. , . . l , i 1 ,-5*1 v - v --•*?*"'.* ^;+^*r&pu' ^ s ' " r * w • » * - • * * -- -: * -*mL . . . 'V*--. , 5 j k . , * " ' >' s ' • n ^ • • .v; >v u; " • " • 1 • ' w Volume 68 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1944 MORE REQUESTS REACH SANTA'S 'SERVE OVERSEAS Wartime Rationing- Keeps Desires Of Children Modest - _• .'There will be one mort il^le "the Plaindealer before Christmas so' write your Tetters now to -Santa and they issue will be printed in next week's 'of the paper. ,'V' y Dear Santa: We would like airplanes, cars and blocks and a lone Ranger suit for Christmas. We are three IittleJjfcjfSy ages 5 years, 3 years and 2 year# We have been good little boys. GLENN, CHARLES AND JOHN RITZERT; v Box 62, Ringwood, HI. TOWNSHIP HAS BOUGHT $190,060 WORTH OF BONDS "E" Sales During / £•] Remainder Of Month • ' To Count In Driya . INJURIES SUFFERED IN CAR TRAIN CRASH PROVE FATAL TO ONE r IVank Masonk a resident' of Crystal Lake, died on Monday morning of injuries sustained Saturday after- \ noon about 3 o'clock, when the car ! he was driving was struck by a pas- ! senger train at Prairie street cross- j ing in Crystal Lake, The train was , the one which makes regular Satur- ; day trips between Chicago and "Lake ! Geneva, stopping at McHenry. Few trains pass this crossing; Mason was on his way to» the Oaks manufacturing plant to do some MORE THAN 100 VOICES IN XMAS MESSAGES FROM WM. SHOEMAKER MEN IN SERVICE STEPS ON LAND MINE OVERSEAS Public Program: Friday Evening In " School Auditorium The spirit of the Yule season invaded the McHenry high school last (Wednesday) night as sfeventy-three Pear Santa Claus: I am 7 years old. I want a doll house, a story book and a ball. Thank you. •SHIRLEY THURLWELL While McHenTy-' is each day coming nearer its goal in the Sixth War Loan Drive, " it" is- reported that painting when the train struck his throughput the county E bond sales car. He was badly injured and was ! members of the mixed chorus preare lagging. A pfea is made to the removed to Sherman hospital in El- tented their Christmas choral progeneral public to buy Bonds during i gin, where he died. " ^ , ; the next two weeks, as all E sales | -- --* r- ^ Dear Sfrsr • ^ ..Just a line to express my appreciation and thanks for sendihg me thie Plaindealer. Sotna^ times-1 do not receive' it until It' is a month old or more. Jast the same, it is always welcome and ' until December 31 will be counted in the present drive. ! Up to the present time; sales in McHenry township have reached GEORGE KREPEL : : $190,060. Of this, $2,775.00 has been Pvt. George Krepel, son of Mf, -'tflWl -credited to the West McHenry post Mrs. Henry. O. Krepel of 115 Pomeroy Toffice; $7,510.00 to the McHenry post avenue, Crystal l^ake, entered service office, $161,775.00 to the West Mcon March 27, 1943, as a member of j Henry State bank; $7,000 to the .the military police, and took his basic United Gas and Electric company; training at Fort Custer, Mich. Later $6,000 to the Public Service company; he served at Camp Campbell, Ky., j and $5,000 to the Alexander Lumbar prior to leaving the States about a ; company. v year ago. Six months later he was: Captains ' transferred to the quartermaster Captains in the township include Dear Santa: truck company. The last word which Fred Heide, Clarence Angelse. Mrs. For Christrt^S We WOttld Mk* /.is family had from him did not dis- John Bolger, Glenn Wattles. Ben dallies and color books and colors close where he was stationed, his Dietz, Walter Haug, Chauncey Harateo nuts and candy and fruit. Don't1 only comfnent being that everything Hson, Arthur Hoppe, Nels Pearson, NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN gram before students ol the public grade and St. Mary's - St. Patrick's schools. :• :: Those making upthemiied chorus are the following: SOPRANOS: -- Shirley Beinapfi, Frances BarberjGloria Biggers, Mary Douglas, Dorouiy Doberstein, Mar- Hospitalized Sinc« Injuries Sustained ' •Last Armistice Da^-i While Armistice Day, 1944, .1 many back in memory to the end of teresting to get ?var *n 1918 and set others to, thinkthe news from! in<r of. the Armistice Day that will around home. [end this war, our. boys in other landi • -I also want to' continued itq be listed among the inform vou of my j casualties. Among these was William Shoemaker. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shoemaker, of Wilmington, Delewara^ who made their home here for several years until moving East about a year ago. "Bill", as he was better known to his many friends, wrote to his parents a short time ago, telling that he was hospitalized in France. They were most thankful * 1 new change of company address. Sincerly yours, ARNOLD HAY San Francisco, Calif. Well, here I am again and excuse forget my older brothers and sisters.j there was rationed Itiank vou. ROSEMARY AND LOLA JEAN RITZERT Box 62, Ringwood, fli.. •"ilNr Santa Claus: ^ am 5 years old. Please bring me 1 farm set, a fire engine, and a train. My big sister, Sharon wants • bracelet. Baby sister, Sheila, would like a dolly. Gramma wants a washing set. Bring Aunt Ba a silver bracelet. Momma and dad want Mmething too. Love, DANNY O'SHEA Dear Santa: Please bring me a dolly's suitcase and a doll. My aunt wants a dress and my sister would like a rattle aad mother wants dishes and daddy a knife and grandma jewelry.. Love, SHARON ^SHEA Dear Santa: Please bring me a doll bed with * mattress in it. Some new dresses 'Mr my dolly. I also want some coloring books iflith colors and a nice pair of furry lidroom slippers. My brother wants a pair of hard t#e hocky skates. Please go see my cousins, Melvin and Ronnie. I have been a real good girl. Your friend, BARBARA RAE PASSFIELD i garet Freund, Dorothy Freund, Glor- . !ice Freund, Louanne Howorka, Mar- ' the mistakes as Pm °not very handy garet Herdrich, Marie Jackson, Bet-; with this typewriter. Mr. and Mrt. Robert Lounsbury of ; t.v Lou Kramer, Phyllis Lau, Clarice j I'm somewhere in Belgium now Woodstock, received a telegram last: May. Agnes Miller, Joan May. Terry : and it's still raining as usual. - ^n !to receive this direct word from him Thursday morning; Phalin, Alida Page. Alice Robinson, j fact, that is all it ever does over Just two days before receiving the from the war de- Nancy Rudin. Louise Stoffel, Ber- i here. You don't walk any more, official war department telegram fartment. stating nice Smith, Eileen Smith, Phyllis! you just slide along and hope that ' which told that he was seriously that their son, Smith, Marie Tonyan, Lois We,ide- : you can stop where you want to. j wounded in action in France. James, was slight- mann and Joan Weber. The people are pretty nice to us! "Bill' had been overseas only three . Iy wounded in ac- ALTOS: -- Ann Bolger, Helen Yanks and everything is so nice and iwecks before being wounded, havtion in Germany Duncan. Eleanor • Edsffom. Jean Hay, j neat that it almost reminds one of ^'n^ arrived on October 21. On Noon November 23,-Carol Gaardner, Arlene Kamprovvski. the States, but not quite. Home i v«niher 11 he stepped on ^ land mine }944. The tele- Elvera Kennebeck, Pauline Lunken- could never be this bad. Well, today ! right foot and received jjfram came on the heimer, GwendolMi Knaack, Loretta is. Thanksgiving and I sure ate my ! lacerated wounds in his heel and; irtiniyersary of the Larson, Lcoda McCarthy, Marilyn , share of turkey aqd I was thankful 'calf of the leg and one of the bcnes. ^eath of their son, Dolores Murphy, Mary Grace Mur-; that I was one of the boys that I i" 'he heel was broken. His legr Duker, Elmer Freund, Dr. J. E. Say- Thomas, who was killed while man-; phy, Kathryn Nye, Lucille Nickels, ; could eat .turkey over here without {'s in a cast from the knee down. Hfe lor, Leonard McCracken, Donald ning an anti-aircraft gun on the