llNTERBSTING NEARBY NWS " " Marine Pfc. Gordon A. Hafer, 21, gin of Mr. and Mrs. William Hafer Kelsey road, Barrington, has returned home from twenty-seven ; isonths of service in the Pacific, ' ifhere he participated in the battles for .Eniwetok and Gaum. Fighting irith the famed 2d Marines, he received a 'presidential citation and carries tw»£tars for the two major • battles. • Three Antioch youths andoneAnti och girl have been awarded special Illinois state honors for their work in 4-H club activities. Alan Thain is announced as state choice for "Outi standing Club Member" for activity and leadership in the promotion of wild life Conservation on his home farm. He has planted hundreds of forest trees and has done much to provide refuges for" attracting wild animals and game birds. -< John Bush of Dariert, resident of1 ;v'i<Gjenoa City until about three weeks ago. was accideently killed recently while deer hunting when he fell or Stumbled into the line of fire while his brother, Herman Bush, was shooting at a deer in tilt iroods near! .Mauston, Wis. ' An early morning fire last Thursday in Frank T. Tobin's drug store iat 518 Chestnut street, Burlington, Wis., was discovered at" 5:30. Mr. Tobin's loss will be around $7,000 or $8,000, his stock of goods being nearly a total loss, also loos Of holiday business, etc. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ftfcCullom Lake On Parade By "Yardstick" Greetings, folks! As top for this week's honors, we present to you Nedd Rubber Stamps? The Plaindealer. Order at TM0T Mm W >» V.S. H*. Off. MIRAClt WALL flMISH 1 . ONI COAT COVtRS motf mlp^ tn painted walls and tags, wollboard. batement walk. 2. Amin LIKE MASK -V 3. OKIES IN ONE HOUt 4. MOB WITH WATB 5. NO "PAINTY' 0001 6. WASHES EASILY 7. LOVEUBT COLoift «t GAL. . PASTE FORM ONI GALLON DOCS AVERAGE ROOM Kern-Tone ROLLER-KOATER Kern-Tone TRIMS As low as 1^ a roil PLASTIC PATCH Repairs cracks ^ BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. HEADQUARTERS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 5 Pc. CONSOLE SET 89c PER SET Attractively designed, of sparkling crystal glass, 10 inch bowl, 2 glass candle holders, and 2 red 10 inch candles. A Real Gift! HEAT AND CHILL PROOF A Real Gift PITCHER SET lOWL SET CASSEROLE WATER JUG par CASSEROLE SET TEA POT RANGE SET SUGAR-CREAMER 3 Pc. PITCHER SET...: £1.50 set 4 Pc. BOWL SETf 4% , 5, 6* 7% 1-50 set 3 Pc.. COVERED CASSEROLE SET, 4V-2 > 5% 6V2 inches 1,00 set 48 Oz. WATER JUG 1.00 ekch 8 Inch COVERED CASSEROLE...... 1.00 each TEA POT, 7 Cup ; 1.00 each 3 Pc. RANGE SET, 8 in. Tall 1.50 set $ Pc. CREAMER, SUGAR and TEA POT 1.50 set WM. ALTHOFF HDWE. Cor. Route 31 and Main St. charge after being wounded in his many encounters with the Japs in the southwest Pacific, is now seeing to it personally that his former buddies get enough ammunition on all fronts by taking a job in a war plant at Huntley. He likes his job and is happy in the thought that he is able to do his bit to bring the war to an early victorious conclusion. We salute you, Langley Bennett. The McCullom Lake Community club's Christmas choir will have its last rehearsal Friday at 5 p. m. Next Sunday morning they will gather at the usual place at 10 a. m., j for a trip to McHenry to be photographed for the January 4th edition of the Plaindealer. So put up your curls, kids, and don your Sunday's | best for this occasion as Mr. Pyritz I wants you to look like the little anj gels that you are. Also remember, [ that next Sunday evening, Dec. 17, ; at 7 p. m. is the time for your gala ! Christmas party and your chance to ! greet Santa Claus personally. He i will be there with gifts for all the children of McCullom J^aie. To the parents of theseyduldren goes a most cordial invitation to atterfd. ! Bring all your kiddies with you, including your babes in arms. A most joyful program has been arranged I by^, Otto Pyritz, director, and, Jerry Cermack, chairman of the entertainment committee. Refreshments will PFC. DUANE BARBER be served to all present. So come one of the army air forces. Pfc. Duaneiand a11 a"t e"joy £ P,easant Barber was born in Fairfield, Iowa, £en,nf The day Dec. 17, 7 p. m., on Dec. 21, 1918. In Dec., 1928, his *h u e. P,ace. H?