOYBEAN CROP IN , ? - ; STATE THIS YEAE HITS RECORD MAIR A bumpor Illinois farm se*sefc, which was featured by a new high record production of 71,400,000 bu said, compared with 70,602,000 bd£ shels last year. He reported a of a> bushel per acre to bring thi year's acreage yield to twenty-oijik bushels, ' the third largest on recoiw and the best since 1941." ' Surratt said the soybean gain r#>r fleeted the favorable finishing anil V i Subscribe for The Plaindeafi^ Bite at Night The malarial mosquitoes bite most frequently at night. 'They spend the daytime in dark places and houses and barns. Because these mosquitoes bite at night, the superstition developed that night air was dangerous. The night air of Greece^ and Rome was dangerous, but only because it was full of mosquitoes carrying malaria. shels of soybeans "with the best J ideal harvest Weather during Octequality in years," was reported dur- : her. Improved corn prospects main^f ing the past week by the Illnois and ' in the northern and southwestern ' federal departments of agriculture. |'parts «of the state, he said, were A. J. Surratt, state-federal crop set by slightly lowered fields ela|| - Statistician, listed the soybean pro- where. duction as the outstanding feature of his November monthly- crop report. He said corn was the same as the October prospect and that all important crops were largely made ahead of frost on October 12. The 1944 ^soybean production, he , • . T*: Digestible Nutrients , 7 - Ck>od quality hay contains-ftbo«§< two-thirds as many digestible nutria ents as grain or feed mixtures. r FOR SALE -- Galvanized chimney Landgrens. top. Call McHenry 651-R-l. 27 FOR SALE -- Three used row boats. Call Pink Harrison, Pistakee Bay *23. 27 Miss Margaret Larkin and Miss Mabel Knox spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Genevieve Knox wju an Elgin caller on Saturday. FOR SALE -- White Leghorn pul-! Miss Lewis Rausch of Chicago, lets, laying. James D. Curran, (former teacher m the local high •.West McHenry. Phone 622-W-l. i school, attended the Junior class play 27 on Thursday evening. -- ;--,-- ; Patrick Krohn spent Friday in Chi- FOR SALE -- 1930 Chevrolet pickup cago. truck; good tires and engine; brand : Miss Charlene Krohn of Chicago new top; all steel box; needs paint. ! spent the weekend with her parents, $85. Lon Smith, 410 John St., West Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Krohn. McHenry. •'•27, , Plione, McHenry, 278-W. FOR SALE -- Pure-bred Hampshire fcoars, the thick, heavy hammed, lowdown. easy-feeding type; priced reasonable. Golden Bull Farms, Wauia. 111. *27-2 .Mrs. Elmer Glosson and son spent two weeks visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. Francis Curulewski," in Chicago. George Wirfs and Nick Klein are enjoying a hunting trip in Wisconsin. MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FRIDAY-SATURDAY, Nov. 24-25 ROY ROGERS and TRIGGER in MAN FROM MUSIC MOUNTAIN Plus "DEAD END" with HUMPHREY BOGART And the Dead End Kids SUN. - MON. Nov. 26-2T "MARINE RAIDERS" with PAT O'BRIEN RUTH HUSSEY ROBERT RYAN TUESDAY ONLY --Nov. 28 "Gildersleeve's Ghost" with Mrs. Robert Knox of Woodstock j elusion there was Benediction of visited relatives and friends here ; the Blessed Sacrament and the singt> OR SALE--Year-'round comfort and , last weekend. j ing of Te Deum| Visiting priests economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and j were Father Esser, Virgil; Father ville Rock Wool Home Insulation family of Woodstock were Sunday Pelit, Aurora; Father Tuchlinsky, "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call guests in the Frank Becker home. j Aurora; Monsignor Nix and Father LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. * Among those who attended funeral j Baumhofer of McHenry; Father Nei- 36tf.! services last Wednesday for Miss \ dert, Johnsburg; Father Mannix and ---- • 'm 1 ----' •• 1 Etta Powers and David Powers were j Father Kohen of Chicago; Father WANTED Mrs. Mary Mahoney and Mrs. Nellie j Thennes, St. Charles, Father Blake, Sterling of Chicago, Mrs. Robert ^WANTED -- Call Mrs. Remus if you Blum of Oak Park, Mrs. William •wish to dispose of old dishes* or glass, Powers and daughter, Nona, of Royal old dolls or toys, rolls of old wall- Oaks, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ---paper, decorative irons, fans, lanterns • ence Whiting of Elgin. ' colored lamps, old jewelry, old linen,; John Vycital, Jr., of Washington, prisms, silverware, furniture, in fact, D. *C., spent a few days the past • anything, old. Phone Woodstock week with his parents here. On gl9-W. 343 Jefferson street. 