Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1944, p. 2

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1 age* Two .-, r -*&?• t #< PLAINDEALER t?"i <4# 71^'W ; *" A >» '•.' ^ •£$ /«* •?••.•. WJ; Thursday, December 7, McCullom Lake On Parade -. 1 - Bjr "Yardstick" •" ••••'.••••. :• Greetings, folks! Only fourteen inorf shopping jiays before Christmas* Let Us all make this a War Bond Christmas this year. With so many of our boys on the fighting fronts all over the worl<J one could hardly think of a more appropriate gift. • Now as our servicemstn of this week we present to you •Am* • ; ., >€ - . * V •'.! 4*?< • • Mrs. Joseph O'Connor came home j Mr. and Mrs. William Hoeft en- Sunday from the Woodstock hospital : joyed a roast goose dinner at the with their T-lb.,,8 ox., bundle of joy I home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz Little Joseph, Jr., tried hard all week [last Tuesday. Otto's favorite cold to find a home for his sister, Mary remedy of goose gre&se and turpen- Pat, so as to make room for nis < tine failed to relieve his cold. Try new brother. He' just couldn't find rubtjing the turp on your chest, anyone who would take his sister off | Otto, not on the goose, his hands. The new garage doors have finally Mr. and Mrs. S. Stevenson and ; arrived and once again Grandma Mrs. Tomasek enjoyed a pleasant j and. Grandpa Barney Graff are happy. «H"t> <• News From Wonder Lake (By Otto Heilman) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hessler closed their home here and. will spend the winter in Florida. Also Mr. and weekend at their cottage on Fountain j Elmo McKim just cpu^div't account Mrs. Qlarence Wright are spending T .OVia W rc CfCAM 1 J ^ f 4- _ il. Lane. Mrs. Stevenson intends to I for*"the parade of cats tha_ At. ^fo .1l1l o_ wed1 iL « 1 iLl A ^ 1 * _ _ _ • 1 spend the Christmas and New Year's his every move out doors. Then he holidays with relatives in Philadel- discovered that some culprit had phia, her old hometown. Philadel- stuffed catnip in his troueer cuffs, phia's ioss is our gain. Woe be onto him, vows Mac.! We have just learned that Mr. and j Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Steve Yrs. Edward Glass are the proud' Huska celebrated their twentith wedparents of' a baby boy named Jo-j ding anniversary and Steve just seph, born in Chicago on Oct. 19. i couldn't think of a better way to Congrats* folks, and many happy rep- commemorate the day of the beetitions of the event. 'ginning of their twenty year battle . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dor&n- surprised ; than by taking the Missus to see the Mrs. F. W. Bailey last Saturday with , War show at Navy Pier in Chicago. J cently, is now on the road to rea party at their home to celebrate They returned a lot wiser and better ; covery. Paul's broken arm is healthe winter jVi their Chicago residence Mrs. Wm:} Hutchinson spent the weekend with her husband at their home in Wonder Center. Mr. M. T. Ness spent the week end here with his family. Mrs. Ness has been. suffering from a severe cold, but is feeling pretty spry agaih. Paul and Steve "Kocan paid us a surprise visit last Sunday. Their mother, who has been quite ill re- 6 the birthday of the charming mis-, informed on modern warfare. The tress of the Bailey manage. The 1 next twenty years will see great evening was spent in jovial cS^ver-r changes in weapons in the Huska's sation. Mr. Bailey's ' stories of his household. Recording to Mrs. Huska, adventures in the streets of Paris ' the rolling pin she used in the past during" Wbrld ' War 1 were most in- is an obsolete weapon. Steve spent terestihg' and educational; The guests Sunday in his . basement salvaging included Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz sheet metal from his hew furnace to and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Struck. Re- build himself a suit off armor. Our freshments were served and the de- eyes and ears shall be'cast Huskalicious supper prepared by the "grac- ward from now on. fous hostess, Mrs. Ed. Doran, was Jerry Cermak, ardent diciple of enjoyed by alt. Carmen Miranda, took' his wife, Ever since the hunting season Betty, to see this bit of spanish opened, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schultz pepper last Sunday at- the McHenry made