ill-j Margaret Olsen, Gladys Stilling and worrying so much. J was in an evacuation hospital until. Weingart. Alex Adams, Larry Huck,1 fated Arizona at Pdarl Harbor on Albina Samec. , _ j Well, I've been promoted again ! November 16 and is now in a gen- Nick Weingart, Mervin Strever, William Schlitt, Anton Schi^itt and Carl j Holstrom. Workers include Ben Bauer, C. H TENORS: -- Edward Buss, Thomas j and I'm now first sergeant of my^ Douglas, Joan'Durland, Laverne Lock-1 outfit and I've got one of the best Robert Frisby, Jr., Donald- Givens, December 7, 1941. Roy Kent, Mrs. R. W. Fleming, Mrs.' -- m ^ ... • , - .• -- Ray McGee, Clarence Douglas, Earl The Christmas greeting ' Vroolijk wood, Richard Freund. Robert Miller, > outfits in this man's army and it Marshall, Mary Simon, Mary W^sh, Kerstfeest", has been sent to the Carole Marticke, Geraldine, Ninvtz,: sUre is tough. Mrs. Julia Kralowitz, Mrs. Harold t Plaindealer staff by Sgt. E. J. Meyer. Joann Strever, Richard Schmitt, Jlo-j What a bunch of infantry men eral hospital. He still receives- penicillin every three hours, day- and night.' 1943 Graduates Phalin, Mrs. Henry Stilling, Mrs. I Our first three Christmas cards ar- Helen Wegener, Mrs. George Freund, rived from Italy, Germany and Bel- Homer Fitzgerald, Eleanor Roth, j gium respectively. Harold Fox, Leo Smith, Bernard A. j - Freund, Charles Stilling, Peter Mil-j Received a very nice Christmas ler, Arthur Stilling, Norbert Hiller,1 cafci from Kenneth Franzen, sent! t With things happening tyidt^r salie Williams, Grace Thompson, Geo. . they would make. We have a general | these days, it seems even "less than Whiting, and Adolph oidemann. j living with us and believe me I'm 1 a year and one-half ago that William BASSES: -- Robert Felse, Ber- j kept on the ball trying to keep them : Shoemaker stood with the graduatnard Doherty, Norman Knaack, Hugh j on the ball. My outfit consists of j ing class of 1943 on the McHenry Murphy, Richard Marsh, Charles Mar- j everything from a rebel to a Cana- i high school grounds and received hia _ tin. Dean McCracken, Carl Neiss, t dian Indian who is on the war path diploma with his classmates. He was - Stanley Schmitt, Arthur Thelen, Joe from the Islands of the Netherlands j Robert Richardson, Robert Svaboda, j half of the time. But we're happy j a brilliant student, being one of the Hiller, Clemens Adams, Edward Het-1 East Indies. A picture of "Ken" ap-; Raymond Williams and Alfred Young.; and don't care for anything as long j five honor students of the year. That _ _ - . ( * 1 T ! 1 * . * J » _ « L >11 KM J ' T*.. A mm* 17 Ml Jnir It 1\A«> - ^ ~ M. -- .11 1. > a termann, Leo Michels and Joseph J Huemann. The following poem was written by the wife of a McHenry serviceman, whose patriotism and desire to have the bond quota met, prompted . . , her to put her thoughts do#tt ftl ihe LAVERN KREPEL following way: Lavem Krepel entered service I Price is High March 16, 1944, ancftook his basic J The price for Victory is high, training at San Diego, Calif. Before Our sons on battle fields nfust die» leaving for overseas, he was station- , The road to freedom stained in red, ed at Oceanside, Calif., from where ! With blood and tears our boys haw he. left with the marines for the j shed. Hawaiian Islands, where he is now j you and j they're fighting for pea red inside a Christmas bell and! Tomorrow night, Friday, December as we all get home at the same time he and many others who have even the local soldier still looks fine after' 15, the program will be presented j and then I pity the town th^t they since left our schools should be ill a very long time spent overseas. for the general public. Price of ad- l^lischarge us in. I wouldn't be sur-, the front lines seems increditable. mission will be twenty-five cents, I prised if it looked like St. Lo when ! can more t^an SOrry, with proceeds to be presented, in the j we get through