Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1944, p. 4

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#.v\' ;> *? ! b "% " • %»v ! Page Tout I • * 'fi « r* *** 1* **; »* ^ < *' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ,"***, T * i* »' *r v ' ( n ^ 1 • •.. • - . Tbnrsday, November 30, 19M •THE M'HENRY PLAINOEALER *"ublished every Thursday at Mchenry, III., by Charles F. Renich. A. H. MOSHER Editor and M ana gel Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHonry, 111., under the act of May 8, 187f. f . On* Year .W~*M0 ! Fred Selway o£ Woodstock %nd Mrs. Jack Purvey and family of Crystal Lake. ( j Guests in the Robert Thompson home on Thursday were Mrs. Ottie Thanksgiving Day guests in the ; Thompson and daughter, Virginia, of William Whiting home were Mr. and Congress Park, George Coltz, daughersonm SPRING -GROVE (By Mrs. Charles Freund) „ A large crowd attended the Feather Mrs. Richard Gustafson and daugh- ter, Helen, and son, George, of Her- | ^eld }n peter's Parish hall ter, Mercedes. Dick Hayes and Jean ; wyn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry I on Monday night. The committee in Justen of Chicago, and Miss Lariette of Hebron Mr. and Mrs. William , charge wishes to thank all who help- Whiting of Elgin. . • VanNatta of Crystal Lake and Miss | e(j majte ^js affajr a big success. FOR SALE Mrs. Edwin Whiting, Mrs. Roland Maud Granger of Elgin Jackson and George Whiting were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. called to ^Chicago the last of the Edith Hayes and William Whiting week by the death of a cousin; Mrs. j were called to Chicago on Sunday Edwin Walsh. j by the death of a cousin, Mrs. Edwin Mr. and Mrs. William Brahm of j Walsh. Chicago were holiday guests in the j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson home of his. sister, Mrs. John -Mur- j visited in the home of Mrs. Ada taugh. i Smith in Elgin on Saturday "evening. Miss Darlaine Spear of Chicago while there they enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. WTilliam Britz and the Albert Britz family s^bnt Thanksgiving in the Frank Pr.osser home in Chicago. Mrs. Albert Britz, sons Terry and Tommy, stayed in Chicago to spend several days with her sister, Mrs. Andy Straub and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and family enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner in the George P. Freund home in ; spent Thursday and the weekend with villa Smith, who spent a few days | McHenry. It was also a farewell FOR SALE--Weber property. Phone j her aunt, Mrs. Dora D. Lang, 9n vacation from her duties in the Cleve McHenry 82-W. 25-tf. f Golf View Road. _1 ' _ ' land schools at the home of her . v ... • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H.>: Justen and i mother FOR SALE -- Gas stove, with ove.n; son Jimmy, and John Weber spent party in honor of Jimmy^reund, who is entering the service. Twice o l d Talo t w 4Y« 3S0CIBTT'5<^- TWENTY YEARS AGO , . ... inose irom out 01 xown wno airegulaton green and white en , Thankspivinp Day with Mr. and Mrs. tended the funeral of J. D. Beatty u1" Stuhlfeier, McCullomj ,Ben Freund at Delavan ' - - - J reasonable. - Lake. 26-tf last week were the Misses Catherine John Meehan of Jacksonville, Fla., and Margaret Beatty of New York FOR SALE -- iSire-bred Hampshire enjoyed a short visit with friends City, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkholder 2 boars the thick, heavy hammed, low- and_ relatives here recently. •• i and daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. Pete "down.' easy-feeding type: priced rea- , Mrs.. George Miller and daughter, Bender, Frank Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. : sonable Golden Bull Farms; Wau-! Mary Elizabeth, and Mrs. E. R. Sut- Te(} Schneider, Bob Brainard, William : Til *27-2 j'^on visited Sister Marie Gratia at .jJoffniin, and-Jrfrs. Helena Smalley . conaa, in. , St. Edward's convent in Rockford of- Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smalley