26-4 Monday he was accompanied to Chi- > --- .r--- ! cag0 by his mother, Mrs. John J. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY-- Vycital, his sister, Elsie, and Mrs. Modern house in or near McHenry or| Harold Vycital. Ringwood. Harry Barr, Ringwood Mrs. Stanley Zoellner and son, Ar- , Chemical corporation, Ringwood, 111- thur, have returned home aftpr a • 85tf. three-month visit in San Francisco, WAITED -- Room in McHenry home' C*lif": with Stanley Zoeliner MM 3/c ttoo uussee aass s^tdud,ioo. oonnee ^deayv a week who 18 stationed at the Fleet post- ga wee^, in that city. The Zoellners Will furnish piano. R-l, West McHenry. 26-tf i" the apartment formerly oc- | cupied by the Walter Smiths in Housecleaning by the i Johnsburg. Mrs. Zoellner says the trip was very nice but is glad to be at home again. Leo Smith and Miss Mabel Osterberg of Chicago Heights spent the weekend with Mrs. John R. Smith. WANTED day. No washing or ironing. Christina Adams, 601 South Green Street. •27 WANTED -- Someone to run board ing house at Hickory Creek farm. Good proposition. Call 656-M-l for appointment. of Richmond, and Father O'Rourke of McHenry. SLOCUM LAKE (By Mrs. "Hany Matthews) W. E. Brooks and son Chesney, and Otis Philips attended the government sale at Grayslake last Thursday. R. W. Lusk and Axel Nerstrom and son, LeRoy, of North Chicago spent Sunday with friends at Maple Park. Mrs. C. H. Hansen was a caller at Highland Park last Tuesday. * Joe Do well and daughters, May me and Estella,- spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passfield, near Volo. Mrs. Helen Tubbs of Chicago was a guest Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Byrne at Williams Park HELP WANTED Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. Nick i in honor of her granddaughter, j McHenry Miller were recent guests in the; Jeanette' second birthday. 27 William Miller home in Fox River, Charles Jordan, of Harvard is Grove. The latter moved to their j spending a few weeks with his grandnew home from Chicago a short time parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles New- HELP WANTED* -- Girl for fountain and general store work. Bolger's Drug Store, McHenry. 13-tf WANT EH)--Draft exempt man for -war work. Apply Miller Products. Phone 195. 39-tf MISCELLANEOUS ago. Carl Brefeld af»d Ray Groh of Chicago were McHenry callers on Saturday. Rmerrency Crop Buckwheat is especially meritorious as a catch or emergency grain crop to take the place of some other small grain crop that failed or apPIANO LESSON S -- Newest meth peared too poor. It can be planted ods, classical or popular; beginners | late* than any other grain crop, or advanced. At your home or in my studio. Maude Stuhlfeier, McCullom Lake, near beach. Appointment can be made by mail. 26-tf FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSUL- ; ATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A! NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, Peo-! pie's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside! Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry! 211-J. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson s St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tfi 1 HAVE YOU nEARD about the new] reduced Auto Liability and Property Vending Machines In the Egyptian temples were found the first coin vending machines. Ceremonial water was dis- Cary were guests Sunday Mrs. Paul Foster and. little daughter spent three days last week with, relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. S. Byrne and daughter, Juanita, were callers at Barrington last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Van Simmons of. Golden Bull Farms attended an avia- ) tion conference in Oklahoma last "] week. * ;• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krueger of Williams Park spent Sunday evening St the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Byrne. Mr. and Mrs., Asa Crabtrefe of at the pensed when the correct weight of coins was placed in a alot SPRING GROVE (By Mrs. Charles Freund) TO. -ii " • ~ i "The Christian Mothers and Blessed 8 L t P V i r g i n s o d a l i t y m e t f o r t h e i r r e g u l a r you. Ask us for insurance rates.' 6 The Kent Co, McHei nry. Phone 8. 