™3 Lounge- This parents, Mr!' and Mrs. Warren Bar-! Christmas party is for residents of ber, moved to Chicago/where h6 | McCullom I^ke only and is under the attended grammar school and gradu- »usPlces of , McCullom Lake ated from Lakeview high school, class j Community club. t of '37. He also attended classes in L W« wond.er. ,the H t°nor\We art at the Art Institute in Chicago. ?oad Commissioner of our township On completion of his schooling, he ! delayg scooting his snow plow through was employed- at Ward's for five I ou[ ™ads to g!ve us a chance t years. Duane enlisted in the army j our.J°bs. About 75 per cent air corps in Jun«, 1942, and, after Iof the residents of McCullom Lake his basic training in San Antonio, Iare ; *,tal # war a K nd eVer* Texas, he was sent to radio schools hour ^t from their jobs, because it at the Stevens, Scott Field and the IIMP°ss,hle for them to get through LARKDALE FARM DISPERSAL SALE Charles Leonard, Auctioneer University of Wisconsin in Madison, In Aug. 1944, he was assigned to combat duty somewhere in India^ where he is at present serving as radio oper^bf aboard a bomber. Pfc. Duane Barber was married to the lovely Blanche Belaschky of Chicago on May 3, 1941. Ydur many friends and neighbors join us in wishing you a very happy birthday and pray that you may celebrate your next one at McCullom Lake. ^ News of Our Servicemen Sl/c. Robert Sales is now serving as "gunner aboard a Liberty ship on the Atlantic. Corp. William Reld reports his recent safe arrival at Guadalcanal. Pfc. Wm. H. Becker, of the army air force, is now keeping the bombers flying at Oahu, Hawaii, Vhere he is serving as assistant crew chief. Pfc. Jack E. Burgeson of the infantry has been assigned to combat duty in the European theatre. Pfc. LeRoy Kuehnle, M. P;, at Ft. Banning, Ga., has suffered facial cuts and bruises in performance of his duties as M. P. Birthday greetings to Pfc. Chas. Brocken at Camp Bowie, Texas. Dec. 15th is the day. . News on the Ho'»e Front There was great jubilation at the fiome of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doran last Saturday. A telegram from their son, Sgt. Robert Doran, informed them of his safe return to the States after three years service in New Guinea. He is expected home on leave the latter parf of this week. To add to this good news his fiancee, the beauteous WAVE Jerry Becker, Yl/c. will enjoy a furlough frony. her duties at Washington, D. Cj, at the same time and will be on hand at the railroad station to greet our hero when the train pulls in. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doran and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Becker have made plans to celebrate this joyful occasion with a grand welcome party to be held at Horn's Lounge on Saturday evening, Dec. 16, and invite their many friends and neighbors to come and take part in the festivities. the snow, brings comfort to the enemy and reduces the amount^ of war goods so badly needed by our boys on all fighting fronts. So please 'liutch" bear this in mind next time it snows. S6rve th^ people who contribute most to the war effort first. ADIOS. JOHNSBURG (By Mra. Arthur Klein) Mrs. George Landre and sons Tommy and seaman George, Jr., visited in the Joe. Karls family last week. Seaman Landre had recently returned from active duty overseas. The meeting of the ushers and trustees will be held in the rectory, Wednesday evening. Father Riegelsperger of the Sacred Heart Seminary, Geneva, assisted Rev. A. J. Neidert over the Holy day Sunday. Jim Barclay of Chicago visited in the Jos. Karls home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock visited in the Peter F. Freund home Sunday. Miss Mary Ann Karls visited in the home -of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Karls, several days. She returned to the sanitarium on Tuesday. Her mother and uncle, Math Karls, accompanied her. Sgt. and Mrs. Roy White are the happy parents of a 7 lb. 6 oz. son, born in San Francisco,Calif., Dec. 10. Mrs. White is the former Rita Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling are the proud grandparents. Pfc. Donald Hettermann, Mrs. Lena Hettermann, Mrs; Oliva Keenan and Mrs. Rose Mary Stilling attended the Pacific War show held at Navy Pier, Chicago, recently. Mrfe. Jos. Mertes visited with Mrs. Lena Hettermann one day last week. Members of her club were entertained by Lena Guercia, Wednesday i evening, with prizes awarded to • Mrs. Rose Mary Stilling, Mrs. Marie j Frett, Mrs. Isabel Stilling, and Mrs.' Marion Schoenholtz. Refreshments j Having sold farm, will sell at public auction at Larkdale farm, located one mile north of Waucondtt, Illinois, on U. S. Route 12, on SATURDAY, DEC. 23 Commencing at 12 noon, the following described property, to-wit: €0 HEAD GUERNSEY A DAIRY CATTLE 60 consisting of 21 HEAD DAIRY COWS--17 being Registered and 5 grade. Of th^sie 11 are first calf heifers and 10 second calf heifers. Several close springers and new milkers ampng them. 28 HEAD HEIFERS---15 Registered and 13 grade. 21 of these are bred, and several are close springers. 11 HEAD HEIFKRS--:6 months to -one year old; 9 being Registered find 2 grade. PURE BRED GUERNSEY HERD SIRE--Duke Winsor--Registered-- 4 years old. ENTIRE HERD HAS HAD CALFHOOD VACCINATION--INSPECTION BEFORE SALE INVITED. Guernsey Artificial Insemination Service by bulls with proved production records is used in this herd. SEVEN HORSES--Team 5 year old mar^s, weight about 1500 lbs. each. Team 4 year old Percheron mares, weight about 1600 lbs. each. Team 3 year old Percheron mares, weight about 1500 lbs. each. Percheron mare colt 2 years old. These are all real horses. CHESTER WHITE PIGS--Purebred, 4 boars and 4 gilts, weight about 100"lbs. each. DODGE TRUCK--1 % ton, stake body. Very good condition. TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the cle»k. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrange* mants before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. Larkdale Farm Wauconda, 111. T. A. HARWOOD, Owner. West McHenry State Bank, Clerking ; towing described property, to-wit: „ 55 HEAD 0F LiyESTOQL ^, Consisting of ijPSlv 21 Head of Steers on feed. . 80 Head Pure Bred Scotch Shorthorns. 1 Sorrel work team, wt. 3,400 lbs., 9 and 10 years old; 2 Purebred 3 gaited saddle geldings, 9 years old, well trained. Hay, Grain and Machinery * 150 tons baled hay, 50 tons baled straw, silage, contents of two 60x14 Silos, about 350 tons, 1000 fcu. oats, 5000 bu. corn. MACHINERY, ALL PRACTICALLY NEW Farmall No. 20, on rubber with cultivator, Allis Chalmers W. C. tractor on rubber, with cultivator and -BUZZ saw attachments, Case Model D tractor on rubber, 1% ton Dodge truck, 1941, and snow plow attachment, (platform over cab), Case corn binder and loader, Case M. C. 1944, Slice hay baler, Allis Chalmers 2-bottom tractor plow, Case 2-bottom tractor plow, McCormick Deering 2-bottom tractor plow, Rosenthal Shredder No. 40, 1943, International Harvester combine, 6 ft., with pick up attachment, International corn sheller mounted on rubber, Oliver 2 row com picker, new, MdD. tandem 7 ft. disc, John Deere 4 section, 22 ft. drag harrow, U. S. grain blower, Case corn planter, International corn planter, New Idea side delivery rake, New Idea mower on rubber, International 6 ft. mower, 3 rubber tired wagons with btfxes and hay racks, Case manure spreader on rubber, Galloway power driven manure spreader on rubber, 2 pump jacks with motors, Case grain drill, 8 ft. bob sled, cutter, buggy, 2 sets work harness, set buggy harness, 2 western saddles, 2 English saddles, electric drill, spring tooth quack digger, 2 cream separators, gasoline saw rig to fell and cut trees, Gehl Hammermill