and children of Genoa, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engeln and Mr. and FOR SALE :'A- Registered Holsteinj on Friday. heifer, born 8-3-44, paternal sister to j Mr. and .Mrs. William" Morgan of Grand -Champion 4-H at Wauconda ! Elkhorn, Wis., spent several days | Mrs. Chet Hollister of Woodstock, this year. A swell 4-H calf. James the past week in the Joseph J. Miller j Alfonse Diedrich of Chicago spent D. Curran, West McHenry. Phone home. | Thanksgiving and the weekend ki 622-W-l. 628 Mrs. John Bolger and Mrs. Roy j the home of his parents, Mr. and : --'--' ,, . Miller were Chicago callers on Fri- | Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. FOR SALE - Roper table top gas : day Mrg Michael Thin and daughter) stove, 1941 model. Leather uphol- | gtaff ggt LeRt,y Conway of Bill- janice Kay, and Mr. *nd Mrs. Leonstered baby buggy, like new. 622-M-l. Phone ings hospital, Fort Benjamin Har- j ard Thennes spent the holiday in rison, Ind., and Rev. Walter Conway , Aurora. wnR SAIP Rnrineer snaniel DUD- ! of Notre Dame spent Thanksgiving; Mrs. Anton P. Freund and daugh- 8 weeks oW W. S. WaugS, i Day with relatives here. j ter, Angie, Mrs. Arthur Tonyan and pies, 28 i Mrs. Henry Reese and son visited daughter, Terry, and Kathrine Si- Pistaqua Heights. ; relatives in Pes Plaines the past FOR SALE -- Registered Berkshire j "week. boars and gilts; ready for service; j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh were ideal for cross breeding. Price $50. ! holiday guests in the E. C. Kimmel Two miles north of Lake Zurich, off : home in Elgin. of highway 63. Four Winds Farm. ; Mrs. Loren Miller and children Phone Lake Zurich 2146. *28-2 FOR SALE -- Butcher pigs, about 20C lbs., suitable for locker. Howard E. Whiting, West McHenry, lo have left to make their home with their husband and father in Fort Lewis. Wash. _ . , . . • , . , Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Arthur T!10,Se..fr0,"^0Ut , °f, t0TWrk Kattner, Mrs. Albert Britz and Mn. Steve Schaefer spent Tuesday in Elgin. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller on Friday night were Mr. and Mrs Arthur Thelen and Mr. and Mrs.* Lee West of Chicago. Mr. "and Mrs. Walter Smith and children of Johnsburg visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and family on Friday night. .Mrs. Peter Webet" was a caller in the John Miller home the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. Charles Freund, son Tommy and Mrs. Lucille Nelson were in Kenosha on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son Billy, had their Thanksgiving dinner in the John Weber home in Fox Lake. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman and sons of Wilmette and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaefer and sons of Fox Lake. Tommy Freund invited several of his friends to his home on Sunday afternoon to help him celebrate hif eleventh birthdajr. Bingo was played and everyone present received a prize. A plate lunch was served mon, spent Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Joe Petitclair at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stenger and son of Kalamazoo, Mich., were Thanksgiving Day gueste in the Wm^ Spencer home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and daughter, Rita, spent the holiday The new "Direct Current" lighting equipment, installed by the Western Electric company at the Empire theatre; has proven a decided success. The formal opening of routes 19 and 20 in McHenry county will/be celebrated at Woodstock on Friday. Mrs. Nellie Bacon has moved her family from, the Bonslett building on Green street to the flat over the A. & P. store. -The season's first fall of snow was experienced last Monday'morning but since then most of the "beautiful" has again disappeared*. THIRTY YEARS AGO For a ' Merchant Marine Edward Stoffel was guest of honor at a farewell party held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel, on John street, last Sunday evening. The