weekly trips to their cottage | cinema. Jerry hasn't been himself so that "Bill" might bag a squirrel i since. Since seeing the picture he j or tflro. Last Sunder they failed jjias cultivated'taste for herrings, to come so the squirrels held a Mr. and Mrs. John Glaser, parents { convention on the Schultz back yard, j of Mrs. Mike Schmitt, sleft Sunday At present stationed in the southwest' ^e warn you, Bill, the squirrels are ( for their home in Chicago and hope Pacific with the U. S. Navv C. Bs. Pitting revenge for the loss of their rto spend the Christmas holiday with Lieut. Barteldes attended Hamerton "eXt of *in- ™ey are |rked n°. end |uf W?11 3U8t C&nt thmk of a mcer irrade school and is a irraduate of by your excellent marksmanship. | place, folks. Lane Tech and Armour's Institute! Mr" and Mrs' A' G" Elarton flrtd, That lovely little miss, Juanita of Technoi^v wher he received !t difficult to have their cottage! Willetts, has returned from her his Eneineer's' decree He is mar- moved to the new foundation due to^week's Christmas shopping spree in ried and his lofeh wife Mwie the labor Mortage. They have sold ^hicago. Had you stayed away anhotes to send some vlw pleawnt their home in Downers Grove ^ i other day we would have hed the L;_ •„ i. j i have moved to their new home in | bloodhounds on your trail, Juanita! • Riverside. j Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sheriff en- There was a note of sadness about! tertained Mrs. Zelma Grotthus and LIEUT. OTTO BARTELDES news his way within a week or two, Your many friends at McCullom Lake hope that vou get your wish, Ui "Tu"? "T1 eima urottnus ana Lieut. Otto Barteldes. ' the home of Herman Jahnke this I her daughter, ?Zelma Lee, last Sun- News of our Servicemen ^ ^ peanut growing was a great success. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reimer, with their son, Jackie, spent a pleasant Sunday at their cottage on West Pfc. Charles Brocken returned toifact,that h,s Pet d"ck 0scLr ?**?- Camp Bowie, Texas, on Tuesday af- cd to g"ref"er P^ures. We symter enjoying an all too short' two- , Pa^,ze W'th JOU' "f1™8"1 weeks leave with his mother here I Mr* and Mrsj Wm" Ames were "Chuck" spent Monday visiting his^S""day Jisito« with Grandma Ames uLane. Jackie's attempts to bring friends in Chicago i tneir home on Maple Hills. - i down a rabbit with his new gun were Capt. Charles Wortman, of the Mrs" R"th Brocken enjoyed the unsuccessful. Better luck next time, armv air force with his wife and comPany of her neighbors, Mr. and ; fella! baby, Charles, Jr., enjoyed a brief Mrs. G W. Strahlhoff at Sunday din- Sunday guests at the home of visit with their parents, Mr. and ner- !t 18 °"r hope that Mrs. Brock-1 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huska were Mrs. Charles Wortman, of Orchard ®n df, spend the winter at, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burg, their Drive, last Sunday. Capt. Wortman heF, hom® , ' J . . J daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Gregory has been transferred from the air Mrs. Makofske s Sunday Visitors j Burg and son, Greg, Jr., of Chicago. base at«Orlando, Florida, to Denver, jere Mrs. Dobberstein her lovely Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nixon were,! , , . . ... - , Colorado. ^' P0**?y'r°f ^WO«d'^T and : out last Friday to cl°se up their i S/Sgt. Rov Nelson, M. P. husband Herbert Arnold, Carohne and Jean cottage for the winter. | of Mrs. Washburn's favorite daugh- Hay of, sPn"S Grove The youngsters • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson have » ter, Jane, is now making things enJ°y^ a pleaeant afternoon skating purchased the Trigin home on Maple pretty hot for the Germans some- °n„ T a iHilL and exP^t to. make it their where in Belgium, according to latest ,,7" Lmda\\aldock that gorgeous , permanent home next spring. It reports. blonde daughter of Mrs. Makofske, didn't take these people long to de- 451/c Michael Schmitt has been as- ' rented an apartment on the north cide that McCullom Lake is the best side of Chicago for the winter place on earth to establish a home ing nicely ahd once again he can bend his elbow. • Did you see the deer Jerry Kubovy and Andy Kunz brought back from their hunting trip in Michigan? It looks like a venison dinner soon. Jerry also brought back a black