with cutting head. Many other articles and tools too numerous to mention. TERMS--All sums of $25.00 and under that amount, cash, over that ambunts a credit of 6 months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by cleric. Those desiring credit, kindly make arrangements prior to purchase. No property to be removed until settled for. W. A. (BILL} CREWS. INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS Miss Imogene Cordice Schanck, 9-_v.. the oldest native o* Libertyville, die«C suddenly of a heart attack in a St. Petersburg, Florida, hospital las§|; Hi? week. The deceased; was born on ir" •. farm west of Libertyville on Septv.y 28, 1850, the daughter of Lewis Gor*. , don Schanck and Emmeline Hubbar<§£ Schanck. "She resided in this villagerall her life. Linked with the histor|f ; of Libertyville since its prairie day%* * Miss Schanck took a keen interest'^ in the growth of the tillage and itr v civic endeavors. WANTED TO BUY We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Ins jured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. ; Matt'8 Mink Ranch, . Johnsburg - Spring Grove RhmI Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLE We pay phone charges. JOHN F. BRDA SHEET METAL WORK' Furnaces, Pipe, Fittings iumI Gutters ^01 N. Green St* McHenry Phone 243-R 1 DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian 305 Waukegan St. Pfc»n« SI MCHENRY, ILL. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AUCTION A Place To Get New Machinery Chas. Leonard & Ed Vogel j Auctioneers I State iBank of Richmond Clerking J Howard Vogel, Outside Clerk Having decided to quit farming, I' will sell at "public auction on my' farm, formerly Colmar Country club,: located 1 mile east of Spring Grov$, % mile north of Route 12, 4 miles northwest of Fox Lake and 6 milM southeast of Richmond, on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, '44 Commencing at 1:Q0 P. M., the ftil- Sealed proposals for the improvement of certain roads will be received by U>e Highway Commissioner of McHenry Township, McHenry County, at the office of the Town Board at McHenry, Illinois, until 11 o'clock a. m., JaiT. 5, 1945,. at which time said proposals will be opened and read. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bank cashier's check or Bank Draft, made payable to the Treasurer of McHenry Township for ten per cent (10%) of the amount of the proposal. Plans, Specifications and Proposal Forms may, be secured at the office of Victor H. Kasser, Engineer, 202 E. Chicago St., Elgin, 111., upon deposit of $15.00, which deposit will not be returned. The Highway Commissioner reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to wave technicalities. JOSEPH J. FREUND, Highway Commissioner McHenry Township, McHenry; nountv, Illinois. (Pub. Dec. 14 21-28) Once Hoars--Daily Except Than. 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4:30, Mo*^ Wei, Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appointment H. S. VAN DEN BURGH, DC, PhC Chiropractor 120 green St. Tel. 292:R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebron 926 TEL. WONDER LAKE 41ft DR. C. L. WATKIlfjl Dentist - Office Hoar* » Tuesday A Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, IlL Al's Welding Service At Schwennan's Chevrolet Sales Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 277 or Iff M'HENRY, ILL. Read the Want Ads. DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- % 120 Oreen Street IMtone 292-J. McHenry iiuirs; ]0 a.m. to 5 l "I* I'WtM Wednesday. ..Toesi »iirhts to 8:30 p.m. * finnr* hv appointment. , Mr. and M* rs. Barney Graf,f hiave I c oncluded an enj.o ya,b,le evenine. also received some very good .news -- «• from their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stacknick, in Chi- The party scheduled for last Sunday for Rev. Raymond Hettermann cago. It's a'boy,' born on Dec. 7, at W8S P0stP0™d, due to the bad weath- 11:45 p. m., at, the Grant hospital ^r n andw,H ^ake Plate Sunday