27-ti home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. Burnett returned home with them and remained over Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, attended the 4-H achievement party at the high school at Libertyville Saturday evening. Miss Betty ren: dered two vocal numbers.. Mi*s. Frank Oswald and Mrs. Armeeting at St. Peter's Parish hall on | nold Burkhart of Williams Park were Thursday night. The meeting was | luncheon guests last Wednesday at opened with prayer and a brief talk ; the home of the latter's mother, DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE-by. Father Daleiden. Plans were dis-j Mrs. Chas. Remer in Chicago. WAR -- Five dollars is the least we cusse(1 and arrangements made for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook and Mrs. pay for dead horses and cows in good a Christmas party to be held on Wm. Grisinger of Chicago and Mr. condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. j December 14, with pot-luck dinner j and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart and Mr. and Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the' ' ' • - charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf I GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us | dispose of your garbage each week, I or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf Dread Disease Typhus is the dread disease that accompanies war. When soap and * water and clean clothes are lacking, the parasite which carries typhus-- the louse--appears. PERIJlAflEflT WAVE KIT Complete with Permanent om.r JFA j Wave Solution curlers, A9It •ham poo and wave set -- nothing •Ue to buy Kequires no heat, electricit y or machines f-'iife for every type of hair Over (i million sold Money back guarantee. Get a L'hariu- Kad Kit today- THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRUGS GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE Subscribe for The Plaindealer McHenry, Illinois OUR SUPPLY OP FRIDAY--SATURDAY Pat O'Brien --- Carole Landis Christmas Cards "Secret Command" Plus--Cartoon - News - Sport Also--"Spealdng of Animals" IS GETTING LOW Better get your order in right away and be safe. SUNDAY MONDAY NOT. 26-27 George Murphy--Gloria DeHaven FRANK SINATRA SPECIAL Box of 21 beautiful 'cards with your name printed thereon, while they last, $1.00 Other boxes of 25 cards $1.25 and $2.50 "STEP LIVELY" Plots Cartoon, World News & Novelty TUESDAY (ONE DAY) 1. "Call of the South Seas" 2. "MISS POLLY" HAROLD PEARY FREDDIE MERCER McHenry Plaindealer WED. THUR. 29-30 "KNICKERBOCKER HOLIDAY" With NELSON EDDY CHARLES COBURN CONSTANCE DOWLING WEDNESDAY THURSDAY "SUN DOWN" Plus--Cartoon and News from The American Horn* APPLE CEREAL PUDDING 2 cups cereal flakes %-cup melted butter or margarine Vfc tsp. salt. 4 taps sliced */2 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon % cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces 3 tbsps. water Combine cereal flakes, butter and salt. Arrange H of this mixture in tht bottom of a greased or oiled baking dish. Top with H of the apples, brown sugar, cinnamon and chocolate pieces, (fover with H of the cereal flake mixture and then the remaining apples, cinnamon and brown sugar.Top with the remainder of the flakes and chocolate and add the water. Bake in a modeme oven (350° F.) for 4) mio. Setre with light cream oc top milk. Serves $ Cooking is easier with a modern range C©t)e^C)£ 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M from McCall's CURRY OF CHSCKM SUPREME 4 lbs. chicken % cup fat or salad oil Boiling water 1 small onion 1 small carrot 1 stalk celery l'/i tsps. salt 1 tsp. curry powder Flour Hot cooked rice Seasoned hot peas Wipe chicken with damp cloth; disjoin^-: ligh tly brown in fat or salad oil; cover widi water. Peel onion; scrub carrot and celery; add with salt and curry powder, mixed to pmooth paste with water. Bring to boUityg'. point; coven simmer 2-4 hours, ot on# tender. Remove onion, carrot and celery. ^Thicken stock with flour mixed to asaooth paste with cold water. Pack rice into greased ring mold; unmold on platter; fill with peas. Arrange chicken around tie?. Serve with igtsvy. Serves 4. •" With * modern range it is easy to cook foods the way you want them, without constant watching. You'll find it easy to save and serve the vitamins yout family needs for bubbling energy, year - long health. And foods not only look better but taste better when cooked on a roper-thrift/ modern range. WESTERN UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY it*.

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