following morning he left for Sheepshead Bay, New York, for duty with the merchant marines. About forty relatives were present on Sunday to enjoy an evening of cards, followed by the serving of refreshments. Winners in cai>ds were Mrs. Henry Kennebeck, Jr., Mrs. Math M. Schaefer an$L Henry • * * 1 "7 Entertains maid, wearing green satin and net*, net tiara and carried talisman rosea*. Mrs. Frank Jung acted as matron of honor foi^her sister and wore an orchid chiffonTfresa and net tiafa and carried, yellow- roses. Misses Joan and Jane Michels, twin nieces of the bride, acted as junior bridesmaids and were identically dressed in yellow.satin and net floor length^ dresses. They carried colonial bouquets. Frank and Clarence Michels, brothers of the bride, acted as best w»»if and usher respectively. A wedding dinner was served p» the hall to the immediate family and supper was served for.about 10® guests in St. John's hall. It was At Luncheoif , b.ea utifull,y .,d e, corate,d in .t he colors Mrs. John J. Murtaugh entertained ! bndal party and a Ifvdy at a luncheon at her home on Golf | thrf "tie^ wedding cake graced the View Road on Tuesday afternoon. cent^r of ,th« bride« table. The Guests were Mrs. John Stilling, Mrs. if01?* receiv?d many beautiful gifts. Otto Mueller, Mrs. John Lang, Mrs. j t". ^:u eV®mng: a tlar^e ,T CI??,W(1 Albert Nugent, Mrs. Gus Herrlin, J dance held at Nells. Mrs. Ed. Denman, Mrs. Dora Lang L Th?1 yo™8r .co^}e employed and Richard Dickow, * ! Alemi'te in Woodstock. Butter x>n the Elgin board of trade Monday sold at 32 cents per pound.' The depot and Krause's hardware store at Richmond and the Spring Grove depot were entered by burglars last Friday night. A new ice macmne is being installed in the Chas. G. Frett meat market in Centerville. Mr. Frett believes in keeping abreast of the times. A number of our people have relatives actively engaged in the' European war. FORTY YEARS AGO Martin Stoffel, who for the past four and one-half years has been working at the meat market of visiting in the home of Mrs. William Miss Joan Reihansperger of Beloit, gmith in Chicago. , . , . , a , , . ... , . v. # vt FT ,colleg6 spent the holiday with her - Miss Catherine Reuland visited! ^hich ,ncIud®£ birthday cake and WednesHav for cated 1 mile south of McHenry Flour j t . . h . Chicago over the ',ce cream- Tommy received many | Chas. Li. rrett, left Wednesday for Mill, on blacktop road. . TA 620-R.l.,:P Ben B<)„slett of 0at p„k wa8 » holiday wXnd «»'• Jhose '» »1P «W. K ~*" *26 . | Thanksgiving Day (west in the home! Mrs. M„nie Givens and sons. Don-' P"'" Eugene May. Billy Katt- ] ket of A ben M .Frett ^iof Mr<; Simon Stoffel i u-t»• ; ner, Herbie WagTier, Steve and work on tne electric light plant FOR SALE Truck *nd trailer, 5 ^ fa %Jf>hn J and Mr. and Mn Har- , Stanfel| Paul May( Billy Len-1 is progressing slowly but surely The $150.\ Truck, 1930 Chevrolet pickup; ! Dlanne; holes for the posts are now being dug. Rev. A. Roberts of Windsor, 111., and . „ ... , . ... Mrs. Paul anda is visiting reia^ ^ 0id phalin and family were guests 111 . r> • n j ill ofppl box- pood tires and engine' itives in Toulon this week. > 1 the Harry Lawrence home in Chicago i ??n' eor^ia' „ , SLTnew tip® TrUkr i° new with i Heckman of Lake Forest, on Thursday. . i Rv4 ft PHCP e-rain fir nlatform .college visited his parents, the Frank, Mrs. Margaret Gillis and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern at-, fht. nf 8x4 ft. edge gram fir platform. Heckmang the ^ wgek . ^ Harol(f Gmig and daughter> of tended a farewell party Sunday eve- | J" *28 . Mr- and Mrs' J" J- Sutton of Oak- Woodstock spent Thanksgiving Day ! ™ng in the Martin Stoffel home in | w crossinjf thrrailroartracks , Park and R. E. Sutton of Chicago in the home of Mrs. Peter Doherty. McHenry m honor of their son Ed- | J * « r^Jsdav morn FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs' Ed. Holle of Oak Park visited ward who left on Monday for ser- [ J_ 0 c JJv the economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey were her parents, the Martin Conways, the vice in the Merchant marines. i » * H . lv .. '** F ' , Sunday guests in the Jake Miller j _ 7, ? y ^nmnnageable, Verv good 278-W. tires. Phone ville Rock Wool Home Insulation Sunday dinner guests in the Frank last 0f the week. "Blownia" walls and ceilings. Call Purvey home in Woodstock. The Guests on Thanksgiving in the : home were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Srhith, LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. dinner was in honor of the Frank j0^n Blake home were the Harvey William Smith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. ' S6tf. I Purvey's son, Vincent, who is home jjye, George Blake and Al' Blake Walter Smith and children, Mr. and ' on furlough from Camp Polk, La. families of McHenry and the Jack Mrs. Martin Weber and family, Mr making a wild run up Main street. FIFTY YEARS AGO WANTED Miss Dorothy Heuser and Richard ( Reinert family of South Elgin. • .--;-- :--'• ; Heuser attended the navy show in Mr and Mrs jofe Turner of Wood- WAN 1 ED FO BL \ t - Baby.s. high Connection wTith the Sixth War Loan gtock spent Thursday in the Carl chair. Phone Pistakee 650-M-2. , Drive in Chicago on Sunday. Weber home. *28 j Mi«s Elaine Landgren, cadet nurse Holiday guests in the Scheid-Ken- WAVTFD -- Call Mrs Remus if vou 1 &t St' Elizab€th's hospital, visited; ^beck home wete Mr. and Mrs. Ir- . , j j Mrs. Kemus > ^ parents the last of the week* v;n Nester and daughter Suzanne wish to dispose of old dishes or glass, . « Ed Moderhack «nd Yi ™ &uza"ne' riniic nr tnv« mll« nf old wall MoaeijnacK ana, 0f Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kenold dolls or toys, rolls of children, Darlene and Kenneth, of nebeck and son Curtis and John paper, decorative jrons, fans; lanterns rhipac.0 vi<?ited her mother Mrs Ida o u 1 ^ / i.* w anaiJ?"n colored lamps, old jewelry, old M»«. iHenry. ^ ' ' " and Mrs. Henry Weber and children This section was treated fo a of Johnsburg, Pvt. Alfred Smith of' ?lSu^7 }**}• i Wakeman Hospital Indiana and Mrs. $mith, Mrs. Charles Smith and son,, Jimmy. Mothers Club Chitstmas Party On Friday, December 8, the Mothers Club will, entertain at the annual children's Christmas party. It will be held in the K. of C. hall at 3 p. m. Each mother planning to be present is asked ;'to renffember to bring a gift for each child whom 'she brings. ' > Farewell Party For Serviceman ^ Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund entertained about thirty relatives at a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day honoring their son, James, who left on Saturday for service. Cards and visiting were enjoyed by the guests^ during the evening and the departing serviceman extended best wishes. Lily Lake P. T. A. . Will Meet Dec. 1 * The regular meeting of the Lily Lake P. T. A. w!!! be held on Friday, December 1, at 8 p. m. Following the meeting a grab bag will be held. Those attending are asked to bring twenty-five cent prizes, with names being placed on each gift. Movies will next be shown on Tuesday, December 5, at 8 p. fin. Admission for adults will be twenty- j five cents, for children ten cents. There will be three features, "Trail of the Lonesome Pine," "Regular j Fellows," and "Story of the Jungles." > Couple Observe Silver Wedding j "On November 26, 1919, Miss Eleanor Smith of Johnsburg became the 1 bride of William H. Althoff. Last Sunday the couple celebrated their ' silver wedding anniversary. A supper was served to the family and I seventy-five relatives in St. Mary's- ! .St. Patrick's school hall and^ in thej evening an anniversary . party was held there for about 135 guests, j JEANETTE MILLER? LOVELY BEIDE OF V MR. MATH SWEiST With Rev, Egan officiating, Misa Jeanette Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hergott of Spring* Grove, became the bride of Mr. Sweet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Sweet of Wbodstock. The ceremony was performed in St. Mary's church, Wbodstock, on Nov. 25. The lovely bride wore a white woof dress with fuschia accessories. Her bridesmaid, Mrs. Clarence Michels* sister of the bride, was attired in a' fuschia-colored dress with matchingaccessories. The bride wore a corsage of yellow roses and the bridesmaid one of yellow chrysanthemums. Louis DePierre served as best man. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of th» bride's parents. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Mark Sweet of Benton Harbor, Mich., Mrs. Jennie Baushke of "Benton Harbor, Jim Flanders of Capron, Mrs. Sylvia Sallup of Harvard and Mrs. Nick Freund of Spring Grove. Subscribe for The PlaifulwtM* Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund and lam-; Bertha Freund, Polly Bourjeous 219-W, 343 Jefferson street. 26-4 J" '/S week*1 rela"VeS £?ro1 G,indr.a' student nurses at here the last of the week. , gt, Thgrese s hospital, Waukegan, crop this year is the biggest one he From jever ra'sed> and far superior in Wonder Lake i Mr-an<! Mrs- Ge°- Ga?e' Mr-and i Mrs. H. Clemens, Mrs. H. C. Smith, Mrs. C. H. Granger, and Mr. and Peter Blake, who lives just north of this village, says that he has lived on the same farm he now occupies Dancing, singing and visiting made for over 30 years, and that his corn | UP evening's entertainment. Among those from out of town who were present were Mrs. Edward J. (fey Otto Heilman) j ** T- , ^ i „u • - - To keep our community in the WANTED TO RENT OR BUY-, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Felgenhauer spent Thanksgiving Day at the home news it w^n be our endeavor to re- Modern house in or near McHenry or' Carpentersville, were Sunday I cf j{r and Mrs. A. P. Freund. j p0rt "NeWs As Wte Hear It." Ringwocd. Harry Barr, Ringwood gaests in the Jacob Freund home. Mrs. Harvey Brown, son, Ralph, I A Thanksgiving party was spon- Chemical corporation, Ringwood, 111. Mrs- ^nnabe' Alcher a"d,Mr' fnd and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown at- j sored by the Community club at the « 85tf. Mrs- William Heimer^and daughter, | tended the wedding of the former's j Harrison school on Tuesday evening, ~ ; jElaine, were Thanksgiving Day inigcg at Nerrial, Wis. last weekend J nov oi The main event of the WANTED -- Room in McHenry home guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Misses Pat Hart and Phyllis Mc- ; eveninir ' was a noultrv nartv A to use as studio one day a week. , Vernon J. Knox in Crystal Lake. Cormick of Chicago visited Grace ! onerous donation of a chicken and Will furnish piano. Maude Stuhlfeier t Mr. and Mrs. George Justen^ en- j Thompson over the Thanksgiving R-l, Weet McHenry. 26-tf , tertained their parents, Mr, and Mrs. ^ weekend. t u . i I Michael Justin and Mr. and Mrs. i Sunday guests in the home of Mr. I buy old china, col- | William W. Freund, at a Thanksgiv"1 and Mrs. Earl Walsh were Mr. and a duck was made by Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Fred Sells and Les Henthhprn. About twenty cakes were donated to the club by the women of our community, enabling the club to have free cakewalks. In all, ten cakes were won and the balance were served as refreshments at the close WANTED r5 rwvl 1 ing: dinner- 0ther guests were Mr. : Mrs. Joseph Britz and daughters, « ^ ^4^0^ and Mrs" C,emens Adams and son> , Joann and Rose Marie, of Rockford. ^ Anihony- of Johnsburg. Mrs. John Bolger and daughter, write to Bobb, 4510 Broadway, Chi- Dr and Mrs Henry Freund of Mercedes, and Miss Helen Welch of cag0" Chicago were Thanksgiving Day | Woodstock visited in the home of j ^ the party guests in the home of their daughter.;. Mrs_ M. J. Walsh one evening this! The Community club wishes to and family , Mr. and Mrs A J. Wirtz. | week. thank a„ those who helped make George Wirfs and Nick Klein who , Thanksgiving Day guests in the ! this rt such a bi succesg. Als0 had been enjoying a hunting trip in j home 0f Mrs. John R. Smith were ; for the co-operation of our teachers, Wisconsin