eve and what a boy it is, all 10 pounds 1 1 ^ CC" West McHenry ami 4 ounces of him. Both mother and son are doing nicely. Congratulations, folks. It's been a long wait bi t it was worth it. Mr. and Mrs. Will Horman of Fox River Grove were visitors at the Struck home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Burgeson and Miss E. Buch of Chicago spent a very pleasant Sunday at their cottage in spite of the inclement weather. Mr. and Mrs. George Harker were stranded in Crystal Lake last Saturday. A call i:o Ann Horn brought Everyone is invited to attend the | Xmas school play, Tuesday evening j after the novena devotions, which | begin at 7:30 p. m. ! A cordial invitation is extended \ to the members of St. John's Blessed Virgin sodality, Lady Foresters and j Juveniles, to attend a Xmas party, Monday* evening, Dec. 19. Pot luck will be served and everyone is asked ! to bring a digh and an exchange of ten cent gift. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. MIRRORS Gift Suggestions * - I the rescue squad in a hurry. After I i?Peph A F^ett «nd family and Mr. and a pleasant weekend at their cottage ^rihur u K?\n and d?a«fh,teLl they drove home with Mr. and Mrs. tended the bnthday party of Ford Fred Edmonds. Jackson Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brand, the! The? 4 Were fifty-mne ™e™berS newlyweds, left for their home irv! ^ese^ a* a meet,"K 1.f S1 J°h"S Chicago after their one week honey-, Blessed " Thnrsda^ moon stay at the Br^nd cottage here, evenmg Father Neidert gave a Art left convinced that it would take, ^.ef talk. Cards and lunch followed more than their love to keep them ® business meeting. warm at this time of the year and* _ A SW>Z° Prr\yJn honor .of Mrs" that stuff was unavailable at the Sue s birthday anniversary ocal coal yards. " Mrs. Leo Sales suffered a severe,. - TT _ to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox,/Mr. was held" Saturday evening. Cards severe ! were played and refreshments served shaking up and possible rib fractures H- os in an accident on Route 120 ds Mrs. Sales was driving home from Woodstock last Tuesday. The accident occured near the Hestor gas station. and Mrs. Jos. G. Huemanri, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Ford A car driven by Miss Dorothy Heil- t?ckson: and Mrs. Harold Freund Mr. and Mrs_. Leo Freund, Mr. *and Mrs. Leo F.r Smith, Mr. and Mrs. man crashed into the rear of Mrs. Sales' car, badly damaging the bumpor, trunk and fenders. The occupants j ^nry Hiller, Mr and Mrs. Clarence of Miss Heilman's car suffered cute M'^e^s Ceorge Frett Mr. and Mrs. and bruises about, the face. Miss Arthur Klem, Misses Mar,e and Kay Heilman blamed the accident on the ™ »*d J™. *nd slippery road and said her car failed j Jos^Frett, Bob, CynthiaandWae^ to Respond to the steering wheel as ! ™ny/"ends, of. Eshe tried to pass Mrs. Sales' car. | R^mond will be happy to hear All concerned received medical treat- i thai^ls ment and were sent to their homes. Mrs. Al. Horn suffered a painful injury to her back as she slipped bn i the icv pavement while on the wby Choose from round, oblong and oval shapes, each with its own harmoniously designed gilded frame. Suitable for every room in the house, and the perfect gift. Other types to choose. $tUQS, Large and Sinall flCTURES DINETTE SETS LAMPS, Table and Floor CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS fTUDIO DAVENPORTS SMOKERS DESKS SOFA FILLOWI* --~ CHILDREN'S TABLE AND CHAIR SETS JtOCKltfG HORSES SEWING CABINET! (• / STUDENTS' DESKS fANITYSETS BHOO FLY BED I^UNGES^ iKW TIDYS P O cessful. Mr. Miller is a former resident an^ has a host of friends in this community. icy to church in Brookfield last Sunday. Our hero, Langley Bennett, formerly S. Sgt. of the army, who has recently received his medical dis- JACOB JUSTEN SONS :v?exM Store®/ Over threa-fourths of the dwelling units in Texas are heated by stoves --1,229.000 of th<»m. • _ m Cor. Green and Elm Sts. McHenry c> s