bear. After being in Alaska nearly a year, the Norin family are now back at their home here. We would like to hear some of their exipertences. . Pity Roger Hanson. Ethel, his wife, has been ill this past week, so Roger, in addition to his hard labor at the Alemite, had to do the housework. Bet Ma Hanson did the most of it. Little Jimmy sure is a cute boy. And speaking of babies, Muss and Jay Hanson can take a front seat. Baby Michelle, seven weeks old now, is quite a big girl. Muss is somewhere in Europe. The William Wrights of Wickline Bay are also in the limelight with a bouncing baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Glendee announce the engagement of Miss Bernice Finley to Mr. Arthur J. Kievil. "Art" became resident of Wonder Lake last March. Mr. and Mrs. Don Olinger "newlyweds", were guests of the Kievils this weekend. Is Freddy in the moving business now ? Saw bjm hauling a bed room set to the Hay's home last Sunday. We hear Tom Cashin is now sta» tioned at Fort Sheridan. Tom is a graduate of Morgan Park Military Academy and should make a fine soldier. Did you heat Pat Sullivan's favorite story ? "Once there were two Irishmen. Now there are millions." Warning to our residents. Don't try to skate on the lake yet. It ooks ning at 8 o'clock sharp. All Wonder Lake residents are urged to attend. Plans for the Christmas party will be arranged. Pfc. Donald Baty, brother of Mrs. Arthur Hay, was reported killed in action in the Pacific theatre of the war. These are the only details We have and our hearts go out in sympathy to "Millie" and her folks. Let's buy that extra war bond now and get our boys home quicker. August Winkel of Wonder Lake arrived back from northern Michigan with a sixteen-point buck. "Dead-eye AUCTION" Charles Leonard and Ed. YogeJ, Auctioneers. Having sold my farm, I will sett at public auction, 4 miles north of Volo, and 1 mile south of Fox Lak% on U. S. Route 12 on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 Commencing at 12 noon, the following described property, to-wit: ; 19 HEAD OF CATTLE . 'I *;1 Consisting of w ' t#^liead of Holstein and Guernsey dairy cows, several close springers; 2 head 2 year old heifers, bred, due in February j 3 head bulls, 18 mos. old Holstein; 18 mos, old Guernsey and 12 mos. old Holstein; 2^ work horses, 6 years old, wt. 1600, sound; set good work harness; 2 geese and 1 gander, 2 years old. Feed and Machinery 15 tons ear corn, 100 bu. oats; 300 bales corn fodder; 100 bales straw; 15 tons mixed hay; McD. corn binder, like new; McD. grain binder; Papec 10 in. Hammermill, new; Double row corn cultivator, new; McD. corn planter; single row cultivator; 2 dump rakes; set drags; McD. 9 ft. grain drill; Broadcast seeder; 6 ft. horse disc; manure wagon; wood wheel wagon; milk wagon; 3 walking plows; milk separator, like new; bob sled; kitchen range, coal or wood, like new; coal heater. Numerous other artielfti too numerous to mention. TERMS -- All sums of $25.00 and under that amount, cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. MRS. AGNES WEBER - Wesst McHenry State Bank, Clerking. Gus" says he got hii$ <m the first shot. Wonder Lake residents mourn the passing of Michael Perska. * "Mike" passed away at 5 a. m. last Thursday at the Woodstock hospital, after suffering from a paralytic stroke, and was laid to rest in the Ever-w green cemetery, in Chicago Saturday., Our sympathy to Mrs. Perska. Our- fine friend, Dr. Norten o f ' Wickline Bay had furnace trouble last Saturday, so had to cancel his appointments. Labor shortage is tough, eh, Doc? 'T i BOY SHOOTS FATHER Order your Rubber Stam#»* at The Plaindealer. Ray Kellogg, 42, of Genoa, father of eight children, was shot at tli home last week Wednesday evenij by his own son, Franklin, 13, deat following three -hours later. It pears that Kellogg came home under the influence of liquor and (not unusual) abused his wife, threatenii her life. Later in "the evening, dur-: ing the heat of an argument, he was dragging her by the hair and otherwise causing injuries. The* childr became frantic and Franklin, ti thirteen-year-old son, entered the ; house, took up a 22-rifle and shot J»is father, thg, bullet passing through the head at the temple. -L. • , •ftv; - i'- ..." v i&'.ssS Read the Want Ads Yourself < Beauty Salon Typm € OL D W A V E PERMANENT AT HOME 1N 2 to 3 HOURS COLD WAVE Y«, you can give yourself a supremely soft, long-lasting, beauty-salon type cold wave right at home as easy at putting your hair up in curlers, Ir's so easy you'll b« aiMXf4t 4ttjft follow the simple dire^tiont. •, ««MPLETE HO««€ PERMANENT WAVE KIT SUii IJJ. ' * GREEtf STREET BoJgei^s Drug Store M'HENRY signed te duties gomewhere -in the ,, v . .