and visiting relatives in, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and , Mrs. Fole nd Mrs. Blount. Future HELP WANTED WANTE1D --" Elderly man to look after fires, etc. Hunter Boat Co. 28 Wiater of Rocky Ford, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phalin of Chicago, Mrs. Ray. Staninger, of Platville, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Williaiji Ruth and Mr. wedding of Ben Drury, of Avon Center, on Tuesday. Married--At the Johnsburg church, on Thursday, Oct. 18th, by the Rev. Father Mehring, Mike Rouen and Miss Kate Rothermel. Mrs. L. H. Owen attended the golden ' and Mrs. Lester Mofine of Chicago, Rose Sattem and daughter, Lorraine, of 'Woodstock, Kathryn Witt of Elgin and the parents of Mrs. Althoff, Mr. and *Mrs. John Smith of Johnsburg. The bridal couple of twenty-five years moved to McHenry following their marriage and started in .the hardware business in 1924 in the flat over the old N. J. Justen store in West McHenry. When the store was destroyed by. fire in 1926, they rebuilt in the building now occupied by the Peter M. Schaefer grocery store. The corner where the present# store stands was purchased in 1931 SIXTY YEARS AGO HELP WANTED -- Girl for foun-1 Iowa and Minnesota, returned home ; son Clyde, of Lake Geneva, Mrs. j ?atherinffs are beinnlanned Watch tain and general store work. Bolger's , Friday evening. Enroute they made )j Everett Boutelle of Chicago and Mr. this column for coming events and Drug Store, McHenry. 13-tf a brief stop in the Vincent Wirfs and Mrs. Edward Smith and family | ali Wonder Lako news WANTEDwar work. Phone 195. -Draft exempt man Apply Miller Products. 39-tf home in Rockford. Mrs. George Wirfs | 0f Crystal Lake. *or and son, Stephen, who had been visiting there, returned home at that! time. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. E. J. Buss visited Mrs. Myrtle all Wonder Lake news, j It is rumored that Ed and Jim Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye have ; pinley may spend Christmas at home, returned to their home in Milwaukee I Eddie being twenty-six months in PIANO LESSONS after spending several days visiting tbe south Pacific and Jim from the relatives here. European theatre. Hope it is true. Arthur Martin accompanied his : ^ reunion was held by the John MISCELLANEOUS v. " ' j" u7"7/ I •muni" • iimiui. awu...!«»".«;« ...o: A reumon Newest meth- Syn}®nds th® Woodstock hospital j brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. j McMahon fam,;iv Qf Deep Spring nn 'IK nvoH Q tr M Vtrm a»Wo i c maw lr i • ? r* ' /*"< a. A * * * ° On Thursday evening' of next week, will occur the Thanksgiving party, at the Parker House, for the benefit of the McHenry cornet band. Willard Colby, who was severely injured by a runaway team last week, is slowly improving. A. Englen is to have a raffle fot turkeys at his saloon on Thanksgiving day. Walnut extension tables 85 cents per foot, at Justen Bros., West McHenry, 111. ods, classical or popular; beginners I °" Tt!ursday* MrS; Symonds is now ; Martin, of Spring Grove, to Aurora ; Woods on Thanksgiving Day. Ator advanced. At your home or in able J° be. around ^ on crutches and on Sunday, where they visited in the tending were Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to thank all of our neighbors and friends for their beautiful offerings and kind expressions of sympathy extended us during our recent bereavement. Also, . Msgr. C. S. Nix and the Knights of , 'n white and pink chrysanthemums Columbus and those who kindly do- land white candles. Many lovely gifts nated use of cars. i of silver were received by the couple. MRS. J. D BEATTY ' Present on the occasion were Rev. MRS. CATHERINE BEATTY, ! Father William A. O'Rourke and Rev. Observe Wedding ... Anniversary Nov. M Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Fleming celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 26, the marriage having been performed in St. J argaret's church Algonquin, on Thai KSgiving Dky, Nov. 27, 