»t«is iV/'V""': ' ; a. THE p$< : T f - _|V '--.*v ;; . - - it . •%, . • «* «*- •••*• '-^ .fiiSb*fc, **k, ^at> JkKafr<ku>^*&. .IW, Thursday, December 14> " Society Notes ' Buss in pinochle; and Mrs. Gertrude I Stilling in five hundred. A delicious lunch was served^by Mrs. Elvera - Hwrdrieh and Imt ««pmittee. • • • Entertain At Farewell Party Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs.Charles Miller entertained at &kfarewell party Fox River Valley Camp. R. N. A. Election The annual election of officers, was held by the Fox River Valley camp last Tuesday, December 5. Elected to serve were the following: Oracle, Carrie Justen. s jfi V. Oracle, Mabel Johnson. P. Oracle, Gertrude Thurlwell, Chancellor, Eva Wagner. ; Athletic Chib Plans Part? „ r-- The Young Peoples Athletic club | held last Sunday evening at the Recorder, Alice Lindsay, lis planning a Christmas party irt former's home in honor of Charles j Receiver, Susan Olsen. Connection with their next meeting Miller, who left for service the fol- ! Inner Sentinel, Carolyn Schiessle. tn Thursday evening. December 21. dl members will please bring a twenty-five cent, gift for exchange. Sant& Claus Visits llothers Club Meeting There were children v j lowing morning. A <^delicious tur- j Outer Sentinel, Eva Bacon, key dinner was served it 6 o'clock, j Manager, Susan Steinsdoerfer. followed, by a social evening. Marshal, Ele&nor Altfyoff. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Peter! Physician, Dr. C. W. Klonts. , Leissrr, Mr. an& Mrs. Arthur Ander- Delegates to the state «©wren- '• son, Mrs. Therese Horn. Emil Horn; tion in April were also named. They , everywhere and Math Leisser of Chicago; Mr. j are Carrie Justen and Gretta Goodell. •ij»st Friday afternoon in the K. of. and Mrs. Leo Young of Johnsburg; j A party honoring new members C. hall .as the Mothers club enter-' the William Miller family of Fox j was held following the election aijji gained at the annual Christmas party.' River Grove; Mrs. Ray Hermance games were enjoyed, with prizes be- Santa arrived during the afternoon^and daughter, Mary Kay, of Rich- ing awarded Amanda Brown, Marie • and distributed popcorn balls ip mond: Jim Cortnell. Elsie Horn, Mr. fNiesen and Eva Wagner. Dainty regifts to all. and Mrs. Jake Stoffel and daughter, freshments were served by Eva B&- - A very interesting" program was i Bunny, Mrs. Nick Miller, the Charles presented as follows: Selections by Miller family, Dick Miller, Mary Ann the rhythm band of the kipdergar- and Bob Miller, all. of McHenry. . ten and first grade of the public * *, School, Barbara Becker, leader; songs Engagement Qf y.."': -My Jean and Joan Weber; a violin Daughter Announced iolo b>- Jack Wirtz; and a group of an(j Mrs. Harry Hill df Fox j invited friends #at a CJrrigtmas party "Christmas carols by the pupils of St. announce the engagement of;I to be held in the Woodman hall on * jlary's - St. Patrick's schooJ, with their daughter, Lois L., to John J. December 19. The committee in ;Hary Ann Bolger »S accompanist. Barnipgs, Jr.. seaman first class, son charge is planning a Christmas tree Damage Trees Many Insects damage trees in every sect/on of our country. The westr . pink beetle alone destroys 2,800,- 000,000 board feet of timber annually. * <;• . xv Unincorporated City Klhnapolis, N. C„ is the largest unincorporated city in the United States. Celot Blindness Very few women are color Mind, but one out of every five men is appreciably color blind •to such an extent that he finds it difficult to distinguish traffic signals. Green Onfoits Green onions can be grown from seed in six to eight weeks. lS-Month Calendar in Guatemala The Mayan calendar of 18 mom •ifJOM qonui se JTBq )noqe tfjiM 'suxjbj jaqjo aqj pip sb saiuoou; joqe( q8tq se jnoqe apeui j of 20 days each, with five days • Aj)[nod uo sjiun jjjom jo uoi^tod | tional each year, still Is used in •ojd tsaqSm am qjiM suusj aqj, interior of Guatemala '°q®i uuej y ,5 * * Hay Fever ^ Of persons in New York state subject to hay fever, 90 per cent owe their trouble to ragweed. Maritime Day Ml tional maritime day - memorates the sailing, 1*5 ydars ago, of America's Savannah, firit steamship to cross the ocean. •?*.. con and her committee. * The committee in charge included o{ Mp and 'Mrs .john, Earnings of j and Members of Royal Neighbors Entertained The Fox River Valley Camp, B. N. A., will entertain members and i ^ T FOR exchange, varWtTSf Joseph The next meeting -of. the Mothers Foresters AWP - - ^5lub will be held on January 12^ at Juvennes To Meet whui chi timje iv s tudents of the. vhriigoho The iLadv Foresters of Se*t. Clara's school, undefr the direction of Miss , . Helm Stevens, will present a play. Court , w,ll hoM the.r annual Chmt- Members of the Mothers club are m!l« on December 14, at wh.ch Plan Party For Lower Grades The children of^ the Lily Lake school will be ehtertained at a Christmas party sponsored by the P. T. A. on Friday, December 22, at * I T T Y T X bers will have their Christmas party grades teacher, is chairman of genon December 16. ; eral arrangements, assisted by Mrs. 1 «£• Wirfs and Mrs. Blake. Plays and : recitations will be given by the pu-! ^ pils and refreshments served. The i The rfnblic card pnrtv of the P. T. A | on Tuesday, December 19. This will pl*nn<>d fcv St. Marv's be the \r.'nual Christmas party for '•'•hcol P. T, A. to be held last Sunmembers. at -which time there -will - Hay nitrht. was nistpon^d because be an exchange of ten cent gifts. j'«f inclement weather. It will be * * * . " revf. Snndav rvcrht. December At Birthday Party grateful to the Knights of Columbus «me theJe Je ten-cent ex- ..... , .. _ . , . for the use of their hall last Friday ^hanPe ;,7f 1_^fts; The Juvenile mem-: the school. Muss Anita Reid, lower afternoon in entertaining the kiddies. * * • Ri verview Camp To . Have Xmas Party , R verview Camp, R. N. A., will held its next meeting in the K. of C. hall Public' Card Partv Postootted Entertains Classmates Leonard Blake: j 17- St. Marv's church hall, be- H<mored At Dinner einr>ir<» at 8 n. m.' Mr« Jo*>n Bolnrer ; Leonard Blake, who is home, on a 's c^jrman and Mrs. Math Laures, thirty-day leave after serving with co-chairman. ^ ^ ^ the marines in the south Pacific for the past two years, was honor guest at a dinner held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund one evening last week. ^ Present were Mr. and Mrs. Toe Blake and family, Mr. and Mrs. A^- Dorothy Doherty entertained fourteen of her classmates and friends at a birthday party held last Thursday afternoon in honor of her ninth birthday anniversary. The party was held in St. Mary's church hall. Games were enjoyed by the little folks and a delicious lunch served. Ro^d P'nochle cb'H -vas h»M at the 71,6 &uest of honor was Presented Wtfh Mrs. Ttionnesori . TV>o rv,oot!nt» of the East River of Mrs. Thomas last Thursd?"? aftemoon. Thonneson wit^'-many lovely gifts frorti her Prir.e win- ; friends. thur Tonvan and daughter, Mrs. Ir- T"Jr" 'werP Mrs- Albert VaKes and „ _ _ _" yin L. Freund, and Miss Bertha MrS- Ben Dietz. Mr«. Diet* 'will be! J7* •" Freur.t!. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Serock. next hostess on December 21 of Elgin, Mrs. Del Freund and son,1 * * * Denny, of Wauconda an<^ Mr. and P^nwh^'er . Mrs. Joe Petitclair and sons. The I Grt^st Sneaker evening was spent in cards and visiting. • » * * C. D. of A. Plans Christinas Party Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, CatH- suhiec+s in nre«entine p talk which olic 1 Daughters cf America, met in i of great interest to his listeners, the K. of C. hall on Thursday evening ' Five new members were welcomed for the regular meeting. Plans were at the meeting. Have Luncheon The W. S. C. S. of the Community Methodist church will hold a pot-luck luncheon in the church hall on December 21 at 1:30 o'clock. All who attend will be expected to bring one or more packages for the grab bag. There will be a short business meet- He touched on several ! in* he,il' at which time officers for 1945 will be elected. .There will be Christmas readings and carols sung. R»Vt Father Eugene -Baumhofer, new assistant nriest at St. Marv's chiiTch. '"'as fittest «T>e»ker «t *he lo.t woPiiV of St. Marv's - St. PatrioV'., p. T. A. made Chri j Jack Wirt*. enjoyed after j At the conclusion of the meeting , with prizes be- j lunch was served hv Mrs. Albert Miss Rose Huemann | Barbian, social chairman, and her Weber in bridge; committee. The next regular meeteber and Mrs. Ella ing will be held on January 3. v which was next regular meeting oi me r. l.' a S t . P a t r i c k ' s i wiN ^ o n F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 5, at 8j^ p. m. at the school. 1 • f I ? T T t T T T T Y T T y T T t t f T t T T f T t T T City Council Proceedings Council Room. Dec. 4 The City Council met in regular for the annual ) The imisionl portion of the promembers, which j «rram consisted of a violin and a Dec. 21, j niaro solo by Beverlv Schwermah, is asked vocal duet bv Jonn and .Tean Weber, i semi-monthly meeting with Mayor t pift for a violin solo hv Pillv Weber, a niano Overton presiding. Aldermen presparty will splecti^n bv Lucille Knox and Rose-j ent: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, vinter tourn-; marv Doherty, and a violin solo by ^Regner, Yonyan. Absent: None, We have Joined tfie nationwide crusade to lower the cost of hearing Motion by Freund, seconded by Regner, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, that the treasurer's report be j approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Buss, that the1 clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. .Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee * Howard Cairns, salary...,..,.,...$127.60 Peter Wirfs, salary...........,,..;^ Vi W. C. Feltz, J-JSClT- Smith, salary 74.30 T f T T T T f T T • -,X\- Accepted by American Medical A*»oeiation Council on Phytical Therapy S 40 ' r;* KCAOr TO WEAR Complete with radionic tubes, crystal microphone, magnetic earphone, *batteries and battery-saver - circuit.Liberal guarantee. 0M MW*I--0M Prici--On* Oaolity Z M r i t h ' s l M f t -- » • • * ! » • « -- , " Demonstration now goirig ort " As a franchiaed outlet appointed by Zenith, we join this greafc Crusade to lower the cost of hearing. We are happy to brftg you this sensational new hearing aid which places a precision instrument of highest quality within reach of all. You are invited to «. attend a demonstration--let your ears be the judge. You will not be pressed to buy. The demand is so great that Zenith's • problem is not sales, but supply. We sell only to those who : - can be helped. No high pressure salesman will call on you. ( There are cases in which deficient hearing is caused by a progressive disease. Therefore, we recommend that you consult your otologist or ear doctor to make sure that your hearing deficiency is the type that can be benefited by the use of .. a bearing aid. Bolger's Drug Store 4|REEN STREET , tfcHENRY, ILL, Earl R. Walsh, office expense.. 35.00 Jack Smith, use of car y 5.00 Blayme Buss, clerical and coni'v missions 88.96 Darling Valve & Mfg. Co., . valves .; 55.70 Ruddy Bros., cleaning sewer * mains 135.00 Al's Welding Service, welding' fire hydrant ...... SPheodore WSnkel, labor , Frank Niesen, labor at water- ;• works ..... Ilatt Niesen, labor at waterworks : Jack Smith, supplies.............v. freund Oil Company, distillate McHenry Art. Stone Co., Cement cover McGee's, police clothing.......... 'Buss Motor Sales, repairs and oil, police car McHenry Co. Farmers' Co-op., John J. Vycital Hardware, supplies George Worts, gas, oil---po* lice car.............. Carey Electric Shop, f street T T 3.40 35.25 ... 14.25 6.00 .95 3.64 1.53 i 7.65 6.62 1.10 12.62 22.29 light repairs. fk, i, \\ C».*•' k'- ' . *,'» " I T 1 f Y ? T t T T T T Y II Y Y T Y Y T f Y T Y Y 839 A 4.54 " 2.00 4.33 32.29 Earl R. Walsh, freight..........i... McHenry Lumber Co., coal and fences:....". Illinois Bell Telephone Co., telephone service* Western United G. & E. Co., Electric service............. Public Service Co., power and light Special Sewer Fund Fred C. Feltz, salary.....-- .»$116.80 Mayme Buss, clerical......... 30.00 Carey Electric Shop, service Public Service Co., power and light Freund Oil Co., distillate,........'. Paul E. Gerasch, labor... Motion by Nye, seconded by Ferwerda, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mare*. EARIL R. WALSH, City Clerk. <197.70 it.50 36.35 9.11 26.75 Need Rubber Stamps t The Plaindealer. Otrder at Y 1 f Y Y Y Y T Y T :Y 1 Men Appreciate Are Gifts tq- Weal GifT TIES Aftiittimtal (6tfi ^urigpfltinna GIFT SWEATERS Warm Wool Gloves with leather facing U74 Fine Leather Wallets in soft leather $1.50 to $7.50 (pins federal excise tax) Skipper T Shirts / in fine cotton 75c to $ 1:50 Skipper Sport Shirts in fine rayon $3.95 to $9.50 Tie and Handkerchief Sets V $1.50tO$2 95 Fine ties that will give him lots of pleasure and practical wear. Cheney and Wilson M-ade in a luxurious selectiojri of patterns todeolore^ ^ ^ . •./ $1.00 to $2.50 If he hasn't a sweater, he needs 6ne . . : . and even if he has one, he can always use another. You'll find every kind he could possibly want, coat styles, pullovers, sleeveless sweaters, in all; gOod oolors. _ $3.50 to $8.95 <pPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS G FT ROBES Bonds For his pleasant evenings at h< Warm wool flannels or luxurious lavon ai d wool, are here in solid colors or plaid trims. $12.50 to $16.95 GIFT SHIRTS G ive him a warm super sport shirt. Warm colorful plaids ond subdued solid colors, iii r^al Heman woolens. •6.95 to *950 GIFT Here's a wonderful s e 1 e c t i o n of soft wools, luxurious rayons and fine lisles. He can always use more of these. 39c to $1.65 I T t Y T T T Y T T I •T I T Y y T •T T Y T T T 7 Y T Y T i ? ? ? Y Y Y t Y Y y y y y t Y yY yY •y Iy yf 7y y y i /