* Pacific from the naval b»se in San imo . Sf hope# be with ^9 Bruno, Calif. j next spring. -v; bKtl,er ? t hard ,0 sell then, on the wonderfu. r«*ived the award o/toe" Pu^Ic ! l»b»riouS efforts last climate by wearing a stfaw hat last iiHs he in**™* «« Sundayand no better neighbors could thef'; find anywhere than their in-law^ the Ronjstads. Old Mr. Tryg tried Heart for wounds suffered on thi Belgian front. . - 1 S/Sgt. Langley Bennett, who has' recently received a medical* discharge P from the * army, enjoyed a belated i Thanksgiving dinner at the home of!- : -- : his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer and Mrs. Edward Rush, in Chicago. AUCTION Sunday, He offered no explanation for the fur coat he wore. Arnold Goldman has a problem on his hands. Most of his real estate business now is at West Short Beach, but his office is still on our side of the lake. How to get the mountain to Mohammed? Mr. and Mrs. John Blazek will make tests from time to time and let us know when the lake is safe for skating. There will be a meeting of the Wonder ILake Community club at the Harrison school on Friday eve- « j « » £ ' ' On account of the death of mv ! Mr. and Mrs. John Blazek are +iknett 1S Pare#tS' husband, I wijl sell at Public Auc- i grandparents again. It's a 9-pound happy that their prayers for . t;on on tj,e £)owen Farm, on Glynch boy this time, born to their daughter their son' s^fe return have been ans wered Road, 2 miles northwest of Wauconda, one-half mile east of U. S. 12, Yeomart 1/c. Jerry Becker, please on note: Your o|d pal now a WAVE, , WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13 ^ . ^ S2/C, .Jean Toots Schmitt, is also: stationed in Washington, D. C. She commencing at 12 noon, sharpy th4 w i/auiiu„^, viic j^- doing her bit at the Communica- j following described property, to-wit: woman'in "McCullom Lake, tions Annex Bldg, G1Ve a look, see! 27 jjEAD OF GUERNSEY CATTLE on Dec. 2 in a Chicago hospital. Congratulations, folks! To Lee Sawdo and George Baumbeck go the titles of the two hardest working men on Fountain Lane and to Betty Baumbeck, the best dressed S2/c. Robert Struck (R. M.) is now somewhere in the Pacific. No word from' him these past three Weeks. News in" General Coming Events Pfc. Charles Brocken's bfrthday, Dec. 15. „ _ McCullom Lake Community club's several new milkers and close, spring- Christmas partv^ Dec. 17, for childarc • n inn hnnfl »-C _ 1 j . _ « Consisting of 18 head of Guernsey Dairy Cows; The keen interest shown by our • re^sre^edbwith0^^^6 w ren and Parents of McCullom Lake, youngsters in their singing lessons for past month, 5 per cent butterf^t- t0 be vM ^ Ho™'®" 1r?unge' for the Christmas choir is most 3 head of purebred Guernsey Heifers P'J"' Yo« guessed it there will b#; gratifying to Otto Pyritz, director. , 2 to 2^ years old; 3 head of pure-I a Santa Claus' wlth whlskers and all« • and to all concerned. Members of 'bred Guernsey Heifers, 1 to 1% years ! ADIOS. this class are Patsy Gorenson, Kenny one purebred Guernsey Heif- j Sawdo, Patty Jensen, Georgie Baum-:er» ® months old; 1 purebred Guern- 1 beck. Bonnie Trigin, Robert Krickl, sey Heifer Calf, 3 months old. (All Arlene Thiele, Jimmy Sales, Betty the a^.ove heifers are registered; Robinson, Leonard Jensen, Joan Rob- papers ^urnished.) ih8on, Leonard Jensen, Joan Grot- PUREBRED GUERNSEY HERD thus, Betty Krickl, Lee Larson, SIRE -- KMAX OF ANTIOCH Chiekie Sales, Marie Rudin, Patsy HEIGHTS, 3 years old; his sire, I Huska and Judy Struck. By special Conti of Thorn Hill; his dam made j arrangement with that kind gentle- '744.4 lbs. buttei fat in 14,221 lbs. | man; Mr. Mosher, editor of the Mc- m"k on official tejst. Records on all H e n r y P l a i n d e a l e r , a p i c t u r e o f ' t h i s a b o v e p u r e b r e d s t o be r e a d on d a y o f : group will grace the front page of salethe January 4 edition of the paper. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY! So place your orders for extra copies ja week in advance of this date. A-C. rubber-tired Tractor, in good Those two McCullom love birds, T A'C t Tractor CiUtivator; ' ' ^"JSd^ JOhnSOn: HtUZjr?C^rt»l le"m ; s n o T? mar" tor Disc, like new; Broadcast Seeder; mdlastSaturday, Dec. 2, at 4 pm., Ideal Manure Spreader; Lime , in tne bt. Fau.1 s Lutheran church in Spreader; Corn Planter; Mc-D. Side ' Austin. • It" was' a quiet wedding Delivery Rake; Wagon and Hay >yith only members erf their immedi- Rack; McD. Corn Binder; New ate families prtsents. Vernon Kelley Wheelbarrow; 8 rolls Snow Fence; 25 -did the honors as best man and Miss , Posts; Electric Motor; Pump . June Snyder was maid of honor. The ' w s!veru newlyweds are enjoying a brief hon- t C ^ateT. Heater; 12 Milk Cans; 2 •'*' evmnon nt Rra.j +<. • Tanks, pails and strainers; 75-ft. Hiokorv nriSl ®rands C0t^e in j Drive Belt; 30 tons Baled Alfalfa v^ Wh '7- Co"&ratulations^ to j Hay; 300 bu. Old Ear Corn; 350 he little ones' y°Ur ^u. Oats; 5 tons-B.aled Straw; 30-ft. vishms '40 CIFT ' POR A LOVID ONI WHO IS HARD OF HEARING The Famous Zenith RAM0NIC HEARING AID Mod«l A-2-A Completa Ready to W«ar with N«w Nautral-Color Earphone and Cord m AvailabU-- The new Bone Conduction (fiith far those whose physicians recommend is type of instrument, Model B-3-A, 150.00. The new Bone-Air Zenith --in air conduction Model of tremendous reserve power and ampli- •Caiion «nge. Model A-3-A, $50.00. dCCtfied by A merican Medical A uociation Council on Phytical Medic in* Cimt In for a free demonstration BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street, McHenry A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Silage. Mr. and Mrs. Musynski were pleas- PPOOUULTT-TRRYY-- 29r0m0 ixn*n- t v. ; .ntly surprised by a first visit from | tz whT .Pan>ela|j'«»" «M. laying good; U Brawler f®a"' ^7' accompanied by her pa- House, 16x18; Electric Brooder, 200 *en^s> ^ward and Shirley Munroe, | chick capacity; oil burner Brooder, . pade the long journey from Chi-, i 500 chick capacity; Chick Feeders, t&go to get her first glimse of the !etc. feUtMus^^S mA Lake' HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- Electric The Musynskis and the Derrs< are., Washing Machine, Sewing Machine, vyin^ "I the privilege of be-! Roll Top Desk, Tables. Chairs, Beds. , Mig the first ones to give Pamela and many other articles too ntimer- Jean her swimming lessons next sum- fous to mention. V aner as they expect her to be quite ; TFPMo .7-' grown up by then. Why not include 1j . . . s u m s o f $ 2 o a n d fIc e sil ta*t•' ng i• n your jwormm. Ico tIk s?o |u naer that amount, cash: over that amount , credit 0f six Lost Fridays visit to the navy . per cent'will be extended on notes •how in Chicago by Jack and Jimmy ; approved by the clerk. Anyone de- Bales was very educational to them , siring credit, • kindly make arrangeit gave them some ideas of arms ments before purchase is made. No dnd equipment their big brother, property to be removed until settled &2/c. Robert Sales of Uncle Sam's h&vy has to handle and, s&pording to the boys the day was well spent. DAY AUCTION 1:30 p.m., sharp Wednesday, Dec. 13 At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 50 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS AND FIR# 0ALP HEIFERS, EITHER CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE, ^ DAIRY HEIFERS STOCK BULLS BEEF CATTLE CALVES HORSEB SHEEP for. MRS. JENNIE DILLON West'McHenry State Bank, Clerking | YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock ' to consign All consignors fnake arrangements to get your livestock in. either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. <v xerms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. .1 to 16 months time at y2 of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLIAM E. GAULKE Owner • Phone 572 M. JDSTEN NEXT DOOR TO WEST M'HENRY STATE BANK TEL. 63 WEST M'HENRY, ILL. COMFORT AND COLOR IS ADDED' Td AH £ ROOM WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS S24.50 to $64.00 LOOKING FOR AN INSPIRED CrlF^f FURNITURE IS THE ANSWER • . -m • • • . .:•>; See These Occasional Pieo«» •I Budget Stretching Prices GIVE A MIRROR COMPLETE SELECTIONS, ^1.50 to 18.50 m

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