celebrating. But ; however, that these boys, hundreds form of a bond, to a serviceman or j that's a long way off so there isn't 10f them, have been forced to skip woman! There will be no reserved I much use of thinking and dreaming j thoge im'portant y^ between leav- Herman Schmitt has .been trans-. seats. J of that but there will cpme a day and ; fn» boyhood and becoming men. We ferred from Amarillo, Texas, to Fort Ticket^ may either be purchased there are millions of us who can't ! can assUre tj*se stjjj unJer fighting John Crist y is aew stationed at Camp Blanding, Fla. Meyers, Fla., and Albert Vales from j before the performance, which will Lincoln, Nebraska, to Ardmore, Okla. j begin at 8:15 o'clock, or at the door Freshmen Chorus Hear Santa: ' • -1 am 6 years old. I want a t saw one in the xoo. I want yabber horse, to6. Goodbye! PATRICIA MILLER Dear Santa Claus: v, I want a box of tinker toys and an llreraft gun. I want a farm set too. 1 live on a farm. I am 7 years old. IRVIN BOPPART stationed. A third member of the Krepel family, Elmer, who entered service! them guns, on June 4, 1943, was given an hon- Let's bring them home, our fighting orable discharge after serving for ) sons. wait until that lady in the harbor ; age that when it ig their turn't0 waves her hand to us and says: j there wi„ be no war, 0ur purchase ^ # , 'Welcome home fellows, the p.ace .s of bonds duri th{s Sixth War H.s family has received some very, in addition to the mixed chorus, yours" ^ ; Lcmn Drive and. more than that, our interesting letters recently from Eu- j the Freshman chorus will offer two But enough of that. I just hope j k : th • th k- d f Datriot. gene Miller, written from France. In 1 Christmas selections, "A Christmas Sere I receive the Plaindealer be- I Kma P*ino\ And we can help to end this war. i one of these he tells of the boys in Lullaby" and "Carol of the Sheep j fore long and that everybody back ;n McHenry is okay. Say hello to my grandparents for me The Plaindealer is unable to the military addresses of any of our * . , , . soldiers and sailors and follows a w you ® ^?ur 9 ?. a general rule of not giving out ad- Christmas and a Happy New Year dresses However, in the case of buy more bonds, let's send his outfit getting a German parachute : Bells", with Nancy Cristy and Elaine which they divided among them and j Nen jn ^lo parts. The Freshman sent home as souveniers. His letters I chorus includes the following thirtyalso mention a club which was built three members: fourteen months in California. ' They cannot fight with hands alone, by the soldiers in their spare time. Mary Ann Stoffel, Patricia Henn, Mrs. Krepel, daughter of Mr. and 4 They need the .help of us at home, jit is heated, decorated and has a Dagmar Andree, DoloresVales, Ma- Mrs. William Herbe3, was a former : They need our planes and bullets, too i piano, which, he says, "takes such j rjon Conway, Alice Hintz, Dolores McHenry girl, where the fahiily made 1 Tftgy count on us to see them j a pounding that they can probably ; Stricklin, Jeanne Busch, Marie Smith, their home for many years. | through. ° ' hear it back in New York." It is Bette Druml, Josephine Carver, Carol j license because I never could nn ciassmates who care to write to him Each man has dreams and visions of j nice to know that when the boys are t Harrison, Doris Jean Freund, Cath- anything. But this year I don't have ; while he is in the hospital He would Returning to the home he loves, j not in the midst of the fighting they erjne May, Gayle Kennebeck, Mary I to worry because I can go hunting ^ m0st'happy to hear from them. A home of peace, and where his soto j have a recreation room where they Robinson. Margaret Bolger. Betty ' and I don't have to worry about ind' also the local game warden. If WilHam shoemaker, who has no relal was home now he would b. my big- tiv„ in thig vicinitv from whom gest worry. I never believed