1919. A family dinner was served at Eva's restaurant at 1 o'clock and later the guests returned to the Fleming home, which was decorated MILLER WOOOSTOCK, ILLINOIS FRI., SAT., DEC. 1-2 "THREE MEN IN WHITE" with 'Lionel Barry more and - Van Johnson Plys "THE FALCON OUT WEST" •• with' » Tom Conway SUN., MON., DEC. 8-4 Bette Davis in "MR. SKEFFINGTON" With Claude. Rains and Walter Abel TUESDAY ONLY, DEC. 5 The Scourge of All Mankind •THE HITLER GANG" with Robert Watson as Adolph Hitler WED., THURS., FRL, DEC. 6, 7, 8 Sinister Love! Charles Boyer Ingrid Bergman Joseph Cotton in "'•GASLIGHT" Colony McHenry, Illinois my. studio. Maude Stuhlfeier, McCul-' exP®cts to *eturn ,to her home this George Strandel home week. Mr. a"d Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. Belanger, Mr. lomLake, near beach.' Appointment W®®K* _ *i r»- ' * Mr§. Martin acted as sponsors at the and Mrs. Wm. Cardinal and Miss Ca^be made by mail. 2$-tf.„"Jr- an« Mrs- f- H- Pe.a™on : baptism of the Strandels' infant son. j Hek,n McMahon . Congratulation? to -- -- : -- Madisoi). Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. C^l Little Barbara Lynn Becker re- tue McMah«ns » FOR ANY TYPE OF HOHE iNSUL- • H- Monroe of Chicago were Thanks- turned 'home Sunday evening after MISS MARGARET BEATTY, MRS. SPENCER WARD. ATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby., Peo ple.'s Insulation Co., 104 S^lRiverside Mrs. Lewis McDonald and Mr and While there she saw Santa Claus. Drive, McHenry, 111.', Phone McHenry Mrs. Robert McDonald of »Wodstock j :--- ^ 211-J. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson were callers in the L. F. Newman] THANK YOU! St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf home on Sunday afternoon. We would like to thank the Mc- Father Francis Kilderrv of Cary, the latter having officiated at the ceremony twenty-five years ago. 'Also CARD OF THANKS j present were the attendants, Mr. and In this 'manner we wish to ex- Mrs. E. C. Iversen, Chicago. press our thanks to the many kind j Other guests were t couple s Wally" Powers, husband of "Dot," I neighbors and friends for 'iheir ex- ! on'y son, John, and Mary Fleming of R A £iv,ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zion visiting in the home of her aunt j enj d Thanksgiving dinner at ; pressions of sympathy during o u r ; McHenry; E. P. Fleming of Win- Peo- Baker. _ _ ... . and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Brown, j "Dot's" parents' home in Deep present bereavement. We are espec- j throp Harbor; Mrs. Jos. _ Fitzek Spring Woods, "Mike" Druval. Too ially grateful for floral, offerings, bad "Wally" hsd to |eave so soon. [cards of sympathy, spiritual bou- "Bcb" Van Bampus surprised all ] quets and donations of cars. niJ 4 j *1.. o , . , , by coming home from camp at Vir- MR. and MRS. FRED KUNZ, navh. T iiii UKAKI I nhmif thd Ele4. anor Bds• tr1o m ajn d Albinwa Sam.e c ,1 Henry lmsmess men for their- h.e. .l"p gjnja ouni. aa s0h11o.71r tl fIUurI lIoUuUgh. S I I . He Cer- i MICHAEL KERRIGAN, T ^ making our opening a Success. We tain, looks fine and it ,is too bad j GRACE and ROSE MARIE KUNZ. ."rL- I R^ ^,lty an.,, ProPeriy fnends. On Saturday they attended also wish to thank our friends for | Ha stay had to be so short. BOTD , | is first class M. O., and is assigned! CARD OF THANKS BILLS DINER. | to a ship somewhere in the Atlantic. ! We wish to thank our many friends Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Palmer of i and neighbors for their expression HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property , jienas. vjn oaiuraay tney attended also wish to tha Damage rates . They will surprise the college football game there. their patronage VyAoIu1. AAoslkr luise fffotir« insurance rates. *HTo lKi dI ay guests in the A. .l.b er.t Pu• r- 28 » ® * The Kent Co., McHenry. rhone 8. vey home were Mr. and Mrs. George j 27-tt Jones, |Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb and i and daughter, ' Rosemarie, Bei*wvn; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hororka and M and Mrs. Keith Hororka, Cicero; Mr. and Mrs. KfPbert Blum ard Mr. and Mrs. F. * F! Threadgold. Oak Park; and Mrs. Kenneth Fleming and* her daughter, Sandra, Chicago. On 'Monday morning a mass was read for^ tlje couple by Father O'Rourke in St. Patrick's church. FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Ina Ray Hutton and Her Orchestra HUGH HERBERT BILLY GILBERT 1. 'Ever Since Venus' BILL BOYD--ANDY CLYDE 2. "TEXAS MASQUERADE" Subscribe for The Plaindealer DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good COndit'on. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the Charges. No help meded to load. 14-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. ' tf j Wickline Bay were paid surprise : of sympathy during our recent be ! visit by their family for Thanks- Need Rubber Stamps? The Plaindealer, OfHer at KRfMflEIIT WAVE KIT Complete with Parmanent cmr f A J Wave Bolution curlers, daft •hampoo and wave set -- nothing^^^ elite to buy Requires no heat, elctrieitj^or machines Safe for every type of hair Over 6 million sold Money back guarantee. Ci«t m Chatitt- Kurl Kit today. THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRUGS GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE CLEANERS 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry" 104'M ; giving and the weekend. A number of the WiclHine Bay t residents got together a Community Thanksgiving dinner "at the Willafd West residence. Mike Plaska of Wonder Lake suffered a paralytic stroke Tuesday of reavement; also for the spiritual i ?T. JOHN S CHURCH and floral offerings and the donation fg OF LOVELY of cars- ! NOVEMBER WEDDING- MRS. DAVID POWERS AND FAMILY. On Wednesday morning in St. CAfcD OF THANKS John's church, Johnsburg, Miss . Dor-, lereu a .mra.yuc suune xMe wish to express our thanks for othy Michels, daughter- of Mr. and last week and at present is in Wood- , the spiritual and floral offerings, also Mrs. JoSt^h P. Michels and M . stock hospital in a very serious con- ! the donation of, cars for our Aunt n.®'e . e n . v witi, A /dition He was an employe of Ivar ; Etta Powers. ani>ed in matrimony, with Rev. A. | Fredericksen a^7or the past seven !,, NIECES AND NEPHEWS. J. Neidert at the impres- ~~wars he and his wife have been j * , ^-Wonder Lake" residents. ' CARD OF THANKS^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Welch of j Mr. and. Mrs. Henry M. Stephensive ceremony. The bride w^s lovely in a white brocaded dress with a long train Chicago spent Thanksgiving Day in son offer a sincere thank you to j arid a fingertip veil,^ A string of the home of her parents, Mr. and their neighbors and friends who so pearls|, gi ft of the groom, was he Mrs Henry Van Alphan at Wickline kindly offered their time and help-s only jfrehy and she carried B y . - r il0 make their golden wedding anm- shower toouquet of white roses. : . " • ••'*^.*TVersary such a happy occasion. Their She wsa attended by Miss Ann NOTICE . ^sincere appreciation is ex-tended to j Schaefer, a friend of the couple, who The present quota of surgical dress-! the ir many friends "for the lovely a/ted as one of the bridesmaids She ings has been completed and the! gifts, flowers, cards, telephone mes- /as attired in blue satin and net work rooms will be closed until a sages a personal calls received in/dress, net tiara .and carried . pmk new shipment arr.When ,wprkers honor of that happy day, Novemhe^ rpSes. Miss Evelyn Michels, * js.s- 1 will be notified. 19,, 1944. v * : ter of the bride, was another bndes- SUNDAY--MONDAY Dec. 3-4 DON AMECHE CARMEN MIRANDA "Greenwich Village" Plus World News--Cartoon & Novelty TUESDAY (ONE NIGHT ONLY) ROY ROGERS - DALE EVANS 1. "Yellow Rose of Texas" CHESTER MORRIS 4AXIS CARTER 2. "One Mysterious Night" WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY CHARLES BOYER v INGRID BERGMAN M, GASLIGHT" Also Short Subj<*cts k1' A/

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