in #n a(idress can ^ eb^in#d we ^11 spending good money on a hunting ^ la<1 tf) ive it to his friends and hit •I? the boys and girls in service, eessppeecciiaallllyy mmyy obrroottnheerr , ^Eadww inn , who is will never have to shoulder guns. may enjoy at least son m the service. Thanks a lot, Santa . dreams while they're , luxuries of civilian life. . some of the . Dear Santa Claus: I live on a farm. At lought war stamps. I have »nd ' Merry Christn,«»." ; Protec',w t,heir inUU ^jnE^STOFPKt. i They're dreams of peace another day. Dear Santa* Buy bonds today, tomorrow, too, ^For Christmas this year j »6uld ! ^ £ !">U' like a pair ol white underware, the ^or .fvery 1J;"_ ' Schons, Dorothy Phannenstill, Muriel | some "badge toter" running up : ttttmtt pv TUT a W xtt?t n Butler, Virginia Grothuss, Barbara ! me and asking if I have a license. IYIAW xlfjloJ EngvalSon, Diane Freund. Theres:i No sir, in the words of the army, "I WITHOUT BOND AFTER An Eighth Air Force Fighter St Cunningham, Rita Schmitt, Joyce j never had it so good." And anybody ^fXJRDERING TTTS WIFE tion, England.--Technical Sergeant j w^ber, Nancy Cristy, Doris Freund, that believes that little statement ool 11 °"e® y°u |)ro,ught last. yea f r ar® Arid when the boys have won their the Bronze Star Medal "for meritori- spved all holy. I also want a pair of pink And wnen ooy ^ ^ ^ performance of Another soldier boy must die, John L. Nobel, of McHenry. 111., 1 Elaine Nell, Grace Glosson, Agness | P-51 Mustang crew chief in the 364th Rjtzert, Carol Harrison, LuAnn Bauer Fighter Group, has been awarded and Virginia Freund. fight, note. fSthe w th?^^arWrd!™i,lr^,,ll^„"^3 odd., ««.« Can you~ stand up and truly Say, "I've earned the peace blessed us this day. I too hav^ given my full share I helped to put planes ia the air.' God give them strength to see this through. For Christmas I want a puzzle set--an eagle, pheasants, 4|acks, wild turkey. I would like a Child's modeling clay and mold set too. Goodbye. • LOREN BOPPART tliia »-r Santa ffe know we wereirt too year, \ plefta^ole Santa be a dear,' ive us these few things we ask for, JLnd we won't ask for any more. ? villi we want is a real nice car, With tires that will take us far, Gas stamps, radio that's the thing, go we can drive and listen to Bing. And sorta slip us extra money Oh please, dear Santa, be a honey Well really be angels all next year If TOB kiVe US that, Santa Dear. Hopefullv, NAN AND DOT Love, EARL KENNEBECK Dear Santa Claus: Will you bring me 8 1^^ °f skis. I am 7 years old. I would like a new sled too. And a machine gun, a lnr1.nm. hv vm, wooden one i. o. k. And pleas.' send,™., war was not d«<™«d by you outstanding services." Airplane, un-, ANNUAL XMAS PROGRAM der his maintenance flew over 150 | AT METHODIST CHURCH combat hours without having to re- j ^0 BE GIVEN DEC. 17 turn because of mechanical failure. I can apply to their local draft board and ask for a transfer to APO 654. SGT. R. L. NEWMAN Somewhere in Belgium. NBW NURSES AIDES Answering the urgent call for nur- 1 ses aides were three young women John Ochvosky, who shot and killed* his wife, 60 years old, in the basement of the John Gazdik farm home near Huntley last Friday morning, is being held on a charge of murder without bond. State's Attorney Wm. M. Carroll j from this community. They are | said Saturday morning after the eilu Columbia, S. Carolina; Richard Frett, , {he f ,k as usual A ial something to all the fellows in the They bear the cross, they bear 11,6 ; ^m_^TorivRh^e ^land, to Port feature Qf ^ evpning wiH be the navy. And bring Jimmie brush. .Your friend, CHICK SALjii tooth p&iHi i For others' greed, for others' gain. . The annual Christmas program I Lottie Bransford, Eleanor Raid and | elusion of the inquest conducted by Recent transfers include(Francis fpresented by the Methodist church ! Lucille Simon. - Coroner Harry Shorn that he would 5°x fl!!?!in -,Fort,' ®,U* p 1 school will be given on Sunday eve-| i present the case to the regular grand CELEBRATE AT THE BRIDGE |i»ry when convenes in January. NEW YEAR'S EVE. 1 Little more evidence was produced The Bridge, located east of Fox the inquMt than had already been River, McHenry, is making big plans *nown. Ochvosky was the only U*- for New Year's eve. Rex Paul's witness to the shooting and he 7-piece orchestra will provide music. was not pr®si?nt at the inques . A turkey dinner will be served. Make Camp Chaffee, Ark.; Robert Stilling from Cherry Point, N. Carolina, to ning, December 17, at 7:30 o^ock. Recitations and songs will be given Hueneme, Calif.; Fred Herdrich from Fort Ord, Calif., to San Francisco, ! ^lf;^ JSt S*S n eifr2™ c®"p be given by the older pupils of the Vmong Sick pageant, "Holy Nativity," portraying the first Christmas. This will Sheriff Henry Nulle did disclose if - to F»rt. .Md - h h school „5isted I the choir reservations now "by (-Tiling" McHenry that there were «»e bullet, to.** from Alamed,, to Port, The progr>m „ ,rra„g<K| by th.; 36. Watch next weak', paper for »ld rusty 38 colt revolver three had Hueneme, Calif. Francis Cox has been enjoying a Dear Santa Ciaus: How do you make ^all the rounds ! Mrs. Mary O'Connell is a patient , iaiivio wi'.h gas and tires rationed. So I | at Sherman hospital, Elgin, this week. u*lo h reiatjYea heii/ won't ask for much. I want a John Bogers of Wonder Lake has j • , sled and a pair of skis, f will be i heen a medical patient at the Woodlooking for you. Love to. all the stock hospital. little Santa Clauss. V* PATRICIA LEE ROSING ti »# BirtKs teachers is as follows: "Merry Christmas"---Joan Collins. i"IDaddy Stocking"--Sara Kay Doug- I las. "My Choice"--Guy Chamberlin. more particulars. q/vfj, been fired, another had been dented 4 30fp. by ^ b(jt had ^ gone off< nrr i wnna l and the fifth was untouched. RESIDENCE CHAJ(u£S The fact one had been dented and had not gone off may vouch for Och- James Freund is now stationed at j Greeting" Barbara Becker, «M.r... and Mrs, -Jo r--hn Matchen, Jr., vosky s statement that he trie.d .to. Camp Robinson, Ark., and Clarence | Beginner's Wish"^ Dianne Riete- have moved from the senior Matchen kill himself after he shot his wife. P. S. Bring Spotty some candy. C. Freund at Victorville, Calif. sel. Joseph H. Schmitt ia enjoying a furlough from arroy dutiea at Langley Field, Va. : , MA Happy Time"--Patsy Ann McCracken. "A Welcome"--Helen Jo Larrison. "A Plan For Santa"--Homer Bassett. j"The Secret"--Skipper King. Joseph Justen of the merchant ma- i "The Aviator"--Richard Dickow. Hello Santa Claus: I am (f vears old and I would like, for Christmas a set of dishes, a set Dear Santa af silverware, a blackboard, chalk, I am a little girl almost 6 years ( ^ daughter was welcomed this aolor books ana a story book. Please old. I go to kindergarten and like week by Mr and MrS Hugh Kirk. fcring my sister s o m e t h i n g also. Bring it very^much For Christmas p ease The ,ittle ?ir] was born on Monday j Hnes dock€d at Cardiff, Wales, re- "A Present For Mother"--Roy French gs some candy, nuts and o^er thing^. bring me ^a bride doU^djshes^ games at the Woodstock hospital. | cently and through the Red Cross ;« Don't Open 'Til Christmas"--Henry A son was born at the W oodstock j ioca^ed his cousin, Pfc. Alex Jus- Lowe. . hospital on Sunday, December 10, t g n > jn an English hospital. Alex is "Can Santa Spell Scott Bacon, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kennebeck. i to be-up and around so Joseph j "His First Speech"---John Vycital. The baby will celebrate his birthday jj;m to j,jg ship to spend two "Away In A Manger"--Primary Deanniversaries in the future with hi^ . j„vo with him and thev had their I nnrtmpnt If you see my brother, Edwin, and : and clothes. Don't forget the boys fey cousin, Vernon, please give them and girls in service. Something for Christmas. Thank you Love, I am a good sirl* Your friend, DOT STOFFEL PATRICIA ANN FREUND home on Fox street to one of the but the bullet failed to go off. Wolff apartments on Elm street. COMING EVENTS December 14 Lady Foresters--Christmas Party. December 16 Juvenile Members of St. Clara's Court--Christmas Party. ! December 19 Sheriff Nulte is of the opinion that ! Ochvosky fired one bullet into the • head of his wife and that when he waited for the wife of John Gazdik to - come down to the basement of the kitchenr so he could kill her. too, he i fired two more through the ceiling of cellar below the kitchen in hopes that .one would strike Mrs. Gazdik. I The alleged murderer has shown no remorse since entering the jail. Jailey Kiverview Camp, R. N. A.^-CJnrat- yesty Muldoon remarked that hm Dear Santa: Would chine gun , , . grandmother, Mrs. Nick Kennebeck. you please bring me a ma- Begides hig parent3 and grandparents, Dear S^nta Claus: i, a pistol and a holster. I the j.^ feHow hag a brother to I would like some airplanes a^l a would like a cowboy suit too Could welcome him telescope. I also Want a machine you bring me a bowling alley set. gun and a bugle. I want a destroyer Can you spare a pair of bedroom days with him and they had their partment. Thanksgiving dinner together. j "Santa's Helper"--Jimmy Downs. -- j "A Welcome" Barbara Passfield. Herman KreuUer sends word home j "What They Say"--Penny Fike. and also a belt. Your friend. DONALD ROGERS slippers. Please bring the other children something too. Your Pal, JUNIOR UNTI. P. S. Please bring me some candy Beautiful baby gifts, popularly priced. The Toddler Shop, Green and Elm Sts., McHenry. Dear Santa: ^ . For Christmas I would like a pair and nuts. v "4f one runner ice skates. If you not have ice skates, please bring Dear Santa Claus: Se some skis. I would also like a j Please bring me a doll and a purse •rooden tommy gun, a walkie talkie and Ralph a chemistry set and Chris •"•"iml a football. Bring toys to all and Dennie some little toys. %e good boys and girls. Don't forget. wants a doll and a doll house and brings Kennie and Dale, who live at Crystal Lake, some toys too. LINDY ANNEJBENNETT. Dear Santa Claus: I want a gun and a pair of skis »nd a Christmas tree. „ JERRY MARUNDE. mas Party. Foxe River Valley Camp, R. N. A, Christmas Party. December 21 sleeps most of the time and eats heartily. • John Gazdik and his wife, Valentine Ochvosky, a son of the slain that he has arrived safely in England. An attractive Christmas card arrived Wednesday momnig from Dick Williams, sent from somewhere in ("The Door Bell'j--Donna Dowe. France. "A Day Of Joy"--Elaine Vycital. "The Christmas Corps"Paul Gygi* Bob Nickels and George Hall. ' Mary's Christmas Lamb"--Maty Louise Lindsay. Robert Doherty. who w now serving with the infantry in the PhiTp pines, has been promoted to the r*nk of sergeant. His brother, Ph:ll:p who has been in' England, is now serving in France. Lily Lake P. T. A. January IS Mothers Club--Legion Hall. "What We Can Do"--Freddy Goodsir, and Clifford Olson. "Christmas Lessons"--Eileen Bassett. •The Best Of All'--Patsy Gorenson. ""Hie Christmas Convoy"--Dick Collins, Donnie Dowe and Ronnie Offering--Offeratory by Celia Page. Becker. j Pageant, "Holy Nativity" "O Come All Ya FaithfUT--^Aadience. Appearance of Santa ClaAKi541: East River Road Pinochle j yromgn| an(j Mary Durand. daughter Mrs. Ben Dietz. A Qf the* murdered woman, together C. D. of A. Christm« Rgrtjr. j ^|th sheriff Nulle, testified at tha JanuBry S . r jnnuest. , St Mary'% - S\ I^triek's School^ P. ( Both the son ant} daughter teetified that they had heard their father January 8 threaten their mother and other mem- T. A. hers of the family off and on for the past fifteen years, but had n«**r taken him seriously. They seemed to be of the opinion that their father committed the act because their toother wooM aat «*•*• ^